Chapter 112 - Day 107

The Clock is chiming… It's that time. It's Monday at Midnight. The doors are creaking open... ROBERT! BRING FORTH THE NIGHT!~ [Daily Candy]! Agh… I'm a little bit too early, I guess? Give it a bit... [War Meow]!

Moments later, Robert flew up to the front of the door for special effect… A single bloody, maddened Foxkin carrying the severed head of a Mime burst through the door with a hysterical look on his face as he continued running even after escaping. Then, Robert exploded into darkness, his explosion didn't stop… It covered the sky as if he were whipping out a sheet of fresh black paper and slamming it down on the desk better left known as the realm… And then, the door exploded; and Robert disappeared from my line of sight. Replacing him, was a sea of bloodthirsty monsters… Pouring out by the dozen; bursting straight through our line of defenders… They might as well have been trampled on.

As it became obvious how massively overwhelmed our vanguard truly was; all of our ranged fighters unleashed hellfire down upon the door. Many of the close range fighters stepped forward and tried to form a secondary line behind the bogged down vanguard… It was okay. Things seemed to be stabilizing, Penny and a dozen other Pixies; including Pixia slowed Time and began singing her songs. Wendel bravely stepped forth toward the Vanguard side by side with Cetilla; hands linking the two together. The two were surrounded by pebbles and other forms of dirt being carried by an outrageous wind… They slowly wedged themselves into the chaos, tearing at the enemies one by one; as if they were a single-prong electric speed hand mixer… Beatin' those monsters like batter.

Roah got all up and personal with a few hundred haunted books… It seemed more like he was a ball of books at one point, but for awhile there; he was steadily beating them back with all his might. Truly, to take on hundreds of flying books at once, which CAN bite you; is impressive… Even IF you eventually end up looking like a library post-apocalypse and require meteor magic to save you~ Thanks Firaesun; our new resident Flame Spirit!~

Gluttatosk is devouring… Well, he's simply devouring. Doing what he does best, he won't be stopped… He'll mow down just about any cannon fodder; stuffing it straight into the abyss… Ben's slapping monsters with his big bear claws; they seem quite sharp as they rip the Mummies apart. Sherenah just lobbed a pretty nasty ball of fire at a crowd of One Eyed Slimes; I think Firaesun supported her with smaller balls of fire. Vigi's helping slaughter some of the stragglers that sneak by; and by some… I mean quite a few; actually… Our main lines of defense simply can't keep up… Kendra, Wolrietta, and Wilson are starting to go wild in the close range fighter line; though… That's helpful. If only Wilson were on the actual front line… He's a pretty big deal.

Yo, there are too many One Eyed Slimes starting to pour out; where are all those 345 Tier 1 creatures at? Get in there; we can't fight them if you don't slow them down… Seriously; those things are the only reason we summoned you. You'll be our meat shields, and get petrified. We'll save you later, but really… We just need you to drain the One Eyed Slimes' energy before we attack them. Thanks. I'll throw down some help for you~ [Pumpkin Bomb]! It's worth 10000 MP… So it should burn for awhile~

Meow, I'll sit back; mindlessly devour all this Candy… And pray. I need to save my strength for the badass monsters, and also… It'd be a nice thought if I could somehow devour all this Candy and end up refilling my MP AND managing to heal some of the Clansmen… It'd be a nice thought. Unrealistic, but a nice thought; nonetheless~

As I sat back and devoured Candy, the Pugkin gave me one hell of a foul glare. He wanted some Candy, too… But I swatted him down like the fly he was~ He's giving me puppy dog eyes meow… NO! NO MEANS NO! SHOO!

"What's the deal? You said you were going to be fighting 'everywhere'~" [Pugkin] begged the question with a snide expression after finally giving up on his puppy dog act.

"I will! But first, I must restore my strength." [Nero] explained with a determined expression as he continued to stuff sugary sweets into his mouth.

"...You're going to get fat." [Pugkin] shot back while crossing his arms and furrowing his eyebrows.

"Will not! My metabolism is otherworldly!" [Nero] shot back with a whole giant Candy Cane sticking out the side of his mouth.

"Your teeth will rot…" [Pugkin] shot back while holding his stance.

"Nuh uh! My tongue practically melts all the Candy; it barely even touches my teeth anymore! SEE?!" [Nero] spat back while sticking out his tongue to expose the melting Candy Cane.

"...You're a monster." [Pugkin] grumbled before slowly walking away as he repeatedly turned his head back to see whether or not the Halloween Cat would change his mind.

Pfft… He really thinks he's going to get to me. This is life and death, yo! Your tongue cant dissolve this stuff into pure magical energy like mine can! Don't hate the playa, hate the GAME; SON! Okay… Back to business. What's been happenin?

"I've captured 12 of the missing 18 Tier 1 Clansmen Candidates that escaped. In addition, all four Horses have been led here and are awaiting Capture." [Conrad] explained with a masterful expression.

6 escaped, huh? [Clansman Capture]!

Okay… Got them. Ew… That sugar coated raisin was a little bit hard. OKAY! Looks like Karen died. Life will be different with an immortal Karen… Trilby's weeping meow, but he'll probably be happy later. Ah! He's back in action, with a hardened resolve and tears flying everywhere; he's once again slaughtering monsters left and right as Karen gets carried back to the Vampire Knights protecting Luna and all of the other supporters… Mick?! Who said you could sit on the side lines?! Steve..?! Andy?! Alright fellas~ Let's get the fuck out there and slice up some Mummies; you cool with that?! Thanks.

Fucking amateurs, I swear… Molag, you gotta talk some sense into your Skeletons; BRO! WHAT ARE THEY DOIN DOWN THERE, PLAYIN CARDS?! In a time like this… Guys! COME ON! Skeldoragora, not you too… Don't make ME get down there, okay?! I'll blow this bitch right the fuck up… God damn…

"They won't see another deck of Cards in their entire existence… This, I swear to you." [Molag Dregora] declared with a determined expression before floating off toward the Skeletons who were officially booking it straight for the Mansion.

Alright… What's the situation with the nobles?

