Haria Village

Several hours later, we found ourselves staring at the wooden gates of a village, guarded by watchtowers on either sides and surrounded by a spiky wooden fence. It was very old-fashioned and these defenses would barely do anything in this world of magic, but it is what it is.

By now, the sun had set, but there was one strange thing about the area. It was shrouded in a dense coat of fog… despite there being no build-up on the way up here. It was very sudden, but everyone was tired enough to fall asleep on the spot and couldn't be bothered to notice. The excitement of finally arriving at their destination did little to cheer them up.

It was just for a brief moment too, as right after stepping into the fog, it dissipated as if it hadn't been there at all. The girls on my team and I noticed this, and by the looks of it, Long Yi did as well. Everyone else, however…