Friends Or Foe?

Eventually, I have to go back to my room after spending an hour outside. The sunrise is gorgeous. After watching the sunrise alone surrounded by flowers, I walked back inside. I started to hear murmurs from behind the doors, implying that everyone is already awake.

I grabbed the doorknob and twisted it.


I blinked when I saw Renn ran up to me.

"W-We were so worried that you suddenly went missing!" He whined.

Julian sighed in relief when he saw me. "That's true. We're worried that you might get lost,"

Regan nodded his head. "And Renn is so loud, even though I already told him that you're probably taking a quick stroll,"

"Hehe," Renn chuckled sheepishly while scratching his blushing cheek with his index finger.

I closed the door behind me and smiled at my roommates.

"Yes, sorry for worrying you guys. That's right. I'm just taking a stroll because I woke up by accident,"

"Why?" Renn asked innocently.


Julian and Regan stared at each other with a dry look on their faces.

"Because Ezra heard a growling from an Orc,"

"A-An Orc?! Where?!" Renn wrapped his hands around my arm, looking around frantically with a scared look.

Regan muffled laughter. Julian smiled innocently.

"The Orc is inside of you, Renn,"

"What does that mean!?" Renn asked again.

I laughed at the scene.

My fatigue from waking up too early disappeared just like that. I have a good feeling about today!

"Woah, it's the Coordinator!"

"It's Ezra Conover!"

"Are you sure he's a boy?"

"What kind of question was that?"

Nevermind, today is noisy.

Since I've been cooped up in my house with my brothers, servants, and my father, I thought I would adapt to the school quite easily. But boy, I was wrong.

A lot of students gathered outside my classroom just to look at me. I feel like a rare animal in a zoo.

"Hello, Your Highness!"

A cheerful girl with brown hair greeted. She smiled brightly. "My name is Luna Alpenvale; I'm the class president! It's an honor to meet you!"

"Oh, hello," I smiled at her tiredly.

"Look at her. She's trying to get close to young master Ezra,"

My ears twitched when I heard those words. I glanced sideways to see a group of girls from the corner of the class.

"How shameful. She's from a mere Baron family. And she dares to speak to a royal,"

"I agree, she should learn her place,"

I remembered about the ranking system in this school. It's quite sad.

I saw Luna furrowed her eyebrows for a little bit. I assumed she heard those girls. Then she suddenly bowed her head.

"I apologize for wasting your precious time, Your Highness,"

"Not at all," I quickly said.

Luna straightened her body again, smiling warmly before walking away. The bright smile on her face disappeared. And the girls kept talking ill about her. Even my roommates, Julian, Regan, and Renn. They didn't talk to me in public.

What are they afraid of?

"Good morning, Your Highness,"

Ugh, who is it now?

I glanced to my side, seeing a boy with silver hair walked up to me with a cocky smile. He bowed his shoulders.

"I, Corben Clearfall, from a proud Marquis family. Would you accept my offer to be your friend?"

I heard the murmurs are getting louder. Corben is smiling with so much pride. His confidence just reminded me of Io. He's so full of himself.

Renn, Julian, Regan, and the others glanced at me curiously. They were waiting for my answer.

I raised one of my eyebrows.

"Uh, but I don't know you,"


Corben widened his eyes. The students inside and outside the class also widened their eyes, shocked.

"My friends are them," I pointed at Renn, Julian, and Regan. The three of them looked even more shocked. "They're my roommates, they're friendly, they're funny, and I feel comfortable around them. If you want to be friends with me, I have to get to know you better first,"


Corben is speechless.

Everyone is speechless. But Corben tried to gather his composure and gave me a forced smile.

"... I-I see, as expected from Young Master Ezra Conover. I-I apologize for my rude offer,"

"It's alright," I said casually. Corben's face is bright red. He turned around and walked outside.

But before Corben disappear entirely from my sight, I saw his eyes are enraged. He glared at Renn, Julian, and Regan. Julian and Regan lowered their eyes, except for Renn.

He glared at Corben back.

And at that time, I realized something.

I just declared in front of others that I'm friends with Julian from a Baron family and Regan, who's from a Viscount family. If it's Renn, it's okay since Marquis is only one rank below than Duke.

Corben is humiliated in front of a lot of people because I manage to befriend children from a lower-ranked family than Corben.

Did I just cause trouble for my friends on my first day of school?