Chapter 72 - Night 74

Oh… Waking up to see a very quiet Lich… Fun. Molag Dregora, it seems that you have not yet been made aware… But I prefer waking up to see Crows, not hunks of bones hidden beneath robes. Glad that THAT is settled… Moving along, it would appear that I had left the Hallowed Gates open in my sleep… Which is the reason as to why there's a Lich in my Treasure Room. The Clansmen are not happy. I ended up needing to enter Halloween in my Cat form to apologize for the entire ordeal, but as it turns out… There were not one, but two whole Meglacommon captured due to my incompetence. You guys… This is a good thing. It means that you can hold your long awaited festival very soon after we sort out Reygid. Please, load them into the freezers for meow. Cut them in half if you must. I was thinking such things as I ditched the eternally restless Clansmen and returned to my Treasure Room to get dressed.

Checking my status, it would appear that I actually leveled up over the ordeal. It was just one level, but it was one level that I wouldn't have had before! Meow, I'm a Tier 7 Halloween Cat at level 150~ I know… It's so impressive. I feel as though I'm near the endgame, but I'm painfully aware of how far from the truth that I am. It's starting to look silly of me to be going around and declaring war against places when I'm literally not even level 9000. Hahhhhh~ I want to cry… Infinite power leveling is intense, especially when coupled with a Prestige feature which only gives you one bonus… The bonus of having more time to infinitely power level. Frightening. I want to put an end to the brutal energy intake scenario which seems to be plaguing Halloween, but forget DANCING with the devil~ I'll need to BECOME the devil himself if I hope to make it all work out. I need to ascend to godhood. There's no other feasible solution. Hunky Beefcake, you really picked the wrong one for this task. Also, you picked too difficult of a task. Do it yourself, seriously. I'm just a measly Party Planner.

You know what? I could deal with being one of the 8 Holiday Clan Leaders of a given realm. I mentally prepared myself for that, but… Not only being one of the 8 Holiday Clan Leaders, but becoming exponentially more powerful than the two Holiday Clan Leaders from this continent that seem to have failed in their quests freaking half a millennium ago... I might be able to deal with that, maybe… I'd probably die while trying so if I must say, we're already pushing our limits there… Lilica was freaking loved by all with the blessing to have met her. How do I compete with that?! Excuse me?! Then you tackle on the need to also become more powerful than literally any other Halloween Cat still standing?! While bestowing me with a rival who is inherently hellbent on mindless killing and also seems to be destined to outlive me regardless of whatever I choose to do… Without even telling me?! Excuse me?! Hunky Beefcake?! What?! What happens after I accomplish the actually impossible task of claiming dominion over the Halloween realm and then ALSO solve the funnel problem?! You're asking me to become the God of Halloween! I'm pretty sure that you could at least sit down with me and have a talk about it! I'm fully dressed meow, I'm standing next to my Throne and everything! All you must do is appear and give me some freaking ease of mind! HUNNKYYYYyyyyYYYYY!~

"Shut the hell up." [Mysterious Man Voice]

Is he allowed to say that? Turning to see the Throne, he was… He was there! I could scream in joy right about meow…But I'd better not waste the chance. It's a God before me, the only one who I have had the blessing of meeting. Due to him sitting in my chair, it seems that Wailing Keep Sama has worked tirelessly to shrink him down to the size of a normal mortal. Interesting.

"So what happens if I fail and die during any of my quests?" [Nero] begged the question of the bulky God with a perfectly chiseled jawline and long red hair pulled back behind his ears.

"If you die within this realm, I can save you effortlessly and redirect your soul to a different realm... Or back here as a different race within the Halloween Clan. You can try again, as a new Halloween Cat in a different place; but you can't come back here as a Halloween Cat. It's a rule. If you die in the Halloween realm, you'll be sent off to a different God to deal with. You'd be out of my jurisdiction, and I can't do anything for you… Unless you succeed in changing the laws to Halloween. If you don't, you may be sent to an underworld, depending on how it plays out… But you likely won't have a choice as to what you become. Due to your disposition, there's a high chance of you becoming a Halloween Clansman after death." [Hunky Beefcake] explained in a tired voice while picking up a novel out of literally nowhere and beginning to turn through some pages.

"I can change the fact that I'd be out of your jurisdiction?" [Nero] asked back with eyes wide.

"Precisely. If you decide that I, Janus... Am permitted to deal with the deaths of both Earth, Melchiadore, AND Halloween, then I can endlessly loop Halloween Cats like yourself back into existence… As whichever race they desire, as that's something that I do. Many Gods choose to be too impatient, as they deem that they are overworked. Dealing with me would be in your best interest. I'm already capable of dealing with Melchiadore and Earth, among dozens of other realms… You might as well help me secure trade relations with Halloween~ As you do so, you could also solve that pesky issue of energy always being caused to leak out of Melchiadore. When a Holiday Clan leader perishes, all of the energy that they take from the realm is supposed to be refunded or passed on… But Halloween Cats always end up being short on energy. It's a real pain for me, as it makes me feel obligated to send countless more souls into Melchiadore. I can only safely send Halloween Cats to one realm at the current moment… So if you succeeded, Halloween Cats could very well end up becoming a staple race to Melchiadore…" [Janus the Hunky Beefcake] explained as he continued to read a novel.

