Chapter 71 - Night 72 & Day 73 & Night 73

Bathtubs. Towels. Camping Equipment. I actually had a very strange dream. I was shopping in the modern world, and somehow managed to procure all three of these kinds of items in one store. It was a blessing, and when I turned to pay for them… The cashier asked me for freaking Gold Coins. I couldn't find my coin pouch, on account of me being in the modern world once more… And then I woke up. It was a nightmare. I need to obtain these items. Meow, more than ever. Getting up, I began to get dressed… Until I quickly found that some of my clothes were still wet. Uncomfortable~ I'll just ignore them all and go Cat. Nyah. Here we go, everyone. Tiny Cat with a ridiculous haki coming through…

Entering the Dining Hall, I found that Dinner was… Finished. I missed it. The only people still around are playing Safari Cards for fun. It would appear that we now simply leave all of the decks on the Dining Hall tables. Cyclozard is among the few who are playing... His competitors always seem to be women. The way he sits on that chair is ridiculous. He's literally kicking up his hand legs into the open air, and holding his cards in several hands. He's sitting on his tail. I think Wailing Keep Sama might be helping him fit properly into the chair. Ever since I brought him to that Brothel, he's had this pompous look on his face… But, like… I totally don't understand what gave him such pride. Oh~ Never mind... he's back to his regular ways. It appears as though he flips back and forth when the situation demands it. I'm leaving them meow. Entering the Kitchen, I flipped open that fridge… Swiped two common Fish… And began carrying them both in my mouth as I walked to the fireplace.

Taking a seat, I began to eat~ It's not so bad raw… I prefer it hot though. Fresh off the stove, please. Cooking it in this form would be a hassle. I don't want to wear my old outfit, it means that I would need to use my child body again… I'm tired of that body. I was thinking such things as I devoured my Fish from atop one of the logs. I was sitting beside Goddin Village Neith Sama. Around halfway through, he started to pet me… And I honestly didn't know how to feel about it, but I think my tails started twitching violently so I eventually stopped him. It was a weird sensation to have all of my tails moving so much like that. If I want to have that sensation, I want to do it myself. On my own terms. It's frightening when they move without me thinking. Normally, they move quite slowly so I don't really notice anything… But when they move fast like that… It freaks me out. It didn't bother me when I only had one tail… But when it got to three, it became a problem. There are just… So many nerves down there. It's difficult for me to sort them out myself… I can't even really move them at will… If I tried really hard, I might be able to move one of them in very simplistic movements.

There's something that I must know. Just what extent can I take towards attaining new abilities. I think, I should start training myself. Not by killing others, but genuinely… Training myself. I want to see if I gain any bonus Abilities, that way I can have more things to add to my routine after I Prestige. I want to do things right. The first Prestige is easy and pays very well, but the second Prestige is ridiculous and pays phenomenally. The risk and reward only becomes greater as a Halloween Cat continues to Prestige. I should play things carefully, and genuinely ensure that I get the most out of every Prestige… That way, I don't burn out the entire world in my conquest for power. Dungeons seem like the most surefire way to attain vast power… But even they must have some kind of an extent to what they can do in a given time period. I bet, that if I were to wreak total havoc within a single Dungeon for several months… That Dungeon would declare bankruptcy. I need to play things slowly, if I hope to gain enough power to use against whoever is causing Halloween to be so freaking energy dependent. I don't just need power. I need power, and abilities to properly make use of that power! Yosh!

"Nero." [Goddin Village Neith Sama] turned to the dazed Cat in a deep voice before continuing…

"Once again, this Lost Kingdom is in grave danger and requires saving from none other than the likes of the brave, courageous, traveling Cat; Nero… The True Allwe Halloween Cat!" [Goddin Village Neith Sama] beckoned as he began to stand beside the log.

"What?!" [Nero] snapped out of his daze and turned to the Goblin King.

"According to the Monster Scouts, two highly proficient Rifa troublemakers recently emerged and have been unleashing terror upon all of the other creatures residing in the northern side of the Kingdom during the day!" [Goddin Village Neith Sama] exclaimed hysterically.

"I'll put an end to this madness at once!" [Nero] declared before departing in a mad sprint south.

Nyahahahahaha~ The Witch of War is back in action, folks! There are things to do~ Rifa to kidnap in their sleep, and stuff. I'm hoping that they're a high Tier already. If I go to the Squirrbit Hollow during the night, which is right meow… Then the Rifa should return home soon to sleep, or already be there. I feel as though I probably slept in around three hours, so they could very well already be at home. As I traveled, I was stopped brutally by a swamp Slime monster. Oh no… I'm in a swampy marsh currently, which is on the edge of the actual swamps… There are very few roads to take which don't involve me getting stuck in this mystery water. The whole Corocdae and Pixie duo hath changed me forever. I don't think that I ever want to go swimming in a swamp, meow. The one clear shot at leading me south, is the one blocked by the Slime monster. That… Thing… It almost appears to have the consistency of liquid mud… But it's like, thick mud… Okay? It's not hardened mud, but it's thick. Stepping forward, I quickly realized that I lacked any sufficient Clansmen to deal with this thing… Except Molag Dregora. He's my truest of mages. He has those Shadow Ball things. Molag~ Help me slay that wretch! Oh… I don't even have my freaking Lantern on me. This is ridiculous. I'm going home. I'm running away. Flee!

