As One

Arden easily lifted my trousers off. One of his hand crept up to my inner thighs, as he kissed my other thigh. This is- so sensual. It's too intense. I saw the spot where he kissed my thigh slowly turning red. He let one of my legs rest on his shoulder whilst taking off my undergarment.

His warm fingers that are touching my inner thighs caused me to stifle a moan. Warmth spread through my lower area once more. It's getting hotter and hotter.


The tip of his index finger pressed against the sensitive bulge. The pleasure that I felt on my hips beginning to overtake me. I was completely frazzled because of his touches.

I blushed when he took everything off of me. I'm naked.

But my mind is in shambles that I don't care anymore.

The room is filled with the sound of my moans. His warm hand enveloped my stiffened length, indulging me. Taking me to the world of ecstasy.

If he keep going...

I'm going to...

"A-Ah, w-wait.. mnyah!"

A striking pleasure rushed throughout my spine. My head spun, and my body trembled from the overwhelming pleasure.

I... I just came.

Arden looked at his hand that's covered with semen.

... Woah.

"Haah... Hah... Hya?!"

I yelped when I feel something warm gently penetrating my entrance. I looked at him in disbelief, and also embarrassment. He simply gazed over me silently, watching me. Telling me that he's going to devour me.

"I'll be gentle, Ezra..." He whispered loud enough for me to hear.


I slowly nodded my head.

The feeling is uncomfortable. It feels strange, that's for sure. But his loving touch added more pleasure to my lower area. Even though I'm still weak from earlier, my length tensed up again in no time.

His finger probed deeper into my inner walls. I whimpered softly.

It's in. His fingers, they're moving inside of me.


My eyes half-lidded with ecstasy, and moist from all of the pleasure that I can barely apprehend.

"Ezra... may I?"

Because of the dizziness, I couldn't comprehend what he's implying at the moment. But then I saw his predatory-like eyes. I understand what he meant.

Weakly, I reached my hands to his cheeks.

"... I'm all yours,"

Arden took a hot, and deep breath. He gently spread my thighs. With so much care, he raised my hips up to make sure that I'm ready.

The two of us are staring at each other. Out of breath.

I closed my eyes when he makes his way inside of me.


"... Hah," Arden groaned. His face is flushed.

I wrapped my arms around Arden's neck, and he started to kiss me tenderly. His kisses distracted me from the pain. He kissed the tip of my nose, and wiped the tears that wet my cheeks.

Gradually, the pain changed into pleasure.

"... I'm going to move, Ezra,"


I feel my insides are being pushed. When he reached a certain spot, I couldn't contain my voice.

"Hhah.. Ahn,"

He moved his hips slowly. My thoughts are full. All I can think of is Arden. And how much I love him.

My mind goes blank at the intensity of the pleasure he's giving me. It's so intense that I cried out his name. I'm digging my nails onto his broad shoulders. My legs tremble, the same goes for the rest of my body.

The two of us finally unite.

This night was the most special night for me. No, to both of us. Happiness, warmth, mixed together in one night.