Chapter 55 - Night 57

UhhhuHhh~ I'm awake. Kind of. I suppose. I need to teach some choreography to the gang, but I also want to go venture off into the Lizardmen Tribe territory. I guess that adventuring can wait? I'm almost certain that this new song is going to make the future festivals even more enjoyable. I have a dream. Picture this... Okay?! We start dancing to the 'Thr*ller' at our concert, and have a blast. The Goblins and Harpies who happen to attend the concert end up slowly learning the moves to the dance, and by the next time that we perform it; they know all the moves and join along in the dance! I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about it~

I was thinking such things as I got dressed and began to make my way to the Throne Room. More specifically, Rei and Milton's rotting corpses. After arriving, I decided to use [Time Skip] on Rei once more; spending all of my MP in order to skip her through another 5 hours and 39 minutes. That's the extent of my current power. It's not too shabby, I guess? I don't know... I suppose being able to do it all in one second is the major strong point. 5 hours and 39 minutes still feels quite minuscule to me, though. I guess it's a good time to talk to Betty about their… Circumstances.

"Betty, come to me!" [Nero] beckoned as he raised his lantern. Moments later, a certain Banshee appeared from a very familiar orange glowing set of flames.

"What is it?" [Betty] asked with a somewhat irritated tone of voice.

"I was wondering… How long did you spend while dead? Also, what level were you when you had been resurrected?" [Nero] begged the questions, ignoring Betty's attitude.

"Hmph! To ask me now, of all times?" [Betty] mocked.

"Yes, yes… I know… I'm quite negligent." [Nero] replied flatly.

"Well, as long as you're aware… Then I suppose that it's fine. To be frank, I spent around two decades while having been dead… I was level 9 when I had been resurrected." [Betty] replied coldly.

Yikes. This is starting to feel way too impractical for us. There's absolutely no way that I can skip two freaking decades for two freaking people! This is beyond my pay grade. Far beyond. I can't handle this… I was fooling myself into thinking that this might actually be plausible. It's not! TWO decades?! I don't have that much time! If I'm genuinely just a Cat, I'll die before I can resurrect either of these people! Also, level 9 is freaking weak. That's not nearly enough to keep those two safe. They'll probably be just as weak as they already were… Actually, Rei will probably be even weaker than when she started! This is bad news. But, wait a second… Betty wasn't simply just resurrected into a Banshee… Her soul was split into becoming two different monsters. If that weren't to happen, then potentially she would only have needed a decade? It's still kind of impractical for me, given my current strength. What about… Her own feelings regarding being a Banshee?

"...I see. I have another question… How do you feel, having become a Banshee?" [Nero] asked with a shaky voice.

"Becoming a Banshee? There are perks, I suppose. Even so, I would like to feel the enjoyment of a good meal once more…" [Betty] asked before explaining while seeming somewhat dejected.

I mean, yeah. That makes sense. She literally died of starvation. But is there anything else?! Care to elaborate, Betty?!

"Perks?" [Nero] asked while tilting his head.

"Things that I enjoy about it." [Betty] explained. To which, Nero returned the worst kind of glare. An intimidating one.

"I'm fully aware of what 'perks' are! What I mean to ask… Is what kind of perks do you actually enjoy, having become a Banshee?" [Nero] exasperatedly elaborated.

"...Oh! Well, the flying part is nice. I found it kind of easy to survive on the open sea, so that was one of them as well… Also, did you know that I can pass through walls? As a Human, I was really quite incapable of doing anything fun at all. Now, I get a chance to meet all sorts of creatures from all over... The concerts are also quite enjoyable. If I had to say, my greatest wish is to be able to enjoy this alongside my loved ones still struggling at the Forsaken Isles." [Betty] explained thoughtfully.

"...You can pass through walls?" [Nero] asked, still hung up on that one part. To which, the Banshee simply sighed.

"Hmmm… Well... Thank you for the explanations, Betty. Feel free to resume with your nightly activities." [Nero] thanked before sending the Banshee off.

"It's no problem. I enjoy these talks. Sort of." [Betty] replied before sighing as she floated away, through the Throne Room wall and presumably… Into the Dining Hall.

