Chapter 86 - Night 86

I feel as though I spent most of my sleep tossing and turning… It's difficult to put your mind off of something so serious, and depressing. These people turned to me for help… And many of them paid for that mistake with their very lives. It's gut wrenching… I should never have allowed greed to control me. I took Ivand's quest because of the pay. I can't lie. I did it. I came with impure intentions, I came across quite the serious tragedy… And I still left, with my impure intentions. I mean… I left, because I didn't have enough Candy… I didn't have enough strength… And my comrades were endangered… But I also left for the Coin. The Coin matters, it can't be forgotten. I make myself sick. If I could sleep any longer, I probably would… But I can't. To be frank, I've already been awake more or less, for the last 5 hours probably. It's been horrible, but the driving factor for me deciding to get up right this instant… It's not even because I can't sleep. It's because there's been a particular Wolfenrine begging for MY forgiveness at my bedside, for the last 4 hours. At least. Wilson accidentally chomped down on a couple Harpies, and even that… Is my fault. Why am I even the one who he's trying to gain forgiveness from?! I'm irrelevant. Apologize to the freaking Harpies, bro! Learning of it has only made things worse. Just go ahead and add it to the rapidly growing list of my sins…

I don't even know what to say… I need to make an announcement, but all that I've got is: 'We'll be safer in the Forsaken Isles, and also… Please forgive my incompetence.' Is that enough? I don't think it's enough. After everything that I've dragged these people through, why would they dare follow me to such a precarious locale? I'm beside myself… I don't deserve to lead. I deserve death, probably. Why even bother Prestiging? I couldn't even save the very first friend that I met in Melchiadore. I'm a complete, and utter failure. There is no room for leeway, I'm the bad guy. I'm supposed to be the good guy, follower of some angel that I had literally never even heard of before… But why do I feel like even that, has gone wrong? Kindness? Are you sure? Really?!

"His name is Hael." [Janus] groaned. To which, Wilson seemed particularly stunned.

"Wilson… Why are you apologizing to me?" [Nero] begged the question with a dry voice while ignoring the Hunky Beefcake.

"Hmph." [Janus] let out before promptly disappearing.

"Y-Y-You saved me from the brink of death… I repaid you by sullying your name and devouring three innocent Harpies…" [Wilson] stammered while in tears.

"Wilson… It's my fault." [Nero] sighed as he began to stretch while still in his Cat form.

"How?!" [Wilson] shot back with a hysterical expression.

"I neglected to look after you, and explain your new form after having you turned." [Nero] explained while getting out of bed and realizing that all of his Buckets had been returned to the corner of the room.

Huh… It must have been one of my Clansmen? One of the few which are still alive? I still haven't even recovered my MP… So, no one has even been resurrected yet. My Treasure Chest is totally gone… Figures. With it, all of my old clothing are now gone. That damned King probably stole them.

"...You've done more than enough." [Wilson] declared with a solemn tone of voice. To which, Nero simply sighed.

"If it's not too much… Would you please permit me to visit White Beef Lady?" [Wilson] begged the question with a nervous expression.

Aha… I was wondering when this would come up. Turns out, it only took around FOUR FREAKING HOURS!

"Yeah.. It's fine, just let me cast a Hallowed Gate in the Throne Room." [Nero] groaned while exiting the Treasure Room.

And so, I cast a new [Hallowed Gate]... Granting the Wolfenrine access to visit his beloved Werewolf. I just realized, we probably have absolutely nothing to eat. Taking a journey into the Kitchen… I was proven correct. Fish did not remain in the Fridges or Freezers after the Wailing Keep had been destroyed. This is a problem. Half of us may have died trying to protect it, but we still have quite a number of mouths to feed. I'm starving... I'd better get on this, as soon as possible. Turning around, it would appear that Mary has been thinking the same thing. She's bent up over an Oven, with an exhausted look on her face. Taking on my Human form...

"How's it been since entering the Chasms?" [Nero] begged the question.

"The Harpies help fly us to the surface in groups, some of us go daily and nightly to procure more Fish… But up until now, I've been stuck with using regular fires and we never catch enough to feed the whole populace… Especially because they're only Fishing in the Lost Kingdom… But also, we've been sharing with the Harpies and Goblins. There are simply too many of us. They usually wake me whenever they return with more to Fish to fry, but they haven't returned yet this evening." [Mary] explained with a dejected expression.

