The Mage of Primordial Chaos

The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Fantasy632 Chapters4.6M Views
Author: Cyclxne
Table of Contents

Please check out my newest book, Xianxia Online!


From the moment Xuan Kai was born, he was fated to suffer. Devoid of any magical powers in a world where arcane power rules all, no one could protect him after his parents were assassinated. Betrayed by his friends, cheated on by his fiancee, and humiliated by his own family, no one would've blamed him if he ended his own life. However, he remembered his mother's final words as she passed him a stone pendant - "Live on." And as he held the rough rock in his hand, unbeknownst to himself, a never seen before magic element began waking in his body...

"If fate wants to make me suffer, I will defy fate itself. If destiny wants me to die, I'll kill destiny first. If the heavens want to crush me, I will stand up against even the heavens!"


Other novels: Endzone: Simulated Apocalypse/Xianxia Online/Ascension: Online/The Legendary Ghost Hunter


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The first arcs of this story have some illogical parts/interactions to it, which I apologize for. This is my first novel, so I wasn't that good at the time. However, if you keep reading beyond (chapter 80-100+) I guarantee you will not regret it.


Note: The background image isn't mine. DM me on Discord for removal.


106 Reviews
Translation Quality
Stability of Updates
Story Development
Character Design
World Background
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It's been more than 5 months since I first started writing this series, so I thought I would come back to leave another review. For new readers of this series, please read this review FIRST, before picking up the novel. I will be listing some of the pros and cons of this novel here, and since everyone has different tastes, this novel is obviously not going to be for the entire population of Webnovel. Please don't complain about things later on in the story if I already clearly listed them here. So, without any further ado, I will start with the cons first, then talk about the good points later. CONS: - Harem. This is based on personal preference, so I won't say too much. Some people may find harem a pro of this novel, others may consider it a con. - Boring early chapters. The early chapters (roughly chapters 1-10) of this novel are quite boring since characters are just getting introduced and our MC doesn't have any powers at all. After he awakens his powers though, that's when the fun truly starts. - Cliches. Like any other story, there are some cliches within this one as well. For example, OP MC beats the guys who think he is weak, and he gets all the cute girls. HOWEVER, I've tried my best to keep cliches to a minimal, especially after the early chapters. Please focus on the plot development of the story instead of the slight cliches here and there. Also, keep in mind - cliches are cliches for a reason. - Chinese factors. In my opinion, most of my readers shouldn't be too concerned about the Chinese names (in Pingyin, not actual Chinese characters) proverbs, and traditions incorporated within this story, but nevertheless, I thought I would include this in the cons of this novel. If you have a problem with Chinese names or culture, I won't judge. Keep in mind everything is still written in pronunciable English, so no need to worry about not being able to understand what I'm writing. - Weak MC at first. In the beginning, the MC is powerless and has a weak will as well. He is constantly thinking of just giving up, and therefore is dragged/pushed around by others a lot in the beginning. He will slowly develop as he gains his power though - it is a weak-to-strong novel, after all. PROS: - World-building. This novel has a unique system, whether it's the 21 elements or casting process. It's like a mixture of Eastern Cultivation Fantasy and Western Magic. I could give more examples, but I suggest just reading the novel itself instead. Also, the world it is set in is more or less similar to the world we know. Thus, it should be easy for you to visualize scenary and such. - Writing Quality. There are little to no grammar, spelling, and/or capitalization mistakes within this novel. While English isn't my first language, I do use a grammar checker tool when I write, so there shouldn't be any major problems. - Harem. As said earlier, this can be a con for some people; it depends on preference, really. - Plot development. While the early chapters are slightly boring since MC doesn't have any powers (yet), after around Chapter 11 or so the story begins getting steadily better from there. Please read until then to decide whether ot not this story is worth it to keep reading. - Characters. Each of my main characters unique, and have different personalities. Some even experience slight personality changes throughout the story, as a major event happens (Volume 3, cough). Character development is also steadily happening, especially for the MC. - Mysterious. While this story is written in first-person (MC's perspective most of the time), not everything is directly laid bare (MC's thoughts, etc). There are both mysterious/unknown aspects regarding MC's abilities and the world itself that are hinted at but won't be revealed until the time is right. If you like imagining and guessing at what those mysteries might be, this novel's - or rather, my writing style may suit you. - Stability of Updates. Currently releasing 1 chapter daily, despite being busy with school. Wow, I wrote a lot. Sorry to all of you who're just trying to begin reading. I just thought it was necessary to list the pros and cons of the novel here so that readers know some basic aspects of what they will be reading. I hope I wasn't just doing something extra. Anyway, even if there are some points in here you dislike, I'd suggest still giving the story a try. Who knows? Perhaps the good will outweigh the bad. And if it does, well - make sure to smash that vote button with a sledgehammer and add this novel to your collection. That's all from me for now. - Cyclxne

