Chapter 54 - Night 56

Nyah~ I'm still kind of tired, but I can't forget. Tonight is the weekly Safari Card Game Tournament. We need to figure out who's going to be this week's Safari Card King or Queen. I want it to be me. Just saying. Sometimes, there are more important matters in life than just being a cog in a machine...Trying your darn best to keep this thing of ours we call a Kingdom going. Sometimes, you just need to relax; and claim your rightful place as the Safari Card King. I probably deserve a break. Let's check the inventory to make sure. I was thinking such things as I got dressed.

Okay… Counting out the Candy first, I might as well try and fill all of my buckets by using the jars. I have 42 freaking glass jars now and practically no use for them. It's kind of intense. 25 of my jars are full, while one of them just has a really small portion. There are 12 pieces of Candy in it, to be exact. I have 46 total Candy buckets. I definitely can't fit all of the Candy within them… But I'll do my best! Currently, 39 of my buckets are already full… So it's not going to even make much of a dent. I ended up being able to fit 4 and around two thirds of jars into my spare 6 buckets of Candy. I meow have 20 full jars and an additional jar that's probably a little under half full. Let's move on to Coins. I already know that I have 21 Gold Coins, as I keep them on me at all times. Be that as it may, my Silver Coins are another matter. I keep them in my Treasure Chest. The one that I looted from dead Bandits. That one. Admittedly, there are also a few silver cups, plates, and rings within it… Towards the bottom of it. Sadly, none of those rings actually give me any stats. I checked. I also keep my old level 15 outfit in it.

Moving along~ Counting the Coins ended up taking me around three or so minutes. I did it by first tipping over the chest and emptying it onto the ground. I have 3 silver cups, 2 silver rings, 4 silver plates, and 815 Silver Coins. So, I have 21815 Silver Coins. That's almost two whole weeks worth of profit, because I didn't really do much on account of Lily getting in my way. I should start my farming business tonight. Those apples are probably rotting. I've been keeping them in my designated storage area of Halloween. The most southwestern house of my Town. I need to get the seeds out of them. I originally wanted to eat the apples, and just pick the seeds from their cores… But I totally forgot. I'd better bring them into the Wailing Keep's Kitchen so that I have a knife to cut them with. No one wants to cut rotting apples with their bare claws. That's disgusting.

I'm hungry, too. I should put this off until after I eat. I forgot what the time difference was between Rei and Milton… But I remember Rei being behind him, so I guess I'll just focus on her. I'm going to spend all of my current MP on her. That's what friends are for. According to my calculations, I should now be capable of skipping around 5 and a half hours of time for Rei in just 1 second, if I were to spend literally all of my MP. Okay! Let's do it quickly before heading to the Dining Hall~ [Time Skip]! Jeez. Time Skip doesn't seem to have an animation. Like… At all. I guess I would see the difference if I skipped Time for like a year or something… But I really don't see any changes. That would take an immensely large amount of MP, so I guess this ability may never truly show. I wonder how much time I need to skip for Rei and Milton to start off as Tier 5 monsters when they're resurrected? It would be a shame to prematurely resurrect them, and have them be seriously weak. How long did Betty even spend while dead? What Tier did she start as after being revived? These are important details which I seem to have neglected to bother asking about. Oops. Well, I did it. I skipped time as fast as I could, spending all of my my MP on Rei. Let's go eat~

Making my way through the Throne Room, past the Foyer, and into the Dining Hall… I was met with a very familiar group of individuals. They're all here, eating the Fish or talking amidst themselves. It's been served. No waiting around for cooking tonight, people. No raw Fish for this one, either! Let's dig in… Is what I was thinking after hastily procuring two Fish for myself and taking my seat. Looking around, surprisingly; even the day crew is awake. It's probably due to the Safari Card Game Tournament. Everyone else seems just about as excited as I am. Jeez. We need like… At least 10 more decks of those cards.

"Cetilla~ Where did those cards come from and where might one attain more?" [Nero] asked after swallowing a mouthful of Fish.

"Eh? The game cards? Actually, they belonged to Rei. I haven't the slightest clue, but it's a pretty popular game… You can probably get some from the Casino in Reygid, I imagine..." [Cetilla] replied while seeming unsure.

"Hmmm… Could you show me the way to that Casino the next time that we go?" [Nero] asked while tilting his head.

