Chapter 93 - Day 92 & Night 92

We need camping equipment. It's been decided. If I'm going to be sleeping out here in the sand, night after night… It must happen. Lianix agreed, I agreed, and the Lantern couldn't stop crying. It's settled. Grollicus seems to be meditating, or something… Maybe this is just how he sleeps. Is he sleeping in? I'll leave him be, for meow. I've got Fish to fry. Quite literally, I'm starving. Pomapples didn't suit me. They were fine… But they weren't filling enough. Not for this Cat. I think I actually woke up early, on account of my own hunger. On further inspection, I've been proven correct. My paws are indeed flaming purple. It's daytime, though sunset is quickly approaching. No one else is here right now, it's just me and the ginormous tree. Assuming my handsomest Human form, and raising my Broom… It's time! FISH!

Flying to the waterfall in Orpia was a breeze. While travelling, I quickly noticed that the Demon Kingdom was in tatters. Kidding~ They seemed relatively fine. Whatever happened here with that rampant fire doesn't appear to have affected them, whatsoever. To be quite honest, I'm not very close to the City of Orpia… Because, no thank you; Lily~ But they appeared to be as fine as they could be, given my safe distance. I decided to catch my Fish the good old fashioned way. The waterfall hack. Swiping a few heavily reluctant Fish as they attempted to swim back up the waterfall and away from my wrath… I felt somewhat nostalgic. Fish Mongerer things. It's nights like these, when I long for the simpler life. There's just something… Insanely wonderful about living in a run-down Goblin Village, cooking via campfire… And spending my nights with my good ol' pals; the three Goblins that took a chance on little ol' me. They were simpler times, indeed.

Leading an armada of varyingly capable monsters and Clansmen… Supplying an entire clothing line… Organizing countless festivals… And ruling a nation which I'm honestly not very familiar with is fine and all; but nothing can come close to what could have been… Had I chose to remain in the Goblin Village, not begin mass scale cullings, or rescue damn near every stray that I came across... Who knows? Maybe I could have enjoyed that life a little while longer. Goddin Village Neith Sama may have lived a longer life, and I may have had more chances to learn from his insanely peaceful hermit-lifestyle… Perhaps… Goddin Village Neith Sama would have even Evolved more times, and wouldn't have met the same fate. It truly is all my fault that he's passed. I'll never get a chance to see what he would have picked for his third outfit, or roleplay with him again. There are things that I could have done differently, but at the end of the day… Maybe this was for the best. If I chose to live more slowly, as he had done; I probably never would have had the chance to Prestige… I would have died a very weak Halloween Cat, and the Dungeons could have wound up consuming the continent. At least now, there's hope that the Monster Kingdom will rise again. I have to believe that Goddin Village Neith Sama would have wanted this, or there's no point. To fully honor him, I vow to see the Monster Kingdom's return. Never again, shall a Demon's army massacre his people.

I was thinking such things as I warmed some Fish with my paws, and began to eat. They were okay… But I still sobbed while eating. Mary's cooking was too good for me to thoroughly enjoy this makeshift meal. It left me feeling quite disappointed. I should have waited for her to wake. Flying back to the Reygid, I came across my worst nightmare… Pink, frilly dress… Blond curled ringlets… Red eyes… It was Lily, the Loli. I can't help but feel as though I raised my own doom flag, by thinking about her earlier. She's got some sort of cocky look on her face, and it can only mean one thing… She wants our duel. The duel to decide who shall be the slave in this relationship. I was supposed to have a hundred years… This isn't fair. Go home, Lily. No one called for you!

"Well, well, well… If it isn't Nero…" [Lily the Loli] sneered while flapping her bat-like wings.

"Lily… I don't have time for this!" [Nero] groaned while rolling his eyes.

"As if! I KNOW you blew me off back in the Lost Kingdom!" [Lily] spat before turning her head and shutting her eyes, as if a certain Cat were too insulting to even look at.

"Pfft… I was probably off in some Dungeon~" [Nero] sighed while shrugging his shoulders.

"I saw you in the Chasms!" [Lily] shot back while pointing a finger at the Halloween Cat.

"Eh? Must have been someone else." [Nero] said with eyes wide.

"Nuh-UHHHHHH! I couldn't mistake a haki like yours!" [Lily] slammed back with an infuriated expression.

"According to legend, there are two True Halloween Cats. It was probably the other one." [Nero] suggested while raising his eyebrows.

"Right… And there are two Manananggals with blonde ringlets, also?" [Lily] begged the question while rolling her eyes.

"Perhaps? I'm not very knowledgeable on your kind." [Nero] sighed while shrugging his shoulders.

"Well, just to clear things up for you; there aren't." [Lily] retorted with a pompous expression.

"What are you even doing here, Lily?" [Nero] asked with a tired look in his eyes.

"Ugh! How rude… I was simply soaring through the skies, when I happened to sense you; and figured that I might as well say hello~" [Lily] explained with an innocent expression.

