Chapter 84 - Day 84 & Night 84

By the time that we finally encountered the Maze of Mirrors once again… I had ascended to the level of 3491. It's not a big deal or anything, as apparently; Adventurers can achieve such feats as well… But I'm happy about it. It took a long time… But the Mummy Mansion definitely played a major role in my progression. There's just one thing left to do~ Survive the encounter, and live to tell the tale. Well… It would have also been nice if we stopped the Sphinx, but you can't have everything. Sometimes, people are impossible to save. Sometimes, you just need to wait it out, and save them later. It's unfortunate, but these things happen. We're moving on! To bigger, and brighter things… Like the Forsaken Isles. Can you tell that I'm excited? I'm beyond myself, but if I have any regrets… It's the fact that I abandoned those creatures at the Circus, and the fact that Goddin Village Neith Sama needed to perish in order for me to make this decision. Those... Those two things will likely haunt me for the remainder of my nights.

I was thinking such things as I continued to walk through the Maze, glancing at my own distorted reflection in the Mirrors. The Bandsmen were performing 'F*nhouse' yet again… And it was just as depressing the second time around as it was the first… Until it wasn't. They succeeded in getting my mind off of things, and now we're all frolicking through the Maze with vigor. It's a beautiful song. We continued on to dance along to the 'Ballroom Bl*tz' for good measure. It was a moment, that's for sure. I should find new songs for the Bandsmen to enjoy if we survive this spectacular Manor. They performed 'M*nster' quite well that one time, when I was trying to work out… But do I really want to add that to our concert playlist? It's filled with references that literally no one aside from me can understand… They simply enjoy it for the beat, I think… But then again, I suppose that's all that matters? The melody? Nyah~

"So, do you want a new song if we get back?" [Nero] begged the question while adjusting his aviators. To which, many Bandsmen could be heard cheering before resuming in their performance.

"It better be a great song." [Cetilla] declared bluntly.

"...Can I have one?" [Hobgoblin Samurai Punk] asked while raising an eyebrow.

"Sure~" [Nero] replied with a smile, ignoring the Sorceress.

"Hmph!" [Cetilla] let out, as she turned her head to the side… Hair whipping along as she did so.

"I think I have the perfect song for you~" [Nero] shot back with a wry smile.

"Oh yeah?" [Cetilla] asked with a grin.

"Perfect..." [Nero] replied in a soft voice as he continued with his twisted expression. To which, the Sorceress simply smiled.

And so… The conversation ended up taking a turn towards me being marauded by requests for more songs to learn, specifically for the upcoming festival. It's official. The Bandsmen will be perfecting a plethora of new tunes. Also, we're totally having a festival when this is all said and done. I know that I had declared we wouldn't be until the slavery problem within Reygid was solved… But this Dungeon has been pretty messed up, you guys… Also, the whole attack against the Wailing Keep is something that I can't ignore. We need to honor the dead, by throwing the largest festival that we've ever held. It can't be helped... We hold festivals. It's definitely not just the fact that I want to get absolutely smashed by Georgia's esteemed alcohol this time. This genuinely matters. A King just died. Nay… The only King which I have ever respected, has perished. We absolutely need to send him off. Properly. I'll need a very special song, just for him… I think… I think, I might perform it myself. Yesh… I'll be making my official debut as a Bandsman… And I will be dedicating the song to none other than Goddin Village Neith Sama. He's going to love it. I'll make sure to bring him back as a Phantasm or something. He deserves to see it all happen, after all. I wonder if resurrecting the previous Goblin King… Would rescind Hobgoblin Samurai Punk's claim to the throne? It's possible… I suppose~

