Chapter 83 - Day 83 & Night 83

After finishing with perhaps one too many final songs… We put our bravest faces on, ignoring the fact that we were just brutally ditched… Dusted our shoes off, straightened out our hair, brushed off our muscles, picked up our favorite statue, and began to make our way home. Just kidding~ We killed the Mummydog King, so we're going to get our Candy. It is what it is. Cetilla mentioned the idea, and I'm in favor. We're getting more Candy, and we're going home. I finally recovered all of my Clansmen's MP… But I'm running seriously low. I can't do it again, that's for damn sure. I have 8 buckets filled. Too many are empty. I haven't been able to cast [Daily Candy] while down here, either. According to Melissa, there are a Candy Man's Bakery and a Toy Factory to our west. It's a much needed pit-stop conveniently placed directly where we need it. I don't think the Sphinx ever anticipated facing an Allwe Halloween Cat… Leaving a Candy Man's Bakery out here like this?! I would probably have kept it hidden in the deepest depths of my Wailing Keep or something… But this guy totally still has a room south of here. This isn't the end.

According to Cetilla, the room to our south is a Zombie Quarters… Leading to a Jackal Scarecrow's Quarters, which guards the Intelligence Room… Most likely, the end to the Dungeon. We only have two rooms to go, if we hope to meet the Sphinx. So far, all of his lackeys have been relatively possible for us to deal with. We're at a point where my Clansmen can't help, but the Cat Crew can. According to Cetilla, including today; we should have three days until our chance at escape presents itself in the Foyer upstairs. We have two choices. Return to the the Circus and wait for the opportune moment to make a mad rush toward escape… Or get the Candy and try our luck against the Sphinx without the help of any of the individuals whom we would actually be saving. In my opinion, if they can't even lift a finger to try and save themselves... Even in their own, roundabout way… Then clearly, they don't need the help. They're more or less okay, and they don't need me. I can take a hint. The Great Grandfather is just excessively guilty about their circumstances, and believes that everyone else resents him for it… But really, it's probably his own choice to be spending his time alone in the middle of the basement. It's like that, I think.

We're leaving, but we're still grabbing the Candy because I said so. That's free Candy right there, folks. We're taking it, and we're calling it a quest cancellation fee. The quest giver did not meet the agreed upon instructions. I'm sorry, Allwe does not currently participate in the 'Make a Wish' foundation. Try again next year. I give things away to the Goblins for free, but they're literally all starving to death in some insanely patriotic oath serving the benefit of all. They're selfless to an insane extent. They're so selfless, that they're practically dying and have almost no desire to do anything which could possibly help themselves. It's all about the other, even less fortunate races. The Goblins are inspirational, though incredibly weak; aside from their new incredibly well built King. I pray that they're doing well, those incredibly fashionable party loving Goblins… I was thinking such things as we made our way to the Mummydog King's Den. It turned out to be quite the crowded locale.

Mummydogs... Mummydogs were everywhere. As soon as we opened the door, they all began steamrolling out of the room and it was at that point… That one moment… When I realized that the Mummydog King was their parent. That one incredibly large Mummydog gave way to hundreds of other, far smaller Mummydogs… And they resided within this Dungeon. It's strange. Halloween creatures don't seem to produce kin of the same Tier? Everyone else does? What's the deal with Halloween?! Why are we so incredibly limited?! First off, these creatures can't procreate until having gained a stupid Tier… And second, they can't even freaking manage having children of their own Tier?! Come on! Force every single creature to become catastrophes if they wish to live a fulfilled life?! That's ridiculous! I'm pissed off. I'm starting to feel sick of Halloween. Is it too late for me to go Valentine or something? Most of these Mummydogs were either afflicted by the Curse, or were probably just fragments of their original selves. I doubt that all of these are real.. But in the event that some are, I ordered the others to calm down. We can avoid them.

The Tier 1 Scarecrows all perished relatively quickly, but the more powerful of Clansmen gathered the Candy which they had dropped, and continued on to avoid the Mummydogs which had swarmed out of the room. The Mummydogs are either running wild in the Furnace Room, or avidly chasing after some of my more resilient yet still land roaming Clansmen. Leoric, Conrad, Hobgoblin Samurai Punk, Cetilla, a particular Beartru, a Stoned Land Shark, Benji, White Beef Lady, Penny, Betty, Vivian, Edward, Molag Dregora, Robert, Connor, Con, all of the Banshees, and all of the Phantasms are meow who accompany me. The others are all scattered, running amok in the Furnace Room. Hobgoblin Samurai Punk was riding on the back of my Broom, while everyone else flew. Conrad carried Budget Shark, and the Beartru. He's a trooper. A real tough one, that Crowli. Leoric is the only one among us which is not flying… But he's just so fast, and untouchable that he managed to widdle his way into our flock.

