Chapter 11 - Night 10 & Night 11

I slept until the right time! I can see the sunset, radiant as always~ It's a good evening. Thanks to all of my Clansmen's hard work last night and the one before, there's no more problems in the Lost Kingdom and I can relax. The complex ecosystem is at peace. Actually, I need to go Fishing so I can't relax too much. That's not a big deal though, I'm the freaking Fish Mongerer, bro. I got this.

Goblin Chief noticed me getting up, and began the daily tradition. We missed our meet and feast yesterday so we've got to catch up. I already briefly summarized what we did to save the ecosystem late last night, but he really didn't seem to care. He's currently starting up the fire, while I'm grabbing the soggy old lab coat. It's Fish on the menu, as always. I wonder if everyone else gets sick of Fish? I'm having a jolly good time. I say everyone else, but I really only mean 3 Goblins. I haven't made any other friends aside from these 3 Goblins.

One might count Lily the Loli as my friend, but I'd prefer not to. Besides, the last time we met... I blatantly lied to her about coming back and never did. I ghosted her hard. I didn't even read the messages. It was a one night stand. We broke up. There was something about her dad being seriously twisted, and I had to go. Mr Scarecrow understands. He gets it because he was there, watching it all go down from within my Lantern. They were too much for us, and we needed to make a tactical retreat. Thinking back on it, I'm glad that I did. I feel like I may have very well died if I stayed in that Temple another night. Mr Scarecrow probably wouldn't be too pleased to be released in that Temple, either.

Nowadays, with my AGI being so high... I could probably escape Lily the Loli if I really needed to. No doubt, it would cost a lot of Candy. I don't think it would be impossible though. My Broom is fast if I spend MP. I'd need to escape from her sight and lose her, fast. If it was a chase of attrition, I would probably lose. She just jumps to move fast, so it probably only costs SP. I distinctly remember chasing her around Orpia for over an hour, so I don't think I could beat her in terms of longevity without an insane amount of Candy.

Currently, I only have 2 and a half buckets, so I need to be careful. I should aim to have at least 5 before I start making moves again. The only way to gain that Candy is to wait though. So, I guess I'll just suck it up for now and go Fishing~ I'm currently eating with the crew. Turns out, the Village Chief wasn't not interested in the story, he was just tired. So, I had to re-explain it to him. Now that both of his guards are also present and awake, they're listening in as well. Gather round, for this travelling Cats tales of woe and bravery!

While I recounted my story of saving the ecosystem rather dramatically, White Wolf Lady and Mr Scarecrow took it upon themselves to exit my Lantern and re-enact their battle live for my audience of 3 Goblins. While they did so, some Goblins in the nearby houses began to watch as well. What can ya do? I continued on with my story, inspiring any and all who heard and were capable of viewing my Clansmen. Towards the finale, I had to fly into the air on my Broom to show the audience how I outmaneuvered the White Wolf and summoned my Crows to handle the rest while luring it back around only to face my Scarecrow yet again.

After that part, when the White Wolf seemed to be near its end; I knelt down, and asked it to join my cause and fight as one of my Clansmen. At this point, White Wolf Lady accepted my offer and used [Return to Halloween] in order to show the effect of the orange glowing light. This scene in particular, brought the Goblinas to tears. A standing ovation~ Later on, after most of the Goblins had separated and returned back to their homes; I specified how it actually ended to the Village Chief and his guards. The low down. I genuinely did sign a contract of sorts with White Wolf Lady, but it didn't actually happen right then and there on the battlefield. That was the part which I couldn't necessarily act out, so yeah.

