Chapter 75 - Night 77

NNNYYUUughh… I'm too tired for this. I need to go and check up on a Dungeon. I also need to free a particular Sealkin within Reygid somewhere. I'm far too tired for this. Getting up, I assumed my larger Human form before beginning to stuff Candy from within my large sac into my buckets. I probably spent around half an hour reallocating my Candy emotionlessly. I ended up filling 46 new buckets, and an additional bucket roughly two thirds full... Leaving me with almost 49 filled buckets of Candy… And 12 empty buckets. The Candy Man came through on timing, but he wasn't able to finish the order. It's fine. I'll need to be extremely careful within the Mummy Mansion, or I'll need to break my rules and purchase different types of Candy. The larger ones… If I succeed in saving Ivand… Then I can afford it, but if I don't succeed in saving Ivand… It likely will hurt my next shipment.

Leaving the Treasure Room, I began to fly for the Dining Hall. On arrival, I was relieved to find that I had not missed out on the nightly meet and feast. Obtaining my meal and taking my seat, it would appear that I'm not the only one in this state. Cetilla and Hobgoblin Samurai Punk both appear mangled as well. Budget Shark seemed fine, as he happily devoured a Goldfish. I hate him. He has a gut of steel. Looking further down the table, Goddin Village Neith Sama also seems fine. Ugh… White Beef Lady is performing. The Humon Woman is complaining to Ben about how I neglected to bring her with me for the shipment. Lillian and Lisa seemed to be talking about the Fae Forest. I wanted to learn more about their conversation, but they were slightly too far away from me to eavesdrop. Instead, I ended up having a different conversation among the strongest individuals here.

"So, what do you think is going to be waiting behind the door at the Cobra Caves?" [Cetilla Vellisroi the Sorceress] asked with a grin.

"Well, in my experience… Waiting behind large doors like those, are usually chests or pathways to even greater challenges." [Cheetahkin Woman] declared with a sly smile.

"I agree." [Cetilla Vellisroi the Sorceress] replied with a laugh.

"It's going to be a ton of food... I can taste it already." [Budget Shark] grumbled between bites of his meal.

"You're just tasting your meal, idiot!" [Ben the Bearoleph] roared from down the table.

"Well… I believe that it may be the Dungeon Master waiting behind the door." [Goatman Shield Breaker] chimed in, completely ignoring the obnoxious Bearoleph.

"Maybe it will be a Throne Room for Nero to conquer?" [Hobgoblin Samurai Punk] asked while tilting his head to the side.

"That would be the most likely of scenarios." [Molag Dregora] nonchalantly agreed, leaving the others completely stunned.

"A Dungeon Master wasting time to create a Throne Room would be ridiculous." [Trignam Firemane the Tigerkin Earl] shot back with a groan before sending Ben a high-five.

"Wailing Keep Sama wasted no time in creating a Throne Room. It should be but a simple matter for a Dungeon Master." [Molag Dregora] enlightened the Tigerkin Earl with a reminiscent attitude.

"You weren't even there!" [Cetilla Vellisroi] slammed back at the Lich as she recalled the instance of it rising, as her hair flowed violently.

"It's going to be a complex set of varying challenges, to ensure that the victor is worthy of claiming the treasures to the trove." [Leoric Eldinheim] declared with a calculating expression.

"What if it's just the entrance to the Dungeon? What if everything else was what had leaked out?" [Nero] begged the question with a dejected voice as he poked the Fish on his plate.

"It's not impossible..." [Cetilla] sighed.

"And what's a freaking Dungeon Master?!" [Nero] stammered on before forcing a bite down.

"The incredible beings which rule them..." [Molag Dregora] muttered as he gazed off into the distance.

"Incredibly evil…" [Trignam Firemane] groaned as he glared at the Lich.

"Well… It all depends. The Dungeon of Lorimaki Island is incredibly well looked after… So it isn't a threat to our society, rather… It's something to be cherished. If you slay the Dungeon Master, the Dungeon which could potentially be plaguing your land will fall… To be returned 10 years later in a much weaker state." [Cheetahkin Woman] explained with a carefree attitude.