"Yeah, I can do that… But Nero, you're not very lucky..." [Cetilla] shrugged before nervously claiming with a smile.

"I don't intend to just go there and gamble! I only want to get more decks of cards so that we can play more than one game at once." [Nero] replied while seeming somewhat irritated.

"We're going to get more cards?!" [Budget Dragon] blurted out excitedly.

"We won't need to take turns any longer?" [Cloaked Monk] jumped in from across the table.

"Correct." [Nero] proclaimed as if proud of himself. To which, a cheer arose from a certain Dining Hall.

Moments later, Wendel… The Weeping Angel began to sing. It's opera. It's been awhile since I last heard Wendel singing like this. She's gotten a lot better. She's probably been practicing frequently. Over the course of the meal, a few glasses of water shattered, making a slight mess… But the cups regenerated almost instantaneously. It's like magic, I think. One second you have a glass of water, and the next... You have an empty glass surrounded by a puddle of water. Ta-DA~~~ How did it even happen?! I enjoyed my meal while listening to her sing. Meanwhile, several of the Wailing Keep Residents and my Clansmen immersed themselves in wholesome conversations. Also, some of us had begun the Safari Card Game Tournament. Currently, Cetilla is going one by one through all of the other competitors.

During my meal, I remembered to ask Betty about being a Banshee; but then I realized how negligent it would make me appear if I were to ask her that in front of everyone… After all this time… AFTER accepting having Rei executed in order to later become one. Of her own volition, of course. Even still, I'm the one managing things. I'm the one skipping time for her, I'm the one having my Clansmen execute a search for the Lich in order for us to be capable of resurrecting her, and it's my fault that she even needed to make such a decision in the first place. I'll ask Betty in a more private, and secluded area. Somewhere that I can contain the information, and handle it on my own. No need to get others worried over matters that should be in my paws. No need to raise a fuss, people. I've absolutely got this under control. And so, I decided to instead go off and begin the Fishing hack. Simpler things.

Flying to the waterfall took me around 3 minutes. It was easy, but I was saving MP. I have 56 MP to spare right meow. I'll spend it all on the [Hallowed Gate]. Raising my Lantern to the sky, I conjured the gate before asking Fred and Daphne to handle guarding it. They've got this under control. Leaving them be, I walked through the Hallowed Gate before returning to my Treasure Room. I'm going to fetch Clive's bag to carry the apples in. I would hate to stuff a bunch of rotten apples inside of my own bag. His is of a lower quality. It only makes sense. Yosh! Grabbing the bag, I returned to Halloween before heading southwest and entering my favorite standard home.

In Halloween, all of the buildings are generally the same. Except the Arcade. The Arcade sits on the northeast corner of Town. On each corner, there's a small clearing of grass. Clearings large enough for more Arcades, or other buildings. I have the sneaking suspicion, that if my [Wailing Keep] or [This is Halloween] were to be enhanced; I might gain more specialized buildings in the remaining three corners. Immersed back into my surroundings, I quickly realized that the apples had indeed began to rot. They aren't too bad, though. I'll just toss these into the bag… And tightly tie the top to stop the smell from seeping out. Gross. There are 30 slightly rotten apples. Not a single one of them looked to be fine.

Returning to the Wailing Keep Kitchen, I procured myself a Kitchen Knife and began to untie the bag. Lifting the first mushy apple and placing it on the Kitchen island, I began to start cutting. I'm just cutting out the cores by slicing off the sides. I began to peel out the seeds one by one with the Knife, and started to make a pile of them off to my side. I was able to procure 5 seeds per apple, leaving me with 150 total apple seeds. After doing so, I decided to rinse the seeds off in some water. I don't really know what the next step would be for a proper Farmer, and I want this to go well… So I went off to go and ask Cetilla. She's a prestigious Farmer's daughter, so why not? I mean, they're nobles that force slaves into doing the work for them… But they should still understand how Farms work, right? Wrong. Cetilla didn't have a freaking clue! How useless can she be?! This is practically her own heritage! Her family business! Ugh~ I could probably go ask the Apple Tree Farmer in the Human Kingdom, but he might not appreciate me choosing to start a Farm with the apples that we purchased from him. It's not like we're actually stealing profits from him, seeing as how he doesn't feed this Kingdom… But it's the principle that matters. Roy might know, but I'm probably overthinking this. How hard can it be to plant an apple seed, anyways?

