Chapter 58 - Night 60

...I'm awake. I need to bring the Minotaur Lady home tonight, or tomorrow. Whenever she's ready. No clue how she expects to enter the Forest of Fae, though. It's sort of protected by a huge thorn barrier. I suppose that it's her problem to deal with? I'll make sure that she gets out of the Lost Kingdom safely, but actually getting her into the Forest of Fae is troublesome; to say the least. You want to know what I heard? Absolutely nothing, aside from how powerful that Fae Queen is. The fact that to this night, I have basically learned nothing of the Forest of Fae... Is terrifying. I've basically been everywhere at this point. Everywhere on the continent. I haven't explored the Savage Lands, and thanks to a certain Drake... I haven't explored the Dwarven Kingdom. I lightly explored the Dragon Mountains, but it was too hot for my Sorceress. I'll need to check it back out, alone. I was thinking such things as I got dressed.

Honestly, if I still haven't heard anything regarding that territory; I very well might never. That Queen has very efficiently cut her Forest off from the rest of the continent. Even just encountering a single individual to have once lived in that Forest took me all this time. Well, it's not as if I'm walking up to everyone I meet… Asking them of where they originated. I should take time to ask the Minotaur all about the details. She's my one foot into the door. I must take advantage of her knowledge! All of it! Give it to me, right meow! This Cat seeks intel! Actually, maybe if I promise to bring her the entire way into the Forest of Fae… Then she can get my foot in the door even further! I'll be able to meet the Fae Queen, my main supplier of Fish. I was thinking such things as I carried the other clothes from last night to the Throne Room before creating 21 more pieces of clothes while aiming for level 30. Now, I'm flying to the Dining Hall; as fast as my Broom will carry me without spending any MP.

On arrival, I found that Goblin Funk and Goddin Village Neith Sama were missing. Aside from them, the usual night crew is here; and so are my flying Clansmen. The feast hath been served, and quite frankly; it appears as though considerable effort was put into preparing it. Somehow, there's seasoning on it. I don't know what kind of seasoning it is, but it looks like pepper. Also, the Fish is all grilled and cut into even slabs; roughly an inch thick. On each piece, there's a berry in the middle. You can see that the Fish is more crispy towards the edges, but it becomes more juicy towards the middle. The berry is wrapped in a leaf, separating it from the Fish itself; but you can still see it on the sides. A flavor explosion, huh?! To*tsie pop style?! Okay~ I'll just grab myself a plate, and take what I believe to be the equivalent of two Fish. No, make that two and a half! I'm a growing boy, after all.

This looks SO good... I'm excited. I haven't eaten Fish prepared so intensively in all my life~ No one can cook Fish like you, unnamed Cat Crew(o)men Number 6! No one! I mean it, Number 6! I was thinking such things as I prepared myself a plate and took my seat while gazing at the meal. As I was almost drooling and had my head being held in both arms; my elbows were propped up on the table... Betty seemed to be using some type of Wind Magic to lightly carry the scent of Fish closer to me. Wendel was singing opera. The Fish looked so beautiful… I was in heaven. Everything was going so smoothly, and we were all able to live in harmony… Until the fire nation attacked, causing the music to stop abruptly; alongside the winds carrying my precious scents.

"So, I've decided that I wish to stay here." [Minotaur Lady] proclaimed with a smile.

EH?! If this Lady doesn't want to go to the Forest of Fae, then I effectively just lost my reasoning to guide her there and meet the damned Fae Queen! At most, I'll be able to learn information. Hunky Beefcake! Stop this madness at once! Why am I being cold shouldered by the only freaking Queen that I have heard of?! I want to meet the Queen! I mean, I'm glad to have the Minotaur stay with us; but seriously? Does she have any idea how big of a deal this is for me?! It's not every night that yours truly gets to meet an excessively powerful potential ally! Also, I genuinely just wanted to explore their territory. I'm a strong supporter for women's rights. If there's some total bad ass woman leading one of the neighboring territories, then I want to meet her. Especially if I deem her territory to be a nice place to be. So far, the territories that I've come across have been so so. At best. I'm hopeful that this one might be the one. The one that I was destined to befriend. It's a safe and secure locale, they have good Fish in droves, and they're led by an actual Queen. A powerful one. What could possibly go wrong?!

"...Eh?!" [Nero] let out, with a visibly irritated expression.

"Almost everyone here is friendly, and the living arrangements aren't poor; either. I know what this place stands for, and I believe in its cause. We Minotaurs once lived here happily, and if the Lost Kingdom is rising once more… Then I wish to be a part of that." [Minotaur Lady] declared with a heartfelt expression.

"Can we keep her?" [Vana] asked, with a giddy expression.

"I'm happy to have a Minotaur protect these lands once more." [Goddin Village Neith Sama] stated while looking off into the distance. To which, Nero sighed.

"Yes, she can definitely stay if she desires." [Nero] groaned.

"Then it's settled! I'm staying~" [Minotaur Lady] exclaimed happily. To which, cheers were heard from a certain Dining Hall; and the music resumed.

Now! Where were we?! Ahhhh, yes. You~ My malevolent meal... Daring me to devour you ravenously. Staring at me, with those grilled edges; teasing me with that unknown seasoning. You're doing all the right things, I guess there's no helping it. I can't hold back any longer! I was thinking such things as I resumed in admiring my Fish. As I was doing so, Cetilla had resumed with her magic; making it all the more enjoyable for me. Apparently, Cetilla had been doing it the whole time. Betty was not involved. Ahhhh~ It tastes amazing. The crispy edges go perfectly with the less cooked middle that seems to melt in your mouth. The berries truly pack an explosive appeal. Apparently, if you remove the leaf before beginning; then the berries will seep into the rest of the slab. I decided to try it out, and I have no regrets. After biting into the berry just once, the flavor truly did envelop the remainder of my meal. My props to the Chef. I didn't know that she could make my evening meal THIS much more enjoyable. She's here to stay. That is certain. I'm afraid I can't let her leave... Not after this miraculous display of skill. I was thinking such things as I relished in my meal.