"...So it becomes my choice as to whether I wish to reset the Dungeon or not?" [Nero] begged the question.

"Your choice, or whoever also happens to arrive before the Dungeon Master has time to recuperate their forces." [Cetilla] elaborated with a grin.

"So if I choose to leave it be, then I'll probably also want to ensure that it's left alone?" [Nero] asked with a dead face as he slumped in his chair.

"It would make sense to." [Cetilla] replied with a smirk.

"...But you know very well that I can't do that right now." [Nero] shot back with an aggravated expression.

"Hohhh? Why would that be?" [Cetilla] begged the question with a grin.

Oh no… She just led me up to explaining the entirety of the Mummy Mansion predicament. I mean… I was going to need to explain it sooner or later… But meow… Of all times?! If I explain it… There's a high chance that many will have the time to think it over and decide to join me. We can't have that. The only reason why I'm even taking this quest is because apparently, I'm no longer even needed here. In order to answer to that, I need more power. Obviously, then I need to go off on my own adventure. It's already bad enough that most of the Cat Crew and all of Halloween will be required to be here. Then again, if I'm going to have time to teach the others to Fish, I need to get started on it… Currently, the gates are both open… So it might actually be a great time to teach them. I could send off two groups, each to one of the rivers… And then move the gates further behind them. I'll give them a chance to Fish, but if they fail… We'll have the safeguard. Nyah. Very well… You've given me no choice, Cetilla. Taking my stand, and silencing the others…

"Good evening, everyone~ Tonight… I have an announcement to make. Tonight will not only be our weekly Safari Card Game Tournament, but it will also be a night to see our friends off and wish them luck on a perilous quest… And to learn of how Fishing works. We will be putting the slaying of the Cyworctus at the bottom of the Delhn Lake on hold… As I will be leading Halloween alongside Cetilla, Hobgoblin Samurai Punk, and Budget Shark through the Mummy Mansion within Reygid at Midnight tomorrow. We will not be able to return for 7 nights. If the Wailing Keep disappears at any moment during those 7 nights, then I will have perished… And Halloween will have been lost within the Mummy Mansion. I do not want anyone else taking this quest on, nor do I want anyone else coming in afterwards in attempts at saving us should we fail at escape. If we succeed, we will see an immense reward of Gold Coins to benefit out lives. We won't need to rely solely on my clothing business any longer… So we're taking on the quest of rescuing a fool within the Mansion. That fool may already have perished, so at the very least… We hope to confirm that fact and live to tell the tale. I will be leaving my Hallowed Gates open, within the Demon Kingdom and the Lost Kingdom… You will all be tasked with guarding those gates or destroying them if necessary. It would be nice if you learned how to Fish while you guarded them, but it will be your own choice. If you possess claws, there is a high chance that you may be capable of learning to Fish. If an intruder reaches my Treasure Room, the entire Wailing Keep may fall without my death even occurring." [Nero] declared to the table with a determined expression as he removed his aviators.

"How many Coins are we talking about?" [Humon Woman] begged the question with a grin after taking a bite of her Fish.

"5000 Gold Coins." [Nero] declared bluntly. To which, the half Demon choked on her Fish.

"Who are you saving?" [Ben the Bearoleph] grumbled with a sharp expression.

"It's a Bearkin Marquis of Reygid's first born son." [Nero] elaborated with a smile.

"Hmph! He's only a Marquis because of his ancestors who robbed the Bears before ditching the Monster Kingdom and going to Reygid!" [Ben the Bearoleph] roared excessively loudly.

"All the more reason to take his Coins." [Nero] replied swiftly with a knowing expression. To which, the Bearoleph gave him a glare.

"Why can't we come with you?" [Cheetahkin Woman] begged the question.

"We need you here. Someone needs to protect this place, we can't let it be attacked as we're off being forced into another realm." [Nero] explained as he glared at the Goblin King who was whistling and avoiding his gaze.

