Chapter 57 - Night 59

NnnngyuuhhHHHHH… I don't feel very comfortable. Hey! Wait a second! I don't remember going to sleep last night. Looking around, I have absolutely no idea where I am. Some kind of Farming field, but I have no idea what these vegetables or fruits are. They look almost like Bananas being grown on trees, but they're pink; and rather than having easy to peel skin… They have scales. Scale protection on a fruit. Nyah! My Lantern and Broom are with me, so that's a good sign. I'm missing my Candy, though. I'm also missing my Budget Dragon and my Goblin Funk. Cetilla's still here, laying down around five feet from me and looking like an absolute train wreck. Hunky Beefcake forbid that I might actually have lost track of Cetilla. Jeez. When am I going to get the opportunity to save the damsel in distress?! The Scorceress in distress, actually. Those Eel might have been the cause of this. Eating those was the very last thing that I remember.

I'm just going to return to my Human form and get dressed before she wakes. After around five minutes, I found that I was successful. She's still asleep, and I'm now fully clothed. Checking my clothes, I still have my list of the top 20 most prominent Catkin as well as my Gold Coins. This situation that I'm in is quite precarious. I'm currently missing a Tier 4 Goblin Warrior and a Tier 5 Drake, and I'm probably either in the Beastkin Kingdom or in the Human Kingdom. Two Kingdoms in which I do not recall entering. If I'm in the Beastkin Kingdom, then I could have potentially lost the two somewhere within the Lizardmen Tribes, Human Kingdom, Lost Kingdom, or Elven Kingdom. If I'm in the Human Kingdom, then I could have potentially lost the two somewhere within the Lizardmen Tribes, Human Kingdom, or Lost Kingdom.

I'm praying that they turn up in the Lost Kingdom, but I must take this seriously. This is dangerous. Rogue Goblins and Drakes won't fare too well in any of those other locales. I need to know where I am! I was thinking such things as I ascended to find that I'm currently just south of the larger City within the Human Kingdom. Okay. If I'm here, then I probably lost the others in the Human Kingdom or in the Lizardmen Tribes. I'm basically just north of the entrance from the Lizardmen Tribes, so I'll bet that they're still down south. Or, I suppose that they might have continued east of me towards the Dwarven Kingdom. Lifting my Lantern, I decided to call upon my Clansmen for help.

"My dear flying Clansmen! Hear my call and lend me your aide in finding the lost Goblin Funk and Budget Dragon!" [Nero] beckoned as he held out his Lantern.

Moments later, a bundle of orange light began to emit from my Lantern and was shortly after replaced with my Clansmen. Betty, the Bats, the Crows, and Conrad appeared. They're splitting up, scouring every direction. Conrad went south, to the Lizardmen Tribes. Betty went west, to the Human Kingdom's capital city. The Bats went east, to the Dwarven Kingdom. Con, and Connor both split up; one going west while the other went south. After I had asked them for their help, the sleeping Cetilla began to wake. She's groggily getting dressed. I'll look away. You're welcome~

"So, what happened?" [Cetilla] asked after around 10 minutes of getting dressed, while adjusting her hair.

"I believe that the Eel was poisonous. I don't recall anything after eating it. Absolutely nothing. I woke here, alongside you. Goblin Funk and Budget Dragon are missing, so I asked my flying Clansmen to help us search for them." [Nero] explained the situation after turning around to see the now more orderly appearing Cetilla.

"...Alongside me?" [Cetilla] shot back with a glare.

"...At least five feet apart." [Nero] replied coldly.

"...Fine. I trust you. Where should we start the search?" [Cetilla] asked after sighing.

"...Conrad and Connor are going through the Lizardmen Tribes, and I expect them to be the fastest... Benji and the other Bats are going through the Dwarven Kingdom, and they'll likely be the slowest… Yet I have a hard time believing that Budget Dragon and Goblin Funk made it to the Dwarven Kingdom while we're still out in the Human Kingdom. So, I think that we should probably lend help to Betty and Con who are searching the Human Kingdom. It's a pretty big place." [Nero] explained his train of thought on the matter to the inquisitive Catkin. To which, he received only a massively long sigh.

Huh. Cetilla doesn't want to spend time in the Human Kingdom. I feel the same way. Maybe Goblin Funk and Budget Dragon also feel the same way? Perhaps they indeed, never made it to the Human Kingdom and are still in the Lizardmen Tribes? I can't help but feel upset about how I didn't even want to bring them, and now they're absolutely prolonging my trip due to having gone missing while we were all far too intoxicated to function. Some people clearly don't know how to use the buddy system. What an absolute pain! The worst part is, if the two of them truly did get stuck in the Lizardmen Tribes… They don't stand a chance. The monsters in that region are probably all around the same Tier as Budget Dragon and Goblin Funk, or slightly shy. They're vastly outnumbered, and totally outmatched. Maybe we should actually just go straight to the Lizardmen Tribes, due to how much more dangerous of a scenario could be playing out over there? Humans catching the Goblin could turn sour really quick, but for the Drake; they'd probably just try to tame or enslave it… It's a life and death scenario for both of them if they're in the Lizardmen Tribes. It's only a life and death scenario for Goblin Funk if they're in the Human Kingdom. Huh. Okay~ We'll ditch the Human Kingdom, leaving it to Betty and Con to scout.

Taking my arm, Cetilla hesitantly joined me on my Broom. It wasn't until a few moments later did she realize that I had changed my mind. She seemed delighted. Oh. I just noticed, but Cetilla's wearing a new hat. It's still a red pirate hat, but it looks considerably more dramatic. Maybe I spent my Candy while trying to make high level pieces? I don't seem to have anything new… It doesn't explain where my buckets went off to, though. I should have had at least one. In a normal environment, I would have claimed another come dawn. I might have fell asleep before then, or I genuinely lost both of my buckets. Either way, I lost a bucket. Jeez. This sucks! I should be hanging out with Dwarves right about meow! Enjoying the luxuries of Dwarven Rum! Bathing in some underground natural Lake! Smooth talking a Catkin Smelter into joining me on my crusade! Something!