Turns out, Cetilla was using the same ability on herself as we ate. She found her methods to be pleasing, so she decided to share them with me. How kind. She must want something. After asking her… Yep. She wants something, alright… She wants us to go to the Dwarven Kingdom, but she also wants us to completely neglect trying to Fish while passing through the Lizardmen Tribes. She believes that if we do it this way, nothing could possibly stop us this time. I agree. Let's raise that bet a little, and just fly directly past the Lizardmen Tribes. We can open the Gate within the Dwarven Kingdom, so Budget Dragon and Goblin Funk can still enjoy the experience of meeting Dwarves. She agreed with my idea, and so it's settled. We're off to see the Dwarves. Round 2... Fight!

"On this fine night, I will be venturing into the Dwarven Kingdom once more. Due to the events of our last attempt, this time; I will be skipping any encounters with the Lizardmen Tribes by flying directly past them before raising my Gate within the Dwarven Kingdom itself. If any desire to meet the Dwarves, and see their lands; you are more than welcome to meet within the Throne Room in 20 minutes. To my Flying Clansmen, I would like to request that you recommence with your search for the Forsaken Isles. Now, if there's nothing else; I'm off to begin making preparations." [Nero] announced after taking a stand.

"The Dwarves? Ugh… Why?" [Pixie] asked while grumbling.

"You don't like Dwarves? Honestly, it's kind of a complicated reason that I don't feel like explaining right meow. You can ask anyone who has lived here prior to you for more details, but to be blunt; I require trade deals with Smelters. I'm hoping that I can find more Smelters within the Dwarven Kingdom." [Nero] asked before briefly explaining.

"Oh… Well, I guess that they're good for that." [Pixie] replied bitterly while averting eye contact, before beginning to ask White Beef Lady as to why we needed Smelters.

"I just wanted to ask, did you enjoy your meal?" [Catkin Woman] asked with a timid expression.

"Haaaah?! Very much so. Thank you for preparing it." [Nero] let out before clarifying and thanking the Catkin.

"...It was no trouble at all. Thank YOU for taking us in~" [Catkin Woman] exclaimed with a smile.

And so, I'm off to the Treasure Room. I'm going to get a few buckets of Candy, and I'm also going to check up on my new status. After grabbing 3 buckets and returning to my Throne; I did just that.

Name: Unnamed Monster (Nero Miki)

Race: Cat (Halloween)

Weapon: Lantern (Delhn Glass, Siberite Tourmaline Lantern)

Mount: Broom (Cerberus String Emberwood Broom)

Class: Halloween Cat (Sub Class: Witch/Tamer)

Level: 105

HP: 525/525

MP: 683/3246(+1146)

SP: 93/100

FP: 88/100

P. DEF: 611

M. DEF: 579

STR: 420

INT: 1598(+548)

DEX: 315

LUK: 105

AGI: 954(+324)


[True Halloween Cat+2], [From Another World], [Fish Mongerer+2], [Master of Disguise+2], [Mana Guzzler], [Candy Mongerer], [Master of Time], [Witch of War]

Abilities Learned:

[Flying Broom+2], [Soul Merge], [Clansmen Capture+1], [Hallowed Gate+2], [This is Halloween+1], [Wailing Keep+1], [Language Comprehension+1], [Shapeshift+2], [Barrier+2], [Daily Candy+2], [Claw Fishing+3], [Disguise+4], [Recovery by Sleep+2], [Enhanced Meditating+3], [Swim+2], [10 Minute Makeover], [Pumpkin Bomb+1], [Bonus Mana], [Time Skip], [War Meow]

Fun. From what I recall, I'll Evolve to Tier 7 once I reach level 128. I'm excited, but I also think that I should probably take some time to practice with my [War Meow] and [Pumpkin Bomb]. I believe that I attained those through my gaining the [Witch of War] title, and frankly; that title seems totally awesome. I can enhance it by killing a whole lot of people in a short period of time, or I can enhance the abilities themselves... Which may eventually lead to me enhancing the title as well. I still don't have a single idea on how I can enhance my [From Another World] title; so it's better if I focus on what I do know. Eating a ton of Candy will help with my [Candy Mongerer] title. Eating a ton of Fish will help with my [Fish Mongerer] title. Those are both simply bound to increase over time. Being alive will help with my [Master of Time] title, so there's no point in focusing on that either. I could try to increase proficiency for [Time Skip], but it's frightening to become a higher grade [Master of Time] to begin with. My race might just not be absolutely suitable for it… Regardless of having the proficiency in Time Magic. It's probably my Achilles heel. Time. Achilles had a heel… Sure. It was still his greatest weakness, though. Possessing something is not always a benefit, I suppose. Whether I like it or not, I'm going to be progressing my [Master of Disguise] title as well; considering I need an excess amount of clothing to supply Clive's establishment. [Mana Guzzler] probably just means that I eat a whole lot of MP. It's also going to progress quite naturally. Perhaps I have nothing to fear? Just try to not Evolve for a while and I'll be sure to increase all, or most of my abilities through title enhancement alone? Nyah... Is there really nothing else for me to do?!