"We'll hold it down." [Lillian the Leshi] chimed in as she looked around the table.

"Oh… Lillian… If it weren't for you, I'd be right on that road to the Mummy Mansion." [Kendra the Kitsune] frivolously exclaimed as she returned the Leshi's gaze.

"You can go." [Lillian the Leshi] snapped back mercilessly.

"Oh? Is it my turn already? I could have sworn that I just played a card…" [Kendra the Kitsune] continued on in a frivolous manner as she began to point to the table that they apparently were already playing on.

"That's not what I meant and you know it!" [Lillian the Leshi] retorted hysterically. To which, the Kitsune only began to coyly roll her tails to cover her mouth as if she were gasping.

"Be careful on your journey, Budget Shark." [Cyclozard] exclaimed as a tear fell from his eye, moments before several women began to comfort him.

"Don't let the otherssss get you killed." [Lora the Lamia] ssssaid as she took the also weeping Wendel's hand.

"I think I should go." [Wilson the Wolfenrine] declared brazenly as he took a stand beside White Beef Lady.

"...Hard pass." [Nero] shot back flatly.

"Why not?!" [Wilson] growled.

"You can't wear very much clothing. You're probably not very resistant due to that, you're only a Tier 6 Wolfenrine... And you're capable of death as you are not one of my Clansmen. I can't risk it." [Nero] explained ruthlessly as he tipped his cap. To which, the Wolfenrine quietly whimpered as he took his seat.

"I'll quietly wait here… Hurry up and get a pistol for me already." [Jon the Catkin] declared with a tired expression.

"I'm working on it~" [Nero] replied with a smile.

"I'll stay here!" [Rita the Rifaleesigal] screamed from the other table before continuing to chat amidst the children and alleged Rifale.

"By the way… What happened to those two Potamin Crabs that we decided to save?" [Nero] asked with a stupefied expression.

"Eh? They're living with me." [Budget Shark] declared with a proud look as he held his head high.

"...What?" [Nero] let out.

"Yeah. I love them~ I like to call them Poy and Mina… But it's not an official name or anything. I want them to come with me to the Delhn Lake after I conquer it." [Budget Shark] explained while seemingly infatuated.

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"...Right. Oh? Budget Shark… You should name yourself as well~" [Nero] exclaimed with a grin.

"...I already did, though... I'm Budget Shark." [Budget Shark] declared proudly. To which, everyone present began to display extremely varied reactions. Some laughed, some gasped, and some only glared at him with an exasperated expression.

I was among those that glared. Cetilla stifled a laugh... But I think she was already in on it. She totally knew. Hobgoblin Samurai Punk definitely already knew, as well. He just sat there, with a knowing expression… Sighing to signify that it was indeed, true. Trignam Firemane went on to ask Budget Shark about the Crabs, and we learned that Budget Shark has been attempting to teach them how to bite. They nibble on his legs as he sleeps meow, and he thinks that the training is going to be sufficient for them to gain abilities out of it when they Evolve. He also wants them to take part in slaying the Cyworctus. It's a whole thing. He wants them to become Shorkamin Crabs. It's an Evolution which should grant them intense teeth inside of their shells… And it should also bestow them with incredible swimming speed. Budget Shark apparently did research on the entire ordeal while he was off in the Orc Mountains. They should become incredible Fishers.

Apparently, towards the beginning of their trip, before I sent Conrad and Leoric to help them, and admittedly just for fun… They spent a few nights in the Orc Mountains and actually met with a ton of Orcs, and as they were selling wares of the beasts slain… They became somewhat liked by the Orcs. Huh?! They made Coin off of that trip?! On further inspection, they made Coins… But they spent them in attempts at convincing a Druid with a the [Evolutionary Theorist] title of giving them details about Potamin Crab potential. Budget Shark spent a whole lot of Coins each night while trying to get more potential outcomes for ideas on how to try and raise his Crabs. That wasn't their only method of tossing away Coins, however. Rita adored a particular treat being sold by a Baker. It was basically just a biscuit, by the sounds of it. It must have been one pretty freaking good biscuit... Ben was invested into a Tavern that also sided as a Brothel. Fantastic. Hobgoblin Samurai Punk was spending his time alongside Cetilla, who was recklessly gambling in attempts at figuring out what it was Rei was once so attached to. As she did so, she also dragged the Hobgoblin around... Right! I'm so totally sure that Cetilla does not already understand the joys of gambling~

