Chapter 91 - Day 91

It was intense. It all happened so fast... Right near the ending of Wendel's song, the sky violently swapped over to the color purple. Everyone, and I mean… EVERYONE got a chance to witness the spectacle that is Halloween~ No one expected it, yet here we are. Many of the Halloween Clansmen meow have purple eyes, myself included. The Pumpkin Speaker Monsters all meow have purple flames, and I have taken the stage. It's time for an announcement. [Daily Candy]! Vivian, please bring this bucket to the others~

"Dawn has come! It's astounding… Time is fleeting…" [Nero] declared with a grin, silencing the masses as he sat atop his Broom while hovering over the fountain. To which, dozens of Bandsmen and Monster Knights excitedly took to the streets as the beat began to play...

"Madness, takes it's toll…" [Nero] muttered after having been tossed a Microphone, as Cetilla began to manically giggle while holding her own.

"But listen closely... " [Nero] grumbled while turning around to make sure that he got a good glance in all directions.

"Not for very much longer~" [Cetilla] chimed in with a sadistic expression as her obnoxiously flowing hair cleared a path in the audience while approaching the fountain.

"I've got to… Keep control~" [Nero] exclaimed, grabbing the attention back from the crowd before continuing…

"I REMEM~BER… DOING THE TI~ME WARP… DRINKING… THOSE MOMENTS WHEN~" [Nero] shouted while flying around the town circle…

"THE BLACKNESS WOULD HIT ME…" [Nero] screamed with an excited expression before landing back near Cetilla, leaping off his Broom and taking her hands as they continued together…

"AND THE VOID WOULD BE CALLING~" [Nero & Cetilla] hysterically screamed as they ran together, hand-in-hand into the crowd…

"Let's do the time warp again~" [Plethora of Bandsmen] happily sang in perfect unison as dozens began to dance through the town circle.

And so, it was unanimously decided. We wouldn't simply stop at dawn, okay? This festival is too high maintenance to end early. We're getting absolutely hammered, we're eating amazing food, and we're surrounded by our loved ones… And a bunch of random Beastkin, but who cares? This party is going to be the party to end all parties, okay? We won't stop, we can't stop! Not until the last bottle has been drained. Buy it, or we'll drink it... I don't care!

"Long live the Festival of Allwe!" [Nero] shouted as if signaling a warcry while dramatically raising both hands high into the sky. His Lantern was in his left hand, and his Broom in his right hand. To which, violent purple flames suddenly gust from Lianix… Engulfing Halloween for a split moment before disappearing, as if to show that she had acknowledged his demands.

...Huh. She didn't hurt anyone, so I guess it's fine? Friendly fire? Nyah~ Whatever… The Scarecrows cheered at first, but they were soon joined by many others; and it almost brought a tear to my eye. T-They… They believed in the festival! Yosh! I'm not alone in wishing for it to last longer! I'm not crazy! It's a good festival, okay? Oh? I'm getting an urgent message from Benji. According to him, the children have all taken to the Arcade; and it's somewhat crowded in there… So only the Bats and Crows have been able to squeeze through to switch songs. It's been a hassle or something… But honestly, Benji? Deal with it. Don't hurt them, or threaten them… They're just kids, after all. Let them enjoy the games if they would prefer to spend their time in there, but explain to them that you need a little space around the Scaraoke machine monster; lest they wish for a very displeased Witch of War to appear. Nyah.

I… Want Candy~ Vana is such a saint, the way that she sings this song… I hold firmly in my beliefs that there wouldn't be a better Bandswomen to perform it. She's the one for the job. I was thinking such things as I drank from atop my favorite house. It's one of the houses on the edge of the town circle, so the view is spectacular. Also, the two Hallowed Gates are positioned at my left and right, so I get a perfect view of the stage. Regardless, I suppose I should go ahead and take over for Rosa at the Beach. I had my fun. It's okay, it's fine. I certainly did NOT wish to stay here all night and ditch Rosa with Beach duty~ She'd probably get stronger… But she's just not suited for facing those creatures. She's not terrifying enough to get them away from us, and she's not even good at fighting them. She's a TERRIBLE Countess! Far too young, definitely lost her fortune, and she's skilled in Fire Magic. How unique. It's not as though the vast majority of my Clansmen can use Fire Magic, or anything~ When will we find a Water Magic user? No… Give me Lightning. Yeah. That would be pretty cool...

"Not going to dance with the others?" [Chiffona-Cya-Macaroon] asked while gazing off into the distance, after having flown up to sit beside the Halloween Cat. To which, Nero sighed.

"We don't have to dance..." [Nero] replied with a smirk before taking a swig.

