Chapter 96 - Night 95

NYUUUUGH!~ Okay… Cetilla's stolen my bathtub. The audacity… I-Maybe we need a new Dutchess… Dutchesses are basically just Queens that have submitted their fealty to another Monarchy before anyone else… Theoretically… Rita can be Roah's Dutchess. The rise of Rita, the Rifaleesigal… The Rifa squad would follow her into battle, I can see it meow… They would effortlessly dodge every obstacle sent their way, with their stupidly large field of vision and impeccable jumping ability. On the other paw, the Harpy Matriarch could submit fealty… The Harpies would surely meet their undoing if they attempted to fight without proper training… But what if the Harpy Matriarch commit a taboo?

She could turn a few of the stronger Harpies into Vampires, and establish a fleet of her own~ I see a lot of benefits to either side… But if I had to say, then Chiffona-Cya-Macaroon is the optimal choice. She's not as powerful as Rita, so she wouldn't have very much to lose. Submitting fealty usually grants some of your potential, or your power off to another Monarch; in this case… Roah. Roah's literally LEAGUES ahead of Chiffona-Cya-Macaroon, so I doubt that whatever portion she could give would even make a difference… But her, being designated as Roah's Dutchess… It might actually bestow her with more power, in terms of haki. It's like… Being Roah's first in command is essentially a promotion as opposed to being a solo weakling. Chiffona-Cya-Macaroon probably doesn't possess the rank of being a Queen due to her power. She's claimed her role from lineage. Her flock was once a force to be reckoned with, but it has since fallen in power… Even so, they still hold the Crown; as their Monarchy has not perished… But who's to say that another flock of Harpies hasn't risen in that time, and is already considerably greater?

The truth is… Kendra, Ben, Conrad, Skeldoragora, and Cycleo might never be crowned. There could just be another Kingdom of Bears or Foxes… Perhaps an incredibly populated cavern of One Eyed Lizards awaits us, and the King of Cyclozards intends to make it a fight to the death... One Eyed Lizard on One Eyed Lizard~ When two eyes meet… Sparks fly… Tensions in the room rise… One may find themselves petrified under the weight of their trembling six legs… While the other learns the joys of sweet, young... Innocent love~ Ahh… I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about it!~

"Roah… You awake?" [Nero] asked while side-eyeing the Hobgoblin.

"...No…" [Roah] groaned before rolling over.

"...Has dinner arrived?" [Gluttatosk] muttered as he began to sniff the air…

"...It's no use. Cetilla's too powerful to make any distinctions." [Gluttatosk] grumbled with a seriously determined expression as he began to scour the locale.

"...She smells like Pumpkin Spice even in her sleep…" [Nero] sighed while relishing in the scent and glancing over at the peacefully sleeping Sorceress.

"So… Everyone else went off to do a bunch of stuff as soon as Nero woke up… Is it really cool for us to just… Not?" [Rei] asked after having appeared from the Lantern alongside Milton.

"...I don't mind." [Nero] sighed.

"Well… What are we even going to do tonight, then?" [Milton] asked while tilting his head to the side.

"Tonight… Luna! Fetch me the Crimson Slayers… I'll be picking up a payment from Clive, and perhaps Rudou… With any luck, I'll also be searching for Unicornkin and writing a Spellbook. Without any luck, then I'll also be drinking my life away." [Nero] explained with a smile as he assumed his larger Human form and held his Lantern high.

"...We can't… We can't keep drinking like this!" [Roah] let out while seeming heavily nauseous.

"Then let's hope that we're lucky~" [Nero] shot back with a smile.

"I just had the greatest dream… Nero thought he had luck, and it led him to all these ridiculously stupid decisions and eventually everyone died... Except for me, obviously~ And Rei survived too, with a few of the other cool Clanswomen; and then I was the main character who everyone called on for help… Sometimes, we would reminisce about how foolish we were to allow a man to lead; and UGH~ It was just the best..." [Cetilla] explained with a smirk as she side-eyed the Halloween Cat.

"...You're the worst." [Nero] grumbled as he side-eyed the Dutchess.

"When Luna finishes bringing those new Vampires, you should feed her a lot of Candy~" [Cetilla] remarked with a smile.

"Spending my Candy is something that I would honestly prefer to hold back on until before I decide to Prestige." [Nero] shot back while glaring off into the distance with a smile.

"W-What's even keeping you?! Just do it already!" [Cetilla] shot back with a frustrated expression.

"...Timing is everything." [Master of Time] explained before adjusting his aviators.

"Oi! Where are you going?!" [Cetilla] screamed before leaping out of the Halloween Cat's bath and frantically beginning to get dressed.

"I have business to attend to!" [Fish Mongerer] nonchalantly called back as he rode the Land Shark off into the distance.

"Glad to see that we're finally on the same page, Nero~" [Gluttatosk] sighed as he ran down the streets of Reygid at an exceptional speed.

"She mentioned Candy… I'm starving~" [Nero] groaned.

"By my calculations… Mary should already be finished with the children's meals and have started with Jon's infamous Lapech du Feesh." [Gluttatosk] explained with a proud expression while barely holding back his own drool.

"...A Lapech Du Feesh?" [Nero] muttered with a startled expression.

"It's an exquisite meal, and from what I've heard… It's practically impossibly to make. The slightest mistake can cause the nearly finished product to implode in upon itself, leaving a very distraught Mary and a rather satisfied me. If we play our cards right, we should arrive right after she's already failed; and get our own orders in as a means to distract her and calm the nerves before her next failure." [Gluttatosk] explained with a terrifying gleam in his eyes.

"...Right. Please make sure that we aren't a moment too late." [Nero] beckoned with a smile.

"With these legs? I'd never lose..." [Gluttatosk] shot back before leaping over a carriage passing through the streets.

"Don't terrorize the civilians too much… They're our subjects meow~" [Nero] sighed with a nervous smile as he glanced over and waved to a few of the horrified Beastkin.

"They're only impressed by my exceptional legs… I don't see the issue." [Gluttatosk] retorted with a distant expression as he continued to relentlessly make his way through the streets of Reygid.

"...I think the issue might be that you're choosing to use your skills to bombard your way through the town filled with weaker creatures… And to them, you seem as though you could easily kill them with a simple mistake due to how quickly you're moving… Or if you actually had the intent to do so… And so it leaves the impression that they had narrowly escaped with their lives, when you act so recklessly… We've nearly hit over 10 civilians, and it's only been around a minute…" [Nero] explained while thoughtfully examining the growing list of near-death casualties.

"No one's died or been injured… So what's the problem?" [Gluttatosk] asked with a surprised voice.

"11 civilians now… 12… It's just that if any one of the civilians had stopped moving… Or reacted sooner and broke their original direction of movement… 13 different individuals likely could have perished." [Nero] remarked with glaring at the Land Shark.

"I thought that you wanted to get there on time? This is the fastest way…" [Gluttatosk] muttered with an innocent voice as he glanced back toward the Halloween Cat while continuing to run at full speed… Effortlessly.

"Eyes on the prize… I do. I also want us to not be randomly slaying our own people, though." [Nero] replied while gesturing for the Land Shark to keep an eye on the road.

"Got it… I won't kill them unless they attempt to kill me." [Gluttatosk] declared with a determined expression as he sped up.

"...Will we make it on time?" [Nero] asked with a quiet voice as the two drew closer to the Wailing Keep.

"We'll make it..." [Gluttatosk] explained with a gruff tone of voice.

"You two were pretty slow, you know?" [Cetilla] chimed in while standing outside the doors to the Wailing Keep.

"...Who's guarding the beach?" [Nero] asked while furrowing his eyebrows.

"...Eh? Roah's there; and I saw some Monster Knights coming to replace him as I flew." [Cetilla] explained with a smirk.

"Great… Please, let's take this conversation to the Kitchen." [Nero] shot back with a tired look in his eyes.

"...It's about food?" [Cetilla] grumbled before slamming the doors open and floating inside.

"Fish… And ruined delicacies... It's all I ever yearn for~" [Gluttatosk] sighed while slowly walking closer toward the Kitchen… Relishing in the scents.

"Hey Mary… We were wondering if you were free to fix us up something basic?" [Nero] begged the question with a smile as he leaned into the doorway, following closely behind the drooling Gluttatosk.

"Ah… Gluttatosk… Sorry to disappoint you, but with the help of this young one… We made Jon's request perfectly~" [Mary] confessed with a smile as she pointed toward the rare delicacy.

...It looks like a cake. A very… Fine cake. No icing, or anything like that… Almost making it look like bread, or a biscuit… But I know better. This thing… It's got Fish inside of it.

"Mary… I want that." [Nero] beckoned while pointing toward the Lapech du Feesh.

"Me too." [Cetilla] exclaimed as her hair violently raged in the Pumpkin Spice Wind.

"I'll take every single failure!" [Gluttatosk] screamed in excitement.

"...Failure?" [Sable Ferretkin Chef] snarled with a terrifying expression.

