Chapter 92 - Night 91

NYUuugghhH… I'm hungover. More so, than ever before… Okay, maybe not~ But it feels that way! Last night was a blast, I had a great time. Sure, there were some hiccups along the road; but we've survived the festival. It was a success. The music? Next level. The venue? Magical. The crowd? Packed. It was a blast. Yup. The Cat hath deemed it so. Let it be known, the festival of night was the party of the century. If you weren't there, well; let's just say… You're old news. Last season. Unappealing. You're obviously not a big deal. I may not have spent any time to converse with them, but Rudou and Clive were there. Rei's father was there, Vigi was there, the Candy Man made an appearance, freaking Elliot was even there! I think one of the Crows may have invited him or something, but the Prince of Elves was definitely there; getting flocked to by a crowd of Harpies.

According to the crowd of monsters nuzzled up next to me, and the fact that I'm currently laying atop an utterly destroyed Sand Keep... I'm inclined to believe that I had a second round of energy after going to sleep. I definitely did NOT fall asleep on the Sand Keep, not when I was conscious anyway~ I MUST have blacked out, and got back up after some time… There's no way that all of these creatures took it upon themselves to move a ginormous Cat and rest next to him… Surrounding me, are none other than… Roah, Rita, Ri, Ta, Kendra, Cetilla, Cycleo, Rosa, Jon, Lucius, and Gillie. It's a whole ensemble. Vana and Hugo are off in the distance, seeming relatively fine as they play Safari Cards in the sand. Gluttatosk is spending time with some aquatic type monsters. I have absolutely no idea what they are, and I don't even want to begin trying to make sense of them. Honestly… After I die, above all else; Gluttatosk will be fine. He'll probably just become the King of the seas by winning an idiotic food challenge with a drunken King or something. I can see it now… The look on his face after begging the Chef for more… Only to learn that he had actually just destroyed all the competition, including the current King unlucky enough to have crossed the path of that one particular Land Shark. It would be a look of confusion, no doubt… As he would be the one to have accidentally entered the contest while simply only having came for the free food. Learning that he had won, and henceforth… The food train would end; his expression would change from confusion to disappointment… And there would be no satiating their newest ruler. The seafolk would find their oceans barren in his wake… None would be safe from his wrath. Their sweet, old friend… Which they originally spent time innocently playing with near the surface… Will be the end of them. The end.

"Good evening, Nero~" [Vana] greeted the Halloween Cat, having noticed his eyes open.

"How are you?" [Nero] begged the question while slightly tilting his head to the side.

"Better than I have in awhile…" [Vana] muttered with a smile while approaching the Halloween Cat.

"Enjoy the festival?" [Nero] replied with a sigh. To which, the Flutterfairy flew in close to the Halloween Cat's ear before whispering…

"Thank you for holding it." [Vana] whispered before lightly pecking the Cat on the cheek before flying away to rejoin a rather confused Hugo.

"Whuh?! When did I get here?!" [Cetilla] snapped while seeming quite disturbed… Waking everyone present.

"...Oh? Hello everyone~" [Rosa] yawned, before immediately slamming back down into the sand; and falling asleep.

"Rita!" [Ri or Ta] exclaimed happily, before both of the Rifale departed; chasing the instantaneously playful Rifaleesigal off into the distance.

"Woah… My head hurts…" [Roah] muttered before falling back asleep.

"Agreed..." [Jon] groaned.

"I feel fine." [Kendra] boasted with a confident pose as her tails pompously twirled around.

"Last night was fun~" [Lucius] sighed with a smile as he glanced off toward the Ocean.

"Frightening, but I'm alive~" [Gillie] yawned while finally deciding to get up.

"What are we going to do tonight?" [Kendra] begged the question while glancing toward the Halloween Cat.

"...I'm going to the Lizardmen Tribes, you can all train here… But Roah will need to be moved back to the Wailing Keep." [Nero] replied before returning to his larger Human form.

"Wait a second… We're coming, too." [Penny] declared while crossing her arms.

...Were you even here a second ago?!

"Hate to admit it… But if you're going to the Lizardmen Tribes; we're accompanying you." [Christina] sighed as she nodded her head.

"Heh… You enjoy that. I'll never return~" [Jon] chimed in with a nonchalant expression as he sat in the sand facing the seas.

"If they're all training, and you're going to the Lizardmen Tribes… What can I even do?" [Cetilla] begged the question while seeming somewhat irritated.

"...You can come with me if you'd like?" [Nero] offered with eyes wide.

"Well, since you're offering~" [Cetilla] sighed before beginning to float alongside the Halloween Cat.

"Alright, good luck everyone! Luna~ Make sure that Gluttatosk survives. Crows, Bats… Bring more Berries to the Goblins on the Forsaken Isles. Conrad, find a group to Fish near the Lost Kingdom waterfall so that you may escort them. Molag Dregora, find a group to Fish near the Orpia waterfall and escort them… Rita? Someone get Rita to gather all the newly orphaned children and see to it that they all have rooms in the Wailing Keep." [Nero] beckoned while raising his Lantern. To which, orange flames gust forth through the Lantern… Revealing numerous Clansmen.

"We'll help Rita." [Miscare] declared with a stoic expression alongside Mescarga.

"Berries are light work for us~" [Benji] proudly stated with a sharp expression as he posed next to several lesser Bats and Crows on the ground.

"I'm fine with escorting… But can I have the Orpia waterfall instead?" [Conrad] grumbled.

"Absolutely not. I get the more interesting waterfall because I'm more powerful~" [Molag Dregora] sneered… Greatly angering the Crowli.

"...Great, now that that's settled… I'll be on my way~" [Nero] sighed while waving to the motley.

"I heard that Mary made quite the profit last night, by the way~" [Cetilla] confessed with a grin as the trio began to fly away… Leaving the Corocdae to scowl as they departed.

"So many people were talking about it, the food she prepared was to die for~" [Penny] exclaimed with a nostalgic expression.

"The Fish Sticks were good, what did you eat?" [Nero] begged the question.

"The Fish Brulet was sensational…" [Cetilla] sighed.

...Fish Brulet? What?

"She made Fish Brulet?" [Nero] shot back while his left eye began to twitch.

"It was a special request," [Cetilla] began to explain before being brutally interrupted.

"Don't forget about the Fish Bourguignon. That stuff… That was incredible!" [Penny] screamed excitedly.

...Mary needs a raise.

"The Fishin Parmesan was also exceptional, if I might add…" [Cetilla] went on to mention before turning to face Nero with a very serious expression as she continued…

"Can Mary cook like this all the time?" [Cetilla] asked with eyes wide.

"...The ingredients were sort of expensive, but depending on how much she earned for us; maybe?" [Nero] replied while visibly thinking to himself.

"I'll help pitch in, if it means more Fish Brulet..." [Cetilla] declared with a sadistic grin.

"Does this mean that I can eat more than once per festival?!" [Penny] begged the question with a frantic expression.

"We'll see." [Nero] shot back while squinting his eyes.

"I can't wait until you Prestige… I want to be a free Pixie again!" [Penny] groaned.

"You want to take time training after I Prestige?" [Nero] asked while tilting his head to the side.

"Definitely." [Penny] declared with a smile.

"Okay~" [Nero] sighed with a look of indifference.

"Oh? I think I see a Goblin…" [Cetilla] said before beginning to descend into the forests of the Lost Kingdom.

