Chapter 97 - Day 96

"Hey, we found Unit and explained the situation on the way. Don't take too much, okay? He's just a kid…" [Roah] chimed in after stepping through the door.

"H-Hello…" [Unit, the Unicornkin Boy] muttered, obviously nervous.

"Hey there, Unit… How have you been faring at the Wailing Keep?" [Nero] asked with a smile.

"...I-I like it here…" [Unit] confessed while averting eyecontact.

"Well, I like having you here with us… There happens to be a very special book that Luna is going to need to keep Halloween safe… You and I are the best two suited for the job… To be frank, any Unicornkin could probably do it… But you're the only one that I know. I'll need a little bit of your blood, but I promise that you'll live. If you don't want to, that's totally fine and you can still continue living here… Okay?" [Nero] explained the situation while leaning down and placing a hand on the child's shoulder.

"I'll be fine without it… But the weird white Lady with red eyes would be better with it?" [Unit] asked with eyes wide, finally looking back at the Halloween Cat.

"...Yeah, as long as we don't take too much… You'll be perfectly fine. Remind me, what Tier is he?" [Nero] explained before turning to Roah.

"He's Tier 6." [Roah] explained with a smile.

"Wonderful… Conrad should be the best candidate for taking the blood without dealing too much damage. We can have him fly Unit back to Vana and Hugo after. If he wants to train, I think that he'll be more than capable enough." [Nero] exclaimed with a smile while touching his Lantern.

"An exceptional choice, Master." [Conrad] remarked with a sinister voice as he turned to face the small Unicornkin.

"E-EH?! You're going to send THAT THING after me?!" [Unit] screamed in utter dismay as he tripped and fell backward, beginning to scramble away at a backward crab walk… Only to be ruthlessly captured and detained by the Sky Reaper.

Ahhh… Out of the flames, and into battle… Conrad's ALWAYS first-rate~ Within less than a minute, he had my bowl filled and was on his merry way; screaming child in tow… A wonderful performance. Simply… Remarkable~

"Now… Let's get down to business~ If you'll excuse me… I have a manuscript to write~ [Daily Candy]..." [Nero] sighed before clearing off the Mousekin's desk and beginning to write his Spellbook.

I spent around an hour, detailing every single ability that I currently possess… To the best of my own abilities. It turned out a little something like this~

[Flying Broom]

Witch Type Ability (Space Trait)

Broom can be rode in order to fly at any height. Spending additional Mana can increase the speed of flight. Higher proficiency can decrease the rate of Mana spent in order to fly. If used in tandem with [Enhanced Meditating], a rate of flight can be established which costs absolutely no MP.

[Soul Merge]

Halloween Cat Type Ability (Soul Trait)

This ability merges three different monsters of the same Tier, Race, and Class in order to upgrade their Tier 1 time. Side effects for Clansmen involved may include enhanced sustainability against mental based attacks, or a drastically more intelligent nature if used at a large degree.

[Clansmen Capture]

Halloween Cat Type Ability (Tamer Trait)

This ability can be used in order to offer a contract for a potential Clansman Candidate. Methods to increase likelihood of a Halloween Clansmen accepting the contract may include displaying your power, feeding them Candy, asking them during excessively dangerous situations, or befriending them. Some creatures that you have befriended may even change their race to Halloween after having met you. It is believed that this ability causes the opportunity of those often nearby to switch Clans through the Evolution process.

[Hallowed Gate]

Halloween Cat Type Ability (Space Trait)

This ability can summon a Portal leading back to Halloween with MP. Depending on the proficiency level of the ability, the amount of MP capable of being spent can be increased. The Portal may still be summoned for a less than optimal amount of MP, but it can be easily destroyed. The Portal shares the same resistances of the Halloween Cat who summoned it. If used while the [Wailing Keep] ability is currently active, a bonus Portal will be summoned for free; leading from the Throne Room back into Halloween. Higher proficiency of this ability may not only add an increased maximum MP, but it may also add the capability to summon multiple Portals at once.

[This is Halloween]

Halloween Cat Type Ability (Time Trait)

This ability brings Halloween to the realm for a full 24 hours. During the time period, the Halloween Clan may gain incredible buffs; including attack damage. This ability has a considerable cooldown, starting at 365 days. This can be lowered by expending your own lifeforce… If you find a way to manipulate time for yourself. Further proficiency enhancements of this ability seem to enhance the buffs that come of it when used.