I was thinking such things as I slowly flew to the Dining Hall. After finally returning, I lent Cetilla an arm; which she took happily to hoist herself atop my Broom. We're now flying northeast. I find it absolutely appalling that I'm going to need to reach level 256 before I attain the capability to bestow myself or my followers with a legitimate name. What an absolute hassle. Why does it need to be such a high level restriction?! Talk about being stingy with ram allocations for the servers… I mean, I have no other way to put it. Hunky Beefcake decided that there would be too many names to keep track of, so he neglected to allow the vast majority to even possess names. Or, he decided that every single weakling needed to be represented by a high level individual; whom could bestow them with a name. Are we trying to shun away new players or something?! It's kind of depressing to not be allowed an actual name, unless you swear fealty to some bigwig. I suppose that you aren't actually required to swear fealty, considering that Vana and Cetilla were both named; yet here they are. With yours truly~

While we flew, I gained a view of the Caterpillar Colony, the Wolf Pack, and the Snake Den. The Caterpillars were minding their own business, but the Wolves were currently pillaging the Snakes. Fun. That was, until I saw them. There's a party making their way through the Lost Kingdom. They're currently walking around the parts that the Wolves normally inhabit. They're basically just east of the Snake Den. There are five individuals in the party, and I've got a bad feeling about this. Parties don't normally venture into these lands, from what I can tell at least. They're heading into the Lost Kingdom from the north, so they're probably Human. After realizing that we had slowed to a stop, Cetilla noticed what had grabbed my attention. Humans. The foul creatures, in my woods?! I'll have nothing of the sort! This land is for monsters! Only! I won't have those guys ruining it all with their high and mighty, excessively fluid commerce... Ridiculously strong alcohol… Or disastrously appealing brothels! None of that! We are a land of the free. We respect women, we barter, we drink respectable Wine! We don't do tolls for entry, we don't gamble, and there is no monarch! Absolutely no discrimination, unless it's against you! This is our land! Our one, safe haven! You have your own, so go back! I was thinking such things as I began to fly above the party and took a closer look as to what exactly they were doing here.

Honestly, if we had a monarch; it would be me. Even then, I'm at most... The monarch of night. I can't be held solely accountable during the day. I'm usually asleep, and I have next to no power during those 12 hours. I have no offspring, so it's not like one can say that I'm beginning a monarchy. I don't even have a spouse. I'm just a part time feudal Lord, or something. I'm doing my best. Looking down, as Humans... The party has begun travelling slightly west, but they're still heading south. Their trajectory lines them up with the Goblin Village. Directly. What an absolute pain. They're killing any monsters that come into their path, but they don't appear to be attempting to hunt the monsters; per say. At most, within the last 10 minutes; I can say that they have probably slain a few Deer, and a half dozen Foxes. It's not the end of the world, but I should probably step in. I'm the registered guardian to this ecosystem, and I'm currently on duty. They chose the wrong time to start doing this. They should have picked three hours after dawn. That would be optimal timing. Just when I've certainly passed out, and am too tired to wake up naturally.

Perhaps I should begin to have someone scouting the Lost Kingdom at all times, from an aerial perspective? I would hate to miss out on more scenarios similar to this. I could handle doing it if I weren't constantly seeking the Forsaken Isles… But I would still need some help during the day time. Perhaps I could ask the Harpies? They can fly… And they certainly have the numbers. Okay~ I'll need to discuss this with the Harpy Matriarch over some Goblin Hooch... Really seal the deal, you know? Watching the alleged Humans fight, I noticed something strange. I'm more than a little unnerved that I hadn't noticed sooner. They're all wearing white cloaks. Moreover, the cloaks don't appear ragged. It's almost as if they're in uniform… But who could they possibly be representing? The genuine Human Kingdom?! Are they officials?! Did I do something unsightly while intoxicated off of Eel?! Something unsightly enough to warrant officials to bark up my tree?! It's my tree! Get your own!

Hunky Beefcake… Why me? Why must it always happen to me?! Am I really problematic enough to warrant ill relations with not one, not two, not even three, but FOUR freaking territories?! I'm almost certain that it's not my fault that I have problems with them, okay?! I can't be the problem here! My relationship with the Beastkin Kingdom's Monarch is absolutely horrendous, yet I still bravely interact with their economy. They'll thank me later, when they have better armor than the Human Kingdom. Probably. They'll still have an overall lack of Gold Coins within their Kingdom though, on account of me hoarding my profits and spending them elsewhere. My relationship with the Lizardmen Tribes has now taken a sudden turn for the worse, after massacring a whole lot of them. The Council of Witches hate me because I'm a male 'half blood Witch', aside from that… I totally slayed one of their guards. I would like to think that we can overcome our differences, and be allies; but they're making it very difficult on account of their prejudice. But the Humans?! What now?!

I would like to note that while I dislike the Demon Kingdom, to my knowledge; I'm not a wanted criminal or anything there. I'm also not a criminal within the Forest of Witches, but I'm certainly not welcome. The Elven City wants me there to be questioned, seemingly every single time that I make a big move; but so far… They have done nothing to step in my way. I'm probably in the clear with them, or they're waiting for a chance to assassinate me. If this goes poorly, then I'll have at least 3 different territories gunning it for me; and potentially 5 if I include the Elven City and Forest of Witches. I'm just meow realizing how precarious of a situation that I'm currently in. I can't afford to face 3 armies, let alone 5... Can I really afford to execute these invaders? Should I just gently send them back to where they came from? It's probably for the best… I was thinking such things as I descended further. It's time to meet the white cloaks. [Barrier]!

"Hello~" [Nero] called out from above, as he rapidly descended to their level. To which, two of the five alleged Humans jumped out of shock. The remainder all raised their guards, and weapons to face a particular Cat.

"Come now... There's no need for those… You might hurt yourselves." [Cetilla] sneered, belittling the trembling Humans before them.

"...What do you want?!" [Human #1] managed to scream, while shakily holding a Spear towards the two mysterious Catkin.

"Hohhh… Getting straight to the point, eh? I can admire that... Fine~ I'll tell you." [Nero] laughed.

"This ought to be good~" [Cetilla] giggled.