...A Goblin? All the way out here, by himself? It must be a survivor from the Wailing Keep War who didn't make it to the Chasms… Upon descending, we truly were met with a Goblin. A very pleased Goblin to have finally found us, who was apparently hiding out near the old Caterpillar Colony. It's a wonder how we missed him when moving all of the monsters, yet here he is. A totally fine, absolutely regular Goblin wearing a Police Costume. According to him, he was trying to find a tunnel leading into the Chasms for several days, but finally decided to turn back after one too many dead ends. Also, he had slain several straggling Caterpillars whom we had also apparently missed. He's level 78… Making him either the second or third most powerful Goblin hailing from the Lost Kingdom. Impressive… He wasn't alone at first, but at this point… He is. I made sure to offer him a place as a Monster Knight when he returned, before informing him to follow the river to find the waterfall; where Conrad would later be able to help him reach the Wailing Keep from. He's happily on his way~ Such a brave Goblin… This is frightening, though… We can't have straggling Caterpillars lost in the old Colony forever, so I decided to ask Wolrietta to find Hugo and do a second sweep over the Colony. I believe in you… Take Wilson along with you if you'd like.

By the time that we had arrived in the Lizardmen Tribes… It was clear to see, that the monsters of this territory have been absolutely fine in our absence. Seriously… Is there more of them? They also appear to be living closer to the Pyramid than they were before… Maybe our attack against the Lizardmen caused their overall haki to be less terrifying, causing the monsters to be less weary of living nearby? Oops. Probably due to this, the Lizardmen have stopped inhabiting the surroundings of the Pyramid. They have a few guards posted outside, but not nearly as many are roaming the Village. It's just too dangerous... Double oops. I wonder how they've been managing to gather food meow…

"So where are the Twisted Treants?" [Cetilla] asked with a grin as she glanced down at the Pyramid. To which, Penny smiled.

"Uhm… Apparently, they're in those creepy woods to our east." [Nero] explained with a shrug.

"I know the woods!" [Penny] screamed in excitement.

"Really?" [Nero] shot back.

"Yeah, I was born down there!" [Penny] explained with a smile.

"...What?" [Nero] let out.

"Yeah, all the Pixies from my Hollow live in those woods… Or they at least return every so often~" [Penny] confessed with a sigh.

"...Those woods?" [Nero] shot back, clearly baffled.

"Obviously~ The Twisted Treants keep us all safe when we're young, and eventually… We choose to leave; only returning to mate. Some of us stay, though." [Penny] explained with a nonchalant expression.

...Huh. I suppose I never actually bothered asking Penny where she hailed from. I mean, I knew she had spent a considerable amount of time in the Lizardmen Kingdom… But I had no idea that she had originated here, considering that I had never encountered another Pixie. Good to know, but can I really afford to have dozens of Pixies in my midst? Penny's more than enough to deal with… This is going to be dangerous. If I bring back a dozen Pixies, Christina will lose her mind. She'll literally go insane, and that's saying something. Christina's probably already gone mad from Penny's whims. Having multiple… It would be a nightmare. But then again… The music. The music that a dozen Pixies could perform… It would be absolutely beautiful. I'm conflicted. Penny's also conflicted… At first, she seemed quite disturbed by my inner thoughts; but meow? She's been complimented.

Upon further approach, these woods remind me of the Swamplands in the Lost Kingdom. They're muddy, somewhat foggy, and all the trees are dead. No question about it, they're dead. Christina quickly burst forth from my Lantern, and is meow accompanying us. As it turns out, most of the trees are not actually Twisted Treants. Also, there are definitely some Crows in these woods. It would appear that there's a separate flock of Crows inhabiting this side of the continent. Should I capture them, or let them breed? It might have taken me a considerable amount of time to notice even just one of the Twisted Treants… But perhaps due to Penny being alongside me, a nearby tree snapped it's trunk to face us… Opening it's rather terrifying eyes… Which are orange, might I add. Clansmen Capture Icon and everything~ They're of Halloween.

"Young one… It's been too long." [Twisted Treant] exclaimed with a deep voice while seeming quite nostalgic as it extended a branch for Penny to rest on.

"Hey! How's it been over here?" [Penny] begged the question with a smile.

"Oh, you know… It's getting colder, and my bark's drying out again…" [Twisted Treant] sighed with a dejected expression.

"Have you tried a mud bath?" [Penny] casually asked.

"I would… But the Mud Golems have been rather rude lately…" [Twisted Treant] groaned.

"They aren't sharing the mud?!" [Penny] asked as if absolutely flabbergasted.

"...Are you going to introduce us?" [Christina] asked with a frustrated expression.

"Oh! This is Christina, Cetilla, and Nero~" [Penny] explained with a proud expression.

...Hell of an introduction.

"I'm the one True Allwe Halloween Cat." [Nero] sighed.

"I'm a Sorceress, one of Nero's Cat Crewomen." [Cetilla] explained while her hair flowed violently in the Pumpkin Spice Wind.

"I'm a Corocdae, one of Nero's Clanswomen." [Christina] chimed in with an irritated look on her face.

"A Halloween Cat?" [Twisted Treant] asked with eyes wide.

"Indeed." [Nero] replied before tilting his cap.

"It's an honor." [Twisted Treant] confessed before bowing his trunk.

"I can assure you, the honor is all mine~ I've never encountered a Twisted Treant before." [Nero] exclaimed with a smile.

"Well… It's not mating season, so what brings you here?" [Twisted Treant] begged the question while glancing toward the Pixie.

"We're here to see you, actually~" [Penny] explained.

"Me? In particular?" [Twisted Treant] asked with eyes wide.

"Well, no… All of the Twisted Treants, I suppose." [Nero] replied while adjusting his aviators.

"Hmm… Okay~ I'll try and gather them." [Twisted Treant] declared with a smile before piercing the ground with two branches and seeming to go deep into thought as his eyes closed.

"This might take awhile~" [Penny] sighed while seeming rather carefree.

"...What's happening right now?" [Nero] asked with a look of confusion.

"He's communicating with the others, by extending his roots deep into the soil and connecting them with different Twisted Treants. They very rarely do it, but it's totally awesome every single time! Each time that he connects with another Twisted Treant, he'll be able to speak with them. Because it's so rare, guess what?!" [Penny] explained while seeming quite giddy.

"...What?" [Christina] muttered while rolling her eyes.

"Everyone will gather here to see what the commotion's all about! After one of them receives his message, they'll likely begin doing the same thing to reach more of them. It's totally amazing!" [Penny] explained while patting the Twisted Treant's trunk.

...So it's like a web?

"Fascinating…" [Cetilla] muttered under her breath.

"I wonder how many there are…" [Christina] mumbled while glaring at the Twisted Treant.

Penny wasn't kidding about how it would take awhile… We probably sat there for like twenty minutes, as Penny mindlessly sang several different songs. It was like a mashup, with no clear direction. She was just… Jamming, I suppose. It wasn't until the two branches abruptly resurfaced that his eyes opened once more. Momentarily, I heard it. It was a strange sound, quite difficult to describe. It was the sound of mud and dirt suddenly unsettling, and trees walking. Each footstep was loud, and each Treant was slow to move. It must be difficult, moving after having tied yourself into the ground for so long. The Crows of the forest seemed to also be gathering, alongside several Pixies. This must be what Penny meant, by 'everyone'... By the time that the Treants had all surrounded us… The Pixies and Crows began to perch atop them, and if I must say… No fewer than 70 Twisted Treants, 50 Pixies, and 200 Crows. The Pixies mostly appear young, and youthful. Many of them are female, but a decent few are also male. They come in all sizes, shapes, and colors… The largest being a woman with blond hair, and grey eyes. Her wings were grey, and green. She was about the size of a child, so she was definitely huge in comparison to most of the other Pixies.

