Demon Of Lust

A month had passed. And I haven't see Arden since he escorted me back to the dorm room. He sent me a letter though. And I understood his reasoning. After Arden reported everything to father, father decided to stop Arden from keeping a watch on me. He's not disappointed in Arden, father understands the situation very well.

Nothing will change even if he sent one of my brothers to keep a watch on me anyway.

Arden began his intensive training with the twins, saying that he'll be strong enough to defend himself.

I smiled at myself.

He must've feel pressured. Looking from any perspective, I'm stronger than him. He knows it better than anyone. Knowing how pumped up he is to become stronger motivates me to be stronger as well.

I can't wait to meet him again and see how much he's improved.

After scolding my demons a month ago, I started to meditate whenever I get the chance to and train my demons even more. I used my willpower on them, torturing them, repeating words that I'll do much worse if they disappoint me.

As a result, my demons who are too relaxed around me began to feel tensed up.

Except for...

"Little master~"

I glanced lazily at Io who appeared out of nowhere beside me.

"... You asked for some beating?" I asked him sarcastically.

It's lunch break, and I'm currently taking a walk outside the school building alone. Io walked beside me, smiling innocently. The two of us stopped walking, and Io bowed his shoulder and lower his head to show courtesy.

It's weird to see Io acting like this, but it's a must for a demon to respect his master.

"Of course not. I'm here merely just to report,"

"Huh? but Lilith already gave me the morning report?" I asked.

"Yes. But it's regarding the descendants of seven deadly sins,"


It's been a while since I heard about those descendants.

"You found more?"

"The scouting team found it. But..."


Io cleared his throat, then sheepishly play with a strand of his hair. "It's, one of Asmodeus' descendant,"

"?" I tilted my head a little to the left.

"Demon of lust,"



"... Take it away," I sighed.

"But little master," Io quickly said. "It's a descendant of seven deadly sins,"

Io was right, but... demon of lust?

I looked at Io dryly. "... Fine, where's the container?"

Io smiled. "On the demon realm,"

"Right. I'll go there after classes,"

"Certainly," Io nodded. He bowed his head before disappearing into thin air. I groaned and scratched the back of my head.

Finding a descendant of seven deadly sins is a good thing. But I don't think I can handle that kind of demon...