[Wailing Keep]

Halloween Cat Type Ability (Space Trait)

This ability can be used after having obtained 500 MP. Conjuring the ability limits 20% of your MP at all times. The Caster can see the MP, it does not appear to be spent at any time… But the Caster also can't spend it. This ability conjures a massive Keep consisted of black bricks from an unknown abyss below the caster. Dark, violet thorny roots sprout from the ground, carrying the Keep. The thorns continue to grow alongside the Keep, as if attempting to protect it. Jack-O-Lanterns grow from the thorns, and burn brightly through the night. The Keep has three towers with twisted orange spiral rooves. Two tall towers near the front of the Keep, and one shorter toer near the back. They can each be used as long range defensive positions… Though most attacks launched directly against the Wailing Keep fail. Safely flying onto it is impossible due to some form of convoluted Space Type Magic. The Wailing Keep can defend itself if 20% of the Caster's MP is greater than 500 MP. Upon entry into the Wailing Keep is an excessively luxurious Foyer. On the left, is the modern Kitchen. On the right, is the rather large Dining Hall. Directly ahead, lays the Throne Room… But there are also two staircases leading up to the two tall towers. Beyond the drastically long Throne Room, is the Master Suite. It provides bedding beyond any other, as well as a Kill Switch. The Hallowed Orb located within the Master Suite is the weakest point of the Wailing Keep. If damaged, the entire Keep may be compromised rather quickly. Beyond the Dining Hall with three long tables, is a spiral staircase similar to the two tower ones… Though this one leads downward; into a long hallway with doors on both sides. The hallway leads to the short tower near the back of the Keep… But each door leads to a different, exceptional bedroom for a Halloween Cat's followers to dwell within. On the sides of each hallway, there are wondrous little decorations; including Mirrors. If any individual is glancing at themself in one of those Mirrors at a particular time of night… Then a hidden, secret bedroom will be revealed to them for the night. In the Dining Hall, there are portraits on the walls. If any child glances at a particular portrait at the right time, they may be asked to sell their Soul to Halloween; likely causing them to also become a Halloween Race. Additional ability proficiencies may include various performance upgrades not limited to aesthetics, faster heating ovens, or additional bedrooms in the basement.

[Language Comprehension]

Witch Type Ability (High INT Trait)

This ability may allow for magically comprehending or speaking foreign languages; potentially even writing in them. All use of this ability is without intent, and henceforth; impractical to improve. There is no toggle.


Halloween Type Ability (Halloween Trait)

This ability allows the user to take on various different Transformations. Each Transformation may vary incredibly. Raising Tiers may cause for larger Transformations to be revealed, depending on the Race. This ability may be used in tandem with [Barrier] to provide a larger area of protection. This ability has no MP cost. Higher proficiency may grant additional Transformations unrelated to Tier.


Witch Type Ability (High INT Trait)

This ability allows the user to grant themself protection at the cost of their own MP. Damage that would have normally been taken is instead dealt to the Caster's MP reserves. Resistances from clothing may help bolster defenses of the ability. Increased proficiency may grant increased resistances from clothing as well as just in general for the Barrier. Increased proficiency may also grant additional forms for the Barrier to take on, including a larger sphere, a tight-fit body-shield, or even a ranged sphere shield. The shield itself takes on elements from the Caster, for Halloween; it seems to defend best against Fire or Dark type magic depending on the time.

[Daily Candy]

Halloween Cat Type Ability

Creation Type Magic (Halloween Trait)

This ability may be used once every 24 hours, and grants the Caster with one possibly indestructible plastic Jack-O-Lantern bucket filled with 90 pieces of Candy. Each piece of Candy may provide the Caster with MP, starting at 2. Additional ability proficiency may provide higher MP being provided to the Caster for each piece of Candy eaten. The rate of MP provided remains the same for all Candy, not only the Candy provided through this ability.

[Claw Fishing]

Clawed Creature Type Ability (Cat Trait)

This ability increases the proficiency of attacks made against Fish Type Creatures. Swiping Fish out of water becomes no difficult task with this ability. If used in tandem with a Waterfall, or better yet… A tactfully placed [Hallowed Gate] in the middle of the downstream River near the Waterfall… And the [Wailing Keep]'s Kitchen's Modern Sink… Fishing ceases to be a problem. Increased proficiency may provide increased damage against Fish Type Creatures.


