Side Story: Idiot tries Training

The next moment Lukas was aware of anything was the moment he felt a rather pleasant warmth wrapped around him.

He thought about it for a moment and immediately understand what was going on. He was getting reincarnated and not transmigrated.

Lukas felt slightly, tilted would he describe it as such. He thought about it for a moment, but the thought of getting reincarnated instead of transmigrated with a new body would give him a sense of repulsion.

Being transmigrated with a new body would mean that he could immediately start doing things but getting reborn would mean that you have to grow up, act natural and of course the emotional connection you would inevitably have to go to with your new parents.

He could vomit at that thought, these were the chapters he liked the least in reincarnation FanFictions. These chapters were just unnecessary.

He just sighed, maybe this should work?

"Hey system!"

"Yes, master?"

"Can I skip time somehow?"

"Not that I know of no."

Lukas was silent for a moment, was there really no way of skipping the first months in his mother's stomach? That can't be! He didn't want this, he didn't want to wait as a fetus in a stomach, growing up to get born, this would bore him out of his mind!

"Well, but if you want I can put you into auto run modus. The system will do it's best to keep the bare minimum bodily functions for master up, making them survive as long as they are in auto run mode. The moment master is aware again is when auto run stops. Does master want to do that?"

Lukas was silent for a moment. He could feel how an infinite amount of hate was filling him.

'So, I got one of these kinds of systems, huh? One of these systems that talk back to their master. Just wait until I'll find your main body and make you submit to me!'

"Yes, do that. Set the timer until I am three years old. I don't want to be a toddler the moment I wake up, cappiche?"

"Setting timer until master is three. All things set, have fun master!"

Lukas wanted to say something back, but the next moment he realized that he was slowly zoning out. This is what auto run feels like.

For a moment Lukas smiled. He might have hated the thought of getting reincarnated a bit, after all growing up again was hard work and having to call new faces family was certainly an interesting thought, but he was excited to grow up again in the arms of two loving parents...


"Three years passed, commencing repossession."

Were the first thought Lukas heard since he woke up. He was a bit excited meeting the faces of his new parents, pampering, babying him, simply taking care of him.

He already smiled, when he suddenly felt a palm on his face, throwing him back a few steps.

"Why are you suddenly smiling like that you little piece of shit? The adults here have an important discussion and you just came waltzing here, bothering us with your unimportant problems?! Go to the room immediately and reflect on your mistakes!"

Lukas couldn't believe what just happened. He just got slapped across his face for no reason. This never happened to him in his previous life.

He was a bit baffled after what happened to him. Scratch that, he was very confused about his situation. Aren't reincarnators supposed to be born into a warm, loving family, taking care of one and groom them into fine adults? So why did he land into a family where his father would beat him into the face?

He wondered about these things, until suddenly all of his memories that was done by his system in auto run came rushing down at him.

He got an incredible headache from that and it felt like he could scream his head off.

"You brat, you think this was painful? Don't you dare make a scene out of this."

But his family didn't care, he was just picked up by his father and thrown into his room. Well, if you could call it that, it was more of a closet than anything else. He barely even had the room to throw his body around in the pain, without bumping into a wall, but that didn't matter right now.

What mattered was the skull shattering headache he currently had, all his memories were flooding into his brain and piece for piece he remembered EVERYTHING.

He was born as a boy into a poor family of five. His mother was a prostitute, while is father was basically the same as jobless. He didn't have any siblings and was the only child in this family.

Well, that was all the basic information, but the most important information just came yet. Both of them had a superpower like ability, yet they are this piss poor. There was only one universe he knew off where superpower like abilities where handed over like nothing with now string attached.

It was the Boku no Hero Academia universe. This theory of his was only more confirmed by all the memories of advertisement he saw walking by electronics shops, where they put the televisions on display, that one profound name that was all over the news and various tv shows. All Might.

Lukas was only more infuriated once he found that out, when everyone had superpowers he won't be anything special! Yeah, instant mastery, infinite stamina, pain suppression, all off the not safe for work abilities he chose. That won't amount to jack shit if there where people that could throw around explosions like they were some cheap, easy to buy firework!

Yes, he'll get far with all of that, but there was no way in hell he would actually stand a chance against all of the strong and important people, right?

After all there were people like Endeavor that could incinerate entire buildings, or Thirteen, someone who was basically a walking black hole and of course you couldn't forget All Might, who was basically the number one in japans hero society! How could he go against any of that!

And of course, the villains weren't any better, All for One, the League of Villain, all of that was total bullshit and he couldn't think of a way to defeat them.

"Hey system, if I would fight against canon Bakugou, after the time from now to then spending with intense training, how high would be the chance to win against him?"

"Is master asking about normal training, or any special training?"

"Special training, duh!"

"Then master has a chance of 70% to win."

He paused for a minute, considering his odds against that explosion primate, after realizing the number, he was astounded, that was a pretty high number if he considered that he went against a missile in this case!

Something had to be wrong.

"What kind of training is that special training?

A window appeared before him, simulating the training he needed to go through to reach that seventy percent.

It was literal spartan training.

No, it was more than that, because of his instant mastery the system also sorted spartan level training for each (slightly less illegal to obtain) weapon.