As it turns out, running away was a very good choice. I made it back home, completely unscathed. When I got back, I remembered that I didn't set up either of the Hallowed Gates yet. Yeah~ I'm going to do that, instead. Entering my room, I assumed my largest Human form before casting [10 Minute Makeover] on myself. I'm meow dressed in a cowboy costume. Pow pow~ I have Pistols on the costume, hahhhhhh… They're ineffective. Someone needs to call the manufacturers, I think there's been a glitch. Moving along, I grabbed my Broom and Lantern before getting atop the Broom. I only spent 200 MP on 10 Minute Makeover. I was aiming for level 50 pieces. It's not a big deal, I just wanted clothing to wear. Actually, I could theoretically do this all the time, albeit not while aiming for level 50 pieces… I could always walk into a place wearing a new outfit, or walk out of a place wearing a new outfit. I could be that one Witch who's always getting new costumes in every freaking scene of the movie. That. That is the kind of energy that I need to be putting out meow that I'm three. I am THE Master of Disguise, I will have you know. Never again, will I stick to just one outfit for freaking days on end. No. We're having a new one, every 10 minutes; so help me Hunky Beefcake.

Floating out of the Wailing Keep really slowly while laying down on my Broom, I watched as the others all got their peeks at my new duds. Pow pow~ Moving along, I made my way to the Waterfall; effortlessly. The one leading to Delhn Lake, first and foremost. Conjuring that hunky Hallowed Gate, Cosmo and Wanda humbly appeared before me. They're ready to take on the night. Moving to the waterfall in the Demon Kingdom, I repeated this measure to later have Connor, Fred, and Daphne appear. They're too good. Entering through the gate, I was once again blessed by the presence of Mr and Mrs Scarecrow; giving me a salute. Wendel! Keep an eye on those children. Banshees and Phantasms, slay the damned lochness monster beneath the Delhn Lake! Leoric and Conrad, continue with helping Cetilla and her party in the Orc Mountains. Now… What can I do? Oh~ I have a thing to ask the Allwessistant Dott.

Making my way to the northern side of the Halloween Town, I placed my hand on the Hallowed Orb and called upon the Dott. She appeared around 20 minutes later, and ended up telling me that Frieda had not yet received the message… But I asked her about how long the funnel theory had been plaguing Halloween only to have her feign ignorance. She claimed to have no idea, but at the very least… 1846 years. Ridiculous! Maybe we should be getting on that or something! Ugh… I made sure to ask her all about where the Allwessistant Dotts came from, and thankfully; she had a response. She's from this place called the Allwetotum. She claims that it was located in Quadrant D10. Apparently, the Hoentory was located in Quadrant B4… And it's normally somewhat of a war zone anywhere in between. I had absolutely no idea what any of that meant… So I asked for further elaboration, and it turns out my Wailing Keep happens to be located toward the northern border of Quadrant C3… Making me a total of one Quadrant way from the madness… I was starting to understand what the Allwessistant Dott meant, so I began pointing my Broom towards the ground as I begged for clarification.

As it turns out, the world is split up into 13 sections of 6 different rows… The Allwessistant Dotts use this means to categorize different locations in this seemingly empty and barren realm. The Allwessistant Dotts have a constant map in their minds, telling them their locations. The most north western side of the map is called A1. The most north eastern side of the map is called A13. The most south western side of the map is called F1. The most south eastern side of the map is called F13. I'm near the northern edge of C3, so I'm relatively towards the northern edge of the equator… Pretty far into the western side of the hemisphere. What's interesting is that the Allwessistant Dott mentioned my Wailing Keep's location, even though my Wailing Keep is located within the other realm. Upon further prodding into the topic, I learned that my Halloween Town is directly connected to my Wailing Keep. If I were to go out, and move my Wailing Keep's location drastically in the other realm… The location of my Halloween Town within Halloween would also change. If I Prestige, it just sits there… Waiting for me to call on it again. It's a frightening AND convenient revelation all at the same time.

It means that the one Halloween Cat who Frieda has been keeping an eye on hasn't moved homes at all in 50 years. He's probably got a lifespan of the big 777, or he made the conscious decision to never Evolve again after Prestiging. At the very least, I know that some Cat who we have tabs on currently could end up being a massive threat, or potentially quite helpful later on. We shall see. Moving along, I asked the Allwessistant if she had any other messages for me not relating to Frieda… And she didn't. So, I asked her all about who was in charge of Halloween. According to her, Hoen has been ruling Halloween for the last 3659 years. On further elaboration, the highest Tier of Halloween Cats gets to rule Halloween. It's literally a God system, where only one God has a say in anything. Over the last 3659 years, the crown has been passed 5 times... But it's been hopping around different Hoens, and Allwe hasn't had any say in anything for the entire time. Somewhere along that line, our alleged funnel theory crisis began. If I stop or attain more power than the most powerful of all the Halloween Cats, then I'll finally be capable of leading Halloween... And get the chance to further look into the funnel problem. It's like that. Quite simple, and clean cut... Except it's not simple at all. So, I bid her farewell. There are meow three excessively long blood stain lines on the ground leading toward where I stand. Moving back to the fountain, I decided to try and work out. I want to know. Can I attain an ability along the lines of [Enhanced Muscles] or something if I work out? I'm doing push ups. As many as I can…

