Chapter 74 - Night 76

It's that time of the week again, ladies and gentlemen… It's a shipping night. I'm a busy Cat. So busy. What's that Cat doing over there? Oh, him? He's just running a highly lucrative business, freeing Slaves and those held captive, raising two armies, protecting two ecosystems, starting several charities to give back to the poor, aiming to conquer catastrophes, exploring the realm, and preparing for the war of the millennia. Just… You know, casual things. Getting up, I quickly remembered that I have work to do. Unrelated to the shipment, but it's a job that needs doing. I'm going to need to have a little get together with one of my dearest Merchants, Rudou. I need to ensure that Rudou's going to give his all in securing excess ingredients like Sugar from other continents. We need more shipments of materials coming in that might help my preferred Candy Man to… Produce more Candy. Candy. It's been on my mind, every single night. This appalling lack of ingredients… It's causing all of my orders to be delayed, which I generally don't mind… But sooner or later, I'm going to desire larger shipments. I need to get ahead of that. Roy enlightened me that Reygid is far more wealthy than I previously imagined. Even with the Castle gone, it's not as though there aren't other families worth noting… Which could stir up war, considering that if I had it my way… Different families would be leading Reygid. I'm fed up with Lionkin. That man wouldn't even serve me, after I so generously asked Luna to hand him a lifeline to tether him to this realm. He was probably going to die before we stepped in. Thanks, Luna.

I was thinking such things as I carried my Candy buckets all out into the Throne Room. They're surrounding my Throne. I went to sleep in my largest form last night, so I was able to remain dressed during my entire slumber... Without even feeling clothed! It's a wonderful feature. I must give props when props are due. Shapeshift Sama and Wailing Keep Sama performed a masterful combo. They're working in tandem, peacefully. Those guys… They must be the best of friends. Those two are in love with distorting space. I'm pretty sure that they're both mainly Space Magic types… I wonder if Shapeshift Sama and Hallowed Gate Sama will ever get together, and cook up a neat little combo. On second thought… Perhaps Wailing Keep Sama and Hallowed Gate Sama don't get along simply due to their sharing in the Space Magic category… But it's also relative to them sharing in the Creation Magic category? They're an elite club… But Wailing Keep Sama still spends time with the mere Space Magic ability, Shapeshift; in secrecy. I shan't allow Hallowed Gate Sama to learn of his hidden activities! I've got your back on this one, Wailing Keep Sama. It's due to the fire that you recently added to the Throne Room. Originally, I wasn't very keen on the whole matter… But meow that I'm gazing at it from my Throne… I kind of like the flames. It's a dramatic effect. The flames are in patches, but they occur more often towards the sides of the room. The middle of the room is genuinely free from flames. They do not touch the carpet, whatsoever. Whoever made that exceptional carpet probably had it become a rule. No flames on the carpet. Comprende? One could easily walk through this room without being bothered by the flames, they're just… Here. Hanging out, burning along… As they so often do. I also totally left my Hallowed Gates open last night to Fish, and starve the lochness monster.

We'll suck away its soul by night… And starve it by day AND night. It's the perfect plan. That lochness monster is no joke. We lucked out considerably by being able to slowly slay it at all. In normal circumstances, beasts like that… We wouldn't have stood a chance. It's because that thing is immobile, that we can slay it. Now that I think about it, I know two Goblins that have appraised that horrifying beast. I wonder what it's called… Let's figure it out~ I was thinking such things as I got from my seat and returned to my Treasure Room. Grabbing my Broom and Lantern, I began to fly to the Throne Room. Bring on the Fish! This Cat is starving! For Fish, and knowledge! I want all of it! Everything! I deserve to be ruling Gluttony, over Kindness. I'm probably not very suited to Allwe, but Halloween itself is fine. Halloween deserves to have more than just two faiths. It's silly, to split the Holiday Clans into two. If you're going to divide us, divide us so that we can fill every single role. That's my first problem with these realms, Janus. It seems that all of the Holiday realms are connected to Melchiadore and several other, similar places to Melchiadore. If there are 16 distinct roots of instinct separated between each individual of these realms similar to Melchiadore… And these individuals are all ruled into just 8 different categories, each representing two of those 16 instincts… Then should there not be 16 different instincts for each of those 8 different realms? I would not mind if I met a Halloween Clansmen not inherently ruled by being Kind of being Wrathful. I could live with that. We can't be out here mixing Clans with personalities. It's horrific. We need to get on that. I may be an Allwe Halloween Cat meow… But I don't believe that I deserve Allwe or Hoen. I deserve something else. Or maybe, multiple other things. Nyah.

After swiping my meal and taking a seat, I found that Cetilla had indeed reclaimed her position at this extremely long table. Also, Goblin Funk is sitting much closer to me meow~ I won't need to shout across the room to get his attention! This is perfect. Wendel is performing, the children are playfully eating… And conversations seem to be rolling out for all of those before me. Everyone's having a good time. It's the nightly meet and feast, everyone! The Banshees and Phantasms are still missing though, devouring that needlessly powerful beast at every chance they get. Milton and Rei totally kill it nonstop, though. Those two… They'd be hacking at that thing 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year if they went without interruption or the help of the additional Wraiths. They're insatiable. My current employers would love them.

"So, Goblin Funk. What race is the lochness monster?" [Nero] begged the question with a sharp look after taking his seat and snapping his neck to meet the Goblin's gaze.

"The lochness monster is a Cyworctus… I thought you of all people would know that." [Goblin Funk] replied with a look of surprise.

"If I knew it were a Cyworctus, why would I go about calling it a lochness monster?" [Nero] slammed back, already exasperated.

"You go around calling everyone a whole lot of things, so I figured it was some fun little name that you came up with." [Goblin Funk] shot back with a smile.

"Uhm… I intend to slay that creature." [Nero] replied with eyes wide.

"So?" [Goblin Funk] refuted, before taking a bite of his meal.

"To genuinely name a monster while having the full intention of slaying it would be a cruelty." [Nero] enlightened the Cat Crewman.

"...Then why don't you name me?" [Goblin Funk] begged the question. To which, he received a sigh.

"You're right. Now that I'm a Tier 8 Halloween Cat, I should be able to bestow genuine names to any of those that follow me… And official, but temporary names to any of those residing within the Wailing Keep. It's a slight process, but I can do it. On the other hand, you yourself are meow above Tier 8 as well… You could simply bestow yourself with a name as I have for myself, you know?" [Nero] agreed with a nonchalant expression as he began to eat his meal.