I was thinking such things as I reluctantly flew south, in attempts at retrieving my lost and incompetent companions. No offense Goblin Funk, but ALL the offense to Budget Dragon. Budget Dragon managed to get astray from us during the catastrophe better dubbed as 'Cetilla's Tyrannical Tornado' incident… And now... THIS?! Freaking two thirds of an Eel and all of a sudden the Tier 5 Drake can't even keep up?! He's two for two on the 'getting lost' list! Granted, last time; I didn't even notice that he disappeared until long after he returned. He managed it all on his own... But this time, Goblin Funk is caught up in his incompetence and quite frankly; Goblin Funk has a low survival rate for this occurrence! This is unacceptable. Don't get others caught up in your reckless habits! Not everyone can keep up with Budget Dragon's charades!

Nyah! I was thinking such things as I stopped flying in the Lizardmen Tribes and began to glare at the Pyramid. I swear. If they turn up in that Pyramid, I'm going to lose my mind. I don't have the Candy to take on the freaking Lizardmen Pyramid. Not on me, anyways. Conrad better get back here with some good news, pronto! Cetilla seems to have discovered the reason as to why I stopped flying. She's also looking at the Pyramid, meow. We sat like that, glaring at it with our killing intent for a good whopping 15 minutes before a certain Crowli and Crow appeared and began to speak.

"My lord… I have been incapable of finding the Goblin or Drake anywhere in this territory." [Conrad] exclaimed with a sigh.

"I think that I can sense them." [Cetilla] remarked with a giggle.

"...Indeed. It's the most troublesome thing, but if I may… Please allow me to infiltrate the Pyramid in search of them." [Conrad] agreed before requesting as he bowed his head, mid flight.

"We need more Candy. Are you absolutely certain that they are within that Pyramid?" [Nero] said bluntly before asking the Crowli.

"I can't be certain. It's a strong hunch, as I see no other places for them to be hiding." [Conrad] explained while seeming dejected.

"Understood... We need five minutes to prepare. Let's head southeast to the rocky clearing and open a Hallowed Gate there." [Nero] accepted the theory while rubbing his head, before declaring.

"Very well. I will not let you down." [Conrad] bowed once more before following Nero as he flew southeast.

Reaching the rocky clearings only took me around a minute. I wasn't even spending MP. This territory simply is that small. On arrival, I cast the [Hallowed Gate] while raising my Lantern once more. After casting the spell, I began to call on my Clansmen.

"Hear me, Halloween Clansmen! Come one, come all; serve under me and represent the Halloween Clan once more! Bring me all of my Candy, and then infiltrate the Lizardmen Tribe Pyramid to my northeast together. Slay any and all who get in your way, to find me Goblin Funk and Budget Dragon! Bring them back to the Hallowed Gate safely!" [Nero] called as he continued to hold his Lantern high.

Around thirty seconds later, a large mass of orange light radiated from my Lantern before bursting out all around me. Dispersing moments later, it revealed all of my Clansmen. After they had arrived, they immediately began traveling through the Hallowed Gate. Around 30 seconds later, they had all returned while carrying buckets and jars of Candy. They placed the Candy down around me, and continued off on their way; as a pack… Heading northeast. It was magical to see them all working together like that. I did, infact ask them to to infiltrate the Pyramid together. They're doing it as one, large raiding party. Cetilla and I are watching from afar. I would go in myself, but I need to be able to heal my Clansmen properly throughout the course of the battle. I have no idea how powerful the Lizardmen are. I need to take precautions, and take advantage of how my Clansmen are immortal so long as I have the Candy to heal them. I won't fly in there blind, asking Cetilla to carry as much of my Candy with me as possible; because that effectively limits the amount of Candy that I can put down on this battle.

We can't carry it all at once. I have 47 of these buckets, okay?! They're all full! I also have 20 jars, and 1 extra jar about half full. This is a lot of Candy. After around three minutes, the horde of Clansmen had finally reached the entrance to the Pyramid. Not a moment sooner, they were assaulted by a group of Lizardmen who had happened to be outside. Roughly 30 Lizardmen assaulted my Clansmen, and not a single one appeared to have survived. It's hard to tell, because I'm so freaking far away. Looking at my Clansmen Roster, they haven't taken too much damage; but Conrad is definitely not taking any risks. He's certainly began to use [Flock Storm], the exceptionally inefficient ability; which magically sucks away his entire life force after a sheer minute of combat. Jeez. I guess that I'll start eating… Oh~ I'm leveling up. The sweet, sweet joys of experience points.

After around five minutes of eating Candy, I had already devoured 4 buckets. My Clansmen are still going strong, with only the Tier 1 to 2 ones having actually perished and returned to Halloween. They asked me if they should return to the battle, but I dismissed them. They did fine, but the heavy hitters will probably be the ones to decide the outcome anyways. These guys would need to infiltrate the Pyramid a second time, and catch up with the others. It's too risky, they're more likely to fail than succeed without adequate backup. Another 5 minutes went by, before the Tier 3 Clansmen began to die out. I say that, but it's just Connor. He told me that the party had estimated that they had already reached halfway through the Pyramid, leading to Goblin Funk and Budget Dragon. Apparently, it's becoming easier to detect their haki; the closer that my Clansmen get to them. So, at this point; they're now certain that Goblin Funk and Budget Dragon had both indeed been captured by the Lizardmen… Or that they're simply within the Pyramid. One of the two.