Around twenty seconds into doing push ups, my clothing spontaneously burst into orange flames and disappeared. [10 Minute Makeover]! Timers, set! I'm wearing a wrestler's outfit which leaves absolutely nothing to the imagination. Fun. Insert intensive training montage… MEOW! White Beef Lady, Wilson, Benji, Molag Dregora, Mr and Mrs Scarecrow were all performing 'Monst*r'. The rap one? Yeah. They had the amp on and everything. It was a masterful performance. It truly gave me the inspiration that I needed to throw down several hundred push ups in a mere six minutes. After it had finished, I changed outfits and from then on, was adorned in a robot costume. I asked for an encore and began to watch my status. I did it all over again. We ended up doing it five times, each time with a new outfit for yours truly. No less. We had to stop when my FP reached 5 points, and my SP was at 18… As it turns out, at 5 FP; you can start dry heaving while cold sweating. At this point, your SP starts to decrease far more rapidly… And you begin to get dizzy as it happens. It's painful. It deals damage to your HP, and my [Barrier] does not cover it. I needed to ask the Lich to carry me to the fridge, where I replenished myself. I scarfed down three entire common Fish, fully recovering my FP. My SP and HP did not recover, however. I was forced to sleep. The Lich carried me to my bed, and set me down within it. I asked Con to wake me at dawn, the Lich left… I returned to my smallest form, and went to sleep. Thank you, Molag.


"CAWWW! CAWWW!" [Con] squawked valiantly.

"I'm UP! [Daily Candy]! [Hallowed Gate]!" [Nero] screamed masterfully.

Hmmm… I have 74 SP… But it's only dawn… I don't really want to be awake during the day. Thanks, Con. This whole fitness plan has absolutely destroyed my sleeping schedule. [10 Minute Makeover]! I'm going in… Dressed in a particular purple tuxedo costume. Two more times. I just need two songs, to slap my SP down a little bit… So that I can sleep properly. Yosh. Stepping into the Throne Room, I cast a [Hallowed Gate] and gasped as the combo gate appeared directly behind it. My aim… It's impeccable! I blew myself away... On further inspection, my gate is roughly one inch to the left… Not bad. Not perfect, but not bad at all. Stepping into Halloween, I found that the performers of last night were ready and waiting with mischievous grins. I whipped down a [Pumpkin Bomb]. Training Montage, MEOW!

The sweat that accumulated from only 12 minutes of dancing and two outfit changes was unbelievable. The sadistic Pixie freaking used [Song of Time Slow] on us all during sound effect moments… Making me feel as though I was working a whole lot more to do exactly the same thing… But at the very least, it looked cool. The entire time, I was surrounded by a sea of purple flames. I was wearing a rarely topless outfit for my second outfit… It worked well. I think it was a naughty army costume. It had straps of bullets on my chest. It was like that. I think that White Beef Lady's confidence has risen ever since I decided for her to be the star fighter for my first Prestige's beginning. She's in her limelight or something meow. It's her time to shine. She's walking around with a serious strut every time i see her, even if she's in Wolf form. Wilson seems to be gassing her up a whole lot more meow as well.

Well, I was able to lose like 14 SP from the two songs; so I'm going back to sleep. Thanking the performers, I left through the Hallowed Gate before closing it, returning to my bed and my prior form. Good morning~


Nyahhh~ I'm awake, and I feel refreshed. A little hungry, but that's to be expected. Looking at the Hallowed Orb within my Treasure Room… It's apparently night time. The Orb is orange. Returning to my adult form, I tried my clothes once more… And they're almost dry. Happiness. I probably should have left them out somewhere to dry, but it's fine. I can deal with this. Okay~ I want to commission the order for tubs for sure tonight, and hopefully the towels as well. They might need a special material or something… But who knows? I'll definitely need to be introduced to a Clothier though. Clive should have some connections in that department. Oh, I can't forget about those two Rifas wreaking havoc. My bad… After getting dressed, I made my way to the Dining Hall and was met with a fabulous surprise.

The meet and feast was on! The sight of Mary's wonderful cooking brought a tear to my eye as I procured myself a portion of three common Fish before happily taking my seat. The anxiety was killing me, so I decided to ask the room of their individual Tiers. As it would turn out, the Cheetahkin woman was Tier 11. I have an announcement to make! Don't kill me... That is all. The Goatman was Tier 9. The elderly Tigerkin man was Tier 7. Lillian the Leshi was Tier 7. The Humon woman was Tier 7. Lisa the Minotaur was Tier 7. The Mousekin male was Tier 6. Boris the Bandoral Boamia was Tier 6. Lora the Lavendacorn Lamia was Tier 6. The old Koalakin man was Tier 6. Jon the Catkin was Tier 5. Wilson the Wolfenrine was Tier 6. Hugo the Tiger Swallowtail Flutterfairy was Tier 5. Vana the Monarch Flutterfairy was Tier 5. The Golden Retrieverkin man was Tier 6, while his wife was Tier 4. The Elf Woman was Tier 5. The Chihuahuakin guy was Tier 5. The Foxman was Tier 5, while his infant daughter was Tier 3. Cyclozard was Tier 5. The Turtlekin woman was Tier 5. Frank, the Frogman was Tier 4. The Mantiskin woman was Tier 4. Goddin Village Neith Sama was Tier 4. Cloaked Monk was Tier 5. Grenda was Tier 4. The Geckokin woman was Tier 3. The Snow Leopardkin couple were both at Tier 3. The Pandakin woman was Tier 2. I almost ignored the children completely, but then I was shocked by what I was attempting to ignore. The Unicornkin boy and Tigerkin girl are both Tier 6. The Ravenkin guy and the Snow Elf boy are both Tier 5. The Tigerkin girl and Ravenkin guy are the eldest appearing among them, but they could probably look after the younger children very well.