"As if…" [Nero] groaned.

"It's true!" [Lily] exclaimed with eyes wide. To which, the Cat simply glared at her for several moments until she finally continued…

"Well… Actually… I was sort of hoping that I might be able to intrude on you, just for a little while." [Lily] stammered while seeming quite nervous.

"...What?" [Nero] let out, while tilting his head to the side as he began to squint.

"Jeez, Nero… Do I need to spell it out for you?! I need a place to stay for a few nights!" [Lily] confessed with a growing irritation.

"...Why?" [Nero] begged the question, still tilting his head to the side.

"...I may have accidentally burned half of Orpia, so my father's not in the best of moods." [Lily] groaned while shrugging her shoulders.

...It… Was Lily?!

"Denied." [Nero] shot back with a tired expression before beginning to fly once more.

"Wait! Nero… Please?! I don't know who else to turn to!" [Lily] begged while matching the Halloween Cat's pace.

"Lily… Your father is incredibly dangerous. I don't want to be on his bad side, whatsoever." [Nero] confessed while side-eyeing the Manananggal.

"He won't be mad at you, he won't even notice that I'm gone." [Lily] replied with a smile before beginning to giggle.

"Fat chance." [Nero] shot back with a sigh.

"...Huh?" [Lily] let out, clearly confused.

"It means that he'll definitely notice your absence." [Nero] explained while continuing to fly above the jungle toward Reygid.

"B-B-But…" [Lily] muttered.

"No buts, either. Lily, please… Just, return home." [Nero] groaned while beginning to hold his head in his hands.

"It's so boring there!" [Lily] screamed, clearly on the verge of throwing a temper tantrum.

"It's boring where I live as well." [Nero] shot back while trying to convince the Loli.

"Nope, I've got it on good authority that the Wailing Keep is quite frankly; a rather enjoyable locale." [Lily] shot back with a proud expression.

"Actually… A lot of the residents living there have recently perished, so those remaining are currently grieving… And separated while trying to live up to my oh so lofty ambitions." [Nero] confessed while glancing toward a flock of birds.

"Perished?" [Lily] let out, while seeming quite confused. To which, Nero simply sighed.

Crap… Did I just make a mistake? Should Lily, a noble of the Demon Kingdom be aware of the Lost Kingdom's state?! This is dangerous… I can't afford to disclose the location of the Goblins, that's for damn sure… But what about Reygid?! Should I be admitting to having taken control over the Beastkin Kingdom?! Lily… LEAVE ME ALONE!

"Wait… So you've separated the Lost Kingdom?" [Lily] asked once more, now seeming quite serious.

...She's not letting this go. What can I even say to get out of this?! I'm in too deep… I need to lose her.

"...What's that over there?" [Nero] asked with eyes wide as he pointed toward the City of Orpia. To which, Lily quickly turned to face the Demon Kingdom Capital before the Halloween Cat sped up on his Broom while heading directly to the Lost Kingdom.

It's going to work… It's going to work… It simply MUST work! Lianix! Fly! Fly faster! Fly faster than Conrach-20! Don't stop! Keep going! Whilst nearing the Human Kingdom, I quickly turned my head to see… A trail of orange flames, and a particular Loli chasing after me with a sadistic look on her face. She's enjoying this… We've been left with no choice… Quick, Lianix! Turn right at a 90 degree angle toward the Dragon Mountains! Brace yourself, Halloween Cat! Oh my Janus… The turn was quite jarring. We failed at the 90 degree turn, and it felt more like two 45 degree turns in a very short timeframe. Definitely not good for the stomach meow filled with Fish… Puking to my side as I flew, I learned that vomiting at such a speed was not a good idea… It landed right back in my face, as if the Wind itself were mocking my foolish nature. This is disgusting… Even for me. These Fish were no good. I'll need more later, for sure. For meow… We're heading directly to the Ocean. I need to rinse off. First, I'm going to fly dangerously close to the scorching ground; in hopes that it might deter the deranged Loli.

Flying through the hellish Dragon Mountains was ridiculous. I almost crashed into not one, not two… Not even three; but FOUR DIFFERENT MOUNTAINS! It was brutal. Each time, I felt as though I had lost brain cells. Meow… I'm currently soaring above the water, upside down; as my face is ravenously attacked by the tides. I honestly don't know where I'm going at this point, and I'm taking 3048 damage each second that I fly… But I should be clean. Very clean. After slowly rotating to free myself from the assault, I turned my head to see… That the Loli had disappeared. I'm safe. For now. Slowing to a stop, I found myself in the middle of nowhere. This is… Peaceful? Also, quite frightening. I've never gone so far off the continent before… So it's more than a little nerve wracking to piece my way back. I don't want to return to the Dragon Mountains, it would be better if I returned to the Lizardmen Tribes; just south of them… But if I mess up the angle too bad, I could find myself completely skipping over the continent and landing somewhere completely different. I suppose that would be fine, but what I'm most afraid of, is that I'll NEVER find another land mass to conjure a Gate in. What if I… Just kept flying, in a straight line; and wound up directly at this exact same spot after having soared across the entire planet?!