I'll just need to go off and plant them, hoping for the best. Yep. We're doing it. Ditching the gross apples, I went to fetch a jar from the Treasure Room before also heading back off into Halloween. I obtained myself a shovel, a watering can, and an axe… Then, while juggling all of the items, I returned to the Kitchen and began pouring the seeds into the jar before flying to the northern side of the Goblin Village. I'm basically just slightly northeast of the Wailing Keep. I don't want to plant things near the Wailing Keep, as the Wailing Keep is a target. If I plant a forest to grow our food, I don't want some random war to end up ruining it all. We'll keep it a slight distance away, at least to start with.

I wanted the Goblin Villagers to do this, but this is just the first batch. I might as well handle it myself, as there's no telling if it will even work. I'm hopeful that there aren't too many complex methods usually used when planting apple trees, but I just don't know. It would be best if I were the one to handle trial runs, without anyone else ever learning about it. This way, if I fail; then no one will even know. I can just go buy new apples whenever I want, and won't need to make a huge production out of it by inviting the Cat Crew along for the ride. They're quite conspicuous while in the Human Kingdom, as am I. It's not every night that a Goblin and two high level Catkin visit the Human Kingdom while being pulled by a carriage led by either a Drake, or a rarely high level Scarecrow monster. We shouldn't spend too much time there, it's dangerous.

I was thinking such things as I began to cut down several trees using the axe. I'm making a small clearing. As it turns out, I'm strong enough to cut a tree down with just a few swings of an axe. Who knew? After carrying all of the fallen trees off to the side… I began to use the shovel to dig out their roots. This was by far, the most troublesome aspect. The roots were strong, for whatever reason. I probably spent an hour just digging the roots out from the soil. I placed them all in a separate wood pile. We can try to cut it down to use as firewood, but I really don't know how feasible it will be. After finishing with removing the roots from the soil, I was left with a lot of unsettled dirt. I quickly went off to the Delhn Lake's River and filled my watering can. It's best if the water is at a natural temperature, correct? I think so, anyways. It's what my mom said, but we only ever really had plants. No produce. After returning to the unsettled soil, I began to bury the seeds, one by one; where the original trees had been. I didn't bury them deeply, it was just kind of beneath the soil. After burying each of them, I began to lightly pour water from the watering can atop of the buried seeds.

I would use Time Skip on them if I had the spare MP, and if I could actually see the targets… But I can't. I guess that I'll just need to pray that it works, and then use Time Skip on the successfully growing trees? Yosh! I ended up calling on Mr and Mrs Scarecrow to have them help me carry all of the uprooted stumps and the fallen trees back to the Wailing Keep. I informed my Clansmen to just leave them somewhere near the Keep walls, away from the fireplace and away from the entrance to the Keep itself. Finally feeling complete with the preparations, I continued on back to the Keep myself while juggling all of my items. I only really cut down 20 trees. I only spent 20 seeds. I have 130 remaining in my jar.

Upon returning, I found that Goblin Funk, Vana, Hugo, White Sheep Lady, Wolfenrine, Ben, Con, Conrad, Cosmo, and Wanda were spending time together near the fireplace. The others were all in the Dining Hall, participating in or observing the Safari Card Game Tournament. Except for Budget Dragon, who was eating the rotting apples in the Kitchen. Huh. Moving along~ I continued on my way back to Halloween so that I could return my tools. I had been keeping the tools all stacked up in a pile near the allegedly trick blood fountain, but I might as well just go ahead and store them in the southwestern house. Making several trips to do so, I finally cleaned up a considerable portion of the mess in Halloween that had been previously bugging me. I say portion, because there are still Fish on the ground due to the new Fishing hack. It can't be helped though. Cleaning it now would only result in me needing to clean it twice in one night. Who would want to do something like that?! I'll leave it until dawn.

My flying Clansmen are all staying home tonight, on account of the Tournament… I think. I can only assume that's the reason why I'm still seeing them even after our evening meal. Our nocturnal breakfast. It's more like brunch, though. Sometimes, I don't even eat dinner. Actually, I feel like I skip dinner more often than not as of late; on account of being so busy. And so, I started to eat 2 Fish every single evening. Sometimes 3, but I find that I feel way too bloated after eating 3 full common Fish in one sitting. They're magical, or something. It's not my fault. This is probably the reason why I'm always starving when I wake up.

