Chapter 87 - Night 87 & Day 88

NYUUUUUGHH~ I actually had a good sleep this time around. Yosh… Dancing and singing really seems to have tired me greatly, but I'm awake. During my slumber, I recalled that in three days… I would have been expected to make another shipment for Clive. What's more? I seem to have recovered a lot of my own MP. We're good~ It's time. It shouldn't take too much to get myself at full fighting power, I'll just need a little bit of Candy. I need my small paycheck meow please~ I was thinking such things as I leapt out from my bed, assumed my larger Human form… Collected my Broom, and Lantern. Making my way down the obnoxiously long Throne Room, I couldn't help but feel nostalgic. There's something about that wonderful carpet, those sparse flames, and the several hundred hollowed suits of armor posted alongside the walls... It's great to be home~ That Mansion simply can't compare to this level of elegance! I'm a sophisticated Cat. Not like the others~

Reaching the Foyer, I quickly made a left-turn into the Dining Hall. It would appear that everyone is present and accounted for. Everyone who had survived, anyway~ I wonder what the Lionkin King did with all of the corpses… If he buried, or burned them… There will be no forgiveness. Not even for his lineage. Nope! He orphaned three freaking children. There is no excuse for that level of sin. Rosa and the Snow Leopardkin Twins will never be the same. Rosa's been quite vengeful since the ordeal, and I can't blame her. Even I, am vengeful in the current moment. The Leopardkin twins just seem sad. They're probably handling this situation better than a vast majority of us, but they're still grieving… And they shouldn't be. They're far too young to be going through such an ordeal. It's a shame. The two Catkin children likely from different families who oddly resemble younger versions of both Cetilla and I, the Werewolf boy, the young Human boy and girl, the Unicornkin boy, the Raccoonkin girl, the young Hawkman boy, the young Ravenkin family, the Eaglekin girl, the Snow Owlkin boy and girl, and meow… The Snow Leopardkin twin boys and Rosa Firemane are all orphans. Honestly… The only children who aren't orphans at this point are the Mantiskin girl, the infant Foxwoman, and Cindy. There are freaking three children here who still have a connection to at least one of their parents. It's utterly depressing, if you ask me… And most of them didn't even have parents when I had first encountered them. I'm quite literally running an orphanage. I should try and find them adoptive parents? I'll try… But finding a Unicornkin family might prove troublesome. I can probably swing the Snow Owlkins new families, though. Somewhere in the Savagelands far north of here...

Many of the others could probably gain suitable families somewhere in Reygid, but I seriously can't bring them back there until having solved my massive headache better left known as the Lionkin King's rule. It's not as though they all desperately need families of their own races, but it would probably be nice for them; if they at least felt some kind of kinship to their newfound parents. I mean, if you're a Unicornkin... You'll probably have some special needs, especially during puberty; like shining your horn. It's like that. I was thinking such things as I procured myself a meal, and took my seat. I'm eating common Fish again~ This time, obviously; Mary cooked them. As I shamelessly devoured my meal, Wendel and Luna were both performing a wondrous rendition of 'Sweet Dr*ams'. Cetilla even tried to cheer me up, by blessing me with her Pumpkin Spice Fan hack. It was wonderful, but I can't help thinking that I didn't get a chance to fully enjoy my meal. My mind was too bogged down by recent developments. It's just… I miss Goddin Village Neith Sama. He was a good King… One of the best. Chiffona-Cya-Macaroon, her daughters, and their spouses all joined us for the feast. Chiffona-Cya-Macaroon wasn't eating, but that's because she's a Vampire meow. She's just here to be here, I think. It's convenient for her, now that the Wailing Keep is located in the Chasms. She's one of us… She truly is.

"Tonight, I will be visiting Clive's in order to get the payment from my latest shipment of clothing." [Nero] announced with a solemn voice after taking a stand.

"Does that mean you're going to begin working toward resurrecting all of your Clansmen?" [Cetilla] asked while magically twirling her hair.

"I'd love to… But the Candy Man won't open his store until morning. I'll need to make two different trips." [Nero] confessed with a sigh. To which, Molag Dregora nodded his head.

"You know… If you want… I could go and kill the King for you?" [Cetilla] offered with a smirk.

"Honestly, I don't know if you're strong enough." [Nero] shot back with a tired expression. To which, he received quite the disappointed look.

"Then we'll be dancing more tonight?" [Hobgoblin Samurai Punk] asked with a smile.

"No. Tonight, we will begin our mission to relocate the surface monsters of the Lost Kingdom to the Forsaken Isles." [Nero] declared boldly with a grin. To which, he received a great many groans from those nearby.