After I finished explaining everything, the Goblin Chief told me that his scouts had confirmed that all of the monsters had returned back to their original locations earlier today. So, it's all over. I don't need to go tormenting any more monsters for the time being. I'm honestly kind of worried about how much easier it will be for Human caravans to reach the Beastkin Kingdom, now that the bandit camp has been destroyed; but it couldn't be helped. Now that I think about it, there was a lot of cargo over there. Maybe I can try and bring some of it back? It was mostly all destroyed due to our battle, but maybe there's something salvageable? I've long since finished eating my Fish, so I'll go check it out before anyone notices that the bandits died. It'd be a shame if the Human Kingdom were able to regain that stolen cargo and could reap a profit large enough to help bring about the inevitable war against the Demon Kingdom. Yosh! This is serious! Fishing can wait! I'll do that after!

Informing the Village Chief that I'm going to go try and get some stuff from the now deserted bandit camp, I set off. I didn't think I would need Candy this time, so I left it back at the hut. I'll need my hands to carry things, after all. If we run into trouble, we'll just avoid it. It's as easy as that. I can see at night, can't you? It took me around 40 minutes to leisurely fly to the bandit camp. On my way, I was able to see that medley of Bears, Rabbits, Foxes, Butterflies, Caterpillars, and Deer. They seem to be just as active as they were the last time. Yup. It's all fine even if it looks chaotic, because those races have high enough birth rates to support it.

It's a wonder why there aren't any clear Tier 4 monsters among them. Maybe Humans also carry out subjugations in the Lost Kingdom to help and keep this never ending cycle of fighting amidst Tier 1 to 3 monsters? Well, there might actually be a Tier 4 Monster hidden beneath the Rabbit Holes, or the Caterpillar hive. The Foxes might also have an underground dwelling. Maybe having the Tier 4 Monsters remain underground lessens the impact of their haki, causing the surface monsters to not care as much? I think I should investigate it some time, but I would probably be forced to wreck the ecosystem just to gain entry into those areas. It's no use.

Arriving at the bandit camp, there is indeed a lot of stuff here. I see a lot of cloth presumably for making clothes, arrows, swords, and even some valuables made of silver and gold. After a while of searching, I finally found a chest containing the bandit leader's actual Coins. There are very few Gold Coins, but a lot of Silver! I'm taking this chest back with me, for sure. I can fit some additional valuables in it, so I started to gather other items made of Silver and Gold. There aren't many, but there are a few. Among them, there were some cups, and rings. I tried wearing the rings, but I didn't gain any stats. I found one golden necklace in particular that I liked. I think it has an Emerald embedded into it. It's a green gem and quite eye-catching.

Stuffing all of the sparklies into the chest and putting the necklace on underneath my scarf, I checked my status to find that it gave me an additional 8 INT. Neat. It's my first piece of equipment aside from my Lantern that gives INT. Because of my INT increasing, my MP also increased. My new maximum is 220 MP. Like this, I'll now only need to reach level 24 to gain access to [Wailing Keep]. Nice.

Returning to the Village with a huge chest about the size of my body in hand has proved quite troublesome. I can exert a massive amount of MP to push my Broom to the limits and carry it quickly, or I can have Mr Scarecrow carry it and suffer returning to the Village at a rate much slower than normal. My answer was to try carrying it myself in bursts, and then summon Mr Scarecrow to carry it while I recover my MP by natural means. I'm trying to go easy on Candy, okay? With this method, it still took about an hour and a half to return to Goblin Village, but I'm not complaining.

We've secured untold fortune incomparable to what the Goblin Village had just 3 hours ago. Just 3 hours ago, you couldn't find a scrap of Silver within 1km of this Village. Now? Yo, I got Crows shooting Coins at Slimes for fun just 100ft away from the outskirts of it. Okay, I'm exaggerating. At most, it's probably 700 silver and 8 gold coins. It's still an incomparable amount to the previous 0 Coins here though. I honestly don't think I have a right to be proud about it, considering the fact that the Wolves were originally the ones to defeat the bandits. Wolves simply don't care for Silver, though. Haaah~ I'm just happy about it, is all!