I decided to spend some time overlooking the list of songs on the Scaraoke machine monster, in the Arcade. I'm looking for a song that everyone can sing. A new summer bop that will get the concerts going. I say that, but I'm pretty sure that it's currently autumn. I'm 90 percent certain at this point. It's more windy whenever I go outside, these nights. It's somewhat cold, but not too bad. It's certainly not as warm as it was when I was born into this world, though. The leaves on many of the trees are starting to change color. They're looking somewhat yellow. I suppose that's the bright side of choosing to stay put after reincarnation. I've went exploring the nearby lands, or at least most of them; but I haven't really gone away for too long. I've been able to watch as this area changed while living my life.

Perhaps, I should stay here for one year. One year to watch as the seasons change, and decide if this is truly the place that I desire to inhabit. I can move my home anywhere. The Wailing Keep is more convenient than a freaking recreational vehicle. It's a re-creation-capable home. That's what it is. An RCCH. Not an RV. One shouldn't mistake the two. They're quite different. I don't need to live here, I'm just choosing to. I want to help the Lost Kingdom, but I also want to explore the world. At some point in time, I'm going to be leaving this place. When I decide to do that, I'll probably leave the Wailing Keep here so that I can keep tabs on the Village… But I'll still be off on a journey. I can use [Hallowed Gate] to return whenever dawn arrives, but I'll need to ensure that the Gate is protected while I sleep. I probably won't be truly leaving, as my Wailing Keep can stay here as a means to help supply a home for the Monster Knights. I would like to bring it with me, just for simplicity; but I have commitments. Unless I can successfully oversee enough proper homes built into the Goblin Village, then I can't really take the Wailing Keep away in good conscience. They need it just as much as I do.

Getting back on track, I decided to go with 'Thr*ller'. Yeah. I'm going to teach my Clansmen how to dance. A very particular dance. I'm going to let Crowli handle the lead role, as his voice is the highest pitched among males… Aside from mine. I'm just a child, and I'm not about to become a child star. Cetilla may appear to be the same age as me, but I'm two years old. I'm like an infant, or something. A highly productive infant. I forgot to ask Goddin Village Neith Sama my age. I'll do it tonight, at dawn. Right when it switches from night to day. That way, I'll be able to have somewhat accurate of results if I just wait a full 24 hours. I'll ensure that I'm either sitting down or sleeping for the entirety of tomorrow... At least as much as I can be. Yosh!

Moving along, I decided to go off and take part in the Tournament. After arriving to the Dining Hall, I found that a vast majority of the games had already been finished. It's just Goblin Funk, Vana, Hugo, Wolfenrine, and I that need to participate. I'll let them have their rounds first. We can save the best for last. And so, I spent my time conversing with Cetilla, Goddin Village Neith Sama, Wendel, and Benji. I made sure to inform Wendel about my new song's choice. She's a little bit upset about not having too much room to actually sing during the song, but she's excited to learn the dance. Yay~ I succeeded in pleasing the most die hard of Bandsmen! I can feel it. This song will be a massive hit. It will make, or break the next concert. Both, in a good way.

While talking to the others, I learned that Goddin Village Neith Sama neglected to tell me of my true age simply due to being worried of how I might take it. He's too sweet. Even so, I probably would have appreciated honesty above all else. That's just how I am. Cetilla's nagging me about wanting to explore the Lizardmen Tribes next. Honestly? Okay. Let's do it. Apparently, the Dwarven Kingdom is connected to the Lizardmen Tribe areas; so it might be worth checking out. I could encounter a much more proficient Blacksmith than Vigi. I like Vigi, but I need more than just one connection if I'm going to get serious about my little Mining project in the Chasms. I'll need to have a whole lot of ore refined. Much more than simply one Forge can handle. I have a lot of houses to build.