"Of the 30 bloodlines… 9; including the Reygid, Vellisroi, and Firemane families have sent a representative to aide in the war… However, two additional families promised to send a representative; and that representative failed to show up. Considering that Roy and Veronica Vellisroi are both here when they had no former obligation to arrive; the two additional families could theoretically be forgiven… However, neither Roy nor Veronica had any inkling that those two families would forsake their oaths." [Conrad] explained with a serious expression.

...Which two families didn't show up?

"One of Orianna's vassal families, the Renessci family… And one of the Greyjoy's vassal families, the Greyjir family. It might be important to note that two Greyjir brothers were in the Braveheart party before they perished within the Mummy Mansion." [Conrad] explained with a solemn expression.

...One of Orianna's fled, and the Greyjir's mistakenly hoped that their boys would return. When they didn't return, there was no back up plan; I guess… It's an unfortunate situation, however, they're a prestigious family… They could've at least came forward and mentioned something, or paid the fee that would've existed had they simply decided not to send one of their two boys back out to the war upon return. So now, they'll either pay reparations quadruple fold; or I'll have all their heads. Yep. Sound agreeable?

"Once again, your decision making leaves little to be desired." [Conrad] declared while nodding his head.

Pfft… Nobody likes a suck up, Conrad~

"I'll try to remember that." [Conrad] declared while continuing to nod his head.

...Conrad has too many souls to properly coagulate a working soul, I think.

"They keep me young." [Conrad] confessed while vehemently nodding his head.

Uh oh… Misty died. Kind of. She's back in Halloween meow… I had high hopes for her, if I'm being honest… But with her just walkin' in there with some shoddy Dagger from Vigi, I suppose it was only a matter of time… You fought well. Thank you. Looking around… 23 other individuals have also died and been resurrected as Vampires… They're waiting for me behind the supporters.

[Clansman Capture]!

Okay… Got em. No one really feels like fleeing this late into the game, I guess. The stakes are too high. I promise though, I'll free you tomorrow if you want. I don't really care at this point… Just know that if you're a Vampire, you'll be needing Blood if you don't stick around here with us. Also, no daylight. Most creatures don't enjoy giving away free Blood, but I heard that there's this new Dark Elf Doctor lady named Sharpé walkin' around~ She's got this wickedly large Syringe… She can use it to safely take Blood donations from civilians; and store them into jars for you to casually sip on. It's an option. [War Meow]!

Okay… I've devoured a considerable portion of Candy… And would you look at that? Night has ended once again; so I suppose it's time for [This is Halloween]!~ [Daily Candy]!

Aha! And with that… A ray, really… A ray of light purple flames erupted from my Lantern, and beamed high in the skies above me… It simply grew, and grew… Until it was everywhere. I think I started floating for a few moments... The flames dispersed, but the sky stayed purple. All of the structures are suddenly much darker… The roads are suddenly much darker… The lanterns lighting the streets meow carry orange flames… Vision seems… Distorted, almost. It's like… Things are bending slightly, back and forth; but not too much that it ever becomes a nightmare… It's just… A tid bit confusing, and slightly mind boggling… Or is it realm boggling? And Candy! Conrad, please find a place to store this treasure...

The ground is barely still on fire near the Mummy Mansion… [Pumpkin Bomb]! Ah… More flames. It's strange, because the skies are purple… Normally, my flames should be purple… But they're orange right meow. I'm going to go ahead and assume that my eyes are also orange right now. My Claws seem particularly bright… This must be the buffs. I'm going in… Hard. [Shapeshift: Halloween Cat ZXL (Seven-Tailed)]!

Turning around, I tried to devour my Candy in a much faster way… With my big boy fangs~ After the vast majority of the Candy had disappeared… I checked my status to find that I currently held ALMOST 1700000 MP. I gained nearly 200 thousand from it all… So it wasn't terrible, but it wasn't good; either. I just hope I can increase my Candy eating efficiency… I feel like I supremely messed that up with this Prestige.

Once finished, I decided that it was time to stomp on some losers. I'm getting pretty tired of seeing people get trampled over… The vanguard's simply struggling too much. Before heading in; I instructed the supporters in a very clear voice that if I was petrified for even one moment… Their number one prerogative would be to rescue me. Instantly. I even went as far as to say that they might even be better off moving their little circle forward for awhile.

I meow have the entire group of supporters walking carefully behind me; roughly ten feet away from my back paws… I'm towering over the Mansion; I might as well be King Nyan Ny*n at this point…

[War Meow]...

"BACK UP FOR A MOMENT!" [Nero] roared. To which, everyone still alive on the vanguard team began to try and shuffle backwards.

I'd better move the Barrier to where the supporters are standing… [Barrier]! And meow, we play Whack-a-Mummie! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! Ouuh… I think the flames grow down there with each whap… I might enjoy this for awhile.


I think I've been petrified 19 times… But it's hard to keep track, because like… You just don't really know; until you're awake again… And even then, with the scenery being so similar to how it was when I blacked out… It's just not easy to tell. I'm beginning to get very confused. I think I see a dead body down there but I'm not sure if it's just a squashed up and roasted Mummie.


OKAY! This is starting to get serious… I don't see very many people close to me in the vanguard OR close range fighters anymore… I simply see petrified Beastkin... I don't even really see any ranged fighters on top of the barricades… I see a few petrified Adventurers, though… The barricades have mostly been destroyed; the supporters are still in the Barrier, but they seem absolutely terrified… Except Luna. Luna's stone cold tired and done with my bullshit as always~

In other news… The monsters have stopped exiting through the Mansion. Everything must already be outside, because the doors are closed… There's a mountain of corpses surrounding me, I can't really decipher it… It will need highly trained Vampire and Lich eyes. Petrified creatures litter the streets… In addition, a vast majority of my Clans(wo)men have been forcibly returned to Halloween. Roah died and everything! Poor guy… He was doin' so well, too~ Thankfully… He wasn't petrified.

