
Zooming through the rough terrains of the Arabian Desert was a Komatsu model Light Armored Vehicle, painted the same color as the sands to reduce their visibility. The flags of Japan waved by the vehicle's rearview mirrors as it's crew were mere meters away from their destination: the encampment of Baltazar, a small time terrorist group that made a name for itself in recent years for the numerous trouble they've caused to US bases stationed in the country.

It was a simple recon mission, get in, gather info, get out. Quite simple for a name as grandiose as "Operation Sandman", but hey, at least it makes the soldiers feel important. Stationed on the hills overlooking the enemy base, Kaito Hatori, a young, 24 year old soldier sent from Japan's self defense force took out his binoculars, trying to get as much info out of the terrorists as possible. Sadly, with the harsh sun and scorching heat, everything looked blurry from his distance.

"Hey, Hatori-san, you see anything?" Asked Rumiko, another Japanese soldier who was only about 2 years older than the former.

"Well, aside from sand, rocks and small blurry patches of what I can only assume are tents, nothing." Replied Kaito, wiping the sweat off his face, "Seriously, this heat is killing me!"

"You can say that again." Replied Rumiko, "I miss the cool rivers and crisp air back in Kyoto, what did we do to deserve this?"

"I don't blame you." Said a third person, walking in on the two's conversation, "Of all the people the JSDF could have sent to assist the UN and they chose us! But look at it this way, at least we are doing this for the sake of a better, more peaceful world."

"Sergeant!" The two exclaimed, startled by his sudden intrusion.

"Come on now, if we can't get a good sight on them from here, we have to get closer." Said Watari, their sergeant.

"R-Right away!" The two replied almost in sync, as they followed their sergeant back to the Komatsu LAV.

Back in the vehicle, the three met up with the rest of their crew. Sitting next to Kaito was Fuyumi, a girl the man knew since highschool and the crew's medic.

"Back from recon, Kaito-kun?" Asked the girl, "How did it go? Kaito?"

"~Ah cool air, how papa missed you~" Sighed Kaito, sinking into his seat as he leaned right next to the AC.

"What's wrong with him?" Asked Fuyumi.

"Don't bother." Teased Yuuto, the squad's weapon's expert, "Being a former neet, it's only natural that he can't stand outdoors."

"Speak for yourself." Mumbled Kaito, chugging his water canteen, "I bet you wouldn't last half as long as me in this heat."

"Come on guys, don't start arguing now, stay serious and keep your eyes peeled, danger can be lurking around any corner here." Said Rumiko, looking back at them from the driver seat.

"We know!" The two said in unison.

As they got a little closer to enemy territory, Fuyumi decided to ease up the tension by making conversation.

"So, what do you plan on doing after service?" Asked Fuyumi.

"After service?" Asked Kaito, "I... never really thought of that."

"Let me guess." Said Yuuto, "Go back to watching anime and playing MMOs?"

"Yuuto!" Exclaimed Kaito.

"It's the truth." Said Yuuto.

"Oh come on! That's ridiculous! I've long shed that "Neet Cocoon" of mine!" exclaimed Kaito.

"Tell that to your phone's background pic." Replied Yuuto with a smirk.

"W-W-Wait, you saw it!?" Kaito exclaimed, panicked.

"Personally, I think Doki Doki Nekos III was the better game, but I guess it's only natural for lolicons to prefer the second one." Yuuto continued.

"Y-You got to understand! I had that phone since highschool! It stuck with me for so long, I simple forgot about the background pic! You know?" Kaito rebutted, not wanting to embarrass himself in front of his whole squad.

Just then, Watari scotted closer to him. Hoping he'd break the tension with his mature attitude, Kaito sighed in relief. Just then, the sergeant whispered something into his ear.

"Don't worry kid, you're not the only one with a thing for younger women." He whispered, "Your secret's safe with me.

With that, Kaito sunk back into his seat, crying in shame as he was now lumped together with someone nearly 10 years older than him.

"Alright, looks like we'll be arriving soon!" Said Rumiko, "Get rea-"


An loud blast cut her off, as everyone was flung into the air, crashing against the walls of the vehicle.

"A landmine..." Speculated Kaito, "They set a trap for us!"

Those were the last thoughts that crossed the young soldiers mind, as the explosion sent the vehicle tumbling down the rocky hills. The small military squadron was never heard from again. There, in the middle of a foreign country far from home, the crew rested in their sandy tomb... or so they thought.


Waking up after what felt like hours, Kaito picked himself off the floor. The ground felt mushy and cold. Reaching his hand out, he managed to grab onto something, a tree branch. Using it, he slowly picked himself off the floor, standing back on his two feet. Looking around, the young soldier couldn't find his squad anywhere. He must have gotten separated. This idea sent a jolt of panic down his hazy mind.

What was he gonna do? He was alone, in the middle of nowhere, in unfamiliar territory with nothing to guide him except for...


Looking around, he found himself in some kind of forest. The grass below him looked fresh and lively, and the floliage was dense and green.

"Wasn't I in a desert just a few hours back?" he thought to himself, "Where the hell am I?"