"It's going to take forever…" [Ben] groaned.

"There are so many Caterpillars…" [Vana] sighed.

"Whose fault is that?!" [Nero] shot back with an exasperated expression.

"I couldn't help myself! I just… I wanted to somehow give birth to more Flutterfairies, but I just kept getting more and more Caterpillars…" [Vana] confessed with a dejected expression.

"You think it's about LUCK?!" [Nero] shot back hysterically.

"No… You're right… It was never going to happen…" [Vana] sighed. To which, Hugo sincerely began to pat her back.

"This time, because my Clansmen are not with us… I will be relying almost entirely on you all to help me. We can use a Hallowed Gate in order to bring them all there, but we will still need to be capable of capturing the monsters. I can only conjure two gates at once, so we will need to relinquish our right to Fish for the time being." [Nero] declared after calming himself down.

"We're good on Food for this feast, at the very least… But we'll definitely need more after tomorrow. Before then, if we choose to feed all of the Goblins and Harpies." [Mary] sighed while shrugging her shoulders.

"Very well... Honestly, feeding all of the Goblins and Harpies is not something that I feel we can really do regardless. Not yet, anyways~" [Nero] declared with a smile. To which, many seemed visibly relieved; or dejected.

"I'll capture all of the Rifa!" [Rita] exclaimed happily. To which, the two Rifale excitedly stood up.

"We'll help!" [Two Rifale] declared in perfect harmony.

"...That shouldn't even take ten minutes." [Kendra] giggled while raising a tail to cover her mouth.

"Precisely why capturing the Slimes as well as the Rifa will be your task." [Nero] agreed, and shoveled more work onto the Rifaleesigal.

"Okay~" [Rita] accepted the task gracefully.

"Vana and Hugo, you two are in charge of capturing all of the Caterpillars and Butterflies." [Nero] declared with a wry smile.

"I just told you that there were too many!" [Vana] complained with an exasperated expression.

"Cetilla can help." [Nero] exclaimed while side-eyeing the Dutchess of Doom who could only groan while rolling her eyes before slamming her own head down onto the table as a response.

"Budget Shark will be the one to capture all of the Potamin Crabs." [Nero] declared with a smile.

"I'll do my best!" [Budget Shark] exclaimed happily.

"Ben will handle all of the Bears." [Nero] announced with a smile.

"Fine…" [Ben] growled.

"Wilson and the Werewolf Boy will manage to rescue all of the Wolves." [Nero] exclaimed happily.

"If only White Beef Lady were here to help…" [Wilson] muttered.

"We'll make sure it all works out!" [Werewolf Boy] declared excitedly after taking a stand and puffing his chest out.

"Rustle will lead the charge on saving the Rabbits." [Nero] boldly beckoned.

"Very well, I shall do my utmost." [Rustle] replied quickly.

"Lora will rescue all of the Snakes." [Nero] announced with a smile.

"Yessss… They sshant esssscape me…" [Lora] declared sadistically.

"Kendra will work to capture all of the Foxes." [Nero] beckoned, still holding his smile.

"I'll try… But those rascals can be fast~" [Kendra] sighed, as if she weren't the most powerful Fox type in this entire nation.

"Very well… The Foxman will help you, while Chiffona-Cya-Macaroon cares for his child." [Nero] sighed while rolling his eyes.

"...Please don't allow anything to harm her." [Foxman] begged of the Vampiric Harpy Queen who had been casually smirking.

"The Goatman should work to capture all of the Deer." [Nero] exclaimed with a calculated expression.

"I won't let you down." [Goatman] declared courageously.

"And that… Should cover it. Everyone who was given a role, should take it upon themselves to request for help of the other Monster Knights if they feel as though they will require more manpower. I want the Slimes to inhabit the southernmost Island of the Forsaken Isles. The Rifa can inhabit anywhere that they desire, but I expect them to just live within the Trees. The Butterflies can roam as they please, as well. The Wolves and Snakes can live on one island, perhaps the one northwest of the Slimes. The Potamin Crabs can inhabit their old Island, which was northeast of what will now be for the Slimes. The Caterpillars can inhabit the Island which will be north of the Potamin Crabs. All of the other monsters will need to live on the same Island. It will be the largest of all six; the most northern Island." [Nero] explained before dramatically removing his aviators...

"While you all figure out how you will be helping to achieve this lofty goal, I wish for you to wait in the Throne Room. After both gates have been replaced, you may begin to venture through the first gate; to commence with your task." [Nero] declared boldly with a grin.

"So while we all work tirelessly to relocate the Lost Kingdom, you will be off in Reygid?" [Hobgoblin Samurai Punk] begged the question.