"The Twisted Treants gathering is quite the ordeal… Who are you to command them to such an extent?" [Largest Pixie] asked while furrowing her eyebrows.

"I'm Nero, the one True Allwe Halloween Cat." [Nero] introduced himself with a smile.

"A Halloween Cat, you say? What are you doing here?" [Largest Pixie] asked with a rude expression.

...Wait a second. If Twisted Treants are of Halloween, then can I really justify using their bark as a material? Isn't this… Murder?! I don't want to kill any Halloween Clansmen?! What if I use a small amount from each? Nothing too much, just a little piece; you see...

"I've come for some of their bark." [Nero] replied with a sigh. To which, everyone present gave a look of surprise.

"...I don't need very much. To make things easier, I believe it may be for the best if I only use a small portion from each of the Twisted Treants." [Nero] nervously explained.

"...Why?" [Largest Pixie] asked as one of her eyes twitched.

"Luna~" [Nero] beckoned while raising his Lantern, revealing the Vampire and further surprising those surrounding him before he continued…

"Luna here is one of my Clanswomen. She happens to wield a Spellbook, but it's terrible. I was told that paper made from a Twisted Treant would be most suitable for her." [Nero] confessed while pointing to her lackluster Spellbook. To which, the Treants began to glance around at each other.

"Can I return to Reygid now?" [Luna] begged the question while glaring at the Halloween Cat.

"Eh? Yeah, go ahead~" [Nero] sighed. To which, the Vampire vanished through the flames leading back into the Lantern.

"...You only seek a little from each of us, which may be possible… But in exchange, I would like for you to do us all a favor." [Largest Twisted Treant] shot back with a devious expression.

"What do you need?" [Nero] begged the question while tilting his head to the side.

"There isn't enough mud over here for us to properly bathe. Safely escort us west, so that we may bathe and moisturize our bark." [Largest Twisted Treant] beckoned with a smile. To which, all of the nearby Twisted Treants seemed heavily interested as they leaned in closer.

...Huh. It would appear this is something they've all been thinking about. Fine~

"I accept the task." [Nero] declared before tipping his cap.

"Little one… It seems that you've found a new home." [Largest Pixie] sighed while gently patting the smiling Penny's head with one finger.

"Yep! Nero rescued me from the Lizardmen!" [Penny] explained with a smile, leaving the Largest Pixie with a baffled expression.

"...The Lizardmen captured you?" [Largest Pixie] muttered while tilting her head to the side as Penny flew away to chat with a few of the other Pixies.

"Excuse me, but would you possess a name by any chance?" [Nero] asked while glancing toward the Largest Pixie.

"It's Pixia." [Pixia] replied with a carefree expression.

"Are you… Perhaps, the Queen of Pixies?" [Nero] asked with eyes wide.

"Oh? You know your stuff… Yes, I am infact the Queen." [Pixia] confessed with a smile.

"...Would that make you the King of the Twisted Treants?" [Nero] begged the question of the largest Twisted Treant, whom Pixia was casually sitting atop.

"I am known as Grollicus, the eldest Guardian of these woods." [Grollicus] introduced himself with a stoic expression.

"...So you're not actually a King?" [Nero] asked while tilting his head to the side.

"No... King Grollicianus has been in a deep slumber for centuries. He's my father, but he might never wake again." [Grollicus] explained with a dejected expression.

"So you're a Prince?" [Cetilla] chimed in with a smile.

"That is correct." [Grollicus] said as he nodded his trunk.

"Why is he asleep?" [Nero] asked with a dumbfounded expression.

"He sleeps of his own free will. In his slumber, he grants the Pixies a safe place to raise their kin… And seals a monster that would otherwise be intent on destroying these very lands." [Grollicus] explained while glancing off into the distance… Toward the largest tree of these woods.

"He sounds quite honorable." [Nero] said with a weak smile.

"King Grollicianus is the only reason why this so called 'Kingdom' hasn't fallen." [Pixia] sighed while nodding her head.

"But what if you two worked together? Could you not slay the beast?" [Nero] begged the question.

"I may be a Queen… But King Grollicianus is beyond my grasp. My aide would do little against such a foe." [Pixia] sighed.

"Well, what about us?" [Cetilla] asked with a grin.

"You're both somewhat strong, but no… That monster is too dangerous. If we woke the King in attempts at slaying it, even with your help… There's a good chance that we'd all perish, and bring about the end of the continent." [Pixia] shot back while shaking her head.

"...So sealing it is our only option right now?" [Nero] asked with a sigh. To which, Pixia nodded her head.

"I want to meet the King, though…" [Cetilla] groaned.

"You still can, but he won't answer." [Grollicus] sighed.

That must be tough… Grollicus hasn't had the opportunity to speak to his father in centuries, but has a constant reminder that he still lives.

"Grollicus… How would you feel about becoming one of our Monster Knights? We could offer you a means at growing stronger, so that you might one day have the ability to help your father defeat that beast?" [Nero] offered while tilting his head to the side.

"A Monster Knight?" [Grollicus] asked with a perplexed expression.

"Yes… We represent the Monster Kingdom. If you joined us, not only would it be a great help to us… But we would promise to help you save your father when the time came." [Nero] replied with a smile.

"The Monster Kingdom… It's been a long time, since I last heard that name…" [Grollicus] muttered with a nostalgic expression.

"You're not actually going to do it, are you?" [Pixia] asked with eyes wide.

"...I'm inclined to do so. The Twisted Treants and my father can keep you all safe in my absence…" [Grollicus] confessed while glancing at the Pixie Queen.

"I'll miss you dearly..." [Pixia] sighed while running her fingers down one of Grollicus' branches.

"As will I, but a chance like this doesn't come around very often…" [Grollicus] exclaimed with a dejected expression.

"Then you must take it… Just make sure we don't all die while you're gone." [Pixia] shot back with a weak smile.

"I'll keep a watchful eye on these woods." [Nero] declared with a serious expression.

"I'll be in your care." [Grollicus] said with a stoic expression.

"Oh, and take that one with you." [Pixia] sighed while pointing to a nearby Pixie spending time with Penny.

"Another Pixie?" [Christina] asked with a terrified expression.

"I love all of them… But that one's JUST like the one you took in… She's trouble, and I can't keep her safe if she's constantly flying off and causing a commotion." [Pixia] groaned.

"Her name is Penny, by the way~" [Nero] shot back with a thumb held high.

"Oh? You named her?" [Pixia] asked with eyes wide.

"Nero names all of those who follow him." [Cetilla] sighed while twirling her hair.

"Interesting… Perhaps I should start doing that~" [Pixia] exclaimed while a smirk.

"While you're at it, please name the Twisted Treants." [Grollicus] requested of the Pixie Queen.

"For you? Anything~" [Pixia] replied with a smile.