I'm getting nervous. Janus?! Can you point me back to the continent?! I can't mess this up! Janus?! Janus?! Jeez… He's not picking up. He must be enjoying my inner torment, or something. What's the use in having a God's endorsement if he can't even point you in the right direction?! Okay… Fine. It's time to think… Some other-worldly knowledge that can solve this predicament… Uhm… The sun rises in the east, and sets in the west. Yes. Why is this the best thing that I can muster?! I'm so uncultured… Regardless, looking around… The setting sun is directly ahead of me… So, I was probably heading west this entire time. If I turn around, and keep an eye on the sun which is setting… Perhaps I can return safely? It's worth a shot. Okay. Adjusting Lianix as best as I could… I began to fly, while sitting backwards on the cursed Broom. It was difficult to fly this way, if I'm being honest; but I managed. While flying, a few terrifying monsters tried to devour me, so I decided to fly higher after three different close calls. Executive decision. Being devoured by massive Fish is not how I desire to go out. I'm the Fish Mongerer… Being mongered by Fish... It just wouldn't be right.

As the sun was nearing its' disappearance… I began to feel anxious. I needed to fly faster. This wasn't working for me. If I lost sight of the one and only thing that I could even see… In a time like this… It would be the end of me. Massive Fish devouring me or not, I'd be damned. Speeding up, I eventually returned to my favorite continent. Almost. I ended up near the Forsaken Isles, but it was fine. At the very least, I knew where I was… And there was even a Hallowed Gate here for me to use and return to the Wailing Keep. Whew~ What a night… And it's only just begun. Grenda made absolutely certain to bombard me with demands upon arrival to the new Goblin Village which was shaping up rather nicely. Her demands were poorly timed; but I couldn't complain. I'm the one who ordered them to move here, after all.

Grenda wants more clothing for the surviving Goblin Villagers… Which I happily agreed to. I even sat down, and started conjuring low grade clothing while aiming for level 2 pieces. As I made quite the pile, she kept up with making more demands. She not only wants more Berries from the Lost Kingdom, but she also wants Fish. I can handle one of those things, but the Fish… Fish are in short supply all over the place, Grenda. We're not exactly knee deep in Fish over at the Wailing Keep, I'll have you know~ The Festival took a lot out of us! Regardless… I promised to offer the Goblins a location to Fish safely for their people. They can use the River in the Beastkin Kingdom, leading in from the waterfall from the Elven forest. The Fish over there aren't enchanted to help powerful creatures… But they can still feed lower level Goblins relatively fine. I'm simply running low on manpower, as I'm trying to have most of the Monster Knights train near the Beach; not spending their time Fishing. Two waterfalls is more than enough for the Monster Knights to be dealing with… So it will be a task for Goblins.

Speaking of… Clansmen! Please continue with your nightly activities. Crows and Bats, bring more Berries to the Lost Kingdom. Molag Dregora, find a few Monster Knights willing to Fish in the Lost Kingdom… Conrad, find a few Monster Knights willing to Fish in the Demon Kingdom. Both of you are tasked with protecting the Monster Knights that you find to Fish, and return them to Reygid before dawn. Luna... Find Vana, Hugo, Gluttatosk, and however many other Monster Knights that wish to join you while training at the Beach. After gathering them nearby, request for Grollicus to return to the Wailing Keep or to watch the battle from a distance far enough that the Tides of Tragedy may come. Betty, please gather all of the Banshees and Phantasms; Milton and Rei included. Bring them all to commence facing the Cyworctus yet again. Scarecrows, please see to it that Mary's meal reaches all of the Monster Knights; regardless of where they stand. Wolrietta, find Rudou and request that he comes to the Wailing Keep. Wendel, Penny, Christina, Skeletons, Mick, Steve, and Andy… Gather in the Throne Room to greet Rudou. Thank you all for your continued dedication, you are the heart of this whole damn thing. The beating heart, tirelessly working to keep this thing of ours going.

I thought such things as I raised my Lantern, before turning to face Grenda once more. She's seeking more. I can't blame her. The Goblins need more. They need much more. I decided to promise her that I would do everything that I could to see to their livelihoods… But made sure to inform her that I was simply busy at the moment. She seemed disappointed, but understood and let me go freely. I'm sorry… I just don't have it in me right now. I need Luna to get her Spellbook. It's my first priority, as it's the only thing left on my to-do-list before I can Prestige. Time is of the essence. The sooner that I can Prestige, the more power that I can offer my Clansmen whom are honestly; quite weak. No offense, but you all need more strength if we're to stop a Dungeon. Stopping a Dungeon is probably my raison d'être, as a Holiday Clan Leader. It can't be helped. The continent needs me... Not JUST the Goblins. Taking a deep breath, I stepped through the Hallowed Gate… And emerged within Halloween.