"Precisely. You, as their King; will also be in charge of ensuring that all of the Goblins can safely rebuild their Huts on the Harbor Town Island." [Nero] exclaimed with a thumb held high. To which, many groaned; but no one spoke a word.

And so, I have meow left the Wailing Keep, and the Chasms by way of Hallowed Gate. I used the Lost Kingdom waterfall Gate, cancelled it… And flew to the old Bandit Camp. While I flew, I gained a chance to witness several Foxes and Deer brutally assaulting each other. How quaint. On arrival to the Bandit Camp, I quickly realized that all of the Bandit corpses had deteriorated to bones. I suppose… I could always resurrect them as Skeletons… It's a thought. An idea, at the very least. Then again… Do I really want Bandits as Skeletons? Nyah~ Hard pass. I've already learned that every single individual whom I have Molag resurrect will not simply just follow me. I'm kind of connected to their deaths, but they might not actually be aware of what happened. To them, a bunch of ravenous Wolves simply invaded their Camp… Before devouring them. It's not directly my fault, but it was kind of my fault for not saving them first; and deliberately using them as a means to slow down the Wolves. It's like that. My sins have ultimately caused their deaths, and I am probably better off not attempting to raise them from the dead... Vengeful spirits are frightening~

After conjuring the Gate, I quickly began to fly south. I don't really care too much about the MP that I'm spending... But I'm not going overboard or anything. The flight through the Lost Kingdom was uneventful, because let's face it; the Lost Kingdom is awesome. The flight over the Demon Kingdom was another story. As soon as I gained a clear view of Orpia, it was clear to see. A whole lot of the City was in flames… Which I found particularly odd, considering that a whole lot of the City was built from stone. On further inspection, it would appear that the vines covering the buildings were in flames; not the actual buildings themselves. I suppose… Things happen in the Demon Kingdom? It's really none of my business, but there's definitely something going on down there. Nyah~ I don't care. I'm just going to let them deal with their own matters. It doesn't involve me. The Demon Kingdom is problematic, and there's definitely some things that I'll need to change about it in the future… But for now? I'll let them burn~

Continuing on my merry way and ignoring the utter chaos below me, I finally arrived at the Forsaken Isles after what was probably around half an hour of flying. Cancelling the Demon Kingdom waterfall Gate, I hastily replaced it with a new Gate. It's on the northern Island, because most of the creatures will end up inhabiting that Island regardless. Stepping through the Gate, I was met with a large audience. It's all of the Goblins, carrying what I would assume to be their Huts after having been disassembled… And all of the Monster Knights. I ended up informing them that the second Gate was leading to the Forsaken Isles, and so they are meow on their way. It would appear that Hobgoblin Samurai Punk explained the situation, and is ahead of the game. I'll just go ahead and begin my trek to Reygid~ Bidding everyone farewell, I returned to the Lost Kingdom through the Bandit Camp Gate.

Directly west of the Bandit Camp, lay Clive's establishment. Seriously… Directly west. It was almost shocking to learn that truth, but it's meow been verified. The Beastkin Kingdom seemed just how I would have expected it. The Castle still doesn't appear anywhere near finished with its repairs, hordes of Beastkin happily roam the streets, and the Casino seems quite busy. Descending to Clive's… I opened the door, and was met with several of his Staff. Like always, they're ecstatic to see me. Sadly, I didn't bring a shipment with me… So they quickly lost their excitement. It would appear that Clive has actually sold-out on all of the product. All of it. The shelves are utterly empty, yet he's still paying his workers to be here; in the event that I arrive. Yikes. I'm sorry, everyone~ It's my fault. One of the workers ended up dejectedly leading me up the stairs to go and see Clive. On arrival, it would appear that Clive is absolutely stressed out; while glaring at a set of paperwork. He also, ended up being ecstatic to see me… But after shaking my head, he learned of the truth. It's not a shipment night, unless he can provide me with a ridiculous sum of Candy... Posthaste.

"So… I didn't bring a shipment, because frankly… I need more Candy." [Nero] confessed with a sigh.

"So in other words, you require your payment from the last week and a half." [Clive] replied while raising an eyebrow.

"Indeed." [Nero] confirmed his thoughts with a smile.

"Very well, here are the ledgers." [Clive] exclaimed as he pulled a stack of papers out from his desk, before handing them to the Halloween Cat.

"...Wait. Did you pay the workers yet?" [Nero] asked with a dumbfounded expression.

"No, I thought it best to await your return." [Clive] confessed with a nonchalant expression. To which, Nero simply groaned.