By the time that my first Tier 4 Clansmen had perished, Betty; the Banshee… I had devoured a total of 14 buckets of Candy. When she returned to me, I learned that our two companions were not the only ones captured by the Lizardmen Tribe. Apparently, there are several races being held captive; and that they had finally succeeded in reaching Budget Dragon and Goblin Funk. They're both alive, and relatively unharmed; albeit slightly tortured. They'll live. Instinctively, I raised my Lantern and shouted to save all of the captured creatures within the Pyramid; praying that my Clansmen had heard it. After doing so, I requested that Betty return to the Pyramid; but told her to be careful until she caught back up with the others. She may have perished once, but she's still a Tier 4 Banshee. They're going to need her help, even if she can only attack one enemy at a time. Cetilla's looking at me with a face. It's a particular face. It can only mean one thing. She wants us to step into the battle, joining the Banshee.

"Cetilla… You will be severely limited within that Pyramid... As a Wind Elemental, you won't be able to rely on natural wind to boost your abilities... Not within that structure... Are you certain that you want to take that risk?" [Nero] explained rationally, before asking while chewing on some Candy.

"...I didn't think of that. I should still be able to deal some damage, though?" [Cetilla] confessed before continuing with a smile.

"Maybe... But you won't be able to heal the way that my Clansmen can. If anything happens, I might lose you." [Nero] agreed, before continuing as he ate more Candy.

"If anything happens, you could lose Budget Dragon and Goblin Funk as well." [Cetilla] replied with a grin. To which, Nero sighed heavily before continuing to eat his Candy.

"Fine, but you're only there to hold my Candy. You'll be staying on my Broom, within my Barrier at all times. Got that?" [Nero] said, giving in to the Sorceress.

"...I'll let off a few Wind Shots, but that's it! I want to Evolve too, you know…?" [Cetilla] shot back as she giggled.

"...Okay, but one whole arm must be dedicated to Candy. I have no idea how confusing that Pyramid is." [Nero] agreed before taking a stand and getting on his Broom as he began to pick up several buckets of Candy.

And so, we're now carrying a total of 10 buckets. Cetilla's carrying 9, while I'm carrying 1. I'm also carrying my Lantern, obviously. We're off to see the Lizards! The terrible Lizards that cause... All of my problems. We're racing to the Pyramid at immense speed, to catch up to Betty who is meow just arriving at it. After catching up, we were within the first room of the Pyramid. Now, we're flying relatively slow as we follow the 64 AGI Banshee. She knows the way. Looking around, I see a whole lot of dead Lizardmen; varying in kinds. Many different skin tones. Er… Scale tones? The first room is a long corridor, leading slightly downward. There are torches hung on the walls, radiating light. There are also scriptures running along the insides of the Pyramid. Quite soon after entering, this corridor had a separate corridor attached to it; leading upwards. We continued on our original path, downwards. Around a minute later, on both sides of the corridor, were several other corridors; with rooms on each side. It appears as though the Lizardmen live within those separate rooms. Betty continued to lead us directly through the main hall. After what seemed like forever, the ground became level. We weren't slowly descending any longer.

After a minute of travelling on stable ground, we were met with a room. It has three additional halls leading out of it, one on each side. At this point, we were met with the remaining Clansmen as well as our companions and several freed prisoners. Looking around, there are even a couple Catkin among those previously held captive. Three of them, to be specific. One of them is a guy, dressed like a Pirate. Unlike Cetilla, his clothes aren't befitting to any particular colors. He appears more Human than Catkin, and has blonde hair; with blue eyes. He also appears to be at least a couple years older than my Human form. That's a strange combination for a Cat, but I'll let it slide. Just this once. The other two Catkin appear to be a family. Both appear more Catkin than Human. They both have a mix of grey, black and white fur. They both have slightly green eyes. One is a mother, while the other is a daughter. The daughter appears younger than me, and the mother appears far older than Rei was.

Aside from the three Catkin, there was a Minotaur, a Frogman, a Crocwoman, a Pixie, and even three Orcs. The Minotaur seemed smaller than Vigi, perhaps due to not being full grown. She was a woman, with black fur and eyes. She's not bulky by any means. I was honestly a little surprised to find that she was a Minotaur. The Frogman seemed more Frog than Human, had green scales and blue eyes. He's not very lean, though. Both him and the Minotaur are wearing very minimal clothing. Basically tattered old cloaks that one might have found Goblins to be wearing just a few months ago. The Pixie was small. Very small. Her wings were sharp, she had two of them; but the wings were split into two… Making it appear as though she had four wings, two on each side with one below the other. The Pixie wasn't nude, but she might as well have been.

She's either censoring herself with magic or she really has nothing to hide aside from her body shape. She was wearing long violet boots, which appeared to be armored. She was also wearing long violet gloves, which appeared to be armored. She had a small violet, armored amulet protecting her neck; and a small violet helmet protecting the front of her head. Just the top of her head, might I add. It's kind of like a headband, almost. That's all she is wearing. Sticking out from two holes in her helmet, were two antennae. At the ends of the antennae, appeared to be small balls of fluff. They're orange. Just like her almond shaped eyes. Behind her helmet, was violet hair which hung down beneath her shoulders. Her wings were a mix between violet and orange, and I'm almost certain that she's a Halloween Pixie. The wings reminded me of Butterfly wings. Kind of. Across both sides of her nude, pitch white skinned chest; are strange orange tattoos. Upon even closer inspection, I spotted it. The rare, slightly transparent net icon. It's the Clansmen Capture identifier.

The Crocwoman had dark green scales, and seemed to be what one might expect of a Crocwoman. Kidding! She's a Corocdae. A literal Crocodile, with half a woman's body sewn on top. Her hair reminds me of seaweed. Her entire complexion is green, and her eyes are glowing yellow. Her hair hides her nudity. The Orcs are what one might expect. Orcs. Still kidding! These Orcs don't seem ordinary. There are two male, and one female. The female is clearly the one in charge of the other two. She's special, or something. Her hair is silver, and she's wearing extremely seductive armor, consisting of some type of leather. The kind of seductive armor that only protects you from like... A tenth of the attacks you endure, at best? That kind. She has a wooden staff, and it contains an orange orb radiating from the tip. Her eyes are orange, and her skin isn't just flat out green; either. It's a pale purple. What is this? Excuse me? Am I getting two new Clansmen races tonight?! AND new Cat Crew(o)men?! The other two Orcs guarding her, are regular. Green, beefy; heavily armored… Orcs.