I made sure to stop, and take a moment to acknowledge Halloween. The smell of Pumpkins filled my nostrils. The sky was pitch orange, as per usual. The buildings were crooked and whimsical as always, and the fountain was casually flowing. Taking a few steps closer, I decided to lean down and get myself a drink of the Punch. It tasted amazing… And so, I continued on my way through another Gate, leading into the Throne Room. On entry, I was met with several of my Clansmen; performing a song. It was an original song, quite dramatic if you ask me… It was the perfect song for the occasion. Taking a seat at the Throne of Bones… Propping Lianix and the Lantern up to my sides… I began to wait for Rudou as I enjoyed the music. Wendel's voice can't be beaten; at this point… She genuinely sounds like an Angel. She's not leading this song… She's more like a back-up, alongside Penny; they make for a beautiful melody. Christina was stomping her feet to handle percussion alongside Mick, Steve and Andy who were gently strumming their skeletal fingers along their own ribcages as if they were guitars. Andy was the one actually singing, though Mick and Steve sometimes stepped in to help back him up. Andy's voice was deeper than the other Vampire Knights. It was rough, at times. It felt as though he were a cowboy singing in a Church, the way that Wendel and Penny carried him from the sidelines. It was wonderful.

By the time that Rudou appeared while being ushered along by Wolrietta and Wilson, one of the Scarecrows had already gone and gathered me two of Mary's illustrious Common Fish to enjoy. I was casually chowing down as he slowly made his way through the fiery Throne Room in awe at the performance. When he had finally arrived beneath me, I had just been finishing with my meal… Lowering my aviators and placing them on one of the edges to the Throne, I greeted him as the Bandsmen continued to perform.

"Rudou… Welcome back to my home, the Wailing Keep." [Nero] exclaimed with a smile.

"Thank you, though what's with the extravagance?" [Rudou] begged the question while glancing toward the ensemble before turning back to face the two Wolf type monsters who had begun to kneel.

"Don't mind them… I've called you here tonight to discuss our deal." [Nero] sighed before raising a hand to signal that Wolrietta and Wilson were free to leave. To which, they both stood and walked through one of the Gates.

"Then you're ready to begin?" [Rudou] asked with eyes wide.

"Yes, do you have any shipments or requests awaiting you?" [Nero] asked with a smile.

"Of course, while I don't have any shipments currently waiting to export… I DO have several requests waiting to be made." [Rudou] confessed with a look of excitement.

"Then, what is it that you're hoping to find; and where might one find them?" [Nero] begged the question with a grin.

"To name a few… I'm in need of more Minerals and Ore for the local Blacksmiths… Candles for the Church… Chalk for the School… Lumber for the Woodworkers… Paper for numerous businesses… Alcohol for the Barkeeps… And Spices for the Chefs." [Rudou] explained while visibly thinking.

"Well, that's all rather vague…" [Nero] muttered.

"I apologize, but if given a little time; I can surely compile you a list of more precise requests." [Rudou] sighed while shrugging his shoulders.

"Very well, please do so. I will need to know of where to obtain each material, how much I should be attempting to purchase each material for, and the quantity desired. To make things simpler, I believe it would be fitting for you to accompany me personally on this voyage." [Nero] beckoned before taking a stand and grabbing his Broom.

"...Right now?" [Rudou] let out with eyes wide.

"Right this instant." [Nero] declared with a smile as he retrieved his aviators.

"Okay, let's stop at my Trading Company then." [Rudou] exclaimed with a sigh.

And so, I accompanied the Catkin Merchant to the Ru Trading Company; where he quickly fixed up a list of materials before handing it to me and explaining the contents as we flew. While flying, he held my Lantern for me in one paw; while pointing me where to go with the other. On account of it being night… And because I was simply following his lead… I honestly don't know where we were flying. I simply know that we were going to Monastazia. Sounds familiar, right? Yes… It's where Lucius had originated from. According to Rudou, Monastazia is a huge City when it comes to trade. Almost anything can be found there. It's a land most commonly inhabited by Mousekin Merchants and Crafts(wo)men. Due to it being a hub for Mousekin, the Beastkin Kingdom has a relatively good relationship with them. Rudou, the Catkin usually does not go there personally; as most Mousekin fear Catkin… So he normally hires quite a few Mousekin to work for him and handle the trading in his stead; all of which are also terrified by Rudou… But I left him with very little room to shirk out of the offer, so he's going along with it. Two prominent Catkin, coming through~

Once upon a time, Rudou would handle the trading personally; but he eventually hired the Mousekin while off in Monastazia; believing that it would make matters simpler. He's probably right, but even so; it's not as though he doesn't know how to work his way around a market. He feels confident that he'll be able to find mostly everything that we need. If worse comes to worst… I'll just request Lucius to help us close the deals. Rudou confessed that many of the materials have leeway. It's not as though Blacksmiths are seeking particular kinds of Minerals or Ore… They simply need more, and they're willing to settle with high or low quality goods. They'll buy whatever they can get off of Rudou, as it's almost guaranteed to be something that they otherwise could not have obtained. It's like that. Even so, there are some particular desires; which a few buyers would prefer above all else... If at all possible.

