
When classes are over, I walked back to the dorm room with Renn, Regan, and Julian. Renn wrapped his hand around mine energetically, leaned closer, and looked up to me with twinkling eyes.

"Aren't you excited?!"

"You asked me that question since this morning Renn," I answered dryly.

Regan wrapped his hand around my shoulder, grinning. "You didn't show enough excitement,"

Julian sighed. "Seriously you two..."

They're talking about the festival that'll be held next week. I thought they're talking about a cultural festival like the one in my previous life. But it's completely different, and to be honest, I don't know this school held a festival.

Instead of holding cafes in classes or haunted houses, this festival is a magic festival. Like I mentioned before, there's magic in this world. There are people that are born with magic within them like my brother Christopher, Juno, and Edgar. And people that don't have one, like the twins, Sylvester, and Raphael.

It's not compulsory for students that born with magical powers to attend the festival, but it's a chance to show to everyone that you're valuable despite where they came from.

The magic festival comes in two categories.

First is a spar between two people with magic. This category is the most popular one. Everyone loves that stuff. The second category is showing off. It's like a showcase where there'll be people showing off their magic on a stage and people will vote who's the one with the best magic.

I'm not thinking about attending.

Because... I feel like it's unfair.

I'm a Coordinator, the person who could summon and control demons. Demons, the strongest being in the world.

But Renn and Regan forced me to join the first category, which is sparring. Again, I know their reason. There are several talented students with magic that possibly could overwhelm me in a battle.

"Come on, it'll be fun! I bet people that get the chance to battle with you will feel extremely honored," Regan insisted.

"Yeah! if I have even a little bit of magic in me, I would love to battle you, Ezra. I will tell the story of how I fight a Coordinator to my kids, and my grandkids, then the story will pass on generations,"

The three of us stared at Renn who's starting to fantasize.

Julian looked at me, ignoring Renn who's fantasizing in the background. "What do you think? It'll be a new experience for you,"

Hm, that's true. Participating in a festival is what I always do even in my previous life. The fun, the crowd...



Regan and Renn's eyes sparkled. "Really?!" Renn asked.

"Thank God tomorrow is the last day of the registration," Regan sighed.

Julian smiled. "Now that I think about it, I can't wait to see a Coordinator fight,"

I only chuckled nervously.

Ah, I have to use a little bit of my power to fight... Maybe I should summon one low-leveled demon? Using my willpower is a no-no. Brother Christopher warned me about it. I sighed.

Whatever, I bet nothing will go wrong during the festival.