Plan B

In this universe, there was only one entity—one single entity—that could combat the power of Chaos. That was the rule, the law of the cosmos, unable to be broken by anyone nor anything.

That entity was Order.

Chaos and Order—both shared many of the same properties. They were both primordial, they both existed during the time before time, and together, they were the two founding pillars of the universe that ultimately grouped everything else together like magnets. One was positive, one was negative, like opposite electrical charges part of the same atom.

Chaos was wrathful, restless, and longed for change. On the contrary, Order was rigid, confined, and longed for eternity. Neither was better than the other. Both were needed in a fine balance to create the perfect universe. But unfortunately, as much as that was true, these two primordial entities were sentient—they had minds of their own.