Lilith, the Blacksmith is hoping for Mithril Ore; above all else. Vigi wants Tourmaline… Though I can't fathom why he didn't just ask me to take him back to the Chasms~ Some Woodworker named Merridore is hoping for Galligo Wood, but will pay a decent price for Oak. The Barkeeps generally just want as fine a Wine as possible. They're probably hoping to better serve nobles on the rare occasions that they show up in their Taverns. The Adventurer's Guild in particular wants cheaper Acohol, though. The higher the quality, the better. A Chef named Liba wants Gooseclaw Talons to grind into fine salt… While another Chef named Rodney wants Lobsters... But no one is expecting THAT to go very well; on account of how dangerous the Oceans have become. The Church couldn't care less about the kind of Candles, nor could the School for their Chalk. It's all about the quantity, for them. The same goes for Paper, which is simply desired by all.

By the time that Rudou had explained each of the requests to me, I decided to inform him of my own desire to find an Artisan producing Paper so that I might be able to craft a Spellbook. He wasn't very surprised, nor did he really care. He figured that after we found Paper, it would be a rather simple task. We'd just need to ask whoever was selling to find their source. Finding the source may have proved to be costly, though; as few would give up the trade relations to obtain their goods on request. We'd need to bribe them. Sounds like a pain, but it's necessary. I'd be damned if I helped Rudou secure all of these materials even while profiting off of them if I still couldn't find the one thing that I actually needed~

We probably spent about half an hour flying to Monastazia. I was flying quite fast, so it must have been pretty far away. While we travelled, Rudou was flattering me with compliments regarding the taking of Reygid; and even mentioned how he had a chance to witness several Monster Knights facing the Tides of Tragedy. I needed to explain that it was all a training tactic, but that only led to more compliments. He had never witnessed the previous King doing anything to take advantage of the Tides, so I guess it's somewhat revolutionary to him. In my opinion, it's simply obvious to do. Got a Dungeon? Freaking use it! I WISH the Lost Kingdom had Dungeons! That would have made my life SO much easier~

Rudou and I also spoke of my plans for the continued management of Reygid. He seems to think that I should be avidly recruiting more Monster Knights, but in my opinion… Meh. If they want to serve us, then they'll come and do so. It's not very hard, but apparently my presence can be quite frightening. It's a shame, but I'm still a long ways away from having good public relations. The general public is happy that someone's committed to defending them, they're happy about the no taxation rule, they're happy about the abolishment of slavery, and they enjoyed the Festival… But I'm somehow still not welcoming enough. I can't really be bothered to do much more though, I'm quite frankly out of ideas. At this point, the next best thing I can do; is reset the Tides of Tragedy. I'm not strong enough, I think.

After reaching Monastazia… I was blown away. It's a port town, or it was when overseas travel was a thing. It's honestly rather mechanical, or it appears to be. Big, hulking gears rotate endlessly; probably powering the City. The City itself consists of varyingly rusted metals and seems straight out of an RPG attempting to be too pop-cultured. There are street lights, meaning genuine electricity; or some kind of cheap knock-off magic. The City is an island, making me feel all the more curious of how they find food or goods. According to Rudou, it's ALL trade. There are a few airships floating around, and most of them look like blimps. Hindenburg style, all the way; but there are admittedly a few different styles that I don't entirely understand. Magical floating rocks with strangely glowing engravings, ships that should probably be in water, flying creatures… Someone is totally riding a freaking carpet. I'm jealous. Lianix, learn the Shapeshift ability and assume the form of a carpet; thanks.

The City seems dirty, but it's probably ancient. I can't blame them, I certainly wouldn't feel like cleaning this thing. There's a particularly interesting device probably filtering water from the ocean. It's spectacular, to think that they've solved the salt problem in an era like this… But maybe it's more like our continent is simply behind? We're the barbarians or something. I already knew that the Goblins were ages away from being sophisticated… But is it really THIS bad?! Rudou seems to have understood my facial expressions, as he's meow going on and on about how he wished that Reygid had adopted some of the technology used here. According to Rudou, the technology used to create this spectacular place has actually been lost for centuries… Meaning that even the Mousekin don't have the means to expand their locale. They're simply keeping the lights on, or doing their damn best to.

After a little while of sightseeing, we found an empty landing pad, and I conjured a new Hallowed Gate. I had to cancel the one coming into the Chasms, but after conjuring the new Gate; I requested for the Scarecrows to fetch my Coins. Rudou already had a large sac in tow, so I was more or less just worrying about the Paper. When we find someone producing it, I want to pay them quite kindly to ensure that my order takes precedence. The Twisted Treant Bark has apparently been prepared in the Throne Room, thanks to Mescarga. He's a good guy, when he wants to be. Viva la Scarecrows! NyAH~!