"Haaah~ That was a nice song…" [Chiffona-Cya-Macaroon] sighed while visibly recalling the performance.

"So it's already been played?" [Nero] asked while tilting his head to the side.

"You missed it?" [Chiffona-Cya-Macaroon] asked with eyes wide.

"Guess so, I've been off watching over the Beach every so often." [Nero] groaned as he shrugged his shoulders.

"I understood the choice to move to the Forsaken Isles… But why the Beastkin Kingdom?" [Chiffona-Cya-Macaroon] begged the question while furrowing an eyebrow and raising the opposite.

"After executing their King… I didn't really have much of a choice… It was this, or let the Beastkin perish at the hands of the Tides of Tragedy… Which would have inevitably invaded the continent." [Nero] explained before taking another swig.

"Ahh… I would have let them drown…" [Chiffona-Cya-Macaroon] confessed while gazing off into the distance.

"...What?" [Nero] shot back with an exasperated expression.

"Think about it… Reygid in this day and age… Is atrocious. It consists of the descendants to those whom abandoned the Monster Kingdom, which you are working tirelessly to aide… And also includes a number of individuals who would have been perfectly fine with having enslaved the Lost Kingdom." [Chiffona-Cya-Macaroon] explained before continuing…

"So what makes them worthy of your help?" [Chiffona-Cya-Macaroon] asked with a terrifying expression.

"They also enslaved their own. It's not just something they did to us, they did it to themselves…" [Nero] muttered while glancing down at the masses.

"It's despicable..." [Chiffona-Cya-Macaroon] grumbled.

"But that's just it… The vast majority of the Beastkin were being enslaved as well. They hold no true ties to the wealthy who had wronged them... They aren't so different to us, now are they?" [Nero] exclaimed with a weak smile.

"Yet the wealthy still live, comfortably in the lavish homes built from their misdeeds…" [Chiffona-Cya-Macaroon] muttered while scowling. To which, the Halloween Cat sighed.

"Letting them live isn't perfect… But neither is executing them. Simply because they had ancestors who had betrayed the Monster Kingdom… It does not mean that they will also do so. These people were raised to disregard the rights of the less fortunate, and to treat them as nothing more than property. I want to at least give the wealthy a chance for redemption. If they can abstain from further hurting intelligent creatures… Then they should be forgiven; don't you think?" [Nero] explained before shrugging his shoulders.

"So we'll execute them if they slip and show their true nature?" [Chiffona-Cya-Macaroon] begged the question while glaring at the Halloween Cat as she tilt her head to the side.

"...Yes." [Nero] shot back with a tired expression.

"Hm~ Okay, then I'll be holding you to it. If Chartreuse returns telling me of anything questionable… I'll expect you to step in, and handle everything." [Chiffona-Cya-Macaroon] pompously replied.

"But of course…" [Nero] groaned while rolling his eyes.

...I thought she had issues with Chartreuse right now? No offense to Chiffona-Cya-Macaroon, but does she really have enough standing to get Chartreuse's endorsement to that extent? Nyah~

"What are you two up to?" [Lucius the Mousekin] asked after having appeared from seemingly nowhere. To which, both Nero and Chiffona-Cya-Macaroon gasped.

"Watching the show and debating the fates of those beneath us~" [Nero] sighed.

"Fun, fun… I just came to extend my gratitude for having named me." [Lucius] confessed before lowering his head as he continued.

"I never intended to stay with you here as a Monster Knight… So I never expected to have been given such an honor… But to thank you, and show my appreciation… I vow, to one day Evolve into that of the Halloween Clan and spread the kindness of Allwe in Monastazia." [Lucius] declared with a solemn expression before glancing at the Halloween Cat.

"..." [Chiffona-Cya-Macaroon] glared at the Mousekin with a wry smile. To which, Lucius shuddered for a split moment before turning back to face the Halloween Cat.

"...I assure you, the honor is all mine." [Nero] confessed with a smile, greatly comforting the now dismayed Mousekin.

"He's not the only one… I've also decided to do so, wherever it be that I may go." [Gillie, the Golden Retrieverkin] promised after having hopped up onto the house alongside Rita.

"I'm just here because it seemed like a good time." [Rita] confessed with a cheerful expression. To which, one could notice Cycleo desperately trying to climb the house.

"...Is he going to make it?" [Nero] begged the question while glancing at the struggling One Eyed Lizard.

"It's anyone's guess…" [Chiffona-Cya-Macaroon] sighed.

"Shouldn't we help him?" [Lucius] asked while turning his head back and forth between the Lizard and the Cat.

"...No." [Nero] beckoned with a terrifying expression as he glared at the six-handed One Eyed Lizard.

