Hex Knowledge

An instructional day at Counterhex Academy contained four periods, each lasting an hour and a half (90 minutes) in length. School began in the morning at 8:30 AM, followed by period 1 and 2, then came lunchtime at 11:40 AM (5 minutes of travel time between each item on the schedule). Lunch was an hour exactly, bringing us to 12:40 PM, and period 3 started at 12:45. Finally, Period 4 began at 2:20 PM, and ended at 3:50. 

Apart from those times, there were barely any limitations related to time in the academy. There was no curfew, and surprisingly enough, many of the recreation facilities at the school are in fact open 24/7, even past midnight. Of course, there was a strike system in place, where if you're late to class three times, you'll receive a formal warning, and once you receive three warnings, you're expelled, so it's not like people could just skip class and still enjoy the recreation facilities.