Joined by the ensemble of Scarecrows carrying buckets of Coins earned from our latest festival, we hit the street vendors. Hard. We're all in, striking up ALL the deals. Most of the vendors noticed our large budgets, and have begun coming to us. It doesn't seem to matter that we're Cats. We're BIG Cats, with BIG wallets! It's like that. They're doing their damn best to sell us their wares, though I frankly don't know half of the things that I'm looking at. I feel stupid. Is that… A painted bathtub?! Won't the paint wash off in the water?! Oh… It's been glazed over in a kiln… Talk about a big freaking kiln?! Wait… Pans with beautiful engravings?! Two for the price of one?! Carpet?! Is it magical?! It's apparently not magical, but the texture and design is simply DIVINE~!

Ahhh… The elegance~ I'm infatuated with my new carpet, and pans. The bathtub is cute, but I'll probably still get a new one later on. What? I bought everything… I wanted them. It's not my fault… They were everything I never knew that I needed! Don't look at me like that, Rudou! Hmph! He's probably jealous that I got the deal first~ Aside from the pans, carpet, and bathtub, I may have also decided to purchase a large platter tray; made of Mahogany… And three beautifully sculpted, wooden chairs. Not only do they have Cat face shaped shoulders… They have sofa seats, too. Extravagant, and comfortable. The best thing about everything that I purchased? Perfect camping equipment. It all set me back around 24 Gold Coins, though I paid in Silver. I haven't had time to get our funds exchanged since the festival, so it was the best that I could do. The Scarecrows weren't able to fit all of the Coins into the limited buckets that they could carry, so they ended up making several trips. It was a whole thing, in which there was a factory line of Scarecrows trailing behind us, returning to us from the Gate incessantly. They're hard workers. They enjoyed singing various songs as they did so, but they always wound up sounding like screamo. It was fine.

We managed to find most of the desired goods just fine, if I'm being honest… It was all on Rudou. At this point, I was basically no better than a common tourist. A common tourist with a whole lot of influence. Celebrity status, though no one here even knew who I was. A lot of the Mousekin were nice, and friendly… Though they definitely still feared us. They wanted us to buy their goods, but they also couldn't help but shake while they offered. They must have really needed the Coin… While we travelled, I couldn't help but notice the Military. They were all Mousekin, and wore peculiar light blue masks befitting of their facial shapes. What strikes me most of all, is that there are no Mousekin appearing more Human than Mouse. After asking Rudou, I learned that Mousekin appearing more Human were not very well-liked within Monastazia. Most don't do business with them, and they tend to be commoners. They are absolutely not permitted to join the ranks of the Monastazian Militia. It's so bad, that nobles whom happen to give birth to Mousekin bordering on the Human side are forsaken; and stripped of titles at birth… Or executed as a stain on the bloodline. Prejudice appears to be alive and well, even in Monastazia. Foreigners are fine, as they bring in valuable goods or Coin to further the economy… But natives unfortunate enough to not appear natural to their culture are absolutely shunned, and often dwell in the darkest and dirtiest areas of this wondrous City. The slums.

What's most peculiar about the entire ordeal, is that we haven't even encountered the slums… After several hours of haggling, I still have no idea where they might be. According to Rudou, the slums are not a place where one might desire to encounter… Nor are they in any particular area. Behind the gears and in the alleys of this City, are a wide network of underground tunnels and crevices that give way to an entirely different City. They call it the Clockworks. It's everchanging, and quite dangerous. One can easily lose their life or limbs if exploring them without a highly skilled guide; or without someone who had spent their entire life living down there. Lucius is a Mousekin who appears more like a Human than a Mouse… So I can't help but wonder why he even desired to return here to begin with… Is Reygid not the better choice for him?! What's he after? I'll need to ask him later. The Monastazian Militia genuinely appear like villians, given their apparel. It's… Creepy, those masks; mixed with their apparel. They all wear matching outfits, in blue and black. Their pants aren't tight-fitting, probably to help them move quickly. Their jackets are, though. They all wear black leather jackets, and black leather boots. The jackets are adorned with blue buttons, and strings; almost as if they were out of a marching band. Their masks are full-headed, perfectly sculpted to their size; making me wonder about whether each Mousekin had their mask specially fitted. The only aspect of their faces not masked, are their mouths; and the holes for their eyes. They all just… Stand there, watching everything anyone does. It reminds me of England.

"Looking to buy some Paper? I've got the finest stuff, and the prices are so low; we'll blow your hats off!" [Mousekin Vendor] excitedly exclaimed, interrupting the Halloween Cat's trail of thought.

"Why… Paper happens to be one of the last things on our list… We'll take it all off your claws." [Rudou] confessed with a terrifying grin.