"Most of the boss monsters slipped by. They're running amok throughout Reygid chasing Adventurers, Nobles, and Monster Knights. We stopped trying to create new Vampires the moment that this dude ran out of MP… It became too dangerous to leave the Barrier, as you were petrified and he only had enough left to save you one more time… So, we waited; and watched as the plan crumbled. Conrad's last report informed us that a few of the bosses were successfully lured into Halloween, and systematically destroyed by Grollicus… However, several escaped to Vanheim… The Lost Kingdom… The Forest of Witches… And The Orc Mountain. The good news is that we still have eyes on every single boss monster. Those were the last allies that we were able to organize before losing complete control." [Luna Pratz] explained before pointing to a pile of dead Adventurers.

"Fine… Turn them now, do your best to locate as many others as you can find. I'll track down some bosses." [Nero] beckoned before beginning to shrink back into his Human form.

Conrad, you fancy taking me for a ride off to find some bad guys?

"With pleasure… Please know, that I am severely limited on bodies at the moment; I can only allot one to guide you… And it's quite injured." [Conrad] confessed with a dejected expression.

"Very well… How many are left?" [Nero] asked with eyes wide.

"...18." [Conrad] muttered.

Yikes… Warning acknowledged; no more fighting for Conrad… Strictly observing for you! So, what kind of bosses do we have left over?

"Cetilla and several other Monster Knights are currently leading a party across the continent tracking each of them down within the Lost Kingdom. Never Rest and the Lunar Llamas are leading another party across the continent in Vanheim currently… The third party is heading to the Orc Mountains, and it consists of Grollicus, Pixia, several Twisted Treants, Pixies, Harpies and Goblins. The fourth party consists of the few Witches who came to help, some surviving Nobles, and Adventurers; they're going to support the Forest of Witches. I advise that you lend support to the party in the Forest of Witches; as they have the most dangerous boss invading their region. Rumors indicate that this is the boss to have annihilated a vast majority of the Adventurers who originally fought in the Mansion. It has mass petrification abilities, is a Giant Multi-Eyed Slime… And no one recognizes it as a regular boss for the Dungeon. It's the wild card." [Conrad] explained with a serious expression.

...That's one hell of a terrifying wild card… Mass petrification… Giant Slime… It's definitely one of Gallsciu's 'slight tweaks'. Twisted bitch… Is Wendel back yet? Nope… Aha! Gary, thankfully… Gary's alive. Gary, go join the Witches. With any luck, you're immune to petrification. I'd go myself… But I already know I cant get saved again if I get stoned, so; NAH! If things get insane, I'll definitely go… But only if it's the last boss standing, and only then. Can't lie… I could totally see myself getting cold feet to a boss like that. Petrification is no joke… I didn't like it. That shit was confusing, and once it's really on… It's on. I almost felt like fry, from fut*rama; waking up in the future. Nope... Not fun!

OW! What the fuck happened to my tail?!

"...It cracked." [Luna] confessed with eyes wide.

...It what?

"W-We tried to hold it back together before healing you… But I guess it just didn't work…" [Luna] muttered with a hysterical expression before continuing...

"...A-After we were overrun, the monsters overflowed on top of you; and the Barrier… That's why she soiled herself; and due to that… He grew insane from the smell and fact of the pee inching closer and closer to where he was standing… And so he fled the Barrier, I think he was devoured… But I really don't know. He just sort of… Disappeared into the mess of monsters. I think he was a Raccoonkin… And he had a daughter, he wanted to name her after he reached Tier 10 from this battle… He fled in search of her; I dont think it's possible that he made it back to her… And she likes bread. I don't know why… Bread… Who likes bread, above all else; anyways..?" [Luna] confessed before beginning to ramble on about food. To which, the Woman who soiled herself suddenly began profusely apologizing through tears… Another man started begging to leave; and it all just… Fell apart from there.

"...Return to the Wailing Keep, remain in the Town Circle of Halloween on stand-by in case anything happens… But, Luna? Guide them back safely; and I know… Bread isn't my preferred food, either… I'd reckon that he was simply poor, and the child only knew of a few different options..." [Nero] instructed before getting on his Broom and beginning to ascend. To which, Luna seemed somewhat more at ease with the situation.

"What about me? I lived too, you know? I can still help~" [Penny] chimed in with an excited expression.

"Honestly… My head kind of already hurts from the whole constant bending realm thing we've got going on out here… Or, wait? Was that just you, this whole time?!" [Nero] shot back with a hysterical expression.

"...Eh? Nah; I stopped singing awhile ago… The supporters were getting too stupid." [Penny] muttered.

"Ahh… Honestly, it's kind of giving me a headache to look at the Clansmen roster right now… Who do you know is still alive out there?" [Nero] asked with eyes wide.

"Hmm… Let me think… Last I saw… Paul left with Cetilla, a lot of the Wraiths are still alive; too… The Bats were mostly eaten by flying Haunted Books, but I'd bet that Robert's still somewhere out there. Arakanna and Ritchie were facing off against a group of Arachnae nearby last I saw them… Aondrac and Sharpé were obviously still down there with the other supporters… Josh Murdoch, Hex, and Sara all went to make sure no enemies arrived in Halloween after Grollicus left with Pixia... And that's all there is to it~" [Penny] explained masterfully.

...Yeesh. The Incubus and the freakin' Teddy Bear are apparently now our final line of defense… My, how the bar has dropped… It feels bad, but I can't help but feel the need to start with the Lost Kingdom. It's my homeland, y'know? Plus, the party over there consists mainly of Monster Knights. People who I care the most for, would more than likely end up being either Monster Knights or my own Clans(wo)men… It is what it is. Monster Knights aren't invincible; they take precedence. Conrad? Lead the way!~

Once the three of us had arrived, we found the group of Monster Knights to be circling around… The Twins. Well, the Triplets… But there are only two of them. It's the brothers. Mike, and Ike… I can't even believe I remembered that~ They're inseparable, even in battle; it would seem. They run hand in hand, while impressively kicking; and punching their foes using the spare limbs… Sometimes, they even beat a bitch down using their linked hands; splitting for a short moment before returning to each other after finishing a combo move… It's… This whole thing… Has turned into one good, old fashioned… Brawl. Two challengers step up at a time, and take their turn against the duo… When they fall or tap out, a new set of challengers approach… And it's likely been going on for quite some time.