Even if Hobgoblin Samurai Punk lost his right to be called the (Hob)Goblin King… He's still probably one of, if not… The most powerful (Hob)Goblin within Melchiadore. He's a noteworthy (Hob)Goblin. With, or without title. The Cat Crew only takes in the best, after all~ We're among the most prestigious of all organizations, if I must say. We have a Holiday Clan Leader, a freaking Dutchess, a statue, a King, not one… But TWO Chefs, and we even threw in a Pirate. For good measure. Milton was totally supposed to be a Fisher… But I think he's been neglecting his duties as of late. Rei was honestly, the least necessary member to our Crew. Without a doubt… But she's Cetilla's best friend. I'm not about to get in the way of that~ No, thank you… I'd rather keep the Sorceress around, I think. I wouldn't want her against me, that's for damn sure. She's far too powerful! Not a single one of my Clansmen could stop that… No offense, everyone. Also… I must admit. I like having Cetilla around. We get along quite well, for the most part. Not to mention… She's given up so much for this valiant fight that I would like to call 'The Crazed Cat's Continental Cleaning Crusade'... Even without being one of my Clanswomen… She's given just as much effort to lessening my struggle as anyone. I struggle!

It happens to the best of us. Sometimes, when you see something that not only makes you feel uncomfortable… But also, angered… You simply must stand up, and do your damned best to put an end to it. This frame of thinking has caused me a great many struggles… But I'm not certain that I'm willing to put my beliefs to rest just about yet. I'm not done~ There are several things in Melchiadore which I feel as though, I could probably step up and try to change. Slavery in the Beastkin Kingdom is definitely on that list… But what about the Demon Kingdom? They're brutally torturing hundreds of individuals. This very Mansion is a whole other can of worms… Not to mention, the freaking Forest of Witches' rampant sexism… And there's totally something off about the Forest of Fae. They need to open their gates, and stop living in seclusion the way that they have been. This continent can't afford to be so segregated. It won't work… The Dragons definitely need to get along, but then again… No, I'm not about to go smack around a few hundred Dragons. I don't have it in me. They're legendary creatures, they deserve respect, AND fear! A healthy dose of fear, as when one comes across Dragons; they need only steer clear~

Trade is going to be an essential component to this continent, if they hope to not only hold the catastrophes at bay… But also thrive while doing so. If we take everyone in the Lost Kingdom to the Forsaken Isles… The other Kingdoms will finally be able to freely trade as they please. Who knows? Maybe, just maybe… The war against the Demon Kingdom will resume. The continent as a whole has been doing relatively fine without a Holiday Clan Leader… But what's going to happen if I fail at saving these lands? It can only get worse, as the catastrophes will continue to grow in size. By the time that they actually leak out… They'll be on such a level… That they could theoretically wipe this entire place off the map. Limitless power is a frightening thing in a game-like world featuring almost no means of respawning… And probably hundreds of Dungeons which also grow stronger… Constantly threatening the lives of everyone else. It definitely does not help when the Dungeons can also resurrect themselves 10 years after being conquered. It's an endless, desperate battle in which Melchiadore has been forced to face. It's no surprise to me, that modern science does not seem to exist here. The fight is all-consuming... One simply can't ignore it. Yet, I managed to go absolutely unaware of the situation for a vast majority of my life within Melchiadore… I suppose it can't be helped~ I was but a mere Kitten, playing with Fish and Costumes. My eyes are finally open…

I was thinking such things as we finally escaped that twisted maze. At this point, it seems as though the Bandsmen perform more often than not. We're like a marching band, these nights. Honestly? I don't mind. It's almost as if I'm constantly walking with a boombox or something. It's quite nice. We mean business, when we walk~ We're constantly showing off our artisical talent; and style. We look good, while we do the things that we do. We even smell good. At this point, we all smell like Pumpkin Spice Wind. It's all Cetilla's fault... But I don't mind it. Sometimes, when we enter a room… Time is slowed, but it might only be for us. When we do these so called 'things'... We really freaking do them, okay?! We're probably the most dramatic army that one could ever find. You know what… If you can find a flashier army than us, we'll probably show up at your doorstep and prove you wrong. That is, if you're not some tragedy type monster. We'll need a week or two to think things over, and gather our Candy. Nothing drives the war effort more than Candy~ Seriously. We're meow in another one of those God forsaken Hallways… Or apparently, as they're called… Hallways of 10 Horrors. Nyah. We're going through one of the light versions, where they're not absolutely freaking covered in blood before we even enter… And the lights work slightly better. They don't flicker as much, it's a more lavish living space up here.