"We don't fail around THESE parts~" [Mary] laughed before ruthlessly stabbing a knife down into a nearby cutting board.

"...I'll take whatever you can give me…" [Gluttatosk] whimpered with a dejected expression while crawling into the corner.

"And you'll enjoy every waking moment of it!" [Sable Ferretkin Chef] snapped before dramatically pointing toward the cowering Land Shark.

"...Y-Yes… Feed me... At your own leisure…" [Gluttatosk] sobbed.

And so… Cetilla and I ventured into the Dining Hall. On arrival, we encountered Rei and Milton once more. Also... Orianna, Rosa, and Edgar were all present. We spent some time showing them the new dice game, and questioned whether they would be interesting in gambling over it at our next tournament. Rosa was impeccably for the idea… Milton and Rei needed to use magic to roll the dice, but they still enjoyed it. They explained that they would need Luna's help if they intended to play for any extended period of time during a tournament. Orianna was a little bit skeptical about our tournaments, as she had never participated in one… But I made her promise to give it a try. Cetilla and Rosa's stamps of approval MAY have helped… But I'm more inclined to believe that it was my promise which sealed the deal. One mustn't break a promise~

We were able to enjoy our meals by the third game… Though Orianna, Rosa, Edgar, and Roah whom had arrived in the nick of time... Needed to wait a little while longer. After witnessing us enjoy our meal… They decided that they had also fancied themselves servings of Lapech du Feesh… And so it became a new staple meal, Mary hath demanded I fund more purchases for the ingredients required to make them… So I suppose it WILL become a new staple meal~ I tossed her the bucket of Gold Coins, allotting her with roughly half of what would be required for an entire festival. I made absolutely certain to explain to her that these funds were not only intended to help her feed the Monster Knights… But that I also wanted her to try and feed the Goblins something cheap, and sweet… Like cookies. She seemed skeptical about how cookies would be cheap… But she went along with it, resolved to find a way to limit the costs involved with baking immense amounts of cookies. I gave her a nice little tip involving the large number of Coworses being owned by one particular Tigerkin Countess among the Monster Knights… And she instantly realized that she could likely obtain Coworse milk for free, and began to question the idea of buying the other ingredients in ridiculous bulk… Perhaps to gain a discount. She's on the job… Mary, will find a way to feed the Goblins through winter! I have faith, that if we hold enough festivals… We can feed the Goblins.

The problem is… Come winter time, which is rapidly approaching… We won't be able to get Berries even IF the Goblins are fed. Snow will cover them, meaning that Rudou will never help support us in feeding the Goblins should times get tough… If Georgia and the other barkeeps of Nidallia can't keep up with the demands for more Alcohol… We'll need the Berries. We can't do that during winter, so we'd be done for. The food makes more profit during the festivals… But the drinks are what get people to buy more of the food. If they've got something to drink, then they can wash down their meals and eat even more… It's common sense, people! That's why I need Punch… It might not be an alcoholic beverage meow… But I can probably turn it into one~ I'll need something VERY intense, so that I can spike a larger portion of Punch with one bottle. I'm thinking… Demon Kingdom. Yesh… I'll need their stupid drinks that killed Roah if I hope to get the level of intensity that I desire. Let's say… I fill 50 barrels with Punch… And drop 1 single liquid drop from the Demon Hooch into each barrel? It'll be incredibly watered down, probably won't kill anyone… But it still might cause them to get drunk or tipsy? It requires additional testing… I want to try it out~ That's why I purchased 10 barrels last night… Problem is, we only managed to empty like two of them~ I have an infinite amount of Punch… In the worst case scenario… I should sell it, right? We're getting a night club to feed the hopeless Goblins and Harpies? I think so…

But wouldn't it be better to wait? If I open a nightclub… Then the Clansmen won't be able to go off and train. I need them stronger… Even Molag Dregora… Could probably do with a few Evolutions… After all of the Clansmen are totally capable, then yesh… We can settle down, and have a nightclub to help feed the Goblins. Perhaps we should run it during the day, though? I wouldn't even need to be awake… The Clansmen all return to Halloween during the day regardless… It makes sense. A day club. Still must wait, though… Captured Clansmen are the only ones that require Halloween at all… Agh! This is the worst… Looking around, Luna has arrived! Fancy meeting you here~

"Luna… I take it that these are the Crimson Slayers?" [Nero] asked while tilting his head to the side.

"Apologies, I was only able to detain 4 of them. Marlene got away." [Luna] confessed while bowing her head.

"It's fine… She was the troublemaker to begin with… We don't need her." [Nero] exclaimed with a smile.

"...If you don't need her… Why did you curse us to begin with?" [Ritchie] asked with a saddened expression.

"How much has Luna explained to you about life as a Vampire?" [Nero] begged the question with a calm voice.

"I've told them to stay away from sunlight." [Luna] explained with a tired expression.

"...Couldn't have dared to dig a little deeper?" [Nero] shot back with a sigh.

"I was busy..." [Luna] groaned as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Fine… Vampires are indeed, sensitive to sunlight by nature. Becoming one of my Clansmen also causes you to be sensitive to sunlight, regardless of being a Vampire or not. Strangely enough, Vampires are immortal. Becoming one of my Clansmen would also normally grant you temporary immortality; regardless of being a Vampire or not. It's true that Vampires inherently possess a few of the abilities that I grant to my followers… But there's one thing that Vampires don't own, which I can give them… That would be the ability to not require blood for sustenance. Right now… Your body is undergoing a ruthless, terrible curse that essentially attempts to tear you apart from the inside… Though it's also granted you the ability to heal yourself by consuming Blood. This is a trait that I possess as well… Regenerating through the consumption of Blood; though I prefer Candy… And I'm not being constantly ravaged by that particular curse, nor am I doomed to avoid the sun. As one of my Clansmen, or Clanswomen… You would still need to avoid the sun... However, you would be granted to live freely without need for blood, until the day that I perish… At which point, you would likely be released back into the realm… Or would remain by my side, depending on where you were when it all happened. If It happened during the day in which I did not summon you to be outside… I suppose that you would be doomed to spend an eternity serving me… Or until I perished yet again. If it happened when you were nowhere near me, out and about in Melchiadore… Then you would be freed, no questions asked." [Nero] explained with a smile. To which, Luna nodded.

"...You cursed us, so that we could become total servants to you for life; as it would become more efficient for us to live under your paws, dedicating our lives to protecting you…" [Serena] exclaimed while furrowing her eyebrows.

"Well… I didn't expect this to happen… You guys shouldn't have relied on me, after all~" [Minny] sighed while nervously laughing.

"Minny… Just know, I would follow you all over again…" [George] muttered while reaching out toward Minny.

"George… You're an imbecile!" [Serena] snapped.

"Everyone… Calm down! This is a test of courage… Surely, this divine being can return us to our former selves… If we pass his tests… And prove our resolve… We'll be fine." [Ritchie] declared with a determined expression.

"..." [Nero] side-eyed the Unholy Priestess with a nervous expression.

"..." [Luna] side-eyed the True Allwe Halloween Cat with a blank expression. To which, Nero quickly faced the four newly cursed Vampires.

"If you were trustworthy from the start, when offering to serve me in my crusade… That I absolutely can NOT fail in, then I wouldn't have had any reason to curse you into becoming Clans(wo)men Candidates. At this point… You can consider yourselves full fledged members of the Halloween Clan. Whether you choose to serve me and Allwe, or the other and Hoen… Or whether you choose to remain impartial to the saving of this world during the current Clan War… Is entirely up to you… But honestly, I do not possess a means of undoing your newfound state. You can attempt to reverse it on your own, should you desire… I can only recommend the Church of Lilica… Though they too, may fail. In the event that they do… You will likely find yourselves on the run, if you haven't already been detained before reaching them. Humans don't take kindly to bloodsucking murderers, after all. Just know, that if you begin to run rampant, biting people out in the streets… Or genuinely murdering several of my subjects in either Reygid or the Forsaken Isles… I will watch as you burn." [Nero] explained before yawning.

"...We're doomed?" [Serena] muttered with a terrified expression.

"Not necessarily… If you find yourself powerful enough, then perhaps… You could protect some Village in exchange for weekly donations of blood to keep you alive. Since that's unlikely, you could also do jobs with the price of blood sold by the job-giver… Requesting that you be paid in blood. Make sure that the job-givers themselves are the ones supplying the blood, and that they aren't murdering dozens in attempts to pay you… And we'll all be fine. Perhaps… If you made friends, then those friends would be more likely to donate some of their blood to you? I know of one Vampire who's thriving without my direct support, but she's going with the Village protection route." [Nero] sighed while shrugging his shoulders. To which, Luna seemed unimpressed.

"I like the friend idea…" [Minny] muttered while visibly thinking.

"Minny… You're so cute, you could make TONS of friends!" [George] happily exclaimed while holding an encouraging thumb up.

"Taking jobs for blood wouldn't be such a bad idea… But it'd be better if we asked the past clients to continue donating blood after the task's completion, as a sort of good-will…" [Serena] remarked with a twisted smirk.