The staff definitely needs some kind of reimbursement for having waited so long for their paycheck. Let's see… Wow. Okay… So, without even adding the Bath Towel gacha sale… We still raked in a whole 239610 Silver Coins. Adding the Bath Towels which ended up amounting to a whole 170000 Silver Coins, brings our total to 409610 Silver Coins. We've literally doubled our profits in comparison to last week, when we had earned 215580 Silver Coins… And it's all thanks to the Bath Towels, and well; also because I was late to return. Honestly… The Bath Towel gachapon sale is here to stay, that's for damn sure~ Last week, we paid them all 3 Gold Coins each. We've doubled in profit, so their pay should also double. 6 Gold Coins. No! Make that… 7 Gold Coins as compensation for their pay being late. Yosh~ Deducting the 7 Gold Coins at 7 workers… Should leave me with 180305 Silver Coins. Not too shabby. It's still chump change in comparison to the 5000000 Silver Coins that the Cat Crew will be collectively paid, but it's more than enough to buy-out the Candy Man. The one on Una Street? That one.

"I would like to pay each worker 7 Gold Coins for this week." [Nero] declared with a smile.

"An agreeable amount, I dare say… I'll begin making the arrangements for your Coins~" [Clive] replied with a flamboyant attitude before continuing on…

"Oh! I almost forgot~ You have a package awaiting you. I made sure to keep it safe right here…" [Clive] exclaimed with an excited expression as he pulled out a Pistol from his desk drawer.

"...You didn't keep that in your drawer to keep it safe, did you?" [Nero] asked while squinting his eyes as he accepted the firearm.

"It works wonders during negotiations~" [Clive] confessed with a sigh as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Thank you for holding onto it for me." [Nero] sighed before continuing…

"By the way, my bags burned and I have nothing on me to carry my Coins with." [Nero] confessed with a smile.

"In other words, you need my bag again." [Clive] shot back with a tired expression.

"If you wouldn't mind~" [Nero] replied with a wry smile.

"Fine. I give you the poor quality ones anyway~" [Clive] sighed.

And with that… I have attained a new bag carrying a whopping 180 Gold Coins, and an additional 305 Silver Coins. Just for fun~ After explaining the paycheck for the staff, I was met with a round of applause; and some tears were shed. I might have also cried, a little. It's fine. The store was practically closed, anyway~ After leaving the workers behind, I made my way to a particular Candy Store, simply due to curiosity. On arrival, I stood there… Glaring at the door. I couldn't help but notice that a light was on upstairs, and so… I bit my teeth; and knocked. I knocked very loudly. I'm sorry to interrupt you, at such a precarious time of night… But honestly, I'm the most influential customer that you possess. I'm almost certain at this point. I'm the freaking Candy Mongerer, bro! Open up! I know you're awake! I may or may not have ended up throwing a pebble at his window. The window may or may not have shattered after just one pebble. I suppose there are meow two things that I need to apologize for… OPEN! UP! But alas… The door never opened. I eventually ended up floating through the sky to peek in through the broken window, and to my absolute horror… He freaking left a lantern lit, and he's not even in the building. This is a fire hazard, bro! My favorite Candy Store is in jeopardy! What will I do if like the entire City of Orpia, my Candy Store goes up in flames before I manage to empty the shelves?! Talk about the WORST possible thing to ever happen, since EV-ER! These Koalakin… They need to be more careful.

And so, I vandalized one of the only establishments that I frequent. It's definitely up there, somewhere in the top 3. It's probably second place, but then again… I feel like I've been to the Adventurer's Guild quite a few times as well. It's difficult to say. I'm a bad Cat. It's never been more clear to me, than it is right meow. That pesky Halloween Cat, always stirring up trouble where he shan't… Someone needs to teach that guy a lesson~ I was totally going to pay for the window, but now? I think the Candy Man should pay for fire insurance. You never know when a lantern might spontaneously burst into flames and ruin your entire livelihood. I'll probably still pay for the window… It's menial, I don't care. Actually, while I'm here… I might as well just go ahead to Vigi's and order a replacement. I can show up tomorrow with it in tow, no problem. Okay! After arriving at Vigi's, I was pleasantly surprised to find that he was actually awake and present in his Forge. At least SOMEONE around here is reliable~

"Nero! It's been awhile~" [Vigi] greeted the Catkin with a shockingly excited attitude.

"Hey there~" [Nero] replied with a smile as he waved to the Minotaur.

"Come to make another request? Is it about the Bathtubs?" [Vigi] asked with a smile.

"Nah~ This time, it's something quite simple~" [Nero] replied with a casual expression.

"Oh? What might you be searching for?" [Vigi] asked while tilting his head to the side.