I was thinking such things as we traveled in a group, up the long corridor; leading outside. I would have summoned a [Hallowed Gate], but it won't fit in here. It's not plausible. On the way back, I didn't even need to eat any Candy. Between the freed prisoners, my Clansmen, and the rampant Cetilla who had decided that she could carry Candy without being on the Broom; it was smooth sailing for us. Around halfway through the corridor, one of them finally begged the question.

"...Excuse me, but who are you?" [Small, young Catkin] asked with a timid expression as she looked toward a certain Witch of War.

"My name is Nero. I am the one True Halloween Cat, and I lead a remnant of the Halloween Clan." [Nero] introduced himself to the young Catkin.

"And what are you doing here?" [Orc Woman] asked with a rude expression.

"Saving you, and my captured companions." [Nero] explained bluntly to the Orc.

"Hmph... It appears as though your followers do more than you." [Orc Woman] mocked. To which, the Cat simply sighed.

"His followers wouldn't be here at all if it weren't for his request." [Cetilla] chimed in after slamming a rogue Lizardman through a wall.

"Thanks for that, Nero." [Goblin Funk] laughed as he held the back of his head.

"Those cages were strong…" [Budget Dragon] admit, with a dejected expression.

"I could have escaped at any time!" [Pixie] proclaimed boldly.

"I would be upset if you left me now, after all this time…" [Corocdae] sighed as she looked to the Pixie.

"Of course you would, we're besties!" [Pixie] yelled happily as she landed on the Corocdae's hair and began to hug at the alleged seaweed.

"Well... I for one am just happy to finally be on my way out of these tunnels." [Frogman] admit with an air of sophistication.

"Yes… I wish to return to the Forest of Fae at all costs." [Minotaur Lady] agreed with the Frogman before declaring while looking off into the light coming from the end of the corridor.

"Have no fear, after we leave this place; I will free you all within the Lost Kingdom. From there, you may choose your own path; or you may choose to stay with us." [Nero] chimed in, explaining his intentions to the rag tag group of captured individuals.

"...The Lost Kingdom?" [Orc Woman] sneered.

"Yes, the Lost Kingdom is where I have deemed fit to receive my protection. You will all be safe within it, so long as you do not march against it." [Nero] explained thoughtfully.

"How could you possibly promise safety in such a barbaric place?!" [Orc Woman] retorted hysterically.

"With the help of my companions, but of course?" [Nero] replied insistently, while tilting his head.

"No one said that he needed to do it alone." [Cetilla] giggled. To which, the group fell silent. Not due to Cetilla, however. It was because they had finally reached the outside of the Pyramid.

Facing us, are a group of Lizardmen; raising a plethora of weapons towards us. They're surrounding the exit to the Pyramid, but frankly… There's totally enough of a clearing for me to cast a [Hallowed Gate]. I'm at an impasse. I don't know whether to have them slain, or to throw a Gate and shove everyone inside. I want the new Clansmen, so I need to display my power to them; in order to convince them to follow me. Then again, I have a feeling that these new Clansmen are like White Beef Lady. Rare. I very well may never meet another of their kind… Let alone, two of them. Perhaps claiming the Pixie and Orc lady aren't for the best. Even so, I need to ensure that they escape this scenario. I promised them that much, at the very least. I have a feeling that I've already commit a massacre here, so maybe the Lizardmen will be willing to allow us to leave; simply to avoid further casualties on their side? It's worth a shot.

"Greetings, Lizardmen. My name is Nero, the True Halloween Cat. On this fateful night, I noticed that your people had captured and imprisoned two of my beloved companions. After having freed them, I found that there were also additional creatures being held captive by your people. I chose to save them as well. I hope that you can understand, but imprisonment is not something that I lightly condone. Especially when done without reason. Reygid suffered the consequences of torturing my Companions, and you have now suffered the same. Step back, and allow us to pass; or die at the hands of Halloween… Joining your fallen brethren. Make no mistake! If you choose to face me right now... There will be no survivors from your side. I will see to your eradication. All that will remain, will be those who happened to survive within the Pyramid. Turn back, allow us to leave; and I will spare all that currently remain living." [Nero] proclaimed boldly, taking on his largest form halfway through the declaration.

And so, several Lizardmen fled immediately. The few who stayed, simply fell to their knees and began to weep. Shameless. I cancelled, and then began raising the [Hallowed Gate] once more. After doing so, I gestured for the freed captives to follow my Clansmen into Halloween. Though some were reluctant, they all made their way through after realizing that if they didn't… They would still be left to fight their way out of this territory. Yep. We're going home! Well, I'm actually staying. Returning to my Human form~ I still have a considerable portion of Candy waiting for me on the southeast edge of this territory. I can't just leave it. That's my most valuable commodity. I'd place Candy over Gold, any night! And so, all of my Clansmen and Companions returned to Halloween. I assumed that Cetilla had guided them through to the Wailing Keep, and cancelled the Gate before departing. Conrad and the other Crows chose to stay with me. They're the exception. They're flying alongside me. Fun. I missed you guys!