And so, we began to make our way west. Joined by too many Twisted Treants, Pixies, and Crows… We ventured forth in hopes of finding more suitable mud. The Crows and Pixies seem to have joined us for fun, but I doubt that they'll be seeking mud baths. As we travelled… Penny, Christina, and Cetilla showcased their wondrous talents as Bandswomen. I was explaining our current situation as Monster Knights to Grollicus and Pixia. They were surprised to learn that the Goblins had finally fled the Lost Kingdom, and even more surprised to find that we were genuinely ruling the Beastkin Kingdom. I guess word travels slowly, when you're living in seclusion within a dying forest. Neither of them had ever heard of the Forsaken Isles, so I also ended up explaining that aspect to them. They're good people, I think. The Pixies and Twisted Treants are trustworthy, I have a nose for these things. They hang out with Crows, so; I'm pretty dang sure that they're decent. Nyah~ I must say… It's kind of nice, feeling as though we actually have allies outside of our own nation… Other than the pitifully weak Harpies. I wasn't expecting to find such a group in the Lizardmen Tribe's Kingdom. I'm thankful to have met them, and pissed off that I didn't encounter them sooner. Seriously… Penny should have mentioned the Twisted Treants far sooner. I'm starting to feel less lonely meow… No offense to the Beastkin, they're okay… But I personally feel more attached to the Twisted Treants and Pixies. There's just something about Treants, I think.

We totally ended up stomping our way directly through the practically vacant Lizardmen Tribe Village. The Lizardmen who happened to be outside wore faces of terror, or shock. I couldn't comprehend just how they were feeling, but they definitely reacted. One of them totally dropped their bucket of water before falling to her knees as she gawked at the sight. While we travelled, I made sure to ask Pixia who had originally named her. To my surprise, it was Grollicus. Grollicus was named by his father. Grollicus has actually acted as the Guardian to 4 generations of Pixie Queens during his father's slumber. He named every single one of them… Grollicus has lived longer than I can even comprehend. He's lost count of his own age, and I'm quite interested in learning it later. We'll ask Roah. I made sure to let them know that the (Hob)Goblin King, Flutterfairy Queen, Lionkin Queen, Rifa Queen, and Bear King were also already among the Monster Knights. They were impressed, and Pixia even hesitated. She began to debate bringing all of the Pixies along with Grollicus, as it would have been quite safe… But eventually decided to just keep things as they were, considering that other Pixies off venturing the world wouldn't be able to find them during mating season if they simply disappeared. Also, there was the fact that some of them return sporadically like how Penny used to… And the fact that they couldn't simply leave the King by himself. He might be insanely powerful, and his haki certainly keeps most monsters away; but he's technically defenseless. It's better to be safe, than sorry; when it comes to protecting a King who is currently keeping a catastrophe at bay.

We spent quite some time watching the Twisted Treants bathe… And it reminded me of a particular movie involving Ogres. It was cute to see these terrifying creatures enjoying themselves, but also quite disturbing in general. Not a single Mud Golem dared to cross our paths, nor any other creature for that matter. We're either lucky, or just too strong. Seriously… Why did they even need our help to do this? I'm pretty sure that Grollicus and Pixia could have emit enough of a haki to keep their bath time peaceful… I'll probably lose if I think about it too hard… But I decided to ask, just incase. According to the duo, they aren't the only King and Queen of this territory. Even neglecting the Lizardman King… There's a Mud Golem King, a Frog Queen, and a Grootslang King. Grootslangs are apparently those Elephant/Snake hybrids. The other Kings and Queens don't get along with Grollicus and Pixia… But the Lizardman King's haki is enough to keep them on their own side of the territory, away from the Twisted Treants and Pixies. The Frogs, Grootslangs, and Mud Golems also don't get along with each other… So they never band together in attempts at defeating the Lizardman King. Instead, they hang out and have their underlings fight amongst themselves in a never ending swamp war… When the Twisted Treants attempt to come here and bathe, they normally get caught up in it. With Cetilla and I here to bolster team Twisted Pixie's haki, no one will bother with us. It's a whole thing.

Strangely enough, there is no line of royalty for the Crocodiles. I asked about it, but apparently the old Crocodile Queen died around a hundred years ago in attempts at defeating the Lizardman King. No one has ever tried to face him since. His death probably instilled great fear for Lizardmen among the other races. I suppose that this means, Christina has a real shot at becoming a Queen. She needs more strength, as she clearly has not yet become the ruler… But there's still hope. I have faith. Christina's got an attitude fit for royalty. No other Crocodile could even DREAM of surpassing Christina's notoriety~ Actually, quite a few Twisted Treants used to fear Christina's wrath. Penny swore that she never once helped Christina to slay a Twisted Treant… But Christina simply shrugged. She's guilty. According to Christina, the number of Crocodiles in this region took a sharp decline after the loss of their Queen… As the Grootslangs began to try and take advantage of the loss in power. It was one of the reasons why Christina preferred to remain alone. The other reason was because Christina's a stone-cold bitch who wouldn't dare to stand together with her pack. Something about it being too demeaning. She works alone… Which is what drew Penny to her side. Penny respected Christina, as Penny fancied herself as quite the solo act as well. Something about being too cool to hang out back at the Hollow with those other lame Pixies. Together, they manifested the Sinister Songmakers of Surprise. A duo worth noting, I'm told.

There's also no Eel King or Queen. According to Grollicus, the Eel Queen must have died at some point… But he nor Pixia know of what caused it. It was probably just some fighting between the other races. While no new lines of royalty have risen from the Eels… It's not as though there aren't some potential candidates. Apparently, there are three Eels worth noting at the current moment. Each of them lead a small pack of Eels, but none of them have gained a substantial enough amount of power to gain the crown. I don't understand why the Crocodile or Eel Queens didn't just choose candidates like Goddin Village Neith Sama did… But I suppose it's none of my business.

By the time that the Twisted Treants had finished with their baths, I had finally gained an appetite. Cetilla was also beginning to feel quite famished, so we decided to stay a little while and eat with the Pixies. The Pixies all enjoyed eating Pomapples. They grew and appeared like Potatoes… But they tasted like Apples. The Twisted Treants on the other hand, live off of sunlight and fog. They appease their thirst from the moisture in the fog, while appeasing their hunger from the sunlight. It's interesting, but I suppose… They're plants, after all. The Crows sometimes eat Pomapples as well, but they're pretty free spirited. They mostly just come here to rest on the Twisted Treants' branches. Something about safety, and favorable climate. Conrad, Con, and Connor eventually appeared to spend some time with the other Crows… And gained quite the reputation. Conrad was obviously the most powerful Crow type monster around, and had quite the tale to tell of his own flock from the southwest side of the continent… But at some point, they realized that a few of the Crows who did not decide to follow me had eventually joined up with this very flock. They recognized each other, and shared a happy reunion.

