Chapter 12 - Night 12 & Day 13

Opening my eyes, it seems that I have gotten onto the proper routine of falling asleep at dawn and waking up at sunset. I'm almost a professional at this by now. My number one pal, the Goblin Chief and I are almost totally in sync on our sleeping habits at this point. He's usually awake and asleep slightly before me, though. What can I say? I'm a night Cat. Measly Goblins could never compete.

While I begin to have breakfast with the squad, I begin to think about the Lost Kingdom, and how I'm usually exploring it at night. I find it a little strange that the ecosystem in the Lost Kingdom stays just as active during the night as it does during the day. It's almost like the wild monsters around here don't sleep, just the Goblins. Maybe they only ever sleep when they return to their appropriate hideouts, and the ones that I see are just out in attempts to hunt? Like a never ending rotation? A lot of the monster races seem to like living underground. The Goblins, Slimes, and Crows might have been the only ones that stayed out and braved the environment all the time.

I know that I went swimming in the Lake, but I have a feeling that there's some kind of ecosystem going on down there, under the water too. Part of me wants to try and see for it myself, but I don't feel confident in my fighting potential while underwater. Between my fire-type Brawler Werewolf, my bundle of hay Berserker Scarecrow, and my aerial Scout Crows; I just don't see how I could possibly manage against monsters superior in the water. I may be able to swim, and I may have [Claw Fishing], but my own status isn't that high. I can't deal that much damage with just my claws, and I'd be alone without being able to rely on my Clansmen. Besides, I doubt that I can eat Candy while underwater without air to breath. It'd be better to just ignore the Lake for now.

While thinking of such things, I mindlessly created new clothes with the use of [Disguise]. I'm sitting down while I do it to slowly regain more MP. I'm still only aiming for level 10 clothes. I think I'm going to do this for another day after today. I want to make sure that I have plenty of clothes to choose from. Besides, I can just give away the spares to the Tier 2 Goblins. They might be better at fighting if they have better clothes.

On this fine evening, I have Devil Clown, Punk Samurai, Goblin Chief, and my Clansmen accompanying me while we eat Fish to our hearts content. I say that, but my Clansmen don't eat. They're just here to socialize. My Crows are actually just here to fly around in skies that don't have apocalypse level monsters in the distance. It probably feels more peaceful to be out here, but it's not like those monsters are walking towards my Halloween Town or anything. To me, they seemed to be mindlessly stomping and jumping around their surroundings, as if holding tantrums or performing strangely destructive dances to further demonstrate how much power they wield. They weren't actually making all that much distance. They truly seemed to be strategically placed to produce haki and border my Town. Their 'dancing' would leave loud noises and vibrations which could be felt from miles upon miles of distance away. I couldn't imagine the damage that those monsters are capable of dealing if they actually started to use abilities.

Thanks to those monsters, I don't think that I'll be able to explore very far into the Halloween world. I also don't have confidence that I'll be able to convince them to follow me. They're too high level. Even if I am a True Halloween Cat, I'm still far too weak to convince greater beings like those to submit to me. Also, I may be a True Halloween Cat; but I might not be the only one. I know for a fact that I am alone in this world, but there are probably other worlds with Halloween Cats. The thing about Halloween Cats is that we can only exist in worlds with very specific parameters. While those parameters may be specific, it doesn't mean that this is the only world with those parameters. There could be parallel worlds to this one which are in fact very similar, but have differences; like a different True Halloween Cat, or the Dwarven Kingdom for example may have fallen instead of the Monster Kingdom now known as the Lost Kingdom. Or, it could just be an entirely different planet which happens to have met the correct parameters. Or, it could just be this very world but in a different time period. It's truly hard to say.

While we had our usual daily feast, I made sure to ask for additional details regarding the Beastkin Kingdom from Mr Scarecrow. I would like to go there one day, and it would be nice if I had as much information as possible. I know that Mr Scarecrow was enslaved there as help for a farm, and that after he escaped; he made his way here. He might have some other information regarding the Beastkin Kingdom as a whole though from his days of being enslaved. Sorry to have you relive your past traumas, but we have a high chance of going there in the future! This Cat needs intel!