We can afford to do stuff now! I don't actually know what to spend it on though because who's going to do business with Goblins? Hrm... Yeah, it might have been a waste to gain the Silver. Oh well, I secured it inside of the Goblin Chiefs hut and the Humans can't have it. I'm now going to go Fishing in the nearby River. Yosh! We need food! Nowadays, I casually feed the residents of our hut. Well, Samurai Punk and Devil Clown don't actually sleep in the hut, but they still live right beside it. So, I feed them too. It's a mutually beneficial existence. They keep me safe while I sleep with their haki, and I keep them well fed on ill-preserved Fish. Produce? No, we don't get those up here. Take some Fish. Have a seat, over there. I say that, but I'm pretty sure that most Goblins eat a berry growing in shrubs nearby.

While Fishing, I realized that I didn't want to stuff Fish into my fur coat, so I stabbed them all onto a large stick like they were kebabs. By the time it was dawn, I had caught 18 fish. 14 were common, 3 were pink, and 1 was special. I had never witnessed its kind before. It was far larger than the rest, but it just looked like a giant Goldfish. Yeah. When I killed it, I actually leveled up. I think it was a monster, but it must have been pretty weak for me to kill it without the help of any Clansmen. I say it's far larger, but it's no larger than 40cm.

Returning to the Goblin Village, my friends are all asleep except for Devil Clown. He's awake. I decided to munch on one of the Fish raw before storing the remainder of the Fish into the old lab coat. It does taste good, but I think I prefer them cooked nowadays. I made sure to use [Daily Candy], and added one new bucket to my collection. I have 3 and a half now. Goodnight~


Waking up, I see the sunset peeking out from the door of the hut. What a fine evening. Now that I have food under control and the ecosystem is back to normal, I can begin making new clothes again! I have a maximum of 300 MP now, so I can afford to aim for higher than level 5 clothes. I'm thinking about aiming for level 15 clothes, but thinking back to when I was making level 5 clothes, I had 100 MP. Under that frame of mind, I should be aiming at level 15 clothes now, correct? No. You see, last time; I gained a ridiculous number of duds. Because of that, I was forced to stay at the hut for two whole days to get mostly level 5 clothes. Actually, last time I wound up giving in and spending some Candy to get it over with faster.

This time, it would be better to plan accordingly for duds. I'll aim for level 10 clothes, so that I can create more clothes more often to help combat the sheer vast majority being duds. I still might need to spend some Candy to speed up the process, but I don't want to spend so much Candy that I feel unsafe. My goal is to amass Candy, after all.

Oh... Why don't I try using the Silver to purchase Candy? I should try bringing a portion of it with me to the Beastkin Kingdom when I finally set back out on that journey of mine. They might have Candy. I dont have the nerve to face the Human Kingdom yet. I have a cover story now, but I'd rather not use it if possible. There's always the chance that people can have lie detection abilities. Oh god... That would be quite a frightening ability to have paired with [Appraisal]. Maybe if I go to the Forest of Witches, then I can learn how to learn magical spells?

If there's an entire territory filled with people holding similar classes to my own, it's not out of the question for me to be able to potentially learn some things from them. I wonder if someone leads the Forest of Witches? I already know there's a twisted Queen leading the Forest of Fae. But what of the Witches? I wonder how many women there are leading this world. I'd like to hope that the people ruling these territories and kingdoms are kind, but the tactics evoked by the Forest of Fae Queen to keep invaders or explorers out are terrifying. There's too much horror going on under the Demon Kingdom's Capital for me to expect much goodwill from whoever's leading them. Thankfully, the Beastkin Kingdom is known to have several races of Beastkin; so it might just turn out to be the most welcoming Kingdom that I come across. Even so, if it's welcoming to me but not to others... What's the point?