"Yes… But without the right to become the Goblin King… I have no right to name myself. I'm just a measly Hobgoblin, with no official standing. To name myself in my current state, would be shameful." [Goblin Funk] declared with a sorrowful expression after placing his fork and knife down.

"...So you seek a name from one of the True Halloween Cats instead, as he's one of the most prestigious individuals that you have encountered?" [Nero] questioned the Hobgoblin while squinting.

"There could be no greater honor than to be personally named from your current Clan leader." [Goblin Funk] exclaimed while losing his sorrowful expression immediately.

"Uhhh… Huh." [Nero] sighed before beginning to eat his meal once more.

"Oh, Nero… Goblin Funk was telling me about how you didn't have a chance to fully explain to me what happened while we were away?" [Cetilla] chimed in with a smile.

And so, that is how I ended up fully disclosing all of the details regarding Allwe, Hoen, and my newfound mission to save Halloween… Due to a particular God's request. Cetilla was beside herself. The Cheetahkin Woman shrugged it off. Leoric Eldinheim declared that it would require an excessively careful plan. To achieve a status capable of stopping the most powerful of all Halloween Cats in just two generations… One would practically need to save the entire world from catastrophe. More than once. It's an immense task. It's going to be hell. Budget Dragon didn't really seem to care, but he declared that if it allowed him to have a longer life to spend wallowing in happiness as he swims to his heart's content within the Delhn Lake… Then he's all in. Just when I think I'm starting to get to understand that Drake's intentions… I'm lost. Every single time. I just can't with that guy. He's meow sitting quite close to me, too… I'm stuck with him. The Goatman believes that if we manage to save the Lost Kingdom, then Halloween is just another step in our path… But he also believes that it's so damned far way from happening… That he might not even live to see it. He feels as though he's irrelevant to the matter due to that. Molag Dregora is a little depressed, because he doubts that there will be hordes of Humans to commit unspeakable horrors upon within Halloween… So he thinks that he might be better suited to stay behind as one of the mentors for my child. I… I don't even know how to respond to that. Trignam Firemane declared that he would also likely die before it happened… Which made me question the two Beastkin. I asked them whether they would prefer death, or whether they would prefer to become Vampires and serve me or my child through these endeavors. As it turned out, Trignam Firemane wouldn't mind, so long as his grand daughter was kept safe within the Wailing Keep… The Goatman hesitated, and decided to think on it. It's a tough decision. I told him to ask Luna Pratz how it was like. Goblin Funk, perhaps due to already being aware of the situation, was simply puffing his ridiculously well sculpted chest out and looking all smug. Cetilla was using Wind magic on her hair again, and had the most brazen expression towards Goblin Funk that I had ever witnessed in my experience with knowing her. She seems like she's ready to whip out a Tornado or five. They're sitting directly beside each other...

None of the other residents seemed to be paying attention to our discussion, so those were the only responses that I gained. Trying to lighten the mood between the Sorceress and Berserker… I masterfully moved the conversation along to a different matter. We're talking about bathtubs. Yosh… The Wailing Keep shall attain Bathtubs! It's on a need to know basis, because of how expensive it's turning out to be. Even after my first purchase, I won't have enough of them for even those listening in. They seemed dejected, but I happily informed them that Cetilla, Goblin Funk, the Cheetahkin Woman, and Trignam Firemane would all be receiving one in the first batch. The Goatman, the Dark Elf, and the Lich were all giving me horrifying glares, but it couldn't be helped. I'm strapped for Cash right meow. I'll probably add more to my order after I do my shipment. I explained as such, and they seemed relieved. Jeez… It appears that I will need more than just 201 bathtubs… I'm going to need enough for my Clansmen, as well… I could scream. What are they even going to fill it with?! Punch?! Blood?! My tears after spending that immense amount of Coins?!

After successfully averting the conversation, we moved on to talk about more pressing matters. Tonight's shipment. Cetilla wants to visit with her parents again, Goblin Funk and Budget Dragon want to visit with Cetilla's parents again as well. Goblin Funk is kind of in a terrible position with clothing. Half of his outfit is in tatters, which I never even thought possible for my clothing. I decided to ask him about it, and as it turns out… Any piece that gets tattered no longer bestows any stat points. He's literally only wearing them to cover his indecency. I'll need to ensure that he's gotten an outfit from tonight's shipment. At the very least. I wonder if Clive's staff would have recognized him if he came along… Next time~ I let the others know that I would be preparing for the shipment, and that I would have my Clansmen gather them when the time came.

After venturing through the Throne Room, I took a seat in my illustrious Throne of Bones. It's time… I decided to start with level 2 pieces. I spent as much MP as I could while creating them, before moving onto Candy… Which I would be using to create pieces while aiming at level 30. I ended up creating an additional 67 bath towels from the level 2 pieces. These things… They could end up being my best source of income. They're pretty cheap to create, as well. I was thinking such things before I started to devour my Candy. I probably ended up spending around 30 minutes creating new pieces, utterly wasting all of my Candy… But I made sure that I finished while having full MP. I'm utterly shocked at how much clothing I was able to produce. There's… I don't think know if I've ever witnessed this much clothing in the Throne Room. It's hard to say. This is definitely up there, in the top three moments. Wendel, would you mind having someone else watch the children while you come and block the path from the Foyer to the Throne Room? Suddenly, I heard it. It was a Weeping Scream. Moments later, I heard a particular Stone Siren stomping her way to the arch protecting this humble locale. Clansmen protecting the gates~ Don't allow anyone to pass through them right meow!

Okay… Getting undressed, I heard a particular Weeping Angel begin to sing. She was singing 'Det*ntion'. A song that I had never taught her before. You know what, Wendel… You can keep that song. Master it in your spare time, and perform it at concerts. Nyah! I wonder what Goddin Village Neith Sama did to convince that Tavern in the Demon Kingdom to neglect the fact that he's a Goblin… Honestly… I thought that Goblins were to not be seen within the Demon Kingdom, but he totally went there at least twice… Maybe… I should have Goddin Village Neith Sama as my first, designated... Blindfolded tea time friend! I can learn more about that secretive Goblin King if I have more alone time with him. Besides, I enjoy my time spent with that pesky Goblin. He's good people, when he's not brutally keeping secrets from me. What better time could there be, then when I'm literally just sitting here nude for three hours straight? Okay! Penny! I'm throwing a blindfold into the Hallowed Gate. Bring Goddin Village Neith Sama to it, and have him wear it as he enters to the Throne Room!

"Oh, welcome. I trust that Penny informed you of why you needed the blindfold?" [Nero] greeted the Goblin King with a friendly tone of voice.