Creation Type Ability (Halloween Trait)

This ability allows the Caster to convert MP into random clothing from a modern Halloween Clothing Brand; the Cat's Costumery. The Caster may choose to spend more MP, in attempts at conjuring a higher grade piece. The clothing is nearly indestructible, though can break easier if it is a lower grade piece. The clothing is exceptionally well versed against Fire or Dark Type Magic. Higher proficiency may provide less chances of conjuring the worst grade of clothing, instead granting the highest grade of clothing; as well as generally better chances of conjuring the higher grades of clothing.

[Recovery by Sleep]

Time Type Ability (Halloween Trait)

This ability allows the Caster to speed through their own life while they sleep, enhancing the rate of which they regenerate their lost MP. Enhancing this ability may be done by sleeping to regain MP. There is no toggle. Higher proficiency will grant a faster rate of consuming the Caster's life force while sleeping without full MP, further enhancing the rate of which they regenerate their lost MP.

[Enhanced Meditating]

Time Type Ability (Halloween Trait)

This ability allows the Caster to speed through their own life while they sit, enhancing the rate of which they regenerate their lost MP. Enhancing this ability may be done by sitting to regain MP. There is no toggle. Higher proficiency will grant a faster rate of consuming the Caster's life force while sleeping without full MP, further enhancing the rate of which they regenerate their lost MP.


This ability allows the Caster to swim faster in water. This ability can be obtained and enhanced by swimming. Higher proficiency may grant better maneuverability under water, or perhaps even better breathing under water.

[10 Minute Makeover]

Creation Type Ability (Halloween Trait)

This ability provides the Caster with a random outfit picked directly from the Cat's Costumery Clothing Brand. The Caster may choose an amount of MP to consume before casting the 10 Minute long ability. Depending on how much MP that the Caster consumed, the outfit given may be of a higher grade. The outfit will automatically equip to the Caster, and the original outfit will return afterwards. If the Caster does not like the outfit, then they may choose to cancel the ability and cast it again. Higher proficiency may grant a higher chance of the outfits not being a low grade of clothing.

[Pumpkin Bomb]

Creation Type Magic [Halloween Cat]

This ability allows the Caster to conjure a Jack-O-Lantern Bomb which explodes the moment that it touches the ground. The Caster may choose an amount of MP to spend on each Bomb, and there is no cooldown. The higher the MP spent, the larger the radius that the Bomb will deal damage to, and the longer that its duration of effect will last. Higher proficiency may grant additional types of Bombs, causing the Caster's magic to become unstable. The Caster loses the certainty regarding which type of Bomb will be dropped; though the additional Bombs are also quite effective. At the first level of proficiency, it grants a Pumpkin Lantern Bomb which unleashes flames that can engulf a rather large radius for quite some time. Additional proficiency may also grant additional radius or improvements to certain effects; like the time that the flames burn. Additional proficiency may grant the Pumpkimplosion Bomb, and the Pumpkin Spice Bomb. The Pumpkin Spice Bombs release an intense stench of Pumpkin Spice, often blinding creatures and causing severe itchiness. Pumpkimplosion Bombs implode, leaving rotting Pumpkins; but may be improved to add an additional sound effect. This ability may be obtained by waging war.

[Bonus Mana]

Witch Type Ability (High INT Trait)

This ability allows the Caster to have a slightly higher MP total. It can be obtained, and enhanced after having consumed a vast amount of MP. Higher proficiency may grant a slightly higher MP total.

[Time Skip]

Time Type Ability (Halloween Trait)

This ability allows the Caster to spend their own MP in attempts at speeding the time of another object or individual. Higher proficiency may result in additional visual effects, or perhaps even a better rate of MP spent speeding time for the target. This ability may be obtained by using other Time Type abilities.

[War Meow]

Halloween Cat Type Ability (Cat Trait)

This ability allows the Caster to spend some of their own MP in attempts at buffing any of their Clansmen who could hear their 'Meow'. Higher proficiency may grant an obnoxiously louder 'Meow', large heat emissions to be released while casting the ability; as well as increased buffs for the Clansmen who hear it. Buffs may include increased Damage.