Wow. I can't believe that she just did that right in front of me. I'm almost jealous, or something. I suppose that I have plenty enough racial benefits. No need to get all nitpicky about just which race may or may not have been more enjoyable. I'm left with a pretty big problem, though. Rei and Milton. Considering how I'm holding out on slaying the lochness monster until we find the remaining Banshees and Phantasms… Maybe it's best if I just don't capture Rei and Milton. I can have them help us slay the lochness monster, and hopefully they will manage to Evolve out of the ordeal. I can always capture them later, I suppose. Actually; it may be for the best to simply not capture them at all. Even if we manage to turn them into Halloween Clansmen, I can't help them to grow on their own… Not without brutally assaulting their souls. Something that I have no intention of doing to them.

I'll limit them in the end, more than likely. It's not as if they'll be susceptible to the lochness monster, either. Banshees and Phantasms seem to be the most optimal race to face them. Even if I fail to resurrect the two as even just Tier 3 monsters, they still stand a great chance at surviving the encounter. If they aren't my Clansmen, then I can't heal them as I sleep. That's the worst issue, but at least I'll finally be able to figure out if Halloween Clansmen can truly consume Candy for MP on their own. Also, it would be nice to finally have some Halloween Clansmen around here that don't absolutely require night time. When I first encountered my Clansmen, they were all absolutely fine with being around during the day time. After I captured them, that changed immensely. It costs a sickening amount of their MP, every moment that they remain present after dawn. In exchange, they probably get more powerful during the night... And, there's also the fact that they gain limited immortality.

Of my Clansmen, it appears as though my Bats, and the Banshee are the only races capable of regenerating MP on their own. They have special abilities to help them do it. They're terribly effective, but both of those abilities rely on the fact that my Clansmen are not being outnumbered. They don't get an ability to suck the life force from multiple enemies at once. That's their downside. Even so, I don't actually fully need to spend Candy or Time in order to heal them. They can do it alone. Thinking along those lines, Bats and Banshees may be the best choice for unofficial Halloween Clansmen. As long as I can trust the Bats and Banshees without needing to request that they indefinitely serve me, then they could potentially become a seriously influential piece to the puzzle of how this one might survive on this realm. Be that as it may, I still want to help my Tier 5 Bat, Benji to Evolve.

I want to see what he becomes. For most monsters, it seems as though there is a significant change somewhere around the Tier 4 to Tier 7 range of power. I can't help myself. I want to know what Benji will become. If I recall correctly, the Bats weren't one of the races among the old time Monster Knights. They're a new variant being added to the mix, this time around. I also want to ensure that there are two of whatever he becomes. I'm going to spend a lot of time trying to secure the future of the Bat races, I can just feel it. Thankfully, there is a suitable number of Bats living beneath the Chasms which can hopefully continue to procreate and create a sustainable source of Bats for me send to Benji. Oh, this?! It's just my Bat farm.

Well, I was thinking such things as I went off to join in the nightly meet and feast myself. Upon arrival, I procured myself two Fish before taking my seat. Beginning to eat, I looked around the room to see just what everyone was talking about. Cetilla and Lillian are playing the Safari Card Game. Lillian's awake. Huh. Wendel is singing opera. Conrad, Lora, and Boris all seem to be talking about rather twisted things. I heard something about wanting to slay the lochness monster without the help of Betty, the Banshee. That's not what's twisted about it, though. To be frank, I could have expected that conversation... But their method of wishing to kill it, and the extensive amount of details that they're choosing to divulge regarding how they expect it to play out. It's another matter. Conrad seems to believe that he can still use [Aerial Dive] through water, allowing him to quickly stab the lochness monster's one… Giant eye. Lora and Boris seem to believe that their freaking acid will be capable of remaining acidic through the water, and that it will melt through the entire beast. I'm skeptical. On both accounts.

