The days passed quickly and the date of the idol concert got nearer and nearer. The group was currently practicing one of their choreographies again.
Akane was a girl with high-expectations, and as such she forced her group to learn a new choreography for each track of the album.
The group was currently practicing the seventh out of 14 tracks, it was exhausting and nothing but perfection was allowed.
"Akane! I am tired, could we take a break, I can't go on anymore, not without hurting myself I think."
"We finish the steps of this piece and then we make a break, do you think you can hold on until then?"
"Alright! I'll manage!"
Came back from the huffing girl. Kameko might not show it, but Akane knew that she was exhausted too and secretly thanked the girl for asking a break.
After the finished set of that choreo the girls made a break, right in time with their manager bringing them water bottles.
"Thank you, Yamaguchi-san, for bringing us some water, but you know that you don't have to do that right?"
The manager just laughed at Akanes words. He didn't have much to do during their practices. Thanks to Akane his job of giving emotional support to the girls was basically gone and he felt rather uncomfortable just sitting around, doing nothing, while the girls are working hard.
"Don't mind it Seigi. I wouldn't have anything to do, other than sitting around doing absolutely nothing, so I don't really mind playing the errant boy for you."
Akane nodded, she felt uncomfortable to let and adult be their errant boy, but she also knew how it felt to sit in a corner and doing nothing. It grated on one's soul, letting them feel absolutely useless, giving them the feeling that if they helped, they would just be in the way.
So Akane chose to be thankful, rather reprimanding him.
"Thanks Yamaguchi-san, thank you for your hard work!"
She said these words with a beaming smile. Yamaguchis heart suddenly started to beat faster seeing this, but he composed himself fast again, he was a professional after all.
"Thank you for your hard work too, Seigi. I am sure you and your group will reach the top fast if you continue to work hard like this."
Akane nodded before walking to her group, unsurprisingly they laid collapsed on the ground. Akane just looked at them with narrowed eyes. (HA! sarcasm)
Why do the two of them work so hard to the breaking point? She might have forced them to practice the choreo, but she didn't force them to do so without break. So why did they always work themselves to the point of collapsing?
"Are you thirsty? I have water."
The two girls just grunted in exhaustion.
"Seriously? Why are you two trying so hard? You know that I don't force you to practice so hard, right? So why are you forcing yourself?"
Kameko just gulped down the water, before breathing out hard to catch her breath.
"Why are we working so hard? It's simple, it's because of you, we can say it how we want, but you are better than is in any regard of being an idol! You are more beautiful, you sing better, you dance better, you play an instrument, even during practice and you write our track and think of our choreography!"
"Kameko is right! You are just so talented in everything and we don't want to be accused of holding you back or leeching off of you, so we do the only thing that we can do for this group, we practice, practice and practice, just so we can keep up with you! You better not underestimate us!"
Akane just laughed, she felt happy. Her group was trying hard and she was happy about it.
"I know it comes a bit late, but can I touch you?"
The girls felt a shiver run down their spine and started to cover their important body parts.
"I didn't know you swing that way Akane!"
"I - I am sorry, but I just think of you as my role model and my friend. I am sorry that I can't respond to your advances!"
Akane sighed deeply.
"Calm down. Blind, remember? I want to know how you look like and I need your body proportions to make our costumes, so calm down."
The two girls chuckled, they knew what Akane implied, but they wanted to try teasing her.
"Hey, hey, Touko, isn't that Aka on that poster?"
"Huh, you are right Aki, this is Aka on the poster."
"So, Akas first concert is just around the corner. How high do you think she is going to go up in popularity?"
"Well Yui, I wouldn't be surprised if she would be shooting for the stars again, and this is their first concert, usually the first ones it the concert with the most visitors, simply because people are going to check the group out. Furthermore, she is advertising with her old name in the classical music scene, even if people don't know about her, seeing the sentence 'with a classical music star as the leader' would spark many interests for people. Top ten wouldn't be an exaggeration for her."
"So Akane is already preparing for her concert, huh?"
"Why so surprised, girls? It's just me, Majeta. We know each other."
Each member of the QMC breathed out a sigh of relief.
"It's still scary to suddenly hear a voice behind you, you know! So please stop doing that."
"Yeah, yeah, Suzuki-san. I'll stop popping up from nowhere, but I saw right that Akane is preparing her concert, right?"
She pointed at the poster.
"Great, I'll be asking her for some tickets then."
Majeta whipped her phone and dialed Akanes' number. Surprisingly the girl immediately picked up.
"What are you calling me for, Majeta? I hope this isn't something important, I even asked the school to excuse me for a day, because of practice, so this better not be something trivial."
"No, no! I am just asking for some tickets, you know. For me your sponsor?"
"Since when the hell are you my sponsor? I just allowed you to use my face one, so you better don't dare drag my favor out for a marathon, just because I gave you my little pinky."
Majeta bowed down.
"I am sorry, I got ahead of myself. But I am still asking as a friend for the tickets! Your music is great and I'd like to hear a complete version of it!"
"Of course, you'll get tickets! I'll reserve tickets for the QMC to buy, and I plan on giving you and Momo a backstage ticket as well, you know show the other idols that try to check me out that I have some backing."
