Extra Story III : "Daredevils"


"Ezra! Ezra!"


Oh no, it's the daredevils.

These troublesome brats are up to some mischief. This is bad. Mother is not around, and my other older brothers are not here to help me.

I'm in danger.

Code red! code red!

I wiggled on my crib, trying to do something.

But alas, the twins managed to grab my legs through the crib's railings.


I screamed when they started to tickle my toes.

"Hahaha!" I laughed uncontrollably. I started kicking my tiny legs, but they still managed to reach my toes and tickled me.

"He's laughing, he's laughing!" Sehan giggled.

"Let's tickle him more!" Leorys said happily.


I-Is this hell?! what did I deserve to receive this kind of torture every time the twins come in?!

Curse these daredevils! I bet they're more wicked than my future demons!!!