"And if we're immortal, so long as we avoid the sunlight… And possess enough blood to heal our wounds… Then we'll never have any problem with needing to eventually retire!" [Minny] shot back with a terrifying gleam in her eyes.

"You'll be a cute little girl like that, and I'll be a beautiful woman for the rest of our lives…" [Serena] let out with a sadistic smile, incapable of containing herself any longer.

"W-Wait! I still believe that we should be trying to turn over a new leaf… Who cares if we're immortal? We'll still get done in if we challenge something too difficult." [Ritchie] shot back before making a determined expression.

"That's only natural, though?" [Minny] let out while seeming confused.

"No… I see what he's onto, now…" [Serena] muttered with eyes wide as she continued to glare at Ritchie.

"Think about it… Nero had the power to grant us literal immortality, even beyond what we're capable of; from the looks of it. His Clansmen came back, after death! You saw it with your own eyes! He may have given us an incredible gift in the form of this curse… But what about what he'll give to us if we succeed in the quest that he's already offered to us?!" [Ritchie] explained his train of thought with an excited expression.

"...And what will become of us if he fails in his crusade?" [Serena] begged the question while nodding her head.

"...What would happen, King Jack?" [Minny] asked with a nervous expression.

"...It's uncertain. You might die. There are supposedly 7 individuals of comparative strength to my own. On the other hand, there are an additional 8 individuals with slightly less strength. All of these 16 individuals have the ability to help save this realm, though half of us may choose to do more harm than good. I'm supposed to be one of the do-gooders… But it's questionable. I'm trying my best, I know that much. The thing is… My crusade goes further than just winning the Clan War… I want to win Halloween itself. I don't intend to do it by my own paws, though if I had lost the choice to rely on my kin… Then, yeah; I guess that I'd need to try doing it myself. If I lost before-" [Nero] began to drone on until being brutally interrupted…

"...Win Halloween itself?" [Minny] asked while glancing up at the Halloween Cat.

"Oh yeah… Nero wants to take it all." [Roah] casually sighed with a smile.

"That Town you witnessed after I saved you? That Town is in the realm of Halloween. There are a number of other Towns similar to it, owned by different Halloween Cats. If I die, I'll be doomed to an eternity within Halloween… With my Town. It will become my goal to slay every other Halloween Cat, to become the Halloween Cat King through tests of my own might and tactical prowess." [Nero] explained with a serious expression. To which, Minny tilted her head to the side.

"...But… Why?" [Minny] mumbled.

"Before… I mentioned how there were probably 8 of us who would be somewhat less than ideal? One of those 8 will be a Halloween Cat. That Halloween Cat is of Hoen, while I am of Allwe. The other Halloween Cat is expected to be more powerful than I am, meaning that I will need the help of allies to succeed. Hoen has been ruling Halloween with a fiery paw for way too long… It's gotten so bad, that a genuine God has intervened and requested my aide. I've been requested to become the most powerful Halloween Cat currently in existence. If I perish before already winning the Clan War in Melchiadore… Then I'll have far lower chances of ever ruling Halloween. The Clan War places the 16 of us down here, and doesn't end until all of the bloodlines perish, crowning the final bloodline as the victor… Though it's unlikely that a new Clan War will commence until all 16 bloodlines actually fall. As one of the 16 heads to these bloodlines, it is my duty to rally the Halloween Clan; protect it… Empower it… And use it to reset the Dungeons, effectively saving the realm from certain doom. It would seem that I was strategically placed on this continent alone, making me the best chance that this continent has; at saving itself from the Dungeons plaguing it." [Nero] explained as the four fledgling Vampires held varying emotions.

"Minny… I think you would look amazing in yellow…" [George] muttered while seeming infatuated over Minny's light blue dress.

"So… If you died, before another one of these bloodlines were to arrive here… We would be doomed?" [Serena] asked while seeming quite skeptical.

"...Not necessarily. This continent has been doing relatively okay with staving the Dungeons off." [Nero] explained with a smile. To which, three of the Vampires seemed relieved; while the other still seemed to be inattentive.

"But… Nero just executed the King of Reygid rather recently… And without his aide, backed by the Monster Knights and Cat Crew… Reygid might have actually failed under the loss of their King." [Cetilla] remarked with a smile. To which, three of the Vampires seemed heavily distraught.

"B-But… Why?! Why did you kill the King?!" [Serena] shot back with a hysterical expression.

"That King… We didn't see eye to eye on many things, though Luna Pratz saved his life under my orders; granting him immortality… The same way that she granted it to you four. I made him promise to not abuse his powers as a King to obtain blood through unruly deeds… And it's difficult to say whether he actually listened to me. I had granted the King 60 days to abolish slavery. I'll admit… I threatened him. Even so, I warned him that any retaliation which did not seem to be leading to the abolishment of slavery would mean the end of our deal and the beginning of my counterattack. He failed very quickly with the terms, but I overlooked it as it wasn't any major problem. He later led a siege against my home in my absence, killing off nearly half of; if not…. OVER half of my followers. Defenseless Goblins died in the hundreds. An elderly, albeit weak King was slain; alongside his chosen successor. Many died trying to buy more time for the weak to escape. Any who fell, had their bodies burned. I don't know where the remains are, if there are any at all… They aren't coming back, and it all happened while I was off doing a quest to save his Kingdom's next Marquis. Not to mention… He was allowing slavery, starvation, and discrimination to run rampant throughout his Kingdom… He was a stain to his legacy." [Nero] explained the events as the flames around his eyes burned visibly more violently.

"..." [Orianna] looked down.

"...Oh." [Serena] let out, seeming to have given in.

"Yeah… I regret feeling the need to take any action in Reygid at all… So I've been trying to keep myself a little more grounded, and out of the affairs of distant lands. I can't afford to protect two different Kingdoms as things stand. I need more help." [Nero] confessed as the flames in his eyes began to calm.

"You see? What could be a more honorable route to redemption? If we join Nero… We'll be working toward saving the continent. We'll get stronger along the way, we'll have a lower chance of death, and we'll never need to worry about blood!" [Ritchie] exclaimed with a smile.

"Eh… That's the thing, though… If you want to get stronger, then you'd be better suited to become a Monster Knight and NOT a Clansmen… My Clansmen only get stronger if I reach a ridiculous goal and happen to devote some of my winnings to them in particular. I've already achieved my current ridiculous goal, and the next one will be utterly insane. It's questionably whether I'll ever achieve it. I've already chosen to bestow my winnings to Conrad and Luna. The remainder of my Clansmen will choose whether to gain power without my immediate blessing while being supported by the much stronger; future version of Luna… While the few Clansmen that choose to remain at my side as I regain my own strength keep me safe, and effectively… Stay weak." [Nero] explained while averting eye-contact.

"Talk about a letdown…" [Serena] muttered while seeming quite tired.

"I know right… Like, why even mention the option to begin with?" [Minny] remarked while glaring at the Halloween Cat with a disappointed expression.

"Everything you say always makes so much sense, Minny…" [George] exclaimed with a smile while nodding his head.

"Wait a second… You need more help, but how would we be of much help to you as Vampires if we were incapable of gaining strength?" [Ritchie] asked while furrowing his eyebrows.

"Let me think… We've got a Street Fighting Bounty Hunter, a Wizard Hunting Mercenary, a Bomb Dancing Finder of Lost Things, and a Navigating Carrier. Can you four please more directly explain your Classes to me?" [Nero] chimed in with a smile.

"Well, I specialize in fighting with my legs. I'm a Bounty Hunter, so I also get information pertaining to whoever's wanted… How much is on their head, or other part-s; and where I can go to turn in the cargo~" [Ritchie] explained before bowing his head.

...Woah. Talk about a dangerous Class! He can tell me if any of my friends ever find themselves with paid pursuers at a moment's notice! Also… Woah. We can totally track the buyer if we fake the capture~

"I can drop bombs as I dance-" [Serena] began to explain before being brutally interrupted.

"It's destructive, AND seductive…" [George] chimed in while winking. To which, one of Serena's eyes twitched before she continued…

"I can also find things, no matter the place. I only require the memories of whoever seeks the item or individual. The further the object or individual, then the more difficult it becomes for me to find them. I can only manage finding something within 30 kilometers at the current moment. Anything further, and I can only sense a generalized direction of 180 degrees. Anything above 60 kilometers, and I can't sense a darn thing." [Serena] explained with a casual expression.

That's… A really strange class. Useful, sure… But strange.

"Well, I can carry a lot of things. I also always know how to find any place that I've already been… And I can even manage locating the best possible route to the location." [Minny] chimed in with a smile.

"She's the best… She always gets us out of trouble! I can sense a Mage type class' haki more easily than most… And I'm blessed with impeccable resistances to magic type attacks." [George] remarked while puffing out his chest.

Also… Quite useful… And frightening. He'll probably be able to sense me regardless of where I go on this continent… And he'd definitely figure out if I Prestiged.