Well… Looking around, many of the individuals have begun the tournament. It's card night. Getting up from my seat, I offered Cetilla my hand as I got atop my Broom. Hobgoblin Samurai Punk and Budget Shark are giving me rude looks, signalling that they too wish to join us… So I guess… Conrad! Carry them and follow me~ Nyow! Soaring as we left to the waterfall gate, we watched as dozens of lesser Scarecrows patrolled the streets of the Goblin Village. It seems that my new friends have began to make themselves of use, even without my interference. Then again, I might have already told them to do something similar with my mind… Without even noticing it! What if I ordered them while asleep?! After we arrived at the waterfall which we could have just teleported to, Hobgoblin and Shrake in tow… I came across something peculiar. My… What Tier is that even? It's a Scarecrow… But it has more flames than I would have thought it might at such a low Tier. They're subtle, but I can definitely see orange flames radiating from the entire Scarecrow. Oh my… Looking at the status, it appears that my Tier 3 Scarecrows… The three of them, or shall I say… One of them. One of them infected all of my Scarecrows above Tier 3 with a virus.

The virus is a [Fiery Puppet] title, which was probably bestowed by one exceptionally talented student Witch. Even looking further up at my Tier 5 Scarecrows, it seems that the virus got in so deep… That it even increased in proficiency twice due to the enhanced Tier. The virus grants the [Flame Charge] ability, which should apparently allow my favorite Scarecrows to rush forward at impeccable speeds, at the cost of some MP here and there. It depends on how fast and far they desire to go. It varies heavily, and the math is complicated. This ability is nothing like the vast majority of the others that I have encountered! This ability is detailed… If one wanted to reach the destination in one second, then it would cost 10 MP for each metre traveled. It's intense. Especially considering Tier 5 Scarecrows generally don't have a very high MP total. They could literally kill themselves to go 40 metres in a second, or they can run for around 10 seconds with little to no cost. It's intense. On impact, they actually deal twice the damage that it costed in terms of MP in a fiery attack. It's a self destructive gap closer, with lethal impact. It's a total virus. We don't need this... Whatsoever. But, props to whichever Witch managed to attach a self destructive ability to their test subject. Bravo. You did what no one else could, which was more than likely kill your Scarecrow the very first time that it attempted combat… Even though you managed to create a Tier 3 Scarecrow. Incredible.

Miu… Your intel… It was a trap. Scarecrows… I just want to let it be known, that the use of [Flame Charge] is to only occur in the event that you wholeheartedly believe that you will otherwise fail the battle. Nyah. I was thinking such things as I re-positioned the Hallowed Gate to be slightly further away from the waterfall. It's like 20 metres away, which should be plenty to practice Fishing. The Cyworctus can just starve for a few more nights, I'll cancel the gate at some point… While I'm on my quest. What I'm most worried about is the time. Apparently, we need to be ready and waiting at the entrance exactly 7 days later… But it will be literally impossible to understand time while in there. We won't be aging, apparently. Time will be stopped for us… But we'll still need to deal with the fact that the entire Mansion is trying to kill us. We'll also need to be trying to explore it, in hopes of finding the idiotic Bearkin. I need a watch or something. Will I be able to use [Daily Candy] while there? If I can… Then I can keep trying to use it almost constantly, to understand when the nights change… But it won't be accurate. On the other hand, I can potentially use my eyes to understand time… If they happen to continue changing, which they should… I hope. Maybe I'll be fine… It's a shame that my eyes don't change at midnight, though~ I need a watch. I wonder if I can borrow the Candy Man's grandfather clock? I decided to ask Cetilla about where one might attain watches for the predicament… And according to her, there's no need. There's a large clock in the entrance of the Mansion, which works fine for the entire time. It even chimes every time that your entrance time passes, but it chimes extremely loud when you're supposed to be leaving. Apparently, you can hear the exit chime from anywhere in the Mansion. It's happened to Cetilla quite a few times. Ending up being trapped for an additional week, that is. However, she never entered at Midnight on Monday. The most challenging time that she took on was Friday at 3 in the Morning.