I'm impressed by Cloaked Monk's growth. That guy was just a Tier 3 before he went off on his adventures to slay the Slimes alongside Grenda who became a Tier 4 from just being a Tier 2. Grenda is officially the most powerful Goblina in this Kingdom. I can see it meow… One day, not too many years from meow… Two Goblins, one wearing a Priest outfit and the other wearing a Sister outfit… Marching through the lands in search of terrifying beasts. Called upon by the frightened masses, these two Goblins would travel anywhere necessary… To spread the good word of their pride and savior, Nero the Allwe Halloween Cat… While massacring whichever beast may terrorize those who bow before the might of fashion… Hallelujah. Praise Allwe. Notice how absolutely nowhere in that prophecy, were the two mentioned as being a crowned couple of the Goblins? Yeah, that's because I'm STILL team Goblin Funk. Screw those guys, and their quick leveling habits. I'll bet that Goblin Funk is light-years beyond those two… Hmph!

Getting up, I decided that getting to know all of the individuals within this room would be an impractical use of my time. I need to purchase tubs and stuff. Let's go~ Returning to the Treasure Room, I made sure that I had my coin pouch… Made my way to the waterfalls, and conjured the new Hallowed Gates before going off to Reygid. I probably spent around thirty minutes of time flying all over the place before I was finally descending to Vigi's Forge. It's great to be back, everyone. Hello, yes… Hi, where is the boss? Nyah~ They already know… It's wonderful to be feared by many. I have this inherent importance with my haki or something, Goblin Funk tried explaining it to me one time… But the best way that he could put it, was that it was similar to Goddin Village Neith Sama's haki… Or the Harpy Matriarch's haki… Only, more potent. I didn't understand what it meant at first... Until Goddin Village Neith Sama informed me of his King status, and it slowly clicked into place over time as I continued to watch my surroundings. I finally believe that I've come to a conclusion.

It's like my haki demands respect of those who get a good look at me. It's weird. I'm royalty or something. Even if I'm only releasing a Tier 7 haki, I'm still releasing a Tier 7 royal haki… Which is probably why I'm usually caught by Vanheim every freaking time. My haki is important. I can't go anywhere if I expect things to go unnoticed. Me going off and spending all of my MP definitely reduces the area that my haki commits to surrounding, and lowers the potency… But after someone notices it or gets close enough to me… My cover is kind of blown, at least to whoever noticed me... And it becomes evident that I'm in a weakened state. It's not just me… Any race leader will likely have the same issues. It explains why I haven't been affected by the haki of very many individuals… Mine is just of a higher grade, even if I'm weak... But there was totally that one time in the hole near the southeast side of the Lizardmen territory. Either that thing is just a race leader with a significantly higher Tier than me, or I don't even want to know what it is. That thing is stupid. That's enough knowledge for me on that matter. I was thinking such things as I made my way to Vigi. I'm meow face to face with the Minotaur.

"Still searching for Pistols?" [Vigi the Minotaur] grumbled after noticing the Halloween Cat's entrance.

"Nah~ I'm hoping to get steel bathtubs meow." [Nero] replied with a laugh.

"...How large?" [Vigi the Minotaur] slowly asked with eyes wide.

"The size to fit someone about half a body larger than me should suffice." [Nero] replied with a smile.

"Okay… How many?" [Vigi the Minotaur] muttered.

"101!" [Nero] declared excitedly. To which, the Minotaur groaned.

"Just one bathtub is likely to set you back 1 Gold Coin." [Vigi the Minotaur] enlightened the Halloween Cat in a blunt tone of voice. To which, the Cat groaned.

"Alright… Look. I'll take five bathtubs to start. I'll give you 7 Gold Coins in the event that any of the tubs cost more to make than expected." [Nero] declared with a serious expression.

"Sounds like a deal. They should be ready for pickup in around 4 nights." [Vigi the Minotaur] exclaimed with a smile.

"Eh… Can you just send them to Clive's Clothing Store?" [Nero] replied with a grin.

"Sure." [Vigi] sighed as he continued to work on a Sword.

"Thank you~" [Nero] called as he left.

And so, I'm off. It's time for a surprise drop in at Clive's. On the way over, I got a very clear view of the current state for the Castle. They still appear to be working on the whole wooden base aspect. Must be tough, having a Castle without a regeneration feature. Can't relate. I wonder how the King is behaving? Should I do a drop in? A pop by?! A surprise tea time with the newest Vampire Monarch?! You know… Someone totally came to Luna, a Priestess of the Lilica Church one night in her sleep… And poured their freaking Blood into her. The entire ordeal caused her life to be brutally shifted, and she's meow found herself swearing fealty to a Witch… Who hath now ordered her to do the exact same thing to two terribly frail and important individuals. I wonder how that feels. I'm sorry, Luna. I didn't mean to… Your race is just so… Convenient. I'm sorry.