[Mana Claws]

Clawed Creature Type Ability (Cat Trait)

This ability allows the Caster to swipe their Claws at an enemy and steal their MP, while also dealing damage. This ability may be obtained by further enhancing the [Mana Guzzler] ability. Further ability proficiency may grant additional MP theft, or perhaps even more damage.

[Flame Paws]

Pawed Creature Type Ability (Cat, Fire Trait)

This ability allows the Caster to emit flames on their Paws, dealing damage to enemies struck by them. This ability may be used in tandem with [Shapeshift] to enable the 'Flame Fist' Combo Attack. Further ability proficiency may grant brighter flames, or perhaps even more damage.

[Enhanced Smell]

Nosed Creature Type Ability (Cat Trait)

This ability grants the Caster with a sharper sense of Smell. It can be obtained, and enhanced by paying attention to the scents of their surroundings. Further ability proficiency grants an even sharper sense of Smell, though this may also be a downside as scented abilities become more of a hindrance. There is no toggle.

Jeez… After laying it all out there like that… It's so much easier to see which of my abilities are the worst. [Enhanced Smell] is ruthless. It will literally be the end of me, and it's all Cetilla's fault. It's safe to blame her. We'll all get it, at this rate. I'm lucky to be on my way to Prestiging… But I worry for our comrades. Any scent-based attack will be the end of us in a war, because we're all already just trying to recuperate from Cetilla's constant wrath. It will be pitiful, and I won't be impressed. [Fishing Claw] is fine… But did it really deserve starter points? Nope. It was simply out-done by the [Hallowed Gate] that I had absolutely no idea about. Thanks, Janus. Glad to have you as my guide to rebirth… In all of your wisdom… And helpfulness… And motivational goal-giving… World conquering-pusher… JANUS!

"WHAT?!" [Janus] screamed in frustration after finally appearing.

"Where have you been?" [Nero] asked while raising an eyebrow.

"There was a thing..." [Janus] groaned while rolling his eyes.

"A… Thing?" [Nero] shot back with an exasperated expression.

"Look… Every time that a new Clan War starts up, all of the Gods involved in ruling each of the Holiday Clans; and even a few others get together and discuss the events unfolding within it. Around twenty Gods usually tune in for the Clan Wars, but others keep themselves busy with different stuff. I'm obviously one who tunes in, because I oversee one of the current Clan Wars. Well, I always oversee a Clan War; because I run Melchiodore… But this year, I'm actually paying attention more closely; so I really needed to go to it." [Janus] confessed with a calculated expression.

"...Oh? So, who showed up?" [Nero] asked with a smile.

"Hael, Gabriel, Uriel, Chamuel, Eleriel, Cassiel, Raphael, Sammael, Azreal, Leviathan, Azazel, Beelzebub, Mammon, Asmodeus, Belphegor, Satan, Lilith, Jofiel, Zadkiel, Michael, Joel, Barachiel, Jerahmeel, Sealtiel, Jegudiel, Behemoth, Alecto, Megera, Ctesiphone, Minos, Acacus, Rhadamanthus, Azael, Mahazael, Acteus, Megalesius, Ormenus, Lycus, Nicon, and Mimon were all there… So, yeah; it was a pretty big deal. We were so drastically outnumbered by Demons in our seated area, that God sent Jesus to sit with us. Everything calmed down relatively quickly after that… Even Satan doesn't mind THAT guy~" [Janus] casually explained while beginning to eat ramen noodles.

"...Huh." [Nero] let out with eyes wide.

"Oh, by the way… If you could be so kind; after you win this Clan War… Alter the rules for this realm and ensure that an additional 7 Clans may be added. We'll think up which Holidays to add to the list, but you can handle the rule change; okay?" [Janus] asked with a smile as he continued to sloppily eat his instant cupped ramen noodles.

"U-Uhhh… I'm going to need about 10000 of those cups filled with instant cooked ramen every single day if I'm going to win the Clan War." [Nero] shot back with a grin.

"Very funny… Most that I can promise is three." [Janus] shot back while side-eyeing the Halloween Cat.

"...Three? Three's the most that you could handle?" [Nero] asked with a wry smile.

"Yes, Nero… Even in all of my greatness… Three cups every single day is the absolute most that I could do to interfere with a Clan War, adding on everything that I already do." [Janus] grumbled while rolling his eyes.