What I wound up learning from Mr Scarecrow was barely informative. Sigh~ It turns out that while he was working that farm, he barely had any time to actually experience Beastkin society. His one sole purpose was to scare or slay Crow monsters and other types of scavenging monsters which would attempt to take the crops. He was essentially a body guard for a field. Because he was enslaved on the farm, he only ever saw Beastkin when they were passing by. No one ever took the time to talk to Mr Scarecrow. Jeez. I'm starting to feel like Mr Scarecrow has had it worse than any of us. Because the field was somewhat like a countryside, the gossip which he happened to overhear was basically useless. Most of it was related to the outcome of the seasonal crops. What I did learn however, is that he is not the only Scarecrow currently held captive as a field guard.

I guess that I did end up getting one good piece of information from my pal, Mr Scarecrow. It would seem that enslaving Scarecrow monsters is the norm for any proper farm. This trend might even continue into other territories. Note to self, if you notice that lands are proper for farming; try to ensure that there aren't nearby Scarecrow monsters being enslaved. Jeez. To think that my Halloween Clansmen are currently being enslaved into ensuring that my other Halloween Clansmen starve. I understand that Scarecrows are supposed to scare Crows, from a standpoint on earth. While saying that, I also don't understand why both Scarecrows and Crows belong to the Halloween Clan. They're mutual enemies but at the same time, they're loyal to the same cult? Wait a minute. This is similar to the Vampires and Werewolves. Aren't they also mutual enemies? I guess we'll know for sure if my Crows ever learn to talk, or if I actually end up finding a Vampire.

I wish we had a mirror. I would love to know just how I actually look. I know that my hair is black because I can see it, and because if I return to my Cat form then I can just lift a paw. I don't know my eye color though, nor do I know my facial features whatsoever. The repercussions of being born into a third world kingdom are depressing. Thinking about that, I decided to ask my comrades. What color are my eyes? To their response, it depends. HUH?! Oi. This isn't a difficult question! Oh. It seems that my eyes change color depending on the time of day. During night time, my eyes are vividly orange; almost glowing to an extent. While during day time, they are purple. I don't understand how this works, but I'm thinking that it might be because I have night vision.

Rather, if my eyes are purple... then wasn't the old dark purple trench coat actually rather fashionable? I guess it all depends on the time of day. Should I wear different clothes during the day than during night? Actually, I'm not usually awake during the day so it's not a problem. Yeah. No need. When I think about it, purple, orange, and black are essentially the colors which make up the Halloween realm. It's no wonder that I, who is a living gate to Halloween might have characteristics depicting Halloween because of that.

Thinking back to my time spent in my Halloween Town, the only thing which wasn't adorned in those colors was blood itself. Yeah, there was a fountain of blood near the center of the town. Right in front of my face when I entered through the [Hallowed Gate]. I say that, but I don't actually know if it was real blood or fake blood. It could just be trick blood, after all. Even the sky itself was vividly orange. I wonder if that sky changes to night during the day out here? When I was there, it was during the night; so I'll make a conscious decision to check that out later. It would be somewhat strange if my eyes changed depending on the color of sky within the Halloween Realm.

Somewhere along the line of my deep thought, it would seem that everyone fell asleep and that dawn is approaching. Should I try and stay awake longer in order to figure it out? I really want to know. Yeah. I'm gonna try my best. Besides, the longer I stay awake; the more clothes I can make~ I'm just being extremely diligent. Also, who wouldn't want to try and understand how their race works to the best of their abilities? I mean, there's certainly no one in this world who's going to be capable of learning more about Halloween Cats than me, right? I'm the freaking True Halloween Cat, bro. My Clansmen are on fire lately, okay? One of them, literally. [Daily Candy]. Can't forget that if I'm going to stay up late. Whew~

Honestly, I know that [Soul Merge] is potentially a truly horrifying skill when it comes to the longevity of it. While that's so, it requires that I actually find my entire Clan in order to properly use it. What's more, if I find my Clan, then there are less potential future Clansmen. It's a limited supply, where if I keep on taking... Then the supply will run out. So yeah, if I managed to catch them all; I might wind up with a Tier 6 monster or two. But wouldn't I have been able to achieve better results for my Clan overall by just letting them progress on their own?