It's been awhile since I last flew with my Crows. They used to fly with me all the time. There are three of them, including Conrad. Con, Connor, and Conrad. In my eyes, I see Conrad as the spunky old Grandpa. Connor's the father, and Con is the son. They're all spunky and filled with murderous intent, but they hold a special place in my heart. The Crows were my second type of Clansmen. They've been with me for a long time. I owe it all to them, and to the Scarecrows. I was thinking such things as we made our way to the abandoned Candy. Opening the gate once more, I asked for their help in bringing the Candy and empty buckets back into the Treasure Room. Conrad's showing off, carrying way too much to be viable. Thankfully, he didn't drop a jar. It only took us two trips to get all of the goods back into the Wailing Keep. While we were hauling the goods, I found that everyone we had saved had remained in the Throne Room. They're probably awaiting further instructions or something. I suppose that suddenly being plopped into an absolutely massive Throne Room can have that effect on people. Obviously, Cetilla wouldn't dare explain a single matter; and is simply standing beside the Throne with a grin. Wendel is also bowing down slightly in front of, but next to the Throne. Jeez. After finishing with the movement of the Candy, I took my seat. Yikes.

"Clansmen! Please gather all of the remaining residents to the Wailing Keep here! I have an announcement to make." [Nero] beckoned as he raised his Lantern while sitting on the Throne. To which, all of the Clansmen departed.

Betty flew directly down, through the ground. She's probably heading to the basement. The other Clansmen all began racing towards the more natural exit of the Throne Room. After around 15 or so minutes, everyone had returned; and so I began to make my announcement.

"During our journey to the Dwarven Kingdom, we stopped in the Lizardmen Tribes; hoping to procure rare Fish for our nightly meet and feasts. We caught Eel, which turned out to be poisonous. Amidst the confusion, Goblin Funk and Budget Dragon were both captured by the Lizardmen Tribe." [Nero] proclaimed, before being brutally interrupted.

"I knew that we sssshould have avoided the damned Lizardssss!" [Lora, the Lamia] ssssnarled.

"...Moving along~ I commanded my Clansmen to invade the Lizardmen Pyramid and save our captured companions. While doing so, we discovered that they were not the only ones being imprisoned by the Lizardmen. So, we saved numerous other creatures from the depths of that very same Pyramid." [Nero] continued, before being brutally interrupted once more.

"We're moving on to saving others, now?" [Rustle, the Rabbit] asked with a happy tone of voice.

"...Yes. Anyways, I promised that we would grant safe passage to any of those freed individuals; back to their homelands… If they choose to leave us. And so, some of them may choose to stay with us here at the Wailing Keep while they decide. I would like to ask you all to help them find vacant rooms in the basement for them to live in." [Nero] continued, before being brutally interrupted a third time.

"I'll do my best to find them adequate lodgings!" [Lillian, the Leshi] chimed in, with a seriously determined expression.

"Thank you. To help our guests get accustomed to their new temporary; but potentially permanent home… I would like you all to introduce yourselves and show them around the Wailing Keep. Ensure that they are adequately fed, and taught how to make use of our Kitchen should they ever find themselves needing to." [Nero] thanked before continuing, finally getting a chance to finish his announcement.

"My name is Cetilla Vellisroi. I'm a Catkin Sorceress from Reygid, and I'm the first member to Nero's Cat Crew." [Cetilla] introduced herself loudly while removing her bodacious Pirate hat.

"My name is Goblin Funk. I'm a Goblin Warrior from the Lost Kingdom, and I'm the fourth member to Nero's Cat Crew. I'm also one of the Village Chief's trusted retainers." [Goblin Funk] jumped in while adjusting his afro, as he winked. To which, several gasps were heard from amidst the female residents.

"They call me Budget Dragon. I'm a Drake from the Chasms, and I'm the fifth; unofficial member to Nero's Cat Crew." [Budget Dragon] proclaimed, while puffing out his chest and raising his head high as he gazed off into the distance.

"I'm Lillian, the Leshi. I'm from the Lost Kingdom. It's a pleasure to meet you all." [Lillian] greeted.

"Thissss issss Lora, the Lamia. I'm Borissss, the Boamia. We're both from the Losssst Kingdom." [Boris] greeted with a smile.

"We've already met, but I'm Wendel; the Weeping Angel. I'm from the Chasms, but I serve as one of Nero's Clansmen." [Wendel] groaned.

"I'm Mr Scarecrow." [Mr Scarecrow] introduced himself briefly.

"Mrs Scarecrow." [Mrs Scarecrow] introduced herself even more briefly.

"They call me Conrad. I'm the Crowli, and I used to roam many lands; but Nero found most of me within Reygid. Those two Crows are Connor and Con. We're Nero's Clansmen." [Conrad] explained with a somewhat frightening expression.

"My name is Kendra. I'm a Kitsune, and I'm from the Lost Kingdom. Tell me, are you nocturnal?" [Kendra] introduced herself before begging the question to some of the newcomers.

"Nero calls me Benji. I'm a Bat. These are my friends, Vivian, Edward, and Robert. We all hail from the Chasms, and are Nero's Clansmen." [Benji] introduced himself and the other Bats respectively.

"Well, the others all call me Cyclozard. I'm a One Eyed Lizard from the Chasms. That's where Nero found me. Where are you from?" [Cyclozard] greeted before asking a question to the Minotaur.

"They call me White Beef Lady. I'm a Werewolf, serving as one of Nero's Clansmen. This is Wilson, the Wolfenrine. Nero found us both in the Lost Kingdom. It's nice to have some fresh faces around here, please do stay. If you'd like to duel, I'm all in." [White Beef Lady] introduced her and Wilson to the group with a smile.

"Well, I'm Rita. I'm a Rifaleesi. I like to play all day and night, so if you want to play; let's play. Rustle will play too! Oh, Nero found me in the Lost Kingdom." [Rita] introduced herself excitedly while facing the youngest Catkin.

"I'm Vana, this is Hugo. We're Flutterfairies that Nero had met within the Lost Kingdom.

"Yes, I'm Rustle; the Rabbit. I would like more friends to play with, as well. I was also found within the Lost Kingdom." [Rustle] greeted, joining Rita beside the young Catkin.

"We've met, but I'm Betty. I'm a Banshee, that Nero happened upon one night in the Lost Kingdom. I'm one of his Clansmen." [Betty] explained while grumbling.

"Ben. The Bear. From the Lost Kingdom." [Ben] said curtly before beginning to walk away.