I should've known that the group Cetilla led would end up devolving into some stupid game like this… Talk about a total time waste… While the other three parties struggle, Cetilla's leading her own Boxing Ring… Wraiths fill the skies; the applause is deafening; and I recognize a particularly cute Acrobat from the Mummy Mansion currently acting as the referee… It's that one girl who performed all those insane balancing challenges! Dang… Even out here, she holds at least some form of elegance to her performance… If I had to say, even the Twins are showing intelligence… It's disturbing, but I bet it won't hold up for long if we start to gang up on them.

Honor… Do we really need her? There was a time when I used to think… Maybe… But meow? I'm thinking it's high time for Cetilla and I to step into the ring as the next tag team. Yosh… We're in this bitch. The Cat Crew; first two members… Stepping in. Legacy duo. All or nothing!

"Tell me something…" [Cetilla] muttered while seeming completely super-saiyan as numerous new Clans(wo)men decided to appear in the stands; just to watch the spectacle unfold.

"Don't make me say it." [Nero] shot back as flames began to erupt from his Lantern and the crowd began to murmor.

"You better say it!" [Cetilla] shot back as every single branch on a tree within the distance began to dance in the wind; the crowd, hanging on the ends of their immortal coils to her every last syllable.

"HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A CROWD GOIN APESHIT?" [Nero] roared while circling around the Twins in the ring. To which, the crowd absolutely lost it… And every single bird in the region vacated its tree.

"These two think they're all that cuz they don't need no whis-kas…" [Mike] grumbled while side-eyeing Ike. To which, the crowd went silent.

"Yeah, they think they all that but they fits aint wick-ed~" [Ike] laughed. To which, the crowd gasped.

"Man, I bet all these monsters that I still could swing the King-pin." [Mike] declared with a bold expression, one eyebrow raised before raising a finger to point at Nero.

"OOOOOOHHHHHH!!" [Dozens of Clans(wo)men] let out.

OI! WHO'S TEAM ARE YOU EVEN ON?! Alright, look… Cetilla, you with it? Yee; she with it.

"Mike and Ike... I could eat you boys for breakfast; should get out my sight." [Nero] declared while raising an eyebrow back at mike before raising a hand to his head; as if he were searching for the two in the distance. To which, the crowd started to murmur once more.

"Nero eats up all his Candy like he does his wife, this shit is too real; do not test his might~" [Cetilla] chimed in with a wry smile as she fanned herself off. To which, the crowd began to laugh.

"I make em all mad, cuz I live this life; I just ate three whole carriages like…" [Nero] confessed while shrugging his shoulders before continuing…

"What more's a Mike and Ike?" [Nero] begged the question before licking his lips as the crowd began to roar.

And so… Moments later, the entire crowd… Got up; into the ring… And that was that. Mike and Ike are no more. They've been lost in the crowd, I got lost for a little while myself; it's nothing to be embarrassed about… It happens to the best of us. Sadly, Mike and Ike will not survive this crowd. They'll die. Momentarily. I'm certain. I crushed their willpower, and my followers crushed their bodies. Done deal. What's next, Conrad?

"If we continue along the path of saving those who we care most for… Then we should head for the Orc Mountains to assist the party led by Grollicus." [Conrad] explained with a calculated expression.

"Brilliant work, as always. Now I need not think. Lead the way!~" [Nero] exclaimed with a wide grin.

And so… Alongside Penny, Conrad's Crowliphista, and a slightly late to arrive Cetilla on account of desiring to land a few final swings on the twins… I set out for the Orc Mountains in search of Grollicus. Penny spent the entire journey droning on and on and on about how she should've been the one to tag team Mike and Ike with me; and how she'd been working on these really sick rhymes but no one back at Halloween thought they were any good, so she didn't mention it. Now, I'm hearing Penny's rhymes first hand… And I too; do not really think they are any good. Bye Penny, love you~

"Even your burns are hotter ever since acquiring your fourth flame~" [Cetilla] burst out laughing.

"That shit was wild." [Christina] chimed in with a nodding gesture of approval before falling into the open sky and disappearing back into Halloween moments before coming crashing down to her next certain death.

"...Christina's always going to hold a special place in my heart. If she's not around to torment Penny, or if she's not in the mood… Someone else will need to go on; and truly teach her how annoying people must be treated." [Nero] declared with a solemn expression.

"Spoken like the words of a true King." [Conrad] muttered with an equally solemn expression.

"Ahh… They totally already killed whatever they were chasing… Looks like they're heading back home already." [Cetilla] grumbled with a sour expression while pointing toward the ensemble of creatures working cohesively to scale the Mountains.

...The Twisted Treants are carrying several Goblins on top of them, and Harpies and Pixies are also strapped into the Treants… But flapping their wings as the Treants attempt to climb… Sort of like, a back up measure; incase they slip or a piece falls off? Woah… The Goblins are totally just leeches in this scenario, though… They're simply being brought along for the ride. Also, it looks like they're carrying a few of the wounded… But Chiffona-Cya-Macaroon was there, so there aren't any corpses being carried… But that doesn't mean no one died. I'll swoop in and help them bring back the wounded.

"Anyone die at this battle?" [Nero] begged the question while beginning to grab a few of the hurt people and passing them off to both Cetilla and Conrad's Crowliphista.

"8. Three Goblins, two Harpies, two Pixies, and one Twisted Treant." [Chiffona-Cya-Macaroon] muttered with a dejected expression.

"I trust everyone was resurrected alright?" [Nero] begged the question.

"Yeah, we turned them… But… Nero? Of the 15 Harpies that came here tonight… 12 of them have perished and returned as Vampires. I sent my daughter and Prussian home because I feared they too would lose their mortality before producing offspring… If casualties continue to be this high, and we fight this thing every week..." [Chiffona-Cya-Macaroon] began to explain before being interrupted.

