Troublesome Lavender

We talked until late at night since tomorrow is a day off. Julian, Regan, and Renn will escort me to the student council office to register. They seemed more excited than I do.

Eventually, the three of them felt tired and fall asleep. I took this chance by going to the demon realm.

Since my threat from a month ago, this place and the demons progressed really well. The demons acted more wary of me, they do as I say in a heartbeat, and Cobalus the goblin is progressing as well.

I take it back about him being the weakest. There's no such thing as the weakest demon. Just demons who're slacking. After giving a couple of beating and threats, Cobalus didn't dare to talk back at me.


Lilith approached me while bowing her shoulder. She smiled warmly at me. "Master, we've been waiting,"

"I know," I smiled. "Let's gather at the temple,"

Lilith nodded her head. "Yes,"

Lilith called Io and Callisto to gather at the temple where I used to rest. At the temple, Io already placed the obsidian on the floor in the middle of this wide room. I saw Doggy is resting near the entrance, watching all of us.

"Ew, a demon of lust," Callisto whined. "They're the worst,"

"What's wrong with them?" I asked, trying to hide the nervousness in my voice.

"Let's just say that they're difficult to control,"

"Even more than Callisto?" I asked with wide eyes.

"More than the lazy one yes," Io nodded.

"Hey," Callisto glared at Io.

Io ignored Callisto. "Little master, controlling someone who's always, 'lascivious'," Io used his fingers to do a quote motion. "Is always troublesome. For example; I'm willing to submit to you because as a demon of pride, submitting to the most powerful person in the world is already a huge thing to be proud of,"

Io pointed at Callisto. "You agreed on not summoning him at night so he can sleep. That's why Callisto can be controlled faster,"

I think I understand where Io is going with this. Each descendant from seven deadly sins has its own requirements.

"... I hope this demon won't ask me to strip or something," I muttered, feeling shivers down my spine.

"Hopefully not," Lilith smiled nervously.

I sighed. "Alright, here goes nothing,"

I took a deep breath and tried to swallow my nervousness. Don't be afraid of the demons, you got this!

"Come out,"

The obsidian floated from the floor. All of us glued our eyes on it as it breaks until a smoke. I blinked.

This smoke, it's in a color of dark purple. The scent is alluring, smells like...


It tickled my nose a little. But I like the feeling. This never happened when I summoned Io or Callisto.

When the smoke disappeared, we now can see the demon clearly.

It's— a girl?

"Aah~ what a beautiful place~"

Her seductive voice chirped, echoed the temple. I gaped when I saw her appearance.

She's half-naked. The only things that covered her parts are black leather bra and leather panties. Leather boots and piercings on her lips, bellybutton, and pointy ears. There's black horn sticking out from her pink bangs. Her long curly pink hair fluttered to her waist.

This is nuts.

Her pale purple eyes are locked on mine, then an enticing smirk formed on her beautiful face.

"Now now~ is this my new master?" She floated toward me. The scent of lavender enveloped my nose. I blinked and nodded at her.

"Uh, yeah,"

It must be the scent she's emitting, I was a bit light-headed just now.

"What a cute boy!" She squealed happily, trying to pinch my cheeks.

But before her fingers could touch my skin, Io held her wrist to block her. And I feel Lilith gently pulled me backward. Callisto who's been half-asleep looked completely awake and now walking toward Io.

"This is why the likes of you are troublesome," Callisto sighed. His lazy glare is aimed at the girl.

The girl only smiled innocently and escaped from Io's grip. She put them behind her slim waist, then giggled.

"Hoo~ a descendant of Lucifer and Abaddon~ Hm, let's see here," She playfully put her finger to her lips. "Interesting! yup yup. The adorable master is very strong indeed. Please accept me as your demon!"


W-Woah, that easy?

Io and Callisto looked at me, waiting for my answer.

I blinked, then scratched the back of my head. "Well, that's my main purpose anyway..."

"Haah, I can't believe this," Callisto yawned. Io shrugged.

"I don't like it either, but the more the merrier,"

"You don't have any conditions or anything like that?" I asked to the purple-eyed demon.

She floated toward me once more, smiling seductively.


I gulped. Callisto and Io looked at me sarcastically, Lilith could only let out a sweat.

"A kiss on the cheek~?"

"I'm taken," I quickly responded by holding one arm up.

She giggled. "I figured. Someone as adorable as you can't be taken yet~ then, I want my own harem~"

"A-A harem?"