Not A Coincidence

"Ezra Ezra, try this out!" Renn shoved a steamed bun filled with beans into my mouth. I happily munch on it.

"Renn, you're...," Julian sighed. "Doing that to a son of Duke...,"

"Ezra doesn't mind informality though," Renn said casually with an innocent smile as he wrapped his hand around mine. I grinned.


Julian only sighed once more. Regan chuckled.

Students can go out to the city but not back to their homes. So it's alright for us to have fun in the city. The city is still as lively. The memory of me and Callisto wandering around in the city during Arden's kidnapping is still lingering. I tried to forget about it.

Regan pointed at an empty and small mage shop near an alley.

"Let's check that place out,"

"The mage shop? I thought it's closed for a long time ago," Julian said.

"Maybe it's haunted?" Renn asked curiously.

Haunted? then, maybe there's a chance that a demon is loitering in that shop. I smiled excitedly.

"Let's check it out!"

The three of them beamed and followed me to the mage shop. This magic shop looked older than the other shops. Rustic, narrow. The smell of ink and old paper made me feel like I'm entering a whole new magical place.

The inside of the shop is mediocre. Just old books, shelves with empty jars and old scrolls, some objects, plants, etc. The four of us started to scatter to check out the things. I went to a section where there's a box beyond a glass panel. It's just one plain box.

Is it a decoration?

"Hello there,"

I looked at the source of the voice. It's a lady wearing a black cloak. Maybe she's the owner of the shop. But that's weird, I didn't feel her existence at all. It's like how brother Juno appeared out of nowhere.

Maybe she's a mage.

"Hello," I greeted back. "May I ask what's inside of that box?" I pointed at the box.

The lady followed the trail of my fingertip, then a smile came across her face.

"Why yes, you have a keen eye. There's a container in them,"

I widen my eyes in surprise.

A container? being sold in this small old shop? I thought containers were kept by high-leveled mages in sacred temples like where Christopher worked at. Why there's a container here?

"... Um, how much is it?"

"How much are you willing to offer?"

The lady asked me back with a mysterious smile.

I gave Io a lot of money to buy Callisto on a faraway land before. "A billion?" I asked.

"Haha, the same price?"


Same price? what is she talking about?

She didn't explain any further and let out the box from the glass panel and put it on the counter. She opened the box, and there's one obsidian placed on a cushion. There's a crack on the stone.

"Why is there a crack?" I asked suspiciously. Maybe it's a scam? it'll be understandable if it's a scam. It's suspicious enough for a container to be placed in such a rustic place.

"A descendant of the demon of wrath,"


A-A descendant?!

"There's a crack on the container because, well, it's a descendant of Satan, a demon of wrath himself. You can imagine how hard I must do to seal this troublesome demon," The mage chuckled lightly.


Another descendant.

I already took Lavender in my army. Is it a good choice to have another one? And hearing from her story, this one seemed more troublesome. I'm lucky enough that I can make Io, Callisto, and Lavender as my soldiers.

Maybe I'm thinking too much.

"I'll buy it,"