I was thinking such things as I hesitantly avoided the Castle and continued on my way to Clive's establishment. Towels are more important. Probably. It's difficult to say, really. Saving the continent, or the proper hygiene that I've been desperately craving. I've had a taste for the finer things in life once again, through the use of my sink shower hack. I want more, meow… I can't go back to the Delhn Lake again, okay?! I just… I can't! Opening the doors to that fine Clothing Store… A whole lot of people were overjoyed to see me. It seems that I've become a celebrity to this store. The whole damn town wants to come and window shop a whole lot more just in the event that I show up. You never know, with this Cat. One of the workers ran up and hugged me dramatically… Only to be swatted down by one of the older workers who whispered to me about the latest events. Several customers were trying to talk to me about things, and I honestly just did not have the energy to deal with it all… So I kindly asked them to give me a few minutes as I went off to speak with the store manager quickly. I felt like I was suddenly in a press conference or something. It was weird. [10 Minute Makeover] pose! I made my exit as a boxer wearing orange and purple pieces.

"Oh, you're here early~" [Clive the Cheetahkin] greeted the Master of Disguise.

"Yes, my reason for coming tonight is unrelated to business." [Nero] confessed with a sigh as he entered the room and took a seat.

"So what brings you, then?" [Clive] begged the question as he put down a stack of papers.

"I was hoping to find a Clothier who produced fine towels for bathing." [Nero] replied while shrugging his shoulders.

"...You realize that you produce fine towels, correct?" [Clive] shot back while raising an eyebrow.

"Well… Yeah, but they're not very common… Whatsoever." [Nero] confessed.

"They sell incredibly fast." [Clive] declared with a sharp glare before continuing.

"I was hoping that you could somehow produce more of them." [Clive] sighed.

"Wait… Do they come in any particular level most often?" [Nero] replied while furrowing his eyebrows as he lowered his hood.

"That's an interesting question… Let me see…" [Clive] replied as he began to scour around through a wooden file cabinet, plucking documents from within it.

"Take your time." [Nero] declared with a smile.

Clive ended up taking around 10 minutes to get all of the documents in order. I needed to take on a new costume halfway through and everything. I became an office worker. Just another night… At the office. I was saying such things as I adjusted my tie before kicking my feet up on the desk. All in all, I'd say that Clive's work ethic was inspirational. He's truly… The man of this show. He's a tried and true businessman, that Cheetahkin. As he was searching for the documents, I made sure to inform him about the incoming bathtubs and Candy. He groaned, but he continued his search regardless. By the time that he finally finished, we came to the conclusion after only one additional outfit change. I became a detective. Trench coat, magnifying glass… Fedora, pipe, I had it all. As it turns out, bath towels can be created from level 2 pieces, or level 8 pieces. They don't occur anywhere else. They're more common in level 8 pieces, but that's the problem. Potentially level 8 pieces cost a whole 32 MP, whereas more than likely level 2 pieces only cost 8 mp. We're going for level 2 pieces. I can get a whole lot more level 2 pieces than level 1 pieces if I aim for level 2 pieces, these nights. According to Clive, he believes that we can get away with selling bath towels for an increased pricing of up to 1500 percent. Nyah~

Leaving Clive's establishment was a nightmare, but I still decided to have my little drop in on the King. I'm problematic... Fight me. There are very few spots in this would-be Castle left unscathed by the Flesh Golem. It's no issue for me to figure out where the King is. I can't help but wonder where his daughter and wife are, though. Those two have yet to make an appearance. They seem more like a legend than a fact at this point in time. On approach, the room was guarded. Several Kingdom Knights even began following me as I continued to slowly float toward the room. It seemed as though they wanted to attack me, but they were conflicted. It might be terror. It might just simply be my haki. I haven't really spent any immense amounts of MP tonight. We're not going in empty. This tank is freaking loaded, bro. It's the dead of night. The Witch of Night hath arrived. Obviously. Move along, Victim Knights. You want to know what I think? I think that the pay for becoming a Kingdom Knight is ridiculously low, hence why there seems to only be one Kingdom TempCat valiant enough to accept the measly pay… Which explains why most of the strong prefer to stick with adventuring… And why all of the people who seem to be Kingdom Knights tend to be excessively weak. TempCat is the only exception, as far as I can tell. He's the one strong individual who declared that higher pay wasn't the point. There are around 50 Kingdom Knights surrounding me at the very moment, but I'm still flying slightly above them… And have been for around a minute in utter silence.

"I wish to see the King." [Nero] declared to the Kingdom Knights surrounding him from below.

"The King is not taking any visitors." [Hyenakin Kingdom Knight] shot back with a snarky tone of voice.

"Tell me, boy… How many Kingdom Knights are even alive at this point?" [Nero] shot back with a grin after changing outfits to become a yellow and red jester.

"...I'm a man…" [Hyenakin Kingdom Knight] stammered dejectedly.

"Why does it matter how many of us remain? There are still enough of us here to stand against the likes of you!" [Dogkin Kingdom Knight] barked. To which, gusts of radiant orange flames emit from the Witch's Lantern and shot off into different vacant positions within the crowd.

"...Hohh what now?! You realize that I'm the cause of all the other Kingdom Knights dying, correct?" [Nero] laughed hysterically as his followers appeared in the midst of all the Kingdom Knights.