"Don't forget about how you're guaranteed great pay if you're working under someone as a Mercenary!" [Minny] shot back with an excited expression.

...Wait, what? A class that increases pay? How does that even work?!

"Oh, yeah… It's helpful, but it's honestly not very versatile for combat…" [George] muttered with a dejected expression.

"Don't be like that, your increased pay has saved our necks more than a few times~" [Ritchie] exclaimed while patting George's back.

"...Y-You really think so?" [George] asked while glancing toward Ritchie.

"Definitely… Remember when all of our equipment got trashed and we couldn't afford to get them repaired? Your bonus for the job was what gave us the Coins we needed to move on!" [Ritchie] declared with a grin.

"...Your choices in Class are beyond interesting… I can understand why you were all able to form a party and make it as far as you did. Having so many different methods of combatting situations as a team, you'd have trouble finding a means to fail; given that the job is actually within your capabilities." [Nero] exclaimed while lowering his aviators.

"So… You think that we'll be of help?" [Serena] begged the question while furrowing her eyebrows.

"Definitely… Though I am curious about one thing. If George is a Mercenary… And I'm not paying him to work for me, then doesn't one of his Classes go to waste?" [Nero] asked while tilting his head to the side.

"Nah… I get paid no matter what the job is, I simply need to be contracted to work for you." [George] explained with a thumb held high.


"Okay… Well, Minny; I would like for you to personally handle carrying all of my most prized possessions. Ritchie, I want you to keep a watchful eye on those of whom are wanted. If any of my comrades find themselves with a bounty on their head, then I want to know of it. Serena, please find the Farmer and see if there's a way to ensure that the Berries of the Lost Kingdom can be grown on the Forsaken Isles. You can get to the Forsaken Isles by passing through the gates, and I expect the Farmer to be somewhere in the Goblin Village as well. George, I want you to keep watch on the northern wall. If powerful Witches seem to be intent on making a move against us, I need to know before it happens. These will be your nightly tasks for meow, should you choose to work for me. If you're in favor, then submit yourselves to me..." [Nero] exclaimed with a smile before continuing…

"[Clansmen Capture]!" [Nero] shouted while raising his Lantern… To which, bright orange flames swirled from within… And engulfed the four individuals. After it had dispersed… I found myself with four new Clans(wo)men!

Name: Serena

Race: Vampire (Human) (Halloween)

Class: Bomb Dancer/Finder of Lost Things

Tier: 8

MP: 1104/1536

P. DEF: 410(+26)

M. DEF: 694(+54)

STR: 64

INT: 256

DEX: 1152

LUK: 384

AGI: 128


[Acrobat of Death+3], [Impeccable Eye+3], [One of Great Dexterity], [Undead], [Immortal], [Vampirism], [Finder of Fates], [Halloween Clansmen]

Abilities Learned:

[Double Jump+2], [Bomb Drop+1], [Find Object+2], [Focus+1], [Pinpoint Weakness], [Agile Movements], [Immortality], [Piercing Fangs], [Decay by Sun], [Enhanced Senses], [Bloodlust], [Recovery by Blood], [Enhanced Blood Circulation by Sleep], [Curse (Vampirism)], [Return to Halloween]

Name: George

Race: Vampire (Human) (Halloween)

Class: Mercenary/Wizard Hunter

Tier: 7

MP: 1321/1500(+500)

P. DEF: 64

M. DEF: 560(+112)

STR: 700

INT: 64

DEX: 64

LUK: 128

AGI: 32


[One Who Blocked Meteor], [Paid Handsomely+2], [One Who Blocked Typhoon], [The Sturdiest Blade], [Immense Vitality, Even in Death], [One Who Blocked Tornado], [Undead], [Immortal], [Vampirism], [Halloween Clansmen]

Abilities Learned:

[Enhanced Fire Resistance], [Increased Pay from Contracted Work+2], [Enhanced Water Resistance], [Enhanced Magic Resistance], [Chaos Vitality], [Enhanced Wind Resistance], [Immortality], [Piercing Fangs], [Decay by Sun], [Enhanced Senses], [Bloodlust], [Recovery by Blood], [Enhanced Blood Circulation by Sleep], [Curse (Vampirism)], [Return to Halloween]

Name: Ritchie

Race: Vampire (Human) (Halloween)

Class: Bounty Hunter/Street Fighter

Tier: 9

MP: 3765/4056

P. DEF: 1384(+104)

M. DEF: 544(+32)

STR: 2108

INT: 128

DEX: 312(+56)

LUK: 768

AGI: 576(+64)


[Daring Delinquint+2], [Well Built Legs+3], [Incredible Kicking Ability+2], [Paid by the Head+2], [Head Punter+1], [Inventor of Soccer], [Undead], [Immortal], [Vampirism], [Halloween Clansmen]

Abilities Learned:

[Trick+2], [Enhanced Running+2], [Shadow Kick+2], [Enhanced Pay for Head+2], [Enhanced Brutal Head Trauma+1], [Enhanced Dexterity], [Immortality], [Piercing Fangs], [Decay by Sun], [Enhanced Senses], [Bloodlust], [Recovery by Blood], [Enhanced Blood Circulation by Sleep], [Curse (Vampirism)], [Return to Halloween]

Name: Minny

Race: Vampire (Human) (Halloween)

Class: Carrier/Navigator

Tier: 5

MP: 45/176

P. DEF: 64(+32)

M. DEF: 196(+48)

STR: 16

INT: 32

DEX: 144

LUK: 72

AGI: 8


[Pack Mule+2], [Liberated], [Paid Guide+1], [Worshiped], [Undead], [Immortal], [Vampirism], [Fallen from Grace], [Halloween Clansmen]

Abilities Learned:

[Magic Bag+2], [Unstoppable], [Track Route], [Enhanced Pay for Escorting], [Bashful], [Immortality], [Piercing Fangs], [Decay by Sun], [Enhanced Senses], [Bloodlust], [Recovery by Blood], [Enhanced Blood Circulation by Sleep], [Curse (Vampirism)], [Return to Halloween]

...Huh. Their abilities are weird. I don't know how I feel about them… It's a lot of information to take in all at once, that's for sure. Bashful is an ability… It's been confirmed. Minny must have led a tough life… Pack Mule? From day one?! Plus TWO?! She needed to be dubbed LIBERATED and gain the UNSTOPPABLE ability in order to find her way into becoming a paid GUIDE! She DITCHED the Carrier gig! Then… Somewhere along the line, George starting idolizing her; and she became a living Goddess… Unliving Goddess… George, the idiot; managed a way to BLOCK a METEORITE! DAY ONE! He was paid quite handsomely for his efforts, and decided that it might be a good idea to try and block a Typhoon next. It worked, like a charm; he was paid even more… And so, he blocked an entire Tornado… Perhaps, Cetilla's Tornado. One of the many, I'm sure. Ritchie, the leader of the party and very obvious protagonist of the situation… Is actually a bit of a headcase~ Literally. The dude kicks his targets' heads off, and continues to play soccer with them by himself down the street until he finally arrives to the drop-off point. He's insane. Serena appears to be the more normal one of the lot… But she totally has a problem. The [Impeccable Eye] ability. Eye. Just one is impeccable? Yes… She also possesses [Pinpoint Weakness] and [Finder of Fates]. It's strange. She didn't receive the [Finder of Fates] ability until she had already become a Vampire. I think it might have something to do with that strange eye thing. Nyah~

"You're all quite strong as things stand. It's an honor to have you join our ranks. I do hope that you'll enjoy your stay with the rest of my Halloween Clan… If you'd like, feel free to take a few nights to yourselves and enjoy all of the luxuries that Halloween has to offer you. Enjoy the free punch, take a break in the arcade… Sing at the top of your lungs, or play games with your companions. Relax on the rooftops, perhaps find a house for yourselves… A home, within Halloween." [Nero] offered with a smile as he gestured toward the Hallowed Gate.

"...You're sure that you don't need our help straight away?" [Minny] asked while tilting her head to the side.

"Nah… Before we liberated Reygid, the Clansmen would have tons of free time to themselves; but that's not the case right now. Wouldn't you agree that it would be more fair to you, to at least give you a taste for the better times before sending you knee deep into despair?" [Nero] explained while continuing to gesture toward Halloween with a knowing nod.

"Eh-If you say so…" [Ritchie] sighed while guiltily shuffling alongside the others on their way to the alleged paradise.

"Now what?" [Cetilla] asked with a tired expression.

"...We can go pick up a payment from Clive." [Nero] declared with a smile before turning to obtain some empty buckets… Only to remember that he had previously filled them all with Candy.

"Okay, so; we're going to be borrowing a new bag from Clive tonight~" [Nero] sighed as he began to ride his Broom, and offered Roah a hand. To which, the (Hob)Goblin King gracefully accepted; and hoisted himself atop the Cursed Broom.

"That Lapech Du Feesh was certifiable…" [Cetilla] sighed as she began to fly alongside the two.

"Oh, I know." [Nero] groaned while fantasizing about the delight.

