Glow looked in shock as Bullman ate the letters. Chara really hoped that this wouldn't happen, even if everything went according to plan, she hoped that it wouldn't have. She hoped that the heroes in this world would be genuine, for the sake of Akane.
"But they just aren't."
"Don't lose hope partner, I am sure the batches of heroes that UA bring out are genuine!"
"Let's just hope that. Shall we now, Chara?"
Chara smiled. It was time to ACT, Chara will perform the most tear inducing performance she can. She breathed in and then out. She started to cry genuine tears. Why did humans just have to be so unbearable?
"Why? Why did you do that? These were letters, letters for the..."
And also, according to plan, Bullman just continued to attack her with a short fuse. Chara smiled, she carefully picked out a stupid, scheming, foolish hero. Someone that would fake his doings so he could get fame.
She couldn't believe that everything all went perfectly along her plan. This guy really is an...
"The letter of little Anna, Luke, Stefanie! Their families went to Japan a long time ago, hoping for better living circumstance, and even though they did a bit, it wasn't what they searched for! They could have reached this stage of living comfort back in their home country! And now they are basically stranded here! Knowing no one, but the few connection they make in their district."
"Shut up! All lies, ALL LIES!"
Now the launch, landing in a back alley and letting her disguise fall. She couldn't believe how smooth the plan was running! Chara cried, realizing how easy it went along. Why? Why can't humans just listen when they need to? Why can't they just talk about their problems, reach an understanding with each other?
Monsters. Monsters were different. Even though they needed the souls of the human children, even though they craved for freedom after being enclosed for many centuries, they still listened to the human children, letting them convince them, listening to them, even though they were in the middle of the battle!
But this? Even if she would run away, she was sure that she couldn't create an atmosphere were this moron would listen to her. Chara really hated humans, but once again, she forgave them, not because of them, but because of the few shining lights in the dark that gave her hope that humanity isn't rotten to its core.
The hood was down and the scarf unfolded. Chara stood back up again, blood running from down from her body. It wasn't her blood, well it was, but she didn't spill any blood during this battle. This was blood she drained from herself and packed into packages. Such weak impacts could barely put scratches on her, so she needed to do that so she can look very injured.
Chara, or better said, Glow walked out of the back alley, revealing her face. It was the face of a cute girl, a very cute girl, her beauty couldn't be denied, even with all the blood that was running down from her head. The girl cried, everyone wanted to go towards her to cheer her up, but everyone remembered again who she was.
She was Glow, the notorious villain that tried to deceive the public. That was what the government made her out to be, but was that really the truth? Everyone wondered that seeing this cute girl in front of them.
"Why? Why are you doing this to me? I just tried to help! I just tried to do good in a place where no one else did? So why? So why are you doing this to me! I just wanted to talk...!"
And once again another punch towards her face. This was slowly getting ridiculous.
"You despicable villain, how dare you use the image of a young girl to deceive the citizens! Reveal your true face and show everyone what kind of monster you really are!"
Monster? Oh right, humans thought about cruel, giant beasts when they say this word. She almost forgot with all the good memories she made.
"You are trying to deceive us with your words, your actions! As long as you are free, we won't believe a single word of you, is that right citizens?!"
The people were confused that they were spoken to, but after a while they all started to cheer together. Cheering to put Glow behind bars.
"So, if I am not free anymore, you will start listening to me?"
Glow started to kneel, putting her wrists together, as if to say 'you can capture me if you want, but please start listening to me!', everyone at the scene was surprised by this.
But of course, Bullman once again put everything under lies, he wasn't going to stop until he immobilized her.
"You are just trying to get my guard down! I won't believe a single word until you are out of action!"
He got into a mad dash and continued to attack Glow with all his power, but it just seemed like she won't fall unconscious.
The crowd was confused, they didn't know whether to cheer for Bullman for fighting against a villain, or to interrupt him because he attacked a little girl that won't fight back. Unexpectedly one person started to cheer for Bullman and so the crowd followed suit.