"...But he's slipping?" [Gillie] exclaimed, to which… Cycleo finally lost his grip, and began to fall from the rooftop in slow motion… Before a particular Kitsune masterfully leapt through the air, wrapped a tail around the One Eyed Lizard; and rescued him as she continued on to land somewhere off in the distance.

According to the sounds that came of Kendra's brave rescue… She failed. Cycleo was wrapped around one of her many tails, sure… But her tail was still dragging below her body; and so… When she landed, he had already collided and been dragged across the street for at least 5 feet; at a moderate speed. He's not impressed, judging by his tone of voice; as he hysterically screamed in pain… During an awkward moment when no music played… Directly after Conrad's performance of 'Superst*tion'... And before Christina's performance of 'B*d Guy'. I'm pretty sure that everyone in this town heard him, but I still can't get over how Penny slowed time at JUST the right moment… It was like a movie… The best part about it all, is that I don't think she slowed time for me; or anyone else… It was JUST for Cycleo… Impressive, Pixie.

"Why didn't we help him?" [Rita] asked with a shaken tone of voice.

"...I'm drunk~" [Nero] sighed while averting eye contact, as if the entire ordeal was beyond his capabilities.

"My wings have seemed to stop working…" [Chiffona-Cya-Macaroon] exclaimed while seeming quite troubled as she plucked an overly long feather.

"I just went along with the flow…" [Gillie] confessed while seeming quite distraught.

"Will he live?" [Lucius] begged the question as a tear fell from his eye.

"He's first ark, and Chasms to boot… He'll live." [Nero] explained as he shrugged his shoulders.

"...First ark?" [Gillie] asked after having quickly snapped her neck up to face the Halloween Cat.

"He doesn't die." [Nero] shot back with a serious expression while lowering his aviators.

"What about me?" [Rita] asked with eyes wide.

"He'll probably be of the Halloween Clan before either of you two~" [Chiffona-Cya-Macaroon] added, while nodding her head and raising her eyebrows… Completely ignoring the Rifaleesigal.

"Who knows? He might even foolishly choose to follow me, granting him temporary immortality." [Nero] explained while also nodding his head along.

"...What about me?" [Rita] repeated the question with a nervous expression.

"What a sucker… He'd be better of becoming a Vampire, like me~" [Chiffona-Cya-Macaroon] sighed while glaring off into the distance.

"What Clan is he even of right now?" [Nero] begged the question with an uncertain look in his eyes.

"...What ark am I?!" [Rita] asked frantically.

"Groundhogs, last I checked…" [Chiffona-Cya-Macaroon] explained while shrugging her shoulders.

"...Rings a bell~" [Nero] sighed.

"Hello?!" [Rita] screamed hysterically.

"Rita… You're already the Queen of the Rifa… What more do you want?" [Nero] shot back while squinting at the Rifaleesigal.

"...But will I eventually join Halloween?" [Rita] asked with a look of desperation.

"I'm of Easter…" [Lucius] confessed while seeming dejected.

"Me too~" [Gillie] declared while patting the Mousekin's back.

"You know… You could probably both be training relatively safely with the help of Vana and Hugo if you go to the Beach…" [Nero] offered the idea to both the Beastkin, completely ignoring the Rifaleesigal. To which, they each looked at each other for a few moments before...

"...I'm in~" [Lucius] declared with a smile.

"I'm not very strong… I'll be in your care." [Gillie] sighed while glaring at the Mousekin.

"That's alright, I'm pretty good~" [Lucius] reassured the Golden Retrieverkin with a smile before the two leapt from the house.

"So?!" [Rita] asked.

"...I don't know… You're already Tier 8, right?" [Nero] begged the question while tilting his head to the side. To which, the Rifaleesigal profusely shook her head.

"I'm Tier 10." [Rita] declared while puffing out her chest.

"...And you haven't been given a single opportunity to change Clans?" [Nero] asked with eyes wide.

"...I have, but not to Halloween..." [Rita] confessed before lowering her head.

"Then maybe, you just need to Evolve a few more times…" [Nero] reassured the Rifaleesigal while patting her head.

"I for one, did not get the chance to join Halloween until quite recently…" [Cetilla] chimed in with a smirk as she flew toward the trio.

"...So there's still hope for me?!" [Rita] asked, clearly excited.

"Perhaps, if you take things seriously and train at the Beach…" [Nero] sighed while side-eyeing the Dutchess of Doom.

"Really?" [Rita] asked with an innocent expression.

"If you try very hard…" [Cetilla] began to explain before being brutally interrupted by Rita's abrupt departure.

"There she goes…" [Chiffona-Cya-Macaroon] sighed before taking a swig of her drink.