The Mummydog King's Den is pretty basic. It's all made of sanded brick or something in here. It genuinely has that vibe. The Pyramid vibe. I should know, I've infiltrated one. Even so… This one is different. It's sandy, whereas the Pyramid that I previously encountered held more of a jungle vibe. One musn't confuse their Pyramid vibes. Let's be real, though… Those Lizardmen had no right to possess a Pyramid. Even the Mummydog King doesn't have a Pyramid. Those Lizardmen should just quit it already~ Anyways, even though this place serves those vibes… It is not a genuine Pyramid. It's just a room which feels as though it should be located within one. That is all. There are beautiful inscriptions running along the walls, probably telling of incredible tales… But on second glance… They definitely are not. There are pumpkins inscribed into the freaking walls, dude… Come on! Talk about ruining the lore! I don't even know where to begin with these inscriptions! I'm leaving. There are two arches in this room, leading into other rooms. One on the left, one on the right. Cetilla didn't remember which would be which… So we tried the right side first… And lucked out.

The Candy Man's Bakery was wondrous. It completely ditched the Pyramid theme instantly. As soon we entered through the arch, that style seemed to have been torn away and replaced by this… As though it were nothing more than a game. Even the music changed. Before, there was none… But meow, there is an old fashioned phonograph playing classical music. This room has a modernized vibe. Pastel colors, everywhere. The walls are light yellow, and the floors are made of some form of white ceramic… Marble? I suppose it doesn't matter. There's even a glass window… And the sky is bright blue. Strange, considering that the courtyard sky was most certainly orange. Tons of ovens, walls of supplies filling wooden barrels, counter-tops, cupboards, refrigerators, and freezers adorn the room… They're all pastel colors, making this place appear as if out of a children's book.

After opening the fridge, I was surprised to find that absolutely no finished product lay awaiting us. It's a shame. I can't help but feel psychologically let down. I really had my hopes up for this. Closing the door to the fridge… I was surprised to find that a little creature lay awaiting me behind it, holding an incredibly large and twisted smile. I had a flashback to the moment when Cindy pulled the exact same stunt, as the two are of similar heights... But this guy… He's far more frightening. He appears borderline psychotic, the way that he's grinning at me. No… He's past that. He's gone. He's over the bend. Entirely bonkers, he's off his rockers~ To tell you a secret, we have all begun to dance and sing along to 'M*d Hatter' while baking Candy as a group. It was a moment. The little Candy Man is a Doll~ Literally. He's a Doll. One of the very few, which I have encountered… That appears to be a male. He has a mini Chef costume on, but I can tell... He's a Doll. He's got an old fashioned face. The kind that could give you nightmares as a child but you're very well aware that it was intended for children? That kind. The interesting part about this Doll, is that he's been unaffected by the Curse. He's entirely natural.

After having our little moment as we began to bake, some of us stopped singing so that we could start getting to know the Doll. According to our new friend Roger, he was originally intended to be a gift for Mike and Ike… Because they seemed to favor the Jack in the Boxes and the Figurines over the Dolls, and the Lifeguard wanted to prove to the boys that Dolls could be a gender neutral toy… But Mike and Ike ended up being too terrified of our little friend to accept him, and he was given to Elly… Who ended up too infatuated with her female Dolls to accept him. He was a rejected Toy, and ended up being returned to the Basement... Where he was later given this very Bakery by the Sphinx… Who decided that Roger would be better suited to his cause, if left unscathed by the Clock. That's the story. A depressing factory recall scenario. He's but a mere Candy Man, incapable of stopping the Sphinx… And if he were being replicated regularly, then he would eventually fall into madness and be of no more use to the Sphinx. The Sphinx can probably consume Candy, as well. The Jackal Scarecrow Candy Woman is being used to please the hostages. The Doll Candy Man is being used to support the Sphinx directly. There's a system in place here. I feel that I'm starting to understand more of it as time goes on. Also… In my opinion, Roger is already a little off. He's not the best example for what one might claim to be sane. I don't even want to think about him if he were afflicted by the Clock for decades.

Roger, the Doll Candy Man is a Tier 5 Doll. He's not very powerful, but he's incredibly unique. According to him, the Lifeguard hasn't been able to produce any other Dolls with the Candy Man Class… Despite the fact that the Sphinx is absolutely desperate for more of them. I can't blame him. I'm also absolutely desperate for a Candy Man of my own. If I could attain more than one, I'd likely be in heaven. Imagine… My own Candy Man~ A dream come true, that's for sure. He's like a diamond in the rough, completely unscathed by the Clock.

"Join me." [Nero] beckoned with a cheerful smile unbefitting of the tone in his voice.

"...I can't" [Roger] exclaimed after suddenly stopping with the stirring of a large pot.

"You can." [Nero] declared, firmly holding his smile.

"The Sphinx gave me a place to call my own after I had been denied my purpose… Now, this is my purpose." [Roger] declared with a twisted smile as he began to happily stir his masterpiece once more.