We probably spent around an hour finding and eating Pomapples while chatting with our newfound friends… Until Conrad, Connor, and Con decided to return to their nightly tasks… At which point, Cetilla and I decided to also return to Reygid… So, we quickly stole some bark from the Twisted Treants. Collectively. I used my claws to swipe away at each of them, but I only scarred them all ONE TIME! I swear! There's just a little… Barely noticeable, questionably clean cut adorning each of their backs. It's no big deal, but plenty of them definitely seemed to be in considerable pain after having gone through it. Grollicus took it like a champ, he's a big deal. After I thanked them all, they informed my daft self that they would simply regrow new bark within a year or two. It's not a big deal. After Grollicus bid his farewells, and a dozen or so Pixies hysterically wept... We were on our way. To test my strength, I opted in to try and carry Grollicus with my trusted Broom; Lianix. It was a strange ride, but we managed to make it to the Lost Kingdom while only snapping two branches… And by that time, Grollicus decided to opt out on my behalf. It was something about branches being a pain to regrow. We were choosing to walk the remainder of the way. I was enjoying myself atop Grollicus' shoulder alongside Cetilla. It was more enjoyable, by far. A bumpy ride, sure… But a dramatic one, nonetheless~ We were around halfway through the Lost Kingdom… When Grollicus suddenly stopped, and began looking south. Finding it strange, I begged the question… To my surprise, Grollicus is not the only high Tier Treant type in this region. He could sense it… A distant relative. Leading the way… Grollicus led us directly to the old Rifa Hollow. No… No way!

According to Grollicus, that old tree that the Rifa originally inhabited… Was actually a Treant. This particular Treant seemed to also be in a rather deep slumber. It's a self-induced slumber, not unlike King Grollicianus. This Treant was also keeping something sealed, and given the positioning… It's safe to assume that whatever it was sealing away, lay deep within the Chasms. Yikes… I feel bad keeping it here without protection, seeing as how I was the one to order such a move. I suppose this solves the mystery, though… The mystery of why there were no Dungeons in the Lost Kingdom. This Treant is probably sealing the Chasm Dungeon. Grollicus was baffled to learn that his father wasn't the only Treant dedicating his life in such a way, but he also seemed quite pained by the thought. This Treant was selflessly defending foreign lands, following in his King's rootsteps. It wasn't a weak Treant, by any means… According to Grollicus, this Treant must have been at least Tier 15. Feeling utterly shocked, I decided to ask Grollicus of his own Tier… Which happened to be 18.

I don't even know how to comprehend just how powerful Grollicus is… Let alone his father. If I do the math… He simply MUST be over level 250 THOUSAND! It's ridiculous. He's on another level… A level I never expected to reach, if I'm being frank. Grollicus makes reaching Tier 33 seem actually plausible… Although, he's been alive for centuries. I don't have centuries. Even after Prestiging my first time, it just doesn't seem possible. To Prestige a second time… I seriously doubt that I'll ever make it to that level. I suppose that if I just keep trying to face more powerful enemies, it might happen… But then I'd be neglecting ability proficiencies… Which seems risky. Reaching a high Tier and getting god-level stats is one thing… But it would be pretty embarrassing to reach such a caliber while only possessing around 20 abilities. I'd be a joke among gods, that's for sure~ I'm starting to feel jealous of Grollicus. Treants are cool. They can essentially live forever, they survive off of sunlight… And the moisture in the air. I can't help but wonder how that might be impacted by becoming a Halloween Clansmen… But I can't limit him. His one reason for joining us is to find a new means of gaining vast power, so if I captured him… All of that goes off the table. He's simply here because he knows that we're willing to face the Dungeons plaguing this continent… A task that many would shirk away from.

Feeling curious, I decided to assume my largest Cat form. Walking alongside the massive Twisted Treant… I realized that I was still smaller than him. He's about twice my size. Cetilla was obviously starting to feel miniscule beside our gigantic selves, so the excessively dramatic strut needed to come to an end sooner rather than later. Penny was bugging Grollicus and the other Pixie for most of the journey, making sure to inform them of ALL the details ever since she had most recently left the Hollow. Grollicus was shockingly interested, and I couldn't help but find his temperament to be exceptional. He can actually bare speaking with the Pixie who is meow glaring at me with a deeply hurt expression. Christina was talkin' smack about the other Crocodiles with Cetilla, leaving me to be quite the lonely Cat. We should have brought a fifth wheel…

It was henceforth decided, that Luna would accompany me. I was in a modest form, the very first one that had a total of 7 tails. Twas the 'Halloween Cat XXL (Seven-Tailed). Luna was on my back, and we were talking about how excited I was to be giving her a brand new Spellbook. She honestly didn't seem care… So we switched the topic up on over to her past. I wanted to know more about the Church of Lilica. According to Luna, the Church took her in when she was but a child. They totally forced her into praying, and eventually she just learned to accept the fact that Lilica was a wonderful person; worthy of worshipping for centuries. Her childhood sounded kind of brutal, if I'm being frank. She originally needed to clean the Church on a daily basis, with terrible equipment. I'm talkin' rags and handheld brushes… Scrubbing away the nonexistent filth… Only to be fed scraps. Rough. Knowing that Lilica was a Holiday Clan Leader, led Luna toward believing in me as well… It's sad. I feel as though most of the individuals I meet in Melchiadore have led terribly tragic lives. Her life started to improve after having become a Priestess, but at the end of the day… She was beholden to that Church. She didn't really have much of a choice throughout most of her life. Even meow, she's beholden to me… But thankfully, she doesn't seem to mind living with us very much. She barely needs to do anything, so she finds it to be somewhat relaxing. She also enjoys singing, so there's that. Whichever Vampire decided to curse Luna in her sleep… I'm admittedly quite thankful to.

Cetilla's probably led the best life, among all of the Monster Knights… But she's of noble lineage. Go figure~ I hope that my decision to ban taxing and slavery within Reygid genuinely leads to a brighter future for the people of this continent. It would be nice, if I were able to do some good in my second life… Call me a fool, but knowing that I'm supposed to be on 'team kindness'... Only further solidifies this desire. I want to do good on that God's name… Who I can't for the life of me, ever remember. It's not my fault. We've never met, and he seems to be quite the underrated God. One simply can't compare to Satan, after all.

"It's Hael." [Janus Voice] groaned.

...Right. Obviously. Hael. I should commit that to memory… But who are the other Gods? Janus? Care to explain? Oh! He's here, in the flesh… Or whatever.

"Hael of Kindness, Satan of Wrath, Gabriel of Diligence, Belphegor of Sloth, Asmodeus of Lechery, Uriel of Chastity, Mammon of Avarice, Chamuel of Charity, Eleriel of Patience, Beelzebub of Gluttony, Cassiel of Temperance, Azazel of Pride, Raphael of Humility, Leviathan of Envy, Azreal and Sammael of Death." [Janus] explained while seeming quite uninterested in the matter.

"...Azreal and Sammael share Death?" [Nero] shot back with a confused look on his face.

"Indeed… However, Azreal is considered to represent a peaceful death… While Sammael does not." [Janus] explained while shrugging his shoulders.

"...Who is this?" [Grollicus] begged the question after stopping in his tracts and turning to face the God.

"It's Janus… He's a God or something." [Penny] sighed.

"What do you represent, Janus?" [Nero] asked with eyes wide.

"Beginnings." [Janus] confessed while raising his eyebrows.

"So Nero's in contact with a God… How befitting." [Grollicus] exclaimed while seemingly deep in thought.

"Have you ever met a God before, Grollicus?" [Nero] asked while tilting his head to the side.

"A few times… I've had the honor of meeting Asmodeus and Gabriel… Though I've never met Janus before, it's certainly a pleasure." [Grollicus] confessed while taking a kneel.

"Grollicus… I hope you find solace during your travels with Nero." [Janus] said with a kindhearted voice before disappearing.

"...He's never seemed that nice before." [Nero] let out with a dumbfounded expression.