Arriving at the Demon Kingdom waterfall, we closed the gate and re-positioned it as well. That settles that~ Let's move on to the Cobra Caves! I didn't notice it, but Lemmispire totally returned home. It's fine. He's more powerful meow, and even just flying past the Elven Forest… I can see that the barrier hath been lifted. They're in a better state meow. It's all thanks to yours truly~ I wonder if Elliot will come by to keep me posted in my absence… I shouldn't think about it, though. I need to chase the 5000 Gold Coins! For a short while, I can be a millionaire. One thousand Gold Coins is technically 1 million Silver Coins. It's like that. I'll be the next millionaire if we can save that Bearkin. I'll obviously be splitting the reward with Cetilla, Hobgoblin Samurai Punk, and Budget Shark… As this is a Cat Crew, not a Cat Cult... But I'll have at least one million Silver Coins. Nyah. It's fine. I'll be spending most of my earnings on Candy, more than likely. I'd also like a new Broom, but I refuse to spend more than 100 Gold Coins on it. That stats will be nice for when I prestige, but what's really going to matter is how much clothing I produce before I prestige. I need to prestige while having the clothing to provide for several shipments without even needing to actually provide for them at that moment.

Thinking about it… I can make much better use of my Candy right meow, as opposed to when I'll have zero proficiencies. It's best if I come overly prepared for it, and just save additional Candy for an emergency. If I can continue providing incredible shipments even while appearing small again, then my enemies will have little reason to believe that I've been weakened simply based on an appearance change… Unless they possess [Appraisal]. It's a farce. The longer that I can keep it going, the better off I will be. I'll even go so far as to come in with an even better outfit than ever before… To throw off individuals like Vigi who possess [Distinction]. Also, I'll have this totally bad-ass sidekick Werewolf attendant alongside me at all times. A certain Wolfenrine might even appear from time to time. It's going to be fun. I can tell.

Arriving at the cave… We began to fly through it to find that it was still empty… Aside from a few lesser Cobras lurking here and there. Even on entry into the room previously adorned with Comias(Cobrias)... It's pretty barren. Moving through the massive door, we continued to see the small area described beforehand. It's pretty fancy. The entire place seems to be built of some highly refined metals… It's wondrous. Several colors are being shown, and it almost appears that the place has been styled to have a grid appearance. It's more like a motherboard appearance, with rigid lines of metals adorning the walls… Connecting at certain places, and running parallel to each other… The walls themselves are built of a stone, though… Which throws the entire thing off. Contrary to the walls, the room has a stone spiral staircase… It's a circular room, and there's a pit in the middle of it. The boss is usually halfway in the pit, and halfway out… Allowing for individuals to attack it from all sides. It's ridiculous. Laying in wait beyond this room, are a set of beautiful doors in which all of those metal lines seem to converge to adorn… Flying up, and placing my hand on the door… I began to fly forth as fast as I could, until the door finally opened… Making a loud noise as it did, and leaving clouds of dust in its wake.