"...Not really? I heard that you wanted to talk to me, and that I would need to wear this while I did so." [Goddin Village Neith Sama] confessed with an irritated expression. To which, the Halloween Cat approached him slowly.

"...Let me help you to a seat. Here, follow me." [Nero] offered as he took the hand of the Goblin and began to lead him to the Throne before continuing.

"I'm testing new clothing to see what level they are. In order to do so, I find it easiest to be nude as I equip each piece individually and check my status. Even if it's easy, it still takes me several hours to complete. It's an excessively tedious task, and I desire to have someone to talk to as I complete it. I wouldn't desire for that person to be capable of witnessing me as I do it, though." [Nero] explained with a tired voice as we began to return to his piles.

"...I understand. What would you like to talk about? Also, might I give a suggestion?" [Goddin Village Neith Sama] groaned as he began to relax on the Throne.

"I've been curious about how you managed to spend time care-freely within Orpia as you drank with Goblin Funk, Cloaked Monk, and the Harpy Matriarch. What did you want to suggest?" [Nero] confessed with a carefree attitude as he continued to try on clothing.

"Ahh… That's a long story. Let's start with my suggestion. You need to find someone with [Distinction], so that they may check your clothing for you." [Goddin Village Neith Sama] exclaimed with a serious tone of voice.

"...Has anyone who possessed it ever entered into the Wailing Keep?" [Nero] begged the question with an air of uncertainty.

"Yes, actually. The Minotaur called Vigi possessed it." [Goddin Village Neith Sama] reminded the Witch of War.

"Ohh… Right. I don't think he's going to want to move into the Wailing Keep, though. He has his own business to run in Reygid. Maybe one of his apprentices..." [Nero] exclaimed while thinking as he checked over more pieces before continuing.

"Anyways, back on to your story?" [Nero] finished happily as he tossed a pink level 50 glitter jumpsuit off to his side.

"Well, the Tavern that I had visited… It happens to have existed for centuries. Back in the day… It was famous for hosting to a plethora of races, and having the strongest Demon Liqueur of all time. It was, and still is a legendary Tavern. It's called the Tippler Tavern! Only fit for the hardiest of all creatures... We Goblins enjoy using it to ensure that our next King has a powerful gut, these days… But we would actually frequent the place if the Monster Kingdom were not in its current state. We ended up getting a Goblin Hooch Distillery to combat our misgivings on the matter. However, bringing our heirs is a tradition that has continued for centuries, even with the Monster Kingdom's current state. We always bring our heirs there to decide which is more fit to rule. Their highly competent staff has had a close relation to Goblins, as we're normally heavy drinkers… And so they always keep their lips sealed when we arrive, they even have a knack for ensuring that the other customers do not remember seeing us as after they leave." [Goddin Village Neith Sama] explained with a smile.

"Don't tell me that this is one of the topics required to be passed down through the ages for all Goblin Kings…" [Nero] groaned.

"One must not question the importance of good liqueur." [Goddin Village Neith Sama] declared brazenly from atop the Throne of Bones.

"So, who makes up this illustrious staff of theirs?" [Nero] begged the question with a grin.

"Oh? Suddenly piquing an interest on the matter?" [Goddin Village Neith Sama] sneered.

"Don't 'Oh?' me. Give me the hard facts. I'm thinking about holding an incredible and long event sometime in the distant future, and it might be profitable to hold a challenge at it nightly. We can serve their Demon Liqueur in a competition, where whoever can consume the most is awarded with a special seat to watch the next night's event. Besides, I intend to be selling less incredible Alcohol as well as Fish during the event. I can easily obtain the less incredible Alcohol, but my main matter of concern is having competent workers to ensure that everything goes swimmingly for the serving of Alcohol and Fish. We can handle preparing the Fish, it's more of a matter on serving the Fish. The Clansmen will be busy performing, so they can't. The Monster Knights will be here, so they also can't. I need space in the basement to ensure that we can provide participants of the event with a place to sleep. To accommodate the Monster Knights here, I'll be ensuring that there is an adequate way to sleep… And I'll also be teaching all of you how to Fish." [Nero] explained his plan to the Goblin King.

"What exactly is this incredible and long event?" [Goddin Village Neith Sama] begged the question while beginning to smile.

"It's called the Tournament of Night. I'll be sending invitations to all the adventurers in Reygid, Nidallia, and Vanheim. Apparently, I've began to be known as the Witch of Night around Reygid… Vanheim, however… Their leaders actually know of my existence here, but I don't believe their citizens do. Nidallia may not be the same, I don't even think that I've been noticed at all by them as of yet. So, in order to continue protecting the secret that I'm connected to this place… I'll only be having the Cat Crew present with me in the Wailing Keep. I'll be holding the Event in the Forest of Witches, in order to continue helping with protecting that secret. They also have a Magic Coliseum… Which is the perfect venue. Every night, the adventurers that accepted my invitation will face off against my Clansmen… Who I will be healing with Candy in-between battles. Adventurers who die, will be granting me with experience points. Adventurers who live, will be allowed to reside in my Wailing Keep for an additional night. While there, they may feast upon our Fish and Alcohol. In addition, citizens of all those three Kingdoms may choose to pay Silver Coins in order to gain a chance at viewing the spectacle. Those very same citizens may also pay Silver Coins to purchase Alcohol from the Wailing Keep. The last adventurer standing will be deemed the Conqueror of Night, and will be rewarded with the proceeds of the Tavern business, as well as the entry fees to view the event. I'll even bestow them with a powerful set of clothing, unattainable from the market." [Nero] explained with a grin as he continued to try on clothing.

"Allotting a random adventurer with such a prize…" [Goddin Village Neith Sama] exclaimed, with a flabbergasted expression.

"It's my effort at raising the next hero. I need someone to continue protecting the Kingdom from catastrophes overflowing as I explore the rest of the realm in search of power. I don't want any races to go extinct from my ridiculous goals… So I need to spread my wrath out everywhere, in hopes that any place I harm has a chance at recuperation. I'm not powerful enough to stop the catastrophes plaguing this continent… But I might be able to stop some of the catastrophes elsewhere, so that I can return here with the strength needed to stop these ones. If the hero is indebted to me for bestowing them with enough wealth to give them a better chance at glory… Then perhaps, they won't use their newfound power to slay all of those who I enjoy protecting while I'm off doing other things. I'll still leave the Wailing Keep here for all of you to sleep in when I do that, though… So I'll be here in my sleep." [Nero] explained nonchalantly.

"Might I ever truly learn of everything that you intend?" [Goddin Village Neith Sama] begged the question with a mocking tone of voice.

"You know almost everything currently… It's just Allwe and Hoen that I haven't informed you of." [Nero] replied while sighing.