"Well, DUH! Grollicus is actually honorable, unlike you!" [Penny] shot back while pointing a finger toward the Halloween Cat.

"I'm honorable!" [Nero] retorted before sighing…

"Kind of…" [Nero] muttered. To which, the Twisted Treant tilted his gigantic head to the side.

"Nero, you're fine. It's obvious that Janus just plays favorites." [Cetilla] chimed in while shrugging her shoulders.

"Eh…" [Penny] sighed.

"He's okay, but I wouldn't push it too far… Nero needs work, but at least he knows it..." [Christina] confessed her own opinion while nodding along to the Pixie.

"Well, you can hear his inner thoughts... But his actions are what matter~" [Cetilla] explained with a smile while raising a thumb held high for the meow conflicted Twisted Treant Prince to understand.

"You say that… But sometimes, he uses his inner thoughts JUST to insult us!" [Penny] screamed while violently shaking her head.

"Hmmmm… I'm beginning to feel enticed toward being his Clansman, simply to know what he's truly like…" [Grollicus] muttered.

"You wouldn't be able to grow stronger if you did," [Christina] sighed before being brutally interrupted…

"You're more than welcome to become my Clansmen!" [Nero] declared with a bright smile.

"If it's as Christina says… Then probably not…" [Grollicus] grumbled before beginning to walk once more.

"I know I'll certainly never submit to him, so I can't blame you." [Cetilla] sighed as she shrugged her shoulders.

...Damn. I almost just secured a Tier 18 Twisted Treant… If it weren't for that damned Corocdae… Love her to bits, but she's problematic; that one. They all are, if I'm being honest. Except Luna… Luna's fine. Luna's a saint. Benji, too. Conrad's been working very hard lately too, to prove that he's a good Clansmen; I think. Those three would NEVER have sold me out! This is why, ladies and gentlemen… This is why they're at the top of my list for getting power from my Prestige. They're here, on my team; and they don't waiver. These three are good folk. Miscare and Mescarga are fine, but I don't trust Miscare. Not entirely… She's too quiet. She probably wants me dead, or something. I wouldn't be surprised if she convinced Mescarga into helping her kill me, either. Betty might not have sold me out… But she's just not very combat capable. None of the Wraith Class types are. Neither is Benji, if I'm being honest… I really just want to see what Benji Evolves into. I feel as though he'll probably Evolve at Tier 6 or 7. Most of the monsters seem to, after all~ I have a feeling that Miscare and Mescarga are simply going to Evolve into Jackal Scarecrows. Say what you will about the Mummy Mansion, but that place gave some HIGH QUALITY intel on the Halloween Clan! I meow know that Aracnae are totally of the Halloween Clan, as are Slimes… If they learn to have an eyeball. We need to work on that. Those Slimes were intense. We need those. I'll have to train a few Slimes during the next mass scale culling. It's a necessary evil. The cullings shall continue! Sorry, Hael. I'm probably your least beloved of all the Allwe Halloween Cats… But I have stuff to do. THINGS, HAEL! THAN*S THINGS!

And so, that was the story of how I learned to snap my claws while in my Cat form… It was intense. I swear… Sparks flew. Not just mentally, they actually happened; okay?! They were orange, and EVERYTHING! Luna was impressed. Cetilla definitely whipped her hair violently to show that she had acknowledged my new skill. I call it… The Spooky Sparks. Extra spooky, with a hint of Pumpkin Spice on top. For the rest of the journey, I forced Luna into moving my tails for me as she rode on my back. As she does so, she's telling me which directions she's tilting them in. We're testing the waters, before I Prestige. I need to get a feel for this type of thing. I can't go in unprepared. In my next life as a Halloween Cat, I will absolutely learn the [Tail Manipulation] ability. It's a real thing. It requires perfect precision in order to master, and it becomes more difficult depending on how many tails you try to move at once. Kendra told me. She's a reputable source. Sadly, Cetilla has no idea. She never tried to learn how to bend her tail, but I can't blame her. She only has one, after all. I, on the other paw… Could make use of my tails. Imagine… All the mayhem I could get into, by holding my Broom and Lantern with separate tails… I'm excited, and I'm sure that Lianix will appreciate the added effort to keep her within my grasp. She hates being left alone, and she's not afraid to invade my dreams to tell me so.

These nights, Lianix has been harassing me greatly. Every time I sleep, it seems that she's waiting for me… Just to tell me another way that I have unwittingly disrespected her. She even complains about Gluttatosk, as if I have ANY control over the Land Shark… But you want to know what I think? I think Lianix simply enjoys tormenting me. She's always looking for a new reason to ruin my sleep. Sleeping in the sand certainly doesn't help. She wants a bed, like the one in the Wailing Keep that I've been neglecting. She wants Candy, too. She wants me to just… Devour Candy, endlessly. Different kinds, the expensive ones; especially. Also, she wants me to be gaining immense power at every waking moment; regardless of my intent to Prestige. She's incorrigible… And I'm stuck with her. She'll have my head if I ditch her or use ANY other Broom; no doubt about it. The Broom that just CAN'T be appeased... I'll probably hear about the fact that I'm thinking these things, too.

I was thinking such things as we finally made it back to Reygid. Tier 18 aside, Grollicus isn't very fast. It's a wonder how he could have reached such a level while maintaining such a low AGI. It almost felt as though we were moving at the same rate as I might have when I was just Tier 5 or 6. Ridiculously slow. On arrival, we were met with a lot of terrified civilians. No one expected me to bring the damned Prince of Twisted Treants back with me, that's for sure~ His power will DEFINITELY help to maintain our façade of power after I Prestige. No one will even know~ We took a brief, distant glance over toward the Beach… To find that a decent number of Monster Knights were happily training. Noting that everything seemed to be under control, we decided to return to the Wailing Keep. It was a little difficult to move Grollicus through the streets, so we needed to walk around the outskirts of the town before finally reaching the largest road; which actually WAS capable of containing the Twisted Treant. Thankfully, it's the road which leads to the Wailing Keep.

The crowds on the street needed to get out of our way, making this quite the event. It's not as though anyone unwittingly stood in our way, but it was still quite the precarious scenario. On arrival back to the Wailing Keep, Mary made sure to inform me of the profits from the festival. We spent 300 Gold Coins on the 12000 bottles, each bottle was sold for 30 Silver Coins… And we sold a total of 11076 bottles… To earn a total of 332280 Silver Coins… In other words, 332 Gold Coins. We turned a profit. Ridiculous, considering that I didn't even aim to earn anything from them… But I can't complain. What I'm more disturbed at, is that the Monster Knights… Goblins… And Harpies managed to down nearly 1000 bottles. I probably wouldn't have blinked if this happened before the Wailing Keep's War… But around half of the Goblins all perished, so I guess; the Monster Knights and myself are alcoholics. The Food, on the other hand… We spent 200 Gold Coins… Each dish was priced differently, and we managed to earn a total of 1043705 Silver Coins. In other words… 1043 Gold Coins. They're all in Silver Coins, as well. Apparently, they're all littering the Treasure Room. Wild. That return… Is incredible. At this point, we could be holding a festival every single week; and it wouldn't ever be a problem. Hell, we could hold a festival every single night… But at that point, is it a festival; or is it a nightclub?