"What did I even just walk into?" [Cetilla] begged the question with a devious smile.

"Inciting growth among the Monster Knights, so that I don't need to check back up on the Beach as often~" [Nero] explained with a smile.

"Excellent… If things keep up this way, we might not even need your help in the next war~" [Cetilla] exclaimed with a smile.

"Another war?" [Roah] asked after having leapt up onto the house.

"Cetilla's been causing trouble with the Humans…" [Nero] groaned while rolling his eyes. To which, Chiffona-Cya-Macaroon gave the Sorceress a high five.

"...Eh?" [Roah] let out, with eyes wide.

"I know…" [Nero] muttered while holding his head in his hands.

"Are we going to assume dominion over Nidallia as well, then?" [Roah] asked with a look of uncertainty.

"It may prove optimal~" [Cetilla] confessed with a terrifying grin.

"Cetilla… No!" [Nero] shot back with a look of desperation.

"Why not?" [Cetilla] begged the question while furrowing her eyebrows.

"I've got my paws full with Reygid. I couldn't HANDLE having more than two Dungeons of this caliber to face at a time!" [Nero] explained with a hysterical expression.

"Hmm… Okay." [Roah] sighed as if he couldn't really care less.

"This caliber?" [Chiffona-Cya-Macaroon] begged the question while tilting her head to the side. To which, Nero adjusted his aviators before explaining...

"They get more powerful over time… And apparently, no one has been able to defeat a Dungeon on this continent in centuries. Just one, is more than enough of a pain to make your life a living nightmare… We're lucky that the Adventurers seem appeased with the Mummy Mansion enough to spend their time in it without our coercion… But they're doing nothing to actually stop the Dungeon, so it's still going to be a problem in our future." [Nero] explained with a calculating expression.

"Just how powerful is this Mummy Mansion...? Surely, you're all more than enough; right?" [Chiffona-Cya-Macaroon] asked with a frightened expression.

"Gluttatosk stood no chance." [Roah] confessed with a dejected expression. To which, Chiffona-Cya-Macaroon gasped.

"Relatively simple, if you know what you're doing..." [Cetilla] explained with a sigh.

"It's uncertain. The Dungeon behaves differently depending on what time you enter it at, and you can't leave it for exactly one full week. To defeat the Dungeon, you need to enter at a specific moment. When in that moment, many things about the Dungeon seem different. There are more, or different rooms. There are monsters that you would never have even faced at the other moments. A vast majority of the enemies that you would face in the Mummy Mansion are easy to defeat, but some of the monsters are multitudes more frightening… The largest issue is their sheer numbers, and their ability to keep replicating those numbers to a seemingly endless degree. The fewer monsters that actually pose a challenge, take advantage of the fact that you've already spent days wasting your strength against the weak. We believed that we were nearing the end of the Dungeon, but it's impossible to know for sure. " [Nero] explained while glaring at Cetilla.

"So because there's also a Dungeon in the Ocean… You can't return to the Mansion." [Chiffona-Cya-Macaroon] muttered while visibly pondering to herself. To which, Nero nodded.

"Have you come to a decision yet about when you'll Prestige?" [Cetilla] begged the question. To which, Roah smiled and seemed to have stifled a slight laugh.

"No… Perhaps… Tomorrow or the night after? I really need to return to the Lizardmen Tribes so that I can find some Twisted Treants… And I also need to craft paper... And to conjure new clothing." [Nero] grumbled.

"Crafting paper may prove more difficult than you'd think… I heard that all the paper in Reygid was imported~" [Cetilla] groaned.

"...You're kidding." [Nero] shot back with a flat look in his eyes.

"Wish I were~ But when I was little, I would draw portraits. Too many, on account of my own failures and compulsion to start anew with every mistake. My father was absolutely fed up with paying for all the paper, and made absolutely certain to drill that fact into my head. It's not very difficult to obtain if you're lucky, as it flies off the shelves with every shipment… But the fact that it needs to be shipped over spikes the price." [Cetilla] explained while twirling a strand of her hair.

"You're telling me that there isn't a single artisan producing paper on this continent?" [Nero] groaned.

"Not as far as I know of~" [Cetilla] sighed.

It seems as though my dealing with Rudou has become all the more important. I need his connection to find my way to wherever paper is being produced… I pray that Luna's Spellbook ends up being worth it… It's a shame that I'm being coerced into giving up my power. I won't be able to conjure multiple gates for awhile, so I definitely should do it while I'm still on the stronger side.

"Hey… Shouldn't you be at the Beach or something?" [Vana] asked while floating on up to the ensemble alongside Hugo.