"You mentioned that you were the True Allwe Halloween Cat… But you never mentioned anything about Hoen." [Goddin Village Neith Sama] remarked while rubbing his chin.

"It's a very long story, but I suppose that we have time..." [Nero] groaned.

And so, that is how I ended up informing the Goblin King about my new friend; the Allwessistant Dott… Just about everything she had informed me, and about my latest plan, to conquer Halloween in two generations. I even informed him of Janus, the God who had the nerve to suggest such a lofty goal. Goddin Village Neith Sama informed me that he was skeptical that no other Halloween Cats will have attempted such a feat in the past. It's true. There may already be a very prominent line of Halloween Cats in another realm. It's a terrible thought, as it insinuates that I may need to wait several hundred years before we can even defeat Hoen. Unlimited power leveling is terrifying.

Janus, if we need three generations… I'll never forgive you. If we need four, I'm giving the power to a different god. I'll try Lilith, or something. She might not actually be a god meow… But she might after I'm finished if we end up needing to wait that long. Think about it. Your power keeps going missing, because it's all being locked away in Halloween somewhere. Even the residents of Halloween don't seem to know where it's going, but it's there. It's somewhere in there, I can feel it. It's not just the power that Melchiadore lost. It's the power that every single realm lost whenever a Halloween Cat came into existence. If I can reroute the laws of Halloween, then I can probably figure out where that power went… And return it to anywhere I want. My 'offspring' will need to agree with me, but they'll have lived just about as long as I have at that point… They'll be tired of you as well. I can probably even give it to Lilith, if I desire. It might even be enough to turn her into a God capable of casually stealing a whole lot of power from a lot of realms indefinitely.

In fact… I already have an idea as to where that power might be. You remember those large puppets protecting my Halloween Town? You remember my Allwessistant Dott? Those are very powerful puppets, which seem to have their own souls… I wonder where the energy came from, to support creating so many of them... You know how the larger puppets disappear after I perish and my soul is truly bound to Halloween? Where do you think those go? I'll bet that they're protecting the Halloween Town of the one running Halloween. In order to stop whoever is leading Halloween, I'll literally need to defeat all of them. My 'offspring' is highly likely to be the one who stops them, meaning that my 'offspring' will have the absolute right to give away your power to whoever they desire… And still keep the energy hole function in effect. SO, no more fooling around and beating around the bush! Exactly how long do you think this is all going to take?!

"Given your current rate of progression… It will take millennia for you to be strong enough to rule over Halloween. Also, why the hell would you bestow Lilith with such an immense amount of power?!" [Janus] laughed hysterically from behind the absolutely naked Halloween Cat. To which, the Cat quickly assumed his largest form after dropping a shirt.

"Is it even possible?!" [Nero] beckoned in a rage.

"Given my calculations… This realm is at an all time high in terms of power capable of being claimed, according to the Laws of Reincarnation… It's ranked within the top 50 most difficult realms to purge of all magic. The only problem, is that Halloween Cats like yourself seem to be incredibly wasteful on energy. If it weren't for you, this realm would be constantly rising in terms of energy… But because of you, it has slowly began to tilt. It's still rising daily, but it has definitely taken a hit to its profitability."

"Oh~ Who is that?" [Goddin Village Neith Sama] interrupted the two.

"It's Janus." [Nero] replied bluntly before continuing. To which, the Goblin King began to gasp.

"...If its within the top 50th of the most difficult realms to purge of all magic… Then does that mean that there is currently enough energy within this realm for me to actually be powerful enough to take on Halloween?" [Nero] asked of the God.

"I'm not sure… Which is why I suggested having a child… Also, you're ridiculously slow with everything that you do… So I figured that you probably weren't the right choice after all." [Janus] confessed nonchalantly.

"I'll attain so much power that you'll choke on your ramen." [Nero] declared in a monstrous tone of voice.

"Don't bring ramen into this." [Janus] shot back before disappearing.

"Anyways~ That was Janus. He's gone meow." [Nero] sighed as he returned to his naked form and resumed in his work.

"What is ramen?" [Goddin Village Neith Sama] begged the question.

"...Have you ever tried noodles?" [Nero] groaned.

"No?" [Goddin Village Neith Sama] replied while shrugging his shoulders.

"...Have you ever tried soup?" [Nero] sighed.

"Yes?" [Goddin Village Neith Sama] exclaimed as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"It's like soup with vegetables but there's also noodles in the bowl. It's delicious, but you'll probably never taste it." [Nero] explained casually.

"It's the food of Gods, no?" [Goddin Village Neith Sama] inquired thoughtfully.

"Not exactly. That one God just so happens to consume it." [Nero] enlightened the Goblin King as he tossed a new level 16 white fleece armband into a pile.

And so, Goddin Village Neith Sama ended up joining me for my entire endeavor. We wound up talking about a variety of things, like when I intended to actually reclaim the Monster Kingdom… And when we would begin building new homes within the Goblin Village and Harpy Den. Neither of those endeavors are anywhere near ready to begin… And I told him so. We moved on to talk about the next Goblin King being Cloaked Monk, and about how Goddin Village Neith Sama was disappointed in Goblin Funk for having decided to neglect his origination to become a Hobgoblin. I honestly didn't understand where all the issues were coming from, as I'm still on team Goblin Funk… And Hobgoblins are technically still a form of Goblin… So that topic ended up droning on forever~ After coming to an impasse, we decided that we would agree to disagree. We moved on to talk about when I had planned my next adventure. I didn't. I need to go and check up on that Cobra Dungeon again, though. I definitely need to go and meet the Dwarves, as well. That's been a task of mine for awhile meow.

By the time that we had finished talking about Dwarves and Cobras, I had finished my task. I quickly went off to get dressed while Goddin Village Neith Sama was saying something about Dwarves being heavy drinkers as well. It's no big deal. After I got dressed, I removed his blindfold and told him that he was free to do as he wished meow… As I was now ready to begin my shipment night. To which, I was pleasantly surprised. Goddin Village Neith Sama decided to see things my way, and take the higher road. He's going to see what the big deal with Reygid is, and why the Cat Crew feels the need to continue endeavors outside of the Lost Kingdom. He's coming for the shipment night. This should be fun~ Goddin Village Neith Sama ended up helping me count my Silver Coins and place them into empty Candy buckets. We're aiming for 900 Silver Coins. Yeah. I want 6 carriages this time. I would normally only need 5 to bring up to level 20 pieces, but because I made so many level 1 and 2 pieces… I figured than an extra carriage could help for those. Nyah.