"You've done excellent work. I can't thank you enough. I'll see to the fact that both Waterfalls are being used once again." [Nero] replied with a look of determination.

"Just… Please tell me that your trip wasn't in vain..." [Mary] exclaimed with a weak smile.

"We learned a lot, and we managed to complete our Quest… But I haven't tried to be paid for our efforts just yet. We came here as soon as we could." [Nero] confessed with a sigh.

"What did you learn?" [Mary] asked while tilting her head to the side.

"The Mummy Mansion is home to an army of unquestionable strength. It's an army of Halloween, and should we actually succeed in saving them… I doubt that we'll ever be faced with such an immense crisis again." [Cetilla Vellisroi] explained while leaning against the doorway.

"Then shouldn't we be returning?" [Mary] asked with eyes wide.

"It's too soon." [Nero] sighed.

"It's time to make an announcement." [Cetilla] declared with a stern look in her eyes.

"I know…" [Nero] groaned.

"Then we'd best get on with it. Shall we?" [Cetilla] begged the question with a grin as she referenced to the doorway that she was currently standing in.

"Are they all there?" [Nero] asked while tilting his head to the side.

"Yep~ Everyone has been assembled in the Dining Hall!" [Rita] chimed in after appearing at Cetilla's side.

"Very well." [Nero] declared as he began to make his way through the Kitchen.

And so, joined by the two Cat Crewomen and the Rifaleesigal… I entered the Dining Hall. The adult table is far less filled than I last remember it… And I can't help but think of all the faces that are missing… As a tear fell from my left eye, I walked on over to my seat. Everyone present seems nervous, exhausted, or depressed… The entire room is silent. Other than Cetilla, Rita, and Budget Shark; that is. Cetilla seems more determined than ever. Rita's generally just a carefree person, I think. Budget Shark is simply hungry… The children are all definitely nervous, though. Actually… Cindy seems determined as well. The Snow Leopardkin twin brothers are both sobbing… They lost both of their parents. Rosa Firemane is also quite distraught, after having lost her Grandfather. She already lost everyone else before, now she's genuinely an orphan. We have quite a few orphans in our midst, actually. It's almost becoming an orphanage. Also, the Golden Retrieverkin Woman lost her lover... Lora lost Boris... And Kendra lost Lillian. I don't know if they were a couple, but they were definitely close friends. I rarely ever saw them apart, now that I think about it. Many of us have suffered… It's up to me, to make that suffering mean something. There needs to be a win. Something, just a little bit…

"I would like to make an announcement..." [Nero] began with a solemn expression as he glanced around the two tables before continuing...

"Cetilla Vellisroi, Hobgoblin Samurai Punk, and Budget Shark joined my Clansmen and I on a perilous Quest to the Mummy Mansion Dungeon within Reygid. We went to rescue this foolish Bearkin named Ivand Bernardi at the request of his Father, a Marquis of Reygid baring the same name. We were offered 5000 Gold Coins should we succeed in the Quest..." [Nero] confessed as he pointed to the wounded Beartru no longer wearing a paper bag mask. To which, many of those seated began to murmur amidst themselves.

"During our Quest, we noticed that Hobgoblin Samurai Punk had ascended to become the (Hob)Goblin King… Warning us of both Goddin Village Neith Sama, and Cloaked Monk's untimely demises. Due to how the Dungeon works, we were incapable of reaching you on time… And for that, I can not apologize enough." [Nero] explained with a sincere expression as he removed his cap, and placed it down on the table.

"What now?!" [Ben] roared as he slammed his paws down onto the table.

"The Lost Kingdom is not safe." [Nero] declared with a determined expression as he removed his aviators.

"We already knew that..." [Ben] growled, clearly infuriated.

"I've decided that the Forsaken Isles is a far better alternative place for us to inhabit." [Nero] brazenly declared. To which, many seem shocked; and the murmuring resumed.

"You want us to abandon our home?!" [Grenda] asked frantically, also quite angered.

"For now. I want to capture every single creature inhabiting the Lost Kingdom, before relocating them to a place within the Forsaken Isles. There are six Islands, and I believe that it will be enough space for all of the creatures to live as they always have." [Nero] explained with a calculating expression.

"Do you agree with this?!" [Grenda] hysterically asked her new King.

"I do." [Hobgoblin Samurai Punk] confessed with a sigh.