"Oho? Afraid of incurring God's wrath?" [Nero] asked with a smug expression.

"Most certainly, as should you." [Janus] instantaneously shot back with a nonchalant expression.

"...You're no fun." [Nero] sighed while furrowing his eyebrows.

"If that was all, I can leave~" [Janus] retorted while raising an eyebrow.

"Doesn't it bother you?" [Nero] asked with eyes wide.

"...Which part?" [Janus] asked while suddenly halting in the consumption of his cheap ramen.

"That you, a great and holy being… Are asking me to condemn my soul to the liklihood of an eternity in an underworld?" [Nero] explained with eyes wide.

"...You died having a stroke while on the phone with a band's Drummer, screaming at him for not showing up on time for a gig that you had previously informed them would not be happening until a day later. 5 minutes prior, you lost it on a Caterer for serving straight fries and not curly fries. 10 minutes prior, you sent one particularly harsh voicemail to your dearest friend; Anna for not having shown up when you two were supposed to be partners. 25 minutes prior, you downed half a bottle of vodka due to stress for the band not having shown up yet, and due to the fight that you had with Anna the previous night… Which was entirely focused on how Anna thought you had been drinking too much recently, and mistaking dates for scheduled events when planning with third parties… Causing issues to the business. When you refused to acknowledge her growing concern, she stormed out and let you handle the next day's event single-handedly. It all went terribly, lo-and-behold; you messed up the dates with the band. You even somehow managed to die at a wedding. I think it even made the papers… To this moment, even in your next life; you're still an alcoholic who can't keep track of the date. Even though you're somehow leaning toward Allwe… It's honestly difficult to feel remorse for you." [Janus] enlightened the terribly problematic Halloween Cat.

"...Huh. I-I don't feel that rude now, though?" [Nero] let out while blinking too often.

"...No. Life in this realm seems to have been less stressful on you, even when drinking; you don't seem to be as mean." [Janus] remarked before beginning to eat his ramen once more.

"...But I had a fight with Anna? Why don't I remember any of this story at all?" [Nero] asked with eyes wide.

"It's fairly common to forget the last month or so of life before death when reincarnating with the blessing of memories intact." [Janus] explained with his mouth full.

"...But I don't remember being so stressed before I died, is the thing… What suddenly caused me to feel that way?" [Nero] asked with a disturbed expression.

"There were a few things… Your mother passed away, for starters. Anna got a new boyfriend and was sucking a lot of her personal time away from being able to help you get through it. Also, you couldn't stand her new boyfriend… And I'll actually give you that point, he was terrible. While she was occupied… You turned to drinking, buying clothes, and partying; all while continuing to operate your business together. You kept yourself busy. You looked amazing, and you went to a lot of parties and got absolutely wasted. Every single party, or nightclub; you'd get a brand new outfit before heading in. You blew through a LOT of your savings, but you managed to get your mother off of your mind. Still, you were pretty sleepless as it all was happening. You'd be planning weddings by afternoon, shopping by evening, partying by night, sleeping by dawn, and waking in the late morning. With such a little amount of sleep, you sometimes got snappy in the evenings… because it was happening when you'd normally be getting ready to go shopping… Right before you'd head to a random Bar for your pre-drinks and relax." [Janus] explained with a casual expression before lighting his cup of noodles on fire, incinerating it completely within a split moment… Leaving nothing but ashes crumbling away from his hand.

"...My mother died?" [Nero] asked with eyes wide.

"Yeah… She chose to be a movie star in her next life… So she's back on Earth." [Janus] explained with a smile.

"...A movie star?" [Nero] asked with a tired expression.

"...Yep." [Janus] shot back with a smile.

...Jeez. I… I accidentally offed myself by drinking too much and becoming a total wreck after my mother died… I bet my brother's a complete nut-case now with both of us gone in such a short period of time. Also… I was like… Way too young to die. This is stupid. I'm pissed.

"How much of my savings did I blow?" [Nero] asked while squinting his eyes.

"...About a third of it." [Janus] explained with a wry smile.

"Where did the rest go?" [Nero] asked with a distressed expression.

"Your brother… Including your home, and a vast majority of your things. Some was left to Anna, out of good will." [Janus] explained with a grin.