Budget Dragon, Mr Scarecrow, Mrs Scarecrow, Benji, and Cyclozard seem to be having a group conversation… But they're totally talking about someone else. It's about how they rarely ever have a chance to spend time with Kendra, and they're upset about it. Honestly? No one is forcing Budget Dragon or Cyclozard into being nocturnal. That's on them. White Beef Lady and Wilson are just being overwhelmingly love-struck with each other. White Beef Lady isn't in her chair. She's on his lap. Vana and Hugo are literally right beside them, but at least THEY'RE keeping things decent. Rather than show off how infatuated they are with one another, Vana and Hugo have taken the high road and are simply talking to each other. Something about wanting to go visit the Caterpillar Colony. Is that what we're calling it now? Okay… Betty and Goddin Village Neith Sama appear to be having a conversation. I would have assumed Goblin Funk and Ben were involved in the conversation, but on second glance; they're totally having their own. Ben and Goblin Funk are whispering to each other. I have no idea what they're saying, so I'll just ignore it. The others, are talking about something regarding the Forsaken Isles. It's probably just Betty sharing her story, or something. Goddin Village Neith Sama makes it his business to know just about everything. Even then, I feel like he lets me do as I please. In his eyes, I can do no wrong? I inform him regardless of whether he asks, if the situation involves him. That's probably what it is.

Connor, Con, Fred, Daphne, Vivian, and Edward are all talking about the new semi secret song. The Crows are jealous because they won't have a chance to learn how to dance to it. It can't be helped. If they really wanted to learn the 'Thr*ller', then the Crows should have just slain more monsters together before having met me. If they were on average… A higher Tier flock of Crows before we met, then there would be more Crowli capable of learning the dance. That's just how it is. It's definitely not my fault. Vivian and Edward are happily talking together, leaving poor little Robert all alone. Jeez. Robert deserves better. He's the Tier 1 Bat that could. Could do what? Plenty of things, including the achievement of out-climbing a Tier 5 Drake.

Oh? After a short moment of me spectating him being lonely, Robert flew over to join Benji and the others in talking about Kendra. I guess he'll be fine. He hangs out with the cool kids, anyways. I honestly have no idea what gender any of my Clansmen are. I just assume, and stamp a label on them. White Beef Lady is the one exception. I'm absolutely certain that she's a female. The others just don't appear differently depending on the individual. Not in my eyes, anyways. I'm but a Cat, after all. I feel bad for the rest of my Clansmen, because I never asked them. Be that as it may, I at least APPEAR correct. Mr and Mrs Scarecrow are almost always spending time together. The same goes for all of the other couples. One might say that monsters of the same Tier and type simply enjoy spending time together, OR one might say that I'm correct. I'm going with the latter. This is no time to get sensitive! I've got choreography to teach! I was thinking such things as I ate my meal and listened to Wendel sing. Making a gesture for her to cut her music, I stood up; silencing the others before me.

"My dear companions! I wish to make an announcement. Tonight, I will be teaching a special dance to any and all of the following who choose to learn it. Lillian, Mr Scarecrow, Mrs Scarecrow, Cetilla, Goblin Funk, Cloaked Monk, his partner, Wilson, Wendel, Conrad, Betty, Vana, Hugo, Ben, White Beef Lady, Fred, Daphne, Cosmo, Wanda, Goddin Village Neith Sama, and Rita if someone wakes her. You are all free to choose whether or not you wish to learn this dance, but I must warn you. This dance is not for the faint of heart. You need courage to perform it! Do you have what it takes?! Then meet me in the Throne Room within 3 minutes!" [Nero] beckoned dramatically as he removed his pilot cap, sunglasses, and made numerous hand gestures as pointed to the others when calling their names before placing them back on and getting atop his Broom.

"...What about the search for the Forsaken Isles?" [Cetilla] questioned Nero's whim with an inquisitive expression.

"That will be put on hold for the night. I don't have enough Clansmen to continue holding it at the moment. Vivian and Edward will both be watching over the Hallowed Gate to ensure that we have Fish. My only other flying Clansmen are Benji or Robert, but Benji needs the practice for performing his song… And Robert probably isn't going to make very much headway all by himself. It might just be for the best to give him a break." [Nero] explained sincerely.

"I'll handle it myself!" [Robert], the Tier 1 Bat proclaimed admirably. To which, variously surprised reactions were made from most of those that heard him.

"U-Uh… Right! Of course, p-please; do your best." [Nero] stuttered as he spoke with a smile and a thumb held high.

"If anyone can do it, it's probably Robert." [Budget Dragon], the one individual who seemed to have expected the outcome declared.

