Twin Sisters

Hearing my name and the voice who said it, I immediately tensed up.

It can't be…

Slowly, I stood up and walked closer to the door.

"… Who are you?"

"Ara ara~ playing dumb now, are we? How irresponsible of you, to leave an imprint on my body then suddenly disappear off to another realm. I'm dead set on having you take responsibility for me for the rest of my life, y'know~"

Hearing this, I immediately opened the door and pulled the girl inside before slamming the door shut again and pinning her against the wall.

"… Don't say it like that. I don't want any rumors spreading about me — I had enough of that back in high school."

"Fufu~ it's true though, isn't it?" The beautiful girl mere inches away from my face raised an eyebrow and laughed softly. "You left an imprint on my body… then ended up here, in the Death Realm. Somewhat irresponsible, don't you think~?"