The Return

"That's three down," I muttered right as Mei Gui landed back on the ground, flaming spear in hand.

After we helped take down the second monster, everyone who still had energy left went to help with the third. Together, we made quick work of it, with Mei Gui dealing the finishing blow as usual. She pulled off an incredibly difficult move this time around, yet she made it seem so easy. First, she leapt up directly into the air and lunged towards the monster's heart, using the force of her entire body to push the cold steel through. Then, in an instant, she used the monster's shoulder as a foothold, and propelled herself off of it so that she fell to the ground on the other side, in the process retrieving the half-lodged spear inside the monster's body. 

All that happened in the blink of an eye. That was how fast she was.

Damn...Mei Gui's really strong, huh?