"How much do you even make off of Clive's business? Wouldn't it be better to focus on festivals?" [Roah] asked with a confused expression.

"Clive's… Every time that I think it's going to stop earning more, it surprises me and doubles in weekly value. It's truly a marvel how that Cheetahkin and his staff of 7 have been able to turn that place into the tourist attraction that it currently is. Even some of the Humans of Nidallia were wearing the Cat's Costumery brand." [Nero] explained with a smile.

"It's true. Even slaves of that King currently wear them, probably the cheapest pricing versions… But still; it just shows how far word of that store has gone." [Cetilla] remarked with a proud expression.

"Cetilla… You've met Clive like… What, once?" [Nero] shot back with a wry smile.

"I always seem to be so busy, you see… I mustn't be troubled with the nittiest and the grittiest of the details for every single matter~" [Cetilla] sighed as she twirled her hair and nonchalantly flew on her back, facing the others.

"Roah… What did you think about those four Vampires and their abilities?" [Nero] asked with eyes wide as he turned to face him.

"...They were exceptionally dangerous. Thankfully, they are no match for us." [Roah] answered while shrugging his shoulders.

"You shouldn't have made them Vampires, or Clansmen for that matter… Now, they'll know the moment that you're at your weakest; and they'll be literally free to not join your side again." [Cetilla] chimed in with a tired look in her eyes.

"I wasn't about to start feeding them blood until the paper was finished… It would have been a nightmare." [Nero] groaned while rolling his eyes.

"Wait… If you intend to get Luna a new Weapon, why not get Conrad one as well? Something to make sure he keeps an edge." [Roah] suggested.

"...What do Aerial Reapers wield?" [Nero] asked with eyes wide.

"...Talon Guards. Duh?" [Cetilla] shot back with a flabbergasted expression.

"Okay… Okay. It's fine, I can just ask Vigi to make some after I Prestige. I don't know what his size might be if he Evolves, so it's best to just wait." [Nero] replied with a thoughtful expression.

"Isn't this it?" [Cetilla] asked while pointing toward Clive's humble establishment.

"Yeah, let's go on ahead~" [Nero] replied with a smile.

"Nero! Come to bring in another shipment?" [Female Store Worker] asked with an excited expression.

"It depends on the sales~ Clive upstairs?" [Nero] shot back while pointing toward the staircase.

"Yeah~ Tell him to get out more often!" [Male Store Worker] chimed in with a laugh.

And so, I made my way up the stairs alongside the two most notable members of the Cat Crew. After entering the office, I was met with a tired Clive seated next to a bundle of paperwork.

"Welcome back… Here for your payment?" [Clive] asked with a knowing expression.

"Yeah~ May I see the ledgers?" [Nero] asked with a smile.

"Very well... Here." [Clive] replied as he handed the paperwork to the Halloween Cat.

...Okay. Yeah. We jinxed it, it's insane. It's mostly the towels. The towels are turning in so much that I'm quite certain we've become the largest business in Reygid. Over 2000 Gold Coins in a freaking week! That's right! We earned 2,668,820 Silver Coins! That's HALF of the week long trip to the Mummy Mansion that nearly cost us our very lives!~ According to these ledgers, I produced 9,420 towels. 8,309 remain in stock as of the current moment. A whopping, unbelievable 1,111 sold… Earning us 2,200,000 Silver Coins. Lucrative. I also conjured 46,251 level 1 pieces of clothing; 41,037 remain in stock. Long story short; those bad boys earned us 85,680 Silver Coins. The level two pieces were way better to our pockets, turning in an eyewatering 312,840 Silver Coins! Level 3 pieces earned 3,330; level 4 pieces earned 10,680… 3,600 from level 5… 6300 from level 6… 630 from level 7… And last but not least; 23,760 from the level 8 pieces. They probably just started selling the higher level pieces, because not a lot of it has sold yet. A wonderful week. 7 workers earning two and a half Diamond Coins in one week is wonderful. I believe...

"30 Gold Coins to each of the staff." [Nero] declared with a smile as he placed the ledgers back down onto the table.

"Agreed." [Clive] shot back before beginning to count out some coins.

"W-Wha?!" [Cetilla] gasped.

"What?" [Nero] grumbled while side-eyeing the Sorceress.

"30 Gold Coins weekly… Don't you think that's a little bit too lucrative for selling clothes?" [Cetilla] begged the question while raising an eyebrow.

"I pay them depending on how much we earn. This week, those 7 workers brought 2,688 Gold Coins into this establishment. They deserve to be paid at least a portion of that profit." [Nero] explained with a casual expression before continuing…

"Clive, I'll be needing another bag if it isn't too much trouble." [Nero] sighed while beginning to ignore the Dutchess.

"Nyes… Nyes… I always keep extras now, specifically for you~" [Clive] muttered while continuing to pour Coins into bags.

"You're a life saver~" [Nero] laughed.

"Actually… I've been meaning to request a favor of you." [Clive] replied with a smile.

"Oh?" [Nero] let out while tilting his head to the side.

"You see… I've been doing a lot of paperwork ever since meeting you, and I'm quite certain that at this point… I'm warranted for a few new skills to help me with managing the business. The one problem… Is that I need to Evolve. I'm in search of a relatively safe, and easy way to do so… And perhaps, I might train alongside some of your Monster Knights at the Beach?" [Clive] begged the question with a smirk.

"Honestly? Yeah, go right ahead. Whenever you want, really~" [Nero] replied with a surprised expression.

"That would just be a pleasure, thank you… This is SUCH a relief~ I REALLY didn't want to go into the Mansion…" [Clive] laughed.

"Actually… If you'd like, you can feel free to offer the same service to anyone within Reygid. If someone wants to fight against the Tides of Tragedy at night, they are free to do so at will… But we aren't offering that service during the day at this time." [Nero] explained with a smile.

"Oh? Trying to lighten the workload?" [Clive] insinuated with a wry smile.

"One must be ready for anything~" [Nero] sighed.

And so, I eventually walked out of Clive's establishment with 1006 Gold Coins. Yep. A wonderful haul~ Kidding… I walked out with one Diamond Coin, and 6 Gold Coins. I'm a simple Cat~ Wealthy, too. Supple, some have said. As we fled Clive's establishment, knowing full well just how loaded Clive was on additional merchandise… I decided to check up on the Mousekin Artisan~ Thing is… It's been days. I know that crafting can take time, okay…? But three days? I don't know, I want to see what's up. Maybe I can start early, if some of it has already been finished; you know? That Mousekin hath piqued my interests, to say the least. Nyah!

"Do you guys want to go and meet my new favorite Monster Knight?" [Nero] begged the question with a wry smile.

"Excuse me?" [Cetilla] shot back with a terrifying expression.

"She seems to think that she's your favorite, because she was the first that you met… But we know better, huh?" [Roah] chimed in with a slight laugh.

...I can feel the tension in the air… It's the suddenly strengthened Pumpkin Spice Wind. Suddenly, it's almost nauseating… I wonder if it's worse for those not of the Halloween Clan? This is an interesting form of attack…

"Cetilla… Try dedicating more Mana to your Pumpkin Spice Wind whenever we're at war with only Halloween Clans(wo)men at our side." [Nero] suggested with a serious expression.

"...You think we can use it in battle and not just to induce fear?" [Cetilla] asked while raising an eyebrow.

"You... To induce fear?" [Nero] asked with a look of surprise.

"Nothing spreads fear quite like a good showing of power… If I'm capable of using a spell with such a wide area of effect constantly… While you're also capable of using your ridiculous barrier constantly… And we're producing royal haki's… Wearing some of the finest clothes… Then it's a great show of our strength. Wait, why did YOU think people feared us?" [Cetilla] explained her rational with a calculated expression.

"Honestly… I thought it was my wealth and impeccably good looks~" [Nero] sighed while rolling his eyes.

"The Wailing Keep certainly helps… If anyone senses your haki, they also sense the same thing near the Wailing Keep. You've become associated with it, if someone has ever encountered your Keep… Then they'll know who you are the moment they see you. They'll know that you own that place, and that you're likely leading the immense haki normally seated within it's walls. All of our comrades within in the Wailing Keep or Halloween at any given time… Even the Hallowed Gates… Somehow, their haki is all amplified under your own presence within the Wailing Keep. It's impossible to know whether you're in the Keep or not without being drastically closer to you than the Wailing Keep… Because it gives off such a large haki, it's very possible to know how much strength is in the Wailing Keep at any given time." [Roah] masterfully explained his findings on the Wailing Keep Sama.

"...This knowledge will be essential for our future after I've Prestiged." [Nero] let out, clearly stunned.

"Nero… It may be best for you to stay in the Wailing Keep or on the Forsaken Isles until you've regained your strength." [Roah] suggested with a quiet voice.

"...Noted. I don't mind it." [Nero] sighed.

"Wait a damn second! If you think for ONE moment that I'm going to guard that Beach for a whole day; you're going to be SORELY mistaken!" [Cetilla] snapped with a snide expression.