"You know the Candy Store on Una Street?" [Nero] asked while mirroring the Minotaur's head-tilt.

"Well… Yeah? What about it?" [Vigi] asked while furrowing his eyebrows.

"On the second floor… There's a window, with broken glass. Do you think that you could replace it?" [Nero] asked with a smile.

"I don't see why not… Does the type of glass matter?" [Vigi] exclaimed while twisting his goatee.

"It's probably pretty basic... I know I certainly don't care about the quality~" [Nero] confessed with a shrug.

"Eh… I'll need to go and measure it first, but it should be no problem." [Vigi] sighed.

"Great! How does 3 Gold Coins sound?" [Nero] exclaimed happily.

"It sounds like more than enough." [Vigi] confessed with a smile.

"And that, is why you do business with me~" [Nero] sighed with a smile.

"You're not wrong!" [Vigi] laughed.

"Thanks for your efforts. Here you are~" [Nero] thanked the Minotaur as he pulled three Gold Coins from his bag and handed them over.

"I'll make sure it's fixed within the night!" [Vigi] exclaimed happily.

And so… I paid for my mistakes. It wasn't very expensive, but I paid for them. At least, one of them. With any luck, the Koalakin will never know it happened in the first place. Nyah~ I'll see him tomorrow morning.

"Actually… Rather than breaking in to measure it, would you like for me to fly you up to the window?" [Nero] asked while raising an eyebrow.

"Ohoho~ Secrecy, huh?" [Vigi] laughed while bending an elbow over his knee. To which, the Catkin only smirked.

"Well, let's get it done~" [Vigi] exclaimed with a wry smile.

After flying Vigi up to the window, I was absolutely relinquished of all feelings of guilt... Especially considering that even the freaking Minotaur was concerned for the Koalakin's Candy Store on account of the burning lantern. I'm not the only one who found the situation to be precarious, okay?! It's a hazard, take it from me; the one capable of burning the entire City with but a mere Pumpkin Lantern Bomb! Fires shan't be taken too lightly, they can be dangerous in buildings such as these. Vigi eventually ended up asking me if I had broken in, in attempts at stealing Candy… But it's not the case. I simply misjudged my own strength. Throwing pebbles is definitely not something that I shall be doing any longer. I've learned my lesson... I'm too swoll~ By the time that we had finished measuring the window, forging a new slab of glass, letting the glass cool down, and later replacing it… Dawn had almost arrived. The Koalakin Candy Man had still not returned from what would presumably have been him drinking at a Tavern, and it was at that moment when I had began to feel worried.

What if the Lionkin King abducted the Koalakin in attempts at slowing my progress should I actually survive the Mummy Mansion?! I mean… I doubt that the lantern would be capable of staying lit for a whole damn week, but… After I had returned from the Mansion, I definitely made quite the appearance within Reygid. Just about anyone and their mother saw me that night~ If you didn't see me, you were probably fretting over how your Mushroom house still hadn't finished re-growing itself yet. It's like that. The Lionkin King had a few nights to prepare himself for my return after, well… Having returned. I may have made a grave mistake to have not confronted him immediately after learning that it was his doing… The Koalakin is a sweet man, there's no way that he would be out past dawn drinking his life away in some dusty old Tavern… Would he truly have left his Candy Store in such a way if he were intending to leave? Oh gosh… Janus… What have I done?!

Taking absolutely no time to wait, I brutally kicked down his door; and promptly requested that Vigi find me a Woodworker to replace it. I paid yet another 3 Gold Coins, 1 of which was simply to tip Vigi. I doubt that wooden doors can cost up to 3 Gold Coins, no matter how generous one may be. 2 Gold Coins for the door~ Vigi shrugged it off, while muttering something about how shameless the wealthy can be; but he's on his way. I'm meow ruthlessly devouring Candy. I'll pay the Candy Man later, but for meow… Ensuring that not only he is safe and out of the Lionkin King's grasp, as well as ensuring that I am properly paid for my efforts in the Mummy Mansion take precedence… One Candy Cane at a time~ I started with the largest forms of Candy first, because let's face it… I can't fit the larger Candies into my one and only bag, and so the smaller pieces which I usually frequent will be what I actually fly away with on this fine evening. Burglary... How fun~

By the time that I had fully recovered my MP and resurrected every single one of my Clansmen… I had already devoured all the larger pieces, and even dipped into the smaller ones. Several of my Clansmen are singing gracefully within the small Candy Store, and many more are singing outside. It's become a concert, of sorts. It technically isn't daytime yet, but it's near dawn. People have gathered outside to witness the spectacle better left known as that one time when the Candy Mongerer robbed the missing Koalakin… And even bothered with replacing the door used to break in. Yep… There's a Woodworker currently installing a new door, and everything. He's a Flamingokin~ Honestly, not a bad guy if I do say so myself; his name is Truoltz. He's quite the understanding Flamingokin, and he was available on short notice; so there's that.