By the time that we had finished… We had 10 full buckets of Coins, and an additional bucket which was roughly a third full. With the buckets, my Lantern, my Coin pouch, and my large empty bag in tow… We began to ride my Broom and exit the Wailing Keep. Wendel~ Thank you… You can go watch the children again. She's weeping again. She needs to get a grip. She's a very good candidate for protecting children. It can't be helped. She's one of the least frightening of all my Clansmen. Besides, she's a Tier 6 Weeping Angel… If something's coming after those children… Then they're going to need to be above Tier 6, or incredibly brave. I already know that there are no monsters native to the Lost Kingdom at such a Tier, so it's probably going to end up being someone traveling through the Kingdom… Also, the children are more likely to listen to the Tier 6 Weeping Angel. It's a matter of respect. After leaving the Wailing Keep, we were greeted by Cetilla, Goblin Funk, and Budget Dragon. They're all excited for the night. I need to give Budget Dragon and Goblin Funk new names meow. Budget Dragon is undoubtedly meow Budget Shark. Goblin Funk's name can wait until he tries on new clothing. And so, I told him to go off and find an outfit among the pieces that I had arranged. I also warned him not to mistake any of the piles. We can't have any pieces placed into the wrong pile. After he went off to happily find new clothing, I needed to break the news to Cetilla. She's not going to be on the flight for this evening. After explaining to her about how I was taking Goddin Village Neith Sama for the flight, as it would be his first time to Reygid… She understood. I think she just didn't want to hold the buckets, though. She'll be awaiting a gate in the Throne Room… As will Budget Shark. Sorry, Goblin Funk. It would appear that you'll be outfit picking with company.

Leaving the Wailing Keep and flying west… We caught a glance of the Rabbit Tunnels. A Bear was trying to dig into it, but it didn't seem to be very effective. Bears can't dig, huh? Is it an ability or something? He should try getting a shovel if he lacks the ability to do it by claw. Wait! I wonder if I can attain a [Digging Claw] ability?! Oh my… The possibilities… They're endless. This Cat suddenly desires an underground railway. I think it could be fun, if I calculated the angles to dig it correctly. If I could create directly straight paths from beneath the Wailing Keep… Leading to every single Kingdom… Then I could theoretically fly anywhere without even needing to go outside. It's a seriously big power move. If the Wailing Keep ever seemed likely to fall, we could evacuate civilians while we hold our final stand. Due to how many tunnels there would be, even if we fell… The enemies wouldn't know which tunnel to pick in order to chase the civilians… They'd be likely to succeed in escaping. I should definitely have one leading to the Chasms. It would be nice to have another lead to the Forest of Fae, but I'll need genuine relations with the Fae Queen before I can just pop up through a literal hole. It might be interesting to have one lead to the Forest of Witches as well… They're pretty impartial with the wars that march through the Lost Kingdom. If they could even just secure travel off the continent for my refugees… That would be fantastic. Witches fly, so it makes sense to ask them.

I should honestly just build one for each territory. If one of the refugees chooses to return home should we fall, then we have an obligation to accommodate that choice. I wouldn't want my death to cause everyone else's untimely demise. Live to fight another battle, everyone. That is the goal. The survivors could all escape through whichever tunnel they desire… The thing is, we can't inform refugees of the tunnels at all… Unless it's gotten to that state. These tunnels could end up biting me later, so I need them to be kept secret. I'll have a Clansman explain it to refugees in the time of need. No one can know. It's too dangerous. If word got out about the railway, we could be attacked in our sleep. I'll need to devise a way to keep the tunnel hidden from those actually living here. I believe that an enchantment may be the best way. I wonder if Cetilla can enchant things? I need an illusion of sorts. I'll ask her later~

I was thinking of such things until we arrived at the Vellisroi Estate and descended to the door. On knocking, we ended up being greeted by the Dog again. He's leading us to Roy as I fantasize about swiping at his ear. Those ears. They deserve immediate death. Just look at the way that they flop all over the place! Unacceptable! Keep your ears in order! Uwaah?! My tails are uncontrollable… They're making these pants incredibly uncomfortable. I need a new outfit! Larger clown pants, please. Six tails are too much. I don't know how the Kitsune manages so naturally… But then again, I'll likely figure that out. As it turns out, Roy was having tea in a room I had never been to with a few other prominent individuals. The room was decorated as if it were intended for meetings. It's poorly lit, there's an extravagant round table, no windows, and the freaking door was sealed shut with magic. It's quite the room. The tea isn't even being served by staff… It's just, there… On the table. There are even cookies. They were all incredibly shocked to meet me, but I swear that I recognized one of them. It was a Turtleman. Oh... I know! He was there when I first met with Rudou. Small Kingdom.

"So the rumors are true… You HAVE aged~ You may not recognize me, but my name is Richtofen. I believe we have met." [Richtofen the Turtleman] introduced himself with a sly smile.

"Yeah~ I get older just like everyone else… BUT, I can be young again whenever I choose. My name is Nero Miki. I met you alongside Rudou and a Foxwoman, correct?" [Nero] replied with a frivolous manner.

"Indeed! I'm Rei's new Father, Roy here was telling me that you had a connection with Rei at the moment?" [Richtofen the Turtleman] begged the question with a smile.

"...Huh." [Nero] let out with eyes wide as he turned to Roy.

"I should have warned you, my company tonight has expressed great interests to meet with you." [Roy] confessed with a carefree attitude.

"I can see that… Rei is fine, but she's heavily preoccupied and will probably continue to be preoccupied for around another week or so. If you would like, I can bring her here with me next week… But I must ask that only her mother comes to meet with her." [Nero] replied with a flat voice.

"Well, I can accept those terms… As strange as they may be, it's fine." [Richtofen the Turtleman] grumbled before declaring...

"My wife is the one who wishes to see her daughter, anyways." [Richtofen the Turtleman] sighed. To which, another individual began to introduce themselves. It was a Bearkin.

"My name is Ivand. My foolish son went off on a perilous journey into the Mummy Mansion at Midnight on Monday but never came back… I've tried to commission a rescue quest with the Adventurer's Guild, but it seems that no other adventurers will dare to step in at Midnight on Monday. No one has taken on my quest, and it's been almost one full week. If I don't find someone to take on the quest within two nights, I might never see my son again…" [Ivand the Bearkin] shared his story while sobbing.

"So you've come to the Witch of Night in hopes that I might save your son?" [Nero] asked with a skeptical look on his face. To which, the Bearkin wiped away his tears.

"Precisely! If anyone can conquer the Mummy Mansion at Midnight on Monday, it must be the Witch of Night himself!" [Ivand the Bearkin] agreed with a hopeful expression.