4 years ago

Some other novels by me to try out: - Endzone: Simulated Apocalypse (if you like apocalypse style, survival game, system novels that give a fresh twist to things with a unique protagonist not found anywhere else c:) - The Legendary Ghost Hunter (if you like urban fantasy, paranormal, action, gory, and revenge-type tragedy stories with a calculating, smart, and antihero MC) - Ascension: Online (if you like VRMMORPGs and yanderes :D) All great reads, so go ahead and give them a shot if you have some spare time on your hands. ;)

3 years ago

This Shit Bussin.

4 years ago

I am so used with fantasy novels being to hard to process at first. This one I can read like it to release me from stress. The writing is superb and ******* build up was great. There is definitely something suspicious going around here. This story is very gripping!! 5 stars ✨

4 years ago

It is a really good story with great potential and written well too. The one things that stands out is the MC's personality. Even with a bit of dark side, he still has basic human feelings and very mature for his age because of his life experiences. I didnt find any grammar errors but with a bit editing and fine tuning of the plot line, it has all the ingredients to be popular. All the best

4 years ago


4 years ago

I loved the first chapter and in order to fill this thing idbdjdbejekendjudjdfkdndndkdndndikdndkdnndndndndndndnddnkdndkdndkddkdkdkdndndndn don’t have to read the thing

4 years ago

Hmmm. So only 3 negative reviews, all appearing at the same time period the author went inactive. I smell an author deleting all the negative reviews.

a year ago

really cant handle the beginning of the novel. it would be a miracle if the author writing capabilities suddenly improves in the next chapters

3 years ago

I couldn’t even get past the 8th chapter. Everything so far was just the MC degrading himself and getting bullied by others. I know the author said that the early chapters were boring but they were actually atrocious.

2 years ago

I honestly love this series, everything about it is amazing. It is currently my favorite novel on this site, and I can’t wait to see where this novel goes towards the future.

3 years ago

Honestly, it would be better if the novel was 3rd POV. I'm not saying the 1st POV was bad, it i just that it would feel more comfortable and more enjoyable if it was 3rd POV. Your story is good, i hope you don't stop and keep the good work. Only slight mistakes but the 1st person perspective is really not for me. I don't know, last time, i was fine with it, but now... Nevertheless, i will continue reading your story for the sake of harem and romance and some overpowered shits LOL!

3 years ago

author is clearly deleting bad reviews from his novel

a year ago

pretty much cliche and one of better thing is mc still having brain even being beta You can read this but little forced As writing style is tad bit boring focusing on side elements too much But quite a nice try

2 years ago

The story itself is great, the idea behind the story isn't unique but it's still entertaining. if you didn't read many novels you could find this novel great, but if you have some experience you will notice a few problems. The author use 1st point of view in his story which is quite uncommon and worthy of praise but this is also the main problem of the story. There were few time in which a sentence written in 3rd pov (which doesn't supposed to appear in a 1st pov story) and suddenly transition to 1st pov. another thing to note is that the author has great ideas and nice mentality but it's hard to bring them into the story without sounding cringey or stupid coming from the mc himself. All in all, the story is great but the writing quality bring it down a notch and denying it's true potential, if you don't mind such stuff then it a great read.

3 years ago