"...Safely?" [Nero] asked while furrowing his eyebrows.

"Well, I can send Halloween Cats to any realm that they're permitted in… But I usually choose Melchiadore because I can deal with the deaths in Melchiadore. If you failed while still having your soul bound to Melchiadore, you could try again as a Halloween Cat to a different realm… But I wouldn't be able to save you unless you were able to achieve godhood within that very realm before perishing… If you were able to succeed in achieving godhood within that very realm, before ascending to become the God of Halloween… Then I could claim the right to deal with deaths in both realms, meaning that I could then safely send Halloween Cats to two different realms. They could have two different safe lives as Halloween Cats, but the only way for them to safely return to either of those realms again… Would be as a different Halloween race. Put simply, I would benefit immensely if you failed once in Melchiadore before trying again in a foreign realm and actually succeeding. You would probably benefit immensely if you failed in Melchiadore and just became a different Halloween race, or if you actually succeeded in becoming the most powerful Halloween Cat." [Janus the Hunky Beefcake] explained while finally putting down his novel before beginning to drink coffee.

"...If I fail, I can never come back… But if I win, then I can come back? Also, why do I need to remain as a member to Halloween?" [Nero] questioned the God

"Nero... Try having a child. Try genuinely having a child. If you have a child, then fail while still having a bound soul to Melchiadore… You can come back as a different Halloween race, become excessively powerful… And be there to support and help your child become the God of Halloween." [Janus the Hunky Beefcake] explained with a tired expression as he rubbed his own forehead.

"...Is this divine revelation? Have I just been saved?" [Nero the Witch of War] asked with eyes wide.

"Nope, you're still highly likely to be destined for an underworld." [Janus the Hunky Beefcake God] delivered divine retribution upon the question.

"Have you tried… Vampirism? Can a Halloween Cat be afflicted with the Curse of Vampirism in order to remain bound to Melchiadore?" [Nero the Master of Time] asked as he removed his aviators.

"It can be a powerful Curse… But to Curse a Tier 7 Halloween Cat would require a Vampire of no less than 2000 years in age. You won't find Vampires of that caliber with ease." [Janus the Hunky Beefcake] slammed down the idea.

"My child… Would be born with whatever Tier I had achieved before (/s)he was conceived, and all or most of my abilities… (/S)he would need at least three soul years before (/s)he was given the capability to prestige… Which would probably be no less than a freaking month at that point. (/S)he could level up before then if I managed to have him/her capture Clansmen… Which is highly unlikely, considering that (/s)he'd be a freaking infant. It's probably a far better option for me to have a child after I've already prestiged once… That way, I would have the time to spend raising him/her… (/S)he can have all of my Clansmen after (/s)he comes of age… Which will need to be rather quickly if (/s)he hopes to raise his/her life expectancy which will be progressing at an incredible rate. The more that I think about it, the less hope that my child seems to have. Why would you even suggest such a ridiculous idea? To leave this all to an infant is idiotic." [Nero] spat back to the God.

"I can possess your child's conceived body with another individual capable of becoming a Halloween Cat. Just because the child is an infant, it does not mean that the child will be incapable of comprehending their circumstances… You'll simply need to convince them to listen to you, their father." [Janus the Hunky Beefcake God] enlightened the Halloween Cat.

"...Huh… So, I actually CAN just stop without prestiging somewhere after Tier 10; pass the torch, and be on my merry way?" [Nero] asked, dumbfounded.

"Obviously... But is that what you really want? Do you want to simply give your child a free 10 or so Tiers before disappearing, knowing full well of what exactly it is that you're leaving them to handle?" [Janus the Hunky Beefcake God] asked while raising an eyebrow.

"They wouldn't really be my child, considering that they would have been possessed…" [Nero] shot back before confessing with a sigh.

"But I see what you're getting at. 10 Tiers isn't enough, even with me also being there as an amazing Clansman to help out on the sidelines." [Nero] confessed.

"So you've come to a decision?" [Janus the Hunky Beefcake God] asked with a smirk.

"Yeah. I need to become as powerful as I can, bind my soul to Halloween, and have a child somewhere around the 20th or 30th Tier… As soon as I can before death, really… Then while in Halloween, I'll need to rally as many other Allwe Halloween Cats as possible to support my child when (/s)he finally perishes… So that we may finally put an end to the Hoen's regime. We'll need to secure absolute dominance over the Throne of Halloween, to ensure that even if my child chooses to reincarnate… That what they fought for did not spontaneously revert in their absence." [Nero] declared with a determined expression as he turned around and began to leave the smiling God to sitting on his own Throne before turning to add once more.