"Alright. I need the details of what and where exactly this Mummy Mansion is." [Nero] declared. To which, everyone surrounding him seemed surprised.

"It's a Dungeon." [Roy] sighed.

"It's located within Reygid. All the adventurers around here usually challenge it, but it becomes more difficult depending on the day and time that the challengers enter it." [Richtofen the Turtleman] explained with a nostalgic attitude as he looked off into the distance.

"It's directly west of the Castle." [Ivand the Bearkin] muttered.

"Any more details on the topic?" [Nero] questioned the three.

"Well… When you enter, time is stopped for you and your companions. It will remain at the day and time that it was when you entered, and you can't leave for seven whole days. You don't get hungry while there, you don't even need sleep unless you are affected by an ability. When the time is up, if you survive and can make it back to the door at the exact time that you originally entered… Then you get to escape with your lives. Otherwise, you need to wait another week. While inside the Mummy Mansion, you can't come into contact with anyone else from Reygid unless they also entered at the exact same time. Midnight, on a Monday… It's considered to be the time of legend. If you hope to actually conquer the Mummy Mansion, you need to enter at that time. It's said that vast wealth awaits any capable of claiming it… But it's a trap. No one has ever escaped from an adventure set out on Midnight at Monday." [Roy] explained carefully before beginning to sip his tea once more.

"So if I take on this quest… I'll be incapable of doing anything in this realm for an entire week?" [Nero] replied, while raising one eyebrow and letting his jaw drop.

"Indeed." [Richtofen the Turtlekin] grumbled.

"Wh-Wha-What is the pay?!" [Nero] demanded, absolutely flabbergasted.

"I'm willing to pay 5000 Gold Coins for my son's life." [Ivand the Bearkin] declared with a stone-cold face.

"Excuse me? Who are you?!" [Nero] shot back with a brazen attitude.

"I am Ivand Bernardi, a Marquis. I must apologize, but 5000 Gold Coins is the equivalent to roughly 7 years worth of my earnings… I can't afford much higher." [Ivand Bernardi the Bearkin Marquis] confessed with an embarrassed look on his face.

"The price is fine. The issue that I'm having is that you're a Marquis. Having me disappear for 7 whole days given the situation that I'm currently involved in with your Monarch is unacceptable. What is your son's name?! Does he even exist?!" [Nero] shot back exasperatedly. To which, Roy, Richtofen, and Goddin Village Neith Sama began to sip their tea.

"...His name is Ivand Bernardi, the 18th. He was my first born son, and he is to carry on the Bernardi name should I perish. He wanted to be named head of the family earlier… But I refused, telling him that he was far too young… So he foolishly decided to seek glory in the Mummy Mansion." [Ivand Bernardi the Bearkin Marquis] explained with a dejected expression.

"And you don't believe in him?" [Nero] begged the question with a blank expression.

"I did, until I learned of when he entered." [Ivand Bernardi the Bearkin Marquis] groaned.

"Nero, if I may… Yourself and your Clansmen only make up roughly 20 percent or less of our total combat power within the Wailing Keep. The Cat Crew and the Monster Knights are both forces over twice the power of Halloween in its current state. I believe that we'll be fine without your assistance for as little as seven nights… Although there is the matter of the Delhn Lake." [Goddin Village Neith Sama] enlightened the Witch of War.

"Eh?" [Nero] turned to the Goblin King with eyes wide.

"I've taken great lengths to calculate the forces of all three armies." [Goddin Village Neith Sama] replied with a wink.

Ah… He's leaving the Harpies out of the equation. Even so, apparently I'm the weakest link? Since when?! You know… This would never have happened if I didn't save all those Reygid refugees. All of a sudden, I feel insecure about my power. Leave it to the Tier 4 Goblin King to rain on my parade… Also, he totally just informed all three of these individuals that we possess three armies! What the heck, Goblin King?! Roy might have previously known, but the other two certainly did not! At most, they knew of SOME of my Cat Crew… And most of Halloween! My cover! It's BLOWN! Goblin King… Why do you look so pleased with yourself?! Which side are you even on?!

"...Armies?" [Richtofen the Turtleman] begged the question with a smirk as he raised his glass once more.

"Three of them, apparently… Two of which much stronger than the forces which made fools of the Kingdom Knights." [Ivand Bernardi the Bearkin Marquis] chimed in with a smile. To which, the Witch of War groaned.

"Fine. You say that tonight is Saturday?" [Nero] shot back while lowering his aviators.

"...Yes?" [Ivand Bernardi the Bearkin Marquis] replied as if surprised.

"Very well. The Mansion is west of the broken Castle?" [Nero] replied with a determined look.

"So… You accept?" [Ivand Bernardi the Bearkin Marquis] asked with a hopeful look as he nodded.

"Indeed. I'll do my best to save him, if he's not already dead." [Nero] declared with a smile. To which, the Bearkin thanked him as tears fell from his eyes once more.

"Anyways, Roy… I need 6 carriages. Cetilla's coming, actually she should be here rather soon after I depart. Also, I'd like to introduce you to Goddin Village Neith Sama. He's the current Goblin King. Budget Dragon and Goblin Funk will be joining you this evening as I manage my business… Oh… And before I forget, you should call him Budget Shark meow." [Nero] declared with a mischievous tone of voice as he and Goddin Village Neith Sama both began to place their buckets onto the table. To which, the Duke only sighed as he nodded.

And so, I'm off. Goddin Village Neith Sama is going to wait with the others while I make my rounds. I'm going on a quest tomorrow to find what awaits me behind those doors... And I'm going on a quest the night after... For seven whole nights. This is going to be interesting. I'll definitely need more Candy before I set out, which is honestly my largest worry. Let's pray that the Candy Man came through with new supplies. Wait a second… If I enter that place, and time stops for me… Then does that mean I won't be perilously dying from my Time Magic? Is the Mummy Mansion actually the perfect place for me to be training?! What the heck! That place is intense… If it's like that, the only way to heal my Clansmen once inside… It's going to be Candy. I need Candy. I need a lot of Candy. For the first time ever, I'm going to buy out the Candy Man. I'm going to get it all. The reward for this quest, is literally a full year worth of Roy's earnings. He's the freaking Duke. He's basically second to none in terms of earnings within this territory. This quest is seriously high paying. I can do so much with this quest if I succeed. I hope that the younger Ivand is still alive. Also, since it's a Mansion… It's going to be dangerous. I'll probably have no place to fly safely. I'll be forced into the thick of it all. I have a nose for these things.