"I understand. I'm terribly sorry for your losses, and I appreciate all that you've done to help. Truly… I can't thank you enough. Your people will always have a seat at my table. I'll make sure you have help securing any Blood required to feed all the newly turned. I do not expect anyone to remain under my direct protection indefinitely." [Nero] promised with a solemn expression.

"...Thank you." [Chiffona-Cya-Macaroon] whispered before handing off a wounded Harpy to Nero and continuing…

"She's weak, but she's still breathing… Do your best. She hasn't been wed." [Chiffona-Cya-Macaroon] muttered as tears began to fall from here eyes.

"I'll do everything in my power." [Nero] promised before immediately taking off on his Broom.

I'm going as fast as I can… Straight back to Halloween. I'll leave her with the supporters… I'm SO glad I told them to stay on standby! I'll pay Gold to have this brave Lady survive! Hella wealthy Cat, coming through! Clear the skies! Clear the agendas! Clear the life-long aspirations you've held onto oh, so dearly!~ I hath arrived!~

"Save her." [Nero] beckoned with a terrifying expression as he quickly placed the Harpy into far colder hands.

"...Like, with the Vampire?" [Nun] asked while tilting her head to the side.

"No, you fool… Like; with your magical healing arts." [Nero] shot back with a sharp expression.

And so, she is meow in the most capable hands that I can bring forth… And by that, I mean literally all the hands that I can bring forth. Where the hell is Hugo?!

"Vana." [Nero] exclaimed with a tired look in his eyes.

"Yes, supreme ruler?" [Vana] shot back while raising an eyebrow.

"Where is your boy toy?" [Nero] shot back while raising an eyebrow.

"...Securing us with food." [Vana] confessed while shrugging her shoulders.

"...You guys hungry or something?" [Nero] begged the question.

"Mary needed to evacuate into the Forsaken Isles on account of the whole… You know, invasion tactic? It's a logistical nightmare trying to find anyone on the Forsaken Isles right now, and Hugo doesn't really know how to work the Kitchen, so to speak…" [Vana] began to explain before being brutally interrupted…

"It's a process." [Luna] explained with a tired look in her eyes.

"...Alright. Do your best… Actually, I have a quick fix solution to your issue… It's just hilariously expensive, and I didn't want to waste it… So… You should all feel immensely grateful." [Nero] confessed before turning around and returning to the Wailing Keep.

On arrival into the Kitchen… What I witnessed was a complete and total fail. Our dear Hugo has managed to whip out every single pot, pan, and cooking utensil in the book… Made the largest mess I have ever seen… And produced horrific results. Is that… Even Fish; at this point?

"Get out." [Nero] chimed in with a tired look in his eyes.

"B-But Vana sai-" [Hugo] began to explain his stance before being cut off…

"Out." [Nero] shot back while pointing to the door.

"At least let m-" [Hugo] began to mutter before being cut off once more.

"OUT! NOW! GO HEAL THE FUCKING HARPY!" [Nero] shot back hysterically before physically removing the Flutterfairy from the Kitchen.

Okay… This is a whole disaster. It literally looks like he spilled batter on the floor… And has mashed up Fish on the counter. WHY SO MANY POTS, THOUGH?! Oh my god… Who seasons the fucking pot first?! Is that… Oven on?! Dude left the chicken in… The whole ass chicken. No baking sheet required. I'm just going… To use a different oven, and turn that off. Yep. Solved for meow.

Alright… Where did she hide my noodles? AH! Okay… Boil some water, with seasoning apparently… Yum. So glad I'm not eating this~ Ugh… But I'm totally hungry, too… Different pot? They're… ALL SEASONED?! How many Clerics does this dude think we've swindled?! Fuck it. I'm rinsing out some pots. We're going in. Anything for the Harpy. Anything in my power… NYAH!


After probably two hours or so… I managed to clean a considerable portion of the Kitchen, and cooked 15 cups of Ramen noodles. Every single cup. All in two large pots, each pot also happens to have grilled Common Fish; chopped up into cute little squares… It's literally just added as filling incase any of them possess ridiculous stomachs; I don't care how it tastes…But it looks okay. I'll give myself that much, at the very least. It looks… Fine. I'm having a bowl of it for myself, too… The main issue is that we cant bring our bowls into Halloween... I mean, our real bowls. I couldn't genuinely use the cups from the noodles because I added the Fish; and the portions don't fit. I needed to set the tables in the Dining Hall, then bring the wounded and supporters all into the Wailing Keep for our little brunch.

It wasn't Mary's cooking by any means, but I thought it was okay. The supporters seemed thankful. As we ate… Grollicus' team returned alongside the other wounded. And then, momentarily afterwards… Never Rest's team returned as well; carrying many more wounded… And around a dozen or so dead. I don't think it was mainly Never Rest members dying, I think it was the Lunar Llamas and some other Adventurers… But it's sad, nonetheless.

Over the remainder of my meal, I watched as the lesser Vampires began to try and turn the recently perished… Interestingly enough, some of the lesser Vampires couldn't do it for individuals that died toward the beginning of the battle. Those individuals required the much more potent Luna bite… So, it seems likely that some of these individuals who weren't bitten by Luna or maybe Chiffona-Cya-Macaroon… People bitten by the further down offspring of Laurence might actually be capable of breaking their Curse with the help of the Churches. Gallsciu was correct. It requires a few generations before a coven of Vampires gains weaknesses to their Curse like that... Or simply, weaker Vampires to be the ones that bite them. I'm not entirely sure.

But it certainly raises the question… Who was the first Vampire? They'd most likely hold the strongest Curse, right? They'd need to be the first, the oldest alive, or the most powerful… They're probably all three. I'd say it's King Rodrick; but I have a feeling that even HE had a father… You know? Like, how'd he manage to be the first Vampire anyways? Just… The Janus reincarnation thing? He happened to be the first one to pick Vampire? I thought Vampirism was simply a Curse originally, but Gallsciu's whole RACE is a Vampire. A Greater Vampire. Does that mean that… Rodrick is considered the True Vampire? Ouuh… Goosebumps.

"I might just become a Vampire slayer." [Nero] muttered with a solemn expression before taking a stand and completely ignoring all the uncaptured Vampires present as they began to express their understandable confusion.