"By the way, what will happen to my unborn child's original consciousness?" [Nero] begged the question while raising an eyebrow.

"What do you want to happen to it?" [Janus the Hunky Beefcake God] asked with an interested expression.

"...Can you place it into a corpse?" [Nero] asked with eyes wide.

"...If that is what you desire." [Janus the Hunky Beefcake God] replied with a smile.

"What about an empty puppet?" [Nero] asked with a hysterical smile.

"With ease." [Janus the Hunky Beefcake God] laughed.

"Very well~ I'll have an empty puppet prepared beside the child when it is born." [Nero] declared as he began to fly away once more.

Okay. I'm flying to the Dining Hall. I now hath a life goal. I'm excited for it, but I also want to cringe about how the entire ideal of it all practically hinges on the fact that I won't even be the star of my own life goal. It's all reliant on whoever the heck ends up possessing my unborn child… Or potentially… My unborn grandchild… Oh no~ This is how brutal family traditions are started! I've become the founder to the Allwe Halloween Cat Dojo. One mustn't forget to pass on the traditions to their one and only true kin, ensuring the future and prosperity of the Allwe Halloween Cat Dojo. The traditions of the never ending conquest of selected repeatable abilities being used in particular ways... And of course, the genuine massacres at opportune moments in time; commit in hopes of attaining vast power, while also selling a whole lot of clothing and protecting a very niche locale within this continent. No two Halloween Cats may be born from the same Halloween Cat. It's a taboo. We can't afford to go off splitting our bloodline recklessly, but we can have as many visits to foreign brothels as we desire. Weigh out the pros and cons for yourselves, folks… I already know which team I'm playing for. Vivallwe!

Oh my gosh… I just thought of something. If I die and get permanently locked into Halloween while my Wailing Keep is here… Then, my Halloween Town will literally be here even for eternity. My child could just come and see me whenever they wanted… But we would need to space our Wailing Keeps out quite the distance. My child's Halloween Town would have those guardian bots or whatever… And they would likely attack me if I were to try and visit their Town, but the same does not go if the child were to come and visit my Town. It's like I'll be in prison, but only a block away… Not too bad. Not too bad at all. We might need to heavily change the Wailing Keep position though, considering that the range of attack from those bots could be immense. Perhaps… To the Chasms? I'll move to the Chasms if I'm expecting any major, potentially life threatening wars to come up, then go off and bone a Catkin one day before the battle? I'm so problematic… I'll need a lover. A Cat of sorts which desires this excessively potent seed, and is totally willing to give birth to a (/wo)manchild.

I was thinking such things as I joined in the nightly meet and feast, beginning to eat. I was enjoying the finer things in life, mainly my two common Fish cooked to perfection coupled with the elegant performance of some of my Clansmen… Until, all of a sudden… I noticed it. It was Miu! One of my favorite Witches hath decided to join us this evening. She's taking part in the meet and feast, getting to know some of the others. She's complaining about how there are unnamed individuals again, but it can't be helped. I only name creatures during the festivals. I made a promise. No more festivals until Reygid is saved. I explained as much to her, but she only gave off a disturbing look. It was disturbing, because she totally freaking stuck her tongue out at me while lowering her left lower eyelid with a finger as she made a 'BNNYAH' sound.

"I'll have you know, that I do NOT condone this behavior; Miu..." [Nero] shot back before he dashed a sprinkle of spice onto his meal.

"You want to know what I heard?" [Miu] sneered with a grin. To which, the Halloween Cat simply squinted at the Witch as he audibly exhaled.

"I heard that the Academy of Witches decided to hold the Scarecrow Summoning Exam last night, and that dozens of new Scarecrows have been given life within the Forest of Witches." [Miu] proclaimed while puffing out her chest with a smile as she raised her head high.

"Oho? So they broke their word…" [Nero] replied with a grin.

"You didn't hear it from me~" [Miu] sang before continuing.

"Also, can I have a ride back whenever you're ready to go?" [Miu] sighed.

"Sure. When do you need to be back by?" [Nero] accepted the task with a smile.

"Before dawn." [Miu] replied with a smile.

"Hyaaahh…" [Snow Elf Boy] yawned after approaching the Halloween Cat before continuing.

"Actually, I was hoping that you could take me back home tonight…" [Snow Elf Boy] said groggily while rubbing his eyes.

"Ofcourse. Miu… Come to the Throne Room when you're finished with your meal." [Nero] replied to the Snow Elf quickly before turning to Miu.

"Come with me, I'll make sure that you get home alright." [Nero] extended a hand to the Snow Elf before hoisting him up onto his Broom and setting off.

"Thank you..." [Snow Elf Boy] said before beginning to fall asleep.