"Rosa, Edgar, Prussian, Chartreuse, Lucius, Gillie, Gluttatosk, Rita, and perhaps; Robert should be off doing it right about meow~" [Nero] explained with a wry smile.

"...Three noble bloodlines?" [Vana] asked with a confused expression.

"Do you think that they'll be too much for the monsters to appear?" [Cetilla] begged the question while tilting her head to the side.

"Hmm… Chartreuse is pretty weak, and Rosa's purely of the Fire Element… The monsters will probably be there." [Vana] explained her hypothesis.

"What if you and Hugo showed up to help make sure none of them perish?" [Nero] asked while squinting his eyes.

"We'd be unable to heal Gluttatosk…" [Hugo] confessed while averting eye contact.

"Gluttatosk will survive, if he's not currently bleeding out into the open sea." [Nero] sighed.

"Did no one heal him?" [Roah] asked with a twitching eye.

"I honestly can't remember… Luna~ Please help Gluttatosk when you have time." [Nero] beckoned while raising his Lantern. To which, bright purple flames gushed forth and dispersed to reveal a particular Vampire.

"Luna, darling… Could you be a dear and fetch me another bottle?" [Chiffona-Cya-Macaroon] asked with a frivolous expression.

"Right after my next song~" [Luna] shot back with a grin before leaping back off the house… Leaving the Harpy Matriarch utterly flabbergasted.

"Wait… Back on topic, Vana?" [Cetilla] begged the question with an irritated expression.

"Well, admittedly… Hugo and I probably aren't strong enough to sway the Tides too much." [Vana] confessed with a dejected expression.

"That's good! Will you help them should an opportunity arise?" [Nero] asked with an excited look in his eyes.

"...I guess…" [Vana] groaned before flying away alongside Hugo.

"The way that she carries him around sends chills down my spine. It's inspirational, really…" [Chiffona-Cya-Macaroon] muttered while glaring at the fleeting Monarch Flutterfairy.

"Oh? You're seeking a mate?" [Cetilla] asked with a grin.

"No, I'm far too old for that… I want a toy to drag around with me wherever I go… Someone weak, and beneath me; like Hugo..." [Chiffona-Cya-Macaroon] muttered before taking the final swig of her bottle and flying off.

"She's something else…" [Roah] exclaimed with a disturbed expression.

"I think I see where she's coming from." [Cetilla] confessed with a sigh.

"Isn't she like… Level 8 or something?" [Nero] muttered with a confused expression.

"No, surprisingly… Chiffona-Cya-Macaroon seems to have found a way to level up. She's been steadily climbing ever since the attack against the Wailing Keep. She's already nearly level 200." [Roah] explained with a calculated looked in his eyes. To which, both Catkin gasped.

"What could she possibly be doing?!" [Cetilla] asked with a terrifying look in her eyes.

"You'd need to ask her yourself~" [Roah] replied while shrugging his shoulders.

"Has she gained any new titles?" [Nero] begged the question while furrowing his eyebrows.

"[Matriarch of Atrocity], [In Death, We Rise], and [Harpy of Horror]." [Roah] explained with a smile.

...Matriarch of Atrocity?! What has she done?! All three of these titles seem like bad news! She's an up-and-coming legend… A horrific legend…

"None of them explain enough to gain any form of understanding…" [Cetilla] muttered under her breath.

"Except for [In Death, We Rise]... It was probably just gained by having vastly overcome her original strength after having become a Vampire." [Nero] confessed with a nervous smile.

"So the Harpy Matriarch got stronger due to having an opportune method of gaining Blood?" [Cetilla] asked while raising her eyebrows.

"I doubt it… I doubt that simply tasting Blood would grant her any experience… She must have been killing something." [Nero] sighed.

"I'm going to figure out what she's up to." [Cetilla] declared with a devious expression

"Have at it~" [Roah] said with a carefree attitude.

"Good luck~" [Nero] bid the Sorceress farewell as he waved her off, before slipping away alongside the Hobgoblin to procure more Alcohol.

"What are you doing?!" [Roah] let out, while being dragged along by the flying Halloween Cat...

"...Oh." [Roah] said with a flat voice after coming face to chest with a Lesser Scarecrow.

"We need more." [Nero] declared with a smile before procuring four new bottles, and placing them all in the handles of one particularly handsome (Hob)Goblin King.

"Ready to go watch some fighting?" [Nero] begged the question with a grin as he got back onto his Broom, and extended an arm out to Roah… Who rolled his eyes as he accepted.

And so, we are meow on our way back to the Beach! Sort of. We're going to fly relatively high up in the air, and be positioned a moderate distance away. By keeping a safe distance, we should hopefully not be messing with the Tides of Experience Points. After we had arrived, Roah passed me a bottle… We made a toast, and happily began to watch the motley work their magic.