"I'm going to go and get petrified in the Forest of Witches, probably. Talk soon maybe." [Nero] remarked while waving farewell to the room of returning allies.

I hate my life… I hate my life so much… Why is this going to be the end of me? Why is it going to be a Multi Eyed Mass Petrification SLIME that returns once weekly; and widdles away at the continent; turning everyone to stone each time that it does? WE DONT HAVE ENOUGH CHURCHES FOR THIS NONSENSE!

Upon arrival into the Forest of Witches… I could scream. In joy, in rage, in all the things… But I can scream. What am I even watching? There's a crowd of stoned people beneath me, in numerous positions… Littering the fields. Several of them have been destroyed; crumbled after having presumably fell from the sky and crash landed onto the ground beneath… This is it. This is the end. The Witches have perished. The Nobles have perished. The Adventurers who assisted them have also perished. The only two creatures fighting beneath me, in the mess of this graveyard… Spanning the whole ass field of the region… Is the Multi Eyed Slime, and Gary; the Gargoyle.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have found our victor. It is only a matter of time, before Gary claims the belt. HUNDREDS have fallen before him, yet Gary alone will stand victorious. I believe in him, I'm here for him. I will watch for him, from a distance. A VERY respectable distance; because no. No, thank you. I see the crumbled Witches beneath me, I will not be one of them. PEACE!

After arriving at the Tower holding the Council of Witches; I went straight in… Ignored the receptionist, her security team, and went straight up for the top; without waiting on that silly elevator to move me. I'm breaking down the door with my Lantern… And oh, would you look at that? It wasn't very difficult, it actually melted quite soon into being whacked.

"You can't just BARGE in here!" [Witch #1] screamed hysterically.

"Just did… You guys remember that fun little exercise you used to hold every few months where you'd get together, have all your little students compete at summoning the best Soul to inhabit the Scarecrows that they so tirelessly built; only to have the Scarecrows later be forced into a brutal slave trading ring within Reygid?" [Nero] begged the question while raising an eyebrow.

"...What is the meaning of all this?" [Witch #2] asked with a condescending tone of voice.

"I want you to do it again… Except this time, build Garygoles." [Nero] shot back with a determined expression.

"That's preposterous!" [Witch #3] let out with an angered look in her eyes.

"No, that actually might help…" [Witch #4]

"Yep, you've all seen it… That Gargoyle is currently the only thing keeping this Tower safe… And it's based on a technicality. Even if you're making Golems, as long as they're built of stone… I expect this to work. We need enough of them to overwhelm that beast; and we need them before my ability causing this messed up night ends." [Nero] explained with a serious expression as he glanced around the room.

"Well… It's not something we've prepared for… But if we alter the spell circles a little…" [Witch #4] began to explain before being cut off…

"...And tweak up the incantations; it might actually be helpful!" [Witch #5] exclaimed with a newfound vigor as she made eye contact with Witch #4.

"Even so… We cant dispel this quantity of petrifications. We'd be fools to place everything on the line in this one last ditch effort, when what are the chances that a Golem or Gargoyle can even DEFEAT a monster of that power?! Sure, it can't petrify them… But can they STOP it?!" [Witch #3] exclaimed with a hysterical expression.

"Indeed, we're better off leaving while we still have time. This place is doomed. We cant stave off our own Dungeons with so few Witches, let alone fund this ludicrous idea to support Reygid in their problem." [Witch #1] remarked while nodding her head.

"But if you help us, then our healers can help to dispel the petrifications… We have a Church in Reygid, remember? They'll need some time to regenerate their Mana… So if we can just coagulate a means of holding this all off in the meanwhile; then we can slowly work toward saving everyone who we've lost. Also… If you leave the continent and we somehow manage a way to dispel all those petrifications, what are the chances that any of those Witches will ever try to track you down? You'll have abandoned your own people and chosen the easy way out, while we'll have swept in as their saviors. Are you truly prepared to be that kind of a nation? To be the first ones on the continent to jump ship? The most cowardly Kingdom here?" [Nero] begged the question while glaring at each of the Councilwomen as he slowly walked around the table.

"Our Coven matters… We can't leave all those Witches to die here in his claws..." [Witch #6] muttered into her hands.

"I was petrified… They slipped past me… But I still want to try and defeat that beast. I have no logical means of producing a large quantity of stone creatures… To my knowledge, you are the only group of individuals on this continent with the capacity to do so… You are the only group of individuals who CAN defeat that monster… So if YOU run away, YOU will be the ones to have doomed us all. NOT me, NOT MY claws; this one… This one is on you." [Nero] shot back while continuing to roam the room.

"...He's right… If anyone can instill life into inanimate objects… It's us." [Witch #4] chimed in while glancing around the room.

"We know we can do it… But the Mana required is unsustainable. If we do this, we can't do anything else. We'll be stuck, in his lap… Relying on him to fight OUR Dungeons; don't you see that?!" [Witch #7] shot back before slamming her fists down onto the table.

"You help us fight ours, we'll help you fight yours. You're one of our closest neighboring Kingdoms… I see no problem supporting one another. If at any point in time, it seems as though we'll both lose… We'll evacuate; you have my word. Your people can evacuate alongside ours, it's not an issue… You've witnessed my Gates. I can move people. Fast." [Nero] shot back with eyes wide.

"But then we'd still be relying on you!" [Witch #7] shot back.

"...And we'd be relying on you. What's the problem?" [Nero] begged the question while raising an eyebrow.

"You're still nothing more than a Halfblooded freak… I want no part in it~" [Witch #7] retorted with a look of disgust.

"...Whatever. Just know that I'll write 'judgmental to a fault' on your tombstone~" [Nero] shot back with a wry smile.

"As if I'd die before filth like you…" [Witch #7] muttered while rolling her eyes.

"Anyways… I have a war to go win. When you're all done stroking your undeserved ego and are ready to try and save the lot of Councilwomen who actually had GUTS… You'll know where to find me." [Nero] grumbled before flying out of the melted door as he waved a hand farewell.