"In fact… We're in need of so MUCH, that we'd be very much interested in finding where you had obtained such a stack." [Nero] chimed in while taking a bucket from a nearby Scarecrow and tilting it over for the Mousekin to see.

"B-B-Buying is one thing… But my source? You can't bribe me for such a thing!" [Mousekin Vendor] nervously muttered with eyes wide as he glared at the bucket.

"Oh, really…?" [Nero] shot back with a grin as he gestured for another Scarecrow to step forth and reveal the contents of its bucket.

"...I-I mustn't…" [Mousekin Vendor] mumbled while visibly thinking. To which, Nero beckoned of yet another Scarecrow to reveal its bucket.

"He would never forgive me..." [Mousekin Vendor] groaned while letting down his shoulders.

"Tell you what, we buy all the Paper that you possess… We tip you handsomely… And you don't even need to show your face to the Artisan. We'll show up and act as if we had never even met you~" [Nero] offered before lowering his aviators.

"P-P-Promise me one thing…" [Mousekin Vendor] begged with eyes wide as he looked up at the two Catkin.

"What do you desire?" [Nero] asked with a wry smile.

"That the Artisan goes unharmed, and is paid fairly for his work." [Mousekin Vendor] declared, steeling his resolve as he clenched a paw.

"...Eh? We would never harm an Artisan… Let alone rip one off?" [Nero] let out, confused as he tilted his head to the side.

"Speak for yourself." [Rudou] chimed in while side-eyeing the Halloween Cat.

"Oi! Go handle your other business and meet me back at the Gate when you've finished." [Nero] shot back with a terrifying expression.

"As soon as I obtain my Paper~" [Rudou] sighed before taking the stack from the Mousekin and handing him a large bag of Coins.

"T-T-Thank you… But does this mean that you're both separately seeking Paper?" [Mousekin Vendor] asked with a confused expression.

"That would be correct. Rudou here, desired your Paper; but I desire your Artisan's." [Nero] confessed while shrugging his shoulders.

"I understand… So you won't hurt him?" [Mousekin Vendor] asked yet again.

"I would never." [Nero] promised while tipping his cap, as Rudou began to depart.

"Very well, then… But if you lie… You'll never be dealt with in all of Monastazia again! I'll see to it myself!" [Mousekin Vendor] declared with a determined expression as he pointed a claw to the Halloween Cat.

"Lead the way~" [Nero] replied while placing a hand on the Mousekin's shoulder.

"R-Right." [Mousekin Vendor] exclaimed before beginning to walk away.

The Mousekin continued on to make me promise to never disclose our route to anyone else, as he led me and a dozen Scarecrows through the Clockworks. It would appear that the Artisan is in hiding… Perhaps, he's one of those less fortunate to be viewed as more of a Human than a Mouse? I'm beginning to understand the Vendor's reasoning, but really… I couldn't backtrack this route even if I tried. It's so confusing, these Clockworks. I feel as though I've stepped into a literal Dungeon, but the monsters are sparse. Not to say that there aren't any monsters, but they're too terrified to confront us. I noticed large Rat type monsters, and even a few Alligators. The Clockworks seem to be sewers… But they're way more technical than any sewers that I had witnessed in movies back on Earth. It's the gears. They're still plenty dark, though. As we travelled, the Mousekin warned me of the Rats; saying that they were dangerous and savage creatures… Completely unlike the Mousekin. Obviously. The Alligators stuck to the water, for the most part; so no one usually needed to deal with them. I can't imagine actually… Living in a place like this. It's disgusting, if you ask me~

We traversed the Clockworks for at least an hour, climbing stairways; going through tunnels, and even long tubes that were probably just massive pipes. According to the Vendor, we chose the safest and least weathered route possible. Other routes had long been lost at the result of floods or cave-ins; making this entire locale to be quite precarious. When we had arrived, the Mousekin took my Coins; and promised to wait for me down a small tunnel to my side. He instructed me of a rather short path that would lead me to the Artisan, but in the event that he had been lying to me… Or had he encountered any danger, I ordered a few Scarecrows to stick with him. Walking through the path, I found myself in a small room that was probably used for maintenance parts storage. A light was on, though it flickered incessantly. The room had a metal door, blocking my access to where the Artisan had been living; just as instructed. Turning the handle that resembled what one might expect in a submarine, I came face to face with a rather peculiar individual. His hair was grey, and his eyes were bright yellow. He had a very tired look on his face, and his apparel was quite ragged; but after noticing me… He seemed terrified.

"Hello, my name is Nero Miki. I am the True Allwe Halloween Cat, and I seek your expertise. I do not intend to harm you, whatsoever. I simply need Paper, made from this bark. I will pay you fairly for your work." [Nero] introduced himself before bowing as he held out a stack of Twisted Treant bark for the Mousekin to view.