...Damn. He's fine. He's literally fine. He'll get over our deaths, he's probably thinking about his dream car right about now… He'd blow it all away for a dream car... No doubt. I wish… I wish that I could have spent more of my savings… And been able to FUCKING REMEMBER IT!

"YO, JANUS!" [Nero] shouted while suddenly taking a stand.

"...I can't give you the final memories… It's up to you, to regain them. They might come back in time, or they might not." [Janus] mercilessly shot back.

"...But I gave half my life away to live that lifestyle for just a few short weeks…" [Nero] grumbled while rolling his eyes.

"Then give another life or two away to regain the memories." [Janus] declared coldly while averting eyecontact before disappearing into thin air.

...So… Yes, or no on the three cups of ramen…? Oh, they're behind me~ What a wonderful man… Praise Janus for the meal we hath just received. After returning to the Kitchen, I began my work immediately. Boiling the water was a menial task, but I couldn't help myself from getting excited as I waited in anticipation for the wonderful flavors of cheap spices, and preserved vegetables paired with way too much excessivly stringy and soft noodles! The smells were a delight as I waited for the meal to settle in my cup. Once it finally seemed ready, I threw the lid away into the strange trash disposal before making my way to the Dining Hall. Taking a seat, I relished in the aromas once more before commencing with the meal.

It was a wonderful feast… It's a shame that Cetilla and Roah both went to sleep before I finished making Luna's Spellbook~ They'll need to wait until the next batch. I simply can't give them both my final two cups without also sitting down to have my own… It would be absolutely hysterical! Besides… This way, Gluttatosk will also have a chance to try my latest guilty pleasure. Delicious, exclusive… Noodles. Only members of the Cat Crew could possibly dream of attaining such a rare treat! Only once every few days, at that! A chance meal from another world with the supreme overlord, Nero; the one True Allwe Halloween Cat! I-I think I can sell this… Nobles and wealthy subjects all over Reygid, and perhaps; elsewhere… Might actually pay to privately sit down with me, discussing matters of their own desire; over a fine and short meal. I can probably offer 5 different short meals every 2 weeks, on one chosen day. I can let the tickets be priced via auctions outside of the Wailing Keep. Any individual may potentially obtain more than one meal ticket with yours truly… Or any of the Bands(wo)men. Profits can go toward feeding weak, unfortunate Goblins.

If my haki works how Roah described it… Then I should be able to take meetings even after I Prestige… If I'm sitting inside of the Wailing Keep. When they look at me, they'll simply sense the power of the Wailing Keep itself… Including every other individual also inside of it, and my Halloween Town. I'll be fine, as long as Cetilla, Roah, or Grollicus are somewhere in Halloween… I'll be fine. We can do this. I can take meetings, or make announcements; but I'll no longer be permitted to leave the Wailing Keep unless my destination is the Forsaken Isles. I've prepared a tutorial island for myself… The time to use it is nigh.

After returning my new trash to the Kitchen's garbage… I decided to return to the beach. It wouldn't be fair of me to let Roah handle the day all by himself~ I'm a good friend meow. After opening the large doors of the Wailing Keep, I came face to face with an Elf. A lady Elf… But she's really more like Cetilla's age… But I know better. She's not REALLY that young, you know? Yeah... That type. Total hag alert~ People down below on the streets have literally gathered, in the hundreds because they want to hear what this fake Loli hath come to say. It's a whole event. I'm here now, and the crowd is HYPED! They're out here cheering, doing absolutely nothing to hide the fact that they'd been waiting on this moment for hours. Raising a hand to quell the crowd and giving off a bright smile; I bowed until the crowd silenced. Returning to a normal posture, I faced the Elf once more who now held an exasperated expression.

"My name is Nero Miki, I am the One True Allwe Halloween Cat; I lead a remnant of Halloween, the current age Monster Knights, and currently protect Reygid in all of its glory…" [Nero] introduced himself with a smile before continuing…

"Who might you be, and to what do we owe the pleasure?" [Nero] asked while turning to face the crowd before turning back to glare at the Elf.

"My name is Gayle Aldermune, I am the second in line for our Kingdom's next Countess. I come on the advice of Prince Lemmispire Vanheim." [Gayle Aldermune] introduced herself with a slightly pained expression.

"You seek my aide?" [Nero] asked while tilting his head to the side.