...Welp… He's got me there… I can't even really say that the Sphinx is a terrible being, assaulting his own follower's souls… Considering that I totally have done the same thing, using [Soul Merge]. I've done it. I don't intend to do it any longer, but I've done it. It has happened, okay?! I should stop being such a hypocrite, and let the Sphinx be? Don't attempt to steal his Candy Bakers? Ugh… It's just so hard… Being the supposed Halloween Clan Leader, but then also not being more desirable than some budget version of myself. Whatever! I'll get super mad swoll and then all of the Mummy Mansion Minions will be falling all over themselves, trying to get in line to serve me! I'll show them~ Even the Sphinx will kneel to yours truly! I'll be the biggest True Allwe Halloween Cat in Melchiadore since that other one who actually managed to win the Clan War, bro! I was mulling over such thoughts as we awaited the Candy. Even though Roger has sworn fealty to the Sphinx, he has agreed to send us packing; on account of my status as the Candy Mongerer. Yes. Even if he doesn't possess enough Candy on him right meow… He's willing to bend over backwards and bake extra just so that he can properly send me off. It's like that. He appreciates my status. The Koalakin Candy Man could learn a thing or two from Roger. It's about more than just Candy… It's about respect, when you're a Candy Man dealing with the Candy Mongerer. Don't you worry, I've got time~

Cetilla and I totally ended up playing Safari Cards while we waited. Cetilla won, and then went up against Hobgoblin Samurai Punk… And to absolutely no one's surprise, she won yet again. This is why I originally declined the offer to play. I knew I would fail, and it happened. Cetilla isn't blessed with one freaking LUK per level. She can handle these kind of things, more often than not. I wish LUK were irrelevant to playing cards… But alas, that is not the type of place that Melchiadore is. Even in the Mummy Mansion which seems to bend a great many aspects of Melchiadore… Playing cards is more or less the same as always~ Seriously though… A location that actually manages to affect the use of abilities? I can't use [Hallowed Gate], [Wailing Keep], my [Daily Candy] cool-down will not end, I'm not aging, and apparently; Budget Shark was also having all sorts of problems. Locations should not be capable of bending the laws to a realm. That's just the way I see it. The Clock must be tearing this Mansion outside of the Melchiadore Realm to allow itself such an extent of administrative powers, while also keeping it tethered to Melchiadore… Allowing individuals a means of avoiding certain laws within Melchiadore. It's as though the Mummy Mansion is one large add-on package, but a virus was hidden somewhere within it… One intent to hilariously distort the add-on, effectively distorting the overall integrity of the game itself.

This entire Dungeon… It makes way for an immense amount of surplus energy being created. It's likely one of the peculiarities causing Melchiadore to be one of the most difficult realms to… To… It was something to do with removing magic? Destroying magic? It sounded pretty intense the way that Janus said it… But essentially, Melchiadore has a whole lot of energy. So much, that it just endlessly grows in amount. It's like Melchiadore is a huge breeding ground for energy, or something. At this point, I'm certain. It's Dungeons. Dungeons are the main cause for the influx of energy within Melchiadore. I wouldn't be surprised if the Mummy Mansion ended up being one of the prime reasons for the influx in energy, either. It seems to have quite the low cost on the souls of the monsters here… Allowing them to conjure weaker versions of themselves. They may not be rewarding as much experience as they normally would have… But I have a feeling that it's weighing in favor of this Dungeon being highly effective. If you can survive an encounter with all 10 creatures inhabiting the Hallways... Then you can probably grow quite powerful whilst here. It all depends on the Hallways. I was mulling over such things as I watched the Lich fail against the Catkin. She can't be stopped… Don't even try, Penny… You'll never survive! She will END you! At that very moment… I heard the Doll slam an oven door shut.

"So what do you plan to do?" [Roger] asked with a playful voice after quickly snapping his neck to face the Halloween Cat.

"We're going home." [Nero] declared bluntly with a nonchalant expression.

"Why… You're already home~ Can't you tell?" [Roger] exclaimed with a twisted look in his eyes.

"...Nero?" [Hobgoblin Samurai Punk] asked with a nervous voice.

"What do you mean?" [Nero] asked while turning his head to the side as he continued to face the Doll.

"Isn't it obvious?" [Roger] begged the question while slowly taking his hand off the oven.

"...Nero?" [Hobgoblin Samurai Punk] repeated the question, with a frantic sounding voice.

"No one ever leaves this place." [Roger] exclaimed before bursting out into a mad laughter as the lights began to flicker, and the music crackled as if someone had lift the arm off the record…

"Nero!" [Hobgoblin Samurai Punk] screamed hysterically.

"What?!" [Nero] shot back restlessly as he finally turned to face the Hobgoblin…

Crap. The Mummydogs have returned, and they're pissed. Glancing back toward the Candy Man… He's gone. Glancing toward the ovens… They're… Empty? What? Excuse me? What did we just spend all of our time doing if not baking?! Where did he even go?! This room has one exit… And I was just glancing directly at it... How. How?! Alright… Clansmen! Grab my belongings, it's time to go. I don't want to slay any more populaces within this Dungeon if at all possible. Choosing to leave this place… I guess that settles it. I'm not a Hero. I'm just some regular Halloween Cat, trying to get by. It is what it is. I don't believe that I'm powerful enough to actually save these people without their help. I can't do it alone, nor will I throw my life away trying to. I can't risk it. I'm potentially responsible for too many individuals. Many of them may or may not have perished in my absence, but that only further cements the fact that the remainder need me now more than ever. I can't afford to risk it and die down here… Which is why, I have latched on to both Samurai Punk, and Budget Shark. I say that… But Samurai Punk is totally carrying Budget Shark by the head as he rides behind me on my Broom. Cetilla is flying on her own, these nights.

