

𝘢𝘸𝘢;;) 𝘬π˜ͺπ˜₯𝘴, 𝘐 𝘩𝘒𝘷𝘦 𝘒 𝘸𝘒𝘳𝘯π˜ͺ𝘯𝘨. π˜›π˜©π˜ͺ𝘴 𝘀𝘩𝘒𝘱𝘡𝘦𝘳 𝘸π˜ͺ𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘦 𝘡𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘦. 𝘠𝘦𝘴, 𝘡𝘩𝘦 '𝘰𝘯𝘦'. 18+--

𝘐𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘢 𝘨𝘢𝘺𝘴 π˜₯𝘰𝘯'𝘡 𝘸𝘒𝘯𝘡 𝘡𝘰 𝘴𝘦𝘦 π˜ͺ𝘡, 𝘺𝘰𝘢 𝘀𝘒𝘯 𝘨𝘰 𝘴𝘡𝘳𝘒π˜ͺ𝘨𝘩𝘡 𝘡𝘰 𝘡𝘩𝘦 𝘯𝘦𝘹𝘡 𝘀𝘩𝘒𝘱𝘡𝘦𝘳~!!!




I stepped out from the carriage with Arden's help. He intertwined our fingers together as we walked inside my mansion. My servants greeted me as we walked in. He stopped walking by the doors.

I slightly knitted my eyebrows and stared at him.

Arden stared at me back.

"... Can't you stay a little longer?"

My heart skipped a beat when I realized I just asked that selfish question. I looked away immediately, feeling my face and ears gotten warmer.

"... Ezra,"

Arden tightens his grip on my hands. He smiled brightly. "I would love to,"

I looked at him happily. I thought he's going to reject me.

But my smile deliberately sinks. "But, you have duties..."

"Hm, that's true. But I must admit, I missed you so much, Ezra,"


So he's been feeling the same way...

I thought he didn't. We barely see each other since the assassination. He didn't say a word to me, and we'll only meet during meetings.

"Then, let's have dinner together,"

Arden smiled cheerfully. "Yes,"

And with that, I ordered my demons to prepare dinner for us.

The two of us walked toward the dining room and chatted for a bit while waiting for our meal. My drowsiness disappeared in an instant. It's like we forgot about everything that happened.

I savored the moment second by second.

"I'm still surprised that demons can cook," Arden chuckled.

"Me too," I winked at the chefs who's been standing near the wall.

They're blushing and bowed their heads graciously.

"It's getting late," Arden started. "I'll take you to your room,"

Hm, so this is it. I know he wanted to stay longer. I know it because he's not in a rush.

It's like, he's expecting me to stop him.

I cleared my throat to get rid of this feeling of embarrassment.

"... Ok," I agreed to his offer.

The two of us stood up. But I clumsily tripped over nothing, and Arden just chuckled upon seeing my actions.

Oh no, I'm so nervous.

Fuck, I'm 𝘡𝘰𝘰 nervous.

We silently walked to the second floor. And without me noticing it, we've arrived in front of my bedroom door.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Ezra," Arden said. He kissed my forehead softly.

... I'm not sure what happened to me, but I blame everything to Lavender. This desire I'm having Arden stay with me.

It's too strong.


Arden silently gasped when I pulled his collar in force. I promptly shut my eyes when our lips met. I can feel Arden freeze on the spot. Satisfied by his reaction, I slightly pulled away to see his bewildered expression. Then I gently wrapped my arms around his neck, clinging and pulling him closer to me.

"... Don't leave yet, Arden."

"... Ezra,"


I yelped in surprise when Arden lifted me as if I'm just a feather. He carried me inside my bedroom, closed the bedroom door gently with one hand, and make our way to my bed.

My heart pounds frantically as I dig my nails onto Arden's shoulders.

Although I had expected this to happen, I felt very nervous. My heart won't calm down at all.

Arden tenderly laid me onto the bed.

"... Are you sure, Ezra?" Arden softly asked me.

He still managed to ask my consent. Even though his eyes are already enveloped in a mist of lust. Gazing at me like a predator. I gulped down the dry lump on my throat and shyly moved my head up and down as a hint that he has my consent.


Arden started to unbutton my shirt. He's still cautious, very tender. My eyes won't look away from his fingers. I watched him quietly, feeling my body is getting tensed up.

"You're beautiful,"


After he complimented me, he leaned in and pressed his lips onto mine. Chaste. Our overwhelming love was poured into this kiss. His scent is intoxicating, pervaded my senses.

My body reacts intensely to his subtle touches. His kisses are so gentle; he's careful not to scare me. It's like he's handling a precious treasure.

Lips to cheek, then my eyelid, then the corner of my lips. He kissed every part of my face lovingly. Telling me that he loved me with all of his heart.

His kisses distracted me completely. I didn't realize that I'm already topless.

"A-Arden," I whispered shyly when I saw Arden stopped kissing to see my bare chest. "Ah," I stifled a whimper when he swiftly set his lips to my neck.

Feeling flustered, I gripped Arden's shirt with my hands. I turn my head to the side while biting my bottom lip. He then slowly kisses my collarbone, then to my chest.

"-!" My body lightly jolted in surprise when his warm lips touched one of my hardened flesh.

A heady feeling spreads throughout my chest, then down my hips. My body trembled, and I feel the strength within my body gradually dwindled. It was ticklish at first, but deliberately shifted into pleasure.


He lifted his head a little to see my face. His eyes pierced through mine, sending goosebumps to my skin.

"Ezra," His hot breath tickled my skin.

My eyelashes fluttered when he leaned his face closer to mine and kissed my lips once more. But it's different. He started to probe his tongue into my lips, and I invited him in. His taste; it's very sweet. His tongue fully stimulates me.

While he's kissing me, his hands slowly trail over my chest. Then to the spot where he kissed me before, then to my stomach. My body trembled, and my toes are curled due to the intense sensation. We exchanged intimate glances. I can see my reflection through his golden eyes.

My face heated up in embarrassment.


His fingertip started to gently caress one of the peach-colored flesh on my chest, pinching it softly. Electricity sent throughout my body.

"Mnh, ah,"

A new feeling was building up inside of me. I couldn't control my own voice. Sweet, embarrassing sounds that are flowing out of my lips. I weakly grabbed his maroon-colored hair with my fingers.

The feeling is too much that I'm unsure what to do.

"... Is it ok to not hold back anymore?"

Arden whispered to my ear, then nibbled it afterward. My face flares up after hearing his words. He's been doing whatever he wanted until now; he shouldn't have asked me that embarrassing question!

"Mn... Y-Yes," I answered as quietly as possible.

Arden kissed my cheek after hearing my response.

He leaned away from me to take off his jacket, then his shirt.

I unconsciously gulped when I saw his beautiful figure. I know that he's always handsome, but seeing his bare chest for the first time just made me believe that he's perfect.

It's unfair.


I gasped softly when Arden gently lift my thighs with both hands. He smirked while loosening my belt.

"Don't expect me to stop now, Ezra,"