I eventually ended up using two of the Candy Man's glass jars to fill my Coins, as I didn't want to mix Coins with Candy. That would have been disgusting~ I honestly DID manage to clean out the entire store. I owe the Koalakin, that much is certain. After exiting the Candy Store, I quickly noticed that some of the spectators were Kingdom Knights… But they were far too terrified to stand in my way. I probably have one of those faces. Flawless jawline, well kept hair, stunning eyes… You know the type~ It's certainly not my Clan Leader haki or anything like that!

Walking through these streets, my Clansmen marched along as they performed a terrifying rendition to 'Heads Will R*ll'. We marched all the way up to the questionably fixed Castle, and at around halfway through it, while making our way toward the one room left unscathed… I promptly threw down a Pumpkin Bomb worth 1000 MP. It was the Pumpkin Spice Bomb, so I tried again and thankfully; was bestowed with a Pumpkin Lantern Bomb. The entire Castle is once again, in flames. It also smells quite nice~ All that progress, gone in the wink of an eye... Thanks to an idiotic King quite willing to test my patience time, and time again… Sorry, to all of the workers; it's not your fault. I won't take responsibility for it myself, but it's not your fault.

And so… I watched as dozens of Kingdom Knights perished at the hands of my Clansmen. They knew what to do, we've been through this before. Anyone that dare to stand in our path lost their life on that fine evening, though dawn was admittedly closing in on us. Pebbles flew everywhere alongside the Wraiths… Scarecrows trampled all over the place, thrashing to their stalk's content. Conrad was flying particularly fast… Leoric stood by, watching the mayhem with his arms crossed; and kept giving me a look that could only mean one thing… He's judging me. A King for a Candy Man? No… A King for a King. This is Goddin Village Neith Sama's retribution. I tried to keep this King alive, I gave the order to resurrect him myself; when clearly… I should have let him die. I've made mistakes, and this is me making amends. If you don't like it, Leoric; you can go ahead and return to Vanheim. Seriously; go.

The door to the King's room was in flames. Even this room will not survive. Not this time. There won't be a Castle in Reygid. Not any longer. They've lost their rights to possess a Castle. Executive decision! Swinging the door open, I was met with the King… His Queen… A particular Flamingokin… The TempCat… And one other whom I had never encountered. He was a Lionkin... It's probably his son. Well, well, well… It would appear that of all the individuals in this Kingdom… The only ones worth mentioning whom are willing to protect this joke of a King, are his own family; a foolish TempCat, and the Flamingokin. Oh? The Flamingokin isn't going to save him. She's shamelessly just leapt out through the one window, breaking it as she did so. She's gone. It's just the TempCat and his family. Perhaps, what I find most interesting about this entire ordeal; is that the Princess is still nowhere to be seen.

"Where is your daughter?" [Nero] asked with a smirk.

"She's safe! You'll never have her!" [Lionkin King] roared ferociously. To which, the Catkin only laughed.

Hallowed Howl, please… [10 Minute Makeover]! [War Meow]! Benji… Latch yourself to the back of my hood, and hold my Lantern… Keep it touching me at all times. Conrad, find Cetilla. Make sure she knows what is going on right meow… Penny, slow time and confuse them all. Molag Dregora, figure out if there are any prisoners within the Dungeons beneath this place; and save them. Luna, heal me as I fight. Leaping forward as fast as I possibly could… I used [Mana Claws] and [Flame Paws] in tandem, meeting the edge of the TempCat's blade. He jumped in-front of the others, blocking my way; when I was originally aiming for the King himself. The block worked, and it hurt a little to strike his massive Sword… But he definitely lost his footing. He was knocked back at least a few inches from the impact~ I couldn't help but let out a small grin as I continued to swipe my Claws at his sword repeatedly; as fast as I possibly could. With each strike, the TempCat found himself shirking further and further away from the Clansmen still performing as the others all watched in horror.