White Beef Lady, Wendel, Benji, Molag Dregora, a Skeleton, Betty and the other Tier 5 Banshee, a Phantasm, Penny, Christina, Luna, Mick, Steve, Andy, and my two most powerful Scarecrows appeared. It was Mr and Mrs Scarecrow. My Clansmen are so reliable. After just a few [Terror Shout]s, [Gale Caller]s, [Terror Gust]s, [Aura of Malice]s, [Ominous Aura]s, [Song of Confusion]s, and [Song of Time Slow]s... The nearby Kingdom Knights were already beyond their wits. Threat report? 34 fled, tripping over themselves several times while doing so. 16 of those who fled, ended up escaping by crawling. 9 of those who fled, ended up escaping by rolling away on their sides. The 9 remaining that fled ended up painfully getting back up every time after falling down, but 4 of them spontaneously lost pieces of their clothing each time that they fell down an additional time. 14 screamed in agony before attacking their fellow Kingdom Knights. 3 of those that attacked their fellow Kingdom Knights succeeded, and later hysterically clawed their own eyes out. Another 5 who succeeded pissed themselves, before making weak attempts at facing the monsters… Only to fall over themselves and later begin writhing in their own piss while being incapable of getting back up. Another 3 who succeeded decided to have gross sex with each other amidst the rubble and other dead corpses in one mad attempt at going out with a bang after struggling to remove their own armor in the heat of battle. The final three who succeeded, they went off to try slaying eachother again… Until only one person remained, aside from those writhing in their own piss or those having disgusting sex off to the side of me. The gladiator, was a tall… Elegant… Flamingokin Woman. She had this swagger in her step, really made her stand out as she fought valiantly amidst the chaos. Aside from wreaking mental havoc, my Clansmen really haven't done much. We sort of just… Watched as it unfolded. Wendel was performing a song, and some of the others joined her… But that was essentially all that it required. I rest my case. [10 Minute Makeoever]! I'm meow… A dinosaur... Rawr~ Clansmen, cut the abilities for a second!

"Well, it would appear that you were the most powerful among all your peers. I am called Nero. I am the one True Allwe Halloween Cat." [Nero] introduced himself to the Flamingokin Knight.

"I should hope so… I'm no Kingdom Knight. I'm a Kingdom Paladin." [Flamingokin Paladin] shot back nonchalantly, before continuing.

"I am called Frejilda Pollicans." [Frejilda Pollicans the Paladin] confessed while patting her arm feathers.

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I wish to speak with the King and see how he is faring." [Nero] replied with a smile.

"Yeah, I have no problems with that." [Freijilda Pollicans the PalaWin] declared nonchalantly as she began to lead the way forward.

Leaving behind the sloppy three-way, urine puddles beside shaken individuals, fresh corpses, and bloodstains meow splattered everywhere... We entered the room holding their majesty. On arrival, the King was beside a younger Lionkin woman… Who I presumed to be the Princess, but I was sorely mistaken. It's the Queen. She's a purebred Lionkin, she almost seems the same as the King… But her eyes aren't freaking red, and she lacks a mane... On closer inspection, the King's fur seems slightly more pale meow, as well. They quickly noticed us, but I'm in a dinosaur costume… So, there's been quite the considerable amount of time for me to take advantage of the confusion while I observed the scene. The PalaWin was explaining the details for me, until I finally decided to change my outfit once more. I'm wearing a black suit with a black tie, and a white dress shirt. I have black sunglasses on… I think, I'm a spy? Okay.

"Greetings, Beast King. I don't believe we've met, my name is Nero. I am the True Allwe Halloween Cat." [Nero] greeted the King before turning to introduce himself to the Queen as he removed his sunglasses and placed them into his blazer pocket.

"I've heard all about you." [Lionkin Queen] snarled.

"What reason could you possible have to come here this time?!" [Lionkin King] roared.

"To question you. How are you getting your Blood?" [Nero] replied nonchalantly.

"Preposterous! After you did this to me, you dare question how I deal with it?!" [Lionkin King] shouted angrily from his bedside. To which, the PalaWin quietly began to leave with eyes wide.

"I take it that breaking the Curse turned out to be more difficult than you assumed?" [Nero] begged the question with a snide tone.

"No… The High Priest sent word that the Curse could only be broken within the Church of Lilica…" [Lionkin King] dejectedly confessed.

"Ahhh… So you're simply having trouble arranging safe passage from here to the Church?" [Nero] asked with a smile.

"Don't be mad! The King can't possibly leave Reygid." [Lionkin Queen] exclaimed with a presumptuous attitude before turning to the King and slowly stroking his mane.

"And why is that?" [Nero] asked with a grin.

"It could cause utter turmoil for the public." [Lionkin Queen] explained without even meeting the Cat's gaze.

"Why?" [Nero] repeated the question.

"The King's haki is what keeps the Tides of Tragedy at bay. If he were to recklessly leave Reygid, the monsters would stream in and no one would be prepared to confront them." [Lionkin Queen] explained with a saddened expression as she glanced at her husband.

"What if I were to handle it?" [Nero] begged the question with a grin. To which, the King groaned.

"You don't understand! My haki keeps most of the monsters at bay, even when the Tides of Tragedy finally get through once every year. If my haki were to disappear, the TRUE Tides of Tragedy would all come at once! Slowly, but surely. The strongest of all the monsters, which never come even when the Tides of Tragedy normally do... The entire continent would be lost in its wake! A King on this side of the continent is but a means of slowing the catastrophe which has been plaguing these lands for centuries. We need a damned Hero, and you're not it!" [Lionkin King] roared.