I'd hate to overwork Mary like that… We need more staff if we hoped to do it. Also, Clansmen. The Bandsmen are essentially made up of the most powerful of all my Clansmen. If I have them holding concerts every night, then we'll need to change a lot about our current setup. We'll need to be sending Monster Knights to protect each other while Fishing… And Monster Knights to collect the berries for the Goblins. It's not a bad idea, infact; it's probably a good one… But it's still a hassle. I want the Monster Knights to grow stronger, which won't happen if they're off doing menial tasks like that. My Clansmen simply can't get stronger, without having been released first… Which is fine, but I wanted to do that after Prestiging. Making all of these decisions is tiresome… It's times like these, when I regret unwittingly choosing a Holiday Clan Leader race. Tamer? Okay. Witch? Cool. Clan Leader? Bruh…

I got myself into this, but I have regrets. A second life should be relaxing, no? This is anything but! I'm overworked! Tired! Cold! Wait… Why am I cold? Oh… According to Mary, there's someone awaiting my audience in the Throne Room. My audience. Yes, Mary used that exact term. I'm a big deal, and when people want my attention; apparently… They await me in my logic-defying Throne Room for around 16 hours. 16. She counted. I'm BEYOND fashionably late, this is a new level for me. Feeling quite disturbed by the revelation, I made sure to inquire as to who might be awaiting me… It's apparently a Witch. One from the Witch's Council, might I add. Okay… Latching onto one of the meow much smaller Grollicus' branches… I led the Dutchess of Doom and Twisted Treant Prince into the Throne Room. Grollicus was impressed by the size of the Throne Room, or he was relieved to have regained his natural size after entering it. I couldn't tell which… But we're here now, walking slowly; through the Throne Room... On up to the noteworthy Witch with an incredible patience to boot.

"I was beginning to question whether you would ever show…" [Witch] groaned after the Halloween Cat took his seat before continuing…

"Also, to bring this Prince alongside you... It would seem that you've grown immeasurably since our last encounter." [Witch] let out while glancing toward Grollicus… Who was simply glancing down to her with a look of skepticism.

"Oh, so you were one of the Witches that I had met when introducing myself to the Council?" [Nero] asked, clearly having forgotten… Enlightening the displaced Twisted Treant.

"Indeed… I'm the one who vouched for your Class." [Witch] explained with a blank expression as she glared at the Halloween Cat.

"Well, I am Cetilla Vellisroi." [Cetilla] introduced herself with a smug expression as she rolled her eyes.

"Oh… I didn't notice you there, what with you being so small…" [Witch] shot back with a nonchalant expression, deeply irritating the Dutchess of Doom.

"Now, now… Please don't be petty... Cetilla's the first member of my illustrious Cat Crew, and definitely not someone that you wish to be insulting. She tends to take things far too personally." [Nero] confessed as he propped his Broom up to the right side of his Throne.

"So she's reckless?" [Witch] asked while raising an eyebrow.

"And powerful." [Cetilla] shot back while side-eyeing the Witch… Who stifled a laugh.

"Well, she's no small-fry… But she's hardly worth fearing as things stand." [Witch] muttered, once again; aggravating the Sorceress.

"Anyways… As I've once informed you, and as you can see… I am Nero Miki, the one True Allwe Halloween Cat… You are?" [Nero] interrupted the two before lowering his aviators.

"I am Grescilda Ollivander, representing the Council of Witches… But you may call me Grescilda." [Grescilda] introduced herself after flamboyantly flipping her blonde hair.

"I take it that you're an Ice Witch?" [Nero] begged the question while furrowing his eyebrows.

"How very perceptive of you… Indeed, I specialize in Ice Elemental Magic." [Grescilda] confessed with a grin.

"And you've come to answer my message?" [Nero] asked while seemingly unfazed.

"Indeed. The Council has recognized your rule over Reygid… And would like to ensure that our two nations continue to exist in harmony." [Grescilda] declared with a bold look in her eyes.

"If that is all, then I have no quarrels with the idea… Your Kingdom hasn't done anything too problematic to warrant my immediate action..." [Nero] sighed before continuing…

"Although, there are a few disturbing facts regarding the Forest of Witches that I can't ignore indefinitely." [Nero] confessed while shrugging his shoulders.

"Oh? What might be troubling you?" [Grescilda] shot back while twitching an eye.

"For starters… The men living in the woods on the northern side of your Kingdom… It would please me greatly if they were returned to their original forms." [Nero] explained with a tired look in his eyes.

"Why would you say such a thing? They seem to be living quite happily, and are leading lives multitudes more respectable now~" [Grescilda] shot back with a smirk.

"They're not happy, and you would know so; had you taken the time to speak with them. Regardless of their original lives, they deserve the right to return to their homes without being ostracized as undesirable creatures. If they aren't returned to their former states, then I will take it upon myself to grant them sanctuary here within the Beastkin Kingdom." [Nero] shot back while seeming quite disturbed.

"I'll need to take it up with the other Councilwomen, but I see no problem with you taking them." [Grescilda] sighed as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Moving along… The rampant sexism plaguing your nation. While it doesn't bother me to a point of taking action, I still find it repulsive beyond belief. I had originally hoped to hold an event within the Forest of Witches, making use of your Magic Arena… Undoubtedly bringing in a great number of tourists to your nation as they would desire to watch or participate in the spectacle… However, I can't endorse said event if men continue to be harassed upon entry… Or cursed, for that matter." [Nero] exclaimed while seeming quite troubled.

"I can't change the way that men are viewed among our people." [Grescilda] nonchalantly shot back.

"Be that as it may, the Council oversees the education of that Academy; do they not?" [Nero] groaned.

"Obviously~" [Grescilda] said with a smile as she nodded her head.

"Then it stands to reason that the Council may choose to not promote sexism within the Academy, promoting the ideals that men are infact; an equal gender." [Nero] said while glaring down at the Councilwoman.

"But they aren't." [Grescilda] shot back with a baffled expression.

"Yet the Council recognizes that I, a male Witch have assumed control over Reygid… A Kingdom that they also seek to remain in harmony with? How can you desire harmony if you can't even recognize half our inhabitants as equals?" [Nero] shot back, clearly growing angered.

"You're a half-blood Witch." [Grescilda] corrected the Halloween Cat.

"They're fools." [Cetilla] sighed while rolling her eyes.

"You'd do well to silence that wretch." [Grescilda] declared with a growing impatience.

"Cetilla... Please find Roah, Rita, Orianna, and Ben before bringing them here. Vana and Rosa may remain at the Beach to aide the others." [Nero] beckoned while glaring at the Councilwoman.

"Sure~" [Cetilla] said with a grin.

"Calling for backup now that we've reached an impasse?" [Grescilda] begged the question while squinting her eyes.

"Absolutely not. If I were, I'd be calling on the most powerful of Monster Knights; and my Clansmen… The individuals I have requested may include some of the strongest Monster Knights… But they are not wholly the most powerful. Some of them are relatively weak in comparison to myself." [Nero] shot back with a grin.

"Then what are you up to?" [Grescilda] asked while furrowing her eyebrows.

"I'm simply trying to prove a point… And to introduce some of my friends to Grollicus." [Nero] sighed before continuing...

"Anyways, I may be a half-blood Witch; if you may… But I'm still a True Halloween Cat. I represent a remnant of Halloween, a Clan that I'm certain some of your precious Witches belong to." [Nero] explained with a smile.

"I fail to see the relevance." [Grescilda] muttered.