Oh? It would appear that I have risen a flag. I needed a few seconds to let my eyes adjust… But it's dark in here meow. Thankfully, a vast majority of our eyes glow orange… And we all basically have night vision. It's like, one of those super secret abilities that never actually claims to exist. I think it might be a Halloween trait? It's definitely something, that's for sure. If we had regular eyesight… I can only imagine how we might look right meow. It's probably just a whole lot of orange flame eyes lighting up the dark… While totally wreaking havoc… Performing wonderfully… And even finding some time to talk while doing it. I'm even helping with the doors, and everything.

"So, Nero… Your greatest weakness is your inability to see things through to the end." [Cetilla] abruptly declared as she absolutely tore a nearby Mummy to shreds with one flick of a finger… Hair flowing violently, as always.

"Yours is probably the fact that you're too trigger happy to make a strategic retreat." [Nero] shot back before whipping a door open, and disappearing into its depths to face a Zombie.

"You didn't even sense anything!" [Cetilla] screamed hysterically from the Hallway.

"I practically never do!" [Nero] shot back as he swiped his claws, ripping the Zombie's decayed face off… Slaying it instantaneously.

"You did at that rocky clearing~" [Cetilla] retorted as she continued to hurl cut after cut, slicing apart more and more Mummies as she walked.

"I didn't even sense the Cyworctus that we spent like a full week trying to kill..." [Nero] confessed with a groan as he continued on to check another door.

"The Banshees aren't very strong..." [Cetilla] sighed.

"You're just too powerful!" [Betty] screamed hysterically as she painstakingly sucked the lifeforce of a One Eyed Slime roughly twenty doors behind us.

"Agreed..." [Conrad] solemnly declared as he swept on by, before assaulting a distant Mummy.

"I think it was a good decision to return." [Hobgoblin Samurai Punk] exclaimed calmly after returning from one of the rooms… Flexing all of his ridiculously sculpted muscles.

"I'm beginning to resent you..." [Cetilla] muttered with a terrifying expression as she glared at the (Hob)Goblin King.

"Samurai Punk will live on." [Nero] declared with a flat voice as he rolled his eyes.

"He's ruining all of my fun!" [Cetilla] groaned as she continued in her tangent against the Mummies.

"The lives of everyone in the Lost Kingdom are hanging in the balance. We need to learn what happened, and we need to ensure that it will never repeat itself if you ever hope to reclaim it." [Leoric Eldinheim] exclaimed with a calculating look after stepping out from his own shadow.

"Besides… I need to Prestige if I hope to live long enough to actually make very much of a difference. I can't afford to take the power of that Sphinx prematurely if I hope to claim dominion over Halloween, either." [Nero] confessed with a sigh before opening yet another door.

"Don't forget… We've run out of Candy." [Luna Pratz] chimed in with a dejected expression before resuming in her song.

"I refuse to perish in here, if it means that many of my Clansmen may succumb to the Clock... Or if it means that all of our other friends will also die. We need answers." [Nero] declared with a pained expression.

"Maybe we can actually break the Clock now?" [Hobgoblin Samurai Punk] exclaimed with a look of optimism after returning from a room.

"One can hope..." [Nero] sighed before entering another room, only to return with eyes wide before slamming the door shut immediately.

"You're probably the only one of us who possibly could." [Cetilla] groaned while glancing toward the Hobgoblin.

"Nero has a lot of STR too, though..." [Hobgoblin Samurai Punk] sighed before opening another door and disappearing into its depths.

"What are your stats even like now?" [Nero] asked while opening another door... To find an Arachnae.

"I'm level 3586, while Cetilla is level 5658!" [Hobgoblin Samurai Punk Sama] exclaimed with an award winning smile as he returned from a room.

"Wait... How much strength do you have, then?" [Nero] begged the question with a look of surprise as he held a new doorknob and turned his head around to face the Hobgoblin.

"7172!" [Hobgoblin Samurai Punk] happily exclaimed while flexing an arm. To which, the Sorceress with a mere 5685 STR groaned.

"Huh... So I truly am the strongest..." [Nero] muttered while continuing to check yet another room... To find a Clown.