"...You're invading the lands that we protect, and haphazardly slaying its residents. Now then, what is your reasoning for such brazen acts against these poor... Innocent creatures?" [Nero] explained lightly before begging the question.

"You... Protect these lands?" [Human #2] asked timidly.

"...T-t-the monsters attacked us first!" [Human #1] stuttered.

"What are those things that you're carrying?" [Human #3] asked, while gesturing towards the buckets of Candy.

"Yes, we do. The monsters attacked you, because they are starving and you're invading their hunting grounds. They're likely trying to defend themselves. These, are none of your business." [Nero] answered all of the questions with haste before taking a glance at the third Human who did not seem to be afraid.

It's a female. A female bold enough to not carry a weapon through the Lost Kingdom. She might be strong. I should watch myself around her. Moreover, if they were sent to visit me; then they're doing a poor job at it. They don't seem to know who I am, whatsoever... Is this just a random occurrence? A party that randomly goes venturing into the Lost Kingdom while wearing coordinated outfits? The robes are purely white, but they have some red trimmed lining to accentuate their quality. They almost appear to be made of silk. Quite flashy. None of them have removed their hoods yet, either.

"...Are there more of you?" [Human #3] asked after a long silence.

"I wouldn't dare to protect this land by myself. Of course there are more of us. Once more, I ask for your reasoning; leading you towards traveling here." [Nero] answered bluntly before restating the question. To which, no one answered.

Jeez. What's with these people?! Just spit it out already! There's absolutely no way that I'm going to allow them to continue on their path, considering that it leads directly to the Goblin Village. They really should just get on with it. We're wasting night here, people! I have things to do! Dwarves to haggle! A whole damn Kingdom to explore!

"Right... Let me rephrase this. Without my acknowledgement, you will not pass through this Kingdom, or step another foot further within it; for that matter. Explain yourselves quickly, or die here and now." [Nero] restated his question, losing patience by the second.

And so, they still have nothing to say. Are you kidding me?! Willing to die for… For what, exactly?! Fine, Clansmen; please step forth and show this group of Humans the true terror of Halloween. Don't kill them immediately, but if they take another step forward; you have my blessing. I was thinking such things as I held my Lantern out, and thankfully; it worked. Honestly, I was a little afraid that it didn't, due to how long it took for them to appear. After another minute or so of silence, my Clansmen began to emerge from the bursting light coming out of my favorite Lantern. I can't help but wonder if my Clansmen can read my thoughts constantly. It's a frightening theory. I'd like to think that they can only hear them when I'm trying to summon them. I was thinking such things as the party of Humans quickly began to change their attitude. Rather than continuing to hold their weapons towards us, they dropped their weapons to the ground. Not only that, but they all dropped to the ground. They're kneeling. All of them, except for Human #3.

"Speak. Now." [Nero] commanded of the five Humans.

"I would hurry~" [Cetilla] giggled.

"M-m-my Lady…" [Human #4] grovelled towards Human #3, presumably to coerce her into confessing their plans.

"I know..." [Human #3] shot back, with a sigh before continuing.

"My name is Luna Pratz. I'm a refugee, seeking safe passage to the City of Orpia. The others are simply here in an effort to keep me safe." [Luna Pratz] admit, as she introduced herself and lowered her hood to reveal long pale blonde hair; and red eyes.

If I had to say… She appears to be in her early thirties, or late twenties. She looks Human, but those eyes tell a different story. She's wearing golden earrings, with red gems embedded within them. Quite fancy. Her hair is long, and straight; but she has bangs. She's honestly quite beautiful.

"Why are you going to the Demon Kingdom?" [Nero] shot back to the woman.

"...I am a Priestess to the Church of Lilica… I was, anyways. I seem to have found myself afflicted by the curse of Vampirism. The Church of Lilica is said to be highly capable of cleansing many curses, but the High Priest acknowledged that my curse was too powerful to be cleansed. Due to the Church swearing fealty to the Monarchy, he warned me to flee Nidallia before the inevitability of me being deemed an enemy to the Kingdom. Vampires are welcome in the Demon Kingdom, so it made sense to go there." [Luna Pratz] confessed the entire situation while averting eye contact with a certain Candy Mongerer.

"...I see. How did you end up getting the curse?" [Nero] asked while tilting his head.

"...I'm not entirely aware. I woke up and found myself with an immense thirst for Blood." [Luna Pratz] said as she shrugged.

"Very well. Not only are you welcome to pass through the Lost Kingdom, but I promise you safety within it indefinitely. You may choose to stay here with us under our protection." [Nero] said with a smile as he removed his sunglasses.

"Eh?!" [Human #2] gasped.

"...You would do that?" [Human #4] asked, with a skeptical tone of voice.

"First and foremost, I am the True Halloween Cat. Please, come this way as I explain just exactly what that entails." [Nero] proclaimed as he raised a Hallowed Gate and began to gesture for the others to enter it, and also gesturing for the Flying Clansmen to resume with their task. After doing so, the Flying Clansmen all began to disperse, and the guests slowly began to make their way into the Gate.

"This is Halloween. This is our realm, and the place that you are currently standing; is my Halloween Town. That's what I like to call it, anyways. The monsters that you have previously met, are my Clansmen. They have sworn to serve me, until the day that I die. Until that day arrives, not a single one of them will perish. It's all part of the contract. They live here during the day, and come to serve me during the night." [Nero] explained after stepping into Halloween and leading the group towards the other gate before gesturing for them to continue on their way through it.

"This, is my Throne Room. It's within my home, the Wailing Keep. Aside from the Throne Room and my own personal quarters… We have a Foyer, a Dining Hall, a Kitchen, and a Basement. The basement consists of 50 different bedrooms; you may all have one should you desire to stay here as one of my companions. Otherwise, you may become one of my Clansmen; and reside within Halloween. We eat Fish nightly, and there's always more than enough to go around. Take heed, my Clansmen lose the necessity to eat. I hope that you don't mind, but I've taken the liberty of thoroughly observing each and every one of you. It's to my knowledge, that you are all Vampires; correct?" [Nero] explained as he began to walk the others through the Throne Room, towards the Foyer.