We didn't go too fast, mostly on account of the Mummydogs being absolutely no threat to flying enemies. My adrenaline would have died down instantaneously, if not for us gaining the treat of watching Leoric dance across the battlefield… Masterfully forging his own path forward, without slaying a single Mummydog. A brilliant performance. It was a spectacle, to be sure. He only bothered using his shadows if it were to evade an attack, so we got the chance at witnessing a vast majority of how it played out. One could simply fill in the gaps with their own imagination to recognize the true display of dedication to his craft. The way he danced through those shadows, one might have mistaken him for a delicate; crumpled piece of paper… Gently flowing through the wind… Bouncing along as it travels, unsure of where to land; continuing to soar… Making it look as easy as it were breezy~ I'm pretty sure that it isn't actually breezy, but Cetilla's madness knows no bounds. She's probably making use of some ridiculously complex combination of abilities in order to make her fly like this… Causing me to feel somewhat chilly.

After relishing in the spectacle, I made sure to check the status' of my Clansmen. Most of the individuals who were luring the Mummydogs away survived… I guess the Mummydogs simply turned back after awhile? It's either that, or the Mummydogs who had succeeded in slaying their targets returned after they could not find any more. That's my guess, anyway~ Escaping the Mummydog Den was simplistic. Rather than fight another single monster, we shall fly our way to the exit of this Mansion. Executive decision. I don't care how many monsters come after us… Because after we ignore them, the Mummydogs probably won't be able to chase us all the way to the second floor. The same thing goes for the monsters inhabiting the Hall of 10 Horrors blocking our path back to the Circus. We can probably avoid them with little to no struggle. Cetilla didn't take too kindly to my latest declaration, but we're leaving… And we're hilariously short on Candy. It can't be helped~ These are dire straits.

While we casually flew through the Hallway, I heard quite the unsettling sound. It was a piano, but it sounded as though someone were having their head smashed into it repeatedly. It certainly did not help, considering the fact that I was very well aware of the nearest Piano's positioning… Directly ahead of us, at our current destination. It's the Circus. On arrival, we threw open the door and stepped on into whatever fate was awaiting us with a daring strut; if I might say. Cetilla's practice doing dramatic hair flips definitely paid off. Hobgoblin Samurai Punk's muscles definitely didn't hurt our chances at making an impression, either… But honestly? It was I, who stole the show when I whipped my pilot cap off into the crowd before immediately assuming my largest form. It's the 'Halloween Cat YL (Seven-Tailed)'. The Cat Crew hath landed! Nyah~

"Who dare assault my ears with a grotesque noise such as this?!" [Cetilla Vellisroi], the Dutchess of Doom beckoned hysterically as the scent of Pumpkin Spice Wind filled the room.

"Clearly, they are unaware to the fact that they are in the presence of royalty!" [Hobgoblin Samurai Punk], the (Hob)Goblin King exclaimed while raising his head and puffing out his chest as if to snub the monsters.

"These walls were meant for nothing but the sound of spooky songs and screams! To think that they would shame themselves in the presence of their one True Allwe Halloween Cat with such a ruckus..." [Molag Dregora], the Bringer of Undying scoffed.

"I will show them the meaning of pain…" [Conrad], the Sky Reaper Crowli declared with a devious expression as he cracked his skeletal fingers.

"I'll slay them if we must." [Leoric Eldinheim], the Stealth Disaster Dark Elf exclaimed with a stoic expression.

"These foolish things don't stand a chance~" [Betty], the Wraith of Wrath Banshee laughed maniacally.

"So we're melting off faces again?" [Penny] the Sinister Songmaiden Pixie asked happily, before breaking out into song… Marking the beginning of their onslaught.

They totally just stole all the rights to speak, before they started the battle. I didn't even get a say! Oh, I guess I do…

"[War Meow]!" [Nero] roared ferociously.

Now… I know what you're thinking, but the answer is 'no'. We are not simply killing all of the individuals enjoying this Circus. There just so happens to be some seriously creepy monsters abusing the others, that's all. We walked in, to find a scene of utter chaos. They immediately stopped what they were doing in the wake of our presence, but it was absolute hell; okay?! They're strange beings, which appear entirely white… But it's like… Their skin is all bumpy, and gross… They have white eyes, even whiter than their skin... It's almost glowing. They're completely bald… And completely nude. They have unnaturally large stomaches, too. It's like they're bloated or something. Glancing into their eyes, one could easily find themselves lost in the void. It's like an abyss… It's frightening, and their mouths are no different. Frightening. The mouths have sharp, razer-like teeth… These things aren't natural. They weren't supposed to be here, nor are they afflicted by the Clock. They're casually just… Here, attacking all of the party loving monsters… Attempting to beat them down, before devouring them.

"Preta…" [Hobgoblin Samurai Punk] muttered before running off into battle, holding his Hallowed Hammer high.