That ought to do it… Or they're REALLY quite vain… I really don't know what to do about that thing, though. There are some Golems still guarding Farms back in Reygid… I'm sure I could manage a way to find them, if needed… But they're weak, and there aren't THAT many of them. The Chasms also had Golems… But once again, weak. I'd really have preferred to have the Councilwomen trying to conjure their own; that way some of them could turn out strong… Also, can I even really… Talk Golems into fighting a Slime? Normally, they seem pretty lifeless to me… We can try, but I don't expect much if anything.

On arrival to Reygid, I immediately continued on my way toward the farmland… And was able to spot a total of 18 Golems. Not too shabby, but honestly depressing when considering the full scope of the situation. Clansmen, I'll need all of your help to try and lure these suckers into the Forest of Witches~ Thanks. I'm meow heading to the Chasms.

Ahh… There's nothing quite like free-falling into the abyss and masterfully beginning to fly once more after dropping dangerously close to the ground. The rush is… It's unlike any other, if I'm being totally honest~ It's a gamble, for sure… Risky; definitely… But fun? Yep. I'd do it to pass time if I didn't feel so much responsibility for the creatures residing here…

After locating the Golems… I realized that this simply wouldn't work. They didn't really have the highest population down here to begin with… That culling from before… It would appear that they never quite made a rebound. I'd feel terrible to take one away from their flock… If anything, I kind of feel like bringing the 18 in Reygid over here simply to help repopulate the joint; like, for real… How slow are these guys? Have a pebble baby or something already!

"Those Golems will not reproduce… The ones before you lack any form of gender in their current stage of Evolution." [Wendel] confessed with a dejected expression.

"...What about you and Gary?" [Nero] begged the question while raising an eyebrow.

"...Yeah, I could have Stonekin with Gary… But we just met!" [Wendel] shot back with an exasperated expression.

"...Fair point~" [Nero] sighed.

But… If these Golems won't procreate… They definitely can't be culled. They each need to be trained. We've got to get on this. Let's bring them to the Cobra Caves. Nyah. Have them team up with some Monster Knights; make a show of it. Every Tier 5 or under Monster Knight gets paired up with a Golem. Tell Chiffona-Cya-Macaroon the truth. We need them to be stronger, they need to be stronger if they want children, and I enjoy the idea of having weak Golems ganging up with other weaklings. OH! What if… Goblins and Scarecrows can ride Golems?! Mwuahahaha!~

I've been dreading on looking at my status, because I know for certain that I haven't been keeping up with my ability proficiencies… But I suppose that now, as I return to Reygid… Is a good a time as any to face the facts. [Status]!

Name: Nero Miki

Race: Cat (Halloween)

Weapon: Lantern (Delhn Glass, Siberite Tourmaline Lantern)

Mount: Broom (Chaos Liannas String Dark Phoenix Claw Broom)

Class: True Allwe Halloween Cat (Sub Class: Witch/Tamer)

Level: 287153

HP: 1035527/1435765

MP: 5653248/5877100(+134040)

SP: 41/100

FP: 93/100

P. DEF: 6371

M. DEF: 3524

STR: 1148612

INT: 2938550(+67020)

DEX: 861459

LUK: 287153

AGI: 1763130(+40212)


[True Allwe Halloween Cat+7], [From Another World], [Fused Soul Curse: Chaos Liannas String Dark Phoenix Claw Broom - Lianix+1], [Allwescension Bestower+21], [Clansmen Collector+4], [High Curse: Satan's Concubine, Mother of Demons - Lilith+2], [Master of Disguise+3], [Witch of War+4], [Quadruple Flame Witch], [Candy Mongerer], [Mana Hoarder]

Abilities Learned:

[Flying Broom+5], [Soul Merge], [Clansmen Capture+2], [Hallowed Gate+4], [This is Halloween+1], [Wailing Keep+3], [Language Comprehension], [Shapeshift+5], [Barrier+6], [Daily Candy+2], [Claw Fishing], [Disguise+5], [Recovery by Sleep], [Enhanced Meditating+2], [Track Lianix], [Track Beneficiary+21], [Collect Allweiian Samples+5], [Seduce Hoeni], [Hellspawn+1], [10 Minute Makeover+1], [Pumpkin Bomb+3], [War Meow+2], [Flame Paws+1], [Mother's Scorn], [Searing Claws+1], [Conjure Fire], [Furious Four Flames], [Oversurge], [Mana Transference]

Okay… So, for my titles… [True Allwe Halloween Cat], [Witch of War] both leveled up. [Candy Mongerer] decided to return, likely thanks to those three carriages. In addition, I have obtained the [Mana Hoarder] title; rather than the [Mana Guzzler] title… Interesting. [Flying Broom] was increased, and may now wield additional visual effects. I remember this one… It was the orange orbs of light that trail behind me as I fly. Yep~! Wonderful. [Hallowed Gate] got a MUCH needed level raise; and can meow help us with 2 whole Gates worth 1500 MP each!~ [This is Halloween] didn't skip a single beat, and leveled up after one use. It can meow apparently bestow my Clans(wo)men with a cool; additional 50% damage… However, I'm not certain if that passive will come into effect until next Halloween… And I'm not really able to figure that out, now am I? I guess I could ask the Allwessistant Dott… Might as well while I continue to overlook my other abilities… It takes awhile to summon her; so nyah~

[Shapeshift] leveled up again, so meow… I can officially use the 'Halloween Catkin L (Human)' form… It's… Just like the form I normally wear as a Human, but older? I wonder how old… I'll need a mirror to truly know for sure. I'll need to venture back into the basement… But the Allwessistant Dott is coming! Later… I've also gained the 'Halloween Cat ZXXL (Seven-Tailed)'. I can't help but wonder if there's going to be an end to my growing list of sizes… It's totally pointless, you know? Like… 90 percent of the time, I use maybe… 3, 4 forms? Yet I possess 21. Seems silly to me~

[Barrier] grew once more as well, and can once again… Look a whole lot cooler in his first, third, and fourth forms~ Spectacular. It's that nice little orange swirling light effect! Moving along… [Daily Candy] managed to finally grow another level, making my Candy eating more efficient~ 8 MP for each Candy! [Enhanced Meditation] broke the bro code and leveled up… [Collect Allweiian Samples] reached level 5, and that means I can meow have an increased likelihood of summoning individuals who are fully intact…? What the fuck does that even mean?!

