The Return of an Old Friend

"I… somewhat understand your way of thinking now," Long Lu said at last after some careful consideration. "However, while I am okay with doing things your way, the rest of the class…"

"I leave that up to you," I replied, chuckling. "I'm not very good at being a leader, so you will have to take on that role for me and assemble the class together. Convincing them will be left to you as well. As long as you can do that, we will be able to succeed in this exam."

"That's a pretty difficult thing to ask, but… I'll try," Long Lu sighed. "Which class are you thinking of teaming up with?"

I smiled. "Haven't decided yet. Before anything else… I need to do some research over the weekend."

"I see. What's your phone number?" He asked, pulling out his cellphone. "I'll add you for quick communication."