Watching the scene play out before me… I quickly noticed that behind me, there were dozens of Mummydogs, among other creatures approaching from the Hallway. I can hear them approaching, rapidly… In a horde. We really don't have time for this… Raising a paw to the door, I decided to try and block it off. I'll hold the door. Some of the Preta enjoy playing the Banjo. They're not bad at it, but I fail to see how playing the Banjo helps them in their quest to devour us all. Oh? The Banjo is actually stopping Cetilla's Wind from reaching them. Something like a sound barrier? It only seems to work against magical attacks, but it's stopped all of the Wraiths from being very effective. Conrad, Leoric, and Hobgoblin Samurai Punk were the only ones capable of closing the distance… But it's not as though all of my Clansmen are even with us. Some of them are still off in the Furnace Room, luring Mummy Dogs away… Honestly, at this point… I figure that we need all the help we can get over here, so Clansmen… If you are still alive and well, please join us in the Circus. I was thinking such things as I placed one paw down onto my Lantern.

And so, several monsters appeared before me. Luna, Steve, Mick, Andy, Christina, Mr and Mrs Scarecrow, and a particular Tier 5 Skeleton… Joined by the Tier 4 Skeleton, a Tier 3 Skeleton, and around 8 or 9 of the lower Tier Scarecrows. Yep. Watching it all play out, it would appear that the Banjos can actually deal damage. The poor lesser Scarecrows were obliterated within mere moments, exploding into stalks of hay… Before erupting into orange flames and returning to my Lantern. Rough. The lesser Scarecrows can never seem to catch a break~ This entire Dungeon, it seems that they have amounted to nothing more than sheer cannon fodder. We need to work on that. I'll have an army of powerful Scarecrows, yet~ Just you wait, Janus. The Forsaken Isles will be our saving grace... I can feel it. The Preta don't seem too wickedly powerful… It's almost as if the Sphinx sent them here, to feed off of the civilians as a means of forcing these monstrosities towards Evolution… So that they COULD face us. It's too bad, that we turned around and decided not to face the Sphinx~

I don't want to imagine these things after having devoured all of the inhabitants hanging out at the Circus. Honestly though… I never would have expected the Sphinx to pull such a rash move. To kill off these inhabitants could very well mean that the Dungeon would cease to operate properly. It could be a massive hit to future production of new monsters to be slain by Adventurers. Why would he risk something like that?! Not to mention… Many of these people practically idolize him… To risk ruining that reputation by attempting to have them all killed is madness. We've only met one individual with anything bad to say about the Sphinx. It was Elly's Great Grandfather. Melissa certainly acknowledged the fact that the Poacher must be stopped, and in turn… The Sphinx… But I don't know if she ever said anything regarding the Sphinx as an individual. Not even the Grandfather really had anything negative to say about the Sphinx as a person… It's just the Clock. It's the Clock. It must be driving the Sphinx insane as well. That's the only rational theory.

It seems that we have arrived in time to save the vast majority of these creatures. If I had to say… Judging by the bodies on the ground, perhaps… Three dozen perished before we stumbled across the scenario and performed our fabulously late, game changing entrance. It seems that Clenna, the Tier 7 Jackal Scarecrow Candy Woman… Justine, the Tier 6 La Ciguapa Sword Dancer… Oscar, the Tier 5 Mummy Chef... Troy and Trey, the Tier 5 Pumpkinkin Stone Throws… As well as Francis, and Lloyd, the Tier 6 Zombie Bards were all doing their best to face the Preta monsters before we had arrived. They were attempting to save the less fortunate of creatures, and continue to do so as we currently help them. They seem aware of the fact that we're not aligned with the Preta, as none of them have attempted to attack us. Perhaps… We truly are on the same team? Would these inhabitants… Still follow me, regardless of what Von and Claire had to say?! I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about it~ Even if they're constantly being assaulted by the Clock and can not escape until it has been destroyed… They still have the will to fight for themselves. I could theoretically ask them to help me face the Sphinx… But no offense, I just don't believe these individuals will be enough. We need Candy. We need the Family. That damned Family inhabiting the second and first floor of this Mansion, are far more powerful than this one Circus.

The door behind me is totally falling apart. Numerous hands are sticking out from it, clawing at my paw as it attempts to hold the crumbling door closed. I can feel it. Literally. I'm taking damage, and everything. It's… Unnerving, to say the least. My [Barrier] is taking the damage… But for some reason, I can feel it. It's probably because I'm only using the skin-tight form. I should be using the area type [Barrier]. Oh! Why don't I use the third form?! I can totally just leave a [Barrier] right here, block the door… And go join the fight! Yesh… It's happening. We're doing it~ [Barrier]! Nyah… It's holding strong. I'm taking damage for it, but it's no longer in my hands. I suppose now, for the first time in like… Ever… I'll actually be taking damage to my HP. On purpose, anyway~ I've got over 17000 HP at this very moment, so I'm feeling tough. I'm a big deal, meow. It's too bad that I'll be morally obligated to restart if I hope to provide my unborn child with an easier life. It's terrifying, the way that Halloween just totally sold me on the idea of throwing everything away in the hopes of prolonging my own lifespan. If I manage to have my child while at a Tier higher than 10, then they can learn of Allwe and Hoen immediately… And they can even Prestige immediately. Honestly though… After Tier 10… That's it.