"Nero likes to call me Goddin Village Neith Sama. I'm the Goblin Chief of the Village being protected by Nero and his Clansmen. Goblin Funk already introduced himself, but this is my other trusted retainer; Cloaked Monk." [Goddin Village Neith Sama] introduced himself and his retainers.

"I'm Cloaked Monk. This is my partner… She has not yet been given a name by Nero." [Cloaked Monk] introduced his partner with a slightly dejected expression.

"I'm Fred." [Fred, the Scarecrow] said.

"I'm Daphne." [Daphne, the Scarecrow] said.

"I'm Cosmo, and this is Wanda." [Cosmo, the Scarecrow] introduced not only himself, but also his partner.

"...And that settles it for introductions. Please, if any of you newcomers feel the need to meet with me for any reason; you are more than welcome to do so. You are also more than welcome to eat your fill of Fish, or rest as you please. In the meantime, Lillian will show you all to the Kitchen, the fireplace, the Dining Hall, and then to your own rooms. If you desire food after finding your room, then please do not hesitate to return back upstairs and meet in the Dining Hall. I'll be preparing a meal right now, as I haven't eaten yet tonight. I'm sure that you're probably wondering just what it is that we're doing here, out in the middle of nowhere with this massive Keep... That can be explained to you, but I'm sure that you would prefer to settle your own personal needs first." [Nero] cut in, halting the smaller conversations which had began to play out amidst the residents. To which, many of the original residents groaned as they had their introductions cut short; but they moved along their way, vacating the Throne Room.

Everyone had left, except for Cetilla, Goblin Funk, Budget Dragon, the Orc Lady, one of her Guards, Wendel, Conrad, Betty, and Goddin Village Neith Sama. Jeez. What now?!

"It appears that there is still room for discussion? Please, follow me towards the Kitchen. We can discuss whatever you need to as we prepare our meal." [Nero] called out to the group of individuals. To which, numerous murmurs were heard; but everyone followed me anyways.

I'm going to prepare a meal for myself, regardless of what they have to say. I'm flying. With, or without them. Well, Cetilla skillfully leapt onto my Broom at the last second… So I guess that she's flying, too. I flew slowly so that I wouldn't be rushing the potentially already weakened former prisoners who had not undergone any healing or been eating properly. The Orcs didn't seem to be overly tortured, but they were certainly held captive. When we finally arrived, I cracked open a fridge and began masterfully tossing Fish after Fish onto several different pans which Cetilla took the liberty of setting down onto the stove tops. Only a Fish Mongerer could have displayed my level of precision when throwing Fish. It was a truly befitting example of my prized ability; THE [Claw Fishing+3]! I was thinking such things as I began to cook and flip the Fish, with great attention to detail. As I was doing so, the Banshee began to ask me about whether or not she should have the flying Clansmen continue to search for the Forsaken Isles. I told her that they could take a break for the night, and that they've served me wonderfully in the conquest against the Lizardmen Pyramid. She seemed pleased.

After Betty disappeared through a wall, I began to ponder about how I had never noticed her using such a precarious ability before she literally mentioned it to me. I'm baffled. Looking back at the Fish once more, Goblin Funk and Budget Dragon thanked me once more for rescuing them before confessing to their own hunger. They even went so far as to state how excited they were to be having me as the night's Chef. Guys. There is absolutely nothing special about my cooking these Fish. It's not as if I've practiced cooking Fish. Mostly, on account of us having a severe lack of ingredients to work with. Even as a Fish Mongerer, I don't think that I'll get any increased abilities regarding the preparation of Fish. It's mostly about the actual consumption and slaying of Fish. I think that's how it is, anyways. Lately, I haven't actually been killing very many Fish. That is, unless you can count my [Hallowed Gate] causing the Fish to fall out of water and then later die… As my own ability killing the Fish? It's kind of flawed from a game perspective, but it might work here? Huh.

After flipping another Fish, Goddin Village Neith Sama began to speak. He was also thanking me for taking the time to save his incompetent retainer. He muttered something about how he had never expected Goblin Funk to fall so far, due to being incapable of holding his liqueur… And about how he would take utmost priority in training Goblin Funk's gut so that he may serve as a better example for Goblins everywhere. Huh?! The Eel was not alcohol! It may have resulted in similar events, but it's more poison than fun; I think. Goblin Funk is groaning as he's being dragged away by the Goblin Shaman, but he'll probably live? Right?! Oh god… Who's next? It's Conrad. He's requested for a break from the Forsaken Isles search tomorrow, so that he may lead Con and Connor through their old hunting skies. He wants to visit the other Crows, and since he won't be hungry; he'll have no need to ravage Reygid. I guess that it's fine, but he's going to need to take that one up with Betty. Theoretically, he could just go off and do it right meow; though. I told him as much. He left dejectedly. He probably wanted to do it both nights, rather than just a portion of one.

Flipping a few more Fish, I began to look around as if to signal whoever wanted to speak next. It was Wendel. She wants a new song to commemorate the battle won at the Pyramid. What? We're doing victory songs now?! The heck? I'm all in! I'll find a song... Just you wait. Cetilla's now chiming in. She's saying something about wanting to verse me again in the Safari Card Game. She's salty about having lost to me last time. Hard pass. We'll keep it to a weekly occurrence. That's all for this one. Try harder next time, I guess. And meow, it's finally the Orc Lady's turn. I've been waiting patiently for her to begin speaking, because quite frankly… I expected what she had to say to be of the most importance. First impressions matter. Her first impression of me so far, has been that I'm a Ruler holding a Keep in a precarious area. This lady is a potential Clansmen Candidate. I don't really know whether I desire to capture her or not, but I can see the net icon. I would like to at least be on good terms with her.

