A Coward

Classes are over, and until now, neither Io nor my demons have returned. Now I'm feeling immensely unsettled. I've been standing outside the school building since classes are over. And told my friends that I wanted to take a fresh air alone. My arms are crossed, and I've been staring into the sun that's slowly going to set.

Should I tell my family?

But I don't know how powerful Laizar is, nor his mages. I can't take any risks. I promised myself that I'd protect everyone. If I learned the fact that my brothers got hurt because of me would break my heart.

Father warned me about this, and I told myself that I have to use the power to protect everyone.

I can't be reckless like before.

My eyebrows are scrunched when the sky grew darker, and the sun turned orange, then dark orange, then finally vanished from the horizons.

That's it.

I can't just stand here and do nothing.


"Yes, young master,"

Lilith appeared beside me. She noticed my worried look and couldn't help but worried as well. "Master...," She mumbled.

I looked over at her. "What's the name of the low-leveled demon that reported you about Arden's kidnapping?"

"Ah, it's Cobalus,"

Cobalus. Right, I remember that goblin: the weakest, but a reliable informant.


A puff of green smoke appeared beside me. The smoke quickly disappeared, and a goblin taller than me appeared. His green skin matches the grass, and those black beady eyes looked down at me widely.

Realizing that he was just looking down on his master, he hurriedly kneeled down and put his forehead on the ground.

"Y-Young master!"

"Raise your head," I ordered him. Cobalus did as I told. He looked at me directly in the eyes. "You couldn't track the mages that kidnapped Arden?"


Hm, maybe because he's a low-leveled demon. And since Io and some mid-leveled demons haven't returned yet, this made me think that not even Callisto can track the mages down.

"The location of kidnapping?"

"In a small motel in the city,"

Right, Arden is looking after me. So he's staying nearby.

Maybe there are clues in the motel room where Arden got kidnapped. I have no choice. I have to investigate it myself. I looked up to the balcony, frowning. Should I tell my friends? No, I have to tell them. If they know I disappeared, they'll report it, and it'll be a whole mess.

"Lilith," I turned my attention to Lilith. She bowed her head.


"Tell Renn, Julian, and Regan that I'm going to return late. Make sure they don't tell anyone. I'll return at dawn,"

"Yes, young master," Lilith then disappeared. I looked at the goblin that's still kneeling on the ground.



"Escort me safely to the motel room,"

Cobalus widened his eyes. He looked nervous, then started to twiddle visibly.

"... Y-Young master, I'm the weakest demon amongst all. I-I have no right to go against your requests, but I'm simply g-giving you a suggestion. Ask a stronger demon to escort you, master,"


Is he afraid of escorting me?


I can't believe my demons are this weak.


Cobalus let out a hoarse wailing as I pressed him lower and harder into the ground with my willpower.

I glared at him sharply while keep releasing my power into the air. Slowly releasing my energy around my surrounding, manipulating the aura around me to become heavier and heavier. Even the grass, the flowers, they're all crushed down to the ground.

"H-Have M-Mercy-"

Cobalus pleaded desperately.

My mind is clouded with rage.

This weakling let Arden got kidnapped, this weakling known as a demon. Demons, the strongest being in the world.

What a load of crap.

"A demon who's afraid of something is not worthy to be called a demon,"

I muttered under my breath.

I slightly lifted my hand, putting it above Cobalus's head.

"Arg- Kruaaaaaahh!"


By pushing more suffocating aura in the air, I managed to dislocate Cobalus's broad shoulder.

Demons can't be killed, but they can feel pain like humans did.

Saliva started coming out of his mouth. His eyes began to point in different directions. Voices filled with agony. This is his punishment from disappointing me.

"Get lost,"

As I said, Cobalus disappeared in a green vapor. I stopped projecting my power, and the air around me turned normal. Once I finish this problem, I have to discipline my demons more.



Without saying anything, Callisto appeared right where Cobalus disappeared to. He looked at me sleepily, then sighed. I know that I'm not supposed to call him when it's late, but I don't care.

If Callisto wants to fight me, I'll fight him back.

"Escort me to Arden's hotel room where he got kidnapped,"

"..." Callisto heard the seriousness in my voice. He lazily floated beside me and nodded his head.