Jeez. It would appear that I, the Fire element Halloween Cat am about to take this child as far north as I possibly can. Neither of us appear to be dressed for the occasion… But perhaps my inner heat will protect me? I'm terrified, given that it is definitely not the case for cold water. I freaking die in cold water... We're all wearing Cat's Costumery Clothing Brand apparel, but this child's is probably far worse in terms of quality. I find it strange, but it seems that the King was beginning to imprison a whole lot of people… As none of these people were actually imprisoned longer than the time that I've been alive. They were all newly captured, potentially… The King thought that they may have been connected to me in some way? Either that, or they were presumed to be terrorists as many came from different lands or were of less frequent races? That King… Imprisoning tourists... Yikes. He seems to be far more problematic than I am.

Setting the child onto my bed, I returned to the Throne Room and began to sort through the pile of potentially level 2 pieces. I was looking for bulky clothes. Layers, and stuff… Which could fit the child or Miu for that matter. I ended up choosing a massive penguin costume for the Snow Elf, and a massive teddy bear costume for the Witch. I'm bringing Miu with me, because if things turn out to be too cold… Then she can inform me and I'll turn around with a beautiful Hallowed Gate. Even if I'm seriously cold, I'm going to do my best to ignore it. I'll stop at nothing to return this sweet, innocent child. I'll run as fast as my gigantic legs can carry me. I'll break the ice and separate the Savage Lands from the continent if necessary! I just need directions. The Forest of Witches is quite near the Savage Lands, and the Witches apparently keep documents worth mentioning… So Miu, who learns at their prestigious Academy might end up actually knowing of where the Snow Elves normally dwell. She came at a wonderful time. She's got this thing for impeccable timing, that Witch. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that she might even be the Master of Time. It's too bad that I currently hold that title, though. Turning to look, she's even on time to appear directly after my inner monologue. She's… She's unprecedented.

"Hey~ What's up?" [Miu] greeted the Master of Time with a smile and wave as she ran along, massive boobs bumbling all over the place with each step.

"..." [Nero] gasped for air before responding.

"Throw this on." [Nero] beckoned, averting eye contact as he held out a massive teddy bear costume for the needlessly attractive, short black haired Witch with yellow eyes.

"Uh?" [Miu] replied with a face of confusion.

"I would appreciate your assistance in finding the home of the Snow Elf. I thought you might appreciate the extra layers of clothing for the harsh and cold environment." [Nero] explained while still holding up the costume.

"Oh… The Snow Elves all live as far north as you can possibly go while remaining on this continent. They have a Village there." [Miu] replied with eyes wide as she refused the costume.

"Fine… You can stay here while I handle it." [Nero] declared as he turned around to fetch his Broom and Lantern.

"Good luck~" [Miu] replied with a smile.

And so, I set off. I'm flying north, as fast as I can… Which turned out, is excessively fast. After a mere minute, I was literally already at the northern edge of the continent. I can see the constant gusts of wind, attempting to hide the Snow Elf Village as they carry snow along with them. The Village appears to be a whole ton of log cabins. Surrounding the cabins, are streets adorned with street-light lantern poles, which if you ask me… Is an incredible decoration choice. There are a lot of evergreen trees in this territory, which I very briefly saw while traveling here… But there are also locations that seem more barren, with very few trees nearby. This is one of those locales. I can see, perhaps… 10 Trees in this Village consisting of roughly 50 cabins. The weather here is kind of insane. It's incredibly cold. I don't want to stay very long. Descending toward the edge of the village, I cast a Hallowed Gate and immediately flew through it. I replaced the Demon Kingdom one.

Going through the combo gate, I returned to the Wailing Keep… Greeted Miu, and began to carry the Snow Elf back through the Hallowed Gates while I continued to ride my Broom. Vroom vroom~ I made sure to catch a breath while in Halloween, basking in the heat before I flew back out into that harsh environment. I'm ready… Looking down, the Snow Elf opened his eyes… And softly thanked me once more. Awww~ Stop it! Flying through the gate, we emerged back into the Snow Elf Village and flew above to get a better look at the town. It was difficult to tell on account of the snowstorm, but I was was able to narrow down my choices for which home was largest by just two different cabins. I made my best guess, and I ended up barging into… A Brothel AND a Tavern combined! Woah~ What a culture shock…

There are Sealkin, Snow Elves, Penguinkin, Elkkin, Snow Rabbitkin, and there was even a Hiant. Half Human, half Giant… Quite large, but not too large. All of these races~ Living in harmony, drinking their Rum and sharing their prostitutes~ You know me, I always make it a point to carry my Coin. I have 10 Gold Coins left. I'm kind of a big deal. Not like, massive or anything… But I can afford a night on the town. I'm curious. What would happen if I were to have a child with an Ice elemental type monster? It's apparently guaranteed to be a Halloween Clansman or whatever due to my highly potent seed… But then again, do I really need to be whoring myself around at every Brothel I come across?! Hmmmmm...