"Yes. My companions all chose to become Vampires when they swore to help me escape Nidallia." [Luna Pratz] confirmed Nero's suspicion.

"Wonderful. I would like you all to know, that as Vampires; you are all now part of the Halloween Clan. This essentially means that you are now all bestowed the right to serve me as one of my Clansmen. It's entirely your choice, but it's not a horrible trade. I grant you limited immortality, and you lose track of troublesome things like sleep, hunger, or in your case… Thirst. The greatest flaw is losing the ability to procreate, though in your case… I can't help but wonder if you would even be affected? Of course, you may also still choose to venture into the Demon Kingdom. Ahh~ And here, we have some of the others who have chosen to reside within the Wailing Keep. As you stay, I'm sure that you will meet plenty of them. They vary heavily in races, but please keep an open mind. Any creatures within the Wailing Keep are guaranteed to have a high enough level of intelligence to communicate." [Nero] explained as they walked into the Foyer.

"This place is spectacular…" [Human Vampire #4] said, in awe as he gazed around the room.

"You haven't even witnessed the basement~" [Cetilla] laughed before beginning to explain to Budget Dragon, Cyclozard, and the Minotaur as to why we weren't going to the Dwarven Kingdom.

"Yes, well… On our right, we have the Kitchen. Facing us, is the exit; leading outside. Directly outside, you will find a fireplace where many of the residents choose to spend their time. On our left, we have the Dining Hall. Mostly everyone meets up within the Dining Hall around the beginning of night for our regular meet and feast. The Dining Hall continues off towards the basement, and behind us; are the staircases leading up our tallest towers. I would like for you all to explore the Wailing Keep to your heart's content, and meet back here in around 15 minutes. I'll have one of the residents living here show you to empty rooms within the basement and teach you how to make proper use of our Kitchen; should you ever need to. Judging by how you're all Vampires, do you even eat food?" [Nero] finished explaining before begging the question.

"No, it's just Blood." [Human Vampire #1] replied with a groan.

"Very well." [Nero] said before turning to exit the Wailing Keep, being followed by Cetilla and Luna.

"Hello everyone~" [Nero] happily greeted the residents sitting by the fire as he waved his arm.

"Back so soon?" [Ben the Bear] questioned with a hard glare.

"Who's that?!" [Rita the Rifaleesi] exploded off into a sprint as she began to smell a certain Vampire up close.

"This, is Luna Pratz. She's a Priestess from the Human Kingdom who has now found herself to be a Vampire. While she was fleeing the Human Kingdom for the Demon Kingdom, we happened to come across her in our travels for the Dwarven Kingdom. I've promised her and her companions safe passage through the Lost Kingdom, or to join us here at the Wailing Keep. While they decide, she and four other Vampires will be staying in the basement. Vana and Hugo~ In around 15 minutes, her and her companions will gather in the Foyer. If you would be so kind as to show them to some empty rooms in the basement when that happens, I would appreciate it greatly." [Nero] introduced Luna to the group before assigning the task to the Flutterfairies.

"Yes, sir!" [Hugo] screamed as he stood up abruptly and began to salute. To which, Nero simply glared at the Flutterfairy.

"Ahaha~ Okay, Nero." [Vana] replied with a smile after laughing at her dorky partner.

He's SO not funny. Whatever... I'm over it! I need to speak with Luna, I think. She's giving me that look. The look that can only mean that we aren't done speaking? That one. I gestured for her to follow me, and we began to head south as we spoke.

"So, what is it?" [Nero] asked the Priestess.

"I understand that you protect this land, and that all of these other creatures help you do so; but is that all that you do?" [Luna Pratz] asked.

"Not at all~" [Cetilla] chimed in with a smile.

"Well… I honestly do a lot of things, but protecting these lands and those who reside within the Wailing Keep or the Goblin Village before you take precedence if I must admit. I have business within the Beastkin Kingdom in an effort for gaining vast amounts of Coins. Mostly, I spend the Coins on Candy; which allows me to keep my Clansmen alive indefinitely. I am currently trying to start a couple charities within the Lost Kingdom itself… To help those that live within it. Every now and again, we hold festivals within the Village; or lately… Within Halloween, which also normally involves charity to the Lost Kingdom residents. I capture an abundance of Fish to ensure that the residents of the Wailing Keep are well fed. I enjoy saving imprisoned or enslaved individuals of foreign territories, and offering them sanctuary here among us… Especially if they are of the Halloween Clan. I also enjoy exploring foreign lands. Oh, and if there are too many of a given race within the Lost Kingdom; I enjoy inadvertently culling them in attempts at maintaining a lower population while also raising the overall balance of Tiers among the races inhabiting this Kingdom. Take 20 Tier 2 Bears, and have them all die to a Tier 3 Fox. All of a sudden, you now have a Tier 5 Fox, with hopefully… Enough intelligence to properly communicate with those residing in the Wailing Keep. There's a pretty particular balance in monster populations within the Lost Kingdom to ensure that the ecosystem remains fully intact and that the races can continue to thrive and bounce back from our cullings. Sadly, this is the best way to ensure that any monsters within the Lost Kingdom are able to properly Evolve to the state of their ancestors." [Nero] explained as the the three of them traveled to the waterfall.

"You weren't kidding... That does indeed sound like a whole lot to do. Why trouble yourself with such an immense amount of work?" [Luna Pratz] exclaimed in disbelief as a certain Cat conjured another massive gate out of thin air, and two small Scarecrows appeared almost immediately afterwards.