"...I seek the power to overwhelm my deranged brother's claim to the upper echelons of Vanheim!" [Gayle Aldermune] declared with a determined expression.

"If you seek power… Swear to me! When I come to save your lands, the same as I am now doing for them…" [Nero] beckoned while pointing his finger out toward the masses before continuing...

"Swear to fight by our side even after we save you, join us in our quest to defeat every single Dungeon of this continent!" [Nero] demanded as the purple flames in his eyes grew brighter.

"...Secure me the right to be Vanheim's next Countess… When you come to slay our Dungeons, I will join you… If we survive, I will stay at your side, until the coming of our deaths; I swear to you this!" [Gayle Aldermune] screamed hysterically before kneeling before the Halloween Cat. To which, the crowd roared with a cheer.

Placing a hand on her shoulder… I lent down…

"Rise from your knees now, and follow me; to rise in power as well." [Nero] exclaimed with a soft voice as he gazed down at the would-be Countess.

"...Okay." [Gayle Aldermune] sighed, appearing relieved…

Ahh… Now, to wait for the crowd to die down… I suppose we were a little too inspirational or something~

"Everyone, hear me~ I have actually come to make an announcement, so share what you hear with your friends later!" [Nero] called out, calming the crowd down considerably as they began to try and pay attention.

"In 9 nights, we will begin holding auctions for 5 different chances to have a discussion over a quick, exclusive meal with any one of the Bands(wo)men. Myself included. We will hold this very same auction every two weeks, and individuals lucky enough to walk away with one of the 5 chances may choose to make use of their meal-time any night that they wish. Meals will take place within the Wailing Keep's Throne Room, where an elegant private dining area will be prepared. In 4 nights, including this one; we will have already begun offering a free place for the public to come and train at the Beach… During any time of night, or day. Safety is not guaranteed, though it should still prove to be safer and more convenient than a 7 days in the Mummy Mansion." [Nero] explained with a smile. To which, the crowd cheered once more.

Taking Gayle's hand, I let her sit behind me on Lianix… And we continued all the way down to the Beach. After arriving, she noticed the sleeping Hobgoblin and Land Shark… Before turning to me and tilting her head to the side.

"So, this is the Beach that monsters will be attempting to invade every night and day. Currently, it's only something that we're doing at night. We send powerful individuals like these two to sleep here during the day, so that we can keep the monsters from invading constantly. We've been very busy with our strategy lately… Honestly, it doesn't feel like we've been making very much progress for the longterm; so we're looking to try a different approach." [Nero] explained with a tired expression before tossing his new bucket of Candy down into the empty bathtub.

"I don't believe I understand… You've been busy just keeping this thing going during the night, so how will you manage it during the day as well?" [Gayle] asked while furrowing her eyebrows.

"I've been busy making sure that we can Fish for our food from two different kingdoms, and gathering berries to feed hundreds of starving Goblins… As well as hand-delivering all of the food that we have cooked, directly to everyone that we already have making their way to defend the Beach in the night. I figure that if we simply start having nightly feasts again, rather than deliver food… We could save some time. Since the berries don't thrive in winter… I'll need to feed the Goblins another way, I figure that Gold Coins is the simplest solution. Thankfully, I only deal with highly lucrative business ventures at this point… So it shouldn't be too much of a problem. If you'd like, you can go back to the Wailing Keep and find yourself an empty room in the basement to dwell within until tomorrow night… Or you can stay here and sleep in the sand somewhere near us. It's your choice." [Nero] explained before assuming his largest form and beginning to lay down near Roah.

"Uh… How are the rooms in the Wailing Keep?" [Gayle] asked with eyes wide.

"Quite comfortable, from what I'm told. After you enter, if you turn to the right; go all the way along to the end of the Dining Hall and then go down the stairs. You'll find yourself in a long hallway; go somewhere near the end to be safe… Gently knock, and if there is no answer; that room's yours." [Nero] instructed before laying his head down.

"Got it, thanks!" [Gayle] replied with a smile before happily leaping off back toward the City.

Ah… What a long night~ Another Elf to train...Jeez. At very least, this one promised to help us fight the good fight if we saved her precious Vanheim alongside her... Not a bad deal. Maybe Leoric will also rejoin our noble cause if we save Vanheim~ Once a Clansman… Always a Clansman! Yosh! Good morning…