I don't really feel like raising a whole ton of strange monster children… But I could always just keep tabs on them from a distance or something… If their scenarios ever seem precarious, I'll drop in and offer them a place at the Wailing Keep instead… Potentially as one of my Clansmen? It's not impossible… But it's going to be a pain depending on how many Brothels I began to drop in at. This Brothel in particular will be a headache due to how freaking cold it is outside. There's a nice little fireplace chimney thing going on in here. I see 8 chimneys. It's ridiculous, and what ends up happening… Is the highest payers get seated next to a chimney, and they can pay to put more wood on it. It's a whole thing. I would know, because I'm seated at one of those tables. Obviously. The Snow Elf boy began to wake up when we first arrived, and has been standing on his own ever since we got inside. He's sitting with me, and we're ordering a meal. He's complaining about how he isn't hungry, as we just ate… But it's not about the meal, child. Trust me... We're getting a meal.


There are these totally freaking beautiful Sealkin Waitresses who happen to be ridiculously well formed. They've got curves in all the right places, and their grey skin is stupidly smooth. It's glistening. They're wearing all of way too little. It's some kind of barbaric fur costume. It only covers the middle of the breasts, and the smallest portion of their thighs as possible. I made sure to order some Rum for our table, and every time that I order for more wood… The seal waitresses return to desperately lift the big, massive, log of wood onto that blazing fire… Which causes the waitresses to sweat and squeal as they dramatically attempt to lightly place the log into the fireplace. It's a wonderful experience, sets me back around 300 Silver Coins each time. I enjoyed the pleasures of watching it five times, to ensure that I gained the opportunity of banging one of the Sealkin after her shift. How did that happen, one might ask? Every time that I paid for the Log Loading Luxury, I paid double; with the full extra going to one Sealkin in particular. I also promised to pay the full price of how much it would have costed to regularly get the chance of having my way with her. All the staff in this fine establishment are on the list for willing to be paid in one way or another. I checked. I ended up spending around three hours at this fine establishment, and I even managed to get the Snow Elf boy drunk beyond his wits while I tipsily explored the various systems of this exotic locale.

As it turns out, one of the Snow Elf girls working in one of the back rooms is actually acquainted with the half unconscious Snow Elf boy that I've been constantly carrying around with me. She was riding some shy Elkkin guy with a massive schlong when she cranked open her door and asked to get a better look at the boy I was carrying. Obviously, when a fully nude Snow Elf that you didn't even pay asks for your time while she's literally being roasted… Then you stop and turn around, doing what she asks of you as slowly as possible to ensure that you experience the full package of that once in a lifetime opportunity. It's what all the most prominent of Catkin would do. It's not just me. She was telling me something about how the boy was the brother to one of her friends while I was glaring at those perky, cumstained boobs of hers, pink nippled… Bouncing along as she told me her tales of woe. I was slowly setting the nearly unconscious Snow Elf down, as I took a long hard look at that long hard schlong inserted directly into her light pink pussy, covered in cum… Her legs, are small… Light… And she seems light. I could probably carry her with ease. I could smash her against a wall, and devour her with my rock hard pecks and demanding presence… The Elkkin is beyond uncomfortable, but nyah~

I was thinking about such things until I regained my awareness, due to my favored Sealkin snapping me out of it, with her much larger rack of meatbags hanging right in front of my face as she helped to see if the boy was alright. Yeah. We're good people, just being extra careful of the extremely innocent, yet absolutely plastered boy as we ensure that he's safely here and prepared for his encounter with the beautiful image of his sister's friend... Totally naked and taking a massive dick. Yep. All in a night's work. When the boy came further to his senses, he simply reached for the girl… And his tiny hands landed directly on her breasts, to which she became excessively squeamish… But we closed the door before calling out that we would return in around an hour or two. The Elkkin was excessively surprised, but I'm sure that he'll get over it. Nyah. We went off to our own room, to have our own fun. I was being led down a really long hallway by this rockin Sealkin, enjoying each glance I had at the insides of each other room. At the top of each room, is a little hole… You can kind of see what's going on, but not really. At most, you might share a glance with someone eye to eye, if they're in the right position. Sadly, none of them were… Aside from the Snow Elf woman who now has her hands full.

Closing the doors to our own room, I was delighted to agree that this room was indeed much nicer than the other one I had just been introduced to. The other was like a stall, compared to this. This is a full on, suite. It reminds me of a genuine log cabin. There's a large bed, a fireplace in front of it… And even a door, but it leads to a balcony… And it's cold outside… So, no. There are windows, though. I can see the snow piling up on the outside of them. There's a candle lit on an desk beside the bed, and there's a closet to place your clothes. There's even a bath. Oh my… There's a bath~ According to Sealina, my favorite Sealkin; there's a magic device that streams water down from the ceiling above the bath, and you can choose to plug the bath or keep it unplugged. It's a dream come true. The bath is large enough to seat two or four people if you're not afraid of having your limbs painfully invading each other's nether regions. It's a flat bath, but it has sides to allow yourself to hold your arms out of it. We're starting with the bath, obviously. We ended up having sex in the bath. It was slow, at first… She was riding me while we sat in the hot water… But she turned up the heat immensely after around fifteen minutes, as she started to enjoy the jacuzzi magic that spontaneously turned on.