The crowd cheered and cheered for the beating of what seemed to be a little girl, a little girl that just wanted to help, made a mistake and was now condemned. All Might was on the scene and couldn't believe what he just saw.
He knew it was Glow, he knew that she was supposed to be a villain that tried to manipulate the masses. News like this travelled incredibly fast, but what he just saw in front of him was a girl that wanted to talk, a girl that tried to relay the pain of some people, a girl that wanted help.
But all she got was scorn, a headhunt because she accidentally knocked out heroes on duty, because they attacked her on sight and now a brutal beatdown because she didn't want to get more trouble with the government.
All Might was put out of his thoughts as the girl flew, just by a hair's breath, past him and crashed into a building. She landed roughly on the ground and by impact she coughed out a load of blood.
She tried to stand up, but ultimately failed and had to sit down to the ground, this action just resulted in her coughing out more blood.
"Any last words before I put you behind bars?"
Glow just started to chuckle ominously, unnerving everyone. Bullman wanted to say something, but was interrupted by her.
"Now you are asking me that? Let's be honest, what would be the point in talking now that I am beaten down? Not even getting a single change to voice my opinion. I couldn't even fight back, what would be the point in that? Proving that I am indeed that bad person you make me out to be? That I don't laugh."
The girl started to cry. Tears were running down her beautiful face.
"Everything I say is used against me, everything I do is used against me, everything I do is twisted and angled into a light that makes the things I do seem bad."
But nobody listened.
"Even now everything I say or do is ignored, put under lies. I just tried to help, help the people that needed actual help, people that weren't important enough in the eyes of the government, but here I am, laying in a pool of my own tears and blood."
"Once again you continue with your..."
"Can't I at least fight back?! Can't I at least protect my life? Do I really have to let myself get so beat down I am barely able to walk? Do I have to do that until some asshole starts listening to me? If the answer is yes than I can only say that you are all twisted hypocrites! All of you once dreamed to become a hero in their youths! Hell, the dream job of all my classmates was being a professional hero! But low and behold! I am getting the crap beat out of me without even getting the change to voice my opinion, without getting the chance to tell why I did the thigs I did! I was just put into the same drawer as every other villain! And what's worse nobody listened to them either."
Bullman once again punched Glow into the face.
"Look at me! LOOK AT ME! Don't face away, face here! Look what's happening to me!"
"Stop talking! Stop poisoning the ears of the people!"
"Bullman. Punches. Me. Repeat - ably. Into. The. Face? Why. WHY? Because I voice out my opinion!"
He increased the pace because Glow just didn't want to stop babbling.
The crowd looked away, despite being said to not look away, they did. They didn't want to confirm the villain's words, they didn't want to get disconfirmed, they wanted to hold onto their feeble believe. Even when the person was getting mercilessly beat down, they believed that the heroes were in the right, simply because they were the heroes. Glow deserved what was happening to them, right?
"Hehe, then look away, face away from the ugly truth in front of you. I don't care anymore. Man, sorry everyone, I tried my best, but it seems that I just did something wrong, huh. What did I do to deserve this, I wonder? I fought for justice, drove multiple gangs out of the district that dealt with drugs, humans, and so much worse, but at the end, I am a villain, am I not? At the end, I shouldn't have hit back, just because someone was about to hit me. Maybe in my next life, I don't have to suffer because of hypocrites."
Everyone started to choke at the girl's words, it was incredible how clear she could still talk. But they knew she was talking to them. How everyone faces away from the injustice in front of them, because they didn't want to get into harm's way. The felt uncomfortable, but that was that. Only uncomfortable, they could ignore that, tomorrow this will be over and then they don't have to think about it anymore.
"Fight back!"
Until someone in the crowd decided that he couldn't look away anymore. Bullman even stopped punching and locked into the direction.
"Hehe, thanks. I know that this is well meant, but I shouldn't, I really shouldn't. You know how the news outlets would react. They would twist everything into their favor. You really shouldn't have said that, you could get in serious trouble just cheering on a villain. A hero is entirely a different thing, but you shouldn't cheer someone like me."