So far, I have a bleak outlook on the rulers of this continent but I'd like to think that there might be some decent among them. To be fair, I haven't heard of anything related to any of the rulers aside from the Fae Forests Queen. That's only because she's been alive for a very long time, and because that territory is directly connected to the Lost Kingdom. I think that there was some kind of union between the Forest of Fae and the Lost Kingdom which was originally dubbed Monster Kingdom. Now that I think about it, if there were other races among the Monster Kingdom which are now missing; they might just be currently protected by the Queen of the Fae.

Just because she uses brutal tactics to keep everyone out of her Forest, it doesn't mean that she has bad reasoning to do so. Perhaps the monsters in the Forest are incredibly weak and can't handle being messed with by the outside world. I honestly feel the same way about many of the monsters in the Lost Kingdom though, so it'd be nice if she opened the gates for us at least. Let me in! It's unfair that the Lost Kingdom is smack dab in the center of 8 different territories.

No matter how I look at it, things would feel a lot more fair if the Forest of the Fae switched spots with us on the map. If there was a thorny mess of forest guarded by an ancient Queen in the middle of the continent instead of this messy animal pl*net kingdom, then none of the other territories would risk marching across this section of the continent. Honestly, wars themselves would probably cease to exist on this continent altogether. This all happened because the weakest Kingdom was somehow chosen to sit in the middle of everything. It's SO unfair!

Thinking about such things as I sat down and ate fish with the Goblin Chief while creating clothes using [Disguise], I started to notice some repeating designs among the clothes. I could have sworn that I created the same dress awhile ago. This other shirt looks the exact same as another that one I had previously worn, however it has a different color. It's almost like everything created with [Disguise] all hails from one extremely broad clothing brand. A clothing brand that even creates costumes. Maybe that's it? These are all items that you could obtain as parts to Halloween costumes? Oh. Yesh, it's all starting to make sense meow…

I wonder if I'll find the remaining original pieces to the costumes that my pals are wearing? Will they realize it if they see them? Village Chief definitely was able to piece together a working costume. He's a farmer now. Goblin Village Wheat Farmer Sama. He doesn't always act like one, but when he gets serious; he busts that role-play out hard. I look like a child pimp currently, but I guess that will change soon. Sigh~

We lazed around all night while I made new clothes. Nothing crazy happened, but White Wolf Lady joined us at some point through the night and added some new things to talk about. With details of what life is like on the northern side of the Lost Kingdom, I learned some new things. The Foxes definitely have a den, the Wolves sometimes raid it. Also, once every few years there's a party of Humans who travel through the northern Lost Kingdom to attempt at overtaking the Dragon Mountains. White Wolf Lady is apparently 45 years old.

She has witnessed almost half a dozen Human parties attempt to take on those Mountains and only ever witnessed one Human return. That one Human was said to have brown hair and green eyes. He was young but he carried a two handed Hammer, and seemed quite beat up when he had returned. That was 8 years ago. He never attempted to take the Dragon Mountains again, so he probably learned his lesson. Even so, to escape when a dozens of others didn't... He must have had quite the story to tell. I think I'll hold off on attempting to 'take the Dragon Mountains' any time soon, thanks~

I remembered to ask her about whether or not she originally had HP, SP, and FP. She replied that she still currently does. However, it has been frozen and seems to be unaffected by everyday living; and is even mixed up with her HP in a strange way. It seems that rather than being consumed, those 3 types are being drawn simply by MP. Yep. I have effectively temporarily solved starvation and fatigue for my 4 Clansmen. After solidifying that answer, I decided to call forth Mr Scarecrow and my Crows to ask them where they hailed from. If possible, I would like to find their brethren. If any.

My Crows seemed to want to lead the way immediately, but because Mr Scarecrow could actually speak... I asked them to wait until I heard about his story first. He had been living in the Beastkin Kingdom, working at a farm as a slave monster until escaping to the Lost Kingdom and heading to the Prairies south of here. He was only a Tier 2 Scarecrow when he arrived in the Monster Kingdom, but managed to Evolve off of the sheer quantity of Slime monsters in the Prairies. Thus, was how he came to gain the [Prairie Horror] title. Really now. The reproductive rate on the Prairie Slime monsters might be too much.