Each time that Sealina would rise, the bubbles would fill the places that she had left behind, and each time she would lower… Those bubbles would pop between us, releasing an extremely pleasurable sensation. I can only imagine how amazing it felt for her wet pussy. At some point, we accidentally pulled out the plug and things started to heat up even more. We turned on the shower, and I started banging her against the wall. The water trickled down our bodies as we flung ourselves into each other, and my dick underwent a strange sensation. It was hot when I pulled it out and the water trickled onto it, but it cooled down when it invaded her lips. It was a moment, for sure. She was audible, I'll give her that much. Every time I pulled away, she begged of me for more. The whole ordeal lasted around half an hour… And then we happily decided to order more drinks.

We were drinking while wearing towels as we sat next to the fireplace and talked of our aspirations in life. Sealina wants to earn her Coin, get out of these god forsaken lands… And get a job being a real Waitress in Reygid, but she's worried about what her father might think… Which I found absolutely preposterous, as she was already working as an actual Prostitute Waitress… But according to her, her father was the one who told her to work as a Prostitute Waitress. In his eyes, this is already the pinnacle that one can hope for. Wild. I happily warned her that while prostitution didn't seem to run rampant in Reygid, slavery did… And that she should be careful, but I would be more than happy to bring her there. And so, she happily accepted… But first, we made use of that large and comfortable bedding… And had our fill of each other. Literally.

Sealina's talents at riding while out of water were just as impressive as they were while in water… But I found it difficult to cum due to how cold it was within her body. We decided to ditch the bed, and made use of the fireplace in front of it. Sealina was on her back, with her head on the floor, and her arms laid down to help support her… But half of her back was propped up next to the bed… Exposing her legs into the open air… Her legs were spread wide enough for me to stand above her head, and stick my dick right into her at the perfect angle. I needed to squat slightly to get it further inside of her, but I'm not afraid of a workout~ Let's go! Training Montage, MEOW! Moments later, a particular Corocdae and Pixie appeared with smirks before they began to sing 'B*d Guy'. They performed admirably, and kept singing the song repeatedly while I brutally squat fucked this poor Sealkin at a rate of 300 squats per minute. Penny would slow time down at critical moments. Sealina seemed exceptionally surprised and pained at first, but after around 200 squats… She was numbly enjoying it as she moaned the entire way through. The duet had probably performed their song around 18 times before we finally stopped, after I had unreservedly splattered within her body four times. It was dripping out on all edges of my dick as I finally pulled out…

Gazing down at her still moaning, and meow twitching body… I enjoyed the vision of her torn state before bending down and sticking a finger up to her hole, swiping a portion of the liquids up… And sticking it further inside of her. My cum… It was hot. In temperature, that is. It was… Steamy… I began to repeat this motion of filling her hole to the absolute top, as I watched her writhe in pleasure… When it finally had filled, I watches her pussy began to gyrate… Trying to get rid of it… But gravity would not allow such a fate, and so the bubbly, steamy cum slowly evaporated… I was absolutely in awe at this point, to have witnessed such a moment… With my own eyes, until I decided to help Sealina to her feet, before carrying her back to the shower and turning it on. We're getting clean, meow. She seemed frail, after the battle of our genitals… So I helped wash her off. Some of the cum began to drip from her as we did so, and she seemed to take pleasure in it. I couldn't help myself from wanting to screw her all over again, but I decided to hold off. Just because I can keep going for ages, it doesn't mean that the Snow Elf boy hasn't already perished in the war.


Climate aside, I honestly find this Village to be a highly desirable place to inhabit. If you can avoid going outside, and stay inside next to the fires… It's probably livable. I could honestly manage it… But I would need to say goodbye to all those following me. Nyah. I'd better just avoid brothels for awhile. Mix a Tavern and Brothel, all of a sudden… I have absolutely no control. The prices were cheap enough, though? I'm sure that I'll survive. After we had dried off and got dressed, Sealina and I made our way to go and pick up the now abandoned and seemingly dead Snow Elf boy. Sealina needed to redress him. I'm carrying him once more, and while doing so… We encountered the other Snow Elf from before. She told me that if we wanted to return the boy to his home, we would need to go to the corner of 'Blizzard' and 'Azure' road. It's the house with a tree beside it. Okay~ We're off. Sealina is ditching her life at this humble Tavern, and we're both off on a quest to find safety for this meow highly intoxicated and impure child.