I could theoretically continue to try and ascend to Tier 31 myself, and I very much intend to… But I don't actually need to reach Tier 31 before having a child, now do I? After they've been born, they'll probably just Prestige. I doubt that Halloween would give them the freebie of getting two Prestiges in one. It's still only going to give them an additional 70 years of finicky lifespan, regardless of how powerful they were before doing it. The only thing that might actually influence the matter at hand, is their alleged remaining lifespan. When we Prestige, we are allowed to siphon off our remaining lifespan to our Clansmen… Offering them a means of gaining power. Theoretically, if we're of a higher Tier and still have a long time left to live when we Prestige… That bonus might be better? I was mulling over such things as I mindlessly slaughtered the ravenous Preta. None of them stood a single chance, the moment that our illustrious Cat Crew stepped into the Circus. We were too early. They didn't have the time needed to gain power ample enough to stop us, or even threaten us at all for that matter.

We may be short on Candy, but we're powerful enough to be bulldozers. Each of us, in our own right. Cetilla's seemingly endless supply of MP is often used to control the skies of entire battlefields… Effortlessly. Hobgoblin Samurai Punk's Hallowed Hammer is incredibly large, and he swings it around like a champion. Not to mention, his skin… It's resilient, to say the least. I'm literally on fire, all the time; and I'm massive. This may be one of the very few rooms that I have been able to assume my full size. I'm a Boss type monster meow~ Everything, and everybody nearby is beneath me... My [Barrier] posted near the edge of the room? It encompasses a large portion of the room, just as I do. Many of my Clansmen, the inhabitants of this Mansion, the Preta, and even some Mummydogs and varying other creatures have actually been imprisoned within it… I leaked a little bit, but it's fine. Hobgoblin Samurai Punk is in the Barrier, wreaking havoc. I'm on the outside of it, burning Preta to cinders with each swat of my paws. I'm acting as though this is a game of 'Whack-A-Mole'. Several Preta have attempted to devour me from the side of my legs… But Leoric used each occasion as an opportunity to catch them off guard. He's a peach. Throughout the entire ordeal, I only managed to take around 1600 damage. It was simple. My Barrier on the other hand, took a massive hit. Roughly 14000 MP. Gone. I have 55000 left, and due to the Wailing Keep having perished… I can use it all. I don't think I can even recover it all with my measly 8 buckets of Candy. We'd best be on our way~

I'd love to save these monsters and take them with me… But as Melissa said, you can't leave the Mansion if your soul is being assaulted by the Clock. It's unfortunate, but these creatures will need to find a way to survive here long enough for me to return a far more powerful version of myself. Janus isn't even certain about whether me collecting all of the power within Melchiadore will be enough to claim dominion over Halloween or not. I can't make too many mistakes. I have an incredibly impossible mission, and I can't allow myself to throw it all way in the hopes of being a hero. I need help. I can't stop the Sphinx as things stand, and I refuse to throw my life away while trying. There are far too many people relying on me right meow. Melchiadore might as well be in flames, across the realm. They're keeping up a good front on this continent at the very least, but according to the Lionkin King… They're losing. Epically. I have a feeling that Heroes aren't supposed to only arrive once every few centuries… Considering that Dungeons only require 10 years to reset. Wild.

This Mansion, it's essentially just a safe haven for Halloween Clansmen. At some point in time, the Sphinx made the decision to become a Budget Halloween Cat… In attempts at holding an army capable of being captured by a Halloween Cat… For decades. Many of the Halloween Clansmen of this continent may have very well decided to rest here in hopes of surviving long enough to serve the next Halloween Cat. We're a rare commodity on this continent. According to legends that I have heard, Halloween Cats didn't even make it to this continent during the last Clan War. This Continent's Halloween Clansmen have gone far too long without a leader. This Mansion may have been this way for centuries, yet the inhabitants of it have all lost their minds to such an extent… That they believe not too much time has gone by. It's possible. If that were the case, then there's no telling just how much longer their souls will last before they all finally succumb to the Clock… Becoming mindless killing machines.

I need to return here. The Sphinx, insane at this point or not… Has done a spectacular job up until the moment that I arrived. He's probably just beside himself, trying to think up methods of stopping me in the fears that I've come for his head. If I show that I'm leaving, back toward the exit… He might calm down. He probably started off with valiant intentions, but at this point… Is afraid of death. He's been alive for so long, I guess that I understand? He had to have known that in order to break the Clock, we would need to stop him though… He definitely started off, knowing full well that a Halloween Cat would desire to stop him, right?! He's holding all these Clansmen… And he's even in the process of creating more. Obviously, I would desire to possess those… Right?! My Halloween Town could use a few more citizens of Allwe~ The Preta were certainly of Hoen. I have no doubt. Does that mean that the less scary of Clansmen are of Allwe? It's not even entirely about being a Wind or a Fire elemental? Nyah~ I suppose it doesn't matter… But I had a whole lot of time to think while climbing the staircase leading back into the Theatre~

After opening the door, I quickly passed the Key toward two very clearly distraught Mimes… Waited for all of my companions to vacate the staircase… Before slamming that damned door shut. I reverted my Barrier relatively quickly after we left the Circus, and had taken roughly 5000 more damage by the time that I did. I also returned to my Human form, so that I could carry my Lantern and Broom once more. I have around 50000 MP left, and have once again began to use my skintight Barrier. It's the second form~ Leaving the overly dramatic Mimes who certainly had absolutely no reason to be as upset as they were… We entered a particular Hallway. It was the one leading back to the Dollhouse. It's not as though we killed several of their companions, or anything. Don't get in our way, I guess? We were feeling pretty confident in our comrades at the time, but we've been brutally let down. Clearly, Melissa will need us to hold her hands if she hopes to rally the other inhabitants of this Mansion. We don't have time for it any longer. I want to get out of here, and resume my life. Also, I want to restart my life. As soon as possible.