"My name is Rateeva Doljiir. I am a Witch Doctor of the Orc Mountains, and I would like to return home." [Rateeva Doljiir] introduced herself and continued off to speak of her desires.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Rateeva. If that is what you desire, then so be it. Be that as it may, I have a few questions for you in particular." [Nero] greeted the Witch Doctor before continuing on to state his own.

"What do you want to know?" [Rateeva Doljiir] replied callously as she squinted her eyes.

"Are there other Witch Doctors of the Orc race within the Orc Mountains?" [Nero] asked with eyes wide as he began to take Fish from the pans and place them onto a platter.

"Why do you care?" [Rateeva Doljiir] asked while keeping her guard up.

"To be frank, you are of the Halloween Clan. You have every right to serve me, the same as those that you have already met. You, and any other Witch Doctors of the Orc race. Quite honestly, becoming one of my Clansmen is not always for the best. If there are not a high number of your kind, then you would likely fare better without my direct help. Even so, you're still more than welcome to come and go as you please to the Wailing Keep... Or even to Halloween; your home realm. You saw it briefly on your travel here. You're welcome to live there should you desire, I act as a living gate to Halloween from this world. If you are ever injured, I will do my best to heal you. If there comes a time when you face death, join me and I will grant you life until at least the time that I myself perish. That much is definitely your birthright... Or at least, your current right; as you are currently of the Halloween Clan." [Nero] explained as he finished gathering all of the Fish on the platter, and began to guide those still nearby into the Dining Hall. On arrival, he found that Wendel had began to sing Opera within the room.

"I'm… Of the Halloween Clan?" [Rateeva Doljiir] questioned, giving off an expression of disbelief.

"Indeed. It is the reason why your staff shines orange, the same as your eyes. It is the reason why your skin is purple. Right now, the sky within Halloween is orange. That color symbolizes your connection to Halloween. During the day of this land, the sky within Halloween turns purple... My eyes change colors from orange to purple depending on the sky within Halloween, and I suspect that yours may do the same... Though some Halloween Clansmen do not share these similiarities, these are not coincidences... You're of the Halloween Clan, and because you have now met with me... A Halloween Cat, moreover; the current True Halloween Cat of your world… You have the right to serve Halloween under my name… As a Halloween Clansmen..." [Nero] said as he prepared himself a plate and took his seat; eating in between his sentences.

"What's the difference between a Halloween Cat and a True Halloween Cat? Also, sorry to admit; but there aren't many Orcs who choose to become a Witch Doctor." [Rateeva Doljiir] asked before confessing to her rarity and beginning to eat some Fish herself; joining in along the others who had taken seats nearby.

"Yeah… I expected as much. On one world, there can only be one True Halloween Cat. It's a title granted to whichever one is the oldest. It grants me a couple extra abilities, including the one that actually matters for this particular scenario. You see, if you were to find two other Witch Doctors of the Orc race… Granted, they must also share your Tier... Then I could merge your souls and bodies to allow you all to Evolve one time. Now, I know what you're thinking... One Evolution isn't that big of a deal, but if there happens to be an excessive number of Witch Doctors of similar Tiers, and there also happens to be an issue with starvation… Then it begins to make more sense. Honestly, if the entire race is doing absolutely fine as is; there's no real reason to come and serve directly under me... It's not as if you can't procreate with Orcs who are not Witch Doctors, after all. Some races seem to be more varying than others, in that way. When you choose to become one of my Clansmen, I halt your entire life until the day that I die… Let that sync in... If you were at risk of extinction, then choosing to serve under me becomes a more viable option… You can't die if you're my Clansmen, so long as I have adequate Candy to heal your wounds. As I find more Clansmen, I might even find more of your kind; enabling you to procreate after I perish. Take the Scarecrows and Crows for example. Almost the entirety of the Scarecrow race was being enslaved within Reygid in attempts at driving the entirety of the Crow race within the southwest of the continent towards starvation... There were around 100 lesser Tier Crows and Scarecrows, which I merged down to the ones that you had met earlier tonight. They wont be at risk of starvation after I perish, as there are a whole lot less of them to feed meow… The downside, is that they can't procreate to replenish their population until I perish. Take a good look at Crowli. He lacks an additional Crowli to procreate with, so now I feel morally obligated to find another 100 Crows to merge. It can be more trouble than it's worth." [Nero] mansplained the joys of [Soul Merge] to the Witch Doctor as he continued to eat his Fish in between his sentences.

"...I see. So as there are fewer Witch Doctors of my Tier, and because I can still procreate with other Orc types; you suggest that I don't become your Clansmen?" [Rateeva Doljiir] questioned.

"Indeed. If you're ever hurt, I can try to heal you with Candy; though. I've never had the chance to feed Candy to someone that isn't my Clansmen, so I'm honestly excited to see whether it works or not. Even if you decide not to serve under me, you could still choose to inhabit Halloween or the Wailing Keep; and live with us as a Monster Knight? Also, if you decide to leave; I can send some Candy with you so that you can learn on your own whether Candy can heal you or not, without being one of my Clansmen. Make sure to let me know what you find. So long as I'm still standing, you're always going to be welcome here, especially if you're of a Halloween Clan. It's really your own call, but I wanted to ensure that I thoroughly explained all of your options to you before you made it." [Nero] explained his own thoughts on the matter, finally finished with his meal.

"Thank you. I appreciate your hospitality, but I really must be going. Would you be so kind as to take me from these lands and return me and my companions to the Orc Mountains?" [Rateeva Doljiir] thanked before humbly requesting.

"Very well. Wendel, could you please go find her other friend and bring him back to the Throne Room alongside them both?" [Nero] replied with a smile before turning to the Weeping Angel, who had immediately stopped singing and began to sob as she bitterly walked away.