There are roughly a thousand Goblin Villagers. Even if they share homes with their families, that's still a lot of houses. Last I recall, there were roughly 400 Harpies. I can estimate that we'll need to build 3 to 5 hundred homes in the Goblin Village, and 1 to 2 hundred homes in the Chasms. The more, the better. Obviously. I also learned that Benji wants his own song. Oh. I guess that I never gave one to you? Your voice is kind of scratchy, and would probably require a very unique song… But I'll do my best. Actually, now that I think about it… Benji's voice is the highest pitched among the male Bandsmen. I wonder why I never thought to give him a song to lead in singing. Okay! 'Thr*ller' will be yours, but everyone else still needs to learn how to do the choreography. Benji can't really do the choreography... As he's a Bat. Be that as it may, he's got the best voice for the main part… Aside from me. He'll just be singing from the allegedly trick blood fountain, but the others will all be dancing around the fountain. I explained that Betty, Wendel, and Mr or Mrs Scarecrow would most likely all be necessary to help as backup singers. I explained that much to Wendel, anyways. I can't teach them the choreography until I have a whole night to spare, because that's probably how long it's going to take… But they can learn their vocal parts in advance.

When I was explaining the plans for the new song, Cetilla got somewhat interested by the fact that I'm teaching choreography. Uh oh... I have a bad feeling about this. She's got a wicked grin. She went off and started talking to several other people, one by one. I sat there, nervously watching her do it from afar. Cetilla returned, informing us that she was able to convince not only Goblin Funk, but Cloaked Monk, Wolfenrine, and Lillian into joining for the dance lessons. Jeez. I guess it's fine, considering that they're all humanoids and can perform the dance… But still! Now they're ALL going to see me teaching them how to perform that song! I know the whole dance on account of our Halloween Party Playlist. Thanks, Anna. How embarrassing… I can't believe that she managed to talk me into learning that whole dance with her before. We learned it as a party trick, but we never even used it once. I'll probably be a little, no… More than a little rusty. I should practice on my own time, to prepare. I can't go and make a fool of myself, now can I?!

Oh well~ Let's just focus on winning the tournament. It's my turn next to play. I have a whole lot of challengers waiting to face me, whereas everyone else has already handled most of their matches. Okay! Let's do this~ I made to sure to ask for a refresher on the rules, because I'm forgetful. Apparently, there are two different ways to play this game. We get 7 cards in our hands, and each card has two stats. HP, and STR. One of the ways to play this game is by ignoring HP, which is what we've been doing for our previous Tournaments. It's pretty simplistic when played this way. The deck is split into two, and we're forced into drawing from our own deck after that point. Each turn, both players place a card from their hand... Faced down. Then, they reveal the cards and calculate which one has the higher STR. The player with the winning card gets to keep the loser's card, but loses their own. Meaning, that they can't draw a new card for the upcoming turn… And that the loser now knows one of the cards currently in their opponent's hand. If your cards both have an even STR, then you just put them both at the bottom of your decks and call that turn a draw... But there are no two different cards possessing the same STR in one deck. It's a special rule only ever used if you decide to play with two or more decks at once. The winner of each turn earns a point, and the first to get 10 points wins.

For the other, more complex way of playing... If your card has enough HP to survive the opposing card's STR, then your card gets to be returned to your hand. If your card doesn't have enough HP to survive the opposing card's STR, then it is given to your opponent; who then loses the card used to take yours. They place it at the bottom of their deck. If both cards have enough HP to survive the opposing card's STR, then both cards return to your hands. Meaning, that you both now know of at least one card in your opponent's hand. If both cards don't have enough HP to survive the opposing card's STR, then both cards are placed at the bottom of the decks. That's a draw. Every time that you can steal a card, you gain 1 point. In order to win, you still need 10 points. You need to steal 10 cards, so you may need to win while potentially having a hand of 7 cards that are all known to your opponent. Not easy, but it's definitely not easy to remember all of the cards that your opponent possesses; considering that you need to remember the stats. I think that I'll go with the simplified, dumbed down version which we had been going with up until now. Only the truly brave play the intense way.

Okay~ Making my way through the matches was fun. I had a good time. I was probably losing more of my matches than I was winning… So being the Safari Card King just might be off the table for me. It wasn't until Cetilla was versing me that things really got serious, though. She made the mistake of calling me out for my subpar LUK earlier. I won't have that. She's going down! This is the most important match of the night. In my opinion, anyways. Looking at my hand, I have the Rhinoceros for 75 STR… The Cerberus for 90 STR… The Owl for 25 STR… The Deer for 40 STR… The Fox for 30 STR… The Minotaur for 135 STR… And the Mouse for 10 STR. The Minotaur is a great card, but I can't waste it. I only have one shot at this. I have a horrible starter hand. Not three, but four cards with under 50 STR. Not good.