Chartreuse and Prussian were flying around, and fighting with a combat style relatively similar to Conrad. I feel as though they were doing mock [Aerial Dive]s. It wasn't very effective, but they were trying their best. Gluttatosk, thank Robert… Was on land. He's shamelessly running about and devouring Sea Snakes with his massive mouth… Tearing them to shreds, one bite at a time. It would appear that Vana and Hugo have not yet arrived. The Goatman was highly effective against the miniature Crab monsters. He has green colored piercing abilities. He wields a Dagger, but his abilities are capable of replicating that Dagger multiple times. The flying green Magic Daggers soar around, and find weak points to stab the Crabs at. It's almost mesmerizing, but it would appear that he can only manifest a total of 5 Daggers at a time. He needs 7 to earn the mesmerizing status. No less! Rosa's still unimpressive, but her Flame Magic is pretty. It lights up the skies, more so than any other abilities… Except for one. Lucius is quite exceptional. That Mousekin could use Lightning Magic this whole time! It's yellow, and bright. He's wielding a Pole of sorts, and every time that he stabs it into the ground… Lightning erupts around him, damaging the closest enemy. It's highly effective. One strike, and that Fish is BURNT! Also, he's got a knack for dodging very close-call attacks. It's entertaining to watch, as he dances around the battlefield. Rita's also a Lightning Type, but her Lightning is blue. It's dazzling in its own right, as it appears in one spot… Before appearing in another. Rita's quick. She's all over the place, dropping mini explosions of Lightning at every kick she makes. The problem with Rita's Magic, at least in the aesthetic category… Is that it isn't big enough. It's here one moment, and there in another moment… Each charge is small. Lucius' attacks are big, bright… And consistently near the same location. He CREATES the focal point of this battle, okay?! Rita just dances around it, which is totally different! Gillie's doing fine, but she's not very impressive. She wields a Bow, and her arrows are made up of green light. They're Magic arrows, and henceforth… Due to her own lacking in stats… She's not dealing very much damage. The arrows SEEM to go through… But that's just about it. None of the monsters appear to be bothered by her, whatsoever. She's just… There, in the midst of the battle; struggling to hold strong as the battle wages on…

"They're holding up pretty well, wouldn't you say?" [Roah] sighed before taking another sip of his bottle.

"Lucius' Magic is quite impressive..." [Nero] muttered with a smile.

"It's distracting." [Roah] confessed with a carefree tone of voice.

"That's why I like it~" [Nero] laughed.

"I think I prefer Rosa's Magic…" [Roah] sighed.

"She's not really harming them though, is she?" [Nero] begged the question.

"Nah… I just like how her [Flame Roar] emits a large flaming Tiger face." [Roah] admit before taking another swig.

"Oh… Yeah, that's cool and everything… But what about Gluttatosk's Purple Teeth Magic?" [Nero] shot back with a giggle.

"That? It's called [Drarke's Dark Bite]. It's alright, but most of the damage is actually being caused by his real teeth… Not the oversized ones that he conjures." [Roah] explained with a knowing expression.

"At least he's dealing damage…" [Nero] shot back while glaring at the helpless Countess.

"Her ability is wholly focused in her own magic, it's not a mixture between a magical and a physical attack. It can't be helped if her Element does not suit the situation..." [Roah] explained with a dejected voice.

"She may be better suited to train in the Mummy Mansion than at the Beach…" [Nero] disappointedly agreed.

"It would be nice if we could focus on one at a time…" [Roah] groaned.

"Well… I would like it if some of my Clansmen trained in a Dungeon unaccompanied by myself after I Prestige. They wouldn't be registered as my Clansmen, so they'd be free to Evolve on their own. If Rosa can't face these enemies, perhaps we can send my Clansmen to help her train in the Mummy Mansion? She doesn't need to enter on Monday…" [Nero] explained his frame of thinking on the matter before taking a swig of his bottle.

"Which ones will you even send?" [Roah] asked with a confused tone of voice.

"I'll need Luna, Conrad, Molag Dregora, Benji, Mick, Steve, and Andy here. Any of the others would be advised to join them for at least one week." [Nero] declared with a smile.

"Don't you think that Luna would end up being rather important for them to have in the Mummy Mansion?" [Roah] begged the question while tilting his head to the side.

