Ice and Void

(Yu An Xue's Perspective)

When I stepped onto the stage, my opponent, an Ethereal named Sathona. did the same. Although she was wrapped tightly by her clothes all around her body, long bandages covering her mouth and forehead while only leaving her eyes out, I could still tell she was a girl from the traces of hair on either side of her face. It was light blue, similar to Lan Xiao Su's.

I took out my blade, Frozen Fear. I haven't been using actual spells too much lately, since I have this. For the purpose of this battle, it seems I will be mainly using this blade as well, given how my opponent was an Ethereal. Undoubtedly, she would try to either drag me into the Void with her, or go for surprise attacks on me from all angles. Either way, Frozen Fear would be my best bet.