The crowd felt ashamed. The girl called herself a villain, despite repeatedly denying it, she called herself one to shield someone innocent. They felt ashamed for not giving her a chance, they felt ashamed for trying to condemn her without knowing anything.
"Fight back!"
"Yes, fight back!"
One after another started to cheer for her, they didn't want to see the girl on front of them get more hurt.
"You managed to poison the ears of the crowd with your quirk, villain! But as long as I, Bullman, am here! I will stop you! BULL BULLET!"
He pointed one finger out and thrusted with all his might forward, this attack of him had enough power to go through solid steel. It yielded the danger of him breaking his finger if he set up his attack clumsily, but he was sure that it would happen, until Glow just stood back up and grabbed his finger.
"Jokes on you, but my quirk doesn't have to do anything with other people."
Glow broke his finger.
"The reason why they started cheering me on, is because they finally started to listen to reason. The finally opened their eyes to the pain of us, who have to suffer under the government."
"You piece of shit!"
Chara put back her scarf back on, concealing her face. Nobody understood the gesture, but she did it to conceal her excited face.
Bullman put his arms in a cross shape before his face and ran with all his might towards Glow. This was his strongest attack, he could even tilt a tank with it, if it hit. Everyone expected Glow to dodge this wild haymaker. She did not, she the exact same motion as him and sprinted towards him.
Everyone thought that the girl was insane for daring to do the same against this attack. Until they hit and Bullman was the one who had to forfeit.
"Let me tell you something. That trump card of yours, it has to many flaws. If someone dodged you would be seriously stuck if your horns pierced something solid and you don't pay attention during it, it's surprisingly easy to grab onto your arms and pry them open, after that just throw the two arms into the opposite direction and most of the force will be dispersed. Easy right?"
Bullman snapped.
"Don't act as if you won! VILLAIN!"
Chara sighed, time to end this. She didn't even need her knife to end this.
"First Attack: Cyan Image."
She just slapped the hero. The attack was red.
"Chara, wasn't this the CYAN Image?"
"Calm down partner, the Attack series is just me mimicking the attacks of the seven others. This mimics Patience with her toy knife and how she swings it, nothing more, nothing less, partner."
"Think they are out of commission?"
Bullman was furious, but at least he understood something. He didn't stand a chance know that they were retaliating. He wasn't prepared for this.
He tried continuing his heroic act, but the more he fought, the more he understood that he stood no chance, so he did what he had done best in his hero years.
Use his subordinated to make things easier. The moment she was close to one of his on-ground laying buddies was the moment he will enact his plan B.
Suddenly the 'villain' was conscious again and grabbed onto Glow. Not for long though, they just grabbed an arm and that resulted in them being in the ground again.
Bullman stood no chance, even with his allies on his side. Of course, the crowd saw that the former villain was now helping Bullman out, they slowly started to doubt the hero.
"Chara, how long do you want to meddle with these idiots! Izuku is still in danger!"
"About now."
Bullmans group slowly started to surround Chara, that was the call for her.
Suddenly a smoke screen appeared, as it dispersed, Glow disappeared.
On a random roof:
"Thanks for helping me out on a short notice, Himiko."
"Gladly! But aren't you moving on with the plan too fast? I mean, you last appearance was just this morning? You know, you giving Mount Lady a piece of your mind?"
"Well, I just do things when the time is right. Which blood do you want as payment?"
"The one that calms me down!"
Chara had to think for a moment.
"The one that makes you calm or the one that puts you to sleep if you take too much of it?"
"The sleepy one please!"
"Why do you want to knock yourself out?"
"Well, I had a bit of insomnia in the last time, so I think I am missing out on necessary sleep!"
"So that's why."
Chara bit her thumb open and presented it to her.
"Directly from you?!"
"I used all the blood packs in the battle, so yes. Now suck."
She looked shyly around, before starting to lick on the finger.
Chara had to internally sigh, Akane was really pushing her to hurry up.
Izuku was near the school building.