Unwilling Treachery

We continued venturing deeper in Exurtra Labs. We passed the clean, white, halls, arrived at the massive robotic head, and kept going. And then - we stopped at the massive door, the deepest part we've explored yet. Beyond this door, none of us knew what lay there. However...one thing was for sure. There was a strange unsettling feeling in my heart.

Since we came here last time...that scientist really didn't implement any cameras or automated defenses to protect this place from us? Even if the scientist is a mad man who cares only about his own research, I'd expect his business partner, that Holy Emperor woman, to think with a straight head.

There were only two explanations here - one, they were really that stupid. In which case, that would be good for us. But the other...would be if this was a trap, and they wanted us to come here today. If that's the case...not so good.

The girls noticed the worry on my face, and asked worriedly.