I decided to place the Mouse (10 STR) down first, just to get it out of the way. I don't need that. Thanks. Cetilla ended up placing down a Fairy for 35 STR, slaying my Mouse. She got the Mouse, but lost the Fairy. Okay~ Drawing my next card, I was able to gain a Mammoth for 80 STR. Nice. I guess that I'll just try and get rid of all my worst cards first, and give them to Cetilla. It seems like the best route to victory. Losing. Several times, and coming back with a bang. I'll show her! Owl (25 STR)! Oh? Cetilla placed down a Bluejay for 5 STR. I guess that's mine, now… After she drew her next card, I decided to place down my Fox (30 STR). I would have placed my Bluejay, but she knows which card it is in my hand. It's heavily frowned upon to physically hide your hand beneath the table. I can't play cheap. Everyone's watching. Okay, not EVERYONE... But a fair few. Her response to my Fox was nice, though. She placed down a Horse for 50 STR. I lost my Fox, but she lost her Horse.

After losing my Fox, I gained a freaking Unicorn for 145 STR. It's incredible. What catches my attention most of all, is that the Unicorn only has 5 HP. We're not playing with HP, but these stats are probably not very realistic. That much is certain. She has two points now, while I have only one. I think that it's time to get this over with. I'm going to place my Deer for 40 STR. Up until now, I've been very careful to not rearrange my cards. She knows full well that I'm placing a new one. She has also been playing that way. We're really competing right meow. To see who can win without relying on any tricks. Following my current pattern, I've been slowly upgrading each card. There's one Hail Mary to this game. When you place down a card, the opponent is expected to place a card within 3 seconds. No longer than 3 seconds. If they miss the 3 seconds, then you earn a point without ever needing to reveal your card. It's a weird rule, in fact it might not even be a legitimate rule... But in order to follow through with it, we almost always have a referee of sorts counting audibly for the participants to hear. It really drives up the intensity of the game, so even if it's a fake rule; I'm here for it. Budget Dragon is acting as our referee. I placed my Deer (40 STR) card down.

Revealing our cards, I found that Cetilla placed down a Mantis for 60 STR. Wow. She just keeps one upping me. It's unbelievable how she does it. Drawing from my deck, I managed to obtain a Bear for 120 STR. I'm starting to feel like my hand is getting good. My lowest card, aside from the 5 STR Bluejay... Is now a 75 STR Rhinoceros. I guess that she now has 3 points. I'm still at 1. Lets try… my Bluejay. Who knows? Maybe she forgot about it. Nope, she placed down the familiar Mouse for 10 STR. Jeez. Well, at least I got rid of the Bluejay? After picking up my next card, a Mandrill for 65 STR... She started to smile before placing one of her own down immediately. UHM! Okay! Let's go, Mandrill!

She placed down a Sabertooth Tiger for 105 STR. Is she getting tired or something? That's a considerable markup in power! It's gone now, but she got my Mandrill. I picked up a Butterfly for 110 STR. I'm now absolutely positive that this game is inaccurate. I mean… A Sabertooth Tiger losing to a Butterfly?! I don't think so! She placed down a card, but it wasn't the Bluejay. I guess that I'll place my Rhinoceros (75 STR). The result? She threw down a Golem for 55 STR. I have 2 points, while she has 5. I'm starting to get confused by which cards are which in her hand. She should have the the Fox, Bluejay, Deer, and Mandrill. They're all bad. She should know that I have the Golem… But that's it. To mock her, I think I'm going to place it down. She ended up placing down the familiar Bluejay… But now, we're tied.

The next turn, I placed my card down first. It was the Mammoth for 80 STR. Too bad for me, because she placed down the Fox for 30 STR. I have it, and I now have 4 points; but this is risky. As soon as she picked up a card, she placed it down without missing a heartbeat. Her face is stone cold, though. I guess I'll go with my Bluejay. Yay... She placed down a Bat for 45 STR. I picked up the Phoenix for 155 STR. This… This is the strongest card. At least for this method of playing. How's my luck now, Cetilla?!