"Nero doesn't seem to understand how NOT to trouble himself with an immense amount of work…" [Cetilla] sighed as she mocked the Master of Time.

"It's better than doing nothing, and I honestly can't seem to find a more deserving territory to lend my assistance. If you take a good long look at the Lost Kingdom, you'll learn of all its flaws; and charms. They need a whole lot of help if they're going to ever return to their former glory. Currently, the Lost Kingdom faces issues of mass starvation; which causes the brutal frenzy that you bore witness to on the northern edge of it. Actually, it seems as though this has been a problem for centuries. Rather than tackle the issue at its roots, the powerful monsters of old who inhabited these lands chose to become Monster Knights. As Monster Knights, their entire goal was to keep the shaky balance of their lower Tier brethren intact as well as protect them. I mean, it's not a horrible idea… But it won't lead anywhere without any new monsters rising through the Tiers. At first, they had enough higher Tier monsters to procreate, ensuring that there would always be enough Monster Knights to protect the lesser monsters. They kept all of the higher Tier monsters together, so that their haki would not disturb and frighten the less fortunate. Thanks to the war against the Demon Kingdom, even the Monster Knights began to suffer the effects of starvation; and their kin began to Devolve. Over the generations, the Monster Knights lost their ability to protect these lands. Many of which fled the Kingdom, or died trying to save it. Now that this Kingdom has been deemed as Lost, there are occasionally armies which march through it; showing very little to no regard for the creatures that actually inhabit the Kingdom. It's quite the precarious situation. Obviously, even if they travel in herds; those lesser monsters don't stand a very good chance against armies intended to march directly through the Lost Kingdom towards distant lands. So, I'm trying to ensure that there are at least two of each race residing here at a very high Tier. I want to ensure that they can continue to procreate and reclaim their former glory after I die, by doing this. Originally, the Monster Kingdom was intended to be a land in which Monsters of varying races could coexist in harmony. I want that back. There aren't any other territories like that on this continent, aside from maybe the Demon Kingdom… But they have their own issues to tackle before I deem them worth helping. The Beastkin Kingdom is close, but they refuse to acknowledge those without Humanoid forms as being intelligent creatures. Budget Dragon, Cyclozard, Kendra, and Rustle would likely all be shunned… Yet they are all Tier 5 or above creatures. It's unacceptable. Besides, I was born within the Lost Kingdom myself. It's the least that I can do, no?" [Nero] explained as the three traveled back to the Wailing Keep.

"It seems that you've put a fair bit of thought into this. I must confess, but I've never considered that monsters may be worth saving… I only assumed that there would likely be a few among the many which could be reasoned with. Very well, you've sold me. I'll do my best to help you save this Kingdom." [Luna Pratz] exclaimed as she began to kneel once more.

"Eh? Please rise. Have you decided on whether to become one of my Clansmen, or to just stay as a Wailing Keep resident?" [Nero] asked the Vampire.

"I'll become a Clansmen. It's going to be problematic for me to find Blood, so I figure that you're the best solution." [Luna Pratz] declared solemnly before sighing as she continued.

"Oh, that reminds me. How does it differ, exactly? Being a Vampire as opposed to being a Human?" [Nero] asked as the three entered the Throne Room once more.

"Let's see… I can't be under sunlight during the day, and I'm constantly plagued by a poison. To heal myself from the poison, I must drink regular Blood to outweigh the toxins within my body. Having enough Blood causes my wounds to heal faster, and drinking Blood seems to help with my Mana. My senses seem sharper overall, and I've become Immortal. I'm capable of seeing quite well at night. What's more? I can no longer create Holy Water, nor can I touch it. I'm highly susceptible to fire, and I can no longer see myself through mirrors or glass. I can still sleep, which also can help me heal the wounds within my body. Oh, and like I said earlier; I don't require proper Food any longer." [Luna Pratz] explained while following Nero through the Throne Room.

"That's pretty intense." [Cetilla] gasped.

"Yeah, it definitely doesn't sound very fun. I'm particularly interested in your Immortality and your capability to sleep, though. If you were to ignore the toxins in your body and simply rest, what would happen?" [Nero] agreed before asking.

"I'm not sure... I would probably just sit there, and lose my ability to move until I had been fed. I can't imagine that it would be painless, though. When I don't have enough Blood, I start to get dizzy..." [Luna Pratz] replied while looking down.

"How are you feeling right now?" [Nero] asked with eyes wide.

"...I should be fine for a few more hours." [Luna Pratz] said while avoiding Nero's gaze.

"That's no good... Please go and gather your companions. Explain to them of your decision to become a Halloween Clansmen, and ask how they feel on the matter." [Nero] remarked before coming to a decision.

"I'll do my best." [Luna Pratz] declared as she took her leave.

"...So. Vampires, huh?" [Cetilla] mocked as she twirled a strand of her hair between her fingers from atop my Throne.

Oi! Who said that you could sit there?!

"Fine~ I'll leave the Throne…" [Cetilla] groaned as she began to stand, as if she were capable of reading my mind.

"Well, it IS quite the shocking development; though. A Church of the Human Kingdom shunning away one of their Priestesses for having mysteriously contracted a rather rare curse…" [Nero] pondered as he spoke.

"...Do you suspect foul play?" [Cetilla] gasped before asking with a grin.

"It's quite suspicious... You would think that a Church would make efforts to protect their Priest(esse)s as they sleep. Also, why is it that her curse is more potent than the other incidents of Vampirism?" [Nero] agreed before explaining his thoughts on the matter.

"...So the Head Priest simply refused to cure her, in an attempt to get rid of her?" [Cetilla] asked while visibly thinking.

"Maybe… Or, there's something else going on that we don't know about. Is it true that two curses of the same kind can actually have differing levels of potency?" [Nero] admit that it's a possibility before bringing up the question.