"...How many other catastrophes are plaguing this continent as we speak?" [Nero] asked with a serious expression.

"...I think, there were 20?" [Lionkin King] replied with a sigh.

"Let's say a Hero were to stop one of those catastrophes... How long until it emerges once more?" [Nero] asked while furrowing his eyebrows.

"Ten years. The longer that they go unstopped, the more powerful they become." [Lionkin King] answered with a groan.

"How long have the current Tides of Tragedy been swelling?" [Nero] asked with a flat tone of voice.

"1045 years. Neither Sophia, nor Lilica were able to stop it… I doubt that you could, either." [Lionkin King] sighed while seeming tired of the entire matter.

"Alright, where were the other catastrophes?" [Nero] begged the question.

"I don't know the details to each and every catastrophe. You're better off asking the Elves or Witches. They keep records as well… But theirs don't happen to have been burned to cinders." [Lionkin King] shrugged and shot back with a grin.

"I also possess a powerful haki. Perhaps it would be enough to hold the Tides back long enough for you to venture to the Church?" [Nero] offered the solution.

"You're not powerful enough. Your haki is not large enough. You would be constricted to the Beach, and it still might not even work on account of your disposition baring elements of Fire." [Lionkin King] shot down the offer coldly.

"Fine. Whoever you feed off of, ensure that they don't die in the process. It would be best of you to pay citizens or Kingdom Knights extra Silver if they promise to donate some Blood once a month… But you're a little bit short on Kingdom Knights, it would seem." [Nero] sneered as he left.

I heard the King bickering about something as I left, but I don't care. I'm off to see some Rifa! Bidding the Flamingokin farewell, I set off. Do I really need to befriend the Elven Council?! I feel as though the Witches may be a better choice. They're pretty impartial on most matters, it would seem. They're not a terribly bad place, if you ignore their rampant practices of sexism. The female elitism dial for that territory was cranked so far that the system malfunctioned and now they're all destined to die out due to lack of men to procreate with. I'll just need to deal with being ostracized. It's better to be ostracized than killed, I think. I don't know... Elves frighten me. The way that Laura Pralini threw down that Light Cage magic attack on Lily was frightening. I don't know if I could escape from that… It might have been a tight fit. I don't know. I would have needed to lose my clothing, though. That would have been depressing, to say the least. Lily morphed her body in some strange way, but she kept her clothes. She was more or less okay with the entire ordeal. I can't say that I'd be the same.

I was thinking about such things as I flew to the Squirrbit Hollow. Er… Rifa Hollow? Ah, whatever. It's a Hollow. I was dejected to learn that I would need to lose my clothing if I hoped to enter it. Poor me, now I need to strip my needlessly attractive body down in this cold; wet… Swamp. Penny, Christina, and Wendel may have appeared before the Pixie cast a [Song of Time Slow] over a duet of 'Disturb*a'. They performed admirably throughout the entire scenario… But I'm not mad. Do what you must, Pixie. I'll be over here, doing my thang~ I'll need to wash my clothing after this. My clothing, and myself. Finally finished with getting undressed, I began to walk to the Hollow before assuming my smallest form toward the end of the song.

Looking around, there seem to be a pretty healthy population of Rifa. I don't really know, though… Because I leave those tiresome details to my followers. Oh no… I just realized… If one of them were to die, we could very well lose the information… They all keep track of their own races, you see. We don't have some legendary notebook or something. We need one, though. We'll call it… The Catalogue! Yosh! Next paycheck, for sure. I'm running low on Coins meow. On further inspection into the Hollow, I found them. There were two Rifa appearing excessively different from the others. They appears to be… Rifaleesi? They're male… I decided to wake them, but found that they were probably one Tier too low to properly communicate. It didn't sound right. I couldn't make it out properly. [Language Comprehension] is beginning to feel like a cheap shortcut, which could genuinely be outperformed if one were to actually take the time to learn. It's too bad that I'm stuck with it forever, and can henceforth… Never learn the language. Strangely enough, all of my Clansmen seem to be fine with reading words on the Scaraoke machine monster. I can't help but wonder if the Scaraoke machine translated all the words over to this realm's language?

Rather than join me, the two Rifale or whatever you want to call them… Decided it was in their best interest to escape. They're fleeing from yours truly, and I honestly don't have the energy to chase after them. Nope. We're not doing that. I'll come back for them tomorrow night. I don't know what to do with them… It's probably too early to begin another culling but I don't exactly want to kill them, either. Maybe they would listen to Rita if she were to be the one to talk to them? I guess I'll just wait until the Orc Mountains party returns… How much harm could two measly Rifale do in a few more days? They're probably running low on Meglacommon at this point. They should be working to return soon. Nyah. It's fine. I'll fly home.

When I returned to the Throne Room, I conjured several new pieces of clothing while aiming for level 2. It's happening. Bath towels! Reveal yourselves! I spent around half an hour, at least… The pile? Absolutely massive. I lost count somewhere around 200. I feel as though the pile is twice as large, meow. I obtained 32 bath towels, of varying colors. They're quite rare. I didn't spend any Candy, though… So that's good. I'll be saving 10 of them, just for those of us who attain one of the first 5 tubs. I want to get one for myself, clearly. Cetilla can have one... Goblin Funk can have one... Goddin Village Neith Sama can have one… And the Cheetahkin Woman can have one. She's freaking Tier 11. If I can make her feel any more comfortable, it's probably worth my time. Taking all of the towels, I hid them inside of my Treasure Chest. I can't have these things going missing. They're highly valuable, even if they're only Tier 2 towels. I'm going to be selling these things for 900 Silver Coins each. Better yet, make it a Gold Coin. I've done the math, they're incredibly rare… And I don't even want to sell them. At this point, I kind of want to just keep them all for my ridiculous bathtub idea. It's almost as though obtaining bathtubs has now become a main quest, given how freaking expensive it's turning out to be. I'll be keeping two orange and two purple ones, just for myself. I need a freaking dresser or something.