As I pounced on the Clown, I began to think about how Cetilla totally beat me. She's gained more power than me during this quest. It's ridiculous, just how many levels she has accumulated. All three of us... We're all Tier 11 Monsters meow. Cetilla is totally a Tier 12 Catkin, but she's a force of nature at this point. I may never catch up, considering the Prestige function which only I seem to require. It's almost... As if I'm destined to spend a vast majority of my life in a weakened state. If I hope to rule Halloween, I'll need to take things slowly. One can't simply rush ability proficiency. It very clearly does not work. You need to use the abilities quite often. Too many times, really. I can't afford to Evolve more than once by slaying just one creature, either. I'll need to be very particular with my next Prestige. Tier 33 will be brutal to achieve... I could cry. Tier 33 is practically god-status, if you ask me... That's a whole nightmare and a half!

Enhancing my Time Magic essentially causes me to live my life at an exponential rate, which I can neither stop; nor slow... Unless I stay within this fabulous yet highly questionable Mansion. Sure, I can do it... It might even help me reach Tier 31 faster, but what's the point in reaching Tier 31 if the Candy I eat doesn't bestow me with very much MP? What will happen if I can't manifest more than a handful of Hallowed Gates? I need them to help feed the Lost Kingdom, and run my side business with Clive... What about my larger Human form?! I want to look good, you know?! I'm sick of appearing to be a child! It's not fun... Also, the Cat forms just aren't very good at riding on Brooms. I'll need to train my Tails to learn how to use them properly, like Kendra. It can't be helped. I'll have the largest training montage of all time, desperately attempting to ensure that I can enhance as many of my abilities as possible! Nyah!

"Another one?!" [Betty] screamed hysterically, having finally encountered the One Eyed Slime that Nero had frantically slammed the Door on… Only to be brutally ignored.

I was too busy humming along to the music as I slew more monsters to care. Sorry, but I'm not going to face those things. I'm not entirely certain that I'm invulnerable to petrification. No, I won't be a statue. We're not doing that, Wendel. It doesn't matter how much you want it to happen, it's not going to happen. At this point, most of my Clansmen are generally just singing and dancing, not really dedicated to the battle. Whatsoever. I think they're just trying to make it out alive, at this point. It's either that, or they're too busy being happy about the new song recommendations that I have yet to decide. Honestly, though? Most of my Clansmen probably already know a vast majority of the songs on the Scaraoke machine monster. They surprise me with them all the time… But I don't think that they've MASTERED every single song yet. It's as though they don't care enough about many of the songs personally, to take the time to perfect them… Until I actually point out that they would be a fantastic pick for them. It's like that. They just need a little bit of encouragement, is all. By the time that we had actually finished clearing the Hallway out… I had achieved level 3869. I'm pretty strong, but a lot of my Clansmen have perished. It's genuinely just the most powerful of the races remaining… Except all of the Scarecrows have perished, alongside the Bats, and even Christina. Penny very clearly had an emotional breakdown as it happened… But she turned it around with a twisted revenge plot, mostly involving a whole lot of Pixie Powder after the very long and drawn out; yet still NOT permanent death of our favorite Corocdae~

We all stood by in fear, and utter disbelief as we watched. It was an intense moment, when Christina died. It was a One Eyed Slime which apparently was fed up with how slow all of the Wraiths had been fighting it… As it vacated its' room, invaded the Hallway… And slowly crept up from behind us all. It was terrifying... Christina, being absolutely out of character; decided to dramatically leap in front of us, saving everyone from that deranged Slime. She died a hero, giving Cetilla enough time to notice that everyone else was fleeing to hide behind her… Obliterating Mummies left, dead right, and center as we frantically passed by her in slow motion. The Scarecrows didn't make it out in time, and literally all four Bats foolishly thought that they could stop the Slime after Christina's falter if they used a pack system... But alas, only the Sorceress proved capable of putting an end to its wrath. Wendel totally just stood by, the entire time… Watching it while she continued to sing opera as if nothing had even happened.