When I capture a Clansmen, I revoke their original right to Evolve simply by gaining experience. This is probably because they earn experience for me instead. Replacing it, I give them a potential right to Evolve given the fact that I succeed in finding more of their kind. But, what if there's no more of their kind? What if, like me... Some of my Clansmen are the last of their kind? Then their only way to Evolve would have been by not joining me in the first place. My Clansmen need to find a balance of reproducing and joining my cause if they truly hope to ever become a cult worth mentioning. If they aren't already doing an okay job at reproducing by the time that I find them, then it's a sad tale indeed. Thankfully, 6 of those Crows from before ditched me. Actually, there was another Crow from the first time who ditched me too. Maybe they understand that they can't all just join me at once?

If that's the case, then I'm sure it's fine. Actually in the event that I do end up finding the last of a kind of race, they're already an endangered species as is. I'd be doing them a favor by giving them allies to help keep them safe. Yeah. For the future, I think I should keep a mental note to always leave at least two of the same types of Clansmen in my catalog. If I can ensure that by the time I die there are two of each of my Clansmen, even if that means abstaining from a [Soul Merge] or two... Then I can die happy. Fulfilled, even. Yosh!

While thinking such things and steadily munching on Fish as I create new clothes, the sun is now up. It's not THAT up, but it qualifies as day. I'm certain. I have staved off the night! Okay. Sorry for the confusion everyone, this one is certainly not opening a gate to the underworld in the middle of your humble Goblin Village or anything crazy like that~ [Hallowed Gate]

Moments later, the more unfamiliar purple glow seeped from my trusted Lantern directly in front of me and became a huge mass. When the light fades, it reveals a portal with purple light radiating from the entryway. Surrounding the purple light are orange round boulders stacked to make up the border of the purple light endlessly seeping to make up the portal. It's still mesmerizing. However, it is definitely an entirely swapped color appearance to last time. Even the magic color from my Lantern was swapped, for crying out loud! Placing my hand through the portal light, my vision goes blurry and when I regain it, I'm standing in a city.

The sky is purple. All of the twisted buildings are still made of black brick. There are now orange jack-o-lanterns adorning the streets, lighting the roads. Looking up, I see my Crows flying in the sky, like always~ Getting on my Broom, I ascend to get an overview of the Town. It's the same as last time, but the sky is now purple, and the pumpkins are orange. It would seem that while my eyes are purple during the day; it is because it is actually currently night time in Halloween. My eyes represent the sky in Halloween. While my eyes are orange during the night, it is because it is actually currently day time in Halloween.

When my eyes are orange, I can draw on the power of the night in the other world because I am a living gate to that other world, enabling my Clansmen from Halloween to travel through me to fight. I don't spend as much MP during the night time of the other world, because it is not like I'm actually using the power of night within Halloween; I'm using the power of night in the other world. That might change if I were to try fighting in Halloween during the night time of the other world. When I fight in the right of night, all I'm doing is positioning my Clansmen, or healing them. It doesn't cost a lot of MP. While it is currently night time in Halloween and I am a gate to Halloween, I can theoretically draw on the power of night within Halloween and temporarily bring it to the other world using the power of [This is Halloween]. Doing this, I can ignore the MP reduction for a limited time, but I can only use that power once per year. It's probably too hard on the gate which is my body.

Because it is normally night within Halloween at the time of day in the other world, I can still have my Clansmen fight with reduced cost if I can lure my enemy into the [Hallowed Gate]. This is because I can rely on the power of the natural Halloween night, and I don't even need to position my Clansmen because they're already here and prepared. Really though, who would willingly step into that towering gate of hell? Moreover, after passing through that gate... Who wouldn't immediately turn back after seeing the fountain of potentially trick blood? When I first arrived, I overlooked it because I was simply overjoyed to finally get a chance of learning more about my lore. My newfound theories are kind of difficult to wrap my head around, but I think I might actually be on the right track.

Welp, I'm terribly exhausted, so I decided to go back to the Village and close my [Hallowed Gate]. It's time for sleep. After returning, several Goblins seemed to fear me greatly. I'm seriously just a travelling Cat, okay? Okay. After returning to my corner inside of the Goblin Chief's hut, I plopped down my fur coat and went to sleep. Goodmorning~