"I'm not sure. You could try to ask Rateeva, though?" [Cetilla] admit her lack of knowledge before suggesting with a grin.

"Oh~ I never thought about it. I suppose a Witch Doctor might know a thing or two about curses… But it's not exactly as though I can find her at any given time. She's somewhere within the Orc Mountains, but I have absolutely no idea how to traverse them. They seemed kind of complex." [Nero] agreed before sadly shutting the plan down.

"Hmmm… I suppose that we'll just need to wait until she returns. Anyways~ I'm going to go and try to get a few games of Cards in with Lora." [Cetilla] sighed. To which, Nero nodded.

And so, I'm meow alone. If it's like this, then perhaps the Human Kingdom hasn't set their sights on me, after all? I'm in the clear! Whew~ Talk about getting a load off… I don't know what I would do if the neighboring Kingdoms decided to rally against us. I don't even want to think about it! I feel as though I've wasted too much of the night to go off to the Dwarven Kingdom at this point in time. I would hate to get there, explore half of it; and then return only to set back off for it again the next night. I'll need to save it for another time. My shipment with Clive is coming up the night after tomorrow, and I still haven't even made a very large pile of clothes to send… It seems that I'm eternally doomed to spend my profits on fulfilling the shipment goals. As long as I can ensure that I'm still making a weekly profit, I suppose that it's fine. I was thinking such things as I went to fetch a few buckets of Candy from my Treasure Room.

I brought 8 buckets with me. Taking a seat on the Throne, I began to create clothes with aiming for level 15 pieces. I currently have 617 MP. With that alone, I was able to create 10 new pieces before I began to eat my Candy. After around 15 or so minutes, I had finished eating the Candy; and resulted in a total of 82 new pieces of clothes. Not too shabby, but I feel like I should still make more. What I should really be doing, is trying to clothe the Monster Knights in pieces at level 30. Troublesome. It's so expensive~ It doesn't help that there are now more Monster Knights, either. I signed up for this, but damn is it a hassle… I was thinking such things as Luna appeared alongside four cloaked Vampires. None of them have removed their hoods, as of yet. I waited a few minutes for them to finish approaching before I finally greeted them.

"Greetings, I trust that Luna informed you of her decision? How do you all feel about it?" [Nero] greeted before asking. To which, all of the Vampires in front of him knelt down.

"Yes… When we chose to share in her curse, we chose to leave the Church of Lilica behind. I will become a Clansmen." [Human Vampire #2] stated while looking off into the distance before making eye contact with Nero.

"...If my Lady chooses to follow you, as will I." [Human Vampire #1] swore his loyalty to Luna admirably.

"I swear my fealty to the Halloween Clan for taking us in during our time of need." [Human Vampire #4] declared solemnly.

"For the sake of Lilica!" [Human Vampire #5] screamed hysterically as he stabbed himself in the heart and began to bleed out. To which, everyone present gasped.

Moments later, the Vampire fell to the ground and began to bleed out. I'm absolutely floored. Now that I think about it, that was the first time that he had ever spoke. There's definitely something suspicious going on here. He died quickly. After rolling over his body, it became apparent as to why. He was wielding a silver stake. His hands appear to have been burned horribly for having held it. Was he holding it all this time?! Hiding it beneath his robes?! Also, just who exactly is this Lilica? I get that they worshiped her or whatever, but why? What did she do to deserve being worshiped? Moreover, what am I doing wrong to not be being worshiped? Someone must ask the hard hitting questions around here, so I suppose that it's going to be me.

"...Who is Lilica?" [Nero] asked the remaining Vampires, after taking his seat once more. To which, everyone present began to gaze at Luna.

"...Long ago, there was a being that roamed the northern side of the continent. Her name was Lilica. Lilica was revered as a God among mortals. Everywhere she would go, happiness soon followed. She was known to have the most beautiful, white wings that one could ever gaze upon. She had no enemies, and if she did; they soon relinquished their distaste after having met her personally. Against armageddon, she rallied the Humans, Lizardmen, Elves, and even Dragons to fight in her stead. Together, with her help; we beat back the armageddon and prevailed. To this day, Lilica still has a largely devoted following; displayed through the proudly standing Church of Lilica." [Luna Pratz] explained as she looked off into the distance.

Huh?! Armageddon? Excuse me, but are you referencing the alleged Halloween Cat's attacks against the continent? The attacks that Sophia, the Easter Bunny managed to put an end to? Those attacks happened like 500 freaking years ago! I don't understand where Lilica comes into play with all of this! None of this makes any sense! I'm at a loss. There's no way that Lilica and Sophia are the same person… So, perhaps; there were two Holiday Clan leaders at the same time? I can't help but wonder if there are any others like me in the present time. Also, let's just get this straight. Lilica spread happiness, wherever she went. That's what she's known for, above all else. Can we just talk about how absolutely absurd that is?! Talk about putting someone on a pedestal… I'll never be worshiped if it's like this. Everywhere I go, massacres and horror seem to follow. I'm the exact opposite. Granted, they deserved it; but Lilica could turn an enemy into a friend. How is that fair?! I feel like I'm constantly getting the cold shoulder, everywhere that I go! The Beastkin's citizens treat me well, but their King certainly does not. The Human Kingdom has treated me fine, but I haven't really spent a whole lot of time there. The Elven Prince treats me well, but I don't think that I've ever gone to a place and just been absolutely, wholeheartedly accepted. Other than the Lost Kingdom, or the Demon Kingdom. The Demon Kingdom frightens me, though. Even the Lost Kingdom didn't really accept me until I started giving them free clothes, so this is kind of depressing. Just a little. For me to be regarded as a hero, I needed to buy my way in. How does Lilica get off by simply showing up?!

"Right then, sorry to keep you waiting… If you're all ready, then [Clansmen Capture]!" [Nero] apologized before raising his Lantern and casting the ability.