Mr Scarecrow rose from Tier 2 to Tier 4 off of Slime monsters. Why are none of the Goblins suddenly reaching Tier 4 off of Slime monsters?! Hello?! The Slime monsters are just sitting there, waiting to be massacred! All they do is eat Prairie grass and hop around a whole lot all day, every day! They never Evolve because they never do anything except reproduce and eat. They're just like the Snakes except they actually aren't being forced into the ecosystem, whatsoever. The Slimes are literally cheap prey, and nothing more. The Goblins who rose to Tier 2 all had one thing in common. When they were growing up, they spent their time playing that brutal Slime tag game while gathering straw. What made them choose to stop killing Slimes when they evolved?! Did they suddenly grow consciences?!

I'm getting frustrated. Why is it that I'm the only one here who seems to have made any considerable thought towards the future in this Kingdom? Those Slimes are going to reproduce to astronomical numbers not containable by the quickly growing Prairie field grass. There's no doubt. Even after Mr Scarecrow was off, probably massacring hundreds, now that I'm currently looking at those fields; there are still a lot of Slimes. I could easily drown in Slime ten times over if I went down there. Why don't the Slimes ever Evolve? I guess if they can still afford to eat grass, then why eat each other or other monsters? If I could capture them as Clansmen, I would be unstoppable. Taking a closer look, I can't.

Okay. Now, I'm following the Crows to see where they hailed from. Mr Scarecrow was enslaved in the Beastkin Kingdom, so there's no telling just how many Scarecrow monsters there even are in the Beastkin Kingdom. For now, I'll focus on the Crows. I honestly don't have a lot of MP right now because I was making clothes before this, so we're travelling slowly to help me regenerate MP. It's kind of a cheat that I can enhance my regeneration rate by sitting on my mount. I once again raise the evaluation of my skills when choosing my starter abilities. It was worth annoying Hunky Beefcake by taking my time to pick my abilities properly.

It feels like a lot of time has passed since reincarnating into this messy Kingdom, but it probably hasn't even been two weeks. Time sure flies when you're desperately trying to gain a modicum feeling of safety after having been thrown into a game-like world where death seems to be more common than not. I've made several friends now if you count my Clansmen, and I do. Thanks. White Wolf Lady may be new to my crew, but she's warming up to me. Her and the Goblin Chief also seem to hit it off. I think he might be flirting with her though. I also think he might be a little too old for her, but I'm not judging. It can't be easy to find a lady in these trying times. I have a feeling that she's a battle junkie who won't be with a man who can't stay on even grounds with her in battle though. It's just a feeling, so I might be wrong. Goblin Chief is sadly only a Tier 3 Goblin. Even with decades of experience on his hands, he probably can't stand a match against the Tier 4 Werewolf.

Thinking about trivial things like such, the Crows finally stopped. Looking at my surroundings, I'm in the swamp lands towards the south of the Prairies. There are numerous rotting trees all around, and it seems as if the Crows usually stay around here. In my vision, I see over a dozen Crows. This is turning out to be a juicy opportunity. Casting my Barrier, I also call out my other Clansmen. I don't have a lot of Candy on me at the moment, as I only brought 1 bucket just in case. The night is still only about halfway finished, and my MP has fully regenerated on the way here. It's difficult for me to count all of the Crows as they continue to fly, but there is at least 20. Making use of the haki emitted by my Clansmen, I began to attempt to convince the flock of Crows to join me.

"I am called Nero, the one True Halloween Cat! I have come here on this fine night to ask that you join me as my Clansmen and entrust your wings to the Halloween Clan. Join me for I will sate your hunger, and offer you power beyond your wildest of dreams!" [Nero] beckoned to the flock of Crows encircling above while lifting his Lantern and removing his Fedora.