...Crap. He's right. Luna can heal all of my terribly weak Scarecrows. She'll be quintessential to their survival fairly early on. Even if they attack the Mummy Mansion at a weak time, the Scarecrows face grave danger the moment that they step into battle. It's a feat of great luck for them to survive a Hallway encounter… One hit, dead. Every. Single. Time! Even Luna wouldn't be enough to save them... Honestly… How are we going to swing those ladies and gents surviving a full week in the Mummy Mansion?! They'll go extinct! I need to plan ahead… They'll need Slime Training, first and foremost. They must earn the right to become Prairie Horrors. Then, and only then… May they face the Mummy Mansion without my presence. Yosh! I'm going to commit another massacre~ Yikes.

"She'll need to accompany them. The lesser Scarecrows will face Slimes before entering the Mummy Mansion. They'll need to be Tier 4, at the very least." [Nero] declared while squinting his eyes before taking another sip of his bottle.

"Well, if you're going to send Rosa off on some perilous quest… You might as well send Kendra too." [Roah] sighed.

"Eh?" [Nero] let out, clearly confused.

"She's a Fire-Type as well… But she's stronger than the rest; so she might prove useful… The Mummy Mansion seems like the right choice." [Roah] explained before yawning.

"Getting tired?" [Nero] asked before taking another sip of his bottle.

"I can swing another hour or two..." [Roah] muttered.

"Well, I think Kendra would be a great choice for the group. She's just about as strong as Rosa, correct?" [Nero] begged the question.

"Nah, Kendra's surpassed Rosa. It happened during the Wailing Keep War." [Roah] explained with a sigh.

"What Tier is she now?" [Nero] muttered with eyes wide.

"8. According to several Goblins, she was exceedingly helpful in their escape. Many Goblins safely arrived to the Wailing Keep, and were able to escape that way… But even more were still in their Huts when it happened. Not a single Goblin that arrived to the Wailing Keep died, however most of the Goblins stranded in the Village did. Kendra, and Rita saved a great many Goblins from the Village… Alongside Missile, Grenda, Frank and the Golden Retreiverkin Man. Kendra and Grenda were the first to arrive, while Grenda led the Villagers to safety… Kendra stayed back to fight and defend the Goblin Chief's Hut for more Goblins to gather around. She fought valiantly, by herself for quite some time. Several Tier 3 Goblins helped her, but most of them died trying to buy time. There were only 2 Tier 3 Goblins to survive the attack. Eventually, Rita arrived with Grenda. Grenda continued taking the groups back to the Chasms, while Rita stayed behind to help Kendra. Missile, alongside several Harpies would help fly the Goblins down through the Chasms. Kendra and Rita fought for hours, saving many… Not all Goblins were able to make it to the Hut, though… And as Grenda's groups travelled, some were picked off… The Golden Retrieverkin Man and Frank also gave their lives protecting the groups." [Roah] explained his findings on the event with an upset voice, fighting back tears as he spoke.

"...You don't need to speak about it if you don't want to. Personally, I haven't learned anything of the war aside from who was the cause. Anything you share, is quite enlightening; so I appreciate it… But please don't force yourself." [Nero] said with a weak smile as he turned around to hug the Cat Crewman.

"Lora said that Cloaked Monk rushed out of the Wailing Keep in search of Grenda. He most likely died somewhere in the Village. Goddin Village Neith Sama was protecting the Wailing Keep alongside the Cheetahkin Woman, Trignam Firemane, Ben, the Humon Woman, Lisa, the Koalakin Man, Boris, Lora, Lillian, Wilson, the Chihuahuakin Guy, the Snow Leopardkin Man, and Woman. They earnestly protected the outside of the Wailing Keep, for as long as they could... When the Cheetahkin Woman had fallen, things fell apart rather quickly. Lora, Boris, Lillian, Lisa, Ben, Wilson and Trignam Firemane were the only ones protecting the Keep to have made it back inside. Lisa slammed the doors closed, and held them until they finally broke. She died shortly after. By the time that the door had been broken... No one was fast enough to reach the Hallowed Gate. Lillian stopped first, and did her best to slow them down… Taking many along with her by using her rampaging roots, but eventually burned under their magic. Trignam Firemane was the second to stop, showing a grand display of his own Fire Magic… But was shot with several Lightning Arrows. Finally, Boris stopped… Urging Wilson to take Lora, Ben, and to keep going, while promising that he would be right behind her... In tears, she was carried away by the Wolfenrine... And never saw him again. Waiting on the other side of the Gates were Edgar, Cycleo, Vana, Hugo, and Trudy. Vana and Hugo immediately saw to Ben's wounds… And they all stayed near the Gate to ensure that none would make it back to the Chasms... And wait for Boris. To everyone's surprise, not a single friend or foe ever passed through that Gate." [Roah] detailed the events while fighting back his tears before finally regaining his composure near the end.