After a few moments, the Prince stepped in; and tried to hit me from the side… To no avail. Leoric spitefully leapt in to protect me, stabbing the Prince's left fist with his Shadow Dagger. Sadly, Leoric quickly found himself overwhelmed; and I still ended up needing to face both of them at the same time. The Prince likes to throw punches, and each time he does… Boulders erupt from the floor, knocking me off balance. Thankfully, I always land on my feet~ Honestly… They're supposed to be the strongest in this Kingdom, but these two are no match for me right meow. I'm too fast, I think. Every time that the Prince knocks me off balance, I end up leaping off the walls; catapulting myself back into battle. The King and Queen can probably see that they're going to lose this battle. Every time that I swipe at the Prince, he bleeds… A lot. It's definitely due to Wendel. After around five minutes of a chaotic battle between the three of us, the walls were absolutely covered in blood; and the Prince had lost his left hand. Seriously… Mick is currently munching on it in the corner of the room. Unfortunately, as we fought… The Prince managed to build a barrier of stone, blocking my sight from the King and Queen. I can probably break it… But it doesn't really matter if they gain the opportunity to watch their son die, or if they don't. It's irrelevant to me.

"You won't slay his Majesty! We won't allow it!" [TempCat] declared brazenly… Right before his Sword finally shattered under the weight of what must have been hundreds of strikes.

"You'll all die..." [Nero] shot back with a blank expression before slicing the TempCat's throat, releasing pools of blood; leading to the TempCat's ultimate demise as he fell to his knees.

"Yuhkdi!" [Lionkin Prince] screamed frantically before foolishly attempting to strike the Halloween Cat once more… Only to lose yet another hand.

And with that… They have both been rendered incapable of continuing the fight. As I cut him down one last time, aiming for his neck… I noticed a look of terror in the Prince's face, for the first time. He was brave, the entire way through. Idiotic, but brave. The Bandsmen began to perform 'G*ry Heidnik' as I turned to the stone barrier… And quickly began to thrash my paws against it… Watching as it slowly crumbled away with a twisted grin, I continued for what must have been several minutes. It was sturdy, I'll give the Prince that much… He was intelligent enough to raise such a great barrier, in the midst of combat; but even this will not stop my wrath. I can't imagine what the other Halloween Cat is like.

Finally, as the stone barrier shattered into nothing but rubble… I came face to face with the Monarch yet again. This time, after having realized his own surroundings… Tears began to fall from his eyes. His wife is sobbing, and I think they may have finally acknowledged their own failures. It's too bad… It's far too late for this. There won't be another chance. Raising my paw, he shrieked…

"Spare us… Or spare my wife at the very least! Please… I can't bare to leave my daughter alone in this realm!" [Lionkin King] muttered in fear.

"Treylin…" [Lionkin Queen] hysterically wept while on her knees.

"No." [Witch of War] replied with a blank expression, before mercilessly executing both the Lionkin… Beheading them both.

It's over… No more slavery… No more war… No more prejudice... No more tragedy. Not from this wretched place. I'm done. Taking a deep breath while absolutely soaked in the blood of my enemies, I turned around to face my Clansmen. They're meow performing 'IT Is The *nd' while we walk through this burning mess of a Castle. I'm currently carrying both of their heads. After vacating the premises of my flames, I noticed that quite the crowd had gathered. They're glaring at me, with looks of utter fear… Or happiness. It can't be helped. I'm soaked in the blood of their Majesty, and I now represent the end to their Monarchy. Their Kingdom… It's in my paws. It would appear that the Koalakin was indeed a prisoner of the King. He's been saved, and is meow standing near Molag Dregora. Assuming my largest form...

"Your Majesty has been executed for the sake of the late Goblin King!" [Nero] announced as he dropped both the heads, letting them roll down the stairs leading up to the burning Castle before continuing as the Bandsmen began to perform 'We Are the Tr*th'…

"My name is Nero. I am the one True Allwe Halloween Cat! I represent a portion of the Halloween Clan, and the Lost Kingdom itself. The Night has come! You may already know of me for my dealings with Clive, the Cheetahkin… Or for my frequent visits. I promise to bring prosperity to this Kingdom without the need for foul dealings! Hear me, and hear me clearly… I will accept the role of overseeing this Kingdom in that Lionkin's stead. Under my name, slavery will cease to exist... Should you disagree with my ideals, I will have your heads as well. Pay your workers fairly, or die to my claws. I will grant the former Princess asylum, should she bend the knee. If not, the (Hob)Goblin King will replace her… And she will die alongside her family. Regardless of whom acts as your Ruler, I want you all to know… These lands are now mine. You are all under my protection should you choose to remain here. Make any effort to stand against me, and I will have you executed. There will be no more prejudice against any creature. If they can speak, then they are more than free to live here. They are to be welcomed, with open arms. It's as simple as that. Refusing to serve any individual in your establishment based on their appearance will be regarded as a criminal act; and you will be tried in a court of Night. Pass this information along, ensure that the Princess has heard me; as any laws that I have just declared... Are effective immediately." [Nero] declared loudly with a terrifying look in his eyes, as the Castle behind him burnt to the ground.