Sealina was showing me the way around the Village in a rather nonchalant attitude, but I was on the verge of death… I began taking damage and everything, so I quickly grabbed hold of the Sealkin and had her lead the way. I'm carrying them both on my Broom meow. The Snow Elf is in my lap, leaning up against me, while the Sealkin is being hoisted up between my left arm and my waist. It's a struggle, and she's definitely not appreciating the seating arrangement… But she's still leading the way in spite of that, on account of it ending this madness sooner. Nyah. We ended up finding the right house around 10 minutes and 300 damage later. I'm half dead, but I'm recovering. Slowly. Inside of the Snow Elf's home, while being interrogated by his parents. He also has an elder brother, and younger sister. They'd probably be a picturesque family, if it weren't for these particular circumstances…

The brother is very clearly smelling his younger brother, while creepily grinning at me as he catches the scents of Rum and sweat… The youngest child is pouting in a corner of the the room, because the father is lashing out on her… Due to not wanting her to be involved in such a precarious situation. The father certainly understands everything that has happened in the last three hours, at the very least… The mother just seems concerned as to why her son is unconscious and who I am. The father also seemed to recognize Sealina. He's giving her a dirty look, while trying to keep the topic way from how he knows her… While she's repeatedly toying with him over the subject. Teasing him, as if to threaten that she may spill. It's a heated discussion. We probably ended up staying there, talking it out over a meal that I certainly did not need for around two hours… Until I finally threw up all over the father's face right as he was about to shake my hand. I'm terribly sorry, but Sealina totally burst out laughing, and we were kicked out. We totally returned their lost son, though... Regardless of his condition on entry~

As we laughed our way through the excessively cold weather towards my gate from atop my Broom, we caught sight of a certain Snow Elf woman waving us off dramatically from the doors of the Tavern… Right before being equally dramatically pulled back into the establishment by some hunky Elkkin guy. Descending to the gate, we made our way through Halloween and later found that Christina and Penny stayed in the Brothel on that fine night. They were nowhere to be found outside at the fire, where we ended our night. Closing the Hallowed Gate, I introduced Sealina to the others, and she got along famously with Miu in particular. We spent our time talking about the wonders of the Wailing Keep alongside Goddin Village Neith Sama, Cyclozard, Wendel, White Beef Lady, Wilson, Vana, Hugo, the Ravenkin guy, Trignam Firemane, Rosa Firemane, Mr and Mrs Scarecrow.

Cyclozard was saying something about the secret rooms within the Keep, where you say 'Nero' three times into a mirror at midnight… And you gain access to a premium bedroom for the night. It's a once per mirror opportunity, according to him… So one must be there early if they hope to secure a mirror. It's not as though mirrors are in the rooms, they're in the halls. It's a real problem. Wailing Keep Sama, figure out a way to have them in the rooms as well. Also, where the hell is my mirror?! Wendel was talking about how each room is sound proof, she mentioned it as she winked while glaring at me… Giving a disturbing thought, as Cyclozard and Goddin Village Neith Sama both turned to me with even further unnerving smirks.

According to Wilson, no matter how many times you attack the Wailing Keep, senselessly destroying a room… It always regenerates itself in mere moments… As if the attack never happened to begin with. Vana couldn't get over how whenever she took something from the Wailing Keep, it immediately vacated her grasp. I mocked her for her impure intentions… But she refuted me by claiming that she simply wanted to serve the Fish platter outside for the others, but then it all ruthlessly spilled out onto the freaking ground. Day crew problems… Sounds absolutely horrible, and like an epic waste of our food. Oh? Apparently, Budget Dragon had been eating it as leftovers whenever he felt the need… But now that he's gone… A particular room in the Wailing Keep has been smelling terribly bad. Oh god… They've been treating the Budget Dragon as a trash disposal… And he's been using vacation days without a replacement… I shrugged it off, as I've made the conscious decision to never venture down those stairs again. It's quite literally a matter beneath me. I'll have none of it!

According to the Ravenkin guy, if you fly above the Wailing Keep, or even just run beside the outer walls not leading to the entrance… Space gets hilariously distorted and confusing. It's probably a side effect of how stupid the Wailing Keep is on the inside… But that's not all he had to say. It's not distorted for Halloween type monsters. It's only distorted for foreign clans. It's a self defense mechanism. He can't fly over it, or he risks spontaneously crashing into the practically impregnable Wailing Keep… It's difficult for him to change his flight pattern, but as soon as he enters the space… It's almost as if he starts getting pulled forward on a jaded route that is very clearly leading him to crash into the structure… It even speeds his rate of flight up… As though it's gravity pulling him along, while also being tampered with by something else… Perhaps… He's being spontaneously affected by gravity in waves… But the jaded flight pattern he's referencing… Is his ability to regain natural control, before being impacted by the gravity wave? In any case, he expects it to make a vast majority of magic attacks against the Wailing Keep to be significantly less effective. As soon as the attack hits the meow alleged gravity waves… The attack will detonate, before even fully reaching the destination. That mistake alone, could lead an entire spell to fizzling out into practically nothing. I can't help but get flash backs to my Pumpkin Bomb exploding on Betty when we first met.