Wendel is apparently invulnerable to petrification. She can't be petrified, at all. Be that as it may, she doesn't seem to have any intention of attacking the One Eyed Slimes. She… She's a traitor. She's enjoying this! I can tell! She just had a very subtle smirk! I swear… Wendel, you are definitely not inheriting my experience points after I Prestige! You've been practically useless, this entire Quest… But at least, we have music. Clearly, your priorities are straight in this life or death scenario… Actually, she was helpful when we needed to create the Wind Barrier; I think… And she's screamed a few times, to help cause more bleeding to our enemies… But most of these enemies don't even have blood to begin with. She's been countered beyond belief, yet she also possesses a very suitable counter to face them with. The Bones from the Mummies… They're all over the place. She can definitely use them rather than Pebbles… But alas, she doesn't seem to be trying... I was correct. Traitor.

Truthfully… Only one monster in these Hallways is worthy of being called the name. The One Eyed Slimes are the true Horrors of THESE Halls! Mummy Mansion?! Are you kidding?! This is clearly the One Eyed Slime's domain! They're practically unstoppable! Thank Janus we have this exceptionally reliable Dutchess with us, or I honestly don't know where we might be right meow. Honestly though… I find is strange how Hobgoblin Samurai Punk is not actually a STR based individual. He has a surprisingly low STR compared to his aesthetic. Is he… Actually some kind of tank? What?! I thought I was the team's tank, though?! He's filling an unnecessary role right meow! What the heck?! Pick your own playstyle, bro! This is basic gamer etiquette, you guys… Don't all just pick the same class! It's not viable if you desire a noteworthy team. We've been had! The Cat Crew, suddenly… We're basic. We're freaking disasters, but we're basic. Basic disasters. This won't do… Hobgoblin Samurai Punk needs a new class, or something. I'm quite certain that I can't change mine at this point, so… It's on him.

I was thinking such things until we finally reached the end of the Hallway. We're alive. Most of us, anyway. Not all were destined to survive this Quest, it would appear. The One Eyed Slimes ruined just about everything for us. Thankfully, as soon as my Clansmen are petrified… They disappear into Halloween. I don't need to deal with carrying them, but they're not coming back. I don't have the Candy, so we're alone. Yep… It was horrible, honestly… It's just Conrad, Leoric, Luna, Wendel, Cetilla, Hobgoblin Samurai Punk, and Molag Dregora remaining. Literally everyone else has fallen. Rather dramatically, if I must say. After we had all fled behind Cetilla, the doors… They ALL flung right open, releasing absolute chaos into OUR Hallway! All those monsters, steamrolled out of their doors as if they freaking owned the place or something! The audacity! Many brave Clansmen gave their lives trying to save us, while other; less honoroable individuals like Penny tried to escape… But Wendel… Wendel stood there… Singing, the entire time. She's brutal, but we survived. We're in the Toy Room. The Toys are still utterly broken, covering the floor. I think… Some of these Toys were definitely real. The Horrors of the Hallways always burn away into nothingness after around 30 minutes. I didn't notice it at first, but our battles have began to seem as though they last longer. We're definitely not at optimal fighting strength. Even I, the Tier 11 True Allwe Halloween Cat have lost nearly a third of my MP.

I believe it may have been a mistake to try and fight our way through here, but meow… There's only one Hallway remaining. It should have 150 doors. Not pretty, but not the longest Hallway that we've ever dealt with. At this point, Luna's barely even holding on. She's been slowly feeding me her MP, through the use of [Unholy Healing]. It's a pretty neat ability… But she's already spent. She has exactly 53 MP remaining, at this point… She's just having that MP for the sake of seeing how it all plays out, first hand. Whether we live, or die. It sucks, but Luna and Wendel are definitely going to need to begin helping me with carrying the buckets. I'm not going to leave a single bucket behind. I won't have it. These are my buckets, I'll have you know. I've been quite dedicated, in order to attain them. I won't allow some deranged Sphinx to claim them for himself! Mine~ Wendel's considerably upset to have been given a new task, but this is what happens… When you decide to neglect facing our opponents during one of the most crucial moments yet, especially considering that you're probably the best candidate for the enemy at hand. This is how it gets. Chop chop, eternally Weeping Angel~

"So, where do you all see yourselves in 10 years?" [Nero] begged the question with a casual expression as he glared at the final Hallway's doorknob.