...It would appear that the Wailing Keep Sama decided to defend himself only after the Wailing Keep had been successfully evacuated. Seriously… What a useless passive.

"Thank you for the explanation." [Nero] said with a sincere tone of voice.

"I think that it's something you needed to know." [Roah] declared before taking another swig of his bottle.

"It certainly did clear some things up…" [Nero] sighed with a smile as he watched the brilliant light display below, noticing that Vana and Hugo had finally arrived.

"Glad I could help." [Roah] yawned.

"Do you think it's about time to take over for the Beach, or would you rather get some more festival time in?" [Nero] begged the question before beginning to laugh.

"A few more songs at the festival can't hurt~" [Roah] laughed before taking another swig of his bottle.

Yosh! Okay, taking another drink~ Let's go! Broom Broom~ Fly! NyAHH!!! That was a little too fast. I almost hit the door on the way in, and I think that speed limits are a valid necessity. We should get those. Don't let the Witch catch ya flyin' too fast~ He'll send a Crowli to your doorstep… Or even worse… A Broom with a body that just won't quit!~ I decided to spend our time finding the right rooftop while explaining the finer things in life. Lianix' totally rockin' bod. I also happened to mention Cerbellia. He wasn't surprised to learn that Weapons had Souls. The Hallowed Hammer also has a Soul, according to Roah. It's a very demeaning and scary old man. He's apparently almost twice the size of Roah, and THAT'S sayin' something! After around one and a half songs of us drunkenly complaining about Weapon Souls, Cetilla popped up alongside Roy and Veronica. It appears that they've decided to show up... And here I was starting to think they didn't like me~

"Nero, how goes it?" [Roy] begged the question.

"Hobgoblin Funk? Is that you?!" [Veronica] asked with a wicked grin.

I swear on Janus… If this were the 21st century… Veronica would be the one woman in the club screaming to 'turn up, bitch!' at 7 in the morning. Oh wait, that's what she's literally doing right now. Yep… We've been swept away, on back over to the bar. Roy's talking to me about wanting to get a connection for my Alcohol… As he's trying to cut back on account of those pesky new laws that I had established. Also, the Slave Masters around town are not very happy. I almost had to do a spit-take on Roy for that one… Shaking my head as I stifled a laugh, I made sure to ask him why that might be… But received a very stern look. I'm sorry, what's the issue?! Ahh… Slave Master is an actual Class. Yikes. Slave Masters wield Whips. Obviously. They're what one might consider… An Occupational Type Class. Yeah. Apparently, Tamers and Witches are both classified as Mages. It's a real thing. I'm a double Mage, as expected. Anyone can have at most, two different Classes. They can… Mix and match. Thing is, to choose a sub Class… You need to Evolve. Some Slave Masters don't have sub Classes… So with my new laws, they have little to no means of earning any Coins or experience points for that matter. It's a real problem. Half of me wants to send them off to Orpia, and let the Demons have their way with them… But the rest of me wants to help them Evolve somehow. I'll sleep on it.

After one too many shots, I managed to escape the Vellisroi family alongside my sleepy Cat Crewman. We're Beach bound, I've got a bottle of Alcohol… And an excessively drowzy Hobgoblin in tow. I say that, but my good ol' pal; Miscare… Or as I formally called him, Mr. Scarecrow… Is currently carrying Roah as I float alongside the pair. Yep~ All's good in the Beastkin hood! I was staring at the stars and talking to the probably deaf Scarecrow about my greatest current inner conflict… Whether to invest in Bathtubs or Camping Equipment, until suddenly; I came face to face with a group of thugs! Random Encounter: 4 Foolish Thugs, 1 Overwhelmed Thief Appeared! Battle: Start! With a flick of my wrists, I ended 2 lives. Instantaneously, the 2 remaining Foolish Thugs dropped their knives before stumbling away. The Overwhelmed Thief had already vanished. Oh? My tails magically popped out of my outfit… After stuffing them back into my pants, we carried on! Beach!

I didn't even level up out of the ordeal… It was silly. Those Thugs must have been level 1 or something. Why even bother starting a life of crime if you're pitifully weak?! Maybe it's BECAUSE you're pitifully weak that you start a life of crime… I'd like to say that I didn't start my life of crime until having gained power, but that's not exactly true. I totally liberated a hundred Scarecrows within like a week, flat. Committed a freaking massacre after like two or three weeks, I really don't have the best track record. Moving along~ We've finally arrived at the Beach. All of the monsters quickly disappeared, leaving behind a very tired looking group. They did their best. After informing them that they were free to return to the Wailing Keep and enjoy the remainder of the festival Luna... You may announce the ending to the festival as my representative when you see fit. Good morning~