And so… I've received quite the round of applause. Some are giving off furious expressions, as they are probably the Slave Masters… But the majority seem in favor. It's like that~ I've meow assumed control of Reygid. I still need the Forsaken Isles in order to keep all of the less fortunate creatures safe, because well… There's no space for them to live here. Be that as it may, the Wailing Keep itself could theoretically be moved here. We can still have a [Hallowed Gate] leading to the Forsaken Isles, though~

"What about the Castle?!" [Indistinct Male Civilian] begged the question.

"It will not be rebuilt. I'll have my Keep conjured here after a full day." [Nero] announced. To which, many seemed surprised; or joyous.

"If the Princess refuses… Will the (Hob)Goblin King be capable of holding the Tides of Tragedy at bay?!" [Indistinct Female Civilian] asked frantically.

"It is unclear. Until the time that he arrives and we find out... I will be at the Beach." [Nero] confessed. To which, many began to mutter amidst themselves.

"Will the Lost Kingdom move here?" [Indistinct Male Civilian] asked with an innocent voice.

"The Lost Kingdom is segregated… The Monster Knights will live here, while the civilians will likely remain elsewhere." [Nero] declared loudly.

"What about the taxes?" [Indistinct Male Civilian] asked.

"I have no need for taxes. Use what may have been paying as taxes to help pay your workers." [Nero] humbly replied. To which, many seemed relieved.

"What about us?" [Turtlekin Kingdom Knight] asked with a terrified expression.

"You may request to join the Monster Knights… But be warned, we only have a need for so many Knights. Only the most powerful of Knights will do, if you believe yourself to be too weak; then become an Adventurer. I feed all of the Monster Knights, I provide them with adequate armor, and a place to live… But until now, I have not paid my Knights. They fight for the glory of our Kingdom. If you seek wealth, find that as an Adventurer or at a business." [Nero] declared with a terrifying look in his eyes. To which, many of the surviving Knights seemed dejected.

"Isn't that slavery?!" [Indistinct Woman] asked hysterically.

"Is it? Me providing exceptional lodging, delectable food, armor that is impossible to attain from the market, and only requesting that they fight for me on the rare occasion is slavery? Let it be known, that not a single Monster Knight was even requested to face the King alongside me." [Nero] asked with a tyrannical look in his eyes. To which, many muttered amidst themselves.

"It's true. Living as a Monster Knight is a life unparalleled to anything you have ever dreamt of. Nero's rule will bring prosperity to these lands, and he requests so little from you. Respect his ideals, or die a fool." [Cetilla Vellisroi] exclaimed with a smirk as she stepped forth, from the crowd; alongside the (Hob)Goblin King, riding a particular Land Shark.

"The Dutchess of Doom!" [Indistinct Male Civilian] exclaimed excitedly from somewhere in the crowd.

"Who IS that beefcake?!" [Indistinct Female Civilian] swooned.

"Is THAT the King?!" [Indistinct Female Civilian] screamed frantically, as if she were suddenly infatuated.

And so… I am meow on my way to the Beach, joined by some of the Cat Crew, and the Koalakin Candy Man. All of the Clansmen needed to return to Halloween. [Daily Candy]! I profusely apologized to the Koalakin for having robbed him in attempts at saving him, but he didn't seem to care after I tossed him the jars of Gold Coins. Apparently, he owes ME meow; so that's nice. He eventually left, but not before promising his undying fealty to us. He's a good Koalakin~ When we had finally reached the Beach; nothing really seemed to happen. So, we're sleeping at the Beach. Just for a night or two, while the others handle the Forsaken Isles Quest. We totally ended up playing Safari Cards for a little while, and after around five games of Cetilla winning; Veronica and Roy appeared alongside Celine who was carrying several bottles of Rum. It was a pleasant surprise, which wound up with several more games of Safari Cards... They promised to cancel their dark dealings, to bring Ivand Bernardi around the following night… And also promised to bring Rei's Mother… So, yeah... The Cat will leave the bag, and her mother will come to learn of her daughter's death. Tomorrow~

By the time that the Vellisroi parents left, we were all wasted; and so we even had the chance to take a swim in the Ocean. It was the perfect ending to such a stressful night, if I must say. Cetilla definitely won the splash fight, too. Nothing can stop that girl's Tornadoes, I swear! Not even the damned Land Shark! It's ridiculous... Sleeping in the sand wasn't too bad, either. It was alright, but probably only because I returned to my largest Cat form. The others definitely snuggled up next to me, but I didn't really care. I'm drunk, and I'm a giant Cat which is constantly on fire. If I were them in this situation, I'd probably do the same. Good morning...