Empyrean's Message

After nearly ten minutes of walking down the stairs, we still could not see the bottom. It was insane just how long this staircase was, and by this point, I was starting to have doubts about whether or not we had fallen into an infinite loop trap. But upon closer inspection. I noticed that the cracks on the walls were different, so this wasn't a loop at all and just a legitimately extremely long stairway.

"… Is whatever power down there really worth walking all the way down this stairway?" I joked to lighten the mood, but really, all of us were too tired to even respond. But then, suddenly-

"… Master, Lorelei senses something."

Hm…? Really?

"Yes. You are getting closer. But the presence appears to be quite powerful, so be careful."

I see…

And if the Archpriest is truly who I think it is, then…