Lower Your Eyes

At first, I feel a bit pessimistic about beating this mage up.

How can I be optimistic? this dude literally captured my demons that easily. Including Io.

I could only rely on my willpower.

"I have to take you alive, Conover," The mage started. "If master know you're dead, I would get my ass beaten,"

"As if I care," I scoffed. "I won't let you take me. Or the rest of my demons,"

"Haha, I love your energy!" The mage laughed. He cracked his knuckles, then grinned from ear to ear. "Let's play, shall we?"


I widened my eyes when I saw a small flame formed on the tip of his finger. He lifted his finger, pointed at me. The fire turned into a ball of flame, I need to squint my eyes because of the light that's blinding.

"Young master!" Lilith exclaimed.

I don't have the power to deflect the flame. I frowned.

"Callisto!" Once I yelled his name out, Callisto appeared in front of me.

"Instructions," Callisto said.


As soon as I said that, the mage shoot the fireball toward us. Callisto quickly transformed into his demonic form. The black steam is gushing out of his body, a low growl was heard. The ground reverberated every time Callisto growled. I took a step back when Callisto's steam started to form into wings.

"!!!" I almost got thrown back when the wings that are made out of steam flapped, creating a very strong wind force that caused the fireball to slowed down. But it didn't stop it.


Callisto took the damage.

He didn't flinch or anything.

No, in fact, he didn't move. There's not a single scratch on him. Callisto growled once more.

The mage giggled. "Fascinating!!! this is the true power of demons!" His giggles are uncontrollable.

"Callisto, paralyze him," I ordered.

Callisto roared and started to run in full speed toward the mage.

"Wrong choice, little boy," The mage grinned.

He lifted both of his arms. There's a black void on his palms.

I widened my eyes when I'm dreading what that was.

"Callisto! stop!"

But it was too late.

The void started to develop a shadow. A shadow that went through Callisto's massive body. In an instant, Callisto transformed back to his human form and fell to the ground head first. He groaned and glared at the mage.

It was the magic suppressant.

I saw the mage is going to seal Callisto away, he's rummaging more obsidian on his pocket.

"Callisto turn invisible!"

It's no use. Callisto's magic is drained. He looked at me with a frown.

"Sorry, master,"

When he said that, he started to get sucked into the glowing obsidian that the mage is holding.

Just how strong is his magic?!

I growled angrily.

"Y-Young master,"

I heard Lilith called for me from behind. She looked very worried.

Is it a mistake to attack a powerful mage head-on?

If I keep calling out my demons, it'll be useless. They'll get sealed by this mage. I'm too reckless. I kept thinking that I've trained my demons well that they can defeat every enemy.

I was wrong.

"Have you come to a realization now?"

I glanced at the mage who's smirking at me.

Those eyes.

They're looking down on me.

I hate it.

Then I realized, I was kneeling this whole time. Callisto's strong force caused me to stumbled down. And now I'm kneeling on the ground, letting the mage looking down on me.

... No.

I refuse.


The mage staggered a little when the ground started to shake. My body got warmer and warmer. At the point where my vision started to get blurry. But my mind is focused.

I'm going to make the mage bow down to me.

As I'm getting up, the willpower within me bursts out. The mage's eyes grew wide and he staggered even more. Eventually fell to his knees. The pebbles on the ground are jumping up and down since the ground is reverberating violently. I could hear the forest quaver, the birds flew out of the trees, and the sound of my demons within me roaring in rage.

"You dare look down on me,"