Opening the door, we were met with bright light… And finally; a small room. The room had an open ceiling, allowing for natural light to enter… In the middle of the room, was an exceedingly large chest and a very small note was atop. Flying forth, I grabbed the note. Lifting it to read, it simply said one thing… It asked me what I desired to be waiting for me in the chest. Interesting. The chest is large enough to fit just about anything… Within reason. I could really go hard on this, if I wanted to. Turning to face Hobgoblin Samurai Punk, I asked him if he were better off with a Weapon of his own creation… Or with a Weapon attained elsewhere. His response was his own was best… As it allowed for himself to get better alongside it. It's like the Skeletons, probably. Turning to face Budget Shark… I quickly turned around to face Cetilla, and asked her if she desired a new weapon… And she accepted. She would prefer a Ring. A Diamond Ring, in particular. After giving her a flat look, I continued on to request of the enormous chest an elegant Diamond Ring. Moments later, the cracks within the chest seemed to shine radiantly in a variety of colors for a split moment, signalling for us to open it. Cranking the thing open took a moment or two, but it's open… And the interior lay waiting a small Diamond Ring.

On further inspection, it wasn't just the gem adorning it that was Diamond… The entire Ring consisted of Diamond. Placing it on Cetilla's finger, it suddenly resized itself and fit perfectly. Strange. Cetilla's happy. According to her, ever since she Evolved… She hasn't been very effective due to her previous Ring no longer possessing the correct traits for her. Woah… We could have been in danger within the Mummy Mansion if we didn't end up giving her the freaking Ring… I'm glad that I offered around. I was honestly just going to ask for a beautiful bathtub. I had settled on it if neither of them wanted anything. I'm thinking… Tourmaline bathtub. It would have been nice.

Moving along, I thanked the Chest before offering Cetilla my arm once more. She accepted it, and instinctively… Conrad obtained his Shrake(Drarke) and his Hobgoblin. We're flying up. We're going to see where the sky leads… And oho~ It's a whole thing. It's a desert area, absolutely defying logic. It's on an island, probably around the same size as the continent… And we're at the right area, we're basically at the edge of the continent… Which is actually frightening to look at. The edge of the continent… It's just a void of flurrying sand. It's almost like a wall of sand, threatening to scrape me apart if I try to escape. It's like we're in a distorted version of Melchiadore, or at least… This continent... But it's all desert themed. Roaming those deserts are varying Snake like creatures… One of which seems exceptionally frightening. It's more on the level of a Dragon Cobra… Spreading clouds of sand in its wake as it slithers at intense rates, roaming the lands. It's totally slaying other Dungeon monsters. I… I don't even know what to think about this. What was the point of the Chest?! Was it a bribe, to not say anything about this whole issue?! I can't handle this… Not right meow. I have an important quest to deal with tomorrow, and I need to be ready for it. I'm going to stop at the Candy Store early in the morning to get as much as I physically can, so I can prepare for this quest.

Sadly, the others all want to explore. Or, should I say… Cetilla and Hobgoblin Samurai Punk want to explore. Budget Dragon and I both began to feel thirsty as soon as we entered, so we're meow sadly being dragged along. I'm groaning from atop my Broom, as Hobgoblin Samurai Punk pulls me through the deserts on foot. Budget Dragon is trying to escape, but Cetilla's dragging him along. He's saying something about how this is even worse than the Orc Mountains on account of there being no Ocean. Agreed. At least there, I had the idea of water… Here, it's just… Incredibly hot heat waves, Cactus monsters… And over-sized Cobras. I don't think they're all at the level that was guarding this locale, but there definitely are some at that level roaming around. We've witnessed at least 5 of the Sand Clouders. That's what we've began to call them. Our esteemed Hobgoblin cant Appraise from such a far distance. It's a problem, because I don't particularly want to fly in front of one of those things. I think they might be stronger than what guarded this place, which cost quite a lot of Candy in order to kill. Right meow, I think we're just exploring to get a better look at the whole thing. While it's sandy all over, there are still Orc Mountains… And the Chasms, for example. We're going to see what the Chasms are like. We're actually travelling at incredible speed… But we could probably move faster if I were in charge. Not to mention, more coordinated… Budget Shark is totally being dragged to death over there. The amount of blood is gruesome. No one seems to respect Budget Shark these nights… We've all become painfully aware of his idiocy.