Moments later, a familiar orange light emit from my Lantern and engulfed the four remaining Vampires. After around half a minute, it finally dispersed; leaving the four Vampires where they stood. Afterwards, a pop up notification came, stating [Clansmen Capture Success! Vampire (Human) T4x2, T5x1, T6x1 Gained]. Huh. So two of them were Tier 4, one was Tier 5, and I'm assuming that Luna was a Tier 6. Interesting~ Also, Luna has a freaking name! My first Clanswoman with a name! I'm excited. Let's look at their statuses.

Name: Unnamed Monster

Race: Vampire (Human) (Halloween)

Class: Unholy Knight

Tier: 4(x2)

MP: 47/160, 55/160

P. DEF: 56

M. DEF: 32

STR: 240

INT: 32

DEX: 16

LUK: 8

AGI: 80


[Knight of Faith], [Undead], [Immortal], [Vampirism], [Fallen from Grace], [Halloween Clansmen]

Abilities Learned:

[Unholy Charge], [Piercing Spear], [Immortality], [Piercing Fangs], [Decay by Sun], [Enhanced Senses], [Bloodlust], [Recovery by Blood], [Enhanced Blood Circulation by Sleep], [Curse (Vampirism)], [Return to Halloween]

Name: Unnamed Monster

Race: Vampire (Human) (Halloween)

Class: Unholy Knight

Tier: 5

MP: 95/320

P. DEF: 112

M. DEF: 64

STR: 480

INT: 64

DEX: 32

LUK: 16

AGI: 160


[Knight of Faith+1], [Undead], [Immortal], [Vampirism], [Fallen from Grace], [Halloween Clansmen]

Abilities Learned:

[Unholy Charge+1], [Piercing Spear], [Defense Break], [Immortality], [Piercing Fangs], [Decay by Sun], [Enhanced Senses], [Bloodlust], [Recovery by Blood], [Enhanced Blood Circulation by Sleep], [Curse (Vampirism)], [Return to Halloween]

Name: Luna Pratz

Race: Vampire (Human) (Halloween)

Class: Unholy Priestess

Tier: 6

MP: 137/512

P. DEF: 64

M. DEF: 128

STR: 32

INT: 288

DEX: 64

LUK: 16

AGI: 96


[Priestess of Faith+1], [Devoted Healer+1], [Undead], [Immortal], [Vampirism], [Fallen from Grace], [Halloween Clansmen]

Abilities Learned:

[Unholy Blessing+2], [Aura of Malice+1], [Unholy Healing+1], [Shadow Blast], [Immortality], [Piercing Fangs], [Decay by Sun], [Enhanced Senses], [Bloodlust], [Recovery by Blood], [Enhanced Blood Circulation by Sleep], [Curse (Vampirism)], [Return to Halloween]

Woah. WOAH! They have a whole lot of abilities. Taking a closer look, a vast majority of them are debuffs; or just information related to having become a Vampire. Even so, they still have a considerable number of debuffs that don't seem to be listed at all. I suppose that the 'Abilities Learned' tab can be excessively inconsistent for people other than myself. It appears that due to how devoted they were before falling from grace, all of their previous abilities gained a total role reversal. Unsurprisingly, there is; infact… An [Immortal] title. Meaning, I am not one. Yikes. I never thought that I would say yikes to not being immortal, but it's genuinely quite depressing; considering that I'm still slowly killing myself with Time Magic.

I wonder if I could potentially become inflicted with the Vampirism curse, as well? Would I gain immortality?! Then again, judging by just how out of order becoming a Vampire caused the Priestess to become… Would I even want to become a Vampire? There's a big chance that a lot of my abilities would instantly cease to function. I guess that if you're going to die, you might as well aim for the escape route; even if the floors leading to it are covered in nails and you're nude… Yikes. I might go Vampire if on my deathbed. We'll leave it for another time.

"Your abilities are insane. I'll need to take some time to analyze them further, but I'm definitely starting to understand your distaste for Vampirism." [Nero] confessed to the Vampires before him.

"Take your time. We have an eternity." [Luna Pratz] exclaimed with a sigh.

"It would certainly appear so… Anyways, why not go ahead and get to know some of the other Clansmen? Dawn is approaching swiftly, so you'll need to return to Halloween shortly regardless." [Nero] agreed with a laugh before suggesting to the four.

"Sounds like a plan... Farewell~" [Luna Pratz] replied with a smile before taking a stand and leaving alongside the other three… By combusting into a mass of Orange light and flying directly into a certain Lantern.

Vampires. I can't help but wonder if they would be so noble had they NOT originated from a freaking Church sect. I suppose that I'll never know. I decided to spend the remainder of my night at the Delhn Lake. I'm far too tired to go off and spend time socializing; so I'll just be by my lonesome as I await dawn. I can't really go to sleep early, on account of [Daily Candy]; even if I want to. I would never truly fall asleep with the knowledge of that cool down on my mind, anyways. I was thinking such things as I flew to the Lake and took a seat on the sand. This time, the Lake is not being bombarded by rogue Banshees. It's nice, and calm. As the leaves rustled in the wind, the light from the sun began to be visible on the horizon. It's lighting up the sky to appear almost pink. Truly beautiful.

I sat there as I watched it change for around an hour, before my Lantern finally began to flicker; alerting me of my time running out. Casting [Daily Candy], I opened a [Hallowed Gate] and returned home the quick way. Well, I decided to pick up all of the dead Fish on the ground and carried them back to the Kitchen as I went. It ended up taking me seven trips to do it, but I managed. Finally finished, I made sure to pick up the empty Candy buckets in the Throne Room and returned them to the Treasure Room. Getting undressed, I stuffed my stockings beneath my pillow and reverted to my smallest form. Good morning...