"My point is, that we can work together. I can offer limited immortality to any Witch who happens to belong to the Halloween Clan. There are Dungeons within the Forest of Witches, are there not? If you relinquish those Witches to me, then I can offer you a means at finally putting an end to those Dungeons." [Nero] explained with a growing grin.

"You want our Witches?" [Grescilda] asked while raising an eyebrow.

"If those Witches join me, they can face those pesky Dungeons every single night; without fear of death. I can heal even the greatest of their wounds, allotting you with a squad of Witches capable of actually making way in those Dungeons. While those Witches are under my control, they will be forced to recognize that men are infact; not solely lesser beings… As they will not only be led by one, but they will also be living alongside many. If successful at quelling the Dungeons, other Witches will be forced to question their ideals; having witnessed the strength of Halloween Witches when following their natural leader... A male half-blood Witch. When we've succeeded, I'd be more than willing to release the Halloween Witches back to the Forest… Where they can continue to spread their newfound ideals… Solidifying the now questioning Witches' thoughts… Making my event plausible." [Nero] informed the Councilwoman, who simply gawked.

"...Their natural leader?" [Grescilda] finally shot back after several moments… As the Kings and Queens of the Monster Knights arrived.

"Yes. Every single creature belongs to a Clan, and may be led by two individuals representing said Clan. I am the True Halloween Cat of Kindness, representing Hael. Those Halloween Witches can be led by me, or they can be led by the True Halloween Cat of Wrath, representing Satan. I'm not sure how well-versed you are with this knowledge… But Satan's representatives tend to cause great tragedy, or so I'm told. Otherwise, they can obviously be led by the Kings and Queens of their respective races… Or by Councilwomen, such as yourself. The problem is, that you nor most Queens possess the ability to grant limited Immortality… Which is probably why you're struggling to quell those Dungeons. It's common knowledge that this continent is in grave peril... I am the first of the current Holiday Clan Leaders to arrive here; making me your greatest chance at saving this continent." [Nero] explained while seeming quite tired before continuing…

"The creatures behind you, are most of the Kings and Queens of the Monster Knights. Only two are currently missing. Together, they represent the Monster and Beastkin Kingdoms… And perhaps, could rule even without my aide. Alone, they aren't capable of defeating any Dungeons; nor are they capable of ruling any thriving nations. They are living, breathing proof of the equality within Reygid. I owe a great deal of my success to these creatures… The Forest of Witches may prove capable of handling themselves with only women, but you are not defeating your Dungeons; so you can't possibly be thriving. The rest of the continent does not follow your ideals, and quite frankly; seems quite segregated. You're all failing to defeat your Dungeons, and you're all putting this continent at risk. Perhaps it is time for you to adapt, and seek outside help." [Nero] explained with a grin.

"I must admit, we have not been capable of stopping the Dungeons invading our lands… But we're hardly failing." [Grescilda] shot back with an irritated expression.

"Holding them back is not enough. They grow stronger with each passing day. The sheer fact that they have remained, growing stronger for centuries is proof of your inadequacy. You have performed valiantly to survive as long as you have, but should you or literally any other Kingdom falter… We'll all die. The Orcs already failed, we're lucky that they had Mountains to stop their failure from spreading. Can you say the same? Should another Dungeon leak out into your lands whilst you struggle to face your own, would you be capable of withholding both? I doubt it. Heed my warning, for you finally have someone capable of saving this continent. If you fail, and your Dungeons leak out into the continent; it may be too late for even me to stop. You'll have yourselves to blame for the deaths of your Witches." [Nero] shot back as the flames in his eyes began to grow.

"...I'll bring your message to the Council, but I can't say for certain whether they will listen to your advice." [Grescilda] declared with a solemn expression, finally having understood the severity of the situation.

"She's here to represent them, yet she can't speak on their behalf…" [Cetilla] stifled a laugh.

"Cetilla, this isn't the time." [Nero] shot back before adjusting his aviators… As the Witch began to depart.

"Are we not going to talk about that massive tree?" [Rita] begged the question with an impatient expression.

"Now then, everyone… I would like to introduce you to Grollicus; the Prince of Twisted Treants. He'll be joining the Monster Knights for the foreseeable future, I trust that you'll all treat him with respect." [Nero] sighed.

"I'm Rita!" [Rita] exclaimed happily before leaping onto one of Grollicus' branches.

"She's a Rifaleesigal, the Queen of the Rifa. I'm Roah, a Hobgoblin who is currently the King of Goblins." [Roah] explained with a smile.

"I'm Ben." [Ben] grumbled before turning to leave.

"He's a Bearoleph, the King of Bears." [Nero] chimed in with a smile.

"I am Orianna Reygid, the Lionkin Queen. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." [Orianna] introduced herself before bowing her head.

"It's been a very long time since I have entered Reygid, but if I recall correctly… The Queen of that time, was named Rinia Reygid... If I'm not mistaken, you are her descendant?" [Grollicus] confessed with a smile.

"You must be ancient… Rinia was the acting Queen whilst Sophia led Reygid…" [Orianna] muttered under her breath.

"You have her eyes..." [Grollicus] replied with a soft voice. To which, Orianna smiled before hugging the Twisted Treant and beginning to prod him for more information regarding her ancestors, alongside Roah and Rita.

And so, Cetilla and I began to watch the three flock to Grollicus before conversing amidst ourselves. Cetilla was considerably pissed off at Grescilda, and was questioning whether I should even help them to begin with. It should go without saying, that I had quite the difficult time convincing her that we weren't alone on this continent. It's practically my duty, or something. It would suck if another Kingdom failed, and we wound up needing to fight on two fronts. The Forest of Witches was directly north of us, meaning that we would be among the first nations to be responding to their incompetence. I'd say that we should also help the Elves… But they seem to have a pretty good hold over their situation. They had that massive barrier one time, so they at least have a failsafe. The Orcs have mountains, leaving the Lost Kingdom as our only other immediate worry. If anyone fails, we'll need to deal with it simply because the Lost Kingdom is vacant… But it won't be as though we're alone in dealing with it. If the Witches fail, then all of their problems fall to the Elves, the North, and us. We'd be dealing with a third of their problem. That's too much. It's already going to be brutal trying to stop the Tides of Tragedy, considering that it's made up of water elementals… My most natural enemy. The Mummy Mansion is honestly pretty low-risk, due to the Clock of Countless Coincidences. It can't all flow out at once, so it's manageable. The Tides of Tragedy are not like that, and I doubt that the Dungeons in the Forest of Witches are either.

By the time that I had finished convincing Cetilla, night had passed… I had used [Daily Candy], and was growing quite tired. After leaving my newest bucket in the Treasure Room, I offered Grollicus a room in the basement… Or the Throne Room… Or the Beach, but he chose the Beach on account of desiring sunlight while he slept. I could probably have just let him handle the Beach during the day… But that wouldn't be very nice of me, so I committed myself to yet another night in the Sand Keep. When we arrived, I quickly remembered that I had destroyed the Sand Keep… And instantly felt regret. Assuming my largest form, I slept near the massive Twisted Treant who was meow meeting Vana and Rosa… Both of which, also quickly grew to like him. I swear… EVERYONE loves Grollicus! It's so unfair! I know I received a pretty good reception amid the Monster Knights… But even Janus likes him! I'm jealous… It's official. I'm jealous of a tree. Good morning...