"That's great, if you apologize me now! I have to plan for some company movement of mine, you know I still need to hold it stable, until we shoot your ad."
"If you need personal, you could hire my big aunty Akasuki, she is a talented mechanic, just doesn't have the funding, I am sure she would jump at your offer if you make one. You know merge some companies."
"I'll take your words into consideration, goodbye Akane."
"Goodbye Majeta."
She then hung up on the call.
"Akane is going to reserve you four some tickets to buy, so you need something to prove your identity, I have to go now. Business."
And so, the rich girl left the QMC and continued to work for her company.
"Well, we have reserved tickets for Akas' concert."
The four girls were silent.
"Who else is trembling from excitement?"
All four girls lifted their hands.
It was late at evening and Kameko was currently walking to her brothers' place. It was closer to the studio and her parents allowed her to sleepover there it necessary, because of exhaustion.
She didn't open the door yet, but she could already hear it.
"Oh man, really! Seigi Akane is going to hold a concert! But I can't afford a ticket, maybe if I sell..."
Kameko had a really incredulous expression on her face. She understood the passion of her brother to Akane, but she knew the girl and seeing her adult brother act like that for someone you know, someone that was supposed to be only twelve years old. It's creepy and disgusting to be honest.
She slammed the door open and looked at her brother with a disgusted face, already with cellphone in hand.
"Onii-chan is interested in a twelve-year girl, even though he is 29? How disgusting, is onii-chan a lolicon? Should I already call the police and let them apprehend you for being such a waste of space?"
"WAIT! Kameko, please you know it isn't like that, I am only interested in her music! Why do I need someone like her if I already have an adorable little sister like you? Please don't call the police, you know how miserable my life already is."
Kameko just sighed, it was impossible for her to stay mad at him, especially after she saw him so down after losing his quirk. She was so young at that time, but seeing her broken brother like this hurt her.
"Sigh, Onii-chan, it's just, I know Akane, okay? So, it's pretty disgusting seeing my brother act like that to a twelve-year-old girl I know, you understand."
He nodded, before he understood the implications.
"I know it's dirty to do that as an adult, but you know her!? Can you please ask for a ticket for me? I swear this will be the only favor that I am asking for you, and I will try my best to make it up for you, but I want to hear her music live for once in my life, please imouto-chan! I am begging you here!"
Kameko just sighed, how dense could her brother be, for not understanding what kind of job she did all these weeks?
"Onii-chan, look at the poster again."
He looked at it, he didn't understand what she meant with it.
"Look at the other two girls."
He did, he stared pretty intensely at them, he had to admit, they were cute, but not as cute as Akane.
"Yeah these two are cute girls and I am sure they are talented too, but I don't understand what you mean with that, Kameko."
She just sighed deeply, was she really that different?
"Look again, this time pay attention to every detail."
He did, he observed each millimeter of the poster, trying to find out what his sister meant, after long observing she saw that the girl on the poster resembled his sister, but that couldn't be, right?
He looked up again, but he saw his sister with the same hairstyle as the girl in the poster and holding a ticket out for him.
"I am a member of the idol group, my stupid onii-chan! How fucking dense can you be for not noticing that that is me on the poster, are you retarded? Are you an idiot? Your cute sister worked her butt off, dead tired from the practice with that mad girl Akane and her insane requirements and you never noticed?! I feel hurt onii-chan, very hurt. I know that Akane is extremely cute, I saw her on a daily basis after all! But how can a girl you don't even know personally off be more important than your little sister?! HERE YOUR STUPID TICKET, YOU FUCKING IDIOT!"
She threw the ticket into his face and wanted to run out with her crying face. But the years of hero experience didn't leave her brother, so he managed to catch her from behind and started hugging her.
"I am sorry Kameko. I am sorry for hurting you, for being such a bad brother for you all these years, I know that I always made you suffer for me. Made you come over just to drag me out, see the light, come under people occasionally, I knew how much you did too me. But I just was so focused on my old days of glory that I just didn't want to notice the important things around me. I was just so focused on indulging in my past and what it would be if I didn't stand in All-for-Ones way that day. I am really sorry for being such a bad brother, can you forgive me? Kameko."
Mid speech he started to cry, cry very hardly even so. He felt bad for neglecting his sister in such a way.
"Stupid big brother makes me work hard for his sake. If you want to forgive me, then you should get a decent job, I don't care as long as you make an honest living, but find a job!"
"Right, Kameko."
"And go to my concert! I worked really for it."
"I will."
Currently at Hoshis location:
"MOM! DAD! Look, my first concert is just around the door!"
"Humpf! I don't care, I still think that you should have used your time to learn."
"Don't let it pull you down, Hoshi. You know that your father is a male tsundere, so don't think too much about his words."
Hoshi pouted.
"I know, it's just that it would be nicer if he complimented me from time to time."
"Idiot! I compliment you all the time."
"Whatever, here are some tickets, go or don't go, I'll be up in my room."
"Sigh, dear, do you have to act like that all the time? Look at what you have done!"
He just looked away, grabbing his newspaper to hide his face. His wife just sighed, until she saw how he grabbed to tickets sneakily. Her husband just couldn't show affection openly.
She chose to just let him be. For today.