"Are we actually going along with this?!" [Ben] snapped as he slammed a fist into the table.

"Benji, say something!" [White Beef Lady] screamed hysterically as she senselessly shook the Tier 5 Bat.

"...It is not my place... If Robert believes that he can do it, then he will." [Benji] said mysteriously as he looked into the distance and ignored the Tier 4 Werewolf's shaking. To which, Goblin Funk simply nodded.

"Right, then it's settled. Meet me in the Throne Room within 3 minutes if you would like to learn the dance. I won't be teaching it multiple times." [Nero] declared, still sitting on his Broom this entire time.

I'm meow flying to the waterfall. This is prime Fishing time. I won't be having our carefully managed Fish Freezers or Fridges taking a huge hit on my behalf. Tonight, Vivian and Edward will be watching over the gate. They're Tier 2 Bats. After having arrived at the waterfall, I cast my [Hallowed Gate] and called on them to protect it. I don't know what it is about my Bats, but they all seem to have a strong desire to serve me. They're like… Really noble or something. I have no idea if they're just always loyal by nature, or if they're simply loyal to me. I guess that it doesn't really matter, but I would like to know. I'll ask them sometime. Later. Flying into Halloween, I continued on my way past the allegedly trick blood fountain and through the other gate. Before me, are a group of individuals. Many of them are still traveling here, on account of the massively long Throne Room. Surprisingly, it would appear as though every single one that I offered to teach has decided to join me. Yikes. I should go practice really quickly before they all arrive here. Yep! Let's go, Benji! Last minute rehearsal!

After making our way into Halloween, I told Benji to start the song and to skip ahead to the point of the song where the dance genuinely begins. He didn't know what I meant, so I needed to help him. I ended up listening to the entire song from within the Arcade and just did my dance there. I needed to see when the lyrics were intended to come up. There's like 30 whole seconds of leeway in this song with an empty beat. 30 seconds that I can't even fulfill with the original dance. I guess it's just time to get people psyched and into formations? At least, that's how this version of the song is. After hearing it play out, while practicing the choreography; I discovered that I wasn't rusty. I can handle this, no problem. We're doing it. This is happening, people! Benji! Fetch the others! I'll turn on the amp, restart the song, and use the 30 seconds of spare time to make my entrance into the Town Circle. I wont be flying into view, this time. This time, I'm strutting. Down the streets. The Jack-O-Lantern Speaker monsters are totally in the zone, tonight. So am I. I'm adding a lot of attitude to my walk. They're adding a lot of attitude to their bumping along to the beat.

Upon gaining a clear glance at the Town Circle, I was overjoyed to realize that they had all finished making their way into Halloween. The entrance was a success. I had flown a little bit before arriving near this part of Town in order to get close enough for it to only require around 20 seconds of walking. I'm right on time! Kind of. I'm on the other side of the fountain, but it's fine. I'm still in the Town Circle.

[AUTHOR'S NOTE: this part of the chapter is detailed dancing. You can probably skip it, if you desire. To skip it, you should pass through the next 6 paragraphs]

Time to tilt my head right, as I raise my right shoulder in a jerking motion along to the beat of the song, while taking a step forward, without losing eye contact with the crowd. After doing so three times, I spread my arms out in front of me rather quickly and turned to my right. Making my turn, I began thrusting my hips as I continued to take steps in the same direction as before… As if I weren't now facing the side. With my arms still held out, I banged my head up and down just once before turning it to face the crowd once more. After a moment of continuing to thrust my hips, I threw down my arms before jerking them back into position as I rocked my head back and took another step toward the crowd. I did so twice, but only rocked my head once before I switched sides dramatically and did the exact same thing over again.

Stopping with taking steps towards the crowd, I took a step ahead of myself, before throwing my head back once more. As I drove my head forward, I shuffled my feet to make another step forward before turning around and raising my left knee and standing on my left foot's toes. As I did so, I slammed my left arm into my chest as I let my right arm dangle. I also threw my head to the right in order to face the crowd once more… Right before I raised my right arm once more and lowered my left, having it trace slowly down my chest. Upon reaching my unmentionables, I began to thrust my hips forward once more as I kept my pose. Each time that I thrust my hips, I began to stand on the tips of my toes. I did that three times, before I jumped up and turned to face the others. As I jumped, it appeared as though I were about to begin doing 'jumping jacks', but instead I decided to slam my hands together in a clap above my head as I did the same for my legs. After my 'jumping jack' finished, I spread my legs once more, having my left one go much further than my right. As I began to bend my left leg, I started gyrating my neck to the left and right, holding my knees as I extended my right leg by bending to my left side.

