A Day Out

"Yes, a harem," The purple-eyed demon nodded her head enthusiastically.

"Figures," Callisto mumbled.

"Uh, I guess," I said, feeling taken aback.

A harem? Wow, this demon sure is something.

"I wanted to be entertained all the time~" The pink-haired demon chirped. "I'll help my adorable master whenever if you provide me a harem,"


I feel a headache emerging. I sighed and nodded.

"Fine, a harem right? I'll give you your own temple filled with other demons,"

"Hehe~!" She looks excited. She floated again happily, then pointed at Lilith. "Can I have her in my harem~?"

"!?" Lilith gaped.

"... What are you going to do with her? I won't let you harm her," I said, narrowing my eyes.

"Oh my, of course not~ I only want to," She stopped. Her eyes won't leave Lilith's body. Her seductive smile turned into a naughty grin. "Have fun~?"

"... M-Master," Lilith called me in a quiet tone, feeling like she's in danger.

"This is quite entertaining," Io pointed out.

"Mn," Callisto shrugged. "I'm outta here," He yawned and started to float elsewhere, trying to find a spot to nap.

"It's fine Lilith, she won't harm you," I told Lilith. Lilith sigh in relief. I looked at the naughty demon. "Besides Lilith, you can pick other demons here to be in your harem. But you have to ask my permission first,"

"Yes boss~" She chirped happily.

"Then, your name will be Lavender," I said. Lavender's eyes sparkled. She floated down to the floor and bowed her head.


It was tiring to have Lavender in the army. My female demons that got chosen by Lavender to be her harem is all flustered. But since I trained them to do as I say, they couldn't say anything and just go along with it. After that, I went back to the real world and fall asleep.

The next day,

Julian, Regan, and Renn escorted me to the student council office to register. The members seemed enlightened that I wanted to participate in the sparring festival.

They're too enlightened that they post the news on the bulletin board for everyone to see.

Everyone talked about it and the news just blew up. Apparently, everyone loved it and almost half of the students wanted to participate. Fortunately, the student council limited the number of students that can participate.

Later on, Julian explained further details about the festival. It's too complicated for me so I forgot what he said later when he finished explaining.

"Should we go to the city?"

Renn's sudden suggestion caught me off guard. Julian looked over to Renn.

"Hm? why?"

"I mean, we don't have anything else to do anyway," Renn shrugged.

Regan grinned. "I agree with Renn,"

I smiled happily. "Count me in!"

"Well, I didn't see anything wrong with it," Julian smiled. "Let's go then,"

"Yay!" Renn and I cheered as we held each other's arm and ran outside of our dorm room.

This is it! I've always dreamed of having fun with my friends. This is just like going out on an arcade with my high school friends. I can't wait to write all of this on a letter and tell everyone back at home!