Broken City

 After the call, I headed for the Coastal Metropolis. I wasn't in too much of a hurry to meet the girls, or rather, anyone, really. My mind still wasn't completely calm, and my head was still filled with thoughts of Song Qian Long's final moments. 

After a long walk, I finally arrived at the mall. The front side of it was still completely burnt, so I circled around to the back. The guards were no longer there, as expected. People were also beginning to pile out of the mall, eager to get back to their homes...that is, if they hadn't been destroyed.

I was the only person to attempt to enter the mall at this time - everyone else was trying to leave. I squeezed myself past the crowd, and began heading for the Sleepless Starlight.

As soon as I arrived, I spotted the girls waiting at the entrance. Qing Yue was the first to notice me, and quickly leapt off the bench she had been sitting on, running over to me.