"Between myself and Grollicus, it's possible to stave it off during the day. With the added help of the vast majority of Halloween Clansmen… Our forces will be unparalleled to past experiences… Our operation could span both day and night, while still providing adequate rest for all." [Roah] explained with a smile.

"...No one would need to guard the beach, so long as the training parties weren't failing?" [Nero] asked with eyes wide.

"Precisely… Eventually, stronger Knights will emerge from the flock; causing the tides to stop coming. We'll use that point as our goal-post for all trainees. It should be around Tier 9 or more, if they don't have a royal haki. We believe that Rita might actually be capable of holding the tides back, but she's always busy playing and we don't want to bother her." [Roah] explained with a casual expression.

"Tier 9 for all of the Monster Knights would be a wonderful thing… If you think that you've got a good enough handle on things… Allow the children to enlist if their parents give consent. If they have no parents present… And they choose to leave this place eventually, then we should give them a means to grow stronger; and let them leave prepared." [Nero] instructed with a distant expression.

"I thought that you weren't going to involve the orphans?" [Cetilla] asked with a skeptical look in her eyes.

"I wasn't… But I don't know when we'll have a better, safer way to help these children gain power. Think about it… If every single Monster Knight right now gets to Tier 9… Then barely anything below Tier 9 would even challenge them… It's an up-scale battle. All the time. If we just randomly add a few Tier 2 Monster Knights down the line because a few orphans decided to be persistent in their life-goals… It won't make a difference. They'll be slaughtered because we didn't have the foresight to give them an educational lesson or two when things were actually optimal." [Nero] shot back with a calculated expression.

"Vana and Hugo will need to be incredibly focused on healing them. We shouldn't let more than two of them go up to fight at any given moment; just to be safe." [Roah] sighed with a nervous expression.

"That's fine. Give them one minute at a time to fight, before you pull them back and send the next one in. Keep it on a rotation." [Nero] replied with a smile.

"It's going to be a pain if too many citizens sign up for Nero's training…" [Cetilla] muttered.

"Yeah… The orphans take priority on healing. They won't be able to come out during the night, though… Vana and Hugo will need to be on the day schedule. Luna can handle the night. Only Halloween types can be healed by her, and Vampires can't exist during the day to begin with. They'll all need the night, as Luna will. The Monster Knights can handle the day." [Nero] declared with a sinister expression.

"Trying to hog all of the experience for Halloween?" [Cetilla] asked with a wry smile.

"There was a time when Halloween outpowered the Monster Knights… I want it back. Is that so bad?" [Nero] shot back with a grin.

"With Roah, Gluttatosk, Grollicus, and myself… One might think that Halloween still does~" [Cetilla] laughed.

"Grollicus was an unexpected gain to our forces… We can't rely on him to stay loyal indefinitely… He's beholden to none. Be that as it may, the fact that a Halloween Clansmen was able to survive that long and continue to gain power throughout the centuries is a testament to Halloween. He could be invaluable to our fight in the Mummy Mansion… And we very well might be able to keep this continent safe under the banner of Halloween for a long while after I perish..." [Nero] added with a smile.

"I can't help but wonder if the winter's Tides of Tragedy will even come if he's present~" [Cetilla] cackled.

"They'll come!~ Please, speak with me for a moment!" [Pigkin Woman] called out from the streets near the Adventurer's Guild.

"Do you know that Woman?" [Nero] asked while glancing between the two.

"She works for the Adventurer's Guild. She's one of the receptionists for the Guild, and honestly… Not the friendliest of the bunch." [Cetilla] explained with a tired expression.

"Ex-CUSE ME~?! I know that you can hear me~ I have the [Ridiculously Loud] ability!~" [Pigkin Woman] called out from below.

"Eh…" [Nero] grumbled as he began to descend lower to properly speak with the rowdy Pigkin.

"Ah… So kind of you to see me… Please, come inside; I'd like to hold a conference for your greatness." [Pigkin Woman] beckoned ferociously loud… Insinuating that refusal would absolutely not be acceptable.

"...Right. Is she really wearing a pink maid costume right now, though?" [Nero] asked while side-eyeing the Dutchess who held a look of disgust.

"...Yeah." [Cetilla] muttered as she glared at the Pigkin.

"It's company policy." [Pigkin Woman] retorted… Insinuating that everyone else would also be wearing pink maid costumes… But no one was.

"Love the policies around here." [Nero] sighed while evaluating the guild with greater attention than that of previous encounters.

...No maid costumes. Not a single one. Everyone else is wearing basic adventurer's guild type stuff. Jackets. Ones that easily appear they could be for military, but are way too stylish. Those types. Adventurers are seated at tables, eating relatively appetizing meals; and drinking a doozy. Been there, done that… But there's also a big bulletin board with job requests. People seem infatuated with it, but those people… Are the beginners. The regulars already know all of the quests, because they don't usually change. If a new job comes up, it's probably a rescue mission… Or too many Crows. She's leading us down a hall… And slamming the door open, escorting us into a conference room. It's fancy. Much fancier than the storefront. This is where the magic happens. Big round table… Two men were already here. One is a Boarkin. The other is a Moosekin. The Pigkin? Totally seated herself immediately, and gestured for us to as well… Interrupting their conversation entirely. She is SOME kind of bad bitch… I'm impressed by her charisma, and boldness. She holds considerable power in this room, where tensions are currently rising. The two men of clearly high esteem and wealth both immediately halted their conversations, side-eyeing us all with terrified expressions… Before attempting to regain a modicum of composure as they turned to face us.

"This overwhelming guy, and his equally terrifying motley? Leading this Kingdom and overseeing the nightly assault against the Tides of Tragedy, as we speak. In the flesh, I; Karen… Have led them all to your dazed, negligent selves!" [Karen, the Pigkin Woman in the Pink Maid Costume] dramatically explained before slamming a hoof down onto the table.

"...I am Nero, the One True Allwe Halloween Cat… I rule a remnant of the Halloween Clan, the Monster Knights of the Lost Kingdom have dared to serve me in my quest as well; as has Grollicus; the Prince of Twisted Treants… Cetilla Vellisroi, the Dutchess of Doom… Rosa Firemane, the Tigerkin Countess… And perhaps; Orianna Reygid, the Lionkin Queen." [Nero] introduced himself with a smile before removing his aviators and placing them down onto the table as he took a seat on the far end.

"I, as I'm sure that you all know… Am Cetilla Vellisroi, the aforementioned Dutchess of Doom… I am Nero's first Cat Crewoman." [Cetilla] introduced herself as she took a seat on Nero's right.

"I'm Roah, the (Hob)Goblin King, and Nero's first Cat Crewman. I represent the Monster Kingdom's Rifaleesigal Queen, Flutterfairy Queen, Vampire Harpy Matriarch Queen, Bearolepard King, Drarke, Wolfenrine, and Kitsune… As well as all of their subjects within the Monster Kingdom." [Roah] introduced himself with a smile as he took his seat on Nero's left.

"Ahem! I'm Trilby Rona, Head of the Adventurer's Guild." [Trilby Rona, Boarkin Man] introduced himself.

"I'm Miller Jolfstadt, Manager of the Adventurer's Guild." [Miller Jolfstadt, Moosekin Man] introduced himself.

"We've been meaning to meet with you in regards to the upcoming Winter Solstice. When the Moon runs red, and the Tides of Tragedy reach their peak. What do you intend to do?" [Trilby Rona] begged the question with a tired expression.

"Do you have an estimate?" [Nero] asked with eyes wide.

"41 nights, including this one." [Miller Jolfstadt] shot back, effortlessly.

"...Right. I'll mark that on my calendar. Roah?" [Nero] said flatly while side-eyeing the (Hob)Goblin King.

"...I'll make sure you remember." [Roah] sighed.

"So… What will you do?" [Trilby Rona] begged the question.

"You know how every single night, our Monster Knights quell the spillage of the Tides? Soon, we will begin to do that same task every single day. It will never end. Our forces will continue to grow stronger, night and day. They will train until the final coming of the Winter Solstice. By the coming of the Solstice, we will have produced over 100 warriors capable of quelling it on a regular night just by being nearby. You can count on it." [Nero] declared with a look of determination.

"Bold words…" [Trilby Rona] chuckled before lighting a cigar and leaning back as he took his first puff.

"Tell me, Nero… What do you see in five years?" [Trilby Rona] asked with a smile.

"You saw the coming of the Winter Solstice before I… Why don't you enlighten me on what you see first?" [Nero] shot back with a wry smile.

"I see hellfire..." [Trilby Rona] sighed.

"Are you a prophet?" [Nero] begged the question while tilting his head to the side.

"Nah… Nothing like that… I just don't like our chances of stopping any of these Dungeons. When I heard 'Monster Kingdom'... I had hoped that the Mer would be among you. They're the best suited for the battles that we face. According to legend… They're the only reason why we've ever stopped the tides to begin with." [Trilby Rona] grumbled in-between puffs of his cigar.