I was thinking such things as I attained my carriages and brought them all out to the edge of the Vellisroi Estate. After lining them all up, I called on my [Hallowed Gate] and began to bring them through. I cancelled the Lost Kingdom waterfall gate in order to conjure this one, but I figured that I could easily replace it later. After the second carriage, I was quickly met with the others. They were upset with how long I took… But it couldn't be helped. I was assaulted with a quest, and also… Rei's new step father. I explained as much to Cetilla, who seemed extremely excited about the Mummy Mansion at Midnight on Monday endeavor. She wants in. Nope, they all do. Jeez… You guys… You're crazy. We need waivers. I told them not to tell Roy about wanting to join in the battle, as we want to appear as though we have a lot of war potential still protecting the Lost Kingdom. They sighed, but accepted my terms. We're doing this. Part of the Cat Crew will be attending in the Mummy Mansion of Madness quest. Also, Goblin Funk was wearing a kimono. It seemed more tight fitting than before, and this time… It was a dark violet outfit. His eyes… They're orange. I never noticed until meow… Hobgoblin Samurai Punk. Finishing with the carriages, the others left me as I began to order around my Clansmen. The Scarecrows are doing god's work. I'll tell you… We couldn't do it without them. We ended up having level 1 pieces and level 2 pieces taking their own carriages. The rest all just went as normal. As they were working, I went off to fetch the Towels. I left 14 of them for the starter baths, as well as my own personal use… But I still walked away while lugging a huge pile of towels. There are like a hundred of these things. One of them is a level 8 piece, but I'm going to have it as a lottery piece. Someone will get it, I just don't know who. I ended up placing it in the front of the level 1 carriage, where someone would probably sit if we were genuinely riding in carriages. We aren't. We don't do that around here very often. Stepping back through the Hallowed Gate, I closed it.

Flying to Clive's establishment was pretty uneventful. Nothing really seems to have changed since my last visit. The Castle is still in shambles. The Mushroom homes are growing extremely slowly. The slave markets are still in full effect. Thankfully, I don't see any Scarecrows down there. Slaves… I'm sorry. I'll put an end to those practices, but it's going to take time. I probably rescue them all right meow, but that wouldn't solve the recurring problem. I don't have a whole lot of space to offer at the moment, so it's not really as though I can afford to take in a swath of slaves every week. I need to slow down on my recruitment front. Apparently, I've been quite successful. The Monster Knight forces are already leagues above my own. It's honestly probably just the Cheetahkin's doing. Cetilla and herself are both Tier 11 creatures, so obviously… My Tier 8 Clansmen can't compete in terms of power. It can't be helped. We need more power. I need to train my Clansmen, by giving them freedom as we fight… I'd like to allow Conrad the chance at raising his Tier… He's a Tier 6, and is fast enough to be capable on his own. If he ends up hilariously wounded, we can try Candy or Luna. Leoric can also do the same. I don't mind. He's fast enough... But I'll be keeping Molag Dregora in my paw. No offense, Molag… I don't know about you when it comes to combat while alone. The Dungeon will be perilous enough, so I need some help too~

Opening the doors to Clive's establishment… Scarecrows~ Pull those carriages out here in order! Turning around, [Hallowed Gate]! Looking back at the startled staff... I began to effortlessly instruct them as to how to receive the night's shipment… Right before taking a step inside and immediately walking up the stairs to go and find Clive. Clive was… Unsurprisingly, doing paperwork. He's so diligent… And tired. He deserves a trip to Lorimaki Island or something. Blow off some steam, you know? It's too bad that I've never been there, international travel off of the continent has been practically discontinued, and I'm about to disappear for a whole week. I'll totally have a late shipment next week. Oops.

"Ah! Nero! You surprised me. Here… These are the ledgers for this week." [Clive the Cheetahkin] jumped before passing a stack of paperwork to Nero.

"Sorry about that~" [Nero] replied with a smile before looking down to read the documents.

There… Wha.... We… We totally nailed it. We're big Cats meow… This Cheetahkin and I… We're going places. The Cat's Costumery Clothing Brand Endorsement with Clive's Craved Clothing has finally done it. We've surpassed the 100 Gold Coin threshold for one week. No... We've doubled it. We're here. We've finally made it, and it's only going to get bigger after I deliver all these towels. This week, we've raked in a total of 215580 Silver Coins. I don't even freaking care about the details! You've done valiant work, Clive. Last week, we earned 68070 Silver Coins… And paid the staff a total of 1 Gold Coin each. We've literally tripled that. We're going to give them 3 Gold Coins each. I'd have it no other way. Heck… I want to pay them even more. Mrah~ They're already earning around 30 times what they were originally paid before I showed up. It's fine.

"I'm impressed. This week, I would like to pay each staff worker 3 Gold Coins. I managed to procure a hefty sum of bath towels for this week's shipment. You will find that there is a bundle of them, and that within the bundle… Lays one towel at level 8. I don't know which towel, nor do I care. I want the towels to be kept hidden from customers, and offered to high paying customers. They will be worth 2 Gold Coins each. The customer may choose a color of those that remain, and may or may not walk away with a level 8 towel rather than a level 2 towel. The staff will venture into the back and fetch the towel. Under no circumstances are there to be a customer viewing the towels before or after making a choice. Allow it to be known that there's a mystery level 8 towel amidst the bundle to provide incentive for the wealthy to purchase more than one." [Nero] explained with a grin.

"How mischievous… They'll never know if the prized towel had already sold or not… Also, the price inflation is immense." [Clive the Cheetahkin] laughed as he began to sort Gold Coins.

"Indeed. I originally only intended to sell them for 1 Gold Coin each, but because there's a level 8 among them somewhere… I'm inclined to raise the price. Also, don't include the towels as level 2 or 8 pieces for next week's ledger. Just have them as their own special listing. Also, you can keep the Silver Coins this week. I'll just be needing my Gold ones." [Nero] happily declared as he provided the Cheetahkin with his large empty bag.

"Very well..." [Clive the Cheetahkin] replied with a dumbfounded expression as he looked at the huge cloth sac.

"I'll be off checking the mystery pile, and by the way... I'm totally going to be a few nights late on my shipment next week." [Nero] sang as he flew away.