"...Where is this coming from?" [Cetilla] shot back while clearly stifling a laugh.

"Just figured that we'd end our lived with a good note." [Nero] confessed with a sigh.

"Hopefully, on a Throne in the Monster Kingdom." [Hobgoblin Samurai Punk] declared with a weak smile.

"We aren't going to die." [Cetilla] declared with a flat voice.

"But if we do… Got any aspirations?" [Nero] repeated the question with a smug look.

"You took me by surprise with the decision to move for the Forsaken Isles… So, perhaps we'll actually survive that long..." [Cetilla] exclaimed while rubbing her chin.

"Survival? That's it?" [Nero] shot back with a look of exasperation.

"When in Melchiadore…" [Cetilla] exclaimed with a grin, while rolling her eyes.

"You're incorrigible." [Nero] retorted with a tired expression before turning to face the others.

"I may choose to return to Vanheim..." [Leoric Eldinheim] declared with a look of uncertainty.

"Understandable~" [Nero] sighed as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Without proper means of attaining fresh blood, remaining at Nero's side may prove to be my best choice." [Luna Pratz] confessed with a serious expression.

"Logical…" [Nero] muttered while nodding his head.

"I'll be raising a City of the Dead..." [Molag Dregora] declared solemnly with a monstrous tone of voice.

"Wait, what?" [Nero] muttered after turning his head to face the Lich.

"I'll stay with Nero until the skies turn red." [Conrad] exclaimed with a sadistic expression.

"Huh?!" [Nero] let out, with a look of exasperation.

"I'll be on Lorimaki Island, performing for all of my adoring fans~" [Wendel] sighed, as if lost in a dream.

"Of course…" [Nero] groaned.

Welp… There you have it… They all have their own desires~ Some, more questionable than others… Also, Cetilla totally gave Molag AND Conrad 'high fives' after I turned to face the door once more. I heard them do it, as if to mock me or something. Not everyone can be downright evil, OKAY?! It's not in me, or something! Ask Janus, I'm sure he'll lay it all out and clear for you! Nyah! Freaking… Followers to the God of Kindness. God of Kindness, in a freaking video game world… Who decided that this was a good idea? It's absolutely broken, if you ask me. I drew the shortest God card, that's for sure. Wrath or kindness, YOU decide which passive buff you want in your dungeon crawler. Guaranteed, you picked wrath; didn't you? Don't lie to me, I saw! I screen-peeked and everything, bro! Trying to fool me… Pfft. As if~

"As long as we're on the topic… What about you, Nero?" [Hobgoblin Samurai Punk] begged the question while tilting his head.

"...In ten years… I see myself… Flying above a beautiful, busy Town filled with wonderfully dressed citizens of all kinds, enjoying their days in peace. The Town would be surrounded by several hundred trees, growing delicious fruit… There would be bushes scattered everywhere, filled with strange berries… And hundreds of animals would be roaming freely in the surrounding areas. A particular Keep might be visible if one were to search hard enough for it, too." [Nero] confessed with a weak smile before glancing at the rusty doorknob once more.

"That's sweet and all, but do you really think you'll be able to reclaim the Monster Kingdom in just ten years?" [Cetilla] begged the question while raising an eyebrow.

"It's a long shot… But maybe?" [Nero] sighed as he shrugged.

"Well, there's no need to rush as long as Nero can keep up with his Prestiges." [Hobgoblin Samurai Punk] declared with a look of determination.

"Hmmm~ I guess…" [Cetilla] groaned, as if finally understanding the weight of their endeavors.

"I don't mean to be the barer of bad news… But all of the Wraiths perished." [Leoric Eldinheim] exclaimed while looking around.

"Yeah…" [Nero] groaned, while remembering the event.

"I'll handle the One Eyed Slimes." [Cetilla] declared with a grin.

"That's great… But I'm actually going to die if I need to face the Mummies..." [Hobgoblin Samurai Punk] exclaimed with a dejected expression..

"I'll help you." [Nero] declared with a look of determination before turning the doorknob, and finally swinging it open.