"...Then what will we eat? The Goblins rely on the Berries." [Grenda] asked after taking a deep breath.

"I'll always have my Hallowed Gates open, leading back to the Lost Kingdom. There is a small Harbor Town on one of the Islands, which the Goblins can inhabit. There won't be enough houses to hold every Goblin, but we can also move the Huts. The Goblins may use the Gates to forage for Berries before returning to the Town. We can use the Gates to Fish for the Monster Knights, as well. The Monster Knights, and my Clansmen will be responsible for protecting the Gates at all costs. If they deem that the Gates will not be capable of being protected, I will close them before we find this Keep invaded by yet another army." [Nero] explained with a grin. To which, the tables fell silent.

"While we inhabit the Forsaken Isles, we will train ourselves; so that we may return to the Lost Kingdom when ready. Our home is not the Lost Kingdom… It is those who we spend our lives with, within the Lost Kingdom. What matters is not the place we inhabit, but the safety of all our family. If any of you decide that you no longer desire to stay with us, I want you to know that you are free to leave." [Nero] declared with a serious expression.

"What of Reygid?" [Kendra] asked with a terrifying look in her eyes.

"Their King will die for his mistake." [Cetilla] chimed in with a smile.

"When?" [Rosa Firemane] begged the question after taking a stand from the other table.

"Within a week." [Nero] replied with a sigh. To which, the Tigerkin took her seat.

"Please… Allow me to help you." [Goatman] exclaimed after taking a stand.

"No... You've done more than enough." [Nero] shot back with a weak smile. To which, the Goatman dejectedly took his seat.

"Then… Is there anything else that we should know of?" [Foxman] asked with a nervous expression as he cradled his baby.

"...I will lose all of my power in the near future." [Nero] announced. To which, many gasped; and murmured yet again.

"What do you mean?!" [Geckokin Woman] asked frantically, clearly terrified.

"I have been bestowed with a very short lifespan. After having achieved Tier 10, I gained the ability to start anew… This time, with a much longer lifespan. By choosing to start anew, I may greatly increase the power for a few of my Clansmen. The longer that I choose to wait, the less of an impact it will make for those few Clansmen. After having started anew, it would be in my best interest to take things slowly while regaining strength. Should I choose to do so, personally... I will barely be capable of aiding you all directly; until having regained my power... But my Clansmen will still be here." [Nero] explained with a dejected expression.

"How long do you have left to live?" [Vana] asked while tilting her head to the side.

"It's unclear." [Nero] exclaimed bluntly.

"How is it unclear? Hobgoblin Samurai Punk possesses [Appraisal], does he not?" [Cyclozard] begged the question with an eye wide.

"By nature, I live my life at an increased rate. The more powerful that I become, the sooner that I perish." [Nero] confessed with a sigh.

"It's his Time Magic." [Hobgoblin Samurai Punk] explained while nodding. To which, many seemed to understand.

"Anything else?!" [Jon] asked with an exasperated expression.

"No, I believe that for the most part… You are all now in the loop." [Nero] declared with a smile.

"Well… There is that ONE thing…" [Cetilla] exclaimed with a smirk.

"Oh… Yeah, I'm totally working with a God right now. Janus?" [Nero] sighed. To which, yet another round of murmurs erupted through the room… Until a particular Hunky Beefcake appeared beside the True Allwe Halloween Cat with a calculating expression; silencing all.

"I want him to gain more strength than any other Halloween Cat currently living within the Halloween Realm… So you'd better keep him alive." [Janus] beckoned with a terrifying look in his eyes before disappearing, as if he were never there.

"There are other Halloween Cats?!" [Mousekin Guy] asked with a frightened expression.

"Indeed... I am the True Allwe Halloween Cat within this Realm… But there is also a True Hoen Halloween Cat within this Realm... And there are Halloween Cats within other Realms, as well. If I choose to start anew at least once, I am destined to remain within the Halloween Realm should I perish… Until having perished within the Halloween Realm. Due to that fact, there is a chance that the Halloween Realm is currently home to a great number of Halloween Cats." [Nero] explained with a tired expression.

"What's the difference between Allwe and Hoen?" [Cindy] asked with an innocent look in her eyes as she raised her paw.

"Apparently, Allwe Halloween Cats are supposed to be more kind than the Hoen Halloween Cats… While the Hoen Cats are supposed to be more wrathful than the Allwe Cats." [Nero] replied with a smile. To which, many seemed visibly relieved; or skeptical.