"I've yet to call on the Mer. It is unknown whether they live or have long since perished, but I find it beneficial to wait before we find out." [Nero] shot back with a determined expression.

"But why wait…? The Tides are upon us… The Orcs have already failed. It's anyone's guess when those fiends will finally break a hole through the mountains. The Elves show signs of incompetence, raising barriers to keep their failures contained. The Dragons show no signs of unity. The Fae continue to seal themselves away. The Demon Kingdom was in flames. The Savage Lands have never been safe, and continue to ravage the northern continents." [Miller Jolfstadt] remarked with a look of worry.

"It is true… There are nearly none capable of being relied upon. Your Kingdom will need to take our help, and come to stop the two Dungeons causing you peril. First and foremost, you need to defeat your Dungeons. We can't be relied upon to handle them both at once. Use us to put your focus solely into one of them. Don't focus to defeat the Dungeon immediately… Take time to promote growth in power among adventurers if necessary. Issue quests that don't involve the jackpot of the Dungeon, issue quests that involve slaying the most monsters." [Nero] said with a smile.

"Slaying the most monsters? Why would anyone want that over Gold Coins?" [Karen] asked with a baffled expression.

"It's not about 'wants'... It's about 'needs'. We need this Kingdom to be more powerful. We can do a lot without you, but should we really need to? I mean, after we slay these Dungeons for your pitiful selves… Should we stay and ensure that you're fine in the times to come? Perhaps if you were all stronger, we might feel more convinced to stay by your sides?" [Nero] begged the question with a smile.

"...So to keep the superpower of your militaristic strength defending our Kingdom… We need our Kingdom to also have a better militaristic strength on its own." [Trilby Rona] muttered before finally ashing his cigar.

"Well, yeah… We're already protecting the incredibly weak Monster Kingdom… Try not to be too much further of a strain on us." [Nero] replied with a smile and a thumb held high.

"The Monster Kingdom gets a free pass to be weak but we don't?" [Trilby Rona] laughed.

"I hail from the Monster Kingdom, and the Monster Kingdom has already dedicated a vast majority of their war potential to my crusade. The Beastkin Kingdom has simply offered accessible commerce as far as I'm concerned~" [Nero] shot back with a smile.

"I suppose… Most of our Kingdom's finest are preoccupied with the Mummy Mansion. Some don't leave that place for months on end… The most notable of parties stay for years. If you seek to recruit some of this Kingdom's finest… You'd best head to the front." [Trilby Rona] scoffed with a wicked grin.

"Years?" [Nero] asked with eyes wide.

"He must be referring to the top two parties. Dawn Raiders and Never Rest. They prepare rations with dozens of Diamond Coins. Both of them have first rate Carrier Class members in their parties to help them bring all of their supplies." [Cetilla] explained with a calculated expression.

"That's not all… Dawn Raiders is now made up of a sizeable 23 members, why; they're practically large enough to be a Guild! Never Rest has always been the smaller group... Though they're just as strong. They have 8 heroes among them. When it comes to party members, Dawn Raider's got ALL the positions covered!~ Almost any situation, they've got someone capable of sorting it out. Never Rest is a bunch of oddballs, but they're all powerful enough to rival any of the top three Dawn Raiders by themselves… Their leader, Lex Jeruke is rumored to be a Tier 17 Martial Artist Jester! The Leader of Dawn Raiders is Vance Rorek, he's a Tier 15 Cavalier Story Teller." [Karen, the Pigkin] explained with an excited expression.

"...I take it that neither party has ever tried to challenge the Dungeon at Midnight on a Monday?" [Nero] begged the question.

"No… None have been reported to have survived the event within the last 400 years, aside from your party. It would be foolish, even for them to try and launch an attack like that." [Karen, the Pigkin] grumbled.

"Honestly… The largest problem about that Dungeon is indecisiveness. If you don't know where you're going or you wind up walking in circles… You'll regret it. As soon as you enter, your one goal needs to be to get into the eastern wing of the basement. We believe the heart of the Dungeon is somewhere in the depths of the hidden places that don't usually exist. We aren't certain how powerful the enemies awaiting us are down there, but we know that we'll need to prepare for a long time to challenge it again. It took a lot out of us last time, and the materials required for us to launch a large scale assault like that take time." [Nero] confessed while shrugging his shoulders.

"You require particular materials…?" [Miller Jolfstadt] asked with a hesitant expression.

"Did you know that there might only be two different locations to procure Candy on this entire continent?" [Nero] asked while furrowing an eyebrow.

"Eh… No?" [Miller Jolfstadt] let out, clearly confused.

"Do you have any idea how long it takes for one single Candy Man to produce one metric ton of Candy?" [Candy Mongerer] asked with a frantic expression.

"U-Uh… I would assume that it would take quite some time?" [Miller Jolfstadt] muttered while trembling in his seat.

"Weeks… Months… It could takes months to prepare for a war like that. Gold is the least of my concerns. Candy is my problem. I need Candy. Riddle me a worse business plan… Let's earn a plethora of Gold Coins to fund a Candy-Mongering army so that it can protect an entire continent that only possesses TWO Candy Stores! You can't! That's why your people need to get stronger! I can't do it alone with this mediocre economy!" [Candy Mongerer] let out, clearly infuriated.

"...We need more Candy Men?" [Trilby Rona] asked with a skeptical expression.

"Desperately." [Nero & Karen] shot back in perfect unison.

"..." [Everyone] remained silent as they glared at the Pigkin Woman.

"...What? Candy Men are attractive, and their treats are delectable…We shouldn't have needed some grand militaristic reason to question why we only have one with a store in this whole damned City; I'm in." [Karen] explained with a boldened expression.

"If it weren't for how loudly you were speaking… I'd want to agree with you… Yet somehow, because of how loudly you're speaking; I still want to agree so that you have a reason to shut-the-hell UP…" [Cetilla] grumbled.

"Terribly sorry, you see; this is why I need to wear the costume. Apparently, I can come off as pretty rude when I speak; and the pink helps alleviate that matter… I can't help myself~" [Karen] sighed obnoxiously loudly.

"It's fine…" [Miller Jolfstadt] sighed.

"Anyways… I believe that this has been a mutually beneficial meeting, I look forward to coming across you again in the future. For now, let's just keep things as they are. When a time comes that we are ready to wage war against these Dungeons, I'll let you know. I believe that we can still handle the Winter Solstice on our own, but if adventurers wish to join in on the fun; they are more than welcome to. In the very near future, we'll also be granting adventurers the right to join in at any given time; if they need a place to train. We can't promise that there will be no deaths, but we can offer a place to train without stepping into the week-long Dungeon." [Nero] declared while waving a hand for the Adventurer's Guild Staff.

"Yes, it was a pleasure to make your acquaintance." [Miller Joftstadt] sighed while waving the Cat Crew off.

"Don't be a stranger~" [Trilby Rona] called out.

"I'll look into that whole 'lack of Candy Men' situation for you!~" [Karen] shouted.

Ah… Karen. I'll struggle forgetting that one… She was too loud. Every word that she said… Could probably be heard throughout the establishment. Must be tough to have an ability like that without a freaking toggle… You'd never lose her in a crowd, that's for sure~

"I couldn't wait to get out of there…" [Cetilla] grumbled.

"They seemed friendly… But I'm not sure how smart it was to tell them of your taste for Candy…" [Roah] whispered.

"Guilds of this nature are usually impartial to power struggles of the royal degree… Except these guys deal with just about everybody; right? If there are other Candy Men not using their Class for business, rather than pleasure… I'd still want to meet them. They seemed to know all of their member's Classes… So I figured that it might be a possibility, that they would know of more Candy Men if given time to check their records." [Nero] confessed with a sigh.

"Did you say… Candy Man?" [Armadillkin Girl] asked while tilting her head to the side.

"Yeah… We only know of the Koalakin guy… Do you know anyone else who can create Candy?" [Nero] begged the question with a smile.

"...Yeah! I can make Candy! I'm a Tier 3 Idol Candywoman! My songs can bless my party and my Candy can make them smile!" [Armadillkin Idol Candywoman] introduced herself with an excited expression before continuing…

"Well, they would… But I haven't found a party yet… This is my first day being an adventurer, but no one wants to take on a weak Idol who can't even heal yet…" [Parrotkin Idol Candywoman] confessed with a dejected expression.

"...I don't see a problem with your strength. If you can create Candy, then I would absolutely love to have you join my flock~ I'm Nero, do you have a name?" [Nero] introduced himself with a smile as he took the hand of the Idol Candywoman and began to walk her out of the Adventurer's Guild.

"Yay! My name is Edith! I can make Sugar Coated Rose Petals, Glazed Orange Peels, or Candied Pecans… But I need Rose Petals, Orange Peels, or Pecans. I only have some on me right now." [Parrotkin Idol Candywoman] explained with a smile before shrugging her shoulders.

"That's… Manageable. Thank you, Edith." [Nero] thanked with a smile.