After bending my left leg far enough, I began to slide my right arm up my right thigh as I slid my right foot to meet my left. Before it had the chance, I raised it high as if I were about to finally take another step forward; and also brought both of my arms to my sides before stomping my raised foot down. After stomping my foot down, I jerked my head left and brought my hands up once more to do another clap above my head. After making the clap, I repeated the exact same string of moves but facing the other direction. Finally, I began to take a few more steps forward. Long, large leaps as I had both of my arms raised, reaching out to my sides, but both of my elbows were linked to my chest. Making 8 steps, I then stopped and began to face my right once more. Bending over slightly, I leaned my head forward to the right. Finally, gyrating forward; I began to step on the tips of my toes for both of my feet as I bent my knees forward and raised my arms ahead of me, having them take on the shape that one might use if they were a very clearly fake Zombie. Allowing them up for only a split moment, I turned my entire body 180 degrees, before I extended my right leg once more.

Facing forward again, I began to use a similar move to before; but this time I was bending my knees right and left repeatedly rather than my head which stayed facing the crowd. Another difference was, when I was supposed to perform another 'jumping jack', I instead made a strange pose mid-air. I kicked off my right foot, standing on the tips of its toes… I kicked out my left leg to the left in the air, and launched my right arm parallel to my left leg as I took my left arm and used it to hold the waist of my pants. I held that pose for a split second before I repeated the move while having the opposite direction. The second time, rather than doing the strange air pose, I began to walk forward once more… But a little off to the side. This time, while walking; I have my arms raised in the Zombie motion once more. After taking three steps, I turned around, and around, and around once more before taking another three steps forth. After the final set of three steps, I turned around and around once more before I jumped up, spreading my legs to both sides and began to sprawl out my arms as I threw them from my left side, up and above my head; beyond it and then finally down to my right side. As I lowered my arms, I began to rock my shoulders back and forth, gyrating my upper chest as I bent my back forward and backwards. My legs are still spread, I'm letting my arms dangle as I shake my chest and rock my back.

After bringing my back down twice, I shook my head to the right as I brought my elbows in and shook them at the same time. After doing so, I shook my head the left and repeated the same motion twice before doing a 180 degree turn as I jumped to face behind me. Facing back, I did the same motion once more before turning around once again facing my left and extending my right arm out above and ahead of me. I flailed it around, as I bent my entire body, spinning in circles from my waist and brought the arm back down. As I brought the arm back down, I was also raising my other slightly as if I were about to do the 'air guitar'. Rather than that, I quickly brought my left hand to my waist, and my right arm inwards as I continued to shake my hips to the beat of the song. I shook my hips four times, before throwing my right arm out and above my right side, waving to the crowd along to the shaking of my hips. I did that four times, as well. After waving my arm, I brought my elbows in once more and turned to my right while keeping my legs spread. I extended both my arms to my right as I thrust my hips, and then brought the elbows back in before swapping my sides and doing it once more. This time, rather than bringing my arms in together after just one thrust of the hips, I brought them in separately; and repeatedly threw them back forwards again as if I were punching someone. I only made three punches, and when I was about to do the first, I instead brought my right arm to my waist and held it as I bent my right leg and turned my head once more to face the crowd. Strike a pose.

Finished with my pose, I started to stomp my right foot along to the beat of the song, pivoting in rotation as I turned to my right. Every pivot, I would move my shoulders a little, putting emphasis on my arms, which had their elbows kept near my sides. After the sixth pivot, I was facing directly away from the crowd; but I snapped my neck to my left in order to get a glimpse of them quickly before I started facing forward once more and took hold of my thighs, keeping my legs spread out. While holding my thighs and keeping the distance between my legs, I began to waddle forward; stomping loudly as I did so. I waddled 10 times along to the beat of the song before finally turning around. At which point, a certain Tier 5 Bat could be heard yelling out the beginning of the song.