"Didn't you like… Burn a Castle to the ground or something?" [Cyclozard] asked while squinting his eye. To which, many of the previous residents of Reygid began to agree, only to be interrupted by the Witch of War.

"Accidentally." [Nero] shot back while side-eyeing the One Eyed Lizard.

"Okay… But you're fine with sssstarving the Cyworctussss for at leasssst a week on end?" [Lora] ssssnickered.

"That thing is practically unstoppable..." [Rei] groaned. To which, Milton nodded his head profusely.

"What about that one time when you…" [Molag Dregora] began to accuse the Halloween Cat, only to be brutally interrupted by the Master of Time…

"We all make mistakes, okay?! Besides, you're the freaking Besmircher of Souls… You've done worse!" [Nero] slammed back with an exasperated expression. To which, the Lich simply shrugged.

"Doesn't that mean we should forgive the King of Reygid?" [Mantiskin Girl] asked innocently.

"Like hell!" [Cetilla] screamed, absolutely terrifying the young child.

"Don't speak to my daughter like that!" [Mantiskin Woman] shot back while visibly shaking out of anger.

"Cetilla…" [Nero] exclaimed with a stern look in his eyes.

"I'm bad with kids, okay?! I can't help it!" [Cetilla] shot back hysterically. To which, she only received yet another stern look.

"Fine... I'm sorry for bursting out on you…" [Cetilla] groaned.

"Wait a second... Without the King alive... What will happen with the Tides of Tragedy?" [Turtlekin Woman] begged the question with a curious expression.

"He has two children, and I would like to believe that one of them can take up his mantle." [Nero] explained with a carefree expression.

"Oh… Okay~" [Turtlekin Woman] sighed nonchalantly.

"Nero… You're still forgetting something~" [Cetilla] sighed with a grin.

"OH! Yeah, we're totally going to be throwing the largest Festival that we've ever held in order to honor the loss of our family." [Nero] declared with a grin… Causing quite the commotion.

"So… With that, I believe everything has definitely been explained. When the Fishing party returns, please ensure that they are notified of everything we spoke of. In the meantime, I will go and conjure my Hallowed Gates at the two waterfalls so that they may return." [Nero] beckoned after the Hall finally fell silent. To which, everyone either left their seats, or began to converse amidst themselves.

"Nero… Would it be alright if I stayed here until after you've settled everything with Reygid?" [Sealina] asked with a nervous expression.

"You are free to stay here with us as long as you desire." [Nero] replied with a smile.

"Thank you." [Sealina] replied courteously as she bowed her head.

And so… I am meow leaving the Dining Hall. After fetching my Broom and Lantern from the Treasure Room, I set out for the Waterfall in the Demon Kingdom. Flying on my Broom, I made sure to keep a slow enough pace that I could actually regenerate my MP. I need to finish resurrecting my Clansmen as soon as possible, so that I can go and visit the Marquis with all the firepower that I can muster. I simply won't allow all of these deaths to go in vain. We're getting paid, okay?! It's going to happen, or I'm going to end the Bernardi lineage. It's as simple as that. I've had it. I would never have attacked the Beastkin Kingdom while knowing full well that their most powerful of individuals were off trying to save one of my own. It's unacceptable behavior. Absolutely disgusting, if you ask me. While I flew, I realized that many of the Demon Kingdom birds had disappeared. They're probably migrating, or something. It's strange, because this is genuinely a jungle… But I suppose, they'd prefer somewhere even closer to the equator than this locale during the winter.

After conjuring the Hallowed Gate, I turned around… And began to make my way for the Lost Kingdom waterfall. It was a peaceful flight, quite uneventful. When I had arrived at the waterfall, I found that the young Ravenkin family had been the ones handling the fishing for the night. Just the three of them~ These kids are cute. They're definitely enjoying their time, so I decided to conjure the Gate slightly behind them. They can still try to Fish for fun, but the Gate will be there for them should they decide to return… Or should they accidentally miss a Fish. They seemed glad that I had returned, and the two youngest ones wouldn't stop hugging me. As they did so, I ended up having a small chat with their older brother. He seems quite intent on becoming a Monster Knight. He doesn't want to need to hide should we be invaded yet again. It's like that. He's courageous, and stupid. The Ravenkin family are all of the Flyer Class. It's honestly a great role for Scouts, but I suppose we'll see~ Perhaps, a powerful Flyer might actually be capable during combat. I'll make sure that he has a chance to train while we're on the Forsaken Isles. Before bidding the family farewell, I made sure to inform them that I had made an announcement earlier in the night; and that when they returned… They would be informed of everything discussed.