I'll need to attain incredible amounts of Candy as soon as we get our payment. I'll definitely need to use that Candy, while aiming at creating clothing to last for the next several shipments while I pretend to still have my former power. I don't want the citizens of Reygid to assume the worst if my shipments begin to diminish in value… So I'll stage myself a little farce~ I'll prepare an absurd amount of clothing before I choose to Prestige, and then skimp out while I actually send the shipments. I won't send it all at once, even though it will essentially all just be one massive shipment. It will come in intervals… At the regular, scheduled time… Which I may or may not have missed due to my quest here, but Clive had been given proper warning… So it's fine. I simply shan't allow it to happen again! And with that, my new course of action hath been decided~ I shall purchase an immense amount of Candy… Prepare an immense amount of Clothing… Move the Lost Kingdom to the Forsaken Isles... Purchase incredible weapons for myself, White Beef Lady, and Luna Pratz… Bestow an immense amount of experience to White Beef Lady as well as Luna Pratz… Hide out for several months while I ruthlessly aim to develop my ability proficiencies before forcing my own Evolutions in excessively tedious ways to ensure that I do not skip a single Evolution… Find more time to support the surviving Goblins in their farming, housing, and training endeavors… While also finding more time to attempt at training my other Clansmen which I decide to neglect recapturing immediately… And continuing to check up on the Vampiric Lionkin King… And hopefully, hold a spectacular event to be later known as the Tournament of Night. Yep. I've got a whole lot on my plate. Some, more important than others… But definitely high on my list of priorities.

I was thinking such things as Hobgoblin Samurai Punk pushed on, through the Hallway. He's brave, that one. My Clansmen are working more as a means of having his back, because it's admittedly a little difficult to safely get around his Hallowed Hammer. Cetilla's been focusing her attacks on the monsters waiting behind each door. Without the help of my cannon fodder Scarecrows to check each door… She's been taking a whole lot more damage than usual. She's... Struggling? Finally? For the first time ever, Cetilla Vellisroi… The Dutchess of Doom, is struggling? Gather round, folks… This rare sighting should be commemorated. And so, we have begun to perform 'Sweet Dr*ams'~ It was a masterful performance. We continued to sing the song all the way through the Hallway, as if it were on repeat… Seamlessly. According to Cetilla, we have another night after the next bell. We have three hallways remaining until we reach the Foyer. Due to our choosing to neglect the monsters in the basement Hallway… One might say that we've saved a considerable amount of time.

Considering that we know full well what the next rooms awaiting us are, we have decided to take a break here; in the Dollhouse. It's an empty set of rooms, genuinely more comforting of a locale to be in than the ones awaiting us. Also, after watching the fight within the Hallway, I came to one startling discovery. Cetilla, could very well find herself becoming petrified sooner or later due to the lack of Scarecrows. I'm incapable of regenerating them, even if I choose to devour all of my Candy. They are permanently locked away within Halloween, until I can escape this locale and regenerate myself over some much needed sleep… Or obtain a vast amount of Candy. If she falters, and we lose her in this battle… We will have little to no choice, other than to push on in a mad attempt at outrunning the monsters… And somehow, defeating them within the Foyer… Or holding them off long enough to escape through the Foyer. It won't be fun. Our battle against the Preta didn't last all of too long, but I took immense damage from trying to hold that many creatures back. Taking on that many at once, is practically suicide. It gets worse. The final Hallway, is twice the length of the two Hallways that we are about to traverse through. If Cetilla falters before we meet the final Hallway, it very well might be our undoing. She's been holding up a good front, but she's definitely nearing her limits.

If she fails before we reach the Foyer, I could theoretically send my Clansmen to try and deal with the rooms… But honestly… None of them have a very good affinity against the Slimes. They're the most deadly monster of the bunch, I swear… We need Slimes. I want One Eyed Slime Clansmen! Wait a second… The Goblins might have great abilities in comparison to their level because they were accustomed to facing Tier 1 Slimes over long durations of time? I should probably have Slimes be the first monster that I face after committing to the heavily acclaimed Prestige. I'm doing it to increase my age… But what about my Companions? How do they justify me attaining all of this power only to throw it away in attempts at selfishly lengthening my own life?

"Oi. Why do you still align yourselves with me if I'm so selfish?" [Nero] asked with eyes wide.

"What could you possibly be talking about now?" [Cetilla] sighed.

"You don't even want to know…" [White Beef Lady] groaned.

"You're hardly selfish." [Hobgoblin Samurai Punk] declared with a smile.