Around a moment later, several of the other new arrivals returned to the Dining Hall; but I didn't have much of a chance to introduce myself… So I settled with a "Here's your meal, I'll be back soon." kind of deal. They'll forgive me. I'm literally just trying to be true to my word, of granting them safe passage through the Lost Kingdom. Rateeva will need to explain that I'm simply offering her that safe passage that she had hoped for. Either her, or Cetilla. Cetilla was in the Dining Hall, so I guess she can handle it. I'm flying southwest. I took my time, saving my MP. I spent around 20 minutes flying to the Orc Mountains. On arrival, they just appear like very dry Mountains. Actually, I rescind that statement. It's more like this plethora of Mountains is actually forming an unnatural Canyon. It's not really a Canyon, because it's probably just natural ground level or a little lower… But it feels like a Canyon due to the Mountains. Nyah.

Descending to the ground so that I could cast the [Hallowed Gate] and not simply leave the Witch Doctor perched atop a massive Mountain… I discovered that there's a sort of Mining community in these lands. There are holes dug into the sides of the Mountains, creating presumably complex cities within the Mountains. There are also some tunnels carved into the foot of the Mountains simply to allow safe passage to get to higher ground. Upon closer inspection to the actual ground, I've come to find that there are a plethora of intense appearing creatures roaming these lands. This is probably why the Orcs choose to live within the Mountains. This, and the shade bestowed by the Mountains themselves. It's unreasonably warm here. I kind of like it. I suppose that the Lost Kingdom isn't the only place with a safari like environment. There was an ecosystem in the Lizardmen's territory, a pretty small scale one in the Elven territory, and there's definitely one here as well. The Demon Kingdom had one, but it was littered with aerial type monsters. Flying creatures frighten me. I prefer to be the only one capable of flight. Thank you.

The monsters here seem big. By far, the highest Tier of monsters to have been witnessed in such large numbers. As of yet, this may be the most optimal hunting ground for yours truly. I should probably spend some time hunting in the Lizardmen Tribes before moving up to here, though. These things are kind of scary. One of them reminds me of a Drake the way it moves and the way that its body shape is... But its face reminds me more of a Fish. Scary. Another one just looks like an over sized Ram… Another appears to be an over sized Scorpion. If the Orcs are constantly cowering in fear from these things, then how do they have the guts to invade the Lost Kingdom with an army?! The nerve of these people… Oh. I should probably inform Rateeva that I may or may not have taken part in the slaying of one of her people's armies. It wasn't my fault, though! They came out of nowhere! Eh... I'll let sleeping dogs lie.

Reaching the ground, I cast a [Hallowed Gate] and began to race through it. Soaring above the allegedly trick blood fountain, I made my way through the combo gate and into the Throne Room before taking a u-turn to fetch a bucket of Candy. I then, gave it to Rateeva. She had kind of just been standing there, debating on whether to hop into the portal. After taking the Candy, surely enough, she entered through the portal; and was followed by her two Orc companions. I decided to follow behind them, and ensure that they could safely get away from my [Hallowed Gate] and back towards the walls of the Mountains. Sitting atop my Broom from beside my gate, I watched as they ran for the Mountains, and began to climb it with great vigor. They'll be fine. I'm leaving, because one of those giant Drake Fish is gunning it straight for me. Not tonight! After making my way back into the Wailing Keep, I cancelled my gate before continuing on my way to the Dining Hall.

On arrival, I found that the Catkin mother wished to speak with me. According to her, Cetilla filled everyone in on the Monster Knights, and Cat Crew. She doesn't feel very determined to fight for us, but she would be willing to be a Chef here at the Wailing Keep if it meant that her daughter would be kept safe from danger. According to her, Reygid is not an option; hence why they weren't in the Beastkin Kingdom to begin with. They fled Reygid, only to have tragedy befall them... They ended up prisoners to the Lizardmen. Yikes. They can stay. I guess that my little game to find out who the current Chef is will need to be put on hiatus, because we meow have an official one. No clue as to how proficient she is in cooking, but she's working with few ingredients; so it's going to be difficult to let me down… Or to impress me.

Next up was the Catkin dressed as a Pirate. He decided to join the Cat Crew. He's actually lived his life as a Pirate, and yearns for adventure. I also yearn for adventure. I'm kind of busy, though. I'll get on it soon, I swear! He also apparently lacks the proper weapons for battle, as they were stolen by the Lizardmen. Jeez. He's a Swashbuckler, claiming to need a curved sword and a pistol. I guess that I'll need to put that on my to-do list. Budget Dragon kind of self proclaimed himself as the 5th member to my prestigious Cat Crew, so I guess that this makes the Chef our 6th member, her daughter our 7th member… And the Swashbuckler our 8th member. Fun. I'll need to give them names. I'm assuming that they have none, as they didn't introduce themselves properly.

After finishing up with the Catkin, I was led to speak with the Pixie, Corocdae, Frogman, and Minotaur. They're all sitting together at the table. It seems that they have come to a decision. The Corocdae and Pixie will stay for a little while and see how they like it here. If they don't, they'll just return to the wilds of the Lizardmen territory and take their chances. The Frogman has decided to stay, as he's well aware that he simply Evolved too high above his peers and could not remain within the Lizardmen territory. The Minotaur has decDashboardided that she desires to return to the Forest of Fae, but she'll stay the night to rest; at the very least. Okay~

I'm now returning to my Treasure Room. Dawn is coming, and I'm tired. I would like to check how much Candy I have left, and spend my current MP on clothes... But I think that I'll just leave my status for tomorrow. Looking around, my room is kind of a mess. Apparently, my Clansmen dont return things to their natural positions; and just place things down haphazardly. Ugh… I'll just fix this all up… Nyah! After five minutes of sorting, I was finished. I have 29 full buckets of Candy remaining, 20 jars and one additional jar that is almost half full… With an additional 16 empty Candy buckets. We didn't do too bad. We did, however; completely fail to reach the Dwarven Kingdom. Our true goal. I was thinking such things as I began to create new clothes while aiming for pieces at level 30. I was able to create 21 pieces that fell to the floor around me, before I cast [Daily Candy] as I was getting cozied up in my blankets and falling asleep.