The eldest Ravenkin seemed dejected to have missed the announcement, but the younger ones didn't care. Due to hunger, I decided to stay with them for a few moments while I devoured three raw common Fish. Honestly… I never thought I would appreciate raw common Fish as much as I did in that very moment. Not after having encountered the sweet joys concocted by our dear Mary, anyways~ I suppose I was just THAT hungry. When I left, I decided to take the Hallowed Gate home. On entry into Halloween, I was met with all of my Clansmen. They have 0 MP, but they're alive and well within Halloween. I decided to ask exactly how that worked, and apparently… They aren't capable of touching anyone or using any abilities while in this state. They're like ghosts, or something. Slightly here, but not really. It was nice to be able to see them all again, though. I even decided to stay awhile, and spend some time with them. The Skeletons totally lost that one deck of Safari Cards in the Mummy Mansion. It's fine, though. I don't really mind. I'm more focused on picking new songs for the Bandsmen from the Scaraoke machine monster~

I went overboard. By far… This is the most songs that I have ever picked for any given Festival. Some of the Bandsmen are getting multiple~ We're going seriously hard this time around. As I already decided, 'F*nhouse' will be going to White Beef Lady. 'Psych*' will be going to Christina. She's a little deranged, is all. 'Flesh without Blood/Life in the V*vid Dream' is going to Wendel... Because all she ever seems to think about is the vivid dream that would be better left known as that time when she became an Idol. 'An*rchist' will be going to Jon, and he's free to have Mr Scarecrow as backup. Yes… Jon will probably be making his debut as a Bandsmen. It's been decided, by me. I'm going to have a lot of the Monster Knights making their debuts, if they desire. It's really their own choice to make~ I chose 'Bl*ck Sheep' for Luna. I think she's going to like it. 'PRIM*DONNA' is going to be Cetilla's... Because, well; it's Cetilla. 'V*nus Fly' will be for Penny, which is iconic; if you ask me… 'STF*!' will be Betty's song; which also quite iconic. I chose 'Television Rom*nce' for Vana. No particular reason, but I thought it would go nice with her voice. I picked 'My N*cturnal Serenade' for Leoric. He hasn't ever had a song, so this will also be his debut. He'll probably need the Wraiths to help as back-up, though. 'Popular M*nster' can go to Conrad~ He's well liked.

'G*ry Heidnik' can be shared by Vana and Molag Dregora. Molag Dregora also never really had any songs, so this will be his debut. 'IT Is The *nd' can go to Mr and Mrs Scarecrow… But so can 'We Are the Tr*th'. They're perfect fits for the role, I have a nose for these things. 'Fe*l Good Inc.' will be a duet between Molag Dregora and Conrad. Conrad is technically going to be the lead, but this isn't even the original version of the song. It's a metal cover, which goes well with Molag Dregora. 'Hit Th*t' will be Wilson's debut. I honestly think it will go great with his voice. 'L*ne Digger' can be Lora's~ It's her debut. 'Drink W*th The Living Dead' can go to Molag Dregora~ He's having a whole lot of debuts for this festival. He deserves it~ 'The D*vil In I' can be Milton's debut, but I'm expecting him to need Mr and Mrs Scarecrow as backup. 'Mr. D*ctor Man' is going to Benji~ No particular reason, but I think he might enjoy the song. 'We Don't H*ve To Dance' can be performed by Robert. He's not the best at dancing, due to his form. As far as Tier 1 Bandsmen go, he's definitely my favorite at this point. It's quite clear, I have favorites. Sorry, Vivian and Edward. I suppose you can fill in for him, or vice versa. Your voices are all kind of similar. 'Pumped Up K*cks' will be Hugo's debut. It's a pretty simple song, compared to many of the others; but it's still a freaking awesome song~