"I've had a great many creatures killed to attain my current power… Yet I intend to throw it all away in attempts at living a longer life." [Nero] exclaimed with a blank expression.

"You're only able to live up to 7 years currently, right?" [Hobgoblin Samurai Punk] begged the question with a knowing look.

"That is correct." [Nero] sighed.

"Yet even that, is uncertain… Considering how quickly you age." [Hobgoblin Samurai Punk] exclaimed while rubbing his own chin.

"So?" [Nero] asked with eyes wide.

"I think what he's trying to get at, is that it's expected of you to seek a means of living a longer life… Considering how you are still nowhere near finished achieving your goals." [Cetilla] explained with a grin.

"But… How long do you expect to live?" [Nero] begged the question.

"Eh… Probably a decade or two, at most." [Cetilla] sighed with a carefree attitude.

"Then why should I feel entitled to desperately aim toward living a longer life even if you generally seem to be fine with the cards that you've been dealt?!" [Nero] asked as if exasperated.

"There seems to have been a misunderstanding…" [Cetilla] sighed before continuing…

"I could theoretically survive as long as eighty or more years… But I doubt that I will, considering my own questionable life choices." [Cetilla] explained while acting as though it were out of her hands.

"Well I for one, hope to live as long as one hundred more years!" [Hobgoblin Samurai Punk] declared proudly while gazing off into the distance.

"And I, shall live forever!" [Molag Dregora] exclaimed with a terrifying expression.

"I'll probably perish some time after Nero does." [Luna Pratz] sighed while shrugging her shoulders.

"Not me~ I'll perish the very moment that Nero does!" [Benji] declared with an excited expression. To which, Vivian, Edward, and Robert all happily shrieked, while a particular Pixie gasped before begging the question...

"Have you decided?" [Penny] asked while looking to Christina.

"No~" [Christina] sighed.

"Decided on what?" [Hobgoblin Samurai Punk] asked with eyes wide.

"To join Nero in his crusade against Hoen after death in Melchiadore or not." [Leoric Eldinheim] explained with a calculating expression.

"I will fight." [Mr Scarecrow] exclaimed bluntly. To which, Mrs Scarecrow nodded.

"I will follow Molag Dregora." [Tier 5 Skeleton] solemnly exclaimed.

"I intend to stay in Melchiadore." [Molag Dregora] declared with a carefree expression.

"If I serve Nero's child, then I can attain even more fame from my performances in Melchiadore before finally stepping forth to stop Hoen." [Wendel] explained with a smirk.

"Nero's child?!" [Cetilla] shot back with an exasperated expression.

"Not that you would know, considering that you were so busy with tormenting that poor Ghoul… But he's got it under good authority that having a child will increase his likelihood of winning the Clan War for Halloween." [White Beef Lady] explained with a promiscuous look on her face.

"I see…" [Cetilla] remarked while glancing to the side.

"So why have we stopped here like this?" [Hobgoblin Samurai Punk] begged the question while referencing to the Dollhouse.

"I'm at an impasse." [Nero] sighed.

"Again?!" [Cetilla] shot back.

"I'm afraid that you may find yourself in the same state as Budget Shark if things keep up the way that they are… So I decided that we might be better off to take a break here in the meanwhile… So that we might be capable of making one mad flight toward the Foyer near the final bell… To have one last stand, long enough to last until the bell actually rings. If you fail in the Hallways, we'll be forced toward using my Clansmen to handle the doors… Or making one final sprint, regardless. I want to time it correctly, because my Clansmen probably won't be able to deal with the One Eyed Slimes." [Nero] explained with a nervous expression.

"Nero… There's just one problem with your evaluation of the situation. I'm absolutely fine, and will not perish to a mere One Eyed Slime." [Cetilla] slammed the notion down with an irritated expression before continuing...

"Let's go." [Cetilla] declared with a twisted grin.

"Fine..." [Nero] groaned as he picked up his Lantern and Broom once more.

And so, we are once again… Making our way through this exhausting Dungeon. Hallways are a pain. You can't tell me otherwise. They're incredibly proficient for experience, but thanks to the rule that the monsters inhabiting them will follow you should you not slay them immediately… These Hallways are a pain. That's my stance on it, but Cetilla certainly does not feel the same way~ We're currently heading to the Maze of Mirrors. My Clansmen are actually helping Hobgoblin Samurai Punk a little more this time around… Mainly Leoric and Conrad, but I think I may have noticed Mr and Mrs Scarecrow thrashing a few times between each swing of his Hallowed Hammer. White Beef Lady was further ahead, kicking the Mummies while in her Wolf form. The Crows tried to help, but it's unclear how much damage they were dealing. I suppose the same thing goes for White Beef Lady. The Bats, Vampires, Skeletons, and Wraiths all casually remained near me… Watching as it all played out as they enjoyed Wendel, Penny, and Christina's performance. The Skeletons totally helped by sliding their skeletal fingers across their chests, or stomping their feet. It was quite the unique rendition to 'She W*lf'. I enjoyed it thoroughly. They continued on to play a number of other songs, but I think they were just making things up as they went along. It was almost like… A mashup, with lots of artistic freedom.