And so… I made my way down the stairs to find that the shipment had completed, so I floated outside and into Halloween to find that all of the carriages had been properly returned. Mr and Mrs Scarecrow were still guarding it as well, I asked them if anyone had ventured inside… And they refused. Whew~ Closing the gate, I turned around while ignoring the crowd and returned back into the store. The crowd was incredible, but like… I have nothing to say right meow. Sorry everyone, there will be no announcement on this fine night. Keep waiting. Nyahahaha~ I'll be checking out the mystery pile… Which is empty. There's no mystery pile. It's fine. Exiting the backroom, I greeted the staff and informed them of their raise. They're beside themselves. One of them ripped off his shirt before screaming something about going out to a Tavern. He totally just ditched his entire shift. I… I don't know what I should be doing. I'll let it be. Clive doesn't need to know. A girl totally ran up to some random customer in the store and started brutally smacking lips with him. She's… Oh gosh… They're not going to… They are… Several customers and employees gasped, but many others just stood there… Watching. A few of them even cheered the couple on… As they began to literally make steamy, hot love in front of us… But like, I don't even think that lady was with him?! I'm pretty sure that she just grabbed the nearest hot guy and went for it! After watching for probably far longer than I should have, I decided to slowly back away and return to Clive. It was the right move, as when I was on my way out… Some precocious, Flamingokin walked in before letting out the most absurd scream I had ever heard. I got a chance to watch her literally faint as the shriek fizzled out. She's lying there, seemingly dead at the doorway… But no one came to help her. Actually, a few people outside ended up stepping in to see the scene… And started watching as well. One of them may or may not have accidentally stepped on the overly dramatic Flamingokin. Nyah. I'm leaving.

Returning upstairs, I gained my 97 Gold Coins from Roy… And learned that there was indeed some Candy waiting for me upstairs. Thank you, Janus. I went to gain it, and found that it was prepared in the same cloth bag as last time. I love that Candy Man. He's the best. It feels like we have this mutual connection with Candy, that no one else would ever understand. It's important to us. The bag was actually pretty well filled. He must have tried pretty hard to get so much here on such short notice. I'm impressed. Throwing it over my back, I began to leave the establishment… But was interrupted. It's one of the employees, she was literally just thanking me once more. It seems that the scene of love is still going on, but many of the customers and other staff have began to go back to their nightly activities. This is ridiculous. I'm leaving. Riding my Broom back to the Vellisroi Estate was simple. On arrival, I quickly opened a new Hallowed Gate to return my Candy into the Treasure Room before returning back to their beautiful home and closing it once more.

Knocking on the door, I was met with Celine. She's prim and proper, as usual. Ahhh… Everyone's in the Dining Room. They're drinking, eating, and playing games. I'll join~ Oh? We aren't drinking, eating, and playing games? It turns out, they were playing games while they waited for me… But we're actually going to spend the night talking and admittedly… Still drinking. Fun. Veronica wanted to know ALL about the Dungeon in the Forest of Witches… Which I will meow be calling the Cobra Caves. Nyah~ I actually admit that I wasn't really there, so I decided to call on Molag Dregora to explain it. He was there the entire time, so it made sense.

"Take a seat and grab your drinks, THIS is going to get heavy. The Baron of Bones, the Besmircher of Souls, the Bringer of Undying, and the Master of Shadows himself! I present to you… Molag Dregora~" [Nero] declared as he raised his Lantern high. To which, a gust of orange flames emit from within it and burst out to reveal the Tier 8 Lich.

He appeared in a heartbeat. He wasn't missing out on this, my friends and foes. It's story time. Everyone!

"It was a cold and windy night. My master was called upon by a brave Witch to save dozens of endangered Scarecrows… As he does, he went off on his journey and saved all he could find. While doing so, he came across a tribe of Cursed Mongoosekin telling tales of an incredibly persistent foe of which they could not compete. They begged of him to break their Curse and save them from that foe… And so, he set out to do just that. Starting with the foe, Nero bravely flew forth towards the masses of Cobras before beckoning of several Clansmen to support him in his cause. I was among such Clansmen ready to challenge the Caves that the Cobras inhabited. Nero came unprepared, and needed to return home in order to obtain his items… And so we went on… Slaying hundreds of Cobras in our wake. When Nero had returned home, he began to heal us from afar… As we continued to massacre the Cobras. When it seemed that there would be no end to them, we were met with Cobrias and several of us perished. It was a devastating battle due to the acid that they spit. Their Harpoon throwing skills were easy enough to deal with, however. Waiting behind the Cobrias… Was a massive door, leading to a Boss in a relatively small room. It was a Cobrallisk of exceeding proportions… The room had a spiral staircase to climb up, allowing one to challenge the Cobrallisk from any number of angles even without the use of flight… But even still… Among those of us who originally challenged the Boss, only I survived the encounter. Thankfully, Nero called upon Conrad the Crowli and Leoric Eldinheim the Dark Elf to assist us towards the end of the battle… And thanks to them, we were able to slay it. I needed to give my life to grant them the opportunity to land their finishing blows… But it worked out in the end. Behind the now dead Cobrallisk is a door, awaiting our Master to open it." [Molag Dregora] recounted the events exceedingly vaguely as if he couldn't even be bothered to completely remember the ordeal. To which, everyone present was exceedingly flabbergasted and so we decided to call on Penny instead.

Calling on Penny was the right decision. She was dramatic enough in her language to truly allow us all with an understanding of what happened. Sort of. It was intense, we know that much. Most of the intense parts occurred due to my own negligence behind the scenes, and Penny was not afraid to let that detail slip. Not at all. After we got to the point that she perished and began to rage at me… We called on Leoric and Conrad to finish the tale properly… Only to have both of them utterly fail us as well. It all happened so fast, thanks to Penny's disappearance… They couldn't focus properly. When Penny was actually present, she was the only one who genuinely understood what was happening… Because of her possessing [Oblivious]. When she finally died, everyone else was beyond their wit's end, time randomly sped up… And they were all so focused on surviving that they have absolutely no idea how they were able to pull it all off. It became a life or death scenario, and they all just started to pull clutch. Huh… Due to Penny's interference… None of them adequately remember the entire ordeal. This Pixie… She's way too strong. After we had finally come to a conclusion that we would likely never know just how it all went down… We decided to drink in our sorrows until dawn… When we left and took the Hallowed Gate home. I was able to obtain all of my buckets, they're being carried as a group effort. Everyone has at least two of them, except me. I have a Broom and Lantern. Nyah.

After we returned to the Wailing Keep and placed the buckets back in the Treasure Room, I cast [Daily Candy] and closed the [Hallowed Gate] before flying back off to the waterfall and opening it once more. I've decided that I'm going to allow the lochness monster to live… But I'm still totally going to starve it for another night. If I'm going to the Mummy Mansion, I'll probably reach Tier 10 from the ordeal. There's no point in me killing the lochness monster if I've freshly prestiged. I want ability proficiency. I don't want to prestige and then just go off and get another 7 Tiers in a heartbeat… Or do I? I'll sleep on it. Returning to my largest form, I stepped on into bed and went to sleep. Good morning...