His eyes turned blank for a moment.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?! I'll die if I try any of that! Why the hell did you think it was a good idea to suggest this hellish training?!"

"Master asked for 'special training', so I gave master 'special training' methods, it's as simple as that."

He wanted to say something against that, but he simply couldn't. The system was kind of right, after all, it's a system, so it should know all about insane training methods, from shounen adventure level kinds of training to wuxia novel kind of training, it should know all about them, right?

So, he shouldn't complain much if he asks for 'special training' from that thing, without specifying it.

"Right. Well, what about the training from One Punch Man? How would I fare then?"

"Master would have a 0% change of victory."

Lukas nodded, that seemed about right.

Wait? Zero percent?

"Wait! Zero percent? How is that possible?"

"It's because master would end up with a muscle imbalance in the lower back area and worn-out knee and ankle joints. Furthermore, would early intense and wrong training inhibit your growth because your growth hormones would all go to the development of muscles and also have a high possibility of injuring your spine, thus reducing the victory change against individual Bakugou Katsuki to 0%, furthermore the chance of actually landing a hit against him after that kind of training would be a 3,6*10¹³ % chance. Will master still proceed with the plan?"

"HELL NO! And why the hell wouldn't that hell training be detrimental for me?"

"System made sure that master got the right amount of nutrition, training and rest in that program, so master has a fortunate upbringing."

Lukas breathed one deep breath in. Yep, he was very tilted this moment, but he couldn't afford to lose his cool. Yet that was.

"Can system provide some 'normal training' for me then?"

"Providing normal training..."

The system was loading. He was surprised, no he was confused. Why did it take so long to load?

"Loading successful, showing training plan."

This time it was a lot easier going, small easy exercises that didn't need inhuman levels of perseverance to go through.

"System choose the training from the lazy and scummy personality of master. A training that needs the least amount of effort, while giving the absolute best results, light training can provide. I hope my choice satisfies master."

After his system said these words he felt how blood was rushing to his head, he could explode after hearing that, but he knew that his system was right, and the training seemed easy enough.

"How big is the probability against winning against Bakugou?"

"About 7%."

As he heard that he spat the water out he was drinking, if, you know...,

...he would actually have a glass of water.

"Just seven percent?"

"Did master expect better results with THAT kind of training?"

He stopped being angry now. He just went full circle, after all he was getting tired of getting angry after each reaction of his system.

"Well, when can I get out to train?"

"Anytime, masters family doesn't care when he leaves home."


"Really, master."

Huh, he was a bit surprised. Being born into a poor family had its advantages after all.

"So, it's time to go train now!"


Lukas was lying on the ground, which was pretty bad considering the neighborhood he lived in, but that wasn't important in this moment right now.

What was important was the fact that he was exhausted beyond believe after his training!

"System, was that really some 'easy exercises'?"

"As easy as it gets, without losing TOO much progress."

Lukas could feel how snarky his system was after his, rather suboptimal results. Wasn't it a lot easier for all these protagonists in these novels?

"Master should get up, bullies are approaching."

He smiled, some targets he could test his newfound strength on. Isn't it always going that way? Host possessing new body and beating his old bullies up, he was already excited about that!

Before any of them could say anything he already started punching...

...needless to say, it was more than obvious that he would find himself on the floor again, right?

His breath was haggard, and he managed to squeeze some words out.

"Huh, truly training is more exhausting than always depicted, isn't it?"



"Hey, Nezu, pull a card."

"Huh, Hisho, you going into tarot card reading, despite your future sight quirk? What's the reason?"

"I am going into tarot card reading, BECAUSE of my future sight quirk. I have the feeling that it will prove important for my quirk."

"Well, if you say so, but I must say that this is a unique design. Should this depict a golden colored window? And the symbol on the window seems unique too, seems kind of angelic to me, especially with the seven rainbow-colored hearts around it and is that real gold?

(The official Undertale Tarot Cards back design)

You must have quite splurged for these custom-made cards."

"Indeed, I have. Now pull."

"Alright, you don't have to be so aggressive about it."

Nezu pulled the topmost card from the tarot deck, revealing...

...absolutely nothing!

For a moment he was confused, he looked all around the card, to look for any potential trickery, but there was nothing.

"Hisho, explain."

"Well, you pulled 'The Existence Outside', it has not up or downside, so it doesn't matter how you pull it, the meaning of the card is uncertainty, freedom and patience will show. Simply said, the future is unpredictable and there is nothing that could change the fact that the future is an open book, so stop trying to read it, because there is no point."

Nezu nodded, before sipping his tea and looking at his secretary.

"All of the cards are blank, aren't they?"

She flipped her tarot deck. Indeed, they were all blank.

"So, what was the point of all of this?"

"Well, the fact that it seems like that my quirk is bending reality itself to its will."

Nezu accidentally swallowed his tea to early and started coughing, he didn't expect that now.


Hisho took the card back in her hand and flipped it, before catching it again, this time is displayed a young cute girl in a blue shirt with two pink stripes.

"...this happens when I see a vision."

She turned around and walked out of his office.

'The upside-down fool, how interesting.'