Akane woke up in the morning, feeling that is has been a while since yesterday even though it was just...
...well yesterday.
She ignored that strange feeling in the back of her mind though and decided to do her morning routine, as usual.
Onto the first step! It was getting out of bed and doing some simple stretches to get the blood flow going.
She climbed out of bed, stood up...
...and immediately felt so dizzy that she could fall over just from standing still.
She even did, falling that is, but in the last second she managed to stop her fall by grabbing the railing of her bed, that was a close one.
She sat down onto her own, comfy, trusty bed that she knew each fold on its surface off and clutched her head in pain. She didn't know why, but for some reason it felt like her brain was pulsating in her head, each beat giving as much pain as if someone split her head in two.
Akanes breathing turned haggard and she wondered why the hell this was suddenly happening, but the pain in her head prevented her from forming any incoherent sentences, or even words.
At the end she barely managed to ask Chara a question.
"Cha - Chara, what the hell did you do last night?"
Silence, Akane got an ominous feeling. Her back shivered as she had the feeling that something was wrong, but right now at this moment she was defenseless. The pain in her head was just too much, even for her.
She chuckled. She could swear she could hear Charas voice echoing in the far distance.
What a cruel joke, Chara wasn't here after all.
Wait, what was that?
Akane jolted up after Chara screamed right into her ear, it was just a dream.
"Akane, how are you feeling? Do you feel, dizzy, do you feel sick in any way? Are you five senses working properly? Can you hear me?"
Akane looked at the direction her partners voice came from, it kind of calmed her down a bit, but as she looked into that direction she was very surprised.
"What us up, partner? Why are you looking at me like that?"
Something was wrong and if that weren't it, something was up, what Akane saw couldn't be possible.
"What? What is up? It can't be, don't tell me you are captivated by my voice and beauty and fell in love with me? Please, you know that my heart is only for one person and even though you are technically that person it just doesn't feel right, I am sorry, but no matter how I look at it, I can only look at you as a little sister, Akane."
Akanes eyes and mouth turned into lines after she heard that from Chara, this was a really bad joke from the author.
"Seriously, if that isn't it, why the hell are you staring at me so intensely? It startles me!"
It was time for Akane to reveal the source of her concern this morning.
"I can SEE you."
"Of course, you can see me, I am a part of you after all."
"No, I can SEE you."
Chara was getting a bit annoyed as she repeated that sentence, but she soon realized what was going on.
"Wait, you can see me right now? Like body and all, a clear image, not like a mental thingy?"
"Yeah, I can see you. From your sharp facial features, your lovely, shaped butt, your meaty yet firm looking thighs, your abundant chest, your lovely short, wild looking, brown hair that have red tips and your scarlet shining eyes. And of course, that green sweater with a big yellow line going vertically over it. I can actually SEE you and I have to say that you look a bit different from what I have in my memories. You know the incident nine years ago."
Chara was a bit surprised at the situation. Especially since Akane was basically openly flirting at her, but she decided to ignore that, now wasn't the time to think about such things.
What was important was that Akane actually could see her.
"Well, I finished a private matter of mine yesterday and gained a bit of soul strength back. As you can see I have an ethereal body now. Just like back in the days with her. But seriously, I really felt depressed to not have the sensation of touch at that time, but now that I experienced the feeling of not being able to move in the outside world I learned to appreciate things like this."
Chara smiled as she said that, but quickly changed her demeanor as she remembered that she omitted a certain fact.
"I don't count me possessing you at night. Being second in command of a body is a completely different feeling that having your own body!"
"Haha, congratulations. I am happy for your win."
Akane said very exhausted. She meant it, she was happy for Chara, but now her situation was kind of just...
"Oh right, that happened. You should lie down partner, I think your brain needs to do some rewiring, and that's why you are in such pain."
Akane nodded, her consciousness was already slipping again.
She felt happy, happy that she could see something without having to overstrain her eyes, but she still had the feeling that something was very wrong, that weird sense of dread that wasn't exactly dread.
It was as if she did something wrong with her own body, and now she felt pain because of that.
It was the feeling that a third party was harming you, but in truth it wasn't a third party, but yourself all along.
Akane felt extremely weird and conflicted, yet somewhere in there was a piece of happiness.
She smiled, she didn't know why, she just did.
Fumio woke up from her deep sleep, having a feeling in the gut that something is extremely wrong, she sat straight up in her bed, looking around her room to find the source of her unrest.
"Huh, what is going on, sweetheart? Why did you wake up? And why the hell do you look like you saw a ghost?"
Fumio looked at her wife that was sleeping beside her, the tanned beauty still had a lot of sleep in her eyes, she was happy seeing her like that, she looked very cute while she was sleeping.
Fumio shook her head after she was about to lose herself in her thoughts about her lover, something was still wrong.
"Darling, it's 8 in the morning?"
Rumi's rabbit ears shook a little as they heard that, before dropping down again.