"...You want P-P-Paper? Made from this?" [Mousekin Artisan] asked with a terrified expression before beginning to glance at the bark.

"Please tell me that you can do it." [Nero] groaned.

"I… I can… But it would have been easier had you brought an entire log…" [Mousekin Artisan] muttered as he felt the bark with a paw.

"I'm in your care." [Nero] sighed with a weak smile.

"You won't harm me after I've finished?" [Mousekin Artisan] asked with eyes wide.

"I will do nothing of the sort." [Nero] promised as he smiled.

"Even if I'm not a true Mousekin?" [Mousekin Artisan] begged the question.

"I don't care about your blood. I simply need the Paper." [Nero] confessed as he rolled his eyes.

"Can you promise me something?" [Mousekin Artisan] asked as he squinted.

"What do you want?" [Nero] groaned.

"...Slay the King." [Mousekin Artisan] exclaimed with a blank expression.


"Why?" [Nero] asked as he tilted his head to the side.

"...I hate this place, and he is the one at fault." [Mousekin Artisan] explained with a blank expression.

"Aren't you asking a bit much for some Paper?" [Nero] shot back as one of his eyes twitched.

"Maybe, but you're powerful. I can feel it… Your presence… I've never encountered anyone like you, so I thought… Maybe, you could be the one to end his tyranny." [Mousekin Artisan] confessed as he lowered his head.

How… How?! HOW CAN I MANAGE KILLING YET ANOTHER KING?! My paws… They're FULL! I can't do this. I'd drive myself insane, trying to manage two Kingdoms as things stand.

"I won't deny the possibility, though slaying the King is not the only thing that should be thought about. Claiming his life will not simply result in a better society here, as he's probably keeping some sort of Dungeon from taking all of your lives. Personally, I can't handle protecting another Kingdom in the wake of a King's death. Not right now, anyways." [Nero] confessed with a straight face.

"So you'll do it?" [Mousekin Artisan] asked with eyes wide.

"Maybe someday, but anytime in the near future; no." [Nero] replied with a nervous expression.

"...I see." [Mousekin Artisan] let out, clearly disappointed.

"But, if you help me with this Paper… I'll be one step closer to claiming the power necessary to help your people?" [Nero] offered with a weak smile.

"Then I have no choice, now do I?" [Mousekin Artisan] muttered with a weak smile as he glared at the bark.

"On the contrary… You hate this place, so why stay here? Join me on my crusade, help me succeed; and see to it yourself… That I return here to assume my dominion over this City." [Nero] shot back with a wry smile as he pat the young Mousekin Artisan's hair.

"Or stay here, in the deepest depths of the Clockworks and continue to live in fear…" [Mousekin Artisan] muttered before continuing…

"I'll join you if you swear to save my people." [Mousekin Artisan] declared with a determined expression.

...I'm making a lot of promises tonight.

"Then it's settled. Paper for people. Deal?" [Nero] shot back before extending a hand for the Mousekin. To which, a deal was made.

And so, we left alongside the Vendor whom I eventually needed to sell out. It didn't matter, as I kept my promise. I won't be harming this Artisan, I'll be rescuing him. A deal's a deal. Monastazia will be saved. All of it. It would appear that not all Mousekins view their less fortunate brethren to be of little value; considering that this Vendor had desperately wanted to help this particular Artisan turn a profit off of his wares. The three of us left the Clockworks in good spirits, as the Scarecrows performed their miraculous screamo renditions. By the time that we had returned to the Gate, Rudou was happily sitting next to a crowd of Scarecrows and a massive pile of goods. He seems pleased with himself. Hauling all of the goods back to the Wailing Keep took us around an hour, and dawn had arrived; so I made sure to cast [Daily Candy]. The Vendor chose to stay in Monastazia, but he was thankful for our promise made to the Artisan; so he actually gave me a hug. I was shocked, but it was nice to feel appreciated. Bidding him farewell, I began to show the Artisan around the Wailing Keep. I made sure to cook him up a measly meal in the Kitchen, and informed him that every night; Mary would be performing miracles in that very same Kitchen. He seemed excited, and confused by the technology.

It was decided that the Artisan would be free to make his paper in his very own room within the basement; though I had no idea which room that might be… So I led him back to the Beach, where I found Kendra and a dozen other Monster Knights training. I asked Kendra to show him to his own room, and also got the chance to introduce him to Lucius… Who I began to question. According to Lucius, he wished to return to Monastazia so that he might be capable of rejoining the Rebellion. He too, is after the death of his King… But he hadn't the nerve to ask me. He knew that I was busy, so it's like that. I gave him the choice to return now, as the Gate was still open; but he chose to stick around a little while longer. He wants more power from the Tides of Tragedy. Whatever~ Closing the Gate, I informed all of the Monster Knights present that they were free to return to the Wailing Keep… Before assuming my largest form, and going to sleep in the sand. It's a shame… But I have no other choice. I have no idea where Grollicus is, either. Good morning...