Immediately after making his piece, Mr Scarecrow let out a terrifying roar as the White Wolf let out a loud howl as if to signify their allegiance. My two Crows each cawwed respectively as I began to slowly drop Candy from my bucket, teasing them. As the Crows began to circle around my Barrier, I raised by Lantern once more and cast [Clansmen Capture]. A flair for the dramatics can't hurt when trying to convince monsters to join your cult, but the most important part of this plan was the Candy. Trust me, these Crows are starving. There's not much to hunt around here, aside from mutant Slimes. It's probably not easy for Crows to take down mutant Slimes, so they use numbers. It probably doesn't taste good or fill their stomachs though.

I ended up capturing a total of 17 Crows. 6 other Crows decided to leave instead. They're all Tier 1. After I caught them, I was capable of using [Soul Merge]; so I did it without hesitation. So far, I haven't actually made contact with anyone who I needed to lie about Soul Merge to. Rather, no one has asked me about it. So, I don't need to hide anything about it. If Village Chief cared, then he would have mentioned something. Since he doesn't care, I don't need to worry about him. It'd be troublesome if I needed to be cautious around my best friend. I'm thankful for his neglect towards bashing me with repeated questions.

So as far as I'm concerned, I'm safe to do Soul Merging right now. If my war potential hasn't been noticed by major forces, then I don't need to worry about people figuring it out. I can just easily say that I tamed my monsters at the Tier they currently hold. Er... In the Tier they will hold by the time that I meet those important figures. The longer I stay in the Lost Kingdom and gather more monsters, the better off I will be when I finally need to go public with my war potential. If my Clansmen ever fully meet the public eye, then I'll need to stop evolving those specific Clansmen as a way to not instill fear. Only hidden Clansmen can Evolve.

Perhaps, if I gather a ton of low Tier monsters of the same type as my high Tier clansmen secretly and keep those low Tier monsters within the confines of Halloween; then I can publicly triumph in great feats to secretly Evolve my high Tier clansmen without arousing suspicion? This might actually work. However, this type of plan will only prove necessary if I out myself as the Halloween Cat to any major Kingdom. So, it's a solution for another time. I'll keep it lodged in the back of my mind. After evolving as many of the Crows as I could, I wound up with two Tier 3 Crows and one Tier 2 Crow. The Tier 3 Crow stats are as followed~

Name: Unnamed Monster

Race: Crow(x2) (Halloween)

Class: Scout

Tier: 3

MP: 13/160 & 73/160

P. DEF: 20

M. DEF: 12

STR: 40

INT: 16

DEX: 32

LUK: 16

AGI: 80


[Vulture], [Halloween Clansmen]

Abilities Learned:

[Aerial Dive], [Sharpened Claws], [Enhanced Eyesight], [Return to Halloween]

The Tier 3 Crows seem to have gained an extra ability that helps them see longer distances. That's handy for a Scout class. Because I have two of the same Tier, it seems that I get to read both of their current MP separately. Neat. As expected, they were hungry. It seems the fact that my previous Crows who were well fed carried over and helped the other Crows feel less hungry, but they're still not in a position to be thought of as okay. The Tier 3 Crows are as fast as I am on my Broom if going at full speed. Feeling accomplished, I began to fly back to the Goblin Village after returning my Clansmen to Halloween and gathering the Candy I had previously dropped to tease the Crows. On my way back, I devoured a considerable amount of Candy to heal the Crows. If I add together the Candy that I have with me and what's left at the Village, I should have almost three full buckets.

After returning, I combined the leftover Candy on hand with my stash. The night is almost over, and everyone seems to have gone to sleep. It isn't dawn yet though, so I'm going to stay up a little while longer. There's something that's been weighing heavily on my mind for quite awhile, but I never felt quite safe enough to try it. Knowing full well that Goblin Chiefs haki is enough that the nearby monsters aren't about to try and mess with me, I suppose it's safe. I, more than anyone, who has been flying around this Kingdom all over the place these past few days feel somewhat aware of the current situation going on. There are probably some other monster races still lurking around the Lost Kingdom which I haven't yet looked too far into, but I feel like anywhere somewhat near the Village has been monitored recently. Most of the Villagers are asleep, so there's never been a better time.