Looking at my hand, I have 5 really strong cards, and I only need 6 points to win. I might as well just start going big. Let's start with the Bear for 120 STR. She placed down the Deer (40 STR), allotting me an additional point. Mwuahahaaa~ I'm going to win. I can feel it. After drawing a Card, she slammed down another, seemingly aggravated. I'm putting down my Butterfly for 110 STR. The result? Cetilla placed down a Pegasus for 100 STR. Really now… Why do Butterflies beat Pegasi? I can't complain, because now, we're tied once more… And I won a Pegasus! Yay~!

I can tell that things are starting to get heated. I have 6 points. She seems pleased to have some competition, at the very least. In her own way. She's currently giggling to herself about something. The next turn, I placed down my Minotaur for 135 STR. My starter card~ It's your turn! Shortly after, she swat down a Bull for 115 STR. I win~

Moments later, Cetilla put down her card first. I don't care~ I'm placing my Fox (30 STR). I just want to see her waste a good card, is all. Looking down… Boy, did she ever. She placed a Dragon for 150 freaking STR. That's the second best card in the game! It's a good thing that I have the first best card~ The look on her face when I placed my Fox was priceless. Don't twitch, sweetie. It's not very becoming of you. Picking my next card, I gained a Turtle for 20 STR. It's probably the worst card that's left and untouched in the decks. We really did manage to go through the worst cards first. We're still tied.

I decided to place the Unicorn (145 STR) down. She was hesitant, but she ended up facing it with a Gorilla for 130 STR. Yay! I only need 2 more points to win~ She placed a Card down almost immediately, so I panicked and went for the Phoenix. The Phoenix is unstoppable, and it would be insanity for me to not expect her to use her best card right now. She drew on a Lion for 140 STR. Impressive, yet still couldn't beat the Phoenix~ Not in this game mode, honey! After drawing her next card, she folded. I mean… I placed down my newfound Lion, and she let the three seconds pass. After revealing her cards, I found that the Lion truly was her best card remaining. Her latest card drawn was the first card that she played. We made our way through the entire deck, and because we went through the worst cards first; she had no hope for a better card to emerge so late into the game. Her final cards were the Fairy, Mandrill, Elephant, Werewolf, Bluejay, Fox, and Panther. Mine were the Cerberus, Deer, Pegasus, Bull, Turtle, Gorilla, and Lion. She lost with 7 points. It was a close match. Good game~

I wound up finishing the remainder of my matches within an hour, and spent the rest of the night by the fireplace. When the results came in, it became known that Benji was this week's Safari Card King. He lost an all-time low of only 6 matches. That's incredible. Literally everyone participated this time around. Everyone that lives in the Keep or in Halloween, at least. Fred and Daphne needed to swap out with Cosmo and Wanda around half way through the night so that they could participate. Fishing duties, and stuff. Benji only lost to Vana, Lillian, Boris, Ben, Cloaked Monk, and surprisingly… Me. Yeah. I beat the Safari Card King. I feel accomplished, for some reason. He might have given me the win, but it's hard to say. I wholeheartedly believe that I beat Cetilla, though. That was for real. For the both of us!

When dawn was approaching, I quickly assaulted Goddin Village Neith Sama and forced him into telling me my new age. According to him, I'm meow 56 nights old… Or 843 nights old. Woah! Stop it! No… It can't be like this… I last checked my age like 3 nights ago. Since then, I've aged like two months… In three nights! There's absolutely no way that my Time Magic isn't getting better. It's definitely better. If my self time skipping rates were like this the entire time, then my false age would be over 3 YEARS old. I need to make sure that I'm correct. He absolutely needs to pull through and tell me my age again tomorrow. I can't go without this knowledge any longer. I need the specifics. This is my life that we're talking about over here. I was thinking such things as I fled the scene. I'm going to the Treasure Room.

Time Magic or not, I'm going to bed. I NEED sleep. [Daily Candy]! [Hallowed Gate]! Whipping the new bucket across the room, I began to get undressed before crawling into bed. It's a sad night, indeed. Getting settled into my blankets, I slowly began to nod off. Very slowly. I couldn't really sleep, out of fear for my life… So I casually made a few pieces of clothes while aiming for level 30 before throwing them on the ground beside me. I only made 6 of them before falling asleep...