'Until Etern*ty' will be Rei's debut~ I think it goes well with her life, but also; she's going to be fantastic at performing it. I never pick poor choices for the Bandsmen. Trust me! 'Demons are B*ck' will be for the Skeletons. I want them to sing it together, almost like a choir. A very unholy choir. Rather than pick one song for all three of the Vampire Knights, I decided to give them each their own. 'Better the D*vil' is for Mick… 'Wr*tten In Blood' is going to be for Steve, and 'Ev*l' will be for Andy. 'Psycho K*ller' will be Hobgoblin Samurai Punk's debut… Which is going to be great, in my humble opinion. 'Walking With A Gh*st' can be for the Banshees... Obviously~ 'Cr*el' can be a duet between Lora and Luna. It's honestly just on account of their voices, but I'm curious to see how Lora puts a sssspin on it. 'This Is Wh*t Rock N Roll Looks Like' will be for White Beef Lady. She's going to be quite the badass after I toss her a lot of my life when Prestiging, so she definitely deserves some more time in the spotlight. 'Wonderland (My Name Is *lice)' will be a duet for Cetilla and Penny. Iconic. 'S*VAGES' can go to the Banshees, because let's be real... They're ruthless. 'Pr*blems' will be for Vana... But I think she might end up needing some backup to get an echo going. Probably the Banshees. 'V*odoo In My Blood' will be a group song performed by Leoric, Molag, and Budget Shark. Yesh… Budget Shark's debut. Finally~ 'I FINK * FREEKY' can be for Penny and Conrad... But I think a nice spin on it, could be the Wraiths as backup. They can probably figure out some sort of improv to throw onto it. Nyah~

'Champagne Sh*wers' will be another group song, but for Benji, Conrad, Penny, Vana, and Molag Dregora. It's just a really difficult song, so it's going to require a whole lot of individuals~ 'The M*nster' will go to White Beef Lady, Wilson, and Molag Dregora. I think it's going to be inspirational to witness the couple perform together~ 'Scre*m' will be given to Benji, Kendra, and Cyclozard. Two debuts in one~ 'Lady Marmal*de' will be yet another group song, but for White Beef Lady, Wendel, Christina, and Luna. I think the Goblins and Harpies will love it~ 'B*ck To Black' will be for Lora, Betty, and Rei… But it's mostly going to be Lora's song. To pay homage to Wendel's serious talent, I've decided on 'D*va Dance'... And last but not least, my own debut. I've chosen 'Fr*ak', but I'll need Wendel, Molag Dregora, and Mr Scarecrow to back me up if I hope to succeed. We should also practice 'This is H*lloween' so that more individuals can perform it, and the dances for both 'T*me Warp' and 'Thr*ller'. Just in case. It's settled. The entire track list. Yosh!

I seriously chose so many songs, that we might not even have time to perform them alongside all of the older songs. It's like that. We're really doing it this time, ladies and gentlemen. The grandest Festival, by far. I'll need to liquor up EVERYONE! Every single Goblin, and Harpy. I'm serious. We're doing this. Clansmen~ Please inform all of the Monster Knights to their roles, figure out if they're willing, and provide adequate time for them to practice. They'll need it. If they refuse, it's fine. We can just skip their songs~ Wendel is on the mission. She's seriously invested meow... She's all in. She totally performed a freaking sliding dogeza! I'm… I don't even know what to think... I'm excited, I know that much~ Okay! First thing's first… I need my paycheck from Clive if I hope to attain enough Candy to fully regenerate my Clansmen, so that I can get my much larger paycheck without needing to wait several days for my MP to regenerate. Yosh! Wait… Would it perhaps be best if I spent a few days to wait? It almost feels like a waste of Candy, considering that I already know of my own limits due to only knowing of two different Candy Stores within this continent… It's a tough call. I'll sleep on it.

I totally ended up staying with the Bandsmen, watching them practice their new songs for hours. I participated, as I needed practice for my own debut as well. After a little while, several of the Monster Knights who I had designated arrived; and it became a whole thing. The Arcade was absolutely packed, so we eventually turned on the amp; and danced outside as we awaited our own songs to come on. It was sort of like a Festival, but it was wholly for the music. I had a great time, if I must say~ Dancing along with everyone like that, it really helped to put my mind off of things. It was just the distraction that I, and perhaps; many others needed. This is just… How we cope. And THAT… Is the story of how I basically wasted my entire night. I made an announcement, we chose songs for the next festival, danced, sang a whole lot, and I opened a few gates; here and there. That is all that I did on this fine night. I'm meow back in the Treasure Room, ready to sleep. Good morning~