In any case, it would appear that the Wailing Keep has some type of outer defense mechanism, which does not affect my subordinates. It's nice to know. My only wish is that Wailing Keep Sama were competent enough to mention it himself. Mr and Mrs Scarecrow say that regardless of their size, the Wailing Keep Sama always makes them feel comfortable in their surroundings. It's a blessing. I know, right? It's the most fun part about running out of the Throne Room while in my largest form. I get to casually shrink down to fit the door arch two times in a freaking second, as I also need to fit through the doors to leave the Wailing Keep. It's a fantastic experience. Rosa Firemane is flustered with the paintings in the Dining Hall. According to her, those eerie paintings change every single night. Also, 33 minutes after 3, one of the paintings in the house gains life for a minute… And will tell the finder an answer to any question they desire… So long as they promise to bind their soul to Halloween. Woah… What?! This girl has been here for like… What, a week?! How did she find such an incredible easter egg?! Does it even work?! I asked her as such, and according to her… She wouldn't know, because she didn't bind her soul to Halloween. She simply listened to the Painting Sama's explanation on the matter, and then sprinted away with eyes wide while screaming an absolute refusal to ask a question.

Feeling absolutely enthralled by the tales, I ended up needing Miu to nudge me in order to remind me that I needed to take her back to the Forest of Witches. Okay~ Sealina declared that she would stay the night, and that she would continue to learn of the wonders. She's just as enthralled as I was… I'm jealous~ I wish I could stay! I'm meow flying Miu back to the damned Forest… It's a shame, because I spent a vast majority of my MP while flying to the Snow Elf Village at such speeds… It definitely didn't help when I accidentally conjured a [Hallowed Gate] for 400 MP, making me feel obligated to keep it open for the entirety of my stay there. That journey was rough, but fast. It's a shame that I'm seeming to be limited by climates. If this continent was last managed by Valentine and Easter Leaders, then I can't help but wonder how long the catastrophes in the Savage Lands have been taking place… Yikes. It's almost as if Clan Leaders are supposed to be quickly checking in everywhere they can possibly go on rotation just to do their part against them... This Melchiadore is turning out to be in absolute peril, at least from where I stand... Did Janus intentionally place me in a time period where the entire thing was turning to shit so that I could fix it all, gaining immense amounts of experience points? It was probably for my fated child… The one truly destined to be an Allwe Halloween Cat. I was the fill in, to get all the hard pre-planning done… But after me, comes the real hero. The one designated to actually win. To beat Hoen.

Sadly, for whoever that may be… They'll be destined to do it while making use of the abilities that I prepared for them. I literally need to get as many abilities as I can for them to make use of, and purposely leave the more suicidal abilities as extras; to be heavily advised against increasing. At all costs... Brooms will be a taboo. Only to be used for actual flying, if literally holding yourself up to the Broom with your arms. They're a means of additional stats, and weight lift challenges while on the go. That is all, unless you're at literal war. Sitting will be a taboo. If awake… Stand, walk, or run. No sitting. Sleeping will be heavily frowned upon… But accepted if in small doses. Make sure that if you're asleep, you're always spending all of your MP. It's going to be an intense family setting, I can tell. I'll be the most strict of all parents, even in death. I'll make sure to have one of my more powerful Clansmen act as the child's instructor. That Clansmen will be my child's constant helicopter parent… And mentor. Due to how my Clansmen can hear my thoughts, I must assume that they know every single decision that I've ever made within this realm, and my reasons. They'll need that knowledge to lead my child to a prosperous future. Any Clansmen that I leave in this realm will be capable of filling in to help serve as Clansmen for the child... But at the very least… One of them will need to refuse capture and stay as an instructor. One who has been with me for a long time. We can't afford the mind of the mentor to end up clouded by the judgement of my kin. My kin can cloud whatever other Clansmen they need… But the mentor needs to stay impartial, if they're to continue providing accurate information to the student. Taboos are only to be broken in times of emergency. Nyah!

If the child turns out to be less competent than myself, I'll be heavily disappointed… You got that, Janus? I'm expecting perfection, if you're going to possess my unborn child before it experiences this realm. Perfection. No less. I'll be damned if this madness requires more than two generations. After two generations of this messed up race, I'll definitely want retirement. I'll be ready to fight the good fight, and truly die if necessary. I would prefer it if I died after the child won, though. That would be nice. It would definitely also be nice to not go to an underworld without a single choice, but in all honesty… By that point in time, there's no telling how many atrocities I'll have committed. The underworld might just be what I deserve by then~

I was thinking such things as I flew Miu back to her beloved Academy and set her down behind it. She wished me luck in saving all of the Scarecrows, and bid me farewell. I'll do my best. For meow, I'm freaking exhausted. I'm going back home. Calling on a new [Hallowed Gate], I quickly learned that dawn had approached. [Daily Candy]~ Stepping on through, I returned to my Treasure Room… Closed both gates, set down my items… Got undressed, returned to my smallest form… And went to bed. Good morning~