Exam Already?!

As Ms. Cai, our sleepy homeroom teacher, glanced around the classroom, she was met with twenty-five pairs of awkward gazes.

"Okay… I'll take that as a no… so I'll continue…"

"W-Wait," a guy sitting near the front couldn't hold it back anymore. "Er… Ms. Cai, are you… sleep-deprived, perhaps?"

Well, that was blunt. Though I don't see a better way of putting it, if I'm being honest.

"Huh…? No… it's this technique I cultivate… but you wouldn't get it…"

"A-Ah, I see," the student replied before instantly cowering away.

"Are there any more questions…?" She glanced around once more, as if exhausted and slightly annoyed, even.

No one spoke up this time, so Ms. Cai continued.