"Your Fly is Open"

(Yu An Xue's Perspective)

When I returned to the real world, Sathona was already there. She then, to my surprise, bowed down.

"I have lost. I surrender."

With these brisk words, she walked off the stage.

Master Violet… thank you.

"By forfeit, the winner is Yu An Xue!" the announcer declared as I turned around and began heading back as well.

The audience cheered for me — in their eyes, I had beaten Sathona at her own game, after being dragged into the Void. Unfortunately… that was not the case. Violet had definitely told her to just surrender to me.

I felt unsatisfied, but a win was a win. According to Xuan Kai… in a battle, the process didn't matter. Only the results.


(Xuan Kai's Perspective)