Extra Story IV : "Io's Habit"


[ 13 Years Ago . . . ]

While sitting idly on the ground near the pond, I stared at Io who's floating near me.

He kept playing with a strand of his hair using his index finger, twisting it then pulling it.

"Why do you keep doing that?"

"Hm?" Io glanced at me. "What do you mean, little master?"

"That," I pointed at his finger. "You kept playing with your hair,"

"Oh," Io stopped. Then a smirk formed on his face. "Because it's soft,"

"It's soft?" I blinked.

"Mhm. Do you want to touch it?" Io asked. He floated toward me, then lower his head so I can reach his hair.

His locks are falling down to his eyes.

Fluffy... It looks fluffy.

But before I can reach his hair, Io floated away. He played with his hair again, smiling innocently.

"Teasing little master is quite fun,"

"Y-You-! Let me touch it! it's an order!"


"Don't look down on me! I'm your master!"

"Yes, yes~"