The rest of the dance went on without any hitches. I had a fantastic time, and Benji truly did wonderful on his part. Betty and Weeping Angel helped fill in for his backup singing as they watched, but that's irrelevant. As I danced, the others all stared in amazement at my dedication to the song. It's cuz' this is thr*ller~ I ended up performing the dance 40 whole times before they had fully memorized it. Even then, some performed better than others. Not all Bandsmen were born equal. It's a talent. Mr Scarecrow is excessively good. White Beef Lady? Not so much. After the 40th time, I finally told them to practice amidst themselves. I can't be bothered with this. Goddin Village Neith Sama, Cetilla, and Lillian were also tired and seeking a break; so we spent our time watching the others from atop of one of the standard sized Halloween homes. It seemed as though the others were enjoying themselves as well. Yosh! Tonight was a fun night. Nothing too serious, just a whole lot of seriously dedicated dancing.

Judging by how much effort the Bandsmen needed to put in to learn the choreography, I might just never experience an excessively large mosh pit dancing along to this song perfectly. Even so, I'm probably fine with that. Getting a chance to have my own little dance class has been fulfilling enough. I'm certainly not the best teacher. I should have honestly just went along with the steps for them, but that's not what I did at all. I gave them the 'learn by watching me do it all and then do it all alongside me' routine instead. It's less of a hassle for me in the short term, but much more time consuming in the long term. I'm hoping that they can just continue to practice and perfect it alongside each other. I really only needed to teach one individual, and then have that one individual teach the others. That was the goal. Instead, I taught around 5 individuals, and very roughly taught the remainder. They'll get better over time. My prized students, by far; are Mr Scarecrow, Mrs Scarecrow, Conrad, Cetilla, and Rita. If I had to name a sixth, I would probably say Wendel. She's doing fine, but she's a little too slow on some of the steps. I'm sure that she'll get the timings down soon enough. I have faith.

By the end of the night, I cast [Daily Candy]. After doing so, I thanked the others for trying their best to learn the song and told them that they may return to the Wailing Keep or continue to practice. Most of them left, but a few did stay a little longer. It was Goblin Funk, Rita, and obviously; all of my Clansmen. I took this time to ask Goddin Village Neith Sama about my age once more. Apparently, I am meow 57 nights old… Or 864 nights old. Yikes. I aged 21 nights in just one night, and this night; I wasn't even sitting down the entire time. This is bad news. I'm probably living at a rate of 25 nights for only one. I should ask again tomorrow, just to make sure. After we made our way back through the Hallowed Gate, I closed it before reopening it once more. That should give Vivian and Edward the message that they can return to Halloween. Before we split ways, I asked Goddin Village Neith Sama to check up on Rei and Milton's ages once more.

Turns out, Rei has actually been dead for 2 hours and 18 minutes longer than Milton. Rei has been dead for 200 hours. Milton has been dead for 198 hours. I decided to ask Goddin Village Neith Sama to tell me when I had evened out their deaths before I began to use [Time Skip] on Milton. I was going at a pretty slow rate of 30 seconds every one second. After getting them both on the same page, I learned that I had enough MP left to skip another hour for both of them; so I did. They have now both been dead for 201 hours. That's almost 10 whole days, but is basically just a 'coffee break' compared to the amount of time that we need for these two to become nearly as powerful as Rei was before having given her life. [Time Skip] in its current state is nowhere near efficient enough for raising Banshees and Phantasms. This is beyond tedious, and expensive. Enhancing [Time Skip] may lead to my other Time related abilities increasing in proficiency, due to the [Master of Time] title; so I really should probably stop. I'll be feeding the lochness monster to them as well, anyways.

After perfecting their time, I bid Goddin Village Neith Sama a good morning; and we parted ways. The others had already left earlier. I think Cetilla has been avoiding the bodies, probably because it's too difficult to see Rei in her current state. Who could blame her? I was thinking such things as I returned to the Treasure Room and began to get undressed and placed my new bucket of Candy along with the others. Finally nude, I returned to my smallest form and leapt into my bed. I'll just cozy on up over on this side… Good morning~