I cast [Hallowed Gate] outside of the Village Chiefs hut. Moments later, that familiar orange glow seeped from my trusted Lantern directly in front of me and became a somewhat huge mass. It's hard for me to judge just how large it is as I'm in a child body, but this is like twice as large as Mr Scarecrow who already towers over me. Maybe more. Definitely more. When the light fades, it reveals a portal with orange light radiating from the entryway. Surrounding the orange light are purple round boulders stacked to make up the border of the orange light endlessly seeping to make up the portal. It's mesmerizing. Placing my hand through the portal light, my vision goes blurry and when I regain it, I'm standing in a city. This is certainly not the Goblin Village that I was in a moment ago. This is Halloween, huh?

The sky is orange. All of the buildings seem twisted and are made of black brick. When I say twisted, I mean that sometimes the second floor looks somewhat sideways compared to the first floor. Twisted. There are purple jack-o-lanterns adorning the streets, lighting the dark brick roads. They spit purple flames. Looking up, I see my Crows flying in the sky. Getting on my Broom, I ascend to get an overview of the city. The city seems to be fenced in with black barred metal fences on all sides. It's a considerably sized city, but this city does not cover the entirety of Halloween. That is certain. This Dimension. I don't think it exists purely within my Lantern. I think my Lantern is acting as a gate to Halloween through me. Using the power of my Lantern to cast [Hallowed Gate], I became capable of creating a physical manifestation of that same gate; allowing non-Clansmen to actually enter Halloween. Even if they enter though, they are only permitted to be within the confines of my Town in Halloween.

That same rule applies to all of my Clansmen. They can be in Halloween, but they can't explore past the fences. The Crows could plausibly fly over the fences, but that's not all which blocks their path. In the distance, there are dark, swamp land woods very similar to the ones that the Crows are used to in the Lost Kingdom. There's one fundamental difference though. The Monsters inhabiting those woods are higher Tier than I have ever seen. They probably emit horrific haki which make leaving the city confines somewhat of a death wish. Those terrifying monsters seem to be strategically placed in a way to fence my city in.

Someone in Halloween knows that a Halloween Cat was born and probably sent those Monsters to patrol these woods, or the wilderness of Halloween is exceptionally dangerous. I can literally see those monstrosities in the distance with a naked eye. They are so far away, and so huge that I can only make out their general shape. They just appear as black silhouettes wreaking havoc in the distance. I can hear the damage they deal by moving.

The only reason why I don't just sleep in Halloween, is because the Hallowed Gate can actually be destroyed. Yup. It has a max MP of 500 and is technically classified as a summoned monster. When I summon it, I can choose how much MP to give to it as HP. Meaning, that the highest I can initially feed it right now is 300 MP. I only fed it 100. I need to eat Candy to heal it after it's summoned and by doing that I can actually bring it all the way up to 500 MP, but I can also withdraw the summon if I'm not in Halloween, receiving half of its current MP back. The Hallowed Gate gains the same P./M. DEF as I do, so it's not a bad card if I need to keep people safe. As long as I protect it from the outside, I can use it to keep injured allies or civilians safe within Halloween. That's about the extent of it, really. I'm frightened of what might happen if the [Hallowed Gate] were destroyed with me inside. I could very well end up trapped in this land of hell dubbed Halloween.

Feeling happy to have finally borne witness to Halloween with my own eyes, I returned to the Hallowed Gate and decided to spend the rest of my night making clothes inside of the Chiefs hut. I withdrew the Hallowed Gate before anyone awoke. After about an hour of making clothes and munching on raw fish, I decided to get some sleep. [Daily Candy], Goodnight~