"And what of it? Yes, I know it's early, but I don't understand what you want to say with that?"
Fumio turned her head and looked dead into her eyes, Rumi gulped, the feeling of unrest slowly creeped over to her.
"Then why the hell is our daughter not here, cleaning the room in her uniform?"
After she heard that she also sat straight up, fearing the worst.
"Right, she would never miss that, even if we tied her onto her bed she managed to escape her bindings to clean up the room."
She gulped once again and looked her wife into the eyes.
"Something must have happened to her."
"Yes, something happened."
With that said the two of them stood up from their bed and rushed into their daughters room as fast as it was possible in a house.
As they were right in front of her door they looked each other into the eyes, nodding at each other to confirm that they were really doing this. After they did that, they pushed the door handle down and opened the room of their daughter, hoping that she just had a day where she was especially tired and still peacefully sleeping in her bed.
They really hoped for it to be nothing, too bad that it was Akane we are talking about.
They found her lying on the edge of her bed, to be precise. The lower half of her body was kneeling on the floor, the upper half was lying on it.
Her face seemed flushed and her breath was irregular. Fumio grit her teeth, it just pained her heart seeing her daughter like this, she hated each second where Akane just looked so exhausted. Even if it happened on a regular basis it just was painful for her.
She slowly walked over to the bed and pressed her forehead on hers, nodding that her fear was right.
The girl had fever, a very high fever, the girl was basically boiling at this point.
Fumio wanted that Rumi would carry her to the hospital, but in that moment Akane woke up.
"Huh? Oh hey, mommy. What are you doing in my room?"
She said absentmindedly, she seemed to not notice what was going around her.
Suddenly she jolted up, seemingly panicking.
"It's 8:05! What happened? Why didn't I wake up at the usual time? I am going to be late for school if I don't hurry now."
Akane stood up, about to rush out of her room, but before she could leave Fumio caught her arm, stopping her from running.
"And where do you think you are going? My sweet, little daughter?"
Fumio said with a bit of a menacing tone, this time she wasn't going to let her daughter get away with this. Yes, if her daughter set something into her mind it was impossible to stop her, she was very willful, but this time she won't let her get away with this, for real this time.
"Huh? What do you..."
Akane was confused by the action of her mother for a moment, but before she could think more about it the strength left her legs and she could her a loud beep sound in her ears, she fell down towards the floor, without even realizing it.
"Got you, that was a close one."
Before she could hit the ground Rumi caught her right before impact.
The two adults nodded at each other, their daughter was sick, and they can't afford to let her get out this time.
"Akane, sweety. Are you sure that you want to go to school in this condition? You are seriously sick this time, you can't even stand properly. Can't you just rest for a bit? Do it for my sake, I am always dying from worry if I see you like this."
Rumi started to feel awkward as she saw her wife worry so heavily like this. She knew that she wasn't going to occupy the number one spot in her heart, even after they marry, but the love and care that was oozing out of her words still felt awkward, though she had to admit that if she had a daughter like Akane she would fawn over her in a similar matter.
To be honest, she did in fact fawn over her like that, she was also her daughter after all.
"Yeah, Fumio is right. You are always pushing yourself too hard, no matter how you look at it, don't you think it's a good idea to rest for once, doing nothing?"
Akane was still breathing heavily and her ears were ringing, but amidst all that pain she could still make the voices of her parents out. She looked at the two of them and bopped her head down once for each of them, giving her consent.
This time even she couldn't just flat out ignore the condition her body was in, so she agree in doing nothing, well she was doing her best in withstanding the pain, so it wasn't really nothing.
Well, the adults didn't know the condition Akane was in, the just thought that it was a normal cold, but at the end they felt happy that they could finally see their daughter rest.
Fumio still called a doctor, she wanted to make sure that Akane didn't catch something severe.
At school:
As always, Katsuki was about the last to arrive to class and as always he was going for a 'big' entrance.
He slammed the door open and started shouting the usual stuff.
"Hey Izuku! You, me one vs one, right now!"
Well, he was the usual trigger-happy boy.
But as he slowly realized the atmosphere in the room he slowly lost his 'burning' personality in the cold of this room.
Everyone was standing creepily around a certain seat in classroom.
"Seigi isn't here."
"Yeah, she kind of brightened the atmosphere whenever she is here."
"Her sleeping face is cute..."
Everyone standing there sighed. They couldn't help but feel attracted to the girls natural Charisma (read loveliness) and now that she wasn't here something was missing.
"What the hell? Why is everyone so gloomy, just because someone is missing, what the hell is wrong with you all?"
He sat down in his seat as he said that he didn't want to do anymore, he could feel that he is going to get slaughtered if he said anymore.
"Well, Bakugou is right that we shouldn't let that affect too much, but don't you all just have the feeling that something must be seriously wrong if a girl like her is absent?"
A spark went through everyone's head, before they turned another level of depressed.
The atmosphere couldn't be worse.