"I was summoned here with only around half my total MP… That could be it, right?" [Misty] remarked with a look of uncertainty.

...Huh. Yeah, that's a possibility… How many of the Clans(wo)men ended up petrified, anyways? They still out there, like that?

"By my calculations… 308 of the Tier 1 Clans(wo)men have been petrified, and henceforth… Remain out in the streets of Reygid, or are scattered along the path to the Forest of Witches." [Conrad] explained with a dejected look in his eyes.

...All out of cannon fodder, I guess… Gotta say, you guys… If the Witches don't pull clutch; I don't like our odds. I don't like the idea of leaving our people here petrified, either… But we could theoretically come back for them if we hold a Gate open at the bottom of the Chasms; you know? Slowly come back and save a few at a time…? It's a thought…

"It's a pretty good thought…" [Cetilla] muttered while casually admiring her own fingernails.

"I could avoid death every single week..." [Misty] sighed while casually braiding a few strands of Cetilla's hair.

"If only, we had a means of just… Picking up, and going~ Take the whole damn City if need be; you know?" [Christina] sighed while casually trying on different leather jackets.

"If only…" [Cetilla & Misty] groaned while rolling their eyes.

...Uh...Huh. Wait a second... I don't remember having this problem in the Mansion. When they petrified the Scarecrows, didn't the Scarecrows just... Die and get saved like that? Maybe... It has something to do with how it's technically Halloween right now? Once Halloween ends, all of the Clans(wo)men registered to me will inevitably be forced back into Halloween and lose their petrificiation...

Ah! The Allwessistant Dott was far faster this time around. Maybe she wasn't that busy~

"Yo. [This is Halloween] leveled up, I was just wondering if the enhancement for the buff would take place now; or next time I cast it?" [Nero] begged the question while tilting his head to the side.

"Now." [Allwessistant Dott] explained with a smile.

"Cool. That's all, I'll see ya later. Oh, and... Happy Halloween~" [Nero] replied with a smile.

"Awww~ No Candy for lil' old me?" [Allwessistant Dott] shot back with a wry smile before waving as she hopped the fence and stormed back off into the distance.

Roah? Is Josh Murdoch, the other higher Tier Halloween Human ALSO [From Another World]? Couldn't help but notice how he survived longer than Misty, the bonafide serial killer~

"Indeed. I've been slowly glancing over several of the new Clans(wo)men as I roam Halloween. I've only found two Tier 1 creatures sharing the ability." [Roah] confessed as he approached the crowd while continuing to glance around the Town.

...Josh? Where are you from?

"...G'day, I'm from Straya. You're a Westy, ya?" [Josh] confessed with a smile before begging the question.

"...Did you also happen to kill a few people in your day? Nyah, I'm a Westy." [Nero] begged the question while tilting his head to the side before adding with a smile.

"Y'know… I can't really help it if a couple of povvos try to run me for all I've got… Teach 'em some manners an' suddenly it's off ye go with the roadies an' off to be somethin' like a brickie for all y'life…" [Josh Murdoc] exclaimed before shaking his head as if he had been done wrong.

...I don't think I fully understand, but I'll take that as a yes.

"Yea, I've actually been wondering when I might get m'self one of them cozzies you all got on?" [Josh Murdoc] begged the question while seeming quite intrigued.

...Uh. Right now wouldn't be a TERRIBLE time… I guess. He want's new clothes… He came wearing, well… It's not ideal. It looks cheap, it looks like something Janus simply threw on him to be kind… And Janus isn't kind.

"Uhm…? Excuse me, but I'm wearing something I owned on Earth. I'm fine with this as long as I get a chance to wash them off~" [Misty] yawned.

...You're kidding. Josh literally wore… That? On the regular? Not only are the pants, but the shirt is like… Dirt stained, and they're both ripped apart in several locations... Oh Josh, I'll get you sorted… Also, can someone show Misty to the Wailing Keep Kitchen? I feel like it'll be easier to use a sink running hot water than the Ocean infested with sea creatures...

OH! I forgot to finish checking over my abilities~ Okay... Where was I? Oh. Yeah, [Pumpkin Bomb] grew again. It's meow declaring that it has brighter flames. Yep. Great~ [War Meow] leveled up again, and can emit strong gusts of heat upon use. [Flame Paws] leveled up for its' very first time, and can now also bestow me with brighter flames. Maybe the Light Lantern really isn't that bad? I'm seeming to be quite bright as is... [Searing Claws] reached level 1, and can meow wield hotter tips...

[Oversurge] and [Mana Transference] are brand new, presumably having been gained from my [Mana Hoarder] ability. [Oversurge] apparently will allow me to hold an excess amount of Mana if the ability is being enabled... It stores Mana at a rate of 50 percent the effectiveness, and is only capable of being spent after I spend my regular Mana... So, in other words... The limit does not exist. [Mana Transference] will allegedly allow me to transfer my Oversurged Mana into another individual, or object. If the object is destroyed, the Oversurged Mana will be bestowed to the individual that destroyed it. Woah... I can produce pocket Mana, or heal Mana at a rate of 50 percent... To anyone. This could help with that whole mass petrification thing... But I possess a precarious amount of Mana and I've been finding it relatively difficult to fill it all up. What's more, I'm about to producing clothing. Fuck my life...

Alright… Time to spend a few hours drinking while I conjure new clothing through tears… I'm not really going to bother trying to organize this by level right meow; I'm far too tired. Instead, I'll just conjure them all in the Throne Room… And then fall asleep on top of them. Nyah. Sounds like a plan… I'm going to aim for pieces at level 200, so nothing TOO fancy… But I'll probably try making around 1 or 2 hundred of them… After that, I think I'll just sleep. Wendel, show me some new tunes that you've been working on. I'd like to relax.