"You're welcome! What kind of adventure are we going to go on first?" [Edith] asked with a bright smile.

"Hey, Edith... You see that big Keep down there?" [Nero] asked with eyes wide as he gestured toward the Wailing Keep.

"Uh-huh!" [Edith] exclaimed while nodding her head.

"You can live there from now on! There's really nice rooms, and tons of other kids happily live there, too! You'll be fed well; and because I'll be asking you to make me Candy… I'll even pay you to be there! If you want to get stronger, down at the beach; a ton of our friends are training. You can just join them any night that you want~" [Nero] explained with a smile.

"Even right now?" [Edith] asked with eyes wide.

"Exactly! Just go and bless them with your voice; I'm sure that you'll be fine if you keep a safe distance." [Nero] replied with an excited expression.

"Okay! I'll go there right now! Thank you, Nero!" [Edith] happily accepted the offer before turning to run along down to the beach.

"No problem~ Just follow them back to the Keep later!" [Nero] called out while waving the small child off into battle.

"Are you sure that she'll be okay?" [Cetilla] muttered while glaring at the distant Parrotkin.

"Luna… See to it that Vana and Hugo do not allow a single thing to happen to that child. She can't be lost. She's more valuable to me than any single one of you... Do not forget that fact." [Nero] beckoned while clutching onto his Lantern.

"She'll be fine..." [Roah] sighed.

"Nero! Good news… The Mousekin has finished producing 20 fine pages of Twisted Treant bark! Also, your announcement was LEGENDARY~ Penny's in all sorts of despair, now that she's been bested by someone not even in Halloween... It was already tough for her to be beaten down by Luna and Conrad!" [Christina] exclaimed while holding back tears while containing her laughter after bursting out from the Lantern.

"...Penny's important, but her songs inevitably drive us all mad. It's honestly dangerous to allow her to grow too much... She could be the end of us." [Nero] sighed before continuing...

"Back on topic, call for the Unicornkin child within the Wailing Keep; who I want escorted to the Mousekin's dwelling. Someone meet me near the bottom of the stairs, ready to escort me to it as well. I'll be there in a few moments." [Nero] beckoned with a serious expression before hoisting himself atop Lianix and departing immediately.

After returning to Clive's, shocking him greatly… I obtained myself a Quill… And a small bowl. Riding back to the Wailing Keep was simple… But getting down the stairs was the challenge. It's a spiral staircase that never ceases to amaze me… It's always too long, and too difficult to fly in. After reaching the bottom of the staircase and obtaining a headache… I was met with a Scarecrow; happy to be of service. Taking one of my arms, the overly formal Scarecrow effortlessly led me down the hallway with a serious lack of room numbers and opened the doors for me to find my favorite Mousekin.

"I heard that you've finished 20 pages and came immediately. How many more pages do you think you can muster with your materials?" [Nero] asked with a determined expression.

"I-I just barely sent word out… I should be able to make an upwards of 60 pages with this much bark… Though the later few pages may be of worse quality." [Mousekin Artisan] muttered, clearly baffled at the speed of information.

"That's fine." [Nero] sighed before taking a seat on the Mousekin's bed as he watched the Artisan work.

I have 23 abilities… I doubt that it will take me a full page to detail each of them, though some might prove more difficult to explain than others. With any luck, I'll be able to have every single one of my spells modestly detailed. I can only hope that it won't be too much to ask of the Unicornkin orphan. I was hoping that watching the Mousekin at work might be interesting… But it just seems as though he's sawing through wood. There are sparks of electricity emanating from his every move, and that's interesting enough… I suppose? Kind of hoped for something cooler~

"Woah… Is that the rare magic used to craft Paper?" [Cetilla] asked with a seriously interested expression.

"-Yeah! You've all got a terrible habit of appearing out of nowhere…" [Mousekin Artistan] muttered while trying to regain his composure.

"It's rare?" [Nero] asked with eyes wide.

"Oh yeah… I heard that only Woodworker Scientists can obtain the ability required to craft Paper. A lot of Woodworkers also happen to be Woodcutters, or a Class that wields a wooden weapon… So you can probably imagine why a Woodworker Scientist might be a difficult find~" [Cetilla] explained with a smile.

"That's true… But paper can be pretty expensive, no? Why wouldn't more people think to try and craft it?" [Nero] asked while visibly thinking.

"Sure, it can be expensive… But just about anything can be expensive if it's crafted well enough... Choosing to be a Woodworking Scientist means that you can't go back. You'll never be able to be a first rate adventurer if all you're good for is making Paper, or other wood related objected. You just won't be strong enough to fight harder monsters… And the weaker ones will fear you too much to come within striking distance." [Cetilla] explained with a sigh.

"...Huh. He can always get stronger with the other Monster Knights, though~" [Nero] sighed while shrugging his shoulders.

"...I can get stronger?" [Mousekin Artisan] asked with eyes wide, stopping in his work.

"Well, yeah~ Most of the other Monster Knights are training at the beach; you're certainly free to. In fact, I won't need to make any more pages for awhile. You could even start right away, if you wanted to~" [Nero] explained with a smile.

"T-Thank you for this offer… I'll join them immediately. The 20 pages are right there~" [Mousekin Artisan] shot back with an excited expression before departing down the halls with his saw in tow.

"Seems like everyone wants to get stronger…" [Nero] muttered with eyes wide as he glanced at the now open doorway.

"Obviously… The long night is coming, and everyone wants to be ready for it~" [Cetilla] sighed with a smile.

"...That's a strange way of putting it," [Nero] began to retort, before being interrupted.

"Nero… The stories are as old as time itself. I'd be amazed if even some of the knowledge that they told of didn't live on through the masses even now. I'm of nobility, so I know a whole damn lot of it. The four greatest Clans… Champions would arise from each, and fight to save Melchiadore. Christmas, Halloween, Valentines, and Easter. In all of our greatest triumphs, one of these Clans have rallied under the banner of their appropriate Champion. It would appear that this time, we have been dealt Halloween; the Clan of raging winds and scorching flames through the night." [Cetilla] recited the prophecy with a tired expression.

"...I still don't understand how none of you were capable of quelling your Dungeons after the last Clan leader perished..." [Nero] groaned while rolling his eyes.

"Nero… It took centuries." [Cetilla] shot back with an equally dissatisfied expression.

"Not my fault that the last Clan War's winner took their time dying~" [Nero] shot back with a smirk.

"It shouldn't even be possible to live that long…" [Cetilla] muttered while stubbornly prodding her foot into the floor.

"Someone getting a little jealous?" [Nero] sighed with a smile.

"Uh-If I need to survive a few centuries to see this Clan War through to the end… I'll do it." [Cetilla] shot back with a terrifying look in her eyes.

"Why don't I doubt you?" [Nero] asked with a weak smile.

"I simply won't be stopped, not forever~" [Cetilla] sighed while twirling her hair.

"How do you do it? You clearly failed in Nidallia… But how were you able to maintain your Mana until then? You fought thousands in the Mansion…" [Nero] asked with eyes wide.

"It's a trade secret… But I'll let you in on it~ We Sorceresses gain a wonderful ability… It's called [Mana Channeling]. We can store Mana into objects, and come back for them when needed. I like to keep these little marbles. I store them with any free Mana that I possess… And crush them when I'm running low. Back in Nidallia... I made the decision that even attempting to use the ability would ensure my own secret being revealed; it would result in me being captured AND losing my marbles." [Cetilla] confessed while showing one of the marbles that she had been hiding in a small pouch to the Halloween Cat.

"Wait a second… Those marbles attached to your hat, and the ones that you're wearing as earrings?" [Nero] asked with eyes wide.

"Indeed… All of them contain Mana, but they're my final reserves… When I met you, I had over a hundred marbles in this pouch alone… But I'm down to 7 in my pouch, and 23 on my body. I had been channeling Mana into them for my entire life… My mother even helped me make quite a few of them as the years went by… I don't think that I'll ever fully restore my power." [Cetilla] confessed while gazing at the marble in her hands.

"Cetilla… If this is why you need MP… I'm willing to help. Honestly… If I had known that you could store Mana away like that, I might've helped even sooner." [Nero] groaned.

"Really? You'll help?!" [Cetilla] asked with a look of excitement.

"I see no problem with it… Your strength will be incredibly helpful after I Prestige… I'd rather have you prepared for anything." [Nero] replied with a smile.

"Thank you, Nero. I won't forget this!~" [Cetilla] exclaimed with an innocent expression as she began to hum 'PRIM*DONNA' to herself...

Jeez… Cetilla's pretty amped up about this~ I suppose that she really treasured her marbles. I suppose that I would too… I treasure my buckets, and they're pretty similar. My buckets are probably less meaningful to me than each of her marbles… I can get a bucket every single day. She can fill a marble with as much power as she wants to, so we're talking WEEKS on one marble. I'll be able to streamline the process with Candy, so it really doesn't matter. We should probably do it before I Prestige, because each piece of Candy that I consume now; is worth more MP than it will be later~