Finished with hiding my highly priced items… I decided to spend some time at the fireplace before bed. I was met with the night crew, and we shared a splendid debate. The topic of discussion was how the Orc Mountain party would have fared when they had returned. The newer participants didn't really know the party members that well, some of them did not know them at all… But they at least knew of the Orc Mountains, so they had some things to say on the matter. Cyclozard adamantly believes that Budget Dragon will return with his tail between his legs. Wilson believes that Goblin Funk will hail victorious. I can stand behind that. Goddin Village Neith Sama can't relate. He's still hung up on the liqueur thing. Lora believessss in Cetilla's leadership, but Boris issss on a slightly different side. He's on team Budget Dragon. Christina seems to believe that Conrad will be the only reason why they make it out of that nightmare. Penny thinks that Rita will be the true star of the show. I think she's just got a size complex or something. Oh… I forgot that they could read my mind. Troublesome. Wendel didn't join in on the conversation, but she sang through it with a patronizing smile whenever the topic of Rita came into discussion.

The Elderly Tigerkin man, Trignam Firemane explained that the main reason why the Orc Mountains were so challenging… Is because there's a Dungeon constantly leaking monsters in that territory. The Orcs failed at containing it, and now the territory is in constant chaos… As though it were an extension of the Dungeon itself. Thankfully, most of the monsters from that Dungeon are land roamers… They can't climb the Mountains in order to escape the territory… Leaving the Orcs and Geckokin to deal with it. Rough. I still don't understand why the Orcs led an army through the Lost Kingdom, though. It just doesn't really seem to make sense to me. The former Earl had no idea why, but the Geckokin was able to shed some light on the mystery. According to her, the Orcs led an army in attempts at rescuing the Orc Witch Doctor, Rateeva Doljiir from the Lizardmen… But instead were met with my impeccably well placed Wailing Keep Sama. According to the Geckokin, she was originally captured by the Beastkin Monarch for questioning why he would not assist the Orcs in rescuing Rateeva… What?! I seem to be incapable of comprehending why Rateeva Doljiir was enough to warrant a full on army to march… But is it possible that she's far more important than I previously expected? The Ravenkin guy had absolutely nothing to say on the topic, as did the Humon. The Cheetahkin, however… Simply begged the question as to why we were allowing a mere party of 6 to 8 individuals conquer the entire Orc Mountains, rather than go ourselves as a team. Ahh… Simpletons. They would never understand!

The debate with the Cheetahkin Martial Artist freedom fighter from Lorimaki Island ended up taking a whole two hours. We stayed up beyond dawn, because we couldn't reach a conclusion. Thankfully, I remembered to cast [Daily Candy] at dawn. The main participants for this debate were Goddin Village Neith Sama, myself, and the Cheetahkin. Everyone else went to sleep, and some of the day crew even started to emerge mid debate… But they didn't dare join in. It was heated. Goddin Village Neith Sama explained that we needed to protect the Lost Kingdom as well as gain power… While also insinuating that it was all my idea, because he simply wanted to protect the Lost Kingdom for life instead… Which seriously roped me into the entire topic, as it was absolutely true and I still stood behind that decision. I don't know if I can fit all of the Goblin Village in my Halloween Town indefinitely, but I do know that I can't just take half of them and leave the others to struggle… I couldn't feed them all. That would be wild. I explained as such, and that it was best to stay here for now; where they could scrounge around for berries, at the very least. She declared that we could have the Goblins get more powerful, so that they could survive in the Orc Mountains as well… But like, dude. Have you met these Goblins? They don't do anything! Ever! They're totally just lambs to the slaughter over here! And so, that entire rebuttal ended up leading the conversation back towards Goddin Village Neith Sama getting targeted. It's his fault for not forcing the Goblins into training sooner. They probably could have thrived, even without destroying the nearby ecosystem… But, no~ They have a Tier 4 Goblin King instead. Fabulous, if you ask me.

Somehow, he managed to turn the entire topic around to how it was the Orc's fault for failing to quell their Dungeon… But like… I don't see any Dungeons in the Lost Kingdom. We were totally left to just be a final stand location or something. A last defense for the continent... This… Goblin Village consisting of straw huts which has absolutely no produce aside from berries. Epic. He's truly, done fantastic. Yeah, he didn't manage to push the blame onto anyone. He's still under fire across the fireplace from our barrage. At this point, we might be better off in the Chasms. They're no better in the structural department or the food department… But if you shut the Chasms closed, does that not become a natural bunker? The Mer may have had the right idea after all… Too bad I'm totally destroying their door~ Oh well, I decided to go to sleep and bid the others a good morning. Carrying my belongings, I flew back to the Treasure Room… Threw them down, returned to my original form… Crawled out of from my outfit, and then leapt on into bed. Good morning...