Suddenly, I became painfully aware of my strength right in this instance. In this instance, we're all being led along by three individuals… And we're all running in a very straight path which I am meow facing. The land is generally flat unless we're running up a hill, and we're moving incredibly fast. We're moving fast enough that it's impossible to stop immediately. I have an idea! [Hallowed Gate]! Moments later, my incredibly punctual and massive Gate appeared… And every single member to our party momentarily ran or were dragged through not even a second later. They're pissed, but I closed the gate. Conrad's applauding my brilliance. Nyah~ I veto'd the event. Chances are, if the Dungeon Master is hiding somewhere in that mess… They're hiding in one of the places we were about to go to. If the entire room for the Dungeon is just a messed up version of the continent, then obviously… Go to one of the open aired underground locales of the continent to hide, or go to a particular structure if you made sure to replicate it. I want to find the Dungeon Master, but I want to slay all of his creatures first. I want to take full advantage of that Dungeon, and we can't afford the time to do so at the current moment. It's best to save for later. I closed the Lost Kingdom waterfall gate, so I'll go off and replace it meow…

After flying to the waterfall, I was surprised to find that a few of the residents were taking it upon themselves to learn how to Fish. It was a Catkin boy, a Ravenkin girl, and a Ravenkin boy. They were being watched by the eldest Ravenkin guy. Fun. Conjuring the new gate, they marveled at its reappearance before the youngest one asked me…

"Mister Witch of Night… Why are you going to the Mummy Mansion?" [Ravenkin Boy] asked with a timid expression.

"Well… There's someone in there, who needs my help. No one else is brave enough to go and help him, so I've been asked." [Nero] explained with a smile after descending to his level while still sitting on his Broom.

"But you're going to die and then we'll be alone again!" [Ravenkin Boy] screamed while fighting off tears.

"...If I can save him, then I will be able to keep all of you here much more safe than I can now. Believe it or not, all of you combined are much stronger than just me." [Nero] declared with a weak smile as he pat the Boy's head.

"You're supposed to tell him that you won't die." [Ravenkin Guy] laughed.

"One day, I'm sure… I'll perish just as any other does. I don't intend to die while in that Mansion, though." [Nero] sighed. To which, the Ravenkin Boy began to smile.

"Make sure to keep this place running while I'm gone, but at some point… I'll be cancelling this gate. I don't want to kill the lochness monster by accident while I'm gone, so I want to let it start eating again. That's where you guys come in. By the time that I remove this gate behind me, I'll be relying on you guys to catch Fish during the night, but not during the day. We can let it eat during the day, but not the night." [Nero] explained with a grin.

"Okay!" [Ravenkin Boy] exclaimed as he raised a fist into the air

"Got it~" [Ravenkin Guy] declared with a sigh.

"I'll try my best." [Catkin Boy] said quietly.

"He's not very good, but he'll get it." [Ravenkin Girl] laughed as she caught a new Fish.

And so, I'm off. I'm heading back to bed. I need to get an early sleep if I hope to be fully prepared for the quest. I returned through the gate, and continued on my way. First off, I'm a little hungry meow that my appetite is returning. I'll go and grab a few pieces of Fish. Nyah~ I ended up getting two raw common Fish and ate them as I walked back to the Treasure Room. I only really did it to spend my time. There's something about walking through an obnoxiously long Throne Room, with flames on the sides… As you eat your meal. Con~ Wake me at dawn! Nyah! If Ivand is alive, I'm taking him back with me. If Ivand has perished, I'm still taking him back with me. I'm not losing that 5000 Gold Coins. I'm collecting. One way or another. He's going to need to have been devoured whole if we're to fail at making this payday. I'm walking in with a Vampire, and a Lich Necromancer. One could say that we're prepared for all fronts. I truly am, the Witch of Night. It's too bad that there's apparently an even more bad-ass version of me out there at this very moment... Assuming my largest form, which is probably smaller